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Gipsy Hill College of Education
GB 2108 GH · 1917-c1975

Records, 1917-c1975, of Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College and its successor, Gipsy Hill College of Education, including papers, 1917-1947, of the Principal, Lillian de Lissa, including correspondence, photographs, published material and artefacts; Governors' minutes, 1930-1947; staff ledger, 1920s; staff meeting minutes, 1930s-1940s; financial records, 1930s-1940s; correspondence, 1917-1918, 1943-1955, with the Board of Education, subsequently Ministry of Education; student records, 1917-1959; papers relating to examinations, 1917-c1925; syllabuses and inspectors' reports, 1920s; newsletter, 1940s-1950s; Old Students' Association correspondence, 1950s; photographs of buildings, staff, students and events, 1917-c1975; prospectuses; building plans; artefacts, including crockery and badges.

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Kingston University and predecessors
GB 2108 KU · 1899-[2002]

Records, 1899-[2002], of Kingston University and its predecessors, largely dating from the 1960s and after:

Kingston Art and Technical Schools visitors' book, 1899-1909.

Minutes and papers, 1970-[2002] (some series incomplete), of the Governors, Academic Board, and various committees relating to administration, academic matters, the library, student welfare, security, finance, employment, and staff, also including the Formation Committee, 1992.

Other administrative papers include papers relating to the proposal for a polytechnic, 1960s, and the transition to Polytechnic status, including draft schemes, 1967, and scheme of government, 1976; CNAA Quinquennial Reports, 1974, 1979, and Institutional Review, 1984; various proposals, corporate plans and annual reports.

Departmental records include Industrial Liaison Centre publications, including reports, 1960s, Industrial Liaison Topics newsletter, continued by Kingston Regional Management Centre (KRMC), 1966-1977, KRMC proposal document, mid-1970s, minutes and papers, 1977-1980, brochure, 1978, newsletter Kingston Topics, 1981-1983, and Director's Report, 1984/5; Library records, 1960s-1990s, including guides; Computer Services/IT Handbooks and newsletters, 1980s; syllabuses for various courses, 1960s-1970s; report of Board of Education inspection of School of Art, 1936, and College of Art papers relating to fashion design contest, 1965, and exhibition, 1984.

Various reports include Jubilee and Inspectors reports, 1930s-1960s; Liberal Studies report of development, 1956-1967; joint report with Kingston Arts Council, 'An Arts Centre for Kingston', 1973; research reports, 1965-1984.

Various publications include the Golden Jubilee (1899-1949) history [1949] (photocopy); published history of Kingston Polytechnic, 1980; various newsletters, 1970s-1990s; handbook on administrative practices and procedures, 1982; various general prospectuses and prospectuses for individual Schools and courses; and various departmental publications.

Staff records include various job descriptions and advertisements, 1960s-1970s; Staff Association papers; and staff periodicals and articles.

Papers relating to events include conference programmes, reports and proceedings, 1960s-1970s; exhibition catalogues, 1970s-1990s; programmes and other records relating to prizes and awards ceremonies, open days and presentation/graduation ceremonies, 1960s-1980s; Incorporation Celebrations papers, 1989.

Student Union papers, 1960s-1970s, including constitution, minutes, handbooks, and magazines including Facet.

Photographs and plans of buildings and sites, 1960s-1990s, including new premises.

Miscellaneous photographs, loose and in albums, and slides, 1940s-1980s.

Press cuttings, 1931-[1990s].

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GB 2108 KUAS113 · 1959-[1989]

Records created or held by Dennis Berry while he was the Head of the Architecture department at Kingston School of Art/ Kingston College of Art/ Kingston Polytechnic (now Kingston University). Includes photographs, scrap books, notes on town plan exhibitions and projects, notes on curriculum and examinations, meeting minutes, diaries, leaflets and publications from the Architecture department, and posters for an Architecture talk 1959.

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GB 2108 KUAS184 · Arquivo · [1978-1992]

18 letters from Iris Murdoch to Ray Byram, an academic at the University of California Santa Barbara. He meet Iris Murdoch and John Bayley during their visit to the University, and later visited them at their house in Oxford. Also contains a photograph of Iris Murdoch with Margaret Mallory.

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GB 2108 KUAS207 · Arquivo · 1899-2016

Records collected from within Kingston School of Art at Kingston University and from external donors relating to the history of Kingston School of Art / Kingston College of Art (later part of Kingston Polytechnic and Kingston University). Records collected include photographs, events and exhibition programmes and invitations, prospectuses, leaflets, and correspondence. Originally collected as part of the Archive KSA Project.

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GB 2108 KUAS225 · Arquivo · 1944-[1999]

Notebooks and other items belonging to Iris Murdoch from her home at Charlbury Road, Oxford. Includes:

1) File containing typed draft of paper 'Evil is to Love, what Mystery is to Intelligence' by Martin Andic dated 26 Feb 1995, plus typed text draft of the opening pages of John Bayley's 'Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch'

2) Bundle containing handwritten notes by Iris Murdoch on Martin Heidegger, plus typed notes on philosophy with handwritten annotations by Murdoch c. early 1990s

3) 16 notebooks containing notes on the Greek language 1960s- 1980s

4) 4 notebooks with planning notes for the novel 'The Good Apprentice'

5) Notebook with notes on 'The Message to the Planet'

6) Notebook with notes on 'The Book and the Brotherhood'

7) 8 notebooks with notes on philosophy, including notes on the Gifford Lectures and 'Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals'

8) 2 notebooks from Iris Murdoch's trip to China 1979

9) Notebook from trip to India/ Australia 1967

10) Appointment diaries 1978 and 1980

11) 2 notebooks on unknown subjects (possibly philosophy)

12) Notebook on Hebrew 1979

13) Indexed notebook with topics noted in top right hand corner, possibly for Greek words. However pages are empty.

14) Notebook dated 26 Jan 1954- first few pages have been removed, otherwise the notebook is empty

15) Notebook dated 1955- 1958. One page of notes on ethics in the back, and several pages have been ripped out from the front. Otherwise empty. Possibly originally used as a journal?

16) Notebook noted as belonging to Iris Murdoch at HM Treasury dated 12 Mar 1944. Several pages have been ripped out from the front. Otherwise empty. Possibly originally used as a journal?

17) Blank nature notebook

18) 2 photographs of Iris Murdoch's desk, labelled on reverse by John Bayley 'Iris Murdoch's table'

19) Piece of blotting paper used by Iris Murdoch when writing letters

20) 23 empty envelopes either addressed to Iris Murdoch and / or John Bayley, or addressed by Iris Murdoch to other people

21) 3 pieces of Berkeley Department of English Headed Paper, one with beginnings of a letter written by Iris Murdoch to unknown recipient

22) 5 blank postcards from St Catherine's College, and 3 blank pieces of notepaper. Murdoch has written the Cedar Lodge address on the back of one of the postcards.

23) 2 blank postcards

24) Blank postcards with Reynold Stone's name and address at the top

24) Blank notepaper with La Valencia Hotel printed at the top

25) Two blank pre-printed invitation cards

26) 5 blank pieces of notepaper printed with the Conservation Society logo

27) Blank postcard from New College Oxford

28) Postcard advertising opening of an exhibition by Lesley Foxcroft at the Riverside Studios

29) Invitation to Iris Murdoch and John Bayley to attend an event at Parker and Son Ltd 14 Nov 1984

30) Invitation to cocktails at Timothy Dwight College 28 Feb 1983

31) Blank black notebook

32) Blank Basildon Bond notepad

33) 3 blank WH Smith notebooks

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GB 2108 KUAS43 · [1900-2000]

Photographs from Kingston University and its predcessor bodies including Kingston Polytechnic, Kingston Technical College, Kingston Institute of Technology, and Kingston School of Art/ Kingston College of Art. Covers a number of themes from the University's history including students and staff, buildings and campuses, sporting and social events, and special events.

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GB 2108 KUAS164 · [1930-1979]

Thirteen photographs of Iris Murdoch at various points of her life, dating from the 1930s until the 1970s. These photographs were collected by Peter Conradi while researching his biography Iris Murdoch: A Life (2001).

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Murdoch, Iris: Photographs of Iris Murdoch and Others
GB 2108 KUAS83 · [1940-1970]

Collection of photographs previously owned by Iris Murdoch. Includes images of Iris Murdoch alone, Iris Murdoch pictured with others and portraits of individuals who Iris Murdoch knew. As well as Murdoch those depicted include John Bayley, Frank Thompson and Elias Cannetti.

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Kingston School of Art Records
GB 2108 KUAS2 · [1930s-1979]

Documents relating to Kingston School of Art (later Kingston College of Art, which merged with Kingston Technical College to form Kingston Polytechnic in 1970). The Collection includes minute books; scrap books containing press cuttings, exhibition invitations and leaflets; prospectuses; and items relating to exhibitions and fashion shows.

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Photograph of members of the Murdoch family in Ireland
GB 2108 KUAS65 · [1890]

Photograph of the Murdoch family in Ireland c 1890s. Those pictured include William Murdoch and Louise Murdoch with their children Sara, Ella and Hugh. Hugh Murdoch was Iris Murdoch's father, and William and Louise her grandparents. Photograph taken at the Abernethy Studios in Belfast.

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GB 2108 KUAS186 · Arquivo · [1940-2006]

Photographs and other albums relating to Kingston Polytechnic and Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College. Includes two albums of staff portraits from Kingston Polytechnic 1970- early 1980s, group photographs from 1969/ 1970, and correspondence from former students of Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College sending in Newsletters and other items.

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Publishing News Archive
GB 2108 KUAS67 · [1950]- 2008

Documents created during the publication of Publishing News magazine. This includes a complete run of the magazine, copies of other publications by Publishing News, research files on companies and individuals associated with the book trade pulled together by the editors of the magazine, photographs used in the magazine, documents relating to the British Book Awards, reference books on the book trade, and some digital records. Publishing New's website has also been archived and can be searched at .

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