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Archivistische beschrijving
North Western Polytechnic
GB 1924 NWP · 1896-1971

Administrative records of the North Western Polytechnic, 1896-1971, comprising: Governing Body minutes, 1896-1971; Annual Reports, 1929-1957; Souvenir Brochure for Official Opening, 1929; student record cards, 1934-1935; Joint Working Party with Northern Polytechnic [on merger] minutes 1967-1970; Training College for Technical Teachers Governing Body minutes and papers, 1946-1951.

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GB 1924 PNL/UNL · 1971-2002

Administrative records of the Polytechnic of North London (PNL), 1971-1992 and the University of North London (UNL), 1992-2002, comprising: minutes of Board of Governors and other principal committees, 1971-2002; records of Officers and Departments of the University including Secretary and Clerk to the Board of Governors; Academic Registry; Estates Management; Finance; Human Resources, and Marketing and Communications Office; copies of PNL/UNL publications including Handbooks, 1973-1995 and Fuse [Student Union Magazine], 1985-1995; correspondence, papers and press cuttings on protest campaign against National Front activist Patrick Harrington, a student at PNL, 1984-1985.

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GB 1924 NP · 1899-1971

Administrative records of the Northern Polytechnic (NP) (formerly the Northern Polytechnic Institution), 1896-1971, including:
Governing Body minutes 1911-1971; agendas 1907-1971; Governor's correspondence, 1907-1938; General Purposes Committee minutes 1906-1935; Finance Committee minutes and agendas, 1906-1912, 1922-1970; records of HMI Inspections, 1899-1950; Principal's correspondence on extension of site and buildings, 1919-1937; Heads of Department meetings minutes 1931-1965; minutes of meetings of Principals of Polytechnic Instututions in London, 1902-1927; Joint Working Party with Northern Polytechnic [on merger] minutes 1967-1970;
Printed papers including Annual Reports 1942-1961, general prospectuses 1924-1929, 1965-1972; Architectural and Building Trades Department prospects 1906; Engineering Department prospectuses, 1909-1910; Commercial Day School prospectus, 1910; Chemistry Department - Rubber Technology prospectus 1914; Chemistry Department prospectus, 1924; Music Trades School prospectus, 1927 and reviews, 1936-1938; ; School of Architecture prospectus 1939; Catering and Domestic Science Department prospectus c 1950;
Student Records: Student Career Cards, 1910-1971, giving details of name, address, date of birth, education, occupation, courses and marks/grades; Chemistry Department list of students 1919; Department of Architecture, Surveying and Building student record cards, 1943-1947; record cards for University of London General Degree Students, 1969-1975;
Records of Clubs and Societies, including: Old Students Association rules and programmes, 1909-1914; Repertory Company programmes, 1942-1961; Operatic Society programmes 1911-1914, 1955-1966; Sporting Clubs: correspondence and papers, 1963-1975;
Papers relating to Golden Jubilee celebrations, 1946
National College of Rubber Technology: Board of Governors minutes, 1958-1969, agendas, 1948-1969; Finance Committee minutes 1949-1967; papers on new building, 1950-1951;
Presscuttings on the history of the NP, 1899-1971

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