Affichage de 4 résultats

Description archivistique
JAMESON, Sir William Wilson (1885-1962)
GB 0809 Jameson · 1927-1967

Papers of Sir William Wilson Jameson, 1927-1967, relate to Jameson's appointment as Professor of Public Health at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the composition of 'Life of Wilson Jameson' written by Dr N M Goodman. The collection comprises correspondence and papers relating to Jameson's appointment and work at the School, notably including a letter from H Kenwood advising Jameson and encouraging him to apply for the post of Professor of Public Health, offering his support, 1927, and Jameson's application form for the post, 1928. The collection also includes correspondence between Dr N M Goodman and Professor Delafield regarding Goodman's 'Life of Wilson Jameson', 1967 and a letter from M A Baatz, Academic Registrar, University of London to Dr Goodman regarding appointment of Jameson as Professor, 1967.

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CASTELLANI, Sir Aldo (1877-1971)
GB 0809 Castellani · 1924-1951

Papers of Sir Aldo Castellani, 1924-1951, comprise correspondence and reprints of publications and articles. Correspondence relates to his role in the School of Tropical Medicine as lecturer and Director of Tropical Mycoses including the establishment of the Ross Institute, his work as a lecturer at the School, terms and conditions of his appointment as Director of Studies on Tropical Mycoses; telegrams from overseas; press cuttings on his return to Italy to fight against the allies in World War Two.

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GB 0809 Draper · 1949-1997

Papers of Dr Christopher Draper, 1949-1997, includes correspondence, research papers, notebooks, photographs, slides, articles, publications, teaching material, data tables and graphs concerning Christopher Draper's career as a medical officer, researcher and lecturer in tropical medicine. The collection relates to many of Draper's research projects overseas such as malaria studies in East Africa, particularly the Pare-Taveta and Mara regions and material also relates to other short-term projects abroad on behalf of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, World Health Organization or Overseas Development Administration. Research papers concern important work carried out in seroepidemiology, ELISA tests and malaria and teaching material includes slides for lectures, handouts and correspondence with students. Most of the papers stem from Draper's time at the LSHTM although photographs of Draper's posting as medical officer in the Middle East for the Red Cross are included.

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CROWDEN, Guy Pascoe (1894-1966)
GB 0809 Crowden · 1927-1953

Papers of Guy Pascoe Crowden, 1927-1953, largely relate to his appointment and work as Lecturer in Applied Physiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and comprise a comparative study of the development and physiology of identical twins by Crowden; information on the applied physiology course 1930-1931; paper on 'The practical value of physiology to industry' by Crowden, communication to the Department on Industrial Co-operation, British Association for the Advancement of Science, Leicester, 11 September 1933; appointment of Crowden as University Reader in Industrial Physiology and as Professor of Industrial Hygiene; material relating to his service in World War Two.

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