Showing 49 results

Archival description
GB 0096 MS 393 · 1643

Manuscript letter, dated 22 February, 1643, containing an Order of the Committee of Revenue to Thomas Fauconbridge, Receiver of Crown Revenues, to pay 'the poore Pewterers or Hammer men' of London the sum of £100, due to them by virtue of an Act of Parliament. The letter is signed by members of the Committee for Revenue, including Sir Henry Vane, Sir Henry Mildmay, Francis Rous, William Ashhurst, Thomas Hoyle and Dennis Bond. With a receipt dated 27 February 1643, bearing 56 signatures or marks and the signature of Robert Leeson, Warden of the Worshipful Company of Pewteres.

Committee for Revenue
Vordoni, Pierre
GB 0096 MS 388 · 1820

Manuscript volume written by Pierre Vordoni entitled 'Essai sur le rétablissement du crédit public et sur l'amortissement de la dette de l'état', 1820, giving his observations on the financial problems of European states and the need to reduce national debt and re-establish public credit. The manuscript is written in parallel text in French and German.

Vordoni , Pierre , fl 1812-1820 , French writer on economics
Treatises on French finance
GB 0096 MS 92 · 1714-[1783]

Manuscript volume containing treatises on French finance, 1714-[1783], namely instructions on the general compatibility according to the custom established by the Chambre des Comptes, [1770], including treatises on the accounts of the estates and woods, expenditure and the poll-tax; a paper on foreign exchanges, 1714, with a table of exchange rates for England and Holland; a historical account of the banking reform program of John Law, 1720, including an account of rulings related to finance for 1720 and the preceding years; a treatise on the program of John Law, [1720], presenting arguments for and against Law's operations; studies on the finances of England and France, [1783], attributed to Dr [Richard] Pryce; a paper on the actual state of the finances of Great Britain, 1755. The general title page and table of contents are in a handwriting of later date than the treatises themselves.

GB 0096 MS 33 · [1581]-1638

Volume mainly containing treatises on French financial administration, [1581-1610], namely a report by Maximilien de Béthune, Duc de Sully, Director of the Council of Finance, on the finances of France, [1607]; a paper on the Estates General of France, [1583]; a history of royal taxation in France up to the reign of King Henry III, ending with a statement of the revenue in 1581, [1581-1589]; and a paper giving instructions on the powers and authority of the officers of the French Chambre des Comptes (Chamber of Accounts), [1589-1610]. The manuscript also contains papers relating to diplomatic negotiations during the Thirty Years War, comprising a speech on a peace assembly at Cologne, Italy, [1636], and a letter from the Swedish Chancellor Count Axel Greve Oxenstierna to the English Ambassador, Sir Thomas Roe, on the alliance between England and Sweden, 1638.

GB 0096 MS 116/2 · mid 18th century

Manuscript volume containing a transcript of a treatise by Comte Goswin de Wynants, [1739], on the public charges made on the revenue of the provinces of Brabant and Limburg, Belgium. The treatise ends abruptly in the third chapter of a section on the role of the judicature in public charges. A table of contents was added in the late 18th century. There are some manuscript additions to the text, including a late 18th century table of contents.

GB 0096 MS 116/1 · mid 18th century

Manuscript volume containing a transcript of a treatise by Comte Goswin de Wynants, [1739], on the public charges made on the revenue of the provinces of Brabant and Limburg, Belgium. Includes a section in Flemish added after Wynants' death, headed 'Projecten van de setboekers gedruckt ende gepublieert met den placcaerte van den 12 Augusti 1749', and an appendix of extracts from documents dating from the 15th century to 1708, with marginal notes in the hand of the transcriber and notes, running titles and a table of contents added in a later 18th century hand.

GB 0096 MS 151 · 1807

Manuscript volume containing a treatise by Sir James William Morrison, First Clerk and Deputy Master of the Royal Mint, entitled 'Memoirs and observations on the melting and casting of silver for the coinage at his Majesty's Mint', 1807. The manuscript discusses previous techniques in melting, especially experiments made by his father James Morrison, Deputy Master of the Mint from 1787-1799, based on his papers, and his own experiments made with the help of Robert Mushet, Third Clerk to the Master of the Mint, and Robert Bingley, the Assay Master (1798-1836). There are some pencil notes in the margin.

GB 0096 MS 581 · mid 17th century

Manuscript volume containing a copy of 'Noyes Projects: being a declaration or description how the King of England may support and increase his annuall revenues, being collected out of the records of the Tower, the Parliament Rolls and the Close Petitions...1634', written by William Noy, Attorney-General. This copy of Noy's work was written in the mid 17th century. A shorter version was printed in 1715 as A treatise of the rights of the crown; the text is substantially that of MS 581 except that folios 29-31, in the section on 'bullion', are not printed. The volume is inscribed by Nathaniel Atcheson, with an unaddressed presentation letter in his hand inserted at the front. With an engraving by Henry Meyer of a portrait of Noy.

GB 0096 MS 97 · [1740]

Manuscript volume containing a treatise by Jacques Angrand, Vicompte de Fontpertuis, on French finance, [1740], comprising a treatise on the benefit of public credit, entitled 'L'Utilité du crédit public', demonstrated in four parts. The manuscript includes an allegorical drawing in pen and ink on folio 8.

GB 0096 MS 57 · 1642-[1712]

Manuscript volume containing papers relating to the offices of the Exchequer, 1642-1712, namely a treatise by Lawrence Squibb, Teller of the Exchequer, headed 'A book of all the severall offices of the Court of the Exchequer, together with the names of the present officers, in whose gift and how admitted', 1642; instructions, warrants, bills and notes on the offices of the Exchequer, 1690-1692; and a memorandum by Lionel Herne, addressed to the Rt Hon Thomas Mansell, 1st Baron Mansell of Margam, on his appointment as Teller of the Exchequer, relating to the offices and procedure in the Exchequer, [1712].

GB 0096 MS 12 · 1554-1720

Manuscript volume, 1554-1720, containing nine transcripts relating to the public coinage of France, notably a transcript of letters patent by King Henry IV setting out regulations for the coinage, 3 Mar 1554; a judgment of the Chambre des Comptes, 25 Nov 1690; miscellaneous transcripts giving details of the cost of equipment for minting, possibly for the coinage of Orleans, France; various formularies for the process of casting gold ingots and counterfeit gold coins, drawn up on behalf of Pierre François Guerin, Juge Garde de la Monoye d'Orleans, 30 Apr 1728; memorandum on the establishment of the coinage of Orleans following an edict of Oct 1716, consisting of 24 articles for regulating the work of the officers of the Mint; two treatises on the administration of coinage in France; summaries of judgements concerning coinage, 23 Dec 1719-26 Dec 1720, with a commentary on each; a description of various French coins, [1718-1728].

GB 0096 MS 15 · 1544-1579

Manuscript volume containing three documents relating to communal tolls/taxation of the Italian city states of Florence and Pisa, 1554-1579.

Tables of tolls for Argenta
GB 0096 MS 3 · 1423-1444

Manuscript volume containing tables of the tolls for Argenta in the province of Ferrara, Italy, 1423-1444.

South Sea Company
GB 0096 MS218 · Fonds · 1731-1739

Letters of attorney given by holders of South Sea stock in Amsterdam, The Hague and Geneva to London merchants respecting their stock, 1731-1739.

South Sea Company
Sabatier, Andre (fl 1817)
GB 0096 MS1155 · Collection · 1817

1 volume titled Observations presentees by Andre Sabatier (1817) in which Sabatier writes about public and private credit, and taxation. Chapter headings are: Du Credit; Du Credit publique et de la dette de la France; De L'Amortissement; Du Payment des Arrerages; Des mesures a adopter pour parvenir a absorber une partie de la dette transmissible; Observations generales; Credit particulier; and Credit public.

Sabatier , Andre , fl 1817 , economist, official
GB 0096 MS 879 · 1758-1761

Collection of royal warrants directed to Richard Temple (afterwards Grenville-Temple), Earl Temple, as Lord Privy Seal, directing him to issue letters to the Commissioners of the Treasury under the Privy Seal for the payment of monies to the following persons. The warrants all have duty stamps and an impression of the Signet seals of George II and George III under paper. Some of the warrants have dockets signed by three Commissioners of the Treasury.

  1. 1758, 25 Feb. To William Davis, for salaries of former servants of Princess Louisa and Princess Mary of Hesse (names given), £500.
  2. 1758, 25 Feb. To Richard [Edgcumbe, 2nd Baron] Edgcumbe, an annuity of £1200.
  3. 1758, 22 Mar. To George Augustus Selwyn, as Paymaster of the Works, £40,000. With docket.
  4. 1758, 22 Mar. To George Grenville, as Treasurer of the Navy, £1,000,000.
  5. 1758, 20 Apr. To William Hall, Viscount Gage, as Paymaster of Pensions, £50,000.
  6. 1759, 21 Feb. To John [Hobart, 2nd] Earl of Buckinghamshire, as Comptroller of the Household, a gift of 1,000 ounces of 'white plate' worth £333/6/8.
  7. 1759, 12 May. To Francis Gashry, as Treasurer and Paymaster of the Office of Ordnance, £300,000. With docket.
  8. 1759, 15 May. To George Grenville, as Treasurer of the Navy, £1,000,000.
  9. 1759, 25 May. To William Hall, Viscount Gage, as Paymaster of Pensions, £50,000.
  10. 1760, 30 Apr. To George Grenville, as Treasurer of the Navy, £1,000,000.
  11. 1760, 13 Dec. To William Hall, Viscount Gage, as paymaster of Pensions, £50,000. With docket.
  12. 1761, 15 Jan. Docket of a Privy Seal warrant for the payment to George Grenville, as Treasurer of the Navy of £1,000,000.
  13. 1761, 20 Jan. To Henry [Fiennes Clinton, 9th] Earl Lincoln [later 2nd Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne], as Gentleman of the Bedchamber, a pension of £1,000 p.a.
  14. 1761, 22 Jan. To George Augustus Selwyn, as Paymaster of the Works, £40,000.
  15. 1761, 28 Feb. To John Shelley, as Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London, salary of £500 p.a. With docket.
  16. 1761, 7 Mar. To Henry [Herbert, 10th] Earl of Pembroke, as Gentleman of the Bedchamber, a pension of £1,000 p.a. With docket.
  17. 1761, 13 Mar. To Thomas [Osborne, 4th] Duke of Leeds, as Cofferer of the Household, £100,000.
  18. 1761, 28 Apr. To William Davis, for salaries of former servants of Princess Louisa and Princess Mary of Hesse (names given), £415 p.a. With docket.
  19. 1761, 30 Jun. To 'The Justices of Wales' (not named), salary for each of £400 p.a. With docket.
  20. 1761, 30 Jun. To Edward Cornwallis, Groom of the Bedchamber, pension of £500 p.a. With docket.
GB 0096 MS 649 · 1708

Copy of a royal warrant signed by Robert Walpole, then Secretary at War, of 26 Dec 1708, to the auditors of the imprests on behalf of James Brydges, 1st Duke of Chandos and Paymaster General of the Forces, allowing him to continue his payments 'for our forces & other services in the Low Countries' at the agreed rate of ten guilders, fifteen stivers to the pound sterling.

GB 0096 MS 483 · 1714

Manuscript report entitled 'A State of the Coynage in Barcelona', [1714], with a note that 'This paper was attested upon oath before the Commissioners of Accounts the 14th day of May 1714 by Mr. [John] Mead'. The remainder of the volume comprises a printed copy of the answer of James Stanhope, 1st Earl Stanhope, to allegations concerning his financial administration as Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in Catalonia during 1708, and contains manuscript annotations in Stanhope's hand.

Report on English finances
GB 0096 MS 138 · 1784

Manuscript volume containing a [transcript of a] report by Maximilien Lasowski on the state of English finances in 1784, addressed to his pupil François Alexandre Frédéric, Duc de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (1747-1827), a French educator and social reformer. The report is written in the form of four letters, dated at Bury St. Edmunds, 10 Jun, 25 Jun, 14 Jul and 2 Aug, and includes a letter addressed to the Duc de Liancourt concerning the laws and principles surrounding parliamentary elections in England, and various impressions of political customs there, [1784]. The manuscript is written on the left half only of each page, and there are additions in pencil and ink in the right hand margin.

Public finance accounts
GB 0096 MS 748 · 1756-1757

Manuscripts relating to public finance, comprising:

  1. 'An account of the disposal of the one million granted last session of Parliament towards enabling his Majesty to augment his forces by sea and land and to take necessary measures for the security of his dominions... presented by Charles Lowndes [Chief Clerk of the Treasury]' 19 Jan 1756.
  2. 'An account shewing how the money given for the service of the year 1756 has been disposed of distinguished under the several heads (navy, ordnance, forces, deficience and one section of miscellaneous items) until the 4th day of March 1757 with the overplus me Samuel Martin', 4 Mar 1757.
Privy Council papers
GB 0096 MS 20 · c1560-1624

Collection of transcripts, [1560]-1624, mainly relating to Privy Council matters, notably a petition presented to King James I by Sir Robert Heath, Solicitor General, 1624; a survey of the Forests and Chaces [Chases] of Bringwood, Mocktree and Darvell, with the Manor of Buriton, 1604; a letter from King James I to the Peers of England and the Privy Council concerning the composition of the Privy Council and the replacement of the ailing Lord Chamberlain by Thomas Howard, Lord Howard of Walden, 1603; copies of documents relating to the French conquest of Guiana, South America, including commissions granted by King Henry IV of France to Renée Marie, Lord Mountbarrot, and Daniel de la Touche, Lord of Raverdiere, for the conquest of Guiana, 1605 and 1609, the appointment of Robert Le Brette, Lord Dubosc, as Raverdiere's lieutenant in Guiana and other parts of America, including Brazil, 1609; the commission of Sir John Digby, Vice-Chamberlain, to negotiate a marriage between Prince Charles of England and the Infanta Maria, daughter of King Philip III of Spain, 1615; a letter written by Captain Charles Parker, one of Sir Walter Raleigh's company at Guiana, to Captain Alley, 1607; a declaration of proceedings in the Star Chamber against John Wrenham, who charged the Lord Chancellor of injustice against the King, 1618; a discourse of marriage written by Charles Blount, Earl of Devonshire, in defence of his wedding to Penelope, Lady Rich, [1605]; a discourse written by Dr Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Ely, against second marriage following a divorce, 1601; a discourse made by merchant adventurers on the occasion of a bill preferred to the High Court of Parliament, requiring free trade to all kingdoms and countries, [1610]; a consideration of the office and duty of a herald in England by John Dodridge, the Solicitor General, 1605; proceedings in the Star Chamber against Mary Countess of Shrewsbury for her refusal to give evidence against Arabella Seymour, Duchess of Somerset, 1618; an Act of Council upon the proceedings against James Whitlocke and Sir Robert Mansell for speaking against the King's Commission for reform of the Navy and also against the King's power and prerogative, 1609; speeches, and a memorandum on the union of England and Scotland, by Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, 1617; a copy of 'The present state of things as theye nowe stand, betweene the three greate kingdomes, France, England and Spayne, [1623], and 'A breviarie of the historie of England from William I, intitled the Conqueror, both written by Sir Walter Raileighe, Knight'; a speech by John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln and Keeper of the Great Seal of England, on the occasion of the collecting of the subsidy, Aug 1621; two versions of instructions by William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, Lord Treasurer to his son, Robert Cecil, 1561 and [1598]; letters from Sir Henry Sidney to his brother and to his son, Phillip, [1560]; a treatise entitled 'Toucheinge the Antiquities of Baronies delivered in the College of Antiquaries', [1600].

Privy Council letters
GB 0096 MS 880 · 1668

Privy Council letters, 4 Dec 1668, signed by George Monck, 1st Duke of Albemarle, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Baron Ashley (later 1st Duke of Shaftesbury), and Thomas Clifford (later 1st Baron Clifford of Chudleigh), directed to Sir Robert Long, Bt, Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer, ordering the payment to Sidney Godolphin (later 1st Earl of Godolphin) of £60, the bi-annual instalment of his salary as Page of Honour to Charles II.

GB 0096 MS 67 · 1690-1702

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of parliamentary papers relating to grants in England and Ireland, 1690-1702, including an account of royal grants made in Ireland from Jan 1698 to Dec 1699, presented by William Lowndes, Secretary to the Treasury, 1699; a report by the Commissioners of Enquiry into the Forfeited Estates in Ireland, [Dec 1699]; an account of rents in the honour of Windsor presented by David Cobb, 13 Feb 1700; an abstract of the sale of fee-farm rents, presented by William Haward and Sir John Talbot, [13 Dec 1700]; an account of royal grants made in the Duchy of Lancaster Mar 1699 to Jan 1702, presented by John Bennett, Auditor of the Duchy, 1699-1702; extracts from parliamentary proceedings relating to policy towards forfeited estates in Ireland, 4 Apr 1690-26 Feb 1700; an alphabetical list of those holding land of the crown [in Ireland], their debts to the Crown, and notes of proceedings against them; an account of all royal grants made in England from Feb 1685 to Jan 1702, presented by William Lowndes, 1700-1702; an account of grants and gratuities paid by the Commissioners for Prizes since Jun 1692, Mar 1701.

GB 0096 MS 55 · c1689-1743

Manuscript volumes containing abstracts of parliamentary bills relating to revenue, dating from the reign of King William III and Queen Mary II, c1689 -1743.

Loyd family papers
GB 0096 MS 804 · 1814-1883

Correspondence and papers of Samuel Jones Loyd and the Loyd Family. The correspondence touches on a wide range of social and political history from the 1830s to the 1880s. There are a few items relating chiefly to the Jacobite rebellion of 1745 and the financial crash of 1797. There is also material on Loyd's religious life; political career; cultural activities; plantations in Ceylon and a detailed description of the island of Mauritius. The family correspondence is particularly illuminating on the life of a nineteenth century upper class family.

Loyd , Samuel James Jones , 1796-1883 , 1st Baron Overstone of Overstone and Fotheringhay , banker
Haynes, Hopton
GB 0096 MS 72 · 1700-1702

Manuscript volume by Hopton Haynes relating to English recoinage, 1700-1702, entitled 'Briefe memoirs relating to the silver and gold coins of England; with an account of the corruption of the hammered moneys and of the reform by the late grand coynage at the Tower and the five county mints in the years 1696, 1697, 1698 and 1699'. On the back of the title page the following note has been added: 'These Papers being begun and almost perfected near 7 years since, several things and expressions in them are now out of Fashion, which upon a Review may be layd aside to make the performance as Unexeptionable as may be to the Publick'. An addendum, in a different hand, gives 'An account of Guinea Coins of Gold imported from Africa by the Royal Africa Company [from 1675-1725], taken from the Gazeteer 23 Jan 1755'. This valuable manuscript gives minute details of the recoinage of 1696.

Haynes , Hopton , ?1672-1749 , King's Assay Master of the Royal Mint and Unitarian writer
GB 0096 MS 127 · [1757]-1766

Manuscript volume containing information relating to the finances of France, [1757]-1766, namely a report on the actual state of affairs concerning the finances of the kingdom of France, 1766, including the revenues and expenditure of the king, the extraordinary transactions in France from 1755 to 1763 due to the war against the English, and annual transactions made in the kingdom in favour of the Court of Rome, bishops, dukes, counts and peers; a report giving particulars of the general and specific financial schemes of France, with political observations, 1766; a report on the actual state of the secret and general finances of France and of the organisation of those finances, [1757]; a printed pamphlet by John Holker, being an instructive memoir on the fabric and other woollen goods of England, published in Paris, 1764.

Fontigny, Séguy de
GB 0096 MS 387 · 1787

Manuscript volume entitled 'Mémoire sur l'administration des Finances', 1787, signed by Séguy de Fontigny, giving an account of the financial reforms undertaken by Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de Torcy, and highlighting their present relevance. The manuscript is addressed to the Contrôleur Général des Finances.

Fontigny , Séguy de , fl 1787 , French writer on economics
GB 0096 MS 612 · [1703-1705]

Manuscript volume of financial abstracts relating to Customs and Excise duties, Exchequer bills and the Post Office, as follows:
1.'A true copie of the table of proportion whereby the money received out of the country upon the account of excise is applyed to the severall duties of excise...Excise Office, London, 9 July 1703', from an original signed by Deane Mountague'.

  1. 'A state of the Exchequer bills issued by vertue of three act of Parliament that passed on the 8th, 9th and 12th year of the reign of William III computed from 26th April 1697 to 27th August 1703'.
  2. Account of the Salt Act bills of credit, 1696-98.
  3. Account of principal and interest paid on the several registers following, between Michaelmas 1702 and Midsummer 1704.
  4. Account of the revenue of the General Post Office, 1702-1703.
  5. Penny Post Office account 23 Sep-23 Dec 1702.
  6. 'List of the officers and messengers belonging to the Peny Post Office with their several salaries and wages'.
  7. 'Gross and net produce of the whole excise from 24 June 1704 to 24 June 1705'.
GB 0096 MS 383 · [1764]

Manuscript volume containing 'A general abstract of the stamp duties for thirty years, ending the 2nd August 1764, distinguishing each year'. The abstract is signed 'Made out and carefully examined by I Harris, pro Comptroller'.

Harris , J , fl 1764 , financial comptroller
GB 0096 MS 76 · 1702-1710

Manuscript volume containing an account of the public revenue of England, 1702-1710.

GB 0096 MS 58 · 1693-1700

Manuscript volumes containing an account of the public revenue of England, 1693-1700, entitled 'The general state of receipts and issues of the the publick revenue between the Feast of St Michael 1693 and the Feast of Saint Michael 1694' (continued to Michaelmas 1700).

GB 0096 MS 75 · 1688-1702

Manuscript volume containing an account of the public revenue of England, Nov 1688-Mar 1702, with an abstract for the whole period.

GB 0096 MS 54 · 1688-1696

Manuscript volume containing an account of the public revenue of England, Nov 1688-Sep 1691, with an extension of the statement to 1696 in the same hand, entitled 'A brief state of the incomes and issues of their Majesties public revenue...'.

GB 0096 MS 53 · 1688-1691

Manuscript volume containing a statement of the public revenue of England, 1688-1691, including accounts of the receipts, and the expenditure on the Navy, Army, Ordnance, Secret Service, Privy Purse, Wardrobe, Ambassadors, Judges, Pensions, the servants of King William III, and interest of loans. There are entries of many irregularities and unchecked issues. There is a possibility that this manuscript was created by Francis Gwyn as Under-Secretary of State.

English Exchequer warrant
GB 0096 MS 708 · 1747

Warrant of 10 Dec 1747 addressed to Robert Walpole, 2nd Earl of Orford and Auditor of the Exchequer, for the payment to Richard Tuck, Sheriff of Wiltshire, of £160 'to repay the like sum disbursed by him for the following rewards upon the conviction of the several offenders mentioned in the annexed certificates'. These certificates are wanting, but a list follows of the names of the offenders and of those securing their conviction, with details of the sums paid as rewards totalling £160.

English Exchequer petition
GB 0096 MS 877 · 1572/1598

Petition of John Carpenter, royal messenger, for payment 'by one of the Tellers of the Queenes Majesties receipt at Westeminster', for a journey made on behalf of William Cecil, Baron Burghley, Lord High Treasurer, to Mr. Gaige, near Lewes, Mr. Boswell of Sevenoaks, and Mr. Robert Petre of Westminster, and his return to the court at Rye. With Cecil's signature, probably dating to either 1572 or 1598.

GB 0096 MS 74 · 1660-1702

Manuscript volume, 1660-1702, containing transcripts of briefs, patents and commissions relating to the Exchequer, from the reign of King Charles II to the beginning of the reign of Queen Anne, with descriptions of offices within the Exchequer. There is a possibility that this manuscript was compiled by William Bromley.

GB 0096 MS 465 · 1670-1846
  1. A miscellaneous collection of orders, receipts and warrants for payment issued by various departments of the Exchequer, with letters of assignment and attorney relating to those who had financial dealings with the Exchequer, 1670-1774. From the mutilated state of some items, the documents appear to have been collected for their autograph interest. Signatories mainly comprise senior politicians and statesmen connected with the Exchequer, notably Prime Ministers, Chancellors and Lord Treasurers.
  2. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1728-1846, also collected for its autograph interest. They comprise:
    a) An Ordnance Office Order of 21 May, 1728, to issue from the Tower powder and shot for six months' exercise to the first Regiment of Foot Guards, signed by John Armstrong, George Gregory, Leonard Smelt, T. White and Charles Wills. It is accompanied by a note of delivery, 24 May, 1728, signed by Leonard Welsted. (2 leaves. 12½" x 8").
    b) Letter from Commodore Thomas Collingwood, written from Grafton Gros, Islet Bay in St Lucia on 27 January, 1780, to Thomas Shirley announcing the delivery by James Gordon of 34 puncheons of rum to be supplied to the ships. (Single sheet, 13" x 8").
    c) Late 18th century notes on the church of Bowers Gifford and Bowers Hall Manor, Essex, with particular reference to the Boughton family. The final leaf bears a postmark and is addressed to 'Mr. Thorne, senr., at Mistress Spenloves, Silk Mercer, Cornhill, London'. (4 leaves. 14½" x 9").
    d) Letter of 19 Oct 1800, written at Mount Juliet, Thomastown, from Somerset Lowry-Corry, Viscount Corry, later 2nd Earl Belmore, to William Leader of Liquor Pond Street, London, concerning the acquisition of a carriage. The letter requires him to 'put in hands for me immediately a chaise with a box to take on and off so that it may be either used as a street carriage or for travelling. I should wish it to be very complete and finished in the highest manner - The Butler arms must be quartered with mine'. This letter was written on the eve of Lord Corry's marriage, by special licence, at Mount Juliet, to Juliana, daughter of Henry Thomas Butler, 2nd Earl of Carrick. (2 leaves. 9¼" x 7¼").
    e) Letter from Samuel Whitbread, dated 18 Jan 1801, to Mr. Lucas, coachmaker, Liquor Pond Street, [perhaps concerning the coach mentioned above]. (Single sheet. 4½ x 7½").
    f) Letter from Peniston Lamb, 1st Viscount Melbourne, 26 Apr 1802, ordering 'One pair of riding breeches [from] Joseph Porter'. (Single sheet. 4½ x 6").
    g) Letter from Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork, written in St. Albans on 18 Jul 1803, to Mr. Lucas, coachmaker, Liquor Pond Street, arranging for him to call. There are some pencilled notes below. (2 leaves. 9" x 7¼").
    h) Agreement, made 16 Feb 1811, between Ron[ald] Campbell, Major in the 72nd regiment, Charles Decoetlogon, H. Irwin, John Moody, Joseph Reed and Thomas Stones, prize agents, to share equally in the 'emoluments and advantages arising from the prize agency for the capture of the Isle of France. (2 leaves. 13" x 7¾").
    i) Letter from Joseph Coppock, written at Sandfords Library, Plymouth Dock, on 17 Sep 1817, to Messrs. Clarksons, solicitors, Essex Street, Strand, London, mentioning the affairs of Mr. A.N. Earl(e), and arranging for a call to be made on 'Mr. Holt, the accountant for stores at the Victualling sign your name to a letter of application I made to the Board in your name for duplicate certificates some time ago...'. (2 leaves. 9" x 7½").
    j) Weekly return of coals, candles and brooms issued to the 71st Regiment from 12-18 February, 1821, at the New Infantry Barracks, Canterbury. Lists names of officers supplied. Signed Joseph William Dutie, 'D.M.' and A. Jones, Major commanding the 71st Regiment. (Single sheet. 12½" x 8").
    k) Printed broker's receipt of 28 May, 1846, for Consolidated 3% Annuities sold on behalf of Miss Eliza Wardell and John Froggatt, esq., executors of J.A. Wardell, esq. Signed by John Bull, broker. (Single sheet. 3" x 8").
GB 0096 MS 729 · 1715

Exchequer order, dated 7 May 1715, addressed to George Montagu, Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer, by virtue of letters under the Privy Seal of 31 Dec 1714, to pay to Henry Scott, 1st Earl of Deloraine, £200 (a quarter of his annuity) from money applicable to the uses of the civil government. The order is signed by Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax, First Lord of the Treasury, and endorsed 'Intr. in Officio Cler. pelliu[m]'.

GB 0096 MS 737 · 1675

Exchequer order, 6 Aug 1675, signed by Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby and Lord Treasurer, and Sir John Duncombe, Chancellor of the Exchequer, to Sir Robert Howard, the Auditor of the Exchequer, authorising payment of £2392 8s. 4d. to Henry Savile 'in consideration of his fidelity in his Majesty's service'. On the dorse is a receipt for the money, dated 7 Sep 1675, and signed by Savile.

English Exchequer Bills
GB 0096 MS 65 · 1696-1697

Manuscript volume containing papers relating to the issue of Exchequer Bills during the reign of King William III in order to carry on the war with France (the War of the Grand Alliance), 1696-1697, notably a holograph memorandum by Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax, advocating steps to encourage subscriptions to Exchequer bills and steps to make the bills assignable, [1696]; a draft of letters patent of King William III concerning the payment of Dutch troops, written in Dutch, [1696]; a list of subscribers to the contract for exchanging bills, 4 May 1697; a copy of the sign manual warrant to the Treasury ordering payment to the trustees of the second contract for Exchequer bills of the interest on the subscription contracted, [1697]; a Statement of Exchequer bills from 27 Apr to 9 Jun, 11 Jun 1697; a tract [by William Paterson] headed 'A proposall for setling a transferrable fund of perpetual interest', which is possibly the first proposal for a funded debt.

GB 0096 MS 9 · [1522-1536]

Manuscript volume, [1522-1566], containing a description of the offices of the King's Remembrancer's and Lord Chamberlain's Departments of the Upper Exchequer, and an account of their duties, with an enumeration of grudges and complaints and a suggestion of remedies for them. A second memorandum, possibly written between 1531 and 1533, discusses the problems of financial administration.

GB 0096 MS 77 · 1703

Manuscript volume containing minutes of the proceedings of the Commissioners for Examining Public Accounts, 30 Mar-14 Aug 1703. The manuscript is volume four of a series, and has an index at the end.

Commissioners for Examining Public Accounts
Boyd, Walter
GB 0096 MS 898 · 1797

Two letters written by Walter Boyd:

  1. Letter to Henry Dundas, wrriten from New Broad Street on 23 Mar 1797, concerning Walter Boyd's difficulty in raising money as '£70,000 which Mr.McDowall's house had applied for to the Grenada Board' was not available. [Half the money had been promised to him by the Commissioners appointed under the act of 1795 (35 Geo.III c.127) to make loans to such persons in Great Britain who were in difficulties because of the Civil War in Grenada and St Vincent, and who were in a position to provide proper security. See Ragatz, L.J. The Fall of the Planter Class in the British Caribbean (New York, 1963).]
  2. Letter to 'My dear friend', dated 23 Mar [1797] and unsigned, concerning Boyd's financial difficulties. Mentions William Pitt and Henry Dundas.
Boyd , Walter , [1754]-1837 , financier and politician
Assessment of rates, 1634
GB 0096 MS 455 · [1634]

Incomplete copy of instructions to sheriffs of counties and mayors of corporate towns to fix tax assessments, dated 12 August, 1634. The sheriffs are to divide the whole charge laid upon the county into hundreds, lathes and other divisions, and those into parishes and towns, which are to be rated by houses and lands 'saveing that it is his Majestie's pleasure that where there shall happen to be any men of ability, by reason of gainfull trades, great stockes of money or personall estate, who perchance have either none or little land and consequently in an ordinary landscott, would pay nothing or very little such men be rated and assessed according to their worth and ability, and that the moneys that shall bee levyed upon such may be applied to the spareing and easing of such as being either of weake estate, or charged with many children or great debts are unable to beare soe great a chardge as the lands in their occupation might require in an usuall and ordinary proportion...'. The clergy are to be taxed and assessed in the same way as the rest of the king's subjects. Transcript of the signatures of 18 persons, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Coventry, and the Earls of Arundel, Bridgewater and Dorset.

GB 0096 MS 184 · (1344-1350), [1550]

Manuscript volume concerning the expenditure of the royal household of King Edward III, [1550], namely an abstract from the accounts of Walter Wentwage of 'the rates of wages of peace and warre, expenses necessarie of officers and other charges concerning the household', dating from 21 Apr 1344-23 Nov 1374 and mainly relating to armed forces. Includes a statement of the costs of diplomatic, military and naval activity taken from the accounts of William Norwell, Keeper of the King's Wardrobe, for the period 15 Jul 1348-25 May 1350.

Account of royal revenue
GB 0096 MS 34 · 1642

Manuscript containing an account of the revenue of King Charles I, entitled 'A briefe view of the State of his Majesties ordinary Receipte for the yeare ensueing 1642 together with the ordinary paymente unprovided for, for the said yeare', 1642.

Account of public debts
GB 0096 MS 94 · 1716

Manuscript volume containing an account of the public debts at the Exchequer, exclusive of the deficiencies of parliamentary grants, 14 Mar 1716, prepared for [Spencer Compton, Viscount Pevensey] Speaker of the House of Commons, from material in various Finance Acts.
