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Archival description
GB 0096 MS 185 · [1560]

Manuscript volume containing contemporary transcripts of theological works, [1560], namely 'Libellus introductorius in vitam contemplatium cui titulus Directorum paruum contemplari inchoantium', by Petrus Blomevenna, Prior of the Carthusian monastery of Cologne; an incomplete copy of a work on the Holy Eucharist, also by Petrus Blomevenna, entitled 'Enchiridion Sacerdotum'; and a copy of the acts and decrees of the Diocesan Synod convoked by Robert de Croy, Bishop of Cambrai in 1550.

GB 0096 MS302 · Fonds · 1626-1644

Contains the following items: ff 1-7, 118-119: 'Divine Paradoxes or seeminge Contradictions in Christianitye'; 1644 ff 10-114: 'Sermons concerning the necessity and manner of divine invocation: wherein is taught how our Prayers may be made acceptable unto God, comfortable to our selves', 1626.

Palmer , Herbert , 1601-1647 , Puritan writer
GB 0096 MS 269 · Mid 15th century

Manuscript volume containing a collection of treatises and sermons on the Blessed Virgin Mary, dating from the mid-fifteenth century, and comprising a treatise beginning 'Caritatis radix flos et fructus est eternitatis fundamentum'; Speculum Beatae Mariae Virginis by Conrad of Saxony; a sermon by Saint Augustine of Hippo on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; a homily by Saint Anselm on the Feast of the Assumption; a sermon by Saint Augustine of Hippo for the Feast of Assumption; a note on the seven privileges of the Blessed Virgin Mary (possibly taken from the Speculum Beatae Mariae Virginis); and an incomplete copy of a sermon by Saint Ambrose on the Virgin Mary. The manuscript was written by various scribes in a mixture of book-hand and business-hand, probably in Germany.

GB 0096 MS360 · Fonds · c1621-1667

Volume containing material relating to the life and execution (in 1621) of Rodrigo Calderon; the Aragon conspiracy of 1648; and the expulsion of the Jesuits by Charles III in 1667. The latter includes copies of letters exchanged between Charles III and Pope Clement XIII.

GB 0096 MS1157 · Fonds · [1930-1950]

Papers of Robert G Philip, [c1930-1950], comprising an unpublished work titled A ninth century view of Christ, based on the Anglo-Saxon poem Heliand. The manuscript comprises analysis followed by a translation of the poem.

Philip , Robert G , fl 1913 , religious minister and scholar
GB 0096 MS 98 · 1721

Manuscript volume containing a petition addressed to the Presbytery of Glasgow from the Elders and Deacons of the parishes of Glasgow, 2 Mar 1721, relating to overtures made by the Commission of the General Assembly concerning Kirk sessions and presbyteries.

GB 0096 MS 609 · 1708-1821

Manuscript volume containing 'An account of Mr [John] Jenning's method of academical education, with some reflections upon it, in a letter to a friend who had some thoughts of reviving it. Written in the year 1728', and dated at Market Harborough, 31 Oct 1728. This may be the original account written by Philip Doddridge and sent to Isaac Watts.
This manuscript text is followed, in another hand, by copies of two letters from Robert Nelson, one, of 27 July 1708, to George Hanger giving moral advice on Hanger's departure for Turkey on business; the other, dated Epiphany 1713, to Gabriel Hanger on the same subject. There are also, in other hands, extracts from dissenting authors, one dated Oct 1821.

Possibly: Doddridge , Philip , 1702-1751 , non-conformist minister and schoolmaster
McNabb, Fr Vincent: letter
GB 0096 AL350 · Fonds · 1941

Letter from Vincent McNabb of St Dominic's Priory, Southampton Road, London to Dr G K A Bell, Bishop of Chichester, 14 Dec 1941. Covering note enclosing a copy of his book Some mysteries of Jesus Christ (1941); 'I am venturing to give myself the undeserved Christmas joy of offering you a few words about the Word'; praises Bell's moral courage 'whose purpose of peace has been a dedication'.

Autograph, with signature.

McNabb , Vincent Joseph , 1868-1943 , Dominican monk, theologian and social critic
GB 0096 MS333 · Fonds · 1509-1750

Documents, including terriers and notarial instruments, relating to the church of Nuestra Senora de Atocha of Madrid.

GB 0096 MS 564 · 1572

Acknowledgment by Edmund Scambler, bishop of Peterborough, of the receipt on 20 Oct 1571 of an instrument of resignation (with the attestation of Mark Broughton, notary public) of Dr James Ellis (Ellys) as rector of Middleton Cheney. Signed and sealed [seal wanting] at Northampton on 26 Oct 1572 [sic]. Endorsed: 'The bysshappe of Peterboroo Reyleyse for monny I pd' hym'.

GB 0096 MS 52 · 1686

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of legal papers, 1686, mainly relating to the attempts of King James II to increase his powers as the Supreme Head of the Anglican Church, including papers appointing the Lords Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, 17 Jul 1686, and their proceedings against Henry Compton, Bishop of London, 9 Aug-6 Sep 1686; proceedings in the Court of King's Bench against Sir Edward Hales, Baronet, 1686, (where the judges found in favour of the king's power to excuse individuals from the Test Oath); observations on the case of customs cited in the Reports of Sir Edward Coke...of divers resolutions and judgments (W Lee, London, 1658), 1686; and notes on proceedings in the Court of King's Bench against Samuel Johnson, [1686].

Home Echoes Literary Society
GB 0096 MS 500 · 1888

A volume of the Society's journal, 1888, including information on vegetarianism, John Ruskin, a Christian's part in politics and a record of the business and constitutional affairs of the Society. Also a pencil drawing of the Society's president, S. Barclay Howard, and a hand-painted title page.

Home Echoes Literary Society
GB 0096 AL453 · Fonds · 1958

Letter from Jean Gribomont of Pontificia Abbazia de San Girolamo in Urbe, Via di Torre Rossa 1, Roma to Canon Donald Rea, 21 Jan 1958. Discussing a proposed visit by G K A Bell, [Anglican] Bishop of Chichester, to Rome; the discussion principally concerns the World Council of Churches and persons Bell might like to meet.

Typescript, signed by Gribomont.

Gribomont , Jean , fl 1958 , Roman Catholic priest and theologian
GB 0096 MS 610 · [1609] or [1625-1638]

Two paper leaves, formerly pastedowns and much mutilated, relating to Scottish religion. The date of the fragments is uncertain, and Professor Gordon Donaldson of the University of Edinburgh, who examined these two fragments in Jan 1965, inclined to a date in the 1630s for both items - his opinion is contained in a letter now accompanying MS 610.
The first fragment is part of a letter from 'your disciples & se[rvants?] to suffer with you: EL, AD [Andrew Duncan?], IC [Isaac Casaubon?], et cet.', which may have been written to Andrew Melville while he was imprisoned in England, which would date the documents to c 1609. Donaldson states that the text makes reference to what seems to be the Act of Revocation of 1625 and could relate to the opposition of Scottish Presbyterians to Charles I in that year.
The second fragment is part of a draft of a petition from Scotland against the attempt to re-establish episcopacy in Scotland, c 1609. Donaldson's view is that the terminology used associates it with the National Covenant of 1638.

GB 0096 MS 575 · 14th century

Two fragments of a medieval Dutch manuscript, subsequently used to re-inforce a binding, and containing part of a treatise on the Mass. The manuscript dates from the 14th century and is written in Flemish.

GB 0096 MS 162 · 1829

Manuscript volume containing a 'Declaration of the landholders of the parish of Clogherny', 1 Oct 1829, being a Protestant declaration in favour of law and order, religious toleration and loyalty to the constitution, acknowledged and reciprocated by the Catholic population of the area.

Brown, Thomas Julian
GB 0096 MS 981 · 1859-1986

Notes, papers, drawings and slides, mainly c1956-c1977, concerning medieval manuscripts with particular reference to the Lindisfarne Gospels.

Brown , Thomas Julian , 1923-1987 , medieval scholar
Bourne, Thomas
GB 0096 MS 416 · 1846-1850

A manuscript Bible containing both Old and New Testaments copied out in shorthand, 1846-50. Included is a treatise on the system of shorthand used and a watercolour portrait of Thomas Bourne.

Bourne , Thomas , fl 1846-1850 , copyist
GB 0096 AL7 · Fonds · 1850

Letter from Jean Joseph Louis Blanc of 87 Piccadilly, London, 17 Aug 1850. 'Vous me parlez de la necessite de rattacher le socialisme a  la tradition chretienne. Oui, a condition que le Christianisme ne sera pas compris a  la mania re de ceux qui, au lieu d y voir la proclamation de l'egalite et della fraternite, n y ont cherche que la consecration de la double tyrannie exprimee dan l'histoire par le mot pratre et par le mot roi.' Autograph, with signature.

Blanc , Jean Joseph Louis , 1811-1882 , political thinker and exile x Blanc , Louis
GB 0096 MS 292 · c1475-1500

Vulgate Bible, c1475-1500: The Psalms are omitted; and "Interpretationes nominum hebraicorum" is added at the end of the N.T.; the prologues and prefaces of St. Jerome are given. There are occasional marginal notes, partially or wholly erased.

Bible (Latin)
GB 0096 MS 905 · 13th Century

Latin Bible, written in the 13th century.
