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Archival description
GB 0096 MS 244 · c1527

Manuscript volume, c1527, containing translations into English of a collection of treatises and diplomatic documents, mostly of the fourteenth century, comprising a list of coronation claims of Richard II, [1377]; a treatise on the form and manner of holding the English Parliament; a treatise on the office of Earl Marshal, described in the table of contents as 'The Erle Marshal's Boke', with details of Henry VIII's reform of the office and its duties in time of war; a collection of documents relating to ordinances for war, [1350-1514], notably the Scottish campaigns of 1350 and 1385, the statutes of the Order of the Garter as renewed by Henry VIII in 1522, and the creation of dukes and earls, including the creation of Charles Brandon, Viscount Lisle, as Duke of Suffolk (1514); an incomplete history of the kings of England, ending with the coronation of Richard II in 1378; a collection of treaties concerning diplomatic events during the reign of Edward III, notably documents relating to the Treaty of Brétigny (October 1360), documents relating to treatises between Edward and John II, King of France (1360-1366), letters of Alfonso X, King of Castile (1254), letters of Edward concerning a treaty with Peter the Cruel, King of Castile (1369), and an indenture recording the terms of the treaty of Berwick between Edward and David II, King of Scotland (1357). A table of contents shows that the manuscript is unfinished, and that it lacks several folios.

Percy , Henry Algernon , 1478-1527 , 5th Earl of Northumberland
GB 0096 MS 542 · Late 18th century

Draft of a short late 18th century tract on the legal implications of the inspection of shipping at sea, with particular reference to an incident between Great Britain and Sweden concerning the ship 'Mary', and beginning 'I come at once to state in as plain & concise terms as I am m[aste]r of & with as much impartiality as possible ye questio]n now in dispute between this country & Sweden relative to ye ship Mary...'.

GB 0096 AL115 · Fonds · 1796

Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson of Munich to Lord Sheffield [John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield], 3 Oct 1796. Describing how he took control of Munich on the approach of the contending Austrian and French armies: 'No foreign Troops have entered the Town and we have received no insult of any kind from either of the Armies by which we have been surrounded. And though we have seen several very sharp actions within musquet shot of our Walls yet not a shot has been levelled at us, nor have we lost a man.'

Autograph, with signature.

Thompson , Sir , Benjamin , 1753-1814 , Knight , Count von Rumford , scientist, natural philosopher, soldier and administrator
GB 0096 AL116 · Fonds · 1791

Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson of Munich to Lord Sheffield [John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield], 18 Nov 1791. Describing the condition and people of Bavaria. Speaking of the Elector's troops: '... I know of no Troops that are so well and so comfortably clothed as ours, both for Summer and Winter ...'. Giving details of the crops, minerals and commerce of Bavaria. 'It would be difficult,'he writes, 'to convey to your Lordship an adequate idea of the Ignorance, Superstition and corruption which pervade and darken every part of this neglected Country.' Says that the clergy and nobility hold a monopoly of the beer in Bavaria: '... which is the great source of their riches, and on that account Drunkenness must be encouraged.'

Autograph, with signature.

Thompson , Sir , Benjamin , 1753-1814 , Knight , Count von Rumford , scientist, natural philosopher, soldier and administrator
Seaman, P K: letter
GB 0096 AL354 · Fonds · 1851

Letter from P K Seaman of HMS Wolverine, docked at St Helena, to his father, 1 Jun 1851. '... I have already told you that we have caught 3 slavers ...'.

Autograph, with signature. 4 sketches of vessels captured by the Wolverine are pasted to the second leaf of the letter.

Seaman , P K , fl 1851 , midshipman
GB 0096 MS 649 · 1708

Copy of a royal warrant signed by Robert Walpole, then Secretary at War, of 26 Dec 1708, to the auditors of the imprests on behalf of James Brydges, 1st Duke of Chandos and Paymaster General of the Forces, allowing him to continue his payments 'for our forces & other services in the Low Countries' at the agreed rate of ten guilders, fifteen stivers to the pound sterling.

Royal Navy pay table
GB 0096 MS 146 · c1800

Manuscript volume containing a table giving particulars of the pay and stoppages for all ranks in the different ratings of the Royal Navy, [1800]. Includes a list of leap years from 1752 to 1762.

Reports on French population
GB 0096 MS 111 · 1743-1755

Manuscript volume containing reports on French population [for the purposes of military recruitment], 1743-1755, notably a report on the general population of the kingdom, made by order of the King in 1753, with a preface stating that the report had been ordered by Philibert Orry, Comte de Vignory, Contrôleur Général des Finances; a report on the number of males aged 16 to 40 subject to the Militia and capable of carrying arms, ordered by the King in 1743, with a preface dated 15 Mar 1755 referring to the royal ordinance of 1743; reports concerning the new resources made in each generalité of the kingdom to augment the revenues of the King in time of war, prepared by Indendants by royal command in 1745 and addressed to Philibert Orry.

GB 0096 MS 909 · 1715

Report to John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, upon the Ordnance Estimate for Land Service in 1715, with reasons for the increase, including details of arrears for the Land and Sea Service for 1712-1713, dated 25 Feb 1715.

Norfolk militia accounts
GB 0096 MS 525 · 1591-1594

Norfolk militia accounts, 1591-1594, signed by Richard Buntynge and Richard Pepys, chief constables of the hundred of Brothercross, for 'the armeing and settinge forthe of...souldiours' according to warrants received from the Deputy Lieutenant.

GB 0096 MS 859 · 1697-[1882]

Miscellaneous collection of manuscripts, comprising:

  1. Fragment of a printed receipt, completed in manuscript, issued to Admiral Sir Clowdisley Shovell by the Exchequer for 3 months interest for a loan at 8 %, 15 Apr 1697.
  2. Order by Shovell as Admiral to Philip Stanhope, Captain of HMS Milford, to receive a Lieutenant and 30 marines from [HMS] Tilbury, 29 Aug 1706.
  3. Printed receipt, completed in manuscript, for payment to Shovell by the Exchequer of a 6 monthly installment of an annuity, 20 Nov 1706.
  4. Map of Blakeney channel and Cley channel, Norfolk, mounted and coloured, from Greenvile Collins, Great Britain's Coasting Pilot (1693). With an engraved inscription by Collins dedicating the map to Shovell.
  5. Modern reproduction of a reduced plan of Soho Square, London, inscribed 'House of Sir Clowdisley [Shovell]'. The original plan, probably made in the 18th century, was that of 'the late Duke of Portland's estate in the neighbourhood of Soho Square'.
  6. Leaf from a letter-book, with copies of 5 letters initialled 'E.K.', dated 29 Aug 1797, Dublin, to Robert Eyre at Tallow (Co. Waterford); Thomas Osbourne at Fort Charles, Kinsale (Co. Cork); Edward Mapoller at 'Killeoan(?) near Roscommon'; William Hailey at 'Fore Park(?) near Athlone'; and 'Dr. Toves(?)'. The writer had just reached Dublin from London, and intended to travel to Roscommon and Galway. The letters to Eyre and Osbourne(?) mention payments to be made to John Kelly at the Treasury in the castle at Dublin; those to Eyre and Toves(?) refer to 'Davies (who is in custody in London)'. The leaf was formerly part of a binding.
  7. Fragment of a list of deeds concerning the property of Richard and Mary Chiswell at Finchingfield, Essex, written in the 18th century.
  8. Printed bill for an exhibition of the picture of the battle of Lodi of 1796 by Robert Ker Porter, with a sketch of the picture and explanatory notes.
  9. Printed matter including Rules and Regulations of the St James's Loyal Volunteers (1797).
  10. Recipes for 'Ginger Bread Nuts', various drinks, and for medicines; instructions for cleaning 'black straw hats', dating from the early 19th century.
  11. Three engraved certificates completed in manuscript for William Buchanan, (1) for training in midwifery by John Haighton, dated 18 Nov 1814, (2) for attendance of courses on anatomy, signed by John Abernethy, dated May 1815, and (3) for honorary membership of the London Vaccine Institution, dated 26 Aug 1816.
  12. Genealogies of families, endorsed 'Hussey, Barons of Galtrim, Feypo and Maurward, Barons of Scune', relating to the medieval period, written in the 19th century.
  13. Drafts of two essays by Edwin Hadlow Wise Dunkin, headed 'Our Satellite. Sent for insertion in the City of London School Magazine...January 1865' (ff. 1-12), and 'The Lesser Light [i.e. the moon]...August 1866. Sent to Chambers Journal, 4 Sep 1866' (ff. 15-19).
  14. 'A Short Tour on the Cornish Coast', with remarks on weather and monuments, historical anecdotes, and sketches in pencil and pastels, 1879.
  15. 'Voyage of the Lioness', from Scalloway, Shetland, to Foula and Fair Isle. The Lioness was commanded by Captain Robertson; the passengers were described as 'the doctor and the professor'. The journal describes the inhabitants of the islands, and birds and animals seen. Written in the early 20th century.
  16. Monologue in pidgin English, probably written for entertainment, in which Kassim Ali describes his activities during the bombardment of Alexandria, his going on board the Condor, his delivery of a letter to [Ahmed] Arabi, the flight from Alexandria to Cairo, and his prevention of the explosion of the magazine in the fort of Ras-el-Jin. The account probably refers to the bombardment of Alexandria by the British fleet on 11 Jul 1882; see The Times for 22 Jul 1882, p. 5. Written in the 20th century on note-paper addressed 'Kenley, Surrey'.
  17. Modern brass rubbing from the tomb of Thomas Potter (d 6 Jun 1531), taken from Westerham Church, Kent.
  18. Collection of miscellaneous printed ephemera dating from the early 19th to the early 20th century. Includes a receipt for a share in the 'Strand [i.e. Waterloo] Bridge', London, 1812; a card for the White Lion Hotel, Bala, Merioneth, early 19th century; a plan of the Great Exhibition of 1851; pictures of Plymouth pier, early 20th century; a birthday card of 1887; a prospectus for an auction of shares of the Ilford Gas Co., 1907; tickets for books from the Officers' Library of the Royal Marines at Woolwich and Forton, and from B.O. May's Circulating Library, Teignmouth; a book-plate (?) of H.C. Sharpin, Ripon, 19th century; and bank notes of the Republic of Argentina, late 19th or early 20th century.
GB 0096 AL534 · Fonds · 1965

Poem by John Edward Masefield, 1965. Verses entitled Lines for the 1965 HMS Victory Calendar, produced to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the ship's launch.


Masefield , John Edward , 1878-1967 , poet and novelist
GB 0096 MS 43 · 1669-1670, 1828

Manuscript volume, 1669-1670, containing 'miscellanies' relating to Ireland, namely 'The establishment beginning Michaelmas 1669', including lists of salaries for civil officers, pensions and annuities, military payments, salaries for military officers and soldiers, the names of officers of regiments of horse and foot on 25 Dec 1670, provincial, noble and clerical subsidies, and a list of Parliamentary seats; 'A table for reducing plantation acres into English and ascertaining the King's rent in the severall provinces of Ireland according to the explanatory act', [1669]; an abstract of the demise made by King Charles II to John Foorth and Partners of the revenue of Ireland, 12 Jul 1669. There is an index, added by Sir David William Smith, 1st Baronet, in 1828.

Lewin family papers
GB 0096 MS 811 · 1779-1926

The collection contains diaries, account books, correspondence, watercolours, photographs, genealogical notes, legal papers, printed material and other miscellaneous items of Thomas Herbert Lewin and his immediate family, accumulated between 1788-1926, notably official papers relating to his military and administrative work in India, diaries, scrapbooks and philological and literary manuscripts, correspondence, articles and reviews on his publications, photographs and sketches by him, genealogical papers collected by him, notebooks and journals and miscellaneous other items. There are also papers of other members of the Lewin family.

Lewin , Thomas Herbert , 1839-1916 , Lieutenant Colonel , colonial administrator
GB 0096 MS 73 · 1701-1704

Manuscript volume, 1701-1704, containing the legal opinions of Sir Edward Northey, Attorney General, on cases submitted by the Treasury Board between 2 Oct 1701 and 29 Sep 1704 on matters including Customs and Excise, maritime law including the Navigation Act, prizes taken by Her Majesty's ships of war, the colonies, the Post Office, and the armed forces.

Northey, Sir Edward (1652-1723), barrister and politician
Laon, Abbey of St Vincent
GB 0096 MS 183 · 1436

Authenticated copy by Gobinet de la Court, tabellion (scrivener) royal of Laon, France, 31 Dec 1457, of letters of King Charles VII of France under the great seal dated at Tours on 31 Jul 1436, letters of the Generaux des Finances dated at Tours on 2 Aug 1436, and letters of the Gens de la Chambre des Comptes dated at Limoges on 16 Aug 1436, by which the Abbey of St Vincent was to pay to Poton, Lord of Xaintrailles and captain of royal troops in Laon, the sum of 3,000 livres for the prosecution of the war in return for an annual pension of 300 livres assigned on royal revenues in the Vernandois until the sum was repaid. An endorsement sets forth that the Dean and Canons of the Church of Our Lady at Laon have acquitted the King and all others concerned of the rent mentioned in the copied letters, and have delivered the originals to the King's Receiver.

Court , Gobinet de la , fl 1436 , Tabellion Royal of Laon
English Exchequer Bills
GB 0096 MS 65 · 1696-1697

Manuscript volume containing papers relating to the issue of Exchequer Bills during the reign of King William III in order to carry on the war with France (the War of the Grand Alliance), 1696-1697, notably a holograph memorandum by Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax, advocating steps to encourage subscriptions to Exchequer bills and steps to make the bills assignable, [1696]; a draft of letters patent of King William III concerning the payment of Dutch troops, written in Dutch, [1696]; a list of subscribers to the contract for exchanging bills, 4 May 1697; a copy of the sign manual warrant to the Treasury ordering payment to the trustees of the second contract for Exchequer bills of the interest on the subscription contracted, [1697]; a Statement of Exchequer bills from 27 Apr to 9 Jun, 11 Jun 1697; a tract [by William Paterson] headed 'A proposall for setling a transferrable fund of perpetual interest', which is possibly the first proposal for a funded debt.

GB 0096 MS 1108 · Fonds · 1574-1904

Manuscripts and documents relating to Westmorland, including: Book containing transcript by John Gibson of the Customs, Services and Royalties belonging to the Mannors, Lordships and Townshipps in the Richmond lands within the Barony of Kendal, 1574 (230pp) (1689); Transcriptions of documents relating to Westmorland between 1639 and 1720, possibly the Reverend James Wilson, with enclosed note (January 1904); Illustration and text concerning the Heppe or, Shap Monastery, Westmorland (c1773); Two deeds relating to the land of Lady Fford in Westmorland between Thomas Shepherd of Kirkland, Robert Shepherd of Maitland and Thomas Rowlandson of Kirby, Kendall (first deed), and Charles Benson of Kirkby, Kendall and Thomas Shepherd (second deed) (18 May 1693 and 3 July 1711); Printed test of a 17th century farmhold deed for Maggs How, Kentmere between John Ayrey, Hughe Ayrey and Robert Gilpin (26 November 1623); Deed relating to land in Westmorland between John Price of Dublin, Sir John Lowther and Robert Durkett of Kirekby, Kendall (26 June 1685); Two court summons for John Burn, Battalion Clerk and Clerk of meetings of the militia for neglecting to return a militia for his township (October 1791); Plan of the proposed navigable canal from the Leeds and Liverpool Canal near Eccleston in the County of Lancaster to Kendal in Westmorland, surveyed by Robert Whitworth (1772); Two Endowed Charities returns for the County of Westmorland (15 July 1868 and 5 September 1895).

GB 0096 MS 208 · 1685

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of debates in the House of Commons dated 9-20 Nov 1685 concerning the establishment of the Militia, entitled 'The severall debates of the House of Commons pro et contra relating to the establishment of the Militia, disbanding the new rais'd forces and raiseing a present supply for his Majesty...'.

Daniell, Colonel Thomas
GB 0096 MS 658 · 1661

A patent under the Great Seal appointing Thomas Daniell to a military posting in Dover. Fragment of the second great Seal of Charles II.

Daniell , Thomas , fl 1661 , Colonel
GB 0096 AL38a · Fonds · 1830

Letter from Sir Edward Codrington of Eaton Square, London to the Rt Hon J W Croker, 2 Jun 1830. Urging the claims to 'head money' of the officers, seamen and marines who fought in the Battle of Navarino (20 Oct1827) [the claims had been refused on the grounds that there had been no prior declaration of war]. An offer of £800 a year pension for life had been made to Admiral Codrington through the Duke of Wellington; 'Your Grace must excuse me ... I cannot receive such a thing while my poor fellows who fought under me at Navarino have had no head money'.

Autograph, with signature. The first sheet is endorsed: 'This copy is throughout in the handwriting of my father Admiral Sir Edward Codrington. W J Codrington, 110 Eaton Square.'

Codrington , Sir , Edward , 1770-1851 , Knight , naval officer
Campo, Domingo del
GB 0096 MS351 · Fonds · 1656

Exemption from lodging courtiers and soldiers, Domingo del Campo, 31 Dec 1656.

GB 0096 AL3 · Fonds · 1815

Letter from Sir Joseph Banks of Soho Square, London to an unknown recipient, 12 Aug 1815. Relating to 'the undertaking now in hand for exploring the rapid Currents of the Zaira'. Reference is made to the mutiny of the Bounty, 'which began by turning the Commander adrift and ended in the Peopling of Pitcairn's Island. A less economical Outfit succeeded and the business was happily effected. Hence I deduce that in all matters of Naval Equipment it is better to adopt a Plan of sufficient extent at first than to do it after a failure, which if attributable to parsimony will in a Country like this meet with censure.' He advocates the use of a steamboat, 'a Fort impregnable to Native Armies and capable of sending out a subordinate Expedition'. This letter appears to be either a copy or a draft letter made by an amanuensis.

Banks , Sir , Joseph , 1743-1820 , 1st Baronet , naturalist and patron of science
Army ordnance papers
GB 0096 MS 48 · 1683-1702

Manuscript volume, 1683-1702, containing transcripts of orders, warrants and commissions relating to the offices of Paymaster-General of the Forces in Great Britain, Ireland and Flanders, and of the Secretary of War, the administration of musters, the Chelsea Royal Hospital, and the Ordnance Board with details of offices within it after 1683. There is also a printed copy of His Majesties orders for regulation of the musters, (Charles Bill, Henry Hills and Thomas Newcomb, London, 1687). There is a possibility that this manuscript was compiled by William Bromley.

Armed forces proposal
GB 0096 MS 753 · [1715- 1733]

Draft proposals for altering the strengths of the regiments at Gibraltar and Minorca, in order to effect a saving of £99, 670, with marginal notes in a different hand (possibly that of Henry Pelham, Secretary at War 1724, and Paymaster of the Forces 1730) forming a draft address on the subject to the king. From internal evidence, the document appears to have been written between 1715 and 1733.

GB 0096 MS 184 · (1344-1350), [1550]

Manuscript volume concerning the expenditure of the royal household of King Edward III, [1550], namely an abstract from the accounts of Walter Wentwage of 'the rates of wages of peace and warre, expenses necessarie of officers and other charges concerning the household', dating from 21 Apr 1344-23 Nov 1374 and mainly relating to armed forces. Includes a statement of the costs of diplomatic, military and naval activity taken from the accounts of William Norwell, Keeper of the King's Wardrobe, for the period 15 Jul 1348-25 May 1350.
