Copies of papers relating to operations in the Hedjaz (Hejaz), Arabia, especially the provision of camels and equipment to Sherif Faisal ibn Hussein's Northern Arab Army, 1917-1918, including typescript note by Lt Col Pierce Charles Joyce, Officer Commanding Northern Hejaz Troops, entitled 'Proposed employment of camels put at the disposal of Sherif Faisal by General Allenby', 22 Jul 1918; typescript memorandum by Young to Sherif Faisal ibn Hussein on the deterioration in condition of British supplied camels, in use by the Arab Army, Aug 1918; typescript memorandum by Young detailing equipment to be supplied to the Arab Army, Aug 1918; typescript narrative by Young entitled '1000 miles on a camel. How I got two guns out of the Sherifian Army' [1918].
UntitledTypescript lecture notes on the training of officers, School of Military Engineering, Chatham, Kent [1940]; typescript memorandum by Young entitled 'Notes on Engineer intelligence', 1943; typescript notes by Young on the effects of bombing on port facilities in North Africa, 1943; typescript article by Young entitled 'The development of land mine warfare', 1944; typescript notes by Young entitled 'In Macedonia, 1916-1917', written in 1946, with a manuscript letter from Lt Col Anthony Heritage Farrar-Hockley, Commanding Officer 3 Bn, The Parachute Regt, thanking Young for the use of the notes, 1962; typescript volume entitled 'The Brigade Headquarter's Story. The story of the 130th Brigade HQ (43rd Wessex Division) 1939-1946', edited by S G M Liddle, with four photographs and typescript list of former 130 Bde officers, 1951; correspondence relating to Young's appointment as Hon Col, 121 Army Engineer Regt, Royal Engineers, Territorial Army, 1952-1959; edition of Salonika memories 1915-1919 by G E Willis (Salonika Reunion Association, Newbury Weekly News, Newbury, 1969); edition of Ten Chapters 1942 to 1945 by FM Sir Bernard Law Montgomery (Hutchinson, London, 1946); articles from The Royal Engineers Journal, 1932-1934, including article by Young entitled 'The diary of an RE subaltern with the BEF in 1914'.
UntitledPapers, 1908-1974, including Wynne's letters home to his father from Germany, 1908-1911, including detailed descriptions of illegal duelling by students in Hannover, Germany and calling card of General Otto von Emmich, Commander, 10 Army Corps, Hannover, Germany, 1909-1915. Bound typescript account by Wynne, 29 Jul-4 Sep 1914, on his experiences in the BEF's (British Expeditionary Force's) retreat from Mons, Belgium, the Battle of Le Cateau, France, and capture by German forces during the Battle of Le Cateau, France, 26 Aug 1914, written as a POW in Germany, Sep-Oct 1914. Correspondence, press cutting, menus and Christmas cards relating to time as POW, Germany and Netherlands, 1914-1918, including letters written to parents from Portobello Barracks, Dublin, immediately before embarkation for France, Aug 1914; cutting from The Morning Post, 3 Sept 1914, listing Wynne as killed; letter home from POW camp, Magdeburg, Germany, 30 Dec 1914, referring to incorrect report of his death; menus, playing cards and Christmas cards with watercolours by Wynne and signatures of fellow POW's. Correspondence and papers relating to Wynne's work for the Historical Section, Cabinet Office, and to his publications, 1928-1958, including two letters from Maj Gen Sir Ernest (Dunlop) Swinton relating to German defence systems, 30 Sep 1939, and to Wynne's book, If Germany attacks. The battle in depth in the west (Faber and Faber, London, 1940), 2 Feb 1940; manuscript diary and typescript report by Wynne on an official visit to North Africa, 12 Apr-23 May 1943; letters to Wynne from Lt Gen Sir Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson, General Officer Commanding 1 Army, North Africa, rebutting allegations reported to Wynne by troops of 8 Army of Anderson's poor handling of 1 Army in operations in North Africa, May 1943; three letters from Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart, dated Jan-Jul 1958, relating to Wynne's article on the Schlieffen plan and The Schlieffen plan. Critique of a myth by Professor Gerhard Ritter (Oswald Wolff, London, 1958). Correspondence, 1939-1974, relating to Wynne's publications, including his book If Germany attacks. The battle in depth in the west (Faber and Faber, London, 1940). Also photograph of Wynne's father, General Sir Arthur Singleton Wynne, c.1914.
Wynne , Graeme Chamley , 1889-1954 , CaptainCopies of extracts from 'One man's war', a memoir of his service with the Royal Armoured Corps and the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, 1942-1946, written in 1981-1983. The extracts relate mainly to the practice of religion in the UK, India and Burma, 1942-1946, particularly the role of Christianity in army life.
UntitledPapers relating to the defence of Calais, May 1940, dated 1940-1971, notably including copy letter from Wright to Kathleen Howard (later Mrs L W Wright), 28 May 1940, detailing the events of his escape from Calais; typescript extracts of messages from the log kept by Control Wireless Station of No 12 Wireless Section at Vice Admiralty, Dover, 1940, copied in [1960-1970]; 'Personal experience in the defence of Calais', manuscript text compiled by Wright in 1946 from a report written for the War Office in 1940; press cuttings and copies of press cuttings, 1940-1962; correspondence relating to the rescue of a group of soldiers (including Wright) from Calais harbour by HMS GULZAR, May 1940, dated 1940 and 1968; 'Calais 1940 remembered', article by Lt J A Evitts reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Signals Institution vol 10 no 3, 1971. Other papers relating to Wright and his family, 1916, [1975], 1986, notably including newspaper cutting concerning the rescue from under enemy fire of Wright's father, 2nd Lt Leonard Wright, by Pte William Hall, 1916.
UntitledPapers relating to his naval service, 1945-1950, principally comprising photographs of British Pacific Fleet ships and personnel, 1945.
UntitledCopies of official photographs of HMS RAJAH, 1944-1945, including details of anti-aircraft guns; aircraft on board (some crashed onto deck); aircraft being unloaded by crane; Suez Canal; wardroom and ratings messdeck, Christmas 1944; boxing and hockey on deck. Also copy of a certificate of service for 1943-1946; wireless history sheet, 1943-1945.
Wretham , Kenneth Edward , b 1925 , telegraph operator'1st Battalion, The Malay Regiment', particulars of British and Malay personnel, 1942-1945, compiled by Wort while in Changi POW camp, 1942-1945, with additional information added in 1946, and including an account of the role of 1 Bn in the Battle of Singapore, 9-15 Feb 1942, written by Lt Col J P G Andre, Officer Commanding, dated 1942. Copy photograph of Wort, 1958.
UntitledTypescript thesis for MD (Doctor of Medicine), Dublin University, entitled 'The prevention of malaria in a military cantonment in northern India' [1933]. Correspondence, 1935-1954, mostly personal letters of thanks and congratulations, including letter from Edwina Cynthia Annette Mountbatten, Countess Mountbatten of Burma, following a visit to military hospitals in West Germany, 1950. Typescript 'An account of the first two years with the East African Groundnut Scheme' [1948]. Correspondence, pamphlets and certificates, relating to retirement from the Royal Army Medical Corps, 1961-1962, awards and appointments, 1950-1977, and the Royal Army Medical Corps centenary celebrations, 1960. Typescript minutes of meetings of the Council of Col Commandants, Royal Army Medical Corps, 1964-1969. Correspondence and papers relating to Royal Army Medical Corps Regimental ties, uniform and dress regulations, orders, decorations and medals, 1966-1968. Correspondence relating to visits to military establishments as Col Commandant, Royal Army Medical Corps, Jan-Dec 1967. Correspondence with the War Office, 1961, and the Ministry of Defence, 1969-1970, relating to pay and conditions of retirement as President of the Command Standing Medical Board, Military Hospital, Tidworth, Hampshire.
UntitledPapers relating to his service with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 1943-1945, principally comprising official report by [Woods] on waterproofing technology, 1945; official reports on the waterproofing of 'A' and 'B' vehicles and equipment, 1943-1945, by Brig Hugh Roberts Howard, Deputy Director Mechanical Engineering (Wading), War Office, 1944-1945; 'Waterproofing of army equipment for amphibious operations', official report by Woods, [1943-1945]; photographs of wading tests on army vehicles, 1944; Combined Operations pamphlets on the responsibilities of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 1944, and the waterproofing of vehicles and equipment, 1944; 'The Army waded ashore', a typescript account of the role of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers in the preparations for D Day, 6 Jun 1944, written by Woods in [1944-1945].
UntitledPapers, 1942-1945, 1953 relating to Woodhouse's service with the Special Operations Executive (SOE), as Second in Command, and later Commander, of the British (later Allied) Military Mission to the Greek guerrillas in German occupied Greece(BMM/AMM) and the Iranian military coup, 1953. Includes correspondence between BMM and Middle East Command in Cairo comprising telegrams, operation orders, notes, minutes, reports and memoranda, Sep 1942-Jan 1945; other papers relating to BMM/AMM including Woodhouse's diaries with typescript transcript; nominal roll of Force 133 personnel, Aug 1944, articles and reports; papers on New Zealanders in BMM/AMM; maps; post-war papers on Greece including BBC Monitoring Service records, 1948-1952; publications, lectures, articles and broadcasts on Greece and the BMM/AMM by Woodhouse and others including Andreas Tzimas, EAM Central Committee member during Greek occupation and US Maj Gerald (Jerry) K Wines, Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and correspondence related to research on BMM/AMM; papers concerning funerals, memorials and decorations relating to the BMM/AMM; artefacts from the BMM/AMM. Papers on the SIS/CIA plot to overthrow Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mussadeq (Operations BOOT and AJAX), 1953. Draft translation of Panagiōtēs Kanellopoulos's History of the European Spirit from Greek to English and volumes of History of the European Spirit in the original Greek.
Woodhouse , Christopher Montague , 1917-2001 , 5th Baron Terrington , ColonelPapers relating to his service in Italy, 1943-1944, principally comprising 1 Div, 3 Infantry Bde and 3 Field Ambulance operation orders concerning the landings on Pantelleria (Operation CORKSCREW), May-Jun 1943, and at Anzio (Operation SHINGLE), Jan 1944; report on the action at Campoleone, 30 Jan-4 Feb 1944, written by J G James, Commander, 3 Infantry Bde, 12 Feb 1944; 3 Infantry Bde intelligence summary for Operations ANT and APHIS; three aerial photographs of Anzio beaches, 1943, and plan of Blue Beach (North), Anzio, 1944; two parts of 'The First Division in action' covering the Anzio campaign, Jan-Jun 1944, written in Apr and Jul 1944.
UntitledPapers of Tom Wintringham and his second wife Katherine 'Kitty' Wintringham (née Bowler), 1891-1982. Papers of Tom Wintringham relating to the Home Guard include correspondence, articles, radio broadcasts, press cuttings, photograph, report, lecture transcripts and training exercises. Papers relating to the Common Wealth Party including correspondence, photographs, minutes, publications, papers on Common Wealth Party policy, formation, resignations, libel charges, election campaigns and conferences. Other papers relating to Tom Wintringham including papers from his time at Balliol College, Oxford, 1918-1920; Wintringham's visit to Moscow, 1920; various inventions by Wintringham, 1929-1949; the Communist Party, 1933-1944; British economic crisis, 1947, and obituaries and biographical articles. Wintringham's correspondence includes his school days, First World War, prison, Spanish Civil War, Home Guard, Common Wealth Party and general personal and professional correspondence; Kitty's correspondence includes Spanish Civil War, the Common Wealth Party and general personal and professional correspondence. Photographs notably cover the Spanish Civil War, Home Guard, Common Wealth Party, Tom and Kitty Wintringham, their children, friends and family. Writings by Wintringham include draft and published articles (chiefly for the Picture Post, the Tribune, the Daily Herald and the Daily Mirror), drafts of published and unpublished books, scripts, reviews, notes, short stories and essays. Draft articles by Kitty. Poems by Wintringham and others on topics including World War One and the Spanish Civil War, 1910-1950 and printed material, 1923-1950.
Wintringham , Thomas Henry , 1898-1945 , socialist writer and military commentatorPhotocopies of memoir covering military service, 1860-1918; published account of Tochi Valley expedition, Afghanistan, 1897-1898; complaint relating to conditions in trenches, Western Front, World War One, 1915.
UntitledCopy of transcript of his interview of with Professor Peter Sørenson of Aarhus University, 1970, concerning Winterton's work with the Allied Commission for Austria, 1945-1950, and in particular the origin of the Second Control Agreement, 1946, with copies of related correspondence, 1970 and 1972, and his covering letter to the Centre, 1980.
UntitledCopies of pages from Sir Albert Stern's Tanks, 1914-1918: the log book of a pioneer (1919), with annotations by Wilson, 1920.
UntitledPapers relating to training in the RN, 1935-1937, principally comprising unsigned text on 'The training of seamen', [1936]; copies of Willis' letters to the Training Commander, RN Barracks, Chatham, concerning the training of new entries, 1935-1936.
UntitledPhotographs relating to his service in the Middle East, 1941-1943, and North West Europe, 1945, including official photographs and diagrams of the flak control tower at Nansum, Netherlands, 1945, and official photographs and report on the Möhne Dam and its defences, Germany, [1943]. Notebook relating to his work as a gunnery instructor, ND, including photographs, [1939-1945].
UntitledPapers, 1881-1926; notably war diaries of the 3 Hussars during World War One, 1914-1919; private diary of Willcox, 1914; intelligence summaries with translated extracts from German documents, 1917-1918; typescript account of the 3 Hussars at Warneton, Belgium, Oct 1914; typescript account of the action of the 3 Hussars at Liez, France, March 1918 and near Hourges, France, Apr 1918; aerial photographs showing trench network, Beaucamp, France, 1916; copy of a diary by Willcox compiled during the siege of Ladysmith, South Africa, with two popular printed commemorative volumes describing the siege, 1899-1900; diary by Willcox of a visit by him as an observer of German army manoeuvres, Berlin area, with photographs, 1909; letters sent by Willcox to his parents and other relatives, 1881-1900; photographs of India, South Africa during the Boer War, in 1910 and the Western Front during World War One, showing groups of soldiers, equipment, the interiors and exteriors of buildings, including in Pretoria, of military exercises, parades, preparation for possible gas attack and of French chateaux, [1889-1919]; various papers compiled by Willcox during the compilation of his history of the 3 Hussars including operational summaries, biographical information and drawings and photographs, with reviews of Willcox's publications, 1908-1926; watercolours of the French landscape during World War One; manuscript hunting journal including detailed diaries and records of pig-sticking, tiger shooting and other hunts in Africa, Scotland and India, 1894-1932; colour illustrations of soldiers in various antique constumes.
Willcox , Walter Temple , 1869-1943 , Lt ColPrivately published memoir, D.B.H.W., covering his life and career, 1917-1999; including account of childhood and education; early service in RN, 1928-1933; decision to transfer to Engineering Branch, 1933; construction of HMS PRINCE of WALES and establishment of Damage Control Department, 1940-1941; account of engagement with the German battleship BISMARCK and the sinking of HMS HOOD, May 1941; account of 'Atlantic Meeting' between Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, Aug 1941; the loss of HMSS PRINCE OF WALES and REPULSE, Dec 1941; service as Engineer Officer, HMS ISIS, Indian Ocean, 1942-44; post-war service in aircraft carriers HMS IMPLACABLE, 1946-1948 and HMS EAGLE, 1956-1956 and subsequent career as a 'Whitehall Warrior' and Adm Superintendent, Devonport.
Wildish , Denis Bryan Harvey , b. 1914 , Vice AdmiralCopy of unpublished memoir, 'The Life of Engineer Rear Admiral Sir Henry Wildish aka The Rogue Elephant, 1884-1973', by his son, V Adm Sir Denis Bryan Harvey Wildish, covering his Naval career, 1901-1945, including chapters on his early life and training; sea service aboard HMSs NILE, HERMES, DUNCAN, 1905-1914; service in World War One as Senior Engineer of the heavy cruiser, HMS SUTLEJ, attached to 11th Cruiser Squadron based at Queenstown 1914-1915, as Senior Engineer of the heavy cruiser HMS KING ALFRED, Flagship of the 6th Cruiser Squadron, mainly engaged in patrol duties off the African coast, and as Chief Engineer of the destroyer HMS SPRINGBOK, attached to the Harwich Light Forces, 1916-1919; inter-war sea service as Engineer Officer of HMSs DILIGENCE, 1925, WEYMOUTH, 1925-1926, and FURIOUS, 1928-1931, and shore appointments particularly as Engineer Officer in Charge. Admiralty Fuel Experimental Station. Haslar, 1926-1928; service in World War Two as Engineer Admiral on the Staff of Staff of Commander-in-Chief, Nore Command, 1937-1941and as Command Engineer Officer on the Staff of Commander-in-Chief, Western Approaches, Adm Sir Max Kennedy Horton, 1941-1945; Appendices include copies of his Confidential Reports (flimsies), 1904-1945; correspondence on Wildish's concept of a petrol fuelled internal combustion engine for torpedoes and submarines when submerged; details of the Stefco-Wildish Patent Two Stage Steam Dryer and the Wildish firebrick and bolt.
Wildish , Denis Bryan Harvey , b. 1914 , Vice AdmiralAccount of his service with Middlesex Regt during the Battle of the Somme, 1916.
UntitledPapers relating to his work at SHAPE, 1953-1955, dated 1953-1955 and 1957, comprising 'Some brief thoughts on problem of co-ordination of progress in study of the tactical use of the atom bomb', draft text by White, Sep 1953; draft of directive from Supreme Allied Commander Europe to Commanders-in-Chief concerning the future form of land battle in Europe, 1954; typescript notes on 'The philosophy of the future land/air battle' written by White for FM Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein and of Hindhead, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Jun 1955; unsigned typescript 'Notes for discussion between Marshal Juin and Field Marshal Montgomery' on 24 Aug 1955, relating to the organisation of NATO land forces; 'Memorandum on the economics of Western defence' by Montgomery, dated 1955; 'Organisation for war in modern times', text of lecture to Royal United Service Institution by Montgomery, 12 Oct 1955; texts of Montgomery's final addresses to staff of SHAPE exercises CPX 5 and CPX 7, mainly concerning international organisation for future war, 1955 and 1957.
UntitledCinefilm of preparations for atomic bomb tests, Christmas Island, 1958.
UntitledCopies of pocket diaries covering his service in Italy, Jun 1944-Apr 1945. Two photographs of Wheeler, [1939-1945].
Untitled'Notes on tactical lessons of the Palestine Rebellion, 1936' (Security B272), compiled from extracts from General Officer Commanding 5 Div's report on operations in Palestine in 1936, issued by the War Office, 1937, with covering letter to the Centre, 1990.
UntitledPapers relating to Weston's career, 1916- 1945, including manuscript notes by Weston entitled 'Some notes on the discipline of Imperial troops in convoy on HM Transport LLANSTEPHAN CASTLE from Durban to Suez', 1941; notebook containing manuscript 'Standing orders for POWs', 1943; typescript report on the sinking of the EMPRESS OF CANADA, 1943; typescript instructions and duties of Draft Conducting Officers on board troopships [1943]; typescript memorandum by Weston on the co-ordination of Movement Control in South Africa, 1944, with typescript reports on officers attached to Imperial Movement Control, South Africa (IMPCON), 1944; printed material including memorandum on the German attack near Givenchy, Western Front, 1918, with printed map annotated with dispositions of German 4 Ersatz Div during attack north of Cuinchy, France, 9 Apr 1918, scale 1: 10, 000; trench map entitled France. Sheet 57D SE. Edition 3A, scale 1:20,000 (GSGS 2742, 1916), annotated with features near La Boisselle, Pozieres and Courcelette, Battle of the Somme, 1916, Field Service Pocket Book, Orders and intercommunication (HMSO, London, 1939), Rifle Drill illustrated (Gale and Polden, Aldershot, 1940), Restricted War Office booklet 'Standing instructions for Officers Commanding units and drafts ordered overseas', 1943.
UntitledWartime diaries, typescript correspondence, memoirs and poetry by Victor West, concerning the campaign in Greece, Crete and as a prisoner of war during World War Two, with recent poetry, 1941-1999; notably including a bound typescript memoir, 'The loss of Creforce Reserve: "The side show"', written 1981, including list of officers and other ranks of 9 Bn, King's Royal Rifle Corps, killed in Greece and Crete, 1941, and a copy article, 'The Rangers in Greece and Crete: a story of devotion and toil', printed 1941 in the house magazine of the Gas Light & Coke Ltd; 3 volume bound typescript memoir, 'Wash me in the water: a personal account of the first Greek campaign, 1941. The battle for Crete, including the story of the loss of Creforce Reserve', written 1983; bound typescript 1941 personal war diary, a transcription of West's original diary; bound typescript copy letters to West from a Spanish fellow POW, Sgt Basilio Marin, 1944-1945 and photocopy typescript and manuscript notes (untitled) on the Crete campaign, 1941; bound typescript 'We from Crete: Pep talks in Stalag 383', written 1982, relating to life in a POW camp (first and second drafts); bound typescript, 'Escape involuntary (we couldn't help it)', recounting West's escape from a POW camp, Germany, Apr 1945; Victor West, The horses of Falaise: poems on the experiences of a fighting soldier in World War II (Salamandar Imprint, London, 1975), bound photocopy; Victor West, Part 2 orders: WWII poems (Salamandar Imprint, London, 1999), bound photocopy; notes on West's career and on the history of 1 Rangers, King's Royal Rifle Corps; copy correspondence and illustrations relating to a painting by West presented to Winston Churchill, 1955.
West , Victor , 1919-2002 , Lance CorporalCopies of extracts from 'Wells, a family history', produced by Tessa J Harfield, 1988, principally comprising a brief account of the life and RAF career of Sidney McLeod Wells (Wg Cdr Maurice Clunes Wells' brother), 1906-1941, written by Harfield in 1988; transcription of Brig (then Lt) Brian Gordon Wells' account of a big game hunt in Northern Rhodesia, 1931, written in [1931-1932], with his record of service, 1923-1955, dated 1955; transcription of 'My career in the RAF, 1935-1950' written by Wg Cdr Maurice Clunes Wells, written in [1980-1985]. Original manuscript of 'My career in the RAF, 1935-1950'. Photographs relating to Wg Cdr Maurice Clunes Wells' army career, dated [1940-1945] and [1980-1988], notably his internment as a POW, [1940-1945].
Untitled'Drama in Malta, a personal flashback', Weldon's account of his service in Malta, 1939-1943, based on notes made in 1939-1943, printed by Printing and Stationery Service, British Army of the Rhine, [1945]. 'A collection of Field Marshal Montgomery's personal messages to 21 Army Group, Normandy to the Baltic, 1944-1945', printed by Printing and Stationery Services, 21 Army Group, [1945].
UntitledMemoir of World War Two service by Steve Weiss with photographs, 1943-1945; comprising a memoir of his service in 36 Div, US Army, in Italy and France, 1943-1945. Based on his `Experience of War' lectures given in the Department of War Studies, King's College London; photocopy photographs relating to his service in 36 Div, US Army, 1943-1945. Subjects are: Steve Weiss and others at Camp Blanding, Florida, 1943; recently destroyed bridge at Viviers on the River Rhone, France, Jul 1944; Weiss and others embarking at Naples, Italy, Aug 1944; with unidentified US war correspondent, Lyon, Sep 1944; Steve Weiss and others near Remiremont, Vosges, France, Oct 1944; in Paris, France, 1945; Caserne, Jeanne d'Arc, Reims, France, 1945; Weiss and others on the stairs to the hayloft that had been his wartime hiding place, near Valence, France, Jul 1972; 2 commercial videotapes, Victory in North Africa and D Day heroes.
Weiss , Steve , b 1925Papers, 1938-1983, mostly concerning the Hollerith (prototype computer) and the Army Statistics Club, including printed booklet entitled 'The Inns of Court Regiment (the Devil's Own)', 1938; newspaper cuttings and obituaries, 1944-1983, with nine photographs relating to Webster's Army career, notably photographs of 25 pounder gun and crew [1944]; printed volume entitled 'Administrative history of 21 Army Group, 6 Jun 1944-8 May 1945' (Restricted publication, 1945); eight typescript editions of 'The Bulletin of the Stats Club', 1949-1953, with related administrative correspondence, 1946-1979; two editions of The Tabulator. A journal devoted to Hollerith electrical punched card accounting, 1953 and 1958; edition of 'The history of 353 (London) Medium Regt RA (TA), 1861-1961' by Maj B J Grimwood, Col John Ewart Marnham and Lt Col E H Beasley [1962].
UntitledTwo manuscript narrative diaries by Webb-Bowen, detailing the voyage of HMS IRON DUKE to the Crimea, Russia, via Gibraltar, Malta, Suda Bay, Crete, and Constantinople, Turkey, and subsequent operations in the Black Sea and Turkey, 21 Mar 1919-30 Nov 1920; typescript orders by Adm Sir John Michael de Robeck, 1st Bt, Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Fleet, for officers and men of HM Ships IRON DUKE, MARLBOROUGH, BENBOW, MONTROSE, SPEEDY and SPORTIVE, relating to landing operations against Nationalist Turkish forces, Gemlik and Yeni Keui, Turkey, Jul 1920.
UntitledPapers relating to Watts' RN career, training of RN Engineers and meteorology, 1945-1990, including three telegrams relating to the German and Japanese surrenders, May and Aug 1945, and to the signing of the Japanese surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, Sep 1945; lectures and talks by Watts relating to RN Engineer training, 1960-1962; typescript lecture notes entitled 'The Instructor Branch' [1961]; typescript address to Royal Naval Reserve Instructor Officers, [1964]; correspondence with R Adm Sir William (Alfred) Bishop, R Adm Christopher John Howard, Capt John Athol Burnett, RN, Capt Arthur Ernest Johnston, RN, Capt Alexander Malcolm Morrice, RN, Cdr William Nimmo Bowman, RN, and Richard J Ogden, Apr-Nov 1988, relating to research for a lecture by Watts on 'Meteorology in the Royal Navy in World War Two' to the History Group of the Royal Meteorological Society, Oct 1988, with edition of Meteorology and World War II. Second conference, October 1988, edited by Brian Douglas Giles (Royal Meteorological Society, School of Geography, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, 1989); typescript account of German bombing of HMS ILLUSTRIOUS off Pantelleria, Mediterranean, 10 Jan 1941, entitled 'A day to remember', with two sketch maps of the operation [1990]; typescript lecture notes on the organisation of the RN Meteorological Service in World War Two [1990].
UntitledAFO 1/56, the new officer structure', a manuscript text on changes in the RN officer structure, 1956-1994, with particular reference to Area Flag Officers, written in [1994].
UntitledDiary, 17 Sep-16 Oct 1944, covering his service at Battle of Arnhem (Operation MARKET GARDEN), with part of 'Suggested medical plan' prepared for Deputy Director of Medical Services, 1 Airborne Corps, 22 Sep 1944, and part of note relating to the strength of medical forces, [1944]. Transcript of part of above diary made by Sir Basil Liddell Hart, with related correspondence, 1949-1951. Bound transcript of above diary made by Lt Col Kenneth Garside, Honorary Keeper of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, with foreword by Warrack, 1979. The diary formed the basis of Warrack's book Travel by dark: after Arnhem (Harvill, London, 1963), and a BBC television production Arnhem: the story of an escape, originally broadcast in 1976. Typescript copy of 'The Airborne Hospital, Willem 111 Kazerne, Apeldoorn, 25th Sept 1944 to 26th Oct 1944. Nominal roll of the wounded' compiled by Peter H Starling, Curator of the Army Medical Services Museums, Aldershot, Hampshire, 1998.
UntitledPapers and photographs relating to Ward's RAF career, 1930-1955, including photograph album containing 201 mostly captioned photographs relating to Ward's RAF service in India, 1930-1933, including RAF 11 Sqn operations against Mohmand tribesmen, North West Frontier, Mar 1932; with six loose photographs[1932]-1945, including photograph of Ward [1932]; group of RAF POWs, Stalag Luft III, Aug 1942; four aerial photographs of Hamburg and Bremen, Germany, Jul 1945. Copy of manuscript narrative diary, 1939-1942, detailing Ward's RAF service until he was shot down over Kiel, Germany, Feb 1942; copy of manuscript notes by Ward entitled 'Future training in the Royal Air Force' [1945]; six printed maps (two on linen, one on silk and two on tissue paper), of France, Danzig, Germany, Sumatra and Java, Indonesia, 1935-[1950]; printed translation of speech to the Reichstag by Adolf Hitler, 'A last appeal to reason', 19 Jul 1940; reprinted facsimile, dated 1983, of Honolulu Star Bulletin, relating to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian Islands, 7 Dec 1941; copies of autographs given by Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart and Kathleen Liddell Hart to Ward's son, Richard Ward, Aug 1951. Papers and photographs relating to the filming of The wooden horse, directed by Jack Lee, and Ward's role as actor and Technical Adviser, 1949-1950, including seven photographs of Ward and the film set during the making of The wooden horse, Germany, 1949; sketch map by Ward of Stalag Luft III [1949]; typescript notes by Ward entitled 'The aftermath of the wooden horse escape' [1949]; newspaper cuttings on the release of The wooden horse, 1950. Papers and photographs relating to Ward's service as Air and Military Attaché to Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador, 1952-1955, including typescript official reports by Ward relating to the air forces of Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Bolivia, Feb 1953-Sep 1955; typescript memoranda by Ward relating to diplomatic visits and journeys made in South America, Apr 1952-Oct 1955, including 'A review of living conditions in Lima, Peru' Apr 1952, 'Visit to Ecuador and northern Peru' Sep 1953, 'Journey by car from Lima to La Paz and return' Aug 1955; twenty four typescript letters home to relatives and friends, mostly to Ward's parents-in-law, Dudley and Audrey Christopherson, Jun 1952-Jul 1955; booklet entitled Operation Round Trip. The goodwill flight to South America by four English Electric Canberras of No 12 Squadron, the Royal Air Force (The English Electric Company Limited, London, 1952); twelve uncaptioned photographs of official functions, South America [1953]; twenty two colour photographs of the topography and local people, Peru [1954].
UntitledCopy of memoir covering the period 1914-1921, including his service in World War One in the Mediterranean, 1914-1915 and 1917-1918, and the North Sea, 1916-1917, notably the Battle of Jutland, 1916, in the Baltic during the Russian Civil War, 1918, and on fishery duties in the English Channel, 1920, written in [1920-1921].
UntitledCopy of typescript memoir covering the period 1914-1918, including his service with 3 Bn, London Regt in Sudan, 1915, Gallipoli, 1915, and France and Belgium, 1916-1918, notably the Battle of the Somme, 1916, dated 1935. Includes transcript of an extract from the diary of Private W Law covering his service with 3 Bn, London Regt in Gallipoli, Nov-Dec 1915.
UntitledUndated typescript account of his military service, 1940-1944, principally comprising a diary of his work as Landing Officer, 3 Canadian Div, Normandy, on and around D-Day, 5 Jun-5 Sep 1944.
UntitledCopies of papers, 1940-1982, including narrative manuscript diary covering service with 3 Div Royal Engineers, Belgium and France, May-Jun 1940, with printed map entitled Lille-Ghent, North West Europe, sheet No 2, scale 1: 250, 000 (GSGS 4042, War Office, 1938); narrative manuscript diary covering service with 51 Highland Div Royal Engineers, North West Europe, Oct 1944 and Feb-May 1945, with typescript nominal roll of officers, list of casualties between Jun 1944 and May 1945, and typescript programme for the 51 Highland Div victory parade, Bremerhaven, Germany, May 1945; five printed maps of North West Europe entitled 'Brussels and Liege', 'Walcheren and Amsterdam', 'Osnabruck', 'Hamburg', 'Hannover' (no publication details or scale), with printed map of the Rhine entitled 'Outline of 51(H) Div RE plan, Operation PLUNDER', annotated with dispositions of Royal Engineers units for the Rhine crossing, 1945; correspondence with Maj Karol John Drewienkiewicz, 25 Field Sqn Royal Engineers, 1982, concerning operations of 3 Div Royal Engineers (May 1940); typescript text of lecture, given at Antwerp, 1982, on operations to clear the Scheldt Estuary, 1944.
UntitledPapers relating to his RAF career, 1942-[1953], principally comprising correspondence relating to the development of a submersible target at RAF St Eval, Cornwall, 1942, dated 1948; manuscript notes on the problems of establishing Coastal Command Station, Nassau, Bahamas, as a training centre for Coastal Liberator crews, 1942; official report on the RAF occupation of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, 5-11 May 1945; printed reports on the progress of air disarmament in Germany in 1944-1946, produced by British Air Forces of Occupation, 1945-1947; correspondence relating to his work as Director of Air Branch, Control Commission, Berlin, 1947-1949, and to the planning of the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949; official report on organisation and structure of Berlin Airlift administration; RAF training course notes and papers, 1950; papers relating to his service as Assistant Chief of Staff, Allied Air Forces Central Europe, [1951-1953], notably including photographs of Waite, [1951-1953]; published RAF manuals, 1948, 1950.
Untitled32 captioned photographs of the British Military Mission to Russia, Odessa Detachment, 1919-1920. Typescript 'Interim report by No 1 War Crimes Review of Sentences Board on Italian War Criminals', Apr 1949. Typescript 'Report and recommendations by No 1 War Crimes Review of Sentences Board on German and Austrian War Criminals', Aug 1949. Typescript notes on ten prisoners held at Karlau prison, Graz, Austria, 1949. Typescript lists of 295 male and 27 female War Criminals held at Werl prison, British Zone of Germany [1949]. Typescript lists of 30 male War Criminals held at Hameln prison, British Zone of Germany, with manuscript plan of the prison [1949]. Typescript list of 28 male and female War Criminals held in various other prisons, British Zone of Germany, and those transferred into the jurisdiction of other powers [1949]. Typescript 'Report and recommendations by No 2 War Crimes Sentences Review Board on Japanese War Criminals', 1949. Wade's personal file of notes, correspondence and directives as Chairman of No 1 Board, 1949, including manuscript letter, in German, to Wade, by German FM Albert von Kesselring, Feb 1949, with typescript translation.
UntitledPapers relating to the proceedings of the trial of von Manstein for war crimes by a British Military Court, Curio House, Hamburg, Germany, Aug-Dec 1949, including typescript 'Index of the proceedings upon the trial of Fritz Erich von Lewinski, called von Manstein', 1949; typescript index of the summing-up by Judge Advocate Hon Charles Arthur Collingwood, Dec 1949; typescript charge sheet listing the seventeen charges of war crimes against von Manstein, amended as served, 14 Jul 1949; typescript opening speech for the prosecution by Sir Arthur Strettell Comyns-Carr, KC, 24 Aug 1949; typescript proceedings for the sixty one days of von Manstein's trial for war crimes (two days proceedings excluded as they were held in camera), 23 Aug-16 Dec 1949; twelve bound indexed volumes of typescript documents referred to by counsel and used as evidence in von Manstein's trial, 1949; typescript bound transcript of Commission Hearing, Landsberg Prison, Landsberg, Germany, by Special Commissioner Lt Col W St John C Tayleur, Barrister at Law, Office of the Deputy Judge Advocate General, Headquarters BAOR (British Army of the Rhine), appointed by Lt Gen Sir Charles Keightley, Commander-in-Chief, BAOR (British Army of the Rhine), to take evidence on commission relating to von Manstein, 10 Jan 1949; forty four printed maps relating to Wehrmacht operations on the Eastern Front against the USSR, Jun 1941-Mar 1944; typescript 'Synopsis of the retreat of the German Army (Army Group South) from southern Russia with regard to operations of Field Marshal von Manstein', with copies of fourteen printed maps relating to the Eastern Front, USSR, 1941-1944; typescript copy of letter from B Acht, Polish Military Mission, Berlin, Germany, to Lt Gen Sir Frank (Ernest Wallace) Simpson, President of the Court, relating to his withdrawal as Polish official observer to von Manstein's trial due to his perception of the defence counsel's positive portrayal of von Manstein's character, Nov 1949; typescript copies of papers relating to evidence taken and presented at the trial, 1949; four copies of sketches of the court and of von Manstein in court, 1949; article by Cyril Bentham Falls, Chichele Professor of the History of War, Oxford, entitled 'The trial of Field Marshal von Manstein' from The Illustrated London News, 13 Aug 1949; newspaper cuttings relating to the trial, 1949; obituary for von Manstein from The Times, 13 Jun 1973.
British Military Court, Hamburg, Germany, Jul-Dec 1949.Copies of papers relating to Col Sir (Charles) Geoffrey Vickers and of his brother 2nd Lt William Burnell Vickers, 184 Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery, killed in action, Western Front, 21 Jun 1917, including seven manuscript letters and four typescript copies of letters from William Burnell Vickers to his parents and to his brother, Jan 1916-Jun 1917, with two typescript copies of letters of sympathy from Regimental officers, Jun 1917; typescript extracts from William Burnell Vickers' diary relating to service on the Western Front, Nov 1915-Feb 1916 and Jul 1916. Three copies of photograph of (Charles) Geoffrey Vickers [1915]; sixty letters by Lt (Charles) Geoffrey Vickers, to his mother, father and brother, Western Front, Feb 1915-Feb 1917, including letters from hospital after being wounded in action, Battle of Loos, Oct 1915, and typescript copy of letter from Lt Col Arthur William Brewill, Commanding Officer, 1/7 (Robin Hood) Bn, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt), Territorial Force, informing Vickers' father that Vickers had been recommended for the VC, 24 Oct 1915; nine letters by Vickers to his parents, France, Apr 1918-Jan 1919. Typescript copy of narrative diary detailing Geoffrey Charles Vickers' service on the Western Front, Feb-Oct 1915. Copy of printed report entitled 'Report by Colonel C G Vickers, VC, on his Mission to the British communities in certain American countries and in Portugal', including information relating to Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Panama, Cuba and Portugal, 16 Dec 1940.
UntitledPapers relating to role of 6 Guards Tank Brigade in Operation BLUECOAT, Normandy, Jul 1944; operations of 7 Armoured Division, Aug-Nov 1944, including capture of Ghent; 1 Guards Brigade, Feb 1944-May 1945, including Battle of River Po and situation reports, Northern Italy and Southern Austria; pamphlets, 1943-1946 including 21 Army Group reports; campaign maps, including Turkey, 1922-1923; France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, 1944 and Italy and Austria, 1945; working papers for unpublished typescript 'Airborne Forces'. Notes and draft papers of Maj Peter V Verney for Anzio 1944 An Unexpected Fury (Batsford, 1978) and planned publications on Marlborough's wars and 'The Gaiety and the Glory: the Irishman at War'.
Maj Peter V VerneyCopies of correspondence relating to his service with the RN in World War Two, 1940-1943, dated 1940-1947, 1984, principally comprising letters to his wife, 1940-1943, mainly letters written during his service as Divisional Sea Transport Officer, Port Said, Egypt, 1943; correspondence concerning coal bunkering abuse by merchants in the Red Sea, 1942-1943; correspondence concerning Veasey's retirement, 1943, dated 1942-1947; catalogue of Veasey's correspondence and brief biography of Veasey, written by his granddaughter Sarah Howard in 1984.
UntitledPapers relating to his military service, 1938-[1943], 1948-1951, principally comprising papers relating to anti-aircraft searchlight training, 1938-[1943], including 'The training of the anti-aircraft searchlight spotter' by Capt Lancelot Edgar Conhop Mervyn Perowne, reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal, Sep 1938, and School of Anti-Aircraft Artillery and School of Anti-Aircraft Defence course notes and papers, [1939-1943]; military and War Office editions of Ordnance Survey maps of North Midlands, Lincolnshire and East Anglia, 1939, 1941, 1948-1949; 'The officer and fighting efficiency', pamphlet issued by War Office, 1941; notes relating to Company and Battery Commanders' Course No 5, Army School of Chemical Warfare, 1944; 5 Anti-Aircraft Group training directives and operational orders, 1949; orders, instructions and other papers relating to 58 Anti-Aircraft Bde, Royal Artillery (Territorial Army) Exercises DERWENT and CORGI, 1950.
UntitledTypescript text of talk by Tyrrell to Wimbledon Literary and Scientific Society [1985], entitled 'Some recollections of a prisoner of war of the Japanese', relating to his experiences as a POW in Zentsuji Camp, Shikoko Island, Japan, 1942-1945. Copies of eight certifications on Tyrrell by Commanding Officers of RN ships and establishments, 1933-1955, with copy of Tyrrell's Mention in Despatches citation for service on HMS ENCOUNTER, Mar 1942, copy of letter relating to the award of the Dutch Order of Orange Nassau, Aug 1948, and copy of newspaper cutting relating to Tyrrell's wedding, Dec 1947. Typescript address by R Adm William Terence Colborne Ridley at Tyrrell's memorial service, Jan 1995.
UntitledMainly official publications and printed reports, memoranda on rearmament and supply before and during World War Two, with some photographs and personal papers, 1938-1953; notably including typescript copy of reminiscences by Brown with press cuttings and notes relating to the Ministry of Supply and other correspondence, 1938-1960; detailed diary by Turner, 1940; private papers by Turner on his domestic life, accounts, diary summaries, some correspondence and photographs, 1914-[1946]; files containing mainly typescript memoranda, correspondence and statistics relating to the Committee of Imperial Defence, War Office and Ministry of Supply, predominantly concerning rearmament and Second World War production, including progress reports on production and preparations for war, with printed reports on tanks and anti-tank guns, 1936-1943; minutes of a Committee of Imperial Defence sub-committee meeting on the supply of war material to Portugal, 1938; typescript review of air defence, including statistics of anti-aircraft guns, factory planning, civil defence, 1939-1940; file on munitions supply preparations incorporating some minutes of the Informal Army Council on munitions, 1937-1939; papers of the Industrial Capacity Committee including on US supplies to the UK in time of war, 1941; typescript briefing papers prepared for ministers for Commons' speeches, 1942; file of typescript retrospective analyses of war production contracts, 1948; printed reports and official publications on armed forces structure and expenditure, production and ordnance factories, national expenditure, post-World War One reconstruction, Ministry of Supply on inspection regimes, Whitley Councils 1917-1955, notably including 'Investigation of the Heavy Crossbow installations in Northern France', 2 vols, (1945), Ministry of Supply booklet entitled 'Progress in scientific research' (1947),'Statistics relating to the war effort of the United Kingdom' (HMSO, 1944), 'War-time tank production' (London, 1946), 'Review of Defects Disclosed by the Czechosolvak Crisis', 1938, report of a committee chaired by Sir Percy Mills on the organisation of the Royal Ordnance Factories, Apr 1951; 'Central planning and control in war and peace' by Sir Oliver Franks (1947), 'Interdenominational Advisory Committee on Army Chaplains Services', 1953,'Contracts and Finance Copy No. 2', Jun 1948; additional papers on a Royal Institute of Public Affairs Group Research Project on Changes in the Structure of Executive Government, 1956, and Report by Sir Keith Hancock on the Official History of the War: Civil Series, 1957.
Brown , Sir , Harold , 1878-1968 , knight , Engineer Vice Admiral Turner , Sir , George Wilfred , 1896-1974 , knight , civil servant