Showing 37 results

Archival description
Westington Manor, 1589
GB 0096 MS 445 · 1589

Copy of Court Roll made at the Court Baron of Sir John Brokett (Brockett), Lord of the Manor of Westington, containing a surrender by John Clerke (by the hands of John Cony and William Clerke, customary tenants) of a copyhold property and the admission of John Adams, his heir, for a fine of 16s. The property consists of 3 acres known as Grene Croft. Signed by Thomas Walkenden, steward.

Manor of Westington Court Baron
Westington Manor, 1579
GB 0096 MS 446 · 1579

Copy of a Court Roll made at the Court Baron of Sir John Brokett (Brockett), Lord of the Manor of Westington, containing a Surrender of copyhold by Richard Adams, customary tenant, of a tenement with croft adjacent containing one acre, another close containing about three acres, also three acres of arable land lying in Fynceley Churche Fylde, to the use of John Adams, his elder son. Also contains the Admission of John Adams for an annual rent of 7s.9d.

Manor of Westington Court Baron
GB 0096 MS 453 · [18th century]

One page of a terrier listing 79 pieces of land. The names of the tenants of abutting properties are given. Probably dating from the 18th century.

Seebohm, Frederic: letters
GB 0096 AL232 · Fonds · 1886-1892

2 letters written to Frederic Seebohm. (1) From Richard Oliver Heslop, iron and steel merchant of Akenside Hill and Newcastle upon Tyne, 8 Feb 1886. Promising to send a tracing of a map of Corbridge, Northumberland; suggests sources bearing on the history of land tenure in Northumberland. (2) From [James] Saunders, of Clapham and Westminster, 20 Oct 1892. Covering letter sent with tracings of some common field systems, discussing land tenure.

Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

Seebohm , Frederic , 1833-1912 , barrister and historian
Rivers, Sir George
GB 0096 MS 520 · 1691

Certified copy, made 30 June 1698, of an indenture of settlement of 21 April 1691 between (1) Sir George Rivers, Baronet, and Dorothy, his wife, of Chafford in the parish of Penshurst, Kent, and (2) William Freeman, of Sandown Castle, Kent, and John Seyliard, of Penshurst, of the moiety of (1)'s lands in Suffolk (Holbrook, etc), Essex (Finchingfield) and London (in the parishes of St Andrew's, Holborn, and St Bride's), with an undertaking to levy fines before the justices.

GB 0096 MS 632 · [1350-1450]

Part of a rental on paper relating to properties in East Kent, including Eastry, Sandwich, Worth and Upton, and written in the late 14th to early 15th century.

GB 0096 MS 814 · [1162]-1659

Collection of documents, mainly property deeds, dating from before 1162 to 1659, and relating to land in England, Wales and Jersey.

Collated by Professor Francis Wormald
GB 0096 MS 220 · 1738

Manuscript proposal, 1 Sep 1738, for enclosing 100 acres of common in the township of Pool, [Yorkshire], for the benefit of the chapel. The document is endorsed 'Proposal for endowing Pool Chappel. p 184. Mr Whitaker'.

Petition of William Courten
GB 0096 MS 407 · 1671

Manuscript petition of William Courten, grandson and heir of Sir William Courten, the administrators and executors of Courten's estate (Sir Richard Mauleverer, Sir Erasmus de la Fountaine, Sir John Ayton, Maurice Thompson, Walter Deureux, Thomas Coppin and William Lloyd) and the rest of Courten's creditors, requesting compensation for the loss of Courten's estates in Barbados. The petitioners beg the king to compel the merchants who have unlawfully dispossessed Sir William Courten of his plantations in the Barbados to make redress to his creditors. Endorsed 'Peticion of Sr Richard Mauleverer & others abt the Barbados'; also, in another hand, 'Rec'd 13th Sept. 1671'.

Courten , William , fl 1671 , grandson and heir of Sir William Courten
GB 0096 MS 67 · 1690-1702

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of parliamentary papers relating to grants in England and Ireland, 1690-1702, including an account of royal grants made in Ireland from Jan 1698 to Dec 1699, presented by William Lowndes, Secretary to the Treasury, 1699; a report by the Commissioners of Enquiry into the Forfeited Estates in Ireland, [Dec 1699]; an account of rents in the honour of Windsor presented by David Cobb, 13 Feb 1700; an abstract of the sale of fee-farm rents, presented by William Haward and Sir John Talbot, [13 Dec 1700]; an account of royal grants made in the Duchy of Lancaster Mar 1699 to Jan 1702, presented by John Bennett, Auditor of the Duchy, 1699-1702; extracts from parliamentary proceedings relating to policy towards forfeited estates in Ireland, 4 Apr 1690-26 Feb 1700; an alphabetical list of those holding land of the crown [in Ireland], their debts to the Crown, and notes of proceedings against them; an account of all royal grants made in England from Feb 1685 to Jan 1702, presented by William Lowndes, 1700-1702; an account of grants and gratuities paid by the Commissioners for Prizes since Jun 1692, Mar 1701.

Papal letters
GB 0096 MS 854 · 1562

Letters of Pope Pius IV, dated 9 Jul 1562, to the Archbishop of Florence, or his vicar the Archdeacon of Florence, concerning the rights of Peter Tuccio, priest, Frederick and Francis 'de Tucciis' in property owned by the Church of St Verdian 'in castro Florentini' (possibly Castelfiorentino?).

Pius IV , 1499-1565 , Pope x Medici , Giovanni Angelo
GB 0096 MS 731 · 1780

Papers relating to property of John Michie, Director of the East India Company, at 'Muffets' or North Mimms, Hertfordshire, comprising a list of the fields, woods, etc. with their acreages, dated May 1780. There is also a list of those paying land tax, with the amounts, headed 'Present rate of North Myms Common' 7 Jul 1780.
On the reverse of one list is a brief memorandum headed 'By the Joint Committee of private Trade and Shipping', concerning an enquiry into the conduct of captain Peter Douglas of the Queen and Captain John Coggan of the Shrewsbury for 'parting company outward bound contrary to the orders of the Secret Committee' in 1777, dated 5 May 1780, initialled by four of the Company directors, and with a note that it was read in court. The documents are accompanied by a wrapper endorsed 'Muffets. (Account of Grounds by Messrs. Michie'.

Newton family
GB 0096 MS 523 · 1680-1826

Collection of papers relating to the Newton and Seawells plantations in Barbados, 1706-1826, including accounts and financial documents, estate management reports, valuations, surveys, and correspondence.

Newton , family , fl 1680-1826 , of Barbados
New River, Bargain and Sale
GB 0096 MS 513 · 1649

Indenture of bargain and sale of 14 Feb 1649 by (1) Robert Hyde, serjeant at law, of Dinton, Wiltshire, Henry Hyde, merchant, of London, Edward Hyde, clerk, of Brightwell, Berkshire, and Frederick Hyde, of Middle Temple, sons of Sir Laurence Hyde of Salisbury, to (2) Henry Griffith, of London, of a thirty-sixth part of the New River 'brought from Chadwell and Amwell to London' or waterworks, formerly the property of Sir Laurence Hyde, and left by him in his will of 13 July 1637 for the payment of his debts. Consideration: £40 and £300. Signed and sealed by the parties of the first part, but the seal of Edward Hyde alone survives.

GB 0096 MS 859 · 1697-[1882]

Miscellaneous collection of manuscripts, comprising:

  1. Fragment of a printed receipt, completed in manuscript, issued to Admiral Sir Clowdisley Shovell by the Exchequer for 3 months interest for a loan at 8 %, 15 Apr 1697.
  2. Order by Shovell as Admiral to Philip Stanhope, Captain of HMS Milford, to receive a Lieutenant and 30 marines from [HMS] Tilbury, 29 Aug 1706.
  3. Printed receipt, completed in manuscript, for payment to Shovell by the Exchequer of a 6 monthly installment of an annuity, 20 Nov 1706.
  4. Map of Blakeney channel and Cley channel, Norfolk, mounted and coloured, from Greenvile Collins, Great Britain's Coasting Pilot (1693). With an engraved inscription by Collins dedicating the map to Shovell.
  5. Modern reproduction of a reduced plan of Soho Square, London, inscribed 'House of Sir Clowdisley [Shovell]'. The original plan, probably made in the 18th century, was that of 'the late Duke of Portland's estate in the neighbourhood of Soho Square'.
  6. Leaf from a letter-book, with copies of 5 letters initialled 'E.K.', dated 29 Aug 1797, Dublin, to Robert Eyre at Tallow (Co. Waterford); Thomas Osbourne at Fort Charles, Kinsale (Co. Cork); Edward Mapoller at 'Killeoan(?) near Roscommon'; William Hailey at 'Fore Park(?) near Athlone'; and 'Dr. Toves(?)'. The writer had just reached Dublin from London, and intended to travel to Roscommon and Galway. The letters to Eyre and Osbourne(?) mention payments to be made to John Kelly at the Treasury in the castle at Dublin; those to Eyre and Toves(?) refer to 'Davies (who is in custody in London)'. The leaf was formerly part of a binding.
  7. Fragment of a list of deeds concerning the property of Richard and Mary Chiswell at Finchingfield, Essex, written in the 18th century.
  8. Printed bill for an exhibition of the picture of the battle of Lodi of 1796 by Robert Ker Porter, with a sketch of the picture and explanatory notes.
  9. Printed matter including Rules and Regulations of the St James's Loyal Volunteers (1797).
  10. Recipes for 'Ginger Bread Nuts', various drinks, and for medicines; instructions for cleaning 'black straw hats', dating from the early 19th century.
  11. Three engraved certificates completed in manuscript for William Buchanan, (1) for training in midwifery by John Haighton, dated 18 Nov 1814, (2) for attendance of courses on anatomy, signed by John Abernethy, dated May 1815, and (3) for honorary membership of the London Vaccine Institution, dated 26 Aug 1816.
  12. Genealogies of families, endorsed 'Hussey, Barons of Galtrim, Feypo and Maurward, Barons of Scune', relating to the medieval period, written in the 19th century.
  13. Drafts of two essays by Edwin Hadlow Wise Dunkin, headed 'Our Satellite. Sent for insertion in the City of London School Magazine...January 1865' (ff. 1-12), and 'The Lesser Light [i.e. the moon]...August 1866. Sent to Chambers Journal, 4 Sep 1866' (ff. 15-19).
  14. 'A Short Tour on the Cornish Coast', with remarks on weather and monuments, historical anecdotes, and sketches in pencil and pastels, 1879.
  15. 'Voyage of the Lioness', from Scalloway, Shetland, to Foula and Fair Isle. The Lioness was commanded by Captain Robertson; the passengers were described as 'the doctor and the professor'. The journal describes the inhabitants of the islands, and birds and animals seen. Written in the early 20th century.
  16. Monologue in pidgin English, probably written for entertainment, in which Kassim Ali describes his activities during the bombardment of Alexandria, his going on board the Condor, his delivery of a letter to [Ahmed] Arabi, the flight from Alexandria to Cairo, and his prevention of the explosion of the magazine in the fort of Ras-el-Jin. The account probably refers to the bombardment of Alexandria by the British fleet on 11 Jul 1882; see The Times for 22 Jul 1882, p. 5. Written in the 20th century on note-paper addressed 'Kenley, Surrey'.
  17. Modern brass rubbing from the tomb of Thomas Potter (d 6 Jun 1531), taken from Westerham Church, Kent.
  18. Collection of miscellaneous printed ephemera dating from the early 19th to the early 20th century. Includes a receipt for a share in the 'Strand [i.e. Waterloo] Bridge', London, 1812; a card for the White Lion Hotel, Bala, Merioneth, early 19th century; a plan of the Great Exhibition of 1851; pictures of Plymouth pier, early 20th century; a birthday card of 1887; a prospectus for an auction of shares of the Ilford Gas Co., 1907; tickets for books from the Officers' Library of the Royal Marines at Woolwich and Forton, and from B.O. May's Circulating Library, Teignmouth; a book-plate (?) of H.C. Sharpin, Ripon, 19th century; and bank notes of the Republic of Argentina, late 19th or early 20th century.
GB 0096 MS 506 · 1760

Memorandum, dated 1760 and probably by James Douglas, 14th Earl of Morton, on a pamphlet [by the Reverend Thomas Hepburn, Minister of Bursay] entitled A letter to a gentleman from his friend in Orkney containing the true causes of the poverty of that country, [dated 4 March 1757], which had defended Morton against charges of illegally increasing rents and other duties brought against him by the lairds of Orkney. The writer had advised against publication, but the pamphlet was in fact published in 1760.

Possibly: Douglas , James , 1702-1768 , 14th Earl of Morton
Marriage settlement
GB 0096 MS 554 · 1678

Counterpart indenture of a marriage settlement, dated 6 Aug 1678, whereby Scarborough Chapman, of Lyncombe and Widcombe in Somerset, in consideration of his intended marriage with Anne Brinsden, widow, of Bristol, and the sum of £400 received from her, conveyed to Humphrey Little, goldsmith, of Bristol, Samuel Price and Arthur Hart, merchants, of Bristol, a messuage in Lyncombe and Widcombe, near the church of chapel there, formerly in the occupation of Robert Fisher the elder and Robert Fisher the younger, both deceased, and now of John Weekes the younger and several others, for the term of the lives of Chapman and his future wife and their heirs male, and then to Little, Price and Hart for the term of 1000 years. Signed and sealed by Humphrey Little, Arthur Hart; the third seal is unsigned.

Manin, Ludovico
GB 0096 MS 560 · 1793

Part of letters of Ludovico Manin, Doge of Venice, confirming the brothers Marin, Costantin and Piero Avogadro, sons and heirs of Francesco Avogadro, of his fee of the house and curtilage of Lumezzane in the province of Brescia, 2 Oct 1793.

Manin , Ludovico , d 1802 , Doge of the Venetian Republic
Lovat and Cromarty Estates
GB 0096 MS 118 · 1755

Report of rentals and tenants of the Lovat Estates, 1755.

Commission and Trustees for the Forfeited Estates in Scotland
GB 0096 MS 847 · 1420, 1435, 1499

Documents relating to land tenure in Calais, 1420-1499, as follows:

  1. Conveyance, dated 9 March 1420, between Henry Morton of Calais and John Baxter, burgher of Calais, and Richard Newerk, of a cottage in Hemp Street, St Mary's parish, Calais, which Morton had inherited from Robert Clyderowe by the latter's will of 2 Oct 1419. Abuttals given. Seal of Morton, on a parchment tag cut from a deed relating to Calais mentioning the following names: John Basing and Thomas Mysterton; fragment of the seal of the Mayoralty of Calais.
  2. Two halves of an indenture, dated 22 June 1435, by which Henry Bywell, also known as Topclyf, burgher of Calais, sold to Hugh Wychard, baker of Calais, a tenement in the parish of St Mary, Calais. The terms of the sale were recorded in another document; this indenture recorded the right of the vendor to occupy the property until the buyer should require it. Seals of the parties do not survive. The indenture was cut through the words 'Thomas Rygon'.
  3. Conveyance, dated 21 Jan 1499, between Richard Walden and Jacob Yerford, merchant of the staple of Calais, of a tenement in the parish of St Nicholas, Calais. Walden appointed Thomas Barton, merchant of the staple of Calais, his attorney in the transaction. Seals of Walden and the Mayoralty of London, on a parchment tag cut from a deed drawn up in the name of George Nevill, knight, 'dominus Berge[vaun?]y'.
GB 0096 MS 846 · 1418

Conveyance, dated 7 May 1418, between Thomas Ashwell and Robert Clyderhowe, both burghers of Calais, of a cottage in Hemp Street, St Mary's parish, Calais. Abuttals given. Includes the seals of Ashwell, and the Mayoralty of Calais on a parchment tag cut from a deed mentioning the following names: Robert Colton, burgher, Jacob de Rypon, probably inhabitants of Calais.

GB 0096 MS 563 · 1352

Gift by William de Schobodone to Nicholas Eye of Bishampton, of a messuage and 3 acres of arable land lying separately in the town and field(s) of Bishampton, Worcestershire, (abuttals given), at a rent of 8d. a year payable to de Schobodone. Includes suit of court, heriot, and warranty. Witnessed by Thomas de Lutteleton, Richard de Lench, John Wylekynes, Richard Morice, Richard Stevones & others. Given at Bishampton on the feast of the Holy Cross (? 14 Sep), 1352.

GB 0096 MS 566, 567 · 1691

Two counterparts of leases, 25 May 1691, made by Elizabeth Fortrey, widow of the parish of St Andrew, Holborn, to Leonard Cunditt, innholder of the parish of St Paul, Covent Garden, of a piece of ground in Hog Lane (later renamed Charing Cross Road) in the parish of St Giles in the Fields, the first for 'the second ground plott or new house built or intended to be built', and the second for 'the fourth house'. Both leases were for 99 years at a rent of £3 a year. Plan annexed. Signed and sealed by Leonard Cunditt.

GB 0096 MS 565 · 1716

Counterpart of a lease, 6 Dec 1716/17 made by William Thomas, citizen and clothworker, of the Parish of St Anne, to Thomas, Lord Howard of Effingham, of a messuage 'with all the furniture, goods and untensills' , on the west side of Greek Street, Soho, now in the occupation of Howard, for 7 years at a rent of £110 a year. Inventory included.

GB 0096 MS 774 · 1776

Lease, 7 Aug 1776, made by Samuel Adams, builder, to Thomas Williams, carpenter, both of the parish of St Marylebone, of property (plan included in document) on Duke Street, St Marylebone, for 96¾ years at a rent of £8 payable after the first two years, with covenants against certain trades being practiced on the premises. Includes details of leases of property between Duke Street, Bentinck Square, and Berkeley Square (giving measurements) to Adams by the trustees of Peter William Baker, son of William Baker, deceased. The trustees named were Henry W. Portman, baker, of Bryanston, Dorset; John Littlehales, of Greek Street, in the parish of St Ann, Westminster; James Clitherow, of Boston House, Hanwell; Rev. William Sellon, of the parish of St James, Clerkenwell; and James Dunne, of the parish of St Marylebone. Signed and sealed by Samuel Adams.

Adams , Samuel , fl 1776 , builder
Langford Manor, Bedfordshire
GB 0096 MS 440 · 1781

Receipt for payment of a fine of £8.15s.8d. for admission to copyhold property in the Manor of Langford (Bedfordshire), paid by Mrs Squire as guardian for her son, William Enderby Squire, 16 July, 1781. The receipt is signed by John Pedley, Steward of the estate. The property consisted of a messuage, a close and 2½ acres of land.

Pedley , John , fl 1781 , steward of Langford Manor
GB 0096 MS 770 · 1703

Right-hand indenture of a fine dated 29 Sep 1703, by which John Odye and his wife Anne conveyed to John and Joseph Fuller a messuage, two gardens, two orchards, and other lands in Thrupp, Littleworth, and Farringdon Magna, Berkshire. Consideration £160.

GB 0096 MS 837 · 1615

Writ, dated 13 May 1615, addressed to the Sheriff of Essex ordering him to have John Webb brought to Westminster to do homage for the manor of Engamehath, held of the Crown, which he had recently received from Thomas Broxley without royal licence. Endorsed by the officials concerned.

Edmonstone, Sir Archibald
GB 0096 MS 137 · 1780-1783

Sir Archibald Edmonstone's estate ledger for payments made by tenants in the province of Ulster, 1780-1783.

Edmonstone , Sir , Archibald , d 1807 , Knight , politician
Deeds relating to Yorkshire
GB 0096 MS 476 · 1422-1716

Collection of deeds relating mainly to Yorkshire, 1422-1716, as follows.

  1. Quitclaim with warranty by John Robynson (Robinson) of Jolby (North Riding) to Sir John Clesby, rector of the church of Mersk (Marske, North Riding), Sir Thomas Topclyf (Topcliff), chaplain, and William Ellerbek (Ellerbeck), of his right in all lands, meadows and tenements which they have by gift in the town of Jolby. With witnesses. Signed at Jolby, 20 July, 1422. Seal of Robinson in red wax. Endorsements.
  2. Letters of attorney of Robert Conyers (d 1431) of Sokburn (Sockburn, County Durham), Sir Thomas Laton of Sexhow (North Riding), William, vicar of Covton (Cowton, North Riding), and William Nafferton of Ravynswathe (Ravensworth, North Riding), appointing Richard Mason, Hugh Mawnsell and John Boste to deliver seisin to William Boste and Alice his wife of three messuages in Joleby (Jolby, North Riding). Dated at Sokburne, 20 April, 1427. 4 seals in red wax. Endorsements.
  3. Counterpart bargain and sale indented with warranty by Sir George Gryffyth (Griffith) of Whychenor (Wychnor), Staffordshire, to Richard Smythe (Smith) and John Dyott of the farm of their manor of Little Kelke (Kelk, East Riding) near Burton Annas (Burton Agnes, East Riding). Consideration £180. Dated 28 June, 1555. 2 marks and 2 seals in red wax. Endorsement.
  4. Gift with warranty for a consideration in money by John Dyott and Richard Smyth (Smith) of the city of Lichefeld (Lichfield) to Walter Gryffyth (Griffith) of Whychenor (Wychnor), Staffordshire, of the farm of their manor of Little Kelke (Kelk, East Riding) near Burton Annas (Burton Agnes, East Riding) which they had by conditional gift of Sir George Gryffyth (Griffith), the donee's father. Signed 22 Feb 1560. 1 mark and 2 seals. Endorsements.
  5. Agreement indented between (1) William Rookes, of Roides Hall (Royds Hall) Bradford, and (2) Robert Bradford, of Stanley, Yorkshire, and William Warde, of Bradford, Yorkshire, whereby (1) within one year will have made a deed of feoffment to (2) and will levy a fine to convey to them, for his own use during his lifetime and then for the use of his eldest son, William Rookes and his heirs male, or in default to Tempest Rookes and then to Richard Rookes, his other sons, his manor called Roides Hall in the parish of Bradford, also 100 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 160 acres of arable, 200 acres of wood, 400 acres of moor and heath, with all houses, barns, stables, orchards, gardens, dove-houses, etc., except Ryvey Wibsey (West Riding), the Neither Common next adjoining to Okenshaye (Oakenshaw, West Riding) and one tenement and lands in the tenure of Thomas Vyckars. Seal tag only. Signed 14 Apr 1575 by William Rookes. Endorsements.
  6. Quitclaim for a consideration in money by Matthew Tompson of Rowesby (Roxby) in the county of York, to Ralph Tankard, of Arden (North Riding) in the same county, of his right in all lands, tenements, meadows, feedings, pastures, rents, services and other hereditaments in Rowesby formerly of Robert Tompson his father, deceased, and given by Robert to Thomas Tompson, brother of Matthew, and his heirs male. Signed 20 July, 1602. Mark of Matthew Tompson. Seal. Endorsements.
  7. Lease indented for 60 years by George Kirke (d 1663), Gentleman of the Robes and a Groom of His Majesty's Bedchamber, and Thomas Metcalf (d 1655), of Nappay (Nappa, North Riding) in the county of York, of a messuage with one acre, a close of 20 acres called the Lery Crofte, 2 oxgangs of land, meadow and pasture, 2 acres called Forby Land or Acres, one close called Forty Acres, 2 parcels of ground, by estimation 8 acres, called The Flats, one close called Yewland with ground containing 30 acres lying without Humberbancke in Ottringham (East Riding) now in the occupation of Francis Cobb. Rent £26 p.a. Signed 30 Nov 1639 by George Kirke. Seal. Endorsements.
  8. Bargain and sale indented with warranty by Thomas Croftes, of Coverham (North Riding), to Edward Croftes of York, of a messuage with appurtenances situated within the liberty of Coverham Abbey and all the grounds thereunto belonging called Jobcroft House now in the tenure or occupation of Anthony Appleby. Consideration £30. Signed 13 Jan 1649 by Thomas Croftes. Seal. Endorsements. Annexed: Bond in £60 of Thomas Croftes to Edward Croftes. 13 Jan.1649. Condition: for the performance of all covenants specified in the bargain and sale of even date. Witnesses. Signed: Thomas Croftes. Seal.
  9. Defeasance indented by Sir Henry Griffith, Bt (d 1656), of Burton Agnes in the county of York, of a recognizance of statute staple, 4 May 1649, wherein he is bound to pay £2000 to Clement Spelman, of the Middle Temple, London, on condition that he pay Spelman £1040 on 4 October next following at the Middle Temple, London. Signed 4 May 1649 by Clement Spelman. Seal. Endorsements.
  10. Right-hand indenture of a final concord between Sir Griffin Boynton, Bt (1664-1731), Richard Hill and John Langstaffe, plaintiffs, and George Bradrick and Elizabeth his wife, John Sleightholme and Elizabeth his wife, and Philip Saunders, deforciants, of 4 messuages, 2 bakeries, 2 curtilages, 54 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 19 acres of pasture, common of pasture for all draught animals and common of turbary, with appurtenances, in Rexby Goatland (North Riding) in the parish of Pickering Growmont (Grosmont, North Riding) and Lythe. Acknowledgment of plaintiffs' rights and quitclaim to them. Warranty. Consideration £120. Dated 27 Oct - 3 Nov 1716.
Court Baron Roll, [1719]
GB 0096 MS 442 · [c 1719]

Copy of a Court Baron roll, containing a surrender by William Draper of all his messuages, lands, tenements, etc., to the uses of his will. Signed by Edmund Littler, deputy steward of the manor, and dated before 17 August 1719.

GB 0096 MS 441 · [1400-1425]

Copy of a Court Roll containing a grant to John Emyford, clerk, of 5 pieces of arable land of the lord's demesne, formerly in the farm of Thomas Dowe and recently in the farm of Gregory Brandon, by the annual farm of 10d. for each acre annually. The roll also includes livery of seisin to John Emyford, clerk, at the same court. The annual rent is 4s.9d. The document is dated 'Thursday after 6 October, temp. Henry [IV?]', probably [1400-1425].

GB 0096 MS 668 · 1565

Indenture of bargain and sale by the Wardens and Commonalty of the Mercers' Company of London to William Allen, Alderman of London, of six messuages in 'Towerstrete', now Great Tower Street in the parish of St Dunstan in the East, for a consideration of £133 6s. 8d. Abuttals given; names of present and former tenants and rents also given. Warranty. Leofric Foster, citizen and mercer, attorney to deliver seisin. Signed by Richard Malorye, Richard Carill, Thomas Revett, and Thomas More, endorsed 'livery of seisin', and dated 1 Mar 1565.

GB 0096 MS 652 · 1602

Indenture of bargain and sale of 17 Jun 1602 by Henry Newdegate of Hampton, Middlesex, to George Cole of Petersham, Surrey, of the manor of Ashstead, otherwise called Little Ashstead or the Pryor's Farm, Surrey. Consideration £500. Signed by Henry Newdegate; seal wanting.

GB 0096 MS 585 · 1761

Indenture quadripartite of 11 Feb 1761 by which George Lane, of Bramham Park, Yorkshire (West Riding), with the consent of Ralph Bourchier, 'doctor in physick', of Great Ormond Street in the parish of St.George the Martyr, London, and his daughter and heir Margaret Bourchier, assigned to the Hon William Chetwynd, of Dover Street, London, the manors or lordships of Benningborough [Beningbrough], Overton [Ovington], Barforth and Newton-upon-Ouse, all in the North Riding of Yorkshire, formerly the estate of John Bourchier, deceased, for the remainder of a term of 500 years. Signed and sealed by the four parties. Ralph Bourchier inherited the estates on the death of his great-niece Mildred, wife of the Hon Robert Lane, in 1760.

GB 0096 MS 608 · 1827-1840

Accounts and rental kept by John Humphries for the estates of Thomas Lodington Fairfax in Steeton, Bilbrough, Newton, Kyme, Aughton, 'Ruddings' and Ellerton, all in Yorkshire, and in Bracebridge, Cantley, Washingborough and Heighington, Lincolnshire, 1827-1840.

Humphries , John , fl 1827-1840 , estate manager