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Beare, Mary (1897-1985)
GB 0367 MBE · c 1936-1983

Correspondence and papers of Mary Beare, c 1936-1983, comprising:
Teaching papers, including University of Cambridge Medieval and Modern Languages Tripos examination papers [c 1936-1947]; lecture and seminar notes on Hans Sachs; Reformation drama; Grillparzer, Sebastian Brant, Gryphius and 17th century drama, Luther, drama and satire in the 16th century, propaganda in the age of the Reformation, lyric poetry;
Research notes and papers including notes for and typescript and illustrations of The German Popular Play [c 1938]; article Glimpses of Hamburg between War and Peace, 1946; notes on Hans Sachs, with texts of his plays and poems and typescript and proofs of The Later Dialogues of Hans Sachs; notes on Luther, Grisar, the Faust-Volksbucher, Lessing, Dutch 17th century poetry and Janssen;
Personal papers including copy of curriculum vitae and miscellaneous correspondence.

Beare , Mary , 1897-1985 , Reader in German, Westfield College
Bithell, Jethro (1878-1962)
GB 0367 JBI · 1919-1962

Correspondence and papers of Jethro and Alice Bithell, 1919-1962, comprising:
Correspondence and papers of Jethro Bithell:
Three note books [in Dutch];
Correspondence, 1935-1962: correspondents include August and Hannah Closs, Rudolf Majut, William Rose, L W Forster, Walter Cohen, Alexander Gillies, L A Willoughby and R Pick;
Papers on the poems of Max Hermann-Neisse (1886-1941), 1919-1942;
Papers on the works of Ernst Bertram, 1928-1952;

Correspondence and papers of Alice Emily Bithell (née Eastlake):
Personal papers including school and university certificates, 1908-1937 and correspondence with Rudolf and Käthe Majut, 1949-1962.

Bithell , Jethro , 1878-1962 , Reader in German
GB 0367 EMB · 1919-1959

Professional papers of Eliza (Elsie) Marian Butler, 1919-1959, comprising:
Teaching papers, including student handouts with examples of German poetry of the 19th and 20th centuries and lecture notes on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Rainer Maria Rilke: Poetry and Rainer Maria Rilke; Rilke and Orpheus; Rilke and Orpheism; Rilke and Russia; Germany and Greece; Goethe on his times; Legend and literature in Faustian rituals
Research notes and papers including: Napoleon and the Poets (unfinished manuscript of a book dealing with Napoleon's influence on European poetry); papers relating to EMB's biography Rainer Maria Rilke, (Cambridge, 1941);
Correspondence, 1937-1951, mainly relating to EMB's books, Myth of the Magus and Ritual Magic: correspondents include Bertrand Russell, 1948; Lord David Cecil, 1950; Professor Günther Müller, University of Bonn, 1948-1951; Edward Sackville-West, 1948; C.S. Lewis, 1940; Michael Burt, 1947-1948; William Keith Chambers Guthrie, 1948; Thomas Mann, 1948; Leonid Pasternak (artist), 1937; Gertrude Ouckama Knoop (wife of Gerhard and friend of Rilke); Ronald Peacock (Professor of German at Manchester University); Michael Polanyi (Fellow of the Royal Society and Professor of Chemistry, Manchester University), 1948; Professor Gerard van Rijnberk, 1948; John Tresidder Sheppard, 1948; Hermann Sinsheimer (author and theatre critic), 1948; Professor Leonard Ashley Willoughby, 1948; Nancy Wunderly-Volkart (friend of Rainer Maria Rilke), 1940.

Butler , Eliza Marian (Elsie) , 1885-1959 , Professor of German
Closs/Priebsch Family Papers
GB 0367 ACO/ECT/HCL/RPR · 1899-1990

Papers of August Closs and his family, comprising:
August Closs: Personal Papers
Correspondence with Hannah and Elizabeth Closs (later Closs-Traugott);
Diaries, 1915-1928;

General Correspondence: correspondents include Stefan Andres, 1960-1972; Anthony Blunt, 1976; Albert Einstein, 1930; T S Eliot, 1953; E M Forster, 1955; Sigmund Freud, 1930; John Galsworthy, 1928-1932; Bernt von Heiseler, 1953-1965; Arno and Anita Holz, 1922-1932; F R Leavis, 1948-1953; Thomas Mann, 1929; Christoph Meckl, 1962; J R R Tolkien, 1955;
Correspondence with UK/US based academics: correspondents include F W Bateson, 1956; Jethro Bithell, 1951-1957; Lord David Cecil, 1955; W E Collinson, 1944-1968; David Duckworth, 1972-1989; H G Fiedler, 1936-1944; Stanley Goodman, 1941-1942; G P Gooch, 1946-1963; Brian Keith-Smith, 1966-1982; Sir John Kingman, 1985-1988; Victor Lange, 1951-1973; Eudo C Mason, 1951-1963; Estelle Morgan, 1953-1987; Irene Morris, 1955-1957; Roy Pascal, 1948-1978; Ronald Peacock, 1945-1959; F P Pickering, 1937-1958; Siegbert and Helga Prawer, 1952-1987; Edna Purdie, 1953-1964; Hans S Reiss, 1964-1989; Hermann Salinger, 1963-1966; Paul and Vivian Salmon; David Scrase, 1964-1989; Ernst Stahl, 1963-1969; Ellisabeth and F J Stopp, 1946-1973; John Joseph Stoudt, 1945-1963; H M Waidson, 1960-1978; L A Willoughby, 1952-1977; Roy A Wisbey, 1980-1988; W E Yuill, 1967-1978; E H Zeydel, 1942-1961;
Correspondence with German/Austrian/Swiss based academics: correspondents include Ernst Alker, 1952-1972; Felix Braun, 1942-1948; Hans Egon Holthusen, 1950-1961; Heinz Kindermann, 1949-1974; Frans Koch, 1946-1957; Manfred Lurker, 1968-1972; Horst Oppel, 1946-1985; Arthur Pfeiffer, 1953-1957; Hans Pyritz, 1933-1956; Kurt Schäfer, 1982-1986;
Correspondence with other European based academics: correspondents include Jan Aler, 1946-1959 and Erik Lunding, 1953-1969;
Correspondence with individual academics, Hans Bähr, Roger Loomis, Eirwen and Idris Parry, Friedrich Heinz and the Humboldt Gesellschaft;
War diaries of Max Closs;
Correspondence with L P Hartley, 1955-1972, and letters between Closs and publishers on the publication of the correspondence;
Corrspondence, photos and papers on Theodor Däubler, 1930-1947 and undated;
Correspondence and articles relating to Herman Pongs, 1946-1978;
Notes, articles and reviews by Closs on German literature, 1915-1990;
Papers relating to Bristol University, including correspondence and papers on award of Honorary D.Litt, 1987;
Correspondence and papers on the Bristol/Hannover Link 1947-1987, particularly 40th anniversary celebrations, 1987;
Correspondence with publishers on royalty payments, 1949-1983;

Robert Preibsch papers, 1899-1934, including correspondence, notes on German literature and palaeography, correspondence about the Priebsch/Closs Collection;

Hannah Closs papers 1934-1952, including correspondence, reviews and articles, writings on art, reviews of her work, obituaries and tributes;

Elizabth Closs-Traugott papers, 1951-1988, including correspondence, notes for lectures, articles and reviews, and press cuttings;

Acquired Papers:
Medieval manuscripts: Das Leiden Christi, mss booklet describing a vision by a nun of the Passion of Christ [15th century], Pseudo-Clemens Romanus, early 9th century west German fragment; Heinrich Seuse: Buch der ewigen Weisheit six loose fragments [14th century], Predigten, by German wandering preacher, in Latin, c 1450; wooden cover with pressed calf leather, bearing arms of Pope Paul III Farinesi;
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century material: Hexenprozesse three folio booklets - original records of witchcraft trials of Catharina Stroblin, 1617; Appolonia Nueberin, 1623, bill to cover costs of difficulties caused by and rewards offered for executed magical persons during the years 1617, 1628, 1629 by Hans Schölern; title deed to land and farm sold by Nette, servant of Graf Dietrich von Plesse to a nunnery, Low German, 1516;
Autograph letters and mss including poems Bittschrift by Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, [undated], and Friedrich von Bodenstadt [undated]; letters from Wilhelm von Humboldt [c 1799], Theodor Storm, 1867, Friedrich and Caroline de la Motte Fourque, 1814, 1927, Eduard Devrient, 1839, August Heinrich Hoffman von Fallersleben, 1864, Friedrich Schlegrl, [undated], Ludolf Wienbarg, 1839, Christina G Rosetti, 1865, James Martineau - letter to J S Mill on the University of London, 1841, Stefan Zweig, 1909, Henriette Hendel-Schütz, 1807, Friedrich Karl von Savigny, 1856.

Closs , August , 1898-1990 , Professor of German, University of Bristol Closs , Hannah Margaret Mary , d 1953 , art critic and novelist Priebsch , Robert , 1866-1935 , Professor of German, University of London Traugott , Elizabeth Closs- , English scholar
GB 0367 HFG · 1903-1975

Papers of Hugo Frederick Garten (formerly Hugo Friedrich Königsgarten) (HFG), including correspondence with the expressionist playwright Georg Kaiser (GK) and his wife Margareta from the 1920s to 1940s; typescripts of work by GK; periodicals, programmes and photographs relating to productions of GK's plays; correspondence from the German playwright Gerhart Hauptmann (GH) and members of his family to HFG; newspaper cuttings on GH and his plays written on centenary of his birth in 1962; photographs of GH and letters from GH to the German Studies scholar Hermann Georg Fiedler; and letters from Stefan Zweig, Fritz von Unruh, Jakob Wassermann and his wife, Martha Wassermann-Karlweis, Robert Neumann, Friedrich Gundolf, and Alfred Weber to HFG. Also includes five metal plate prints of letters by and portraits of Gerhart Hauptmann.

Garten , Hugo Frederick , 1904-1975 , German scholar