Two works on magic: 'The Magus or Celestial Intelligencer', 1801 and 'Directions for the invocation of spirits', and an essay on spiritual vision, 1802.
Barrett , FrancisPapers of Vital Chaussegros on magic and occultism, 1814-[1845].
Chaussegros , Vital , b 1769 , occultistVolume in 7 parts, originally formed part of one large volume, which has been broken up, and of which parts are wanting, entitled 'Libro cabalistico'. The first four parts are paginated. Part I 'Libro cabalistico. Ho sia una quantita di cabale per trovare, le dene simpatici, per operare, e finali, con il modo di restringere i 90 numeri a 45, a 36, e ancho a meno. Epoi trovare ancora numeri precisi: contenente ruote ho siano sfere, tavole di Simpatici, tavole di Rutiglio, alfabeti, gradi Polari ... Colla tavola delle Feste Mobili ... Raccolte da altri libri, e molte di mia invenzione, fatte scrivere dal Caporale Giovanni Chiti dei Reali Veterani, e da me Bartolomeo Bartolomei, negli anni 1829 e 1830. In questa Citta di Pistoja'. (Paginated 1-66). Part II 'Ruota o sia sfera mattematica con l'insegniamento per operare e per trovare il primo, terzo, o quinto estratto detto la ruota solare e lunare di Rutilio Benincasa ... Dicano copiata in Roma ... nel' anno 1796 da F.F.F. ... Scritto in Pistoja l'anno 1830'. (Paginated 79-106: irregular). Part III 'Ruota con sette cerchi, con i nomi e caratteri dei sette pianeti, e con i dodici segni del Zodiaco, con il loro nome mese, e stelle fisee con il insegnamento per operare, etc. Ed inseguito una quantita di Cabale ... Per il Giuoco del Lotto. Scritto in Pistoja l'anno 1830 (Paginated 107-109). Part IV Tavole di Varalla cappucino. Spiegazione di arcani secreti ho sia insegnamento della squente ruota. Scritta in Pistoja ... 1830' (Paginated 213-220). Part V 'Lunazioni o sia il prospetto comodo per vedere ... quanti giorni sono di luna in qualunque giorno di ogni mese ... Con la lettera del Martyrologio Romano ... Copiata in Pistoja ... 1828' (40 ll.). Part VI 'Dettaglio dei dodici quadri perpetui appartenenti al punto nove annuale delle parte Europea, Polo 48 al Nord', n.d. (27 pp.). Part VII 'Regole cabalistiche variate', n.d. (18 ll. + 4 bl. ll.). Produced in Pistoia.
Chiti , GiovanniBartolomei , Bartolomeo
Notes and reports by Catherine Georgievsky, chiefly on Czechoslovakia comprising, reports on medical history collection and museums in Czechoslovakia, inspected over three visits, 1933-1935; notes on Dr John Dee (1527-1608) and Edward Kelley (1555-1597), with particular regard to their stay in Bohmeia (establishing Kelley's date of death as 1597 and not 1595), 1932-1935; notes on watering places of Czechoslovakia, 1932-1935; Letterbook recording letters sent from Prague concerning acquisitions, 1932-1933; notes on Prague: report on Franzensbad: St John Nepomuk: 2 copies (second lacking note on St John Nepomuk), 1932.
Georgievsky , Catherine , 1898-1944Occult material including 'Anthologie de l'Occultisme. Choix des meilleures pages des auteurs qui se sont illustrés dans les sciences hermétiques depuis les Temps anciens jusqu'à nos jours. Traductions, notices et préface', 1921, author's holograph MS., except for the 'Préface' which is in typescript with holograph corrections, etc., and a few pages written by the Author's wife, produced in Paris and 'Le Musée des sorciers, mages et alchimistes', author's holograph MS. in 3 folders, the illustrations are not included, signed by the author at the end of the preface, and at the end of the text: 'Paris, 29 Novembre 1928'.
Givry , Émile Angelo , Grillot de , fl 1921-1928 , occultistTwo manuscripts written by Hockley, each a transcription of an older text, 1829, 1868: 'Four experiments of the Spirits Birto, Agares, Bealpharos and Vassago. Comprising the Forms of Conjuration, Circles, Lamens and Obligations, or Bonds of Spirits-as hath often been proved at the instant request of King Edward the 4th of England'. Author's holograph MS. Text within red rules, pen-drawn coat of arms of Hockley on title, illustrated by two small pen-drawn figures. Produced in London; and 'Book of Good Angels'; transcriber's holograph MS. A transcript of an anonymous ancient book of invocations and talismans, illustrated with two magical figures, and 14 figures of the 'characters and seals of Angels', pen-drawn and coloured in water-colour. Produced in London. 1868.
Hockley , Frederick , 1808-1885The items in this collection relate to accusations of witchcraft made by women in the early 19th century, naming the alleged witch. The papers originate in some part of the empire of New Spain, probably Mexico.
Gonzales , Maria Apolonia , fl c1800-c1806 Silberia , Juana , fl c1800-c1806Aurore australe de Théophraste A[u]réole Paracelse Archydoxes magiques contenans l'Art de la Chryzopée. Illustrated with a few rough pen-drawings of alchemical apparatus, etc. Written in French, German, and Latin by the same hand throughout, this manuscript contains alchemical, chemical and iatro-chemical receipts and extracts from the works of Paracelsus and his followers. The latest dated receipt, 1748, is found on p. 697 of Vol. I: the 104 ll. at the end of Vol. II contain a copious index.
Paracelsus (Bombastus ab Hohenheim) , Aureolis Phillippus Theophrastus , 1493-1541La Clavicule ou la Clef de Salomon, Roi des Hébreux et fils de David, traduite de l'hébreux, divisée en quatre livres. Les Clavicules de R. Salomon. Traduites par Mr. Pierre Morissoneau, Professeur des langues orientales et Sectateur des Sages Cabalistes. With other tracts on Magic. Illustrated with numerous pen-drawn magical figures, talismans, etc. in gold, silver and colours. In Vol. I the text is in red, black and green: in Vol. II the text is in similar colours, and facing the title-page is a folding figure of a magic Circle in red and green, the text in red. In both volumes there are historiated ornaments, vignettes, tail-pieces, etc., by the calligrapher who signs himself on the title-page of Vol. I 'J. S. Fyot, Écrivain. 1796'.