12 letters from E Somerville Tattersall to 'Audrey' concerning the young violinist Yehudi Menuhin, 1932-1939.
Zonder titelLetters (10) and papers of or relating to Giacomo Meyerbeer, including to Giovanni Ricordi, 29 Jun 1824; to Leopold Ganz, 17 May 1847; to Jean-Antoine-Just Géraldy, c1850; to Annette Le Brun, ?before 1854; to James Steuart Bowes, ?1854; to C L Gruneisen, [14 Apr 1860]. With two testimonials for Leopold Ganz, 1845.
Zonder titelPapers of or relating to Fanny Davies, 1883-1914, comprising:
Draft of her article 'Some Personal Recollections of Brahms as Pianist and Interpreter' on Brahms for Cobbett's Cyclopedic Survey of Chamber Music London, 1929-1930 (MS 7499a).
Typescript drafts of articles on Schumann's Piano Trios and Chamber music (MS 7499b).
Manuscript of 'Joachim's Jubilee in Berlin' (MS 7500a).
Notes on St Elizabeth of Hungary (MS 7500b).
Letters (16) and postcards, cards and notes (16) from Clara Schumann, 1883-1892, also includes announcement of Clara Schumann's death, 1896 (MS 7501).
Letters (3) from Clara Schumann to Dr Richard Wilkinson and George Henschel (MS 7502).
Letters and other papers relating to the controversy with Eugenie Schumann, 1892-1893 (MS 7503).
Letters (4) from Alfredo Piatti to Davies, 1887-1894 (MS 7504).
Letters (15) and postcards (2) from Joseph Joachim, 1886-1904, includes projected programmes in Davies' hand and annotations by Joachim, and programme of recital by Davies and Joachim in the Singakademie, Berlin, 15 Nov 1887 (MS 7505).
Letters (5) from Mary Cowden-Clarke, George Henschel and Richard Mühlfeld, 1891-1914 (MS 7506).
Papers 'letters etc which may be interesting for writing memoirs', includes letter from Davies to Mrs Joachim and letters to Davies from Ethel Smyth, A J Hipkins, Frederick Corder and 4 letters from F C Burnand to Miss Grist (MS 7507).
Concert bills and German concert reviews (MS 7508).
Agreements between Davies and a) The New Queen's Hall Orchestra and b) Messrs Welte Soehne (MS 7509).
Correspondence relating to the Woodhill family (maternal branch of her family) (MS 7510).
Notes and correspondence relating to a proposed music college, 1901 (MS 7511).
Papers of Herbert Howells, 1899-1978, including notes, manuscript drafts and typescripts of BBC talks and broadcasts (box B), including 'Music and the ordinary listener' (1937), 'Music and everyday life' (1938), 'The Three Choirs Festival in Elgar's time' (1960), tributes to Malcom Sargent (1965) and Sir William Harris (1973); manuscript notes for Royal College of Music (RCM) and University of London lectures (boxes C and D), 1940s-1950s, including talks on his work Sine Nomine (1922), Ivor Gurney (c1939), Hubert Parry (1968), Ralph Vaughan Williams (1972); notes and transcripts for his speeches to various organisations including the Incorporated Society of Musicians (1953), Worshipful Company of Musicians (1957), Royal College of Organists (1959); book of poetry copied on first anniversary of the death of his son Michael Howells, 1936; cuttings of articles by Howells in newspapers and journals, and by others on Howells' music and performances (boxes E and H); papers relating to the Sir James Caird Travelling Scholarships, and notebooks containing Howell's adjudications with draft reports (box F); appointment diaries, 1955,1956 and 1973, address books of Herbert and Dorothy Howells, and printed concert programmes with notes written by Howells (box G), RCM student essays on Howells' music; letters received by Howells from over 260 correspondents, 1915-1978, with particular accumulations from Charles Bathurst Viscount Bledisloe, Sir Arthur and Trudy Bliss, Sir Adrian Boult, Robert Thurston Dart, Sybil Eaton, Gerald and Joy Finzi, Harry Plunket Greene, Walter de la Mare, Sir Hubert Parry, William Rothenstein, Marion Scott, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and others including Sir John Barbirolli, Arnold Bax, Nadia Boulanger, Benjamin Britten, Neville Cardus, Aaron Copland, Sir Henry Walford Davies, Thomas Frederick Dunhill, Keith Falkner, Guido Gatti, Edward Health, Gustav Holst, Joseph Horovitz, Zoltán Kodály, Cecil Day-Lewis, Yehudi Menuhin, Peter Pears, Edmund Rubbra, Harold Watkins Shaw, Sir Charles Villiers Stanford, Sybil Thorndike and Michael Tippett; correspondence relating to his medical condition (1917), with Oxford colleges, with publishers and commissioning bodies, on his Cambridge Doctorate; photocopies of letters from Howells to 30 correspondents, including those already mentioned and to the Carnegie UK Trust; family correspondence (box A).
Zonder titelVolume containing documents relating to a clavichord made by Johann Bohak, Vienna, 1794, belonging to the composer Joseph Haydn, including incomplete keyboard partite in manuscript of Haydn [1766]; letter from Anton Prinster on provenance of the partite, 1835; statement by Anton Richter on the provenance and ownership of the clavichord [1852]; letter from Prinster on same subject, 1852; statement from Prinster's niece, Fanny Elssler, on same; letter to Anton Richter from members of his orchestra in Eisenstadt, Austria, on a performance of his Requiem, undated; English translations of the original German documents; two letters from Hans Richter, on sale of the manuscripts, 1911; article `Haydn's clavichord and a sonata manuscript' from The Musical Times, 1 Apr 1930.
Zonder titelManuscript notes by James Robert Sterndale Bennett on the history of the Bach Society (1849-1870) for his biography of his father Sir William Sterndale Bennett (1816-1875) The Life of William Sterndale Bennett (Cambridge University Press, 1907), comprising 'Short history of the Bach Society' by Charles Steggall; 'Diary of the Bach Society' made with the assistance of Steggall, 1900; various biographical notes on members of the Society.
Zonder titelPapers of Frederic Cliffe, comprising cuttings and correspondence, Feb 1908, regarding Cliffe's letter to The Daily Telegraph, advocating the performance of opera in the English language, and the establishment of a national opera house, 11 Feb 1908; Cliffe's reports as examiner on compositions of students at the Royal College of Music, 1907-1908; agreement with Novello & Co for publication of his 'Ode to the North East Wind', 1905; marriage certificate, 1897; Freemason's certificates, 1895 (MS 6870). Letters (c25) to Cliffe, 1889-1929, including from Sir George Grove and August Manns on performance of Cliffe's symphony for Crystal Palace, 1889; from C V Stanford, regarding submission of Cliffe's work for the Leeds Festival, 1901; from Hubert H Parry recommending Cliffe for appointment as Principal of the Guildhall School of Music, 1910; from Sir Hugh Allen, on Cliffe's retirement from the RCM, 1929 (MS 6871).
Zonder titelNotebook of Jack Meredith Tatton in relation to singing studies at the Royal College of Music, 1926.
Zonder titelPapers of Sir Adrian Boult, comprising letters (9), 1920-1954, including from Sir Hugh Allen, thanking for Boult's conducting of rehearsals; from Sir Edward Elgar, in regard to his arrival at Boult's rehearsal; from Ethel Smyth on the possible performance of her works; from Adam Carse, sending score of his latest composition. Typescript programme and repertoire lists, mainly 1920s-1930s.
Zonder titelLetters to Adelaide Parker, Bruno d'Arba and Joan McLeod, 1910-1959, including letters and postcards to Adelaide Parker regarding her performances from, Joseph Bonnet, Basil Harwood, Wanda Landowska, C Hubert H Parry, Ethel Smyth, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Charles-Marie Widor; letters to Bruno d'Arba from Francis Jackson; letters to Joan d'Arba from George W Russell (`AE'); letters to Joan Mcleod in relation to submission of her poetry for publication, including 8 from Walter de la Mare; letter from W B Yeats on setting of his poetry to music, undated.
Zonder titelLetters (44), 1858-1882, mostly to Doyne Courtenay Bell, mainly in regard to music, concerts and social gatherings, including letters from Hamilton Aidé, Lucy Anderson, Sir Julius Benedict, William H Cummings, Pauline Lucca, Cipriani Potter, Anton Rubinstein, Adelaide Sartoris (formerly Adelaide Kemble), Sir George Thomas Smart and Auguste Vianesi.
Zonder titelPapers of Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, comprising:
Manuscripts of Parry's lectures on various musical subjects at the Royal College of Music, the Royal Institution, Oxford, Birmingham and Leeds, c1891-c1915 (MS 4305-4338, 4811-4812).
15 letters from Parry to Charles Stuart-Wortley, 1876-1907, the earlier letters relating mainly to social matters and containing advice from Parry on points of composition, the later letters relating to the business of the Council of the RCM (Stuart-Wortley was a member of the Council), particularly to appointments of staff and finances (MS 4764).
'History essays', rough examination notes on student's work, undated (MS 6937).
Letter from Parry to [R S] Thatcher, regarding a setting for ['Arthur'], 1910 (MS 6967).
Correspondence with Robert Bridges, 1895, concerning 'Invocation to Music' (MS 7278).
Manuscript draft of Parry's address as Director of the RCM, Jan 1901 (MS 7279).
DMus citations for Elgar and Glazunov [1907] and papers concerning RCM Patron's Fund [1904-1905], (MS 7280).
Correspondence with J F Bridge concerning 'I was glad', 1901-1902 (MS 7281).
Papers and correspondence with Kegan Paul Trench Trubner & Co. concerning Parry's book The art of music, 1896-1911 (MS 7282).
Correspondence with James Murray, editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, 1902, regarding musical information for the dictionary (MS 7283).
4 letters from Hugh P Allen (mostly undated), including letters relating to Parry's election as an honorary member of the Cambridge University Musical Society, and to Parry's election to the Music Board of the RCM (MS 7284).
Correspondence between RCM, Repton School and Novello, publishers, concerning Repton School's use of a hymn tune from Parry's Judith, 1924 (MS 7285).
Miscellaneous drafts, letters and papers, 1898-1931, including various copies of Parry's letters as Director of the RCM, mainly in regard to honours, and correspondence with A P Watt, literary agent, 1916, regarding setting of Rudyard Kipling's poem 'For all we have and are' to music by Parry (MS 7286).
Letters concerning wills, properties and other legal matters, 1907-1924 (MS 7287).
Agreement with Pitman to print The aims and limits of musical education (MS 7288).
Papers of Augusta Bönten, 1882-1907, including two scrapbooks containing cuttings and printed ephemera relating to the musical activities and death of her father Sir August Manns, 1882-1907; her commonplace book, containing mainly late 19th century German poety; her Memoirs, proof copy published posthumously by her daughter Louise Bönten [1930]; Catalogue of the principal instrumental and vocal works performed at the Saturday concerts from 1855 to 1876 (Charles Dickens and Evans, Crystal Palace, 1876), with inscription by Manns, 1877; Catalogue of the principal instrumental and choral works performed at the Crystal Palace Saturday concerts from October 1855 to May 1895 (F M Evans, Crystal Palace, [1895]), two copies, one with numerous annotations [some by Manns]; The Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra, twenty-one years of municipal music, 1893-1914 by Hadley Watkins (Bournemouth, 1914). Letters (8) to Augusta Bönten, 1913-1914, mostly relating to her father's work: correspondents include Dr Frederick G Shinn, in regard to his lecture 'What the Crystal Palace has done for music in England' and Sophie Campbell, in regard to the recent death of her husband Sir Francis Joseph Campbell, former Principal of the Royal Normal College for the Blind.
Zonder titelRecords of the Director of the Royal College of Music RCM), 1884-1990, including minutes of the Board of Professors, 1894-1993; reports of annual examinations, 1884-1908; Certificate of Proficiency examinations minute book (recording exam regulations and marks awarded), 1886-1899; correspondence to Sir George Grove, Director of the RCM, from the Office of the Prince of Wales, 1884-1888, with material relating to the building of the RCM funded by Samson Fox and opened in 1894; correspondence from Sir Ernest Palmer in regard to aim of the Palmer Fund for Opera Study, 1924; RCM Emergency Concerts Society: correspondence, notices and programmes, 1939; curricula of the Graduate of the Royal Schools of Music (GRSM), 1961-1979.
Zonder titelPapers of Charles Thornton Lofthouse, 1950s-1970s, comprising correspondence and associated material relating to his role as a music examiner; research papers and related correspondence for lectures and courses, mostly relating to 17th and 18th century music and the harpsichord repertoire; research papers for his Commentaries and Notes on Bach's Two- and Three-Part Inventions (London, 1956); programmes and cuttings of recitals by Lofthouse or in which he participated; music scores annotated by Lofthouse.
Zonder titelPapers of Stanley Bate, 1940-1956, comprising letters received and written by Bate, mainly in regard to the publication or performance of his music, particularly his Second Sinfonietta at the festival of the International Society for Contemporary Music in California, 1941-1943, 1947-1948, 1954; programmes of concerts featuring Bate's music, c1948-1958; newspaper cuttings on Bate and his music, 1940-1956, largely consisting of reviews of the first performances of Bate's Third Symphony at the Cheltenham Festival, 1954, and his Fourth Symphony at the Royal Festival Hall, London, 1955.
Zonder titelVolume of writings [c1879-1880] by Carl Engel entitled 'Musical Antiquities and Studies', containing manuscript autobiographical preface and list of his works; printed article 'Music of the Gypsies'; printed article 'Some Account of the Clavichord with Historical Notes'; manuscript 'The Music of the Assyrians'; manuscript 'Aeolian Music'; manuscript 'Testimonies to the artistic value of National Music'; manuscript 'English Musical Dictionaries'; manuscript 'The Unknown Great'; manuscript 'The First Attempt'.
Zonder titelLetters (193) from Mrs Anne Oldham to her daughter Edith Oldham, 1880-1888 (MS 6863); letters (514) from Sir George Grove to Edith Oldham, 1883-1899 (MS 6864).
Zonder titelCorrespondence of Frank Howes, 1925-1951, comprising letter from Charles Sanford Terry (to H C Colles), enclosing Terry's edition of Coffee and Cupid (The Coffee Cantata): an Operetta by Johann Sebastian Bach (London, 1925); correspondence with Ernest Irving regarding Ralph Vaughan Williams' score for the film Scott of the Antarctic, and with Edward Joseph Dent on Gluck's Orfeo, and John Church's A Divine Hymn.
Zonder titelPapers of Katharine Goodson, including letters to Goodson, 1918-1929, mainly expressing thanks for her performances in aid of war charities; undated typed transcripts of letters from Goodson to friends and relatives [1890s]; ephemeral papers, including articles by Goodson, programme notes and biographical notes on Goodson, c1914-1947; editions of the The News Bulletin of the Leschetizky Association of America, 1952-1955. Ephemera of Arthur Hinton, including obituary [RAM magazine, 1941]; programmes and reviews of his compositions, 1911-1920; undated letter to Goodson signed by professors of the RAM, expressing thanks on the furnishing of a professors' room there.
Zonder titelLetters (6) to Charles Santley, 1882-1894, including invitation to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's concert in aid of funds for the Royal College of Music (with Santley's draft letter of declining), Apr 1882; invitation from George Grove for Santley to teach male vocalists at the RCM, Aug 1882; from Arthur Sullivan, requesting a score, Nov 1885; from W S Gilbert, advising that Santley's son be appraised by Sullivan rather than himself in regard to a part at the Savoy Theatre, London, Feb 1894. The collection also includes a contract for John Benje at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, London, Apr 1842.
Zonder titelThree letters of thanks and greetings from Joseph Joachim to Anne Isabella Ritchie (1895, 1902 and undated); programme for concert of the Joachim Quartet, St James's Hall, London, 1 May 1903.
Zonder titelCollection of letters of Sir George Grove, comprising two letters from Gaspare Spontini, relating to his possible coming to London to produce Alcidor and Nurmahal, 1826; five letters from Felix Mendelssohn, 1834-1847, including a testimonial for Edmund Chipp, organist, and a letter to John Hullah in regard to an English text of Mendelssohn's Lauda Sion; letter from Gilbert Duprez with thanks for music parts, 1842; two letters to John Hullah from William Ball and Karl Klingemann in regard to works by Beethoven and Mendelssohn, 1858-1859; letter to Grove from George Eliot with thanks for his appreciative letter about her book Daniel Deronda, 1876; letter to Grove from William Gladstone in regard to Homeric studies, 1878; letter [to Grove] from William Morris in regard to a tribute [to Dante Gabriel Rossetti], 1882.
Zonder titelPapers of Basil Lam, comprising typescripts and photocopies of BBC radio talks, 1963-1979, mostly relating to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel, and including transcripts of his BBC Radio 3 series 'Plainsong and the rise of European music', 1978-1979; with press cuttings and concert programmes; typescripts, carbon copies and photocopies of concert programme and record sleeve notes by Lam, with concert programmes, mainly relating to performances of early and baroque music (particularly the works of Bach, Handel and Claudio Monteverdi), and including some BBC radio talks, articles for The Listener, and Promenade Concerts series programme notes, 1962-1981; cuttings (mostly Radio Times), relating to programmes featuring or of interest to Lam, and related programmes and handbills, including programmes for concerts by the Basil Lam Sonata Ensemble, 1946-1954; correspondence of Stroma Sutherland, Lam's executor, on publication of an article by Lam from material left unfinished at his death, on the 'Kyrie' from the B Minor Mass by J S Bach, 1985-1989; edition of The Listener containing `The ascendancy of plainsong', article by Lam, 15 Dec 1977; index to radio talks and programme/record sleeve notes.
Zonder titelPersonal papers of Adrian Francis Cruft, 1933-1990, including diaries, 1936-1968 (missing 1938,1955, 1961); correspondence during his war service, 1945; notebooks on Associated Board trips to Africa, Prague and Malta, 1969-1986; typescript and manuscript notes by Cruft, giving biographical details, letters to the press, thoughts on composition and thoughts of Eugene Cruft (father) on the double bass; articles by others on Cruft; volume of published and typescript articles and talks by Cruft, 1958-1984, on music and other musicians, including Gordon Jacob, Edmund Rubbra, Bernard Stevens, the Royal Society of Musicians, the double bass, the British Music Information Centre; press and magazine cuttings on Cruft and his work; commission payments and contracts, 1948-1982; replies to Cruft from others on performance of his music, including Evelyn Rothwell, Peter Pears and Janet Baker; music certificates and diplomas, 1948-1981; programmes, 1947-1950s of concerts with Cruft as an orchestral player; obituaries on Cruft; mementos of early education, including school reports, certificates, cuttings, programmes and tickets, 1933-1937; reports on Cruft as student at Royal College of Music; letters from friends and colleagues, including Jacob, Rubbra, Adrian Boult and Malcom Arnold; papers relating to the Adrian Cruft Prize at the RCM, 1980s; files relating to particular institutions or subjects, including the World Association and British Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles, the British Broadcasting Corporation, Society for the Promotion of New Music, music in rural schools; correspondence of Cruft and Jocelyn Cruft with international contacts and institutions, 1980s-1990; personal and business correspondence, 1980s; copyright and commission statements, 1960s-1990.
Zonder titelRecords of the National Training School for Music, 1873-1882, comprising minutes of the Committee of Management, 1873-1882, including proposed charter of the School, concert programmes, accounts, and correspondence; register of scholars, 1876-1882 (indexed).
Zonder titelPapers of Marion Margaret Scott, 1910-1952, mainly comprising correspondence and papers, 1932-1952, relating to Scott's research on the music of Joseph Haydn, particularly in regard to Haydn's string quartets, and his associations with England, including manuscripts and typescripts of articles on Hadyn by Scott, with three chapters of an unfinished book on Haydn; manuscripts of Scott's edition of Haydn's Quartet Opus 1; correspondence and cuttings regarding research of the musicologist Professor Adolf Sandberger on Haydn's music, 1932-1933; other papers, including manuscripts of vocal and instrumental compositions by Scott; a small amount of other personal and business correspondence, including correspondence relating to the Society of Women Musicians; correspondence with Fanny Davies, pianist, 1927-1931; correspondence relating to the financial affairs and estate of Davies, 1932-1936; two letters from Ivor Gurney [1922-1924], with manuscript and typescript article on Gurney, and correspondence related to her editions of Gurney's songs, including correspondence with the Gurney family, 1949-1951; volume of manuscript poetry by Scott, undated; manuscripts and typescripts of programme notes and articles on London concerts, 1923-1939; manuscripts and typsescripts of unpublished articles and lectures including 'Beethoven today', 'William Hurlstone' and 'Benjamin Britten and Peter Grimes', undated; typescripts of lectures delivered to the Women's Institute, including 'The evolution of English music', 'Musical form - its basis and evolution', 'Musical form, expression and design' and 'Folk songs of four races', 1910; press cuttings on Scott, 1931-1944; autograph book of Fanny Davies at Leipzig and Frankfurt, Germany, including signatures of Salomon Jadassohn, Carl Reinecke and Clara Schumann, 1881-1884; notebook of Sir John Stainer entitled 'The mode of synagogue music' by J Singer, undated.
Zonder titelPapers of Harold Watkins Shaw, 1950s-1991, including manuscript notes, notebooks, typescripts and associated research material relating to Shaw's articles, particularly in regard to the music and life of George Frideric Handel and Handel's Messiah; offprints of Shaw's articles from various journals; printed orchestral parts of Shaw's edition of Handel's Messiah (1965) with minor manuscript corrections; Shaw's manuscript edition of Handel's Theodora (1984); research papers for a series of articles by Shaw on John Blow, with offprints; manuscript editions by Shaw of works by John Blow, including Awake, awake my lyre!, the orchestral Te Deum and Jubilate in D, Ode on St Cecilia's Day 1691, Evening service, other odes and Latin pieces; research papers for his The Succession of Organists of the Chapel Royal and the Cathedrals of England and Wales from c.1538 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1991), mostly comprising autobiographical details (name, birthdates and appointments as organist) of organists then living, together with a few biographical memoirs compiled by relatives of organists recently deceased; correspondence with the deans, provosts and chapter clerks of Anglican cathedrals of modern foundation (formerly parish churches) in connection with lists of their organists; files of correspondence and research papers on organists of ancient cathedrals, and related correspondence with Oxford University Press, librarians and cathedral and college authorities for permission to publish.
Zonder titelPapers of Valley Lasker, 1917-1981, mainly comprising correspondence and papers relating to the works of Gustav Holst, including note from Holst to Lasker on arrangement of his 'At the Boar's Head' for piano, 1924; letter from Holst, recommending Lasker as teacher of music, 1929; postcard from Adrian Cedric Boult [1922]; undated letter from John Masefield, replying to telegram from Bishop of Chichester; manuscript and typescript of talk by Lasker on Holst's 'The Planets' for the BBC Third Programme, 1951; correspondence relating to the Whitsun festivals established by Holst at Thaxted in 'Gustav Holst' by Revd Jack ,Putterill, Making Music, 1975; Chrissemas Day in the morning, piano solo by Holst (H165), autographed by Holst, 1927; correspondence relating to performance of the Holiday Singers for Lasker's 80th birthday, 1965; programmes of concerts featuring Lasker, including student concerts at Morley College, directed by Holst, 1917-1922, Society of Women Musicians, 1934, and Mrs F G Joseph's Orchestra, conducted by Lasker, 1930-1937, prizegiving at St Paul's Girls' School, 1932, tribute concert to Holst, 1951, with a few related reviews; correspondence on personal and musical matters to Lasker from Grace Hoskyns, 1929-1931;printed choral music, including works by Holst, most with signature of Holst.
Zonder titelPapers of Betty Matthews, 1907-1997 (predominantly 1960-1997), including correspondence, research notes, printed articles, booklets and pamphlets mainly relating to organs and organists, particularly English church organs, and including papers relating to Matthews' research topics, including 18th century concert life in South West England; the organs of Exeter Cathedral, Norwich Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Eaton Hall (Cheshire), Lulworth Castle, Bath Assembly Rooms, Barnstaple Parish Church, and St James Church, Poole; organ building families, including the Lefflers, the Corfes, the Loosemores, the Gosses, the Harrises and the Dallams; organs built by John Avery, Bernard 'Father' Smith, and Thomas Swarbrick; John Skelton Bumpus and his library; Thomas Norris (1742-1790), organist; Kirckman harpsichords; the research, publication and distribution of Matthews' articles, including 'Mendelssohn and the organ of Crosby Hall' (Musical Times, 1973); 'Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810-1876: a centenary memoir' (Kenneth Mummery, 1976); 'Winslade of Winchester' (Musical Times, 1978); 'William Parke and the Royal Society of Musicians' (Musical Times, 1988); 'The Lincoln family' (The Organ, 1989); 'James Hook and his family' (Musical Times, 1990).
Zonder titelRecords of the Bursar of the Royal College of Music, including copy of Order in Council for passing Charter of the RCM with related papers, 1883; licences from Commissioners for the 1851 Exhibition for building at RCM, 1905-1976, including copy of original lease of 1891; accounts of donations, 1882-1896; register of subscribers, 1922-1946; RCM General Regulations and Annual Report, 1883-1884; contracts of Directors of the RCM on appointment, 1918-1984; annexes to Council papers (reports Director from RCM departments), 1888-1994; papers relating to conversion of examination room into Parry Opera Theatre, 1919-1923; papers, plans, photographs and correspondence relating to building extensions, 1962-1963; New Building Appeal (1969) papers, 1968-1970; papers relating to purchase of 6-8 Evelyn Gardens from the Royal Society of Musicians, for conversion into student accommodation (Robert Mayer Hall), 1968-1979; report by Norman and Dawbarn on condition of 1894 RCM building interior, 1972; building consultants' meetings minutes, 1982-1983; papers and reports on Opera Theatre, 1984-1988; papers on completion of Library works, 1984; specification for refurbishment of Concert Hall, 1993; Departmental reports to Council and Patron's and Palmer Fund, 1980-1989; Administrative Staff insurance papers, 1936-1979; RCM pensions trust deeds, 1962-1987; Prince Consort Foundation trust deeds, 1983-1999, and accounts, 1982-1994; George Donaldson Gift of instruments trust deeds, 1894; papers relating to the Museum of Instruments, 1968-1970, 1973-1980; lists of RCM stringed instruments, 1943-1993; Patron's Fund trust deeds, 1903-1912; John Astor Fund trust deeds, 1935; agreements between RCM and Royal Academy of Music in regard to development of the Associated Board, 1896-1920; Department of Education and Science, correspondence and accounts, 1973-1986; graduation ceremony programmes, 1995; miscellaneous papers on investments and pensions, 1962-1975, 1980-1985.
Zonder titelPapers of Sir Henry Walford Davies, 1890-1969, including correspondence on his music and career (correspondents include Dean Albert Baillie, Robert Bridges, Henry Colles, Sir George Grove, August Jaeger, Charles Parry, Sir Walter Parratt, Sir Charles Stanford), 1891-1937; engagement diaries, 1890-1941; notebooks, c1917-1931; music note and sketch books, c1891-1927; manuscript music of arrangements compiled as a student at the Royal College of Music, 1890s; lists of published musical works; copyright and royalty correspondence, 1895-1954; correspondence relating to publications and proposed publications, including 'New Fellowship Song Book', 'Music and Worship', First steps in music and A four years' course in music, 1930-1934; manuscript music for a proposed song book for schools, 1938-1939; typescripts, correspondence relating to 'The Psalter newly printed', 1933, the BBC hymn book, 1938-1939, and the Army hymn book, 1940; letters and papers relating to the School of Church Music and the College of St Nicolas, 1933-1936; manuscript notes and printed programmes of lectures by Davies, 1909-1938, including Royal Institution lectures 'Music in relation to other arts' (1910) and 'To untrained listeners' (1915), and Gresham music lectures, 1924-1938; typescripts of Davies' BBC radio broadcasts to schools on music with printed scholars' manuals, 1924-1938; typescripts of Davies' BBC radio broadcasts `Music and the ordinary listener', 1926-1939; associated correspondence and printed material relating to BBC radio broadcasts, 1924-1941; typescripts and notes for 'Keyboard talks', 1933-1935; manuscript music, notes and typescripts of Davies BBC radio broadcasts 'Melodies of Christendom' and Empire Day talks, 1934-1939; private correspondence relating to his work for radio, 1933-1937; letters from BBC listeners, 1936-1937; letters to Lady Davies on Davies death, 1941; biographical material on Davies compiled for Walford Davies: a Biography by H C Colles (London, 1942), including published material on Davies, 1919-1943; papers relating to commemoration of centenary of Davies' birth, 1969.
Zonder titelPersonal notebook of member of the Palmer family, listing details (artists, conductors and composers) of musical works performed under the auspices of the Royal College of Music Patron's Fund, 1919-1939.
Zonder titelLetters (16) from Ludwig Van Beethoven to Kajetan Giannatasio del Rio, in regard to the education and maintenance of Beethoven's nephew Karl at the school run by Giannatasio del Rio, 1816-1817 (Ref: MS 4221). 'Hochzeitlied für Anna' (known as woo 105 'Auf Freunde, singt dem Gott der Ehen') a piece for four male voices in the manuscript of Beethoven, written for the wedding of Anna Giannatasio del Rio to Leopold Schemerling, 6 Feb 1819 (Ref: MS 4222). Two letters to Beethoven, comprising draft letter from Fanny Giannatasio del Rio, 9 Aug 1817 and letter from Friedrich Matthisson (facsmile only), 4 Aug 1800 (Ref: MS 4223). Letter from Beethoven to his brother Johann Von Beethoven, requesting the return of a book, 13 Jul 1825 (MS 4243). Letters from Beethoven to Sigmund Anton Steiner, Dec 1815, requesting the score of the opera Fidelio to produce a version for a quartet, and to Antonio Diabelli, Apr 1823, regarding the copying of Beethoven's 33 pianoforte variations on waltz by Diabelli for publication (Ref MS 4249).
Zonder titelAutograph book of Sir Charles Villiers Stanford, early 19th century-c1918 (predominantly 1880s-1890s), mostly comprising short letters addressed to Stanford on musical or personal matters, with a few poems and fragments of manuscript music. The collection also includes a few autographs only, and some fragments not contemporary with Stanford. Correspondents include: Emma Albani; Albert Edward, Prince of Wales; Matthew Arnold; Arthur Balfour; W Sterndale Bennett; Edward W Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury; Arrigo Boito; Hans von Bronsart; J Brahms; Robert Bridges; John Bright MP; Robert Browning; Max Bruch; Alfred Bruneau; John Burns; Joseph Chamberlain; D M Crack; K Crowe; Anton Dvorak; George Eliot; G J Elwey; Franco Faccio; Robert Franz; Alexander Glazunov; John Glover; Arabella Goddard; Jenny Lind-Goldschmidt; Otto Goldschmidt; Edward Grieg; Madge Kendel Grimstone; Eugen Gura; H Rider Haggard; Charles Hallé; Ferdinand Heller; F Halévy; J L Hatton; Henry Irving; Jean Ingelow; Joseph Joachim; Friedrich Kiel; Charles Kingsley; Rudyard Kipling; Marie Krebs; Lord Leighton; Franz Liszt; Henry Longfellow; Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy; G Macfarren; A C Mackenzie; Herbert Mackinnon; Norma Mare; Hubert Parry; Adelina Patti; Guido Papini; Alfred Piatti; Maria Piccolomini; Giacomo Puccini; Carl Reinecke; Brinley Richards; Hans Richter; Earl Roberts of Kandahar and Pretoria; Carl Rosa; Christina Rossetti; Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Anton Rubenstein; Camille Saint Saens; Prosper Sainton; Charles Santley; Clara Schumann; Robert Schumann; J Palgrave Simpson; Camillo Sivori; Robert Louis Stevenson; Richard Strauss; Arthur Sullivan; Lawrence Alma-Tadema; D Tagliafino; Sigismond Thalberg; Tom Taylor; John Tenniel; Alfred Tennyson; Ellen Terry; P Tchaikovsky; Giuseppe Verdi; Pauline Viardot; Richard Wagner; Walt Whitman; Charles Marie Widor; August Wilhelmj; W G Wills; H F Wilson; Edmund Yates.
Zonder titelPapers of Dora M Powell mainly relating to the music of Sir Edward Elgar, particularly his Variations on an original theme ('Enigma Variations'), Opus 36 and Dora Powell's book Edward Elgar: memories of a variation (Oxford University Press, London, 1937 and subsequent editions, revised 1994), comprising correspondence, 1934-1960, including correspondence of her husband Richard Crofts Powell relating to the Enigma theme, and particularly his article 'Elgar's "Enigma"', Music and Letters 15 (1934), the correspondence also includes letters from those connected personally or musically with Elgar such as Sir Percy Clarke Hull and Arthur Troyte Griffith; printed music (some signed by Elgar), 1892-1907; draft articles, talks and notes by Dora Powell relating to Elgar; programmes for concerts of Elgar's music, 1908-1959; autograph manuscripts of Elgar's 'The Shepherd song' and 'Rondel' (Opus 16); cuttings relating to Elgar, including reviews of Powell's book, 1910-1944; programme of the Elgar memorial concert, 3 Jun 1934; My friends pictured within: subjects of the Enigma Variations as portrayed in contemporary photographs and Elgars MS (Novello and Co, London).
Zonder titelMaterial relating to the literary activity of Charles and Mary Cowden-Clarke and other members of the Novello family, comprising: a. Items related to Mrs Cowden Clarke and her relations in the possession of F H Haines, and memoranda. Typescript. b. Thomas James Serle, Bohun of Sheenly: a tale in verse. Galley proofs. c. Thomas James Serle, A Day Dream in 5 Books (privately printed, 1865). d. Photograph of Thomas James Serle (1979 copy), with accompanying letter from Geoffrey Larken. e. William Shakespeare, Touchstone's part from As you like it. Charles Cowden-Clarke's manuscript copy, with the addition made to his first lecture on Molière and an addition to his third lecture on Molière. f. Frederick Haselfoot Haines: List of material made available to Professor Richard Altick. g. Richard Altick: 5 typescript letters to F H Haines (with some replies) about the loan of Clarke family material, 1943-1945. h. Joseph Alfred Novello, O for the Songs of the Past: a greeting to the Musical Societies of Great Britain (privately printed, 1873). i. Novello, Ewer & Co., Catalogue of Shakespeare Music, 1893. j. Mary Cowden-Clarke, letter to the Illustrated London News on John Keats, 15 Feb 1896. k. Il Secolo XIX. Issues of 9-10 Feb 1893, 12-13 Feb 1893 (including reviews of the first two performances of Verdi's Falstaff).
Zonder titelLetters (16) from Samuel Coleridge-Taylor to Edith Carr, (one dated 1897, remainder undated) mainly relating to his musical activities, publication of his recent works, repertoire for violin and orchestral parts for Carr's performance, the Handel Society; photocopy of photograph of Coleridge-Taylor, with dedication to Carr, 1902; printed letter (signed by Coleridge-Taylor) to a Mrs Prince inviting subscriptions for the Coleridge-Taylor Orchestral Concerts, Croydon, 1903-1904, with receipt for same, and photocopy of handbill for Central Croydon Choral Society concert featuring Coleridge-Taylor's cantata Meg Blane, 28 Mar 1903.
Zonder titelPapers of Stephen Moore, 1926-1961, including correspondence on the establishment of the Worcestershire Association of Music Societies, including letters from prospective patrons Sir Hugh Allen, Carice Elgar Blake, Sir Edward Elgar, Sir W H Hadow, Sir Hamilton Harty; correspondence regarding Moore's donation of percussion instruments to the Royal College of Music, 1948; newspaper cuttings and order of service for the unveiling and dedication of the memorial to Elgar in Westminster Abbey, 1 Jun 1972.
Zonder titelCorrespondence mainly relating to organ construction and playing, 1896-1949, comprising 7 letters from Sir Walter Alcock, George Cunningham, Basil Harwood, John Ireland and William Murray,all to George Dixon; letter from Henry Willis to F J Livesey; letter from Percy Whitlock to Cecil Clutton.
Zonder titelPapers of the Society of Women Musicians (SWM), 1911-1972, including annual reports, 1914-1972; minutes, 1967-1973; book of members elected and resigning, 1920-1960; fixture cards, 1915-1971; memorandum and articles of association, 1930; programmes and handbills of concerts, recitals and lectures organised by the SWM, 1912-1972; notices to members, 1911-1972; programmes of Ivimey Concerts, 1966-1971; papers relating to the foundation of the society in 1911, its constitution and initial membership, comprising correspondence, minutes, notes; correspondence on engagement of women with professional orchestras, 1920, 1928-1929; correspondence with speakers for lectures, 1933-1971; correspondence relating to BBC women's conference, 1936; correspondence with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music regarding the appointment of women examiners,1937-1956; various correspondence relating to the SWM presidency, membership, SWM library accessions, celebrations of SWM golden jubilee, 1961 and diamond jubilee 1971; news cuttings on the deaths of K Dorothy Fox, 1934, Marion Margaret Scott, 1953, and Katharine Emily Eggar, 1961, with related correspondence; printed material including The Music Student: special number devoted to the subject of women's work in music, May 1918; pamphlet of meeting in commemoration of Marion Margaret Scott, Jun 1954; press cuttings books relating to women musicians and the SWM, 1892-1964; correspondence relating to the dissolution of the SWM and donation of its records to the Royal College of Music, 1973-1974.
Zonder titelPapers of Herbert Kennedy (H K) Andrews, 1950-1965, comprising typescript and proofs of his The Technique of Byrd's Vocal Polyphony (Oxford University Press, London, 1966); papers, 1957, relating to 'Fourteenth-Century Polyphony in a Fountains Abbey MS Book', Music and Letters, 39 (1958) by Andrews and Robert Thurston Dart, with offprints of article, correspondence between Andrews, Dart and Eric Blom, editor of Music and Letters, and including photographs of Fountains Abbey Ms 23; typescript notes and correspondence, 1963-1965, regarding the music publications of William Byrd and library sources of the same, with offprints and notes relating to Andrews' article, 'Printed Sources of William Byrd's ''Psalmes, Sonets and Songs''', Music and Letters, 44 (1963), and including a photocopy of the superius part book of Cantiones sacrae by Thomas Tallis and William Byrd (1575); notes and correspondence with Dart, 1960, regarding A ballet on the death of the cardynall', manuscript in Ripon Cathedral Library, with transcriptions and photographs of the manuscript; typescript of his article
Counterpoint, harmony and tonality' for the Oxford Junior Encyclopaedia, with related correspondence on the withdrawal by Andrews on its publication, 1953; typescript of his The formation, fulfilment and decline of the classical language of music', Cramb lectures, University of Glasgow, 1954; manuscript of his
The interpretation of 16th century polyphony', Crees lectures, 1963; manuscript and typescript of `The editing and perfomrance of English vocal polyphony of the late 16th century and early 17th century, first chapter only of an unpublished book.
Records of Bechstein of Berlin and London, piano-makers, 1880-1946, and of the Bechstein Hall and Wigmore Hall, 1901-1951, comprising sales books of Bechstein, giving names of purchaser and details of instruments purchased, 1880-1927; wages book of Bechstein staff, 1890-1912 and stock book, 1946; sales ledger, 1916-1921; instrument hire account book, 1912-1917. Bechstein Hall, day book, 1901-1916 (also includes day book of Arts Council of Great Britain, 1916-1951); hire day book, 1911-1916; cash book, 1912-1916 (and Wigmore Hall, 1934-1916). Wigmore Hall cash book, 1917-1924; daybook, 1930-1946; ledger, 1938-1946.
Zonder titelPapers of Henry Cope Colles, 1938-1939, as editor of the Fourth edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Macmillans, London, 1940), comprising correspondence with contributors of articles and subjects of articles, including particular accumulations of correspondence with Eric Blom: Alfredo Casella: Sir Henry Walford Davies; Richard Capell; Alfred Einstein; Edwin Evans; Arthur Henry Fox Strangways; Francis William Galpin; Anselm Hughes; Macario Santiago Kastner; Alfred Loewenberg; Gustave Reese; Percy Alfred Scholes; Marion Margaret Scott; John Brande Trend.
Zonder titelPapers of Edward George Dannreuther, 1900-1904, including manuscript of 'Bach's chamber music', undated; typescript and manuscript notes of 'The Romantic movement from Weber to Wagner', published as 'The Romantic period', volume 6 of the Oxford History of Music (1905); manuscripts by Dannreuther of various works by Franz Liszt and part of 'L'enfance du Christ' by Hector Berlioz; manuscript music by James Friskin (1886-1967), student of Dannreuther; notebook of Edward Dannreuther, recording names of his pupils and pieces of music each was studying, 1900-1904 (MS 1083).
Zonder titelPapers of Thomas Frederick Dunhill, comprising personal and business correspondence, 1912-1944 (mainly 1931-1940), including correspondence relating to performances of the comic opera Tantivy Towers by Dunhill and Alan P Herbert; notebooks of lectures by Dunhill, including 'British music of today', lecture for the Royal Albert Institute 11 Mar 1913, 'Sir Hubert Parry' to the British Music Society 8 Mar 1922, and 'The importance of the British composers of the later 19th century' to the Society of Women Musicians, 7 Jul 1922; musical notebooks; lists of Dunhill's compositions; manuscripts of articles and talks by Dunhill, including 'The chamber music of Anton Dvorak', and `English comic opera'; correspondence with the BBC regarding talks by Dunhill, including a version of Dunhill's Tantivy Towers for broadcast, 1937, 1941, 1945; correspondence regarding finances of the Musicians' Benevolent Fund, 1937-1938; correspondence with B W Smith and F J Whitmarsh on their proposed operetta 'Something in the city', 1937-1939s; cuttings of articles by or on Dunhill, 1915-1938; programmes featuring Dunhill's music; obituaries, 1946.
Zonder titelLedgers of Erard, harp manufacturers of London, c1798-1917, giving details of purchasers, prices, packing, transport, repairs and exchanges
Zonder titel(1) Lease and (2) Release, 19-20 Mar 1770, between Mary Lewis and Jacob Kirkman, concerning land in Walton-upon-Thames.
(3) Presentment, 1771, by Jacob Kirkman against Robert Falkener, for counterfeiting Kirkman's name on harpsichords sold by Falkener.
Papers of or relating to Giovanni Battista Viotti, 1798-1905, comprising a manuscript autobiography 'since his entry into the world until 6 Mar 1798'; manuscript by Viotti on the origin of the 'Rans des vaches', the Swiss mountain melody sung or played to summon cows, recording his own experience of hearing it in Switzerland, undated; holograph will of Viotti, 13 Dec 1822; 5 manuscript letters from Viotti to Caroline Chinnery, Baron de la Ferté, Monsieur Cailheux, Madame Simon, and Monsieur Choron, 1798-1822; 9 letters from Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge (1774-1850), on musical matters, c1813-1817; letter from George Canning to Mrs Chinnery, on the death of George Chinnery, 31 Oct 1825; letter from Samuel Rogers, poet, [to the Chinnery family], undated; portraits, sketches and prints of Viotti and the Chinnery family; article by E van der Straeten on Viotti, from the journal Die Music, 1902; various letters, 1885-1901 to Edward Heron-Allen on the provenance and content of his collection of Viotti material.
Zonder titelMusical scrapbook of Jenny Lind, 1847, containing manuscript transcriptions of six songs in German, with signatures and dedications of Luigi Lablache, Sigismond Thalberg, Arthur Saint-Léon and Fanny Cerito, London, Aug 1847; three account sheets relating to Lind's financial affairs, 1870-1871, including accounts, 1847-1848; statement of condolence from Royal College of Music on the death of Otto Goldschmidt, 16 Mar 1907; letter from Gill Bevan, Jenny Lind's grand-daughter, to Sir Ernest Bullock on provenance of the volume, 13 Jul 1959.
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