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Archival description
South West London College
GB 2110 SWLC · 1949-1993

Contains the records of the South West London College, comprising:

SWLC/1, Press Cuttings: regarding the College's merger with South Bank Polytechnic, 1990-1991;

SWLC/2, Publications for SWLC students: produced by South Bank Polytechnic for South West London College students affected by its merger with the Polytechnic, 1991;

SWLC/3, Minutes of the Governing Body, 1949-1969, 1988-1991;

SWLC/4, Correspondence: detailing the merger between South West London College and South Bank Polytechnic, 1989-1993.

South West London College
GB 2110 NC · 1944-1970, 2007

Contains the records of the National College for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering, comprising:

NC/1, Governance, including minutes of the Board of Governors, Financial and General Purposes Committee and the Education Committee, deeds of trust and correspondence on the future of the college, 1948-1970;

NC/2, Publications, including prospectuses, annual reports and anniversary publications and presentation ceremony programmes, 1948-1971, 2007;

NC/3, Photographs, including photos of official openings, students, staff, the library and laboratories,1950-1960s;

NC/4, Student Activities, including student publications and exam results, 1949-1969;

NC/5, National College Building, including material on the building of the National College Building (now the Faraday Wing), 1950s;

NC/6, External Publications, including trade magazines, press cuttings and adverts 1947-1963;

NC/7, Education Board of the Heating and Ventilating Industry, including minutes, annual reports and publications 1944-1962.

National College for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering
London South Bank University
GB 2110 LSBU · 1892-present

Contains the records of London South Bank University and its former institutions, comprising:

LSBU/1 Governance records, including the Board of Governors and the major committees which have shaped policy;

LSBU/2 Administrative records, containing the records created by support services and departments;

LSBU/3 Academic records, containing records related to the implementation of teaching within the university, including the Academic Board;

LSBU/4 Staff records and personal papers;

LSBU/5 Student Activities, containing records related to the activities of students within clubs, societies and the Student Union;

LSBU/6 Published Sources, including staff and student magazines, prospectuses and annual reports;

LSBU/7 Photographs

LSBU/8 Ephemera, including posters and trophies

LSBU/9 External publications, consisting of material about, but not produced by, the University.

Borough Polytechnic Institute Polytechnic of the South Bank South Bank Polytechnic South Bank University London South Bank University
Brixton School of Building
GB 2110 BSB · 1902-1979

Contains the records of the Brixton School of Building. The collection has been arranged into the following categories:

BSB/1 Works in Converting the Baths in Ferndale Road into a Technical Institute, 1902;

BSB/2 Prospectuses, 1936-1971;

BSB/3 Historical Publications: three publications charting the history of the School, 1955-1979;

BSB/4 Magazines: issues of the School's in-house magazine, 1955-1958;

BSB/5 Distribution of Prizes and Exhibition Work: programmes listing the students receiving awards in different categories of study, 1948-1960;

BSB/6 Syllabuses, Course Notes and Examination Papers: syllabus information for courses in Public Health Engineering, course notes for teachers on a variety of subjects and exam papers for internal and external examination, 1953-1970;

BSB/7 Administration: papers on various courses provided by the School, 1960s;

BSB/8 Professional Publications: a booklet regarding metrication of the UK construction industry and journal articles regarding Public Health Engineering written by a staff member 1963-1977;

BSB/9 Photographs, c.1910-1930s.

Brixton School of Building London County Council School of Building
GB 2110 BCE · 1892-2003

Records of Battersea College of Education, comprising:

BCE/1, Governance: includes Governing Body and Academic Board minutes, and records regarding visitations by the University of London Institute of Education, 1953-1976;

BCE/2, Staff Records: includes Staff Registers, c1900-1991;

BCE/3, Publications: includes prospectuses, College Magazines, history publications and Battersea Polytechnic reports, 1892-2003;

BCE/4, Photographs: includes group photographs of college students and photographs of lessons, students, staff and exhibitions, 1953-1970;

BCE/5, Plans: comprises a plan of the college n.d;

BCE/6, History and Special Events: includes records regarding official openings, special events and the College's history, 1950s-1970s;

BCE/7, Records on the Merger with South Bank Polytechnic: includes Joint Working Party records and reports, 1973-1976;

BCE/8, Student activities: includes student records and enrolment cards, c.1900-1977;

BCE/9, External publications: comprises external publications regarding the College or domestic economy education in general, 1899-1994.

Battersea Training College of Domestic Economy Battersea College of Domestic Science Battersea Training College for Primary Teachers Battersea College of Education