Papers of Alice G Rigden (subsequently Baker), comprising three notebooks, c1942-1944, containing manuscript notes and diagrams on electrical subjects, all marked 'restricted', from her ATS training; and a brief typescript memoir [1999] of her service in World War Two.
Zonder titelRecords, 1968-1992, of the Polytechnic of Central London:
Minutes and committee papers comprise Court of Governors minutes, 1970-1992, and Annual Reports and Statements of Accounts, 1978-1988; Standing Committee of Academic Council minutes, 1972-1983; Academic Council minutes, 1972, 1977-1992; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes, 1970-1989, Finance and Property Committee minutes, 1989-1992, and Audit Committee minutes, 1989-1992; Higher Degree Committee papers, 1973-1974, 1985-1987, Research Degree Committee papers, 1974-1983, Research Committee papers, 1976-1992, and other research papers; Staff Development Committee papers, 1976-1981; nursery management committee minutes and papers, 1978-1990; Committees of PCL Health and Safety, 1980-1988; Resources Committee papers, 1985-1992; Student Affairs Committee papers, 1984-1992; Committees of Directors of London Polytechnics, 1972-1986; and other committee papers.
Other administrative papers comprise Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1970; certificate of incorporation, 1970; Instrument recording designation as a Polytechnic, 1970; correspondence and papers concerning the Instrument and Articles, 1968-1988; Structure Commission Report on Poly/Holborn amalgamation, 1970; file on designation ceremony and Holborn foundation stone, 1960-1970; papers and reports of J Eric Richardson, including 'The development of the Polytechnic 1957-1970' [1970]; programme of designation and opening of new buildings, 1971; report of the Working Party on Examinations and Assessment, 1971; accommodation strategy report, 1971; papers on organisation of the academic administration, 1972; proposals for the London Regional Management Centre, 1973; annual maintenance grant applications to ILEA (block grant), 1974-1989; papers relating to the CNAA, including its Institutional Review, 1978-1992; specimen certificates for award on successful completion of courses [1970s]; consultants' report on efficiency review, 1986; papers relating to the merger with Harrow College of Higher Education, 1987-1989; papers on the change to University status, 1989-1991; Charity Commissioners' scheme for the Quintin Hogg Memorial Fund, 1991; correspondence with the Privy Council concerning adoption of the title University, coat of arms and letters patent, 1991-1992; PCL Accommodation Strategy report by Touche Ross and Co, 1991.
Financial records include balance sheet and accounts, 1969-1970, report and statement of accounts, 1971-1981, 1983-1985, 1988, and Enterprise in Higher Education Annual Report, 1990.
Departmental records include file of the Library Development Officer, 1972-1973; Library handbooks, 1971-1972, and guide to services [1978]; Library Development Plan, 1980-1985; Department of Surveying proposals for submission of BSc in Quantity Surveying to the CNAA, 1974; American Studies Resource Centre teaching materials, including videos and maps [1980]; photograph album and course booklets for the School of Management; School of Photography handbooks and teaching materials; Poly Law Review, 1975-1982.
Other records include Teaching Staff Association papers, 1970-1977.
Material, including ephemera, relating to events includes telegram of thanks for the Polytechnic's message on the silver wedding of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh, 1973; programmes of annual dinner at the Café Royal, 1974, 1976; programme of supper and concert for the silver jubilee, 1977; publicity material relating to the 150th anniversary, 1988.
Publications, 1970-1992, include PCL prospectuses (general and departmental), leaflets, brochures and posters for courses and events, guides for applicants, student handbooks, and other information for students; programmes of presentation ceremonies, 1972-1974; Examination pass lists, 1974-1992; PhD student pass lists, 1968-1987; Polytechnic Institute Members' Magazine [1971]-1974; typescript Polytechnic Sports and Social Club monthly newsletter, 1974-1975, succeeded by the Newsletter of Polytechnic Members, 1976-1988; typescript Institute of Polytechnic Sports and Social Clubs newsletter, 1991-1992; publications for staff, comprising miscellaneous PCL staff information bulletins and magazines, 1970-1977, and Central Issue, the staff newspaper, 1977-1985, succeeded by Clarion, 1987-1992; McGarel, 1968/69-1992/93 (incomplete series), described as Polytechnic Students' Newspaper and later as Polytechnic Students' Union Newspaper; printed articles on Polytechnic buildings in Marylebone Road and New Cavendish Street, 1970-1971; Posters advertising the Poly Entertainment Committee concerts held in Portland Hall, 1965-1969; floor plans for Little Titchfield Street, 1971.
Photographs and slides, 1970-1992, including buildings, students, activities and events, among them the designation ceremony, 1971.
Zonder titelProspectuses for Paddington Technical College, 1962-1982; correspondence and reports on the transfer of Medical Laboratory Science courses to PCL, 1983-1992.
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