Letters and accounts, mostly concerned with the cloth and clothing trade, between 1755 and 1763. The material was created by both Benjamin Wilson and Jonathan Dickinson, who appear to have been business partners.
Wilson , Benjamin , fl 1755-1763 , clothierThree holograph receipts, 1679-1706, of Gilbert Whitehall and two receipts of assignees of Whitehall.
Whitehall , Gilbert , fl 1679-1706 , goldsmithA rent and account book, 1700-1712, for the estates of Sir John Wentworth in Yorkshire.
Wentworth , Sir , John , fl 1700-1712 , Knight , land ownerAn account book, 1802-1819 of mixed farming and general nature, probably kept by Richard Walker of Bradmore, Notts, whose name appears inside the covers of the volume, and who is probably the addressee 'dear brother' in a letter enclosed signed 'J. Walker.'
Walker , Richard , fl 1802-1819 , farmerAccounts of Henry Vane's land estate from March 1736 to March 1737.
Vane , Henry , 1705-1758 , 1st Earl of Darlington , politicianManuscript volume containing a memorial concerning proposed alterations to the laws relating to bankruptcy and the ranking of creditors in Scotland, [1716], protesting against the adoption of English laws in Scotland.
UnknownManuscript treatise on the Italian method of book-keeping, possibly written in the early 18th century by William Forbes, entitled 'Book-holding. In two parts. The first, ane explanation of the severall books with the manner of bringing the accompts into them. The second a praxis upon trade'. The manuscript was apparently unpublished. The Italian method is defined by the author as 'a method for keeping accompts to shew & rightly distinguish betwixt meum and tuum, or my affairs & interest, and those of the persons dealing with me in them as also in ane instant the condition of ones estate & at one view at what posture it is in at the time'.
Possibly: Forbes , William , fl 1703-1745 , lawyerA bill, 1677, for materials supplied and made up by a dressmaker, totalling over £14.
Tayler , Madam , fl 1677Two volumes of account books, for rent and general purposes, kept between 1783-1795 by a member of the Tayler family. Includes details of stocks and bonds such as Battersea Bridge tolls, and income from property in London, as well as household accounts.
Tayler , family , fl 1783-1795Manuscript account of expenses occurred by Dr Thomas Hume for the printing by John Stockdale's firm of Odes of Anacreon, translated by the poet Thomas Moore, 1800. The discharged account bears a note 'Settled in full November 11th 1800', and the signature of Thomas Hume. With a duplicate receipt for £181.18.0 signed by John Stockdale.
Stockdale , John , [1749]-1814 , publisherA bill, late 17th century, for services rendered and items supplied by a saddler.
UnknownLetter from William Collingwood Smith of Wyndam Lodge, Brixton Hill, London [the printed address of the Society of Painters in Water Colours, Pall Mall East, London SW, has been struck through] to Augustus De Morgan, 8 Dec 1870. Asking him to assess the depreciation in the Society's assets.
, Smith, William Collingwood (1815-1887) artistLetter from Richard Smith of 'Bordeaux River', [France] to Seth Barton, merchant, Baltimore, [USA], 1794. Giving the terms of a charter party between James Swan and Co and Thomas Harris, on the London Packet (c 260 tons), which was to take on a cargo of wines and brandy at Bordeaux, to carry to Baltimore; discussing expenses and asks Barton to take out £400 insurance for him.
Autograph, with signature.
Smith , Richard , fl 1794 , of BordeauxAccounts of 1802-1803 rendered to Mr and Mrs Joshua Sewell for household items and bills for their son, Stephen's education.
Sewell , family , fl 1802-1803Manuscript volume containing sermons written in a mixture of shorthand and longhand, Aug 1727-Feb 1728; some sermons have a second date, such as 1735 and 1736. Many blank pages are stamped with the inscription 'R Porter, Ironmonger, Cutler & Brazier, Tin, Zinc, & Iron Plate Worker, nr. St Peter's Church, Northampton'. There is also a copy of an unaddressed letter, R Porter, Northampton, 22 Dec [18]51 (f.116 verso). The name of George Porter appears on some pages. Pages at the beginning and end of the book are taken up with accounts of the sale of ironmongery, dated 1822-1835.
Porter , family , ironmongers of NorthamptonPetition, dated Aug 1619, of John Addis, Officer of the Wardrobe, for reimbursement of expenses incurred in taking one man, two horses and four labourers for six days from Warwick to Compton and transporting 'all such stuffe then needfull for the Prince [Charles], his service'. With the signature of Sir Robert Cary.
UnknownReceipt, dated 3 Nov 1647, for £6.11.0 paid by the Receiver General to Caroline Holland on behalf of Sarah Frank for 'semptrys [seamstress] workes...for the King's Children' by virtue of an order dated 21 Jul 1647. Signed by Sarah Frank.
UnknownHousehold account books, 1829-1851, kept by George Rennie, for his houses in London and Surrey.
Rennie , George , 1791-1866 , civil engineerAccount book, 1611-1642 containing around 7000 entries relating to the manor of Barton, Berkshire, and Brockett Hall, Hertfordshire, giving prices for food, clothing, wages, education.
Reade , Sir , Thomas , 1575-1650 , Knight , of Barton, BerkshireAn account book covering the period 31 March 1802-31 October 1808.
Raikes , Thomas , 1741-1813 , merchant bankerCollection of manuscripts relating to bankruptcy, 1850-1851, comprising answers to questionnaires circulated by the Committee for the Improvement of the Law of Debtor and Creditor from business firms in Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the USA. Many of the replies are on printed questionnaires addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, William Hawes, MP.
House of Commons , Committee for the Improvement of the Law of Debtor and CreditorLetters and accounts from Gunter, Greenway & Co. to Joseph Previté concerning the import and export of groceries. The account books cover the period March 1840 to March 1843.
Previté , Joseph , fl 1840-1843 , businessmanAccount books, 1751-1799, kept by Charles Polhill while administering the family estates centred on Chipstead in the parish of Chevening, Kent.
Polhill , Charles , fl 1751-1799 , land ownerA general and farm account books, 1749-1800, kept by William Phillips of Broadway, Worcestershire.
Phillips , William , fl 1749-1800 , farmerTwo bills, 1790-1793, presented to John Perry by two workmen, John Marshall and James Bull for repairing household items.
Perry , John , fl 1790-1793Accounts from 1743-1756 of Pasquini's estate, possibly near Senigallia, on the Adriatic north of Ancona (an envelope addressed to Pasquini at Senigaglia was found loose in the book).
Pasquini , Angelo , fl 1743-1756 , land ownerManuscripts relating to poor relief in Morwich, bound at the end of John Fransham's printed An exact account of the charge for supporting the poor of the City of Norwich (1720). The fourteen used leaves, composed in 1783-1784, contain:
- Table apparently showing the amount spent annually on poor relief from 1757-1784 in Norwich, the price of corn, and 'Observations for particular years.
- An 'Account of 1 year's expense of the New (or Duke's Palace) Workhouse, 1782', with a concluding memorandum on the cost for each pauper dated Jan 1783.
- Accounts for the workhouse in Norwich, giving a table of salaries, details of the diet and earnings of the inmates, 'of the spinning schools', and the 'earnings clear to the corporation'.
Personal papers of Thomas Newton, 1710-1807, including correspondence and papers regarding Thomas Newton's business, his relationship with Mary Newton (nee Hurst), the wardship of Sarah Frances and Thomas Richard Fairchild, literary manuscripts, legal and financial documents, 1753-1806. Papers of the executors and trustee of the Thomas Newton bequest, 1807-1954, including a bound volume of papers entitled 'The Newton Estate' 1794-1822; correspondence, memorandum and accounts of the drawing up of the Newton bequest 1805-1811; memoranda and correspondence relating to the admission of new trustees 1820-1878; inventory and sale catalogue of Newton's effects 1807-1821, correspondence from legatees, 1807-1830 and papers relating the administration of the Newton estate 1832-1954.
Newton , Thomas , 1719-1807 , writerAccount books, 1743-1772, recording profits and rents due to Francis Naylor for land owned in various parts of Sussex.
Naylor , Francis Hare , d 1797 , land ownerManuscript account and memorandum book relating chiefly to the 'Morley Estate', that is Morley St Botolph, near Wymondham in Norfolk, and including accounts for buying and selling land, transactions with tenants, taxes and tables of crop rotation. The entries are made in an old notebook with the running title 'Memorandum 1763', and many pages are ruled and dated with one week to a page. The notes relating to Morley St Botolph occupy 49 leaves. Some entries were apparently written by George Cook, and there are frequent references to Daniel Ganning.
UnknownThe material comprises correspondence between Thomas Sturge Moore (TSM) and various members of the Moore, Sturge and Appia families, friends, literary colleagues, including R.C Trevelyan, A.H Fisher, W.B Yeats, Robert Ross, Wyndham Lewis, George Bernard Shaw and Charles Ricketts, publishers and various others; diaries, notebooks and journals; drafts, proofs and published copies of his poems, articles, speeches and lectures; sketches and designs for costumes, book covers and bookplates for both his own work and that of others, most notably W.B Yeats; personal and family papers and photographs. Also included are copies of correspondence between the artist Charles Ricketts and friends, colleagues and various others; copies of his journals and diaries; material relating to his work and art collection; draft notes for a biography of Ricketts by Ursula Bridge and personal papers of the artist Charles Shannon.
Moore , Thomas Sturge , 1870-1944 , writer, designer and wood engraver.Redeemed mortgage, 1849, of £1500 for seven years at 5%.
Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway CompanyAn account book, 1793-1800, belonging to Edward Lowe who owned land in Nottingham and Derbyshire. The account book includes details on servants' wages, business accounts and accounts with tradesmen. Also includes details of Lowe's marriage settlement with his wife Elizabeth.
Lowe , Edward R , fl 1793-1800 , land holderManuscript volume, 1669-1670, containing 'miscellanies' relating to Ireland, namely 'The establishment beginning Michaelmas 1669', including lists of salaries for civil officers, pensions and annuities, military payments, salaries for military officers and soldiers, the names of officers of regiments of horse and foot on 25 Dec 1670, provincial, noble and clerical subsidies, and a list of Parliamentary seats; 'A table for reducing plantation acres into English and ascertaining the King's rent in the severall provinces of Ireland according to the explanatory act', [1669]; an abstract of the demise made by King Charles II to John Foorth and Partners of the revenue of Ireland, 12 Jul 1669. There is an index, added by Sir David William Smith, 1st Baronet, in 1828.
UnknownManuscript list of 38 names (including 3 on the dorse), with sums of money opposite each, dating from [1700-1750]. The document is headed by four other names, probably those of the 'preasers' or appraisers mentioned at the top of the page. On the dorse is written 'Messe bookes'.
UnknownLithographed letter, 14 Jun 1820, addressed in manuscript to John Lloyd Salusbury, High Sheriff of Denbighshire, and signed by Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth, Home Secretary, requesting 'a return of all charges made by sheriffs or undersheriffs at the last general election, as well as those paid or allowed by members and candidates to the sheriffs or undersheriffs, and specifying each item of charge...as also an account of all sums charged by or for the sheriffs bailiffs'.
UnknownList of the expenses incurred over a number of weeks by J Brown whilst taking affidavits and oaths, presented as an account to Messrs Watson & Delavel, totalling £57 10s. 9d. The list is undated, and pasted to a backing sheet (now separated from the document) watermarked 1800. The list begins 'To my expenses with George Simpson, John Adams... and drinking [with] them warmly before I could get them prevailed on all night and next day to make affidavits...'.
Brown , J , fl 1800 , notaryThe collection contains account books recording purchases made by Captain Patrick Lawson in London, Madras and Canton. Also contains memoranda and accounts regarding the administration of his estate on behalf of his creditors from 1777 to 1799.
Lawson , Patrick , fl 1768-1799 , CaptainAn agricultural journal, 13 September 1833 to 28 June 1837; various account books; letters and estate papers.
Larratt , Daniel , d 1848 , farmerManuscript account book of Jones and Co, London cloth merchants, giving details of cloth sold from 18 Feb 1760-6 Mar 1775, and details of buyers. Most entries contain a sample of the cloth involved.
Jones and Co , London cloth merchantsManuscript volumes containing 'An abstract of the total number of ships with their tonnage which have been registered in the British Dominions in pursuance of the Acts [of Parliament]...Distinguishing such as are British built, such as are foreign built, and such as are Prizes made free, and distinguishing the Ports at which they have been respectively registered', with a volume devoted to each year between 1788 and 1793. Includes a commentary on the statistics given, and dedicatory epistle in Volume I to King George III.
Jenkinson , Charles , 1727-1808 , 1st Earl of Liverpool , politicianA collection of 240 invoices, printed forms completed in manuscript, often with engraved headings and scenes, dated between 1833 and 1879, addressed to 107 companies and individuals in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and to 2 in New York, from one German and 89 British manufacturers. Goods invoiced consist mainly of textile and textile machinery, pottery, cutlery and tools. Most invoices after Sep 1835 bear the stamp of the Custom House, Philadelphia, and after Feb 1869 many have attached a consular certificate combined with a sworn declaration by the manufacturer as to the origin, destination and price of the goods.
UnknownPapers relating to the estate of John Appleton of Queen Square, Bristol, 1786-1791, including:
- An inventory of his goods and chattels taken at his lodgings in Queen Square, Bristol, 10 Oct 1786, including details of clothes, household goods, plate, and books and pamphlets, with a total value of £170 11s.
- An account of monies received and paid out by Thomas Rutter, executor of John Appleton, 1786-1790.
- Letter from Thomas Rutter to Patrick Buck explaining that, owing to bad debts, the effects left by Appleton are not sufficient to pay the legacies left by him, 1789.
- Receipt, 1791, signed by William and Hannah Reynolds for legacies left them by Appleton.
Collection of bills and receipts, 1723-1869, most for food, clothing, jewellery and household items such as fuel and furniture. Many are printed forms completed in manuscript.
Eight bills, all dated 1862, are addressed to Miss or Mrs. Hall, and three, dated 1868-1869, to the executors of George Pratt. Twenty-nine bills and receipts have printed headings, some with engravings. Includes a printed circular of 1845 from Kevan and Buttle, Glasgow, advertising a new department for 'Millinery and ladies under-clothing'. A bill of June 1807 gives the costs (£102 12s) of printing [Louis Dutens's] Memoires d'un voyageur qui se repose, and Dutensiana, pour servir de suite aux memoires (3 vols, Dulau and Co, 1806).
Collection of papers concerned chiefly with Hewitt's work in the West Indies 1767-1771 and 1776-1781, financial papers and accounts, 1759-1781; a diary of his voyage to the West Indies, 1766; correspondence, 1772-1781, especially to the Treasury Board concerning his salary; documents concerning personal property, mainly bonds concerning payment for Crown lands in Dominica, 1767-1777, and papers relating to slaves owned by Hewitt, 1768-1781; legal papers, 1768-1781; official papers concerning land in Tobago, St Vincent and Dominica, 1764-1781, including commissioners' instructions, surveys, maps and correspondence; papers created following the death of William Hewitt, mainly relating to the settlement of his estate, 1781-1790.
Hewitt , William , 1719-1781 , Commissioner for the sale of Crown lands in the CaribbeanSix volumes of account books, 1734-95, relating to the running of the Headfort Estate, Co. Meath, Ireland. Also one volume of apprentice bindings in the town of Kells, Co. Meath under the terms of the Headfort family charity.
Headfort Estate , IrelandA collection of 16 bills and receipts, dating between 1788 and 1834, for goods supplied to J. B. le Grange. Also a bill to Mrs. Dougan, 1788 and one to Richard Manley, 1834.
Grange , J B le , fl 1814-22Account books kept by the Gough family, 1574-1832.
Gough , family , of StaffordshireManuscript account book kept by John Goodman of Eversholt for the sales of household goods and groceries, 1786-1800. The accounts are arranged under the names of customers and cancelled as they were settled.
Goodman , John , fl 1786-1800 , grocerWritten on the blank leaves of a copy of Parker's Ephemeris for 1713. Notes from 1713-16 including the results of the poll in the elections for the County and Boroughs of Kent in September 1713 and February 1714. Also includes particulars of Sir Edward Filmer's expenditure on provisions for the latter election.
Filmer , Sir , Edward , d 1755 , 3rd Baronet , politician