The Constance Howard Resource and Research Centre in Textiles contains archives, Materials Collections and a library related to textiles and to the development of textile art. Collections include the archives of the Goldsmiths Textile course 1948-2009, 13, 000 slides of the work of graduates, alumni and staff of the course, teaching notes of the founding team, Constance Howard MBE, Barbara Dawson and Christine Risley. The Materials Collections include items from Constance Howard's personal collection of embroidery and costume; textile samples, a collection of techno-fabric samples from Nuno in Japan; and over 3,000 textiles donated or commissioned for the Centre. Archives include the records of textile artists and groups influenced by the Goldsmiths Textiles course, including the '62 Group' and the 'Fibre Art Group', [1962-2000], both groups of professional textile artists formed to raise the profile of textile art. These archives include slides, photographs, newsletters, correspondence, accounts, reviews and committee minutes. There are over 5,000 books and pamphlets in the specialised library which includes Constance Howard's book collection, and is strong in materials on textiles published in Eastern Europe in the later 20th century.
Sans titrePapers of Albert Lancaster Lloyd, 1953-[1982], comprising materials relating to traditional folk music from around the world, especially Eastern Europe, notably newspaper cuttings, photographs, typescript notes, drafts of articles, diaries, notebooks, broadcast scripts and texts of lectures on subjects including:
English folk music, including erotic songs, ballads, carols, London songs, Morris dancers, North-East songs and poetry.
Romanian folk music, [1955-1973], including notes on subjects including costume, customs, instruments, proverbs, social life and topography, as well as a large number of photographs depicting native song and dance.
Hungarian folk music, [1946-1970s], including notes on subjects such as art, custom, dance, history and instruments.
Bulgarian folk music, [1954-1960s], including papers, correspondence and photographs on costume, dance, recorded music, and topography.
American folk music, [1949-1967], including materials on cowboys, blues and jazz, spirituals, work songs and vagrants.
Industrial song, [1950s-1970s], including miners, textile workers, political songs, and American work songs.
The collection also includes material on Chinese and Australian traditional music.