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Archival description
GB 0120 MSS.1049, 2826, 5215-5219, 5250, 7331 · 1609-1818

Personal papers and correspondence of Sir Joseph Banks, 1609-1618. His correspondence is primarily related to his interest in botany, hence the letters sent by Banks, were mainly sent to and about naturalists. In particular he was concerned with the welfare of naturalists and petitioned against the imprisonment of several naturalists as well as the provision of a salary for botanist Francis Masson (1741-1805). The papers reflect his overseas interests such as, his trip to Holland 1773, papers relating to China, and details of an expedition to India for which he provided instruction. His commitments in Lincolnshire are also represented in his papers, such as the survival of an account book for Hemingby Hospital. Family papers also survive, MS.5215: 1609-1816. In addition MS. 5250 consists of some surviving correspondence and papers, 1721-1739, of the Banks family, baronets, of Revesby Abbey, Lincolnshire.

Banks , Sir , Joseph , 1743-1820 , Baronet , naturalist
Banks Family of Revesby Abbey Lincolnshire
GB 0120 MSS. 5958-5963, 7589-7594 · 1853-1858, 1861-1862, 1967 and undated

MSS. 5958-5963 comprise journals of A B Barton, mainly written while he was a medical officer in the service of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P & O), 1853-1858. They cover his journeys between Bombay, Singapore and Hong Kong; to the Crimea; and to the Far East. They include descriptions of the progress of the Chinese rebellion (MS. 5959), tending to and transporting the sick and wounded from Balaclava to Scutari (MS. 5960), and his shipwreck off the coast of Ceylon, together with General Henry Havelock, on the steamer Erin (MS. 5962). Some are manuscript or typescript copies. MSS. 7589-7594 comprise journals and sketches mainly relating to the Yangtse expedition, led by Captain Thomas W Blakiston, on which Barton served as a medical officer, 1861. One journal, MS. 7591, also records the end of the expedition and Barton's journey to Ceylon via Singapore, with entries on hunting expeditions in Ceylon. The journals are all fair copies. MS. 7592 comprises a narrative of the Yangste expedition read by Barton to the Royal Geographical Society, based on his journals. MS. 7593 is a series of mainly topographical illustrations relating to the expedition, comprising sketches by Barton, plus photographs and engravings based on other sketches by Barton, some of which were used to illustrate Five Months on the Yang-Tse by Thomas W Blakiston (London: John Murray, 1862). MS. 7594 comprises later papers of Brian M Gould relating to Barton and his journals, 1967 and n.d.

Barton , Alfred Bowyer , 1825-1905 , physician Gould , Brian M , fl 1967
GB 0120 MSS.6827-6828 · 1825-1878

Correspondence of William Thomas Brande, 1825-1878, with some letters by his son, William T.C. Brande. Brande's advice on chemistry was sought by many of the correspondents in this small collection. They include Timothy Bramah on experiments relating to minting coin, Samuel Brown (1776-1852) on metal used in lighthouse construction; Frederick Richard Lees (1815-1897) on distillation of alcohol; Thomas William Clinton Murdoch (1809-1891) on fumigating 'coolie labour' aboard ship; and John Morillyon Wilson (1783-1868) on the danger of tobacco smoke to teeth. Other letters refer to publications and Royal Institution matters and Brande's own health.

Brande , William Thomas , 1788-1866 , chemist
British Medical Association
GB 0120 SA/BMA · 1888-1988

Papers of the British Medical Association compring files [1915-1960], from the following subject series: Medico-Political, Science, Groups, Ethics, Public Health, Hospitals, Organisation. Also incomplete set of copy minutes of Council, Committees and of the Annual Representatives' Meetings and Special Representatives' Meetings, [1907-1982].

British Medical Association
GB 0120 MSS.1905-1912 · 1903-1916

Collection of note-books containing six volumes on Botany and Comparative Ostology, a Register of Photographs, and a Bicycling Diary. The 5 Botanical notebooks and the single volume on Comparative Ostology are illustrated with mounted and other drawings, some in pencil.

Crawshay , Lionel Henry , de Barri , 1882-1928
GB 0120 MSS.5874-5875 · 1859-1888

Testimonials and notebook of John Temperley Gray, 1859-1888.

Gray , John Temperley , 1835-1892 , ship's surgeon
GB 0120 MSS. 3352 and 5746 · 1782-1787, c.1805

MS. 3352: Copy dated c1805 of a journal of a voyage from London to Cochin-China, 11 September 1792-15 June 1793. Note on verso of leaf 2 signed 'J.B.' (Sir John Barrow (1764-1848), Secretary to the Admiralty, and founder of the Royal Geographical Society) states 'This journal was written by Lord Macartney on board the Lion merely for his own amusement and to pass away a few heavy hours on a very long sea voyage'. MS. 5746: Correspondence and papers relating to medical services in Madras, 1782-1787, comprising 2 letters to Macartney from John Ruding, surgeon, Chingleput, 1782, 1783; letter to Macartney from James Hodges, Masulipatam, 1783; letter to Macartney from George Bell (d.1789), surgeon, Tanjore, 1783; Committee Minute on a proposal by Macartney for a fixed establishment of surgeons, 1784; letter to Macartney from Terence Gahagan, surgeon, enclosing a copy of his plan for the reform of the medical department, Vellore, 1787 (the plan is addressed to Macartney's successor as Governor of Fort St George, Madras, Sir Archibald Campbell).

Macartney , George , 1737-1806 , 1st Earl Macartney , diplomat
GB 0120 MSS.3356-3382 and 8682 · 1824-1860

MSS.3356-3382 comprise journals and memorandum books documenting the various phases of McCormick's career, as follows: MS.3356, sketchbook relating to West Indies and South America voyages, 1824-1825; MS.3357, journal of voyage north of Spitsbergen in the Hecla, 1827; MS.3358, notes of lectures on natural philosophy by Robert Jameson (1774-1854) at Edinburgh University, 1830-1831; MS.3359, diary of voyages to West Indies and South America, 1830-1832; MS.3360, half-pay diaries (7 volumes), 1830-1838; MS.3361, diaries covering 1823-1830, fair copy; MS.3362, sketch book covering voyages in North Sea and West Indies, 1832-1833; MS.3363, diary covering blockade of Dutch coast and voyage to West Indies, 1832-1834; MS.3364, diary of a walking tour in Devon (apparently part of a longer journey of which the other journal volumes are not extant), 1834-1835; MS.3365, diary while fitting out the Antarctic expedition of the Erebus, 1839; MSS.3366-3368, diaries written during the Erebus Antarctic expedition (15 volumes), 1839-1843; MSS.3369-3370, meteorological and ornithological logs respectively of the Erebus Antarctic expedition, 1839-1843; MS.3371, half-pay diaries (4 volumes), 1843-1845; MS.3372, memorandum book on Arctic discovery, chiefly compiled during the voyage of the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1848-1852; MS.3373, diary while fitting out the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1852; MSS.3374-3380, diaries written during the voyage of the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1852-1853; MSS.3381-3382, meteorological tables and sketches respectively, made during the voyage of the North Star as part of the search for Sir John Franklin, 1852-1853. MS.8682 comprises loose miscellaneous material, chiefly printed, relating to various phases of McCormick's career: evolving versions of his Narrative of a Boat-Expedition up the Wellington Channel in the Year 1852 (London: Eyre and Spotteswoode, 1854), plus testimonials, printed items by other authors including the Arctic traveller Dr. Richard King, publisher's advertisements and newspapers.

McCormick , Robert , 1800-1890 , naval surgeon and Polar explorer
GB 0120 MSS.3667-3681 · 1780-1805

The collection consists of original and copy documents relating to Viscount Nelson. Although it spans his career from 1780 to his death in 1805, the bulk of the collection centres on 1798 - the year of the battle of Aboukir Bay - and the three years 1803-1805, during which Nelson commanded the Mediterranean Fleet. Included are several hundred official reports and surveys concerned with the manning, ordnance, stores, defects and sick lists of the ships under Nelson's overall command, plus reports on courts martial, prize money, prisoners, sailors' pay, etc. Also present are weekly reports by the chief physicians of the Fleet comparing health on various vessels and giving details of treatments proposed; letters to Nelson on issues such as inventions, requests for places, etc.; and a collection of bills. The papers carry the signatures of most of the senior officers under Nelson and are generally addressed to Nelson himself.

Nelson , Horatio , 1758-1805 , 1st Viscount Nelson , Vice Admiral
GB 0120 MSS.7841-7843 · 1850-1881

Papers of Joshua Henry Porter including manuscript draft and published version of The Surgeon's Pocket-book, 2nd edition, 1880 and military scrapbook, 1850-1881.

Porter , Joshua Henry , 1831-1880 , Surgeon-Major
GB 0120 MSS.4260-4261 and 6117 · 1910-1916

The collection consists of diaries, correspondence and other papers from the period in which Ross was medical officer of the coolie ship Hong Bee, travelling between Penang and the China coast via Hong Kong. MS.6117 includes a temporary commission in the Royal Army Medical Corps, 1916.

Ross , Donald Mars Morphett , 1865-1921 , naval surgeon
GB 0120 RAMC · 17th century - 20th century

Reports, diaries, memoirs, photographs and memorabilia given to the Royal Army Medical Corps Museum and Library by former officers and men of the Corps. Some date back to Marlborough's campaigns of the late 17th century; there is also material relating to the continuing European and Imperial conflicts of the 18th and early 19th centuries, the Crimean War (1854-1856), the Boer War and the Balkan conflicts of the early 20th century, the two World Wars, the Korean War and other smaller conflicts thereafter.

Royal Army Medical Corps
GB 0120 PP/HEW · 1904-1983

Papers of Sir Harold Whittingham including A. Personal Papers and Early Career, 1904-1956, including papers on cancer research, Glasgow, 1904-1915; B. RAF Sandfly Fever Commission, Malta, 1921-1952; C. RAF Medical Services, c.1920-1945; D. Biochemistry Lectures, London School of Tropical Medicine, 1926-1930; E. British Red Cross Society, 1946-1959; F. Flying Personnel Research Committee, 1940-1976; G. British Airways Overseas Corporation, 1945-1970; H. International Air Transport Association Medical Committee, 1949-1960; J. World Health Organisation, 1948-1968; K. Commonwealth Development Corporation, 1958-1976; L. History of RAF Medical Services, 1958-1983 and M. Publications, 1911-1975.

Whittingham , Sir , Harold E , 1887-1983 , Knight , Air Marshal