Mostrando 61 resultados

Descripción archivística
GB 0096 MS 64 · [1635]-1728

Manuscript volume containing an historical treatise on the office of Admiral and the jurisdiction of the Admiralty entitled 'Mare Clausam', [1700], and an abridgement in English of fifteen chapters of Mare Clausam (1635) by John Selden, [1635]; details of proceedings of the Court of King's Bench in the case of William Shaw versus Catherine Weigh, 1728; a transcript of the judgements of Sir George Treby, Chief Justice of Common Pleas, and Sir John Holt, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, in the case of Joseph Hardy (the 'Bankers Case'), 1696.

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GB 0096 MS 669 · 1679

Tripartite indenture made 13 June 1679 between Thomas Jameson, vicar of the parish church of St John, Hackney, the Wardens and Commonalty of the Goldsmiths' Company of London, and Josiah Williams, blacksmith, and Josiah Ebrell, merchant, churchwardens of the said parish, whereby Jameson entrusted the Company and the churchwardens with £100, the interest of which at 5% was to finance two annual sermons (on Good Friday and Ascension Thursday) to be delivered in St John's by its vicar, and alms for the poor.

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Treatise on canon law (fragment)
GB 0096 MS 683 · 14th century

One folio of a Latin treatise on canon law, containing part of sections headed 'De prebendis et dignitatibus' and 'De monachis'. The form is that of a 'Summa Summarum' with reference to the gloss rather than to substantive law, and with discussion of the views of particular glossators and doctores. Marginal subject headings and running titles have been added by the scribe responsible for the text. The manuscript was probably written in Italy during the 14th century.
The fragment was formerly used as fly-leaves in a binding of a printed edition of the statutes of 1589, Anno XXXI Reginae Elizabethae, At a session of Parliament holden...the fourth day of Februarie...untill...the XXIX of March...were enacted as followeth (London, 1589).

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Legal opinions of Sir Edward Northey
GB 0096 MS 73 · 1701-1704

Manuscript volume, 1701-1704, containing the legal opinions of Sir Edward Northey, Attorney General, on cases submitted by the Treasury Board between 2 Oct 1701 and 29 Sep 1704 on matters including Customs and Excise, maritime law including the Navigation Act, prizes taken by Her Majesty's ships of war, the colonies, the Post Office, and the armed forces.

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Wills (Kent, miscellaneous)
GB 0096 MS 773 · 1615-1777

Four wills, details as follows:

  1. Probate copy of the will of William Batte of Shoreham, Kent, making 'my loving master John Baker' the overseer of his will, 27 Dec [1615]. Lacking letters of probate and seal.
  2. Probate copy of the will of Joseph Wright of Maidstone, Kent, 'practitioner of physick', 12 May 1701. Lacking letters of probate and seal.
  3. Copy of the will of John Streatfield of Maidstone, Kent, 12 Apr 1766, with a note of probate on 4 Nov 1768, 'Extracted from the registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. The will mentions bequests to the Charity School of Maidstone and monies to be distributed to the poor of the parished of Maidstone, Hever, Mayfield (Sussex), Tonbridge and Penshurst.
  4. Copy of the will dated 11 Oct 1777, with a codicil of 28 Mar 1781, of Robert Streatfield of Burwack [Burwash], Sussex, with a note of probate on 19 Mar 1782. The will was extracted from the registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
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Papal letters
GB 0096 MS 854 · 1562

Letters of Pope Pius IV, dated 9 Jul 1562, to the Archbishop of Florence, or his vicar the Archdeacon of Florence, concerning the rights of Peter Tuccio, priest, Frederick and Francis 'de Tucciis' in property owned by the Church of St Verdian 'in castro Florentini' (possibly Castelfiorentino?).

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Law Compendium
GB 0096 MS 28 · [1619-1628]

Manuscript volume containing a law compendium, [1619-1628], compiled for the use of a Justice of the Peace, with notes under headings arranged alphabetically, giving references to Elizabethan and Jacobean statutes. It contains references to alehouses, archery, armour, artificers, assault, sadlers, drovers, bastardy, brewer, burglary, butchers, captains, soldiers, churchwardens, clergy, clerks of the market, cloth and dyers, witchcraft, constables, correction houses, coopers, coroners, counterfeiting, extortion, fairs and markets, forcible entry, forgery, goldsmiths, guns and crossbows, hawking, highways, bridges, horses, the hue and cry, hunting, husbandry, indictments and presentments, informants, enrolements, jurors, juries and inquests, labourers, servants and apprentices, larceny, liveries and retainers, manslaughter and murder, masons, matrimony and bigamy, mortuaries, Parliament, petty treason, plague, plays and games, preachers and ministers, prison and prisoners, bail, rape, recusants, restitution, riots, routs, unlawful assemblies, robbery and theft, sheriffs, transportation, treason, treasurers, trespass, vagabonds, usury, watch and ward, weights and measures, wines, wool and yarn.

The manuscript cites early editions of Ferdinando Pulton A Kalender, or Table, comprehending the effect of all the statutes that have been made and put into print beginning with Magna Charta...(Company of Stationers, London, 1606) and Michael Dalton The countrey justice, conteyning the practice of the Justices of the Peace out of their Sessions. Gathered for the better helpe of such have not been much conversant in the studie of the lawes of this realme (Company of Stationers, London, 1618).

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Excise Act, 1650
GB 0096 MS 35 · [1650]

Manuscript volume containing a copy of a Parliamentary 'Act for Continuance of the Receipt of Excise until 29th Sept 1653', 1650.

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Hamburg, civic ordinances
GB 0096 MS 482 · [1600-1625]

Civic ordinances for the city of Hamburg, Germany, comprising 76 articles, with an index, concerning the regulation of civil life.

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French legal papers
GB 0096 MS 529 · 1791-1800

A collection of 26 miscellaneous legal papers, 1791-1800, most of them printed forms filled in in manuscript and issuing mainly from Paris, comprising summonses for non-payment of taxes, licences to distrain goods and chattels, notices to quit, safe-conducts, summonses requiring attendance at court, etc.

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Marriage settlement
GB 0096 MS 554 · 1678

Counterpart indenture of a marriage settlement, dated 6 Aug 1678, whereby Scarborough Chapman, of Lyncombe and Widcombe in Somerset, in consideration of his intended marriage with Anne Brinsden, widow, of Bristol, and the sum of £400 received from her, conveyed to Humphrey Little, goldsmith, of Bristol, Samuel Price and Arthur Hart, merchants, of Bristol, a messuage in Lyncombe and Widcombe, near the church of chapel there, formerly in the occupation of Robert Fisher the elder and Robert Fisher the younger, both deceased, and now of John Weekes the younger and several others, for the term of the lives of Chapman and his future wife and their heirs male, and then to Little, Price and Hart for the term of 1000 years. Signed and sealed by Humphrey Little, Arthur Hart; the third seal is unsigned.

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Privy Council papers
GB 0096 MS 20 · c1560-1624

Collection of transcripts, [1560]-1624, mainly relating to Privy Council matters, notably a petition presented to King James I by Sir Robert Heath, Solicitor General, 1624; a survey of the Forests and Chaces [Chases] of Bringwood, Mocktree and Darvell, with the Manor of Buriton, 1604; a letter from King James I to the Peers of England and the Privy Council concerning the composition of the Privy Council and the replacement of the ailing Lord Chamberlain by Thomas Howard, Lord Howard of Walden, 1603; copies of documents relating to the French conquest of Guiana, South America, including commissions granted by King Henry IV of France to Renée Marie, Lord Mountbarrot, and Daniel de la Touche, Lord of Raverdiere, for the conquest of Guiana, 1605 and 1609, the appointment of Robert Le Brette, Lord Dubosc, as Raverdiere's lieutenant in Guiana and other parts of America, including Brazil, 1609; the commission of Sir John Digby, Vice-Chamberlain, to negotiate a marriage between Prince Charles of England and the Infanta Maria, daughter of King Philip III of Spain, 1615; a letter written by Captain Charles Parker, one of Sir Walter Raleigh's company at Guiana, to Captain Alley, 1607; a declaration of proceedings in the Star Chamber against John Wrenham, who charged the Lord Chancellor of injustice against the King, 1618; a discourse of marriage written by Charles Blount, Earl of Devonshire, in defence of his wedding to Penelope, Lady Rich, [1605]; a discourse written by Dr Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Ely, against second marriage following a divorce, 1601; a discourse made by merchant adventurers on the occasion of a bill preferred to the High Court of Parliament, requiring free trade to all kingdoms and countries, [1610]; a consideration of the office and duty of a herald in England by John Dodridge, the Solicitor General, 1605; proceedings in the Star Chamber against Mary Countess of Shrewsbury for her refusal to give evidence against Arabella Seymour, Duchess of Somerset, 1618; an Act of Council upon the proceedings against James Whitlocke and Sir Robert Mansell for speaking against the King's Commission for reform of the Navy and also against the King's power and prerogative, 1609; speeches, and a memorandum on the union of England and Scotland, by Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, 1617; a copy of 'The present state of things as theye nowe stand, betweene the three greate kingdomes, France, England and Spayne, [1623], and 'A breviarie of the historie of England from William I, intitled the Conqueror, both written by Sir Walter Raileighe, Knight'; a speech by John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln and Keeper of the Great Seal of England, on the occasion of the collecting of the subsidy, Aug 1621; two versions of instructions by William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, Lord Treasurer to his son, Robert Cecil, 1561 and [1598]; letters from Sir Henry Sidney to his brother and to his son, Phillip, [1560]; a treatise entitled 'Toucheinge the Antiquities of Baronies delivered in the College of Antiquaries', [1600].

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GB 0096 MS 222 · [1744]

Manuscript volume containing a copy of a letter dated 9 Jun 1744 from Elizabeth Forbes of the School of Sprinning, Jedburgh, [Roxburgh], to David Flint, Trustees Office, Parliament Close, Edinburgh, complaining of her summons by the baillies of Jedburgh for contravening the 'Acts in the Trades Seal of Cause' by ordering equipment from Kelso.

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Notes on feudal law
GB 0096 MS 266 · c1675

Manuscript volume containing notes in Latin on Samuel Stryk's Examen iuris feudalis, which was first published in 1675 and was widely used as a legal text-book due to its brevity and clarity.

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GB 0096 MS 271 · 1588-1814

Volume containing a miscellaneous collection of legal documents relating to Kent and Sussex, 1588-1814, mainly comprising printed bonds completed in manuscript, with a small number of articles of covenant, abstracts of title, letters of attorney and quitclaims. Includes a letters of 1691 to Mrs James Iggelden of Benenden, Kent, and papers relating to her family, 1691-1730.

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Weights and Measures legislation
GB 0096 MS 459 · 1758-1824

Volume containing the printed reports of the Committee appointed to enquire into the original standards of weights and measures (in 1758 and 1759), Statutes on the same subject, and a report and inquisition on the same, with reference to the county of Renfrew (1827). These printed items are annotated in various hands, including that of John Joshua Probyn, 1st Earl of Carysfort.
The volume also contains two manuscript items, numbered 10 and 14, namely 'Remarks upon some of the practical provisions contained in the Weights and Measures Bill', as amended on recommitment (1 July 1822) and printed, written by A Campbell in 1823; and 'Powers in the Uniformity Weights and Measures Act (5 Geo.4, c.74) and statutes therein referred to for preventing other than legal weights and measures', in the hand of Lord Carysfort, written in 1824.

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Draft of a Weights and Measures Bill
GB 0096 MS 477 · 1815

Draft of a bill 'for the more effectual prevention of the use of false and deficient measures', 1815, with proposals including Justices of the Peace to appoint persons to examine the measures within their districts; a penalty of 5-20s on conviction; proper measures according to the standard made by the Exchequer to be purchased out of the general rate and deposited with the clerks of the peace; some form of conviction to be given. The draft is endorsed '9 March 1815. Copy to Mr [Samuel] Whitbread [M.P. for Bedford] per post'.

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Decretals of Gregory IX
GB 0096 MS 544 · Mid 13th century

Single leaf of vellum, formerly used as a pastedown, containing Book 3, section 38 18 to 39 3, of the Decretales Gregorii IX, on the rights of patrons over churches and the financial liabilities of churches, dating from the mid-13th century. There are marginal annotations in a later, perhaps 14th century, hand.

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GB 0096 MS 566, 567 · 1691

Two counterparts of leases, 25 May 1691, made by Elizabeth Fortrey, widow of the parish of St Andrew, Holborn, to Leonard Cunditt, innholder of the parish of St Paul, Covent Garden, of a piece of ground in Hog Lane (later renamed Charing Cross Road) in the parish of St Giles in the Fields, the first for 'the second ground plott or new house built or intended to be built', and the second for 'the fourth house'. Both leases were for 99 years at a rent of £3 a year. Plan annexed. Signed and sealed by Leonard Cunditt.

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Assignment of land in Yorkshire
GB 0096 MS 585 · 1761

Indenture quadripartite of 11 Feb 1761 by which George Lane, of Bramham Park, Yorkshire (West Riding), with the consent of Ralph Bourchier, 'doctor in physick', of Great Ormond Street in the parish of St.George the Martyr, London, and his daughter and heir Margaret Bourchier, assigned to the Hon William Chetwynd, of Dover Street, London, the manors or lordships of Benningborough [Beningbrough], Overton [Ovington], Barforth and Newton-upon-Ouse, all in the North Riding of Yorkshire, formerly the estate of John Bourchier, deceased, for the remainder of a term of 500 years. Signed and sealed by the four parties. Ralph Bourchier inherited the estates on the death of his great-niece Mildred, wife of the Hon Robert Lane, in 1760.

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GB 0096 MS 592 · 13th century-14th century

Five fragments of Latin mediaeval manuscripts, formerly pastedowns, details as follows:

  1. Fragment of a leaf containing part of a legal tract entitled Judicium Essoniorum relating to the procedure at assizes, dating from the 13th century. The text has variants and is in places abbreviated from that printed in G.E. Woodbine Four thirteenth century law tracts (New Haven, 1910). The text corresponds to the pp 119-20 of Woodbine's edition, where the composition of the work is attributed to Ralf de Hengham and the date of the composition put at 1267-1275.
  2. and 3. Two consecutive leaves containing extracts from Part II of Gratian's Decretum, comprising Causa XXVI, quest. VII 16, to Causa XXVII, quest. I 19, on penance and the marriage of those who had sworn chastity. There is a glossary in a different hand and ink, with each section preceded by a symbol corresponding to one in the text. The leaves are possibly Italian and 14th century.
  3. Leaf, foliated 109, in a late 14th century hand, containing part of Lib. XLII, 8, 1-10, of the Digestum Novum, relating to restitution to deceived creditors. With a glossary and marginal and interlineal annotations in several 13th-14th century hands. The fragment is probably English.
  4. Fragment from the head of a bifolium, containing part of a commentary on Aristotle's De Anima Book III, heavily glossed and annotated in several 13th century hands. The fragment is probably English and early 13th century.
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Yates, James: letter
GB 0096 AL208 · Fondo · [1861-1871]

Letter from James Yates of Lauderdale House, Highgate, London to Samuel [A Thompson Yates], [1861-1871]. Mentioning 5s 6d paid to Mr Sackett for 'the engraving of Baskerville ... A person named Matthews in Birmingham has published a new edition of the view of the houses at Birmingham, which were destroyed at the Riots [of 1791 against Joseph Priestley and other non-conformists]. One of these is a view of Baskerville House. It [the house] was purchased and enlarged by Mr John Ryland, and in that state was destroyed by the mob ...'

Autograph, with signature.

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Ross, William: letters (1840)
GB 0096 AL379 · Fondo · 1840

(1) Letter from William Ross of Charing Cross, [London] to David Thomson, Esq, of Edinburgh, 28 Apr 1840. (2) Letter from William Ross of Dibden, [Hampshire] to David Thomson, Esq, of Edinburgh, 27 May 1840.Both letters concern the claim of a brother and sister, Mr and Miss Wilkinshaw, to an estate occupied by a Mr Dow, whose own claim on the estate had not been satisfied. Autograph, with signature.

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Gordon family
GB 0096 MS 754 · 1735-1800

Papers of the Gordon family of Letterfourie, Banffshire, Scotland, relating to their merchant interests and financial matters, 1735-[1800], comprising, including a bond in £250 of 1735 discharged in 1751 by James Gordon and his son Patrick to John Gordon; two letters from Strauss & Schmidt, Lisbon, to James Gordon, 1763; an invoice and bill of lading, dated Oct 1770, for goods shipped on the Hambro Packet from Hamburg by order of Alexander Gordon & Co., Madeira; a letter from C. Grant, Edinburgh, to James Gordon, 7 Dec 1785; two receipts of 1799 for money paid by a Mrs. Gordon; and a letter from James and Alexander Gordon at school to their parents in Letterfourie, [1800].
The collection also contains material not apparently relating to the Gordon family: accounts of John Scott, vintner in Portsoy, 'for Letterfouries servants and horses when sundry times in Banff', 22 Dec 1798-3 Jun 1799; a 'Certificate of the term of payment of Lady Fraiser [of Durris]'s annuities, 19 Nov 1776, signed by the town clerk of Aberdeen; and a receipt of 1780 for payment for goods bought from E. Fielder, stationer, London, by a Mr. Ruddick. The connection between the Gordon items and the last two items is unknown.

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Judicial proceedings Act
GB 0096 MS 760 · [1661]

Manuscript copy of 13 Charles II c.2, or 'An act for confirmation of judicial proceedings', enacted in Dublin' on 12 Jun 1661, and printed by William Bladen in 1661. The English act is 12 Charles II c.12. The manuscript may have been bound with the printed copy of the act, now item 6 in a Goldsmiths' Library volume (Ref: G.L. F) lettered 'Acts Charles II-1660-82'. The manuscript is accompanied by 8 leaves containing legal notes in a contemporary hand.

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Lowther, Anthony William George
GB 0096 MS 840 · c1400-1846

A collection of mediaeval and early nineteenth century legal documents, which include letters of administration, bankruptcy and insurance papers.

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Contract to repair stables, 1670
GB 0096 MS 849 · 1670

Contract, dated 28 Dec 1670, containing an undertaking by John Brown to repair the stables he rented from Thomas Panton, and to stop up the water course from the horse pond in Round Mill Yard. Signed and sealed by John Brown.

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Veil, Col Robert Thomas de
GB 0096 MS 851 · 1747

Copy of the will of Robert Thomas de Veil, 22 May 1747, addressed to Catherine, wife of Philip De La Port. Includes applied seal.

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Treatise on Scottish bankruptcy law
GB 0096 MS 96 · [1716]

Manuscript volume containing a memorial concerning proposed alterations to the laws relating to bankruptcy and the ranking of creditors in Scotland, [1716], protesting against the adoption of English laws in Scotland.

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Certificate of burial in wool
GB 0096 MS 988 · 1738

Certificate of burial in wool, 1738, for Mary Wilbey of the parish of St Benedict, Cambridge.

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French mining legislation
GB 0096 MS 119 · [1761]

Manuscript volumes containing a selection of legislation and concessions given for the exploitation of French mines, compiled by 'le Sr Bruyard', Senior Clerk of [Daniel Charles] Trudain [de Montigny, Comptroller of Finances, Director of Bridges and Embankments], 1758, with details of legislation from 1413-1761. Includes a historical survey, a chronological table of legislation and concessions, general dispositions for the exploitation of the mines, and legislation and concessions for mining in each généralité. There is also printed matter bound into each volume, mainly comprising government edicts relating to the subject.

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Ruding, Rogers
GB 0096 MS 154 · 1817-1818

Manuscript volume containing notes in the hand of Rogers Ruding, Vicar of Malden, [1817-1818], consisting of extracts from legislation relating to coinage, and used in Ruding's Annals of the coinage of Great Britain (Nichols, Son, and Bentley: London, 1817-19). The extracts are marked 'used' or 'not used'. Includes a list of sources.

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Sandys, Sir Edwin
GB 0096 MS 22 · 1604

Manuscript volume containing a report by Sir Edwin Sandys on behalf of the parliamentary committee on free trade, entitled 'Instructions touching the Bill for Free Trade'. The report was read to the House of Commons by Sandys on 21 May 1604. Catalogued by Reginald Rye, Goldsmith's Librarian of the University of London, as the original manuscript. The manuscript contains material which was not printed in the Journals of the House of Commons.

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Higford, William
GB 0096 MS 251 · 1677

Lawyer's precedent book, 1677.

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Laws relating to French colonial banks
GB 0096 MS 511 · [1851]

Transcript of the laws relating to French colonial banks, entitled 'Loi sur les banques coloniales des 25 Avril, 26 Juin et 11 Juillet 1851'.

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Petition of Jonathan Carter Hornblower
GB 0096 MS 514 · c1792

Manuscript 'Reasons for Mr. Hornblower's petitioning the Honourable House of Commons for an Act to extend the term of his patent', [24 Feb 1792]; the patent had been granted in 1781 for 14 years, permitting the use of his steam engine in the Cornish mines. The case of James Watt is cited: in 1774 he obtained an extension of a patent 'of a similar nature, for 25 years certain'.

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Parliamentary bills on finance
GB 0096 MS 55 · c1689-1743

Manuscript volumes containing abstracts of parliamentary bills relating to revenue, dating from the reign of King William III and Queen Mary II, c1689 -1743.

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Lease (Greek Street, parish of St Anne)
GB 0096 MS 565 · 1716

Counterpart of a lease, 6 Dec 1716/17 made by William Thomas, citizen and clothworker, of the Parish of St Anne, to Thomas, Lord Howard of Effingham, of a messuage 'with all the furniture, goods and untensills' , on the west side of Greek Street, Soho, now in the occupation of Howard, for 7 years at a rent of £110 a year. Inventory included.

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GB 0096 MS 634 · 1462

Inspeximus of 7 Sep 1462 with second Great Seal, made during the reign of King Edward IV. The text is illegible; for a possible subject of the document see Calendar of Patent Rolls Edward IV, A.D.1461-1467 (1897), under the same date.

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Chapman, John: letter (1858)
GB 0096 AL21 · Fondo · 1858

Letter from John Chapman of 1 Albion Street, Hyde Park, [London] to George Grote, 17 Nov 1858. Regarding the copyright of the Westminster Review.

Autograph, with signature.

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GB 0096 AL343 · Fondo · 1819

Facsimile of a letter from George Gordon Noel Byron of Venice to M [Giovanni Antonio] Galignani, editor of Galignani's Messenger, 18 rue Vivienne, Paris, 27 Apr 1819. Disclaims the authorship of The Vampire, which had been attributed to him in Galigniani's Messenger '... I desire the responsibility of nobody's dullness but my own ...'.

Facsimile copy of an autograph letter, with signature.

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Burn, John: letter, 1792
GB 0096 AL347 · Fondo · 1792

Letter from John Burn of Orton, [Westmorland] to Thomas Cadell [the elder] Esq, 'bookseller, Strand, London', 26 Mar 1792. 'I have by the coach this day sent you Barry's Justice [i.e. E Barry Present practice of a justice of the peace (1790)] & in the margin have marked the vs & pages in our Justice [i.e. R Burn The justice of the peace and parish officer (1755 and many susbequent editions)] from which he has copied. I may safely say there is not one hundred pages, put the whole together of his 4 volumes, which is not copied from my father...'.

Autograph, with signature. Franked: 'Appleby'[-in-Westmorland].

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Robertshaw, James: letter (1846)
GB 0096 AL411 · Fondo · 1846

Letter from James Robertshaw of Colne, [Lancashire] to George Chapman, engineer of Whitby, [North Riding] Yorkshire, 29 Jan 1846. Reply on behalf of Mr Thornber of Vivary Bridge, [Colne], to a letter of 27 Jan 1846; referring Chapman to his letter of 8 Jan (copied on the third page of this letter) in reply to Chapman's of 5 Jan. Chapman had asked for £20 for use of 'the patent expansion gear', but Thornber had stopped using it, had given Chapman notice of doing so, and was prepared to appear to any process Chapman proposed to issue against him.

Autograph, with signature.

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Decretals of Gregory IX (English)
GB 0096 MS 681 · Late 13th century

Single vellum leaf, formerly a pastedown, containing Lib.II, 20, 17-26, of the Decretales Gregorii IX, on testimonies in court. Includes a gloss and extensive interlineal and marginal annotations. The fragment is probably English, written in the late 13th century.

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Marshall, John
GB 0096 MS 756 · 1861-1862

British and French patents, 1861-1862, for John Marshall's invention for 'the collection, concentration and transmission of sound, so as to facilitate the hearing.' Also includes a Belgian 'brevet d'importation.'

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GB 0096 MS 774 · 1776

Lease, 7 Aug 1776, made by Samuel Adams, builder, to Thomas Williams, carpenter, both of the parish of St Marylebone, of property (plan included in document) on Duke Street, St Marylebone, for 96¾ years at a rent of £8 payable after the first two years, with covenants against certain trades being practiced on the premises. Includes details of leases of property between Duke Street, Bentinck Square, and Berkeley Square (giving measurements) to Adams by the trustees of Peter William Baker, son of William Baker, deceased. The trustees named were Henry W. Portman, baker, of Bryanston, Dorset; John Littlehales, of Greek Street, in the parish of St Ann, Westminster; James Clitherow, of Boston House, Hanwell; Rev. William Sellon, of the parish of St James, Clerkenwell; and James Dunne, of the parish of St Marylebone. Signed and sealed by Samuel Adams.

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GB 0096 MS 79 · 1703-1760

Three manuscript volumes containing decrees, legal judgements, and conventions regulating Venetian trade, 29 Nov 1703-29 Mar 1760.

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GB 0096 MS 830 · 12th century-14th century

Medieval manuscript fragments formerly used as pastedowns, as follows:

  1. Fragment of a leaf containing part of an abridgement of Seneca's De Beneficiis. Contains a complete paragraph beginning 'Iam vero transeamus' and ending 'deinde benficium' (corresponding to Book II, 18-19, p.36, line 26, to p.39, line 12 of the Teubner 1900 edition). The manuscript was written in the mid-12th century, and there are corrections and additional punctuation in a 12th-13th century hand.
  2. Fragment of a leaf containing part of St Jerome's Epistola ad Paulum, headed LIII (53), from halfway through paragraph 7 'mundum ad poenitentiam' to the end, and the first few words of the Prologue to the Pentateuch (ending 'Latratibus patens'). The manuscript was probably written in France during the second half of the 13th century.
  3. Fragment of a leaf containing Book III, 6 and 7, of the Clementinae, on testaments and burials. With gloss and annotations in a 14th century hand. The manuscript was probably written in Germany in the 14th century, and is also inscribed in a 16th century hand 'Francoise de Pont femme a Monsieur Jehan George Pipon faict avec Madame Monet Perrot sa femme'.
  4. Fragment of a leaf containing part of the sanctorale from a Missal of Roman use, from the epistle of the Assumption of the Virgin (15 Aug) to the introit for the feast of St Agapitus (18 Aug), only the mass for St Laurence (17 Aug) being complete. The manuscript was probably written in Italy during the 14th century.
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Rockwood, Robert
GB 0096 MS 850 · 1680

A copy of the will of Robert Rockwood, 1680, made after he had left the service of the Elector Palatine on the occasion of his contracting to marry Mary Coney, widow.

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Verdi, Giuseppe
GB 0096 MS 921 · 1847

A contract to publish music from the opera Macbeth, 1847.

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