Mostrando 23 resultados

Descripción archivística
BRIDGER, Evelyn Alice (fl 1927-1996)
GB 2121 Bridger · 1927-1930

Papers of Evelyn Alice Bridger, nee Osborne, 1927-1930, comprising London County Council School Leaving Certificate, 1927; Woolwich Polytechnic Junior Technical School for Girls Ladies' Tailoring Certificate, 1930; photographs of Evelyn and schoolmates at the sports ground, Kidbrooke Lane, [1928-1930]; photocopies of her first year school record and form, [1928].

Sin título
HERBERT, Rhoda Frances Moss (1898-1993)
GB 2121 Herbert · 1916-1995

Papers of Rhoda Frances Moss Herbert, n�e Coppen, 1916-1995, comprising school certificate, 1916; record of course of study and training at Avery Hill College, giving results, 1919; Board of Education Certified Teacher certificate, 1919; photographs of Rhoda Herbert, [1917-1919]; Somerville Hall netball team, 1919 (Avery Hill hall of residence); University of London diploma in Geography, 1925; Associateship of College of Preceptors, 1936; card from Hampshire County Council on retirement from Grove School, 1963; correspondence of Miss M Coppen, including notes on her mother's life, 1995.

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Thames Polytechnic
GB 2121 Thames Polytechnic · Fondo · 1969-1996

Records of Thames Polytechnic, 1971-1992, comprising minutes and papers of the Court of Governors, 1977-1982; Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1970-1984; meetings of the Academic Council, 1977-1982; Committee for Institutions, 1981-1982; staff and student affairs standing committee, 1978-1980; Education and Movement Studies faculty board, 1978-1980; Architecture and Surveying faculty board, 1977-1980; Prizes, Awards and Examinations Committee, 1977-[1980]; papers submitted to the Court of Governors, 1970-1992; Memoranda and articles of association, 1970; reports and financial statements, 1974-1975, 1983-1992; block grant files, 1971-1989; papers relating to mergers with Dartford College of Education, [1975-1976] and Avery Hill College, [1983-1985]; changeover from Polytechnic to University status, [1990-1992];

calendar and staff lists, 1979-1990; staff handbooks, [1971-1990]; Governing Body handbooks, 1971-1992;

magazines and newspapers of Thames Polytechnic, comprising Thames Polytechnic Staff Journal, 1970-1971; Thames Polytechnic TP Bulletin, 1971-1978; Thames Currents, 1978-1985; Thames News, 1985-1987; Thames View, 1987-1992; Thameslink, Newsletter for Teachers & Advisors of Entrants to Higher Education, 1992; Alumni magazines, comprising TPA News, 1980-1985; Thames View Alumni Special, 1990; Alumni magazines, 1994-1996;

photographs of Directors of the Polytechnic, 1970-1992; of presentations, [1970-1992]; staff cricket matches, [1970-1992]; Chairmen of Governing Body, 1970-1992; photographic material used for Traditions & Controls in the making of a Polytechnic: Woolwich Polytechnic 1890-1970 by Michael Locke, 1978;

prospectuses, 1970-1993; annual reports, 1969-[1991]; research reports, 1971-1992; programmes of presentation ceremonies, [1970-1992]; annual lectures, 1971-1981; Public Relations files, containing publicity material and advertisements, press releases, 1981-1992; press cuttings, 1970-1992; Christmas cards, [1970-1992];

Students' Union magazines, 1971-1975, comprising copies of Biffo, 1971; Crusty, 1975; Links, undated; papers relating to Thames Film Festivals; Students' Union handbooks, 1970-1991;

students' theses and dissertations, 1970-1989.

Sin título
Avery Hill College
GB 2121 Avery Hill College · (c1750-1906) 1894-1998

Records of Avery Hill College, 1894-1989, comprising minutes of the Governing Body, 1945-1985; agendas and papers of the Governing Body, 1971-1985; minutes of the Academic Board, 1963-1985, with indexes, 1974-1981; agendas and papers of the Academic Board, 1977-1985; minutes and papers of Academic Board Sub-Committees, namely the Resources Committee, 1977-1985; Courses Committee, 1977-1985; Staff Development and Research Committee, 1982-1985; Strategic Planning Committee, 1982-1985; Equal Opportunities Committee, 1984-1985; Programme Committee, 1974-1985; minutes of the House Committee, 1958-1979; Principal's Consultative Committee, 1958-1962; College Council, 1963-1977; Joint Halls Committee, 1980-1985; Breakages Committee, 1969-1982; Catering Committee, 1972-1975; College Safety Committee, 1980-1985; Staff Conference, 1958-1984;

examination papers, 1908, 1910; information and regulations for students, 1906-1908, 1968; papers relating to Miss Emily Maria Julian, Principal, 1902-1922; timetables, 1909, 1935-1936; applications for admission to Furzedown Training College, 1925-1931; correspondence relating to Furzedown Training College students, 1938-1942; reports on students' teaching practice, 1932-1933; correspondence, 1938-1985, relating to students, 1938-1942; Governing Body, 1943-1985; evacuation to Huddersfield, 1941-1945; report on war damage, 1945; analysis of student admissions, 1945-1969; papers relating to post-war building programmes, 1951-1952, 1960-1973; college expenditure, 1960-1972; expansion of Avery Hill College, 1960s-1970s; Avery Hill Students' Union, 1966-1985; constitution and membership of committees and the Academic Board, 1968-1972; lecturers' posts, 1945-1970; courses, 1950-1982; reports relating to the College's future, 1971-1977; restructuring College administration, 1975-1980; merger with Thames Polytechnic, 1983-1985; external examiners' reports, 1980-1984; proposals for the three year course, 1956-1959; student numbers and recruitment, 1961-1981; Mile End Annexe, 1968-1985; teaching practice, 1966-1976; Chislehurst hostels, 1969-1980; Principals' reports, 1970-1981; College's response to the threat of closure, 1976-1977;

student lists, 1963-1983, giving names of details of students; staff register, giving names and details of staff, 1906-[1927];

College prospectuses, 1927-1928, 1943, 1966-1984; leaflets and booklets about courses and Avery Hill, [1978-1985]; College handbook, 1968-1985; Avery Hill Reporter magazine, 1907-1964; programmes of concerts, plays and formal occasions at the College, 1923-1986, including re-opening of the College in 1949 by Princess Margaret; College Jubilee celebrations, 1957; Going-Down Dinners, 1967-1986; scripts and photographs of Avery Hill College plays, 1908-1960;

publications and circulars from the Ministry of Education, Inner London Education Authority, and related bodies, 1899-1984;

minutes of other bodies, namely the Inner London Education Authority Education Committee, 1970-1985; meetings of Principals of Further and Higher Education Institutions in the London Borough of Greenwich to discuss an education service for the whole community, 1975-1982; meetings of Inner London Education Authority Senior Administrative Officers, 1967-1985;

Student publications, notably copies of the Bulletin, 1964-1966, Students' Union weekly newsletter; Witch 1966-1968, Students' Union magazine; Public Ear, 1972-1976, newssheet; Endor, 1960s, Avery Hill Writers' Group magazine; Students' Union handbook, 1966-1986;

records relating to former students, comprising Avery Hill Old Students Association registers of members, 1930-[1934]; minutes of meetings of representatives, 1933-1937; London Branch register, 1906-1912; programmes for Jubilee reunion, 1957; letters from former students with photographs, 1957; circular letters, newsletters, 1960s; letters and questionnaires from former students who attended Avery Hill from 1912 to 1949, 1984-1985; photographs and curriculum vitae of students for a reunion, 1989;

photographs and postcards relating to Avery Hill mansion and College, notably albums containing postcards and photographs of external and internal views of Avery Hill mansion and College buildings, [1890s-1963]; portrait and group photographs of staff and students, sports teams, casts of plays, [1906-1924]; postcards of Eltham and London, [1900s-1930s]; album of photographs of internal and external views of Avery Hill mansion whilst owned by Colonel North, 1894; photographs of College buildings, including the Mile End Annexe, 1950s-1970s; photographs of Southwood halls of residence (Fry, Bronte, Grey, Somerville and Consitt Halls), 1930s-1960s; photograph album of Avery Hill College early years of academic staff, student classes, resident students, prefects, 1906-1915; portrait photographs of principals, 1906-1938 and staff, 1908-1923; photographs of College life, 1950s-1970s, including group photographs, swimming galas, student classes; photographs of College Jubilee celebrations, 1957; presentation of awards ceremonies, 1979-1982; retirement dinner for the Principal Mrs K E Jones, 1981; student sports teams, 1953-1955; albums donated by students, containing photographs and postcards of the College buildings, group and individual portraits of students and staff, sports teams, plays, 1907-1930; photographs of Princess Margaret's visit to the re-opening celebrations of Avery Hill College, 1949;

copies of documents assembled from various sources, notably maps and plans of Avery Hill College and area, including map of Eltham, [c1750]; tithe map for Avery Hill area, 1839; maps of Avery Hill area, 1903, post 1945; plans of Avery Hill mansion, 1889-[1950s]; typescripts of census returns for Avery Hill area, 1841-1891, and Eltham, 1861, 1871; articles and press cuttings relating to Colonel North and Avery Hill, 1889-1998; copies drawings of window designs of Avery Hill for Colonel North, 1890; articles and press cuttings relating to Avery Hill College, 1949-1996; notes on James Boyd, owner of Avery Hill 1859-1882, with marriage certificate, 1849; plan of Avery Hill, 1859; inventory of Avery Hill House, 1884; articles of agreement with plan conveying land to Colonel North, 1889; illustrations of views of Avery Hill Mansion from British Architect 1890; copy sale catalogue of Avery Hill, 1896; copy conveyance of Avery Hill from London County Council to the Education Committee to establish a training college for women, 1905-1906.

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GB 2121 Browning · 1906-1909

Papers of Charles R Browning and Mabel E Chaney, 1906-1909, comprising Geography note books of Charles R Browning, compiled whilst attending Form IIB, Upper School, 1906-1907; Collins' School Atlas and Atlas of the British Empire, presented by Guy's Tonic Company;
University of Cambridge Certificate for Senior Students of Mabel E Chaney, 1909, for examination at Woolwich Centre.

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DEACON, H G (fl 1918-1962)
GB 2121 Deacon · 1918-1962

Papers of H G Deacon, 1918-1962, comprising certificate of attendance at Woolwich Polytechnic, 1918; science and technology scholarship, 1918; correspondence with Woolwich Polytechnic, 1932; letters of appointment as part-time Drawing and Physics teacher, 1936-1939; reference, 1937; conditions of appointment for part-time teachers, 1939; press cuttings relating to presentation of Calderwood Trophy and 'Battle of Mascots'; Woolwich Polytechnic sports results, 1949; programme of Woolwich Polytechnic Lodge Golden Jubilee meeting, 1962.

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KELLAWAY, E Myra (fl 1935-1937)
GB 2121 Kellaway · [1935-1937]

Papers of E Myra Kellaway, [1935-1937], comprising photographic postcard collection, photographed by Miss Kellaway's father who produced the cards for her friends, of views of the College buildings and halls of residence [1935-1937]; photographic glass plates of Avery Hill College, [1935-1937]; photograph of nativity play, [1936].

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McMILLAN, Margaret (1860-1931)
GB 2121 Margaret McMillan · [1860]-1977

Records relating to the Nursery School, Camp School, and Rachel McMillan College, [1860]-1977, comprising copy photographs of Deptford Health Centre, School Clinic and patients, views of Albury Street and residents, scenes of Girls' and Boys' Camps, Rachel McMillan Nursery School, visits by Queen Mary to the School, [1910-1929]; legal and financial papers, including wills and deeds, bequests, shares and bonds, off site properties and accommodation; Camp School Committee and Nursery School Committee minutes, [1910s]; College log books, 1923-1929; Nursery School log books, 1923-1928, 1954-1963;

student teaching practice and course notes, [1938];

Nursery School and Camp School pupil events and activities; visitations and inspections; publications and prospectuses; press cuttings; recollections of former students;

minutes of Rachel McMillan College Governors' meetings, 1930-1977; minutes of the Academic Council, 1957-1977; papers relating to the transfer of the College to the Inner London Education Authority, [1960s], and to Goldsmiths' College, [1970s] ;

photographs of the nursery school, School Clinic, nurse at work in the School Clinic, exterior and interior views of Albury Street, Deptford, the first Deptford Health Centre/School Clinic, [1910-1911].

Papers relating to Margaret McMillan and and the McMillan family, comprising copy correspondence, notes and articles, photographs, including of Rachel and Margaret McMillan and other family members, [1860-1917], press cuttings (originals at Lewisham); reminiscences of ex-students and friends about Margaret McMillan; books and pamplets by Margaret McMillan (most of this material is copied from originals held at Lewisham Local Studies Centre).

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TWOCOCK, Margaret (fl 1918-1964)
GB 2121 Twocock · 1918-1964

Papers of Margaret Twocock, 1918-1964, comprising photograph of Bermondsey County Secondary School pupils and staff, 1918-1919; photograph album of school and holiday snaps, 1922; photograph album of students and views of Avery Hill College, 1923-1925; blazer badge of Avery Hill College; group photograph of Avery Hill students and staff, 1925; photograph albums, 1928, 1947, including of classes of schoolchildren, holidays in Britain and family and friends;

papers relating to Ruxley Manor Primary School, comprising photographs of plays at Woolwich Polytechnic for Woolwich Schools Drama Association festivals, [1955-1964]; programme for Prize Day, 1957; lino cuts of class 1, 1947; volume 'My Retirement', containing photographs of classes and retirement cards, 1964; correspondence and letter of thanks from London County Council, 1964.

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University of Greenwich
GB 2121 University of Greenwich · 1991-2002 (ongoing)

Records of University of Greenwich, 1991-2002, comprising papers submitted to the Court, 1992-1999; Governing Body handbooks, 1992-1998; calendars and staff lists, 1991-1997; financial statement, 1994; Academic handbook, 1993-1994; Research and Consultancy Review, 1993-1994; research magazine of the School of Land and Construction Management, 1995; research review, 1995-1996; Experts list, 1992-1993; review of European Involvement, 1991-1993; review of International Activities, 1993-1995; prospectuses, 1993-2002; annual reports, 1993-1997; handbooks, 1993-1996; programmes of presentation ceremonies, [1992-1997]; videocassettes of awards ceremonies, 1996-2000; Greenwich View, 1992-1996; Greenwich View for Students [1992]; Sarky Cutt, Students Union magazine, 1993-1997; Greenwich Line, 1996-[2000]; Meridian, Newsletter for Teachers & Advisors of Entrants to Higher Education, 1993-[2000]; photographs used for An Illustrated History of the University of Greenwich by Thomas Hinde compiled [1995]; photographs of Vice-Chancellors of the University, 1992-1993; Chairmen of Governing Body, 1992-2000; opening of Student Village, Avery Hill, 1993; press cuttings, 1992-1994.

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Garnett College
GB 2121 Garnett · 1946-1988

Records of Garnett College, 1946-1988, comprising Governors' minutes, 1946-1987; Governors' papers, 1947-1987; minutes of the Academic Board, 1962-1987; papers of the Academic Board, 1975-1987; minutes and papers of the Boards of Studies, [1966-1987]; minutes and papers of the Academic Planning Committee, 1979-1987; minutes and papers of the Academic Services Committee, 1979-1987; minutes of the Selection Sub-Committee, 1970-1974; Admissions and Recruitment Committee minutes, 1978-1987 and papers, 1977-1987; minutes of the Admissions and Recruitment Committee Special Admissions, 1973-1987; Cultural and Community Affairs Sub-Committee, 1972-1987; Educational Disadvantages Unit minutes, 1977-1979; Equal Opportunities Committee, 1984-1987; minutes and papers of the Examinations Sub-Committee, 1970-1975; Finance Committee minutes, 1971-1987 and papers, 1971-1986; minutes and papers of the General Purposes Committees, 1971-1987; minutes of the Library Committee, 1972-1978;

minutes and papers of committees on Short Courses, Further Courses and New Courses, 1972-1979; Research and Development Committee minutes, 1972-1986 and papers, 1973-1986; Joint Committee on Remission minutes and papers, 1981-1987;

Staff Council minutes, 1978-1983 and papers, 1978-1984; Staff Development Committee minutes and papers, 1972-1987; Staff Meeting minutes, 1952-1978 and papers, 1954-1978;

minutes of the Faculty of Commercial and Industrial Arts, 1978-1985; Faculty of Education, 1973-1985; Faculty of Humanities and Business Studies, 1975-1985; Faculty of Science and Technology, 1973-1985;

minutes and papers of the Future Development of Garnett College Committee, 1975-1978; minutes and papers of the working party and Committee on Future of Diplomas, 1979-1986; minutes and papers relating to the merger of Garnett College with Thames Polytechnic, 1985-1987;

examination papers, 1972-1986; papers and reports relating to courses, 1980-1985; account books, 1981-1988; scrap books, 1947-1971; prospectuses, 1951-1987; handbooks and information booklets, [1970s]; photographs of the College and students; student publications, [1950-1985].

Sin título
LOOK, Beatrice (d 1995)
GB 2121 Look · 1921-1995

Papers of and relating to Miss Beatrice Look, 1921-1995, comprising copy of her student's record sheet for Woolwich Polytechnic, 1921-1922; programme of gymnastic Display by the students of the Women's Classes and Girls of the Day Schools, 1921; scrapbook containing photographs, including of Monte Carlo whilst there as a competitor in the Olympiad, [1921]; Woolwich Polytechnic student's record sheet for Hilda Hatt (also a competitor at the Monte Carlo Olympiad); medal from the Olympiad, 1921; programmes of the Olympiad, 1921 1er Meeting International d'Education Physique Feminine de Sports Athletiques et de Natation, Monte Carlo; programme of the second meeting, 1922; papers concerning John Lewis Partnership providing clothes for the athletes; copies and extracts from newspapers concerning the Olympiad, 1921; postcards sent from Beatrice Look to her family; article entitled 'The Women's Olympiad' from Woolwich Polytechnic Magazine, 1921; diaries of Miss Look, [1959-1964]; copy minutes of Woolwich Polytechnic Education Committee, 1921;

papers relating to Miss Look's death, 1995; correspondence with Mrs Pilbeam and University of Greenwich relating to the Beatrice Look papers, [1995].

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PIKE, Emmeline (fl 1907-1909)
GB 2121 Pike · 1907-1909

Papers of Emmeline 'Lena' Pike, comprising her notebooks on nature study, containing illustrations, pressed leaves and flowers and notes on experiment with bulbs, compiled whilst a student at Avery Hill College, 1907-1909.

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POLLARD, Doris M (1928-1957)
GB 2121 Pollard · [1915-1957]

Papers of Doris M Pollard, [1915-1957], comprising handwork exercise book, [1928-1930], compiled whilst at Avery Hill College; photographs of Eliot Hall, student teams and Doris Pollard at Avery Hill, 1929-1930; aerial view of Avery Hill halls of residence, [1915]; photographs of the College and picnics, [1928-1930]; Avery Hill staff and students, 1930; photographs of College reunions, [1933-1957].

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South West London College
GB 2121 South West London College · 1988-1991

Records of South West London College, 1988-1991, comprising minutes and papers of the Governing Body, 1989-1991; papers relating to the Department of Accountancy, 1989-1990; staff meetings and staff circulars, 1989-1990; Academic Board papers, 1988; budget papers, [1988]; papers relating to policy and procedures for staff and students, [1988]; Education Assets Board, 1989; report and papers relating to proposed mergers with Thames Polytechnic and South Bank Polytechnic, 1990; strategic plan, 1989; marketing plan for 1990-1993; prospectuses and course leaflets, 1991-1992.

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BULLEY, Winifred (fl 1908-1910)
GB 2121 Bulley · 1908-1910

Papers of Winifred Bulley nee Bale, 1908-1910, comprising her needlework notebooks compiled whilst a student at Avery Hill College, covering the first and second year syllabus.

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DRIVER, George F (fl 1928-1929)
GB 2121 Driver · 1928-1929

Papers of George F Driver, comprising copy of his exercise book, compiled whilst a carpentry and joinery student at Woolwich Polytechnic, 1928-1929; copy of Teachers Class Reports; copy of course details from prospectus, 1928-1929; copy of class examination results, from Woolwich Polytechnic Magazine, 1929.

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EDMONDS, J R (fl 1895-1917)
GB 2121 Edmonds · 1895-1917

Papers of J R Edmonds, 1895-1917, comprising typescripts of papers read before Woolwich Polytechnic Engineering Society, on 'Pumps', 1896; 'The Slide Rule', 1898; 'Steam Turbines', 1903; notes on 'Motor Cars', 1896, 'Florence Nightingale', 1913; 'Women's Co-Operative Guild', [c 1905]; printed lectures on Experiments on a Simple Non-Condensing Steam Engine, 1900; De Laval Steam Turbines, 1902; Design of Marine Steam Turbines, 1908; Channel Tunnel, 1913, 1917.

Sin título
GB 2121 Keyes · 1920s-1943

Papers of and relating to Sidney Keyes, 1920s-1943, comprising correspondence relating to an exhibition of his work at Dartford Grammar School; press cuttings and reviews of his work;

letters of condolence on Keyes' death, including from Vita Sackville-West, [1943]; letters by Keyes, 1931, 1941-1943; examination certificates, including from Queen's College, Oxford; letters relating to Keyes' manuscripts; bills and financial papers; papers relating to the War Graves Commission; memorial service, [1943]; letters from Keyes to Michael Meyer, John Heath-Stubbs and Herbert Read; manuscripts of poems and plays, [1930s-1942]; loose typescripts; notebooks containing essays written whilst at Tonbridge School including some poetry; folder of work returned by the Royal Airforce;

reminiscences of Sidney Keyes by Alistair Dennis Goodwin; letters from Keyes to J D Fage, 1938-1942; photographs, manuscripts and notebooks of Keyes, [1930s]; photocopies of papers of Keyes from the British Library, including letters to Milein Cosman, 1941-1942;

photographs of Sidney Keyes, including portraits and groups whilst in the army, [1942-1943]; in plays, 1938; his gravestone; as a child and at Dartford Grammar School, 1920s; books of poetry by Keyes; books, magazines and periodicals of poetry by other poets.

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MASLIN, Ethel (fl 1906-1911)
GB 2121 Maslin · 1906-1911

Papers of Ethel Maslin n�e Marshall, 1906-1911, comprising needlework samplers and exhibits worked as a schoolgirl, 1906; 5 notebooks compiled whilst a needlework student at Avery Hill, 1909-1911; teaching practice notebook, 1910; copies of Theory & Practice of Teaching by Edward Thring (1883-1894) and Needlework for the Student Teacher by Amy Kate Smith (1892-1909).

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Osterberg Collection
GB 2121 Osterberg Collection · [1885]-1986

Records of Bergman Osterberg Physical Training College, later Dartford College of Physical Education, comprising meetings of the Committee of Management, [1916-1960]; minutes of Governors meetings, 1962-1965; minutes of the Governing Body, 1970-1976; ?minutes of College Committee meetings, 1927-1937; minutes of College and Council meetings, 1955-1964; minutes of the College Council, 1968-1969; minutes of the Academic Board, 1969, 1972-1975;

minutes of Library Committee meetings, 1956-1962; minutes of the Games Committee, 1919; minutes of Games meetings, 1949-1955; Games Executive meetings, 1979-1983; minutes of the Bergman Osterberg Union of Trained Gymnastic Teachers, 1916-1917; minutes of staff meetings, 1951-1959, 1969-1973; minutes of the Staff Council, 1972-1977; minutes of Dartford Sports Association, 1980-1981; minutes of the B.Ed Honours (Physical Education) Course Committee, 1980-1985; minutes of the Staff/Student Advisory Committee, 1982;

students' book, 1900-1914, giving lists and details of students; card indexes recording details of former students; pass lists and examiners reports, 1971-1986; Thames Polytechnic examination papers, 1980-1986; student assessments and reports, 1935-1938, 1946-1962; individual student records, 1915-1921; student entry files, 1921-1947; uniform lists, 1911-1950s; rules of residence at the College, 1947; papers relating to staff appointments;

papers relating to the College remedial clinic for children, [1900-1964], including details of treatment and exercises, case histories and photographs of patients; patient record cards, 1950s-1960s; record book, containing photographs and clinical details; correspondence; patient case book, 1916-1921;

volumes recording sports matches, notably lacrosse, cricket, hockey, swimming, netball and tennis, some with photographs, 1904-1985;

plans, maps and drawings of site buildings, [1895-1995]; letters and plans relating to the site and buildings, 1950s; papers relating to college properties; papers relating to the amalgamation of Dartford College with Thames Polytechnic, [1975-1976]; prospectuses, 1891-1982; programmes, 1891-1977;

papers relating to the College during the Second World War, [1939-1945]; College papers relating to the removal of the College to Newquay, Cornwall, [1941]; papers relating to establishment of the University of London Diploma in Physical Education, 1930-1939; correspondence, 1945-1948; correspondence and press cuttings relating to proposals on teacher training, 1982; papers relating to proposal to close teacher training courses at Thames Polytechnic, 1982;

financial records, notably staff pay salary books, 1953-1961; Games Association accounts, 1969-1986; Principals' account, 1944-1951; Bergman Osterberg Trust financial records, notably accounts and ledgers, 1922-1960; correspondence of the College Bursar and Treasurer, 1950s-1960s; papers relating to staff salaries and other expenditure, 1946-1960; deeds and correspondence relating to Pauline Ada Starling Memorial Fund, 1928, and the Bergman Osterberg Trust;

photographs of College life (loose and in albums), including views of College buildings, staff and students, student activities, the remedial clinic, sports and sports teams, classrooms, outdoor activities, dance and gymnastic displays, royal visits, 1890s-1970s; photographs of principals, 1891-1978, including Madame Bergman Osterberg;

letters to Madame Bergman Osterberg, 1906-1915 (in Swedish); notes by Madame Bergman Osterberg, 1887-1911, including notes on the Theory of Movement; scrapbook of College history compiled by Madame Bergman Osterberg, [1885-1915];

certificates awarded to students, [1914-1948]; information files, [1902-1985], relating to individual students and staff, College administration and management, buildings, curriculum and syllabuses;

records relating to the Bergman Osterberg Union, namely Committee Meeting minutes, 1940-1987; magazines, 1917-1996; Bergman Osterberg Trust, anniversaries and celebrations, finance;

memoirs relating to the College, 1900s-1970s; essays by old students relating to College life between 1892-1914; letters from old students who attended the College between 1891-1981; press cuttings relating to the College, 1932-1975; scrapbook of royal visit, 1918;

notes by E A Macleod, relating to theory of education and movement, biology, theory of games, practical science, anatomy, physiology, undated; notes (in Swedish) by Miss A Wikner, relating to pedagogical gymnastics, symptamology, gymnastic exercises, history, physiology, [1904]; exercise books of Katharine Lewis, 1930s, relating to various subjects taught at the College; course notes and lesson plans prepared by Margaret E Welch, 1964, on anatomy, physiology, remedial work; student notes by Cath Martineau, 1948-1951, including notes on anatomy, physiology, pathology, theory of movement.

Sin título
GB 2121 Woolwich Polytechnic · Fondo · 1890-1989

Records of Woolwich Polytechnic, comprising minutes of the Trustees, 1891-1895; minutes of the Governing Body, 1894-1970; minutes of Committees of the Governing Body, 1895-1970; minutes of the Education and Finance, General Purpose Committee, 1896-1941, including sub-committees, building, recreation, schools, equipment; minutes of the Polytechnic Council, 1891-1903; minutes of the Polytechnic Trustees and Friends, 1891-1895; minutes of the Young Man's Christian Institute Social and Recreative Committee, 1895-1901; minutes of the Woolwich Polytechnic Social and Recreative Committee, 1901-1903; minutes of the Technical Board of Studies, 1923-1934; minutes of the Technical and Trade Board, 1937-1945; minutes of the Board of Studies, 1932-1934; minutes of the Academic Board, 1935-1960; registers of members of the Governing Body, 1895-1961; Governors' attendance books, 1935-1989; Governing Body handbooks, 1898-1970;

Woolwich Polytechnic sundry reports, 1890-1902; Principal's reports, 1900-1903; Principal's Report on the Social Side, 1905; Principals' reports, 1905-1950; reports of the Governing Body, 1905-1970;

administrative records, comprising Secretary's files, 1907-1973, notably applications for recognition to the Board of Education, 1907-1913; letters to T A Denny concerning buildings for Woolwich Polytechnic, 1890; licences to erect buildings, 1898-1902; minutes of meetings of Secretaries of London Polytechnics, 1939-1960; minutes of Head's meetings, 1953-1963; papers relating to the refectory and Refectory Advisory Sub-committee, 1940-1961; technical education, 1956-1961; teaching staff, 1959-1964; administrative staff, 1962-1972; financial records, comprising report and financial statements, 1892-1969; block grant files, 1911-1971; City Parochial Reports, 1927-1937, on the work of London Polytechnics; papers relating to trusts and prizes, comprising declarations of trusts and trust deeds, 1901-1931, Charity Commissioners order, 1960;

annual reports, 1904-1925, 1967-1970; prospectuses, 1891-1971, including for schools associated with Woolwich Polytechnic; calendars of classes, 1895-1934; information leaflets, including calendars of dates, 1953-1971; Students' Handbook, 1904-1933; albums of press cuttings, 1894-1907, 1958-1968; photographs of student classes, 1899; photographs for prospectuses, 1901-1905; internal views of the Polytechnic, including cookery school, laundry, club rooms, engineering workshop, ladies tailoring, playing fields; albums of staff photographs, 1950s-1960s, presentations, staff cricket matches, coats of arms; photographs of Governors, 1891-1970; Chairmen of the Governing Body, 1891-1973; Principals, 1893-1970;

magazines of Woolwich Polytechnic and Day Schools, 1905-1970, comprising The Pom-Pom, 1905-1906; The Polytician; The Probationer; Secondary School magazine, 1923; The Polygon, 1933-1954; Polly, Cycling Club magazine, 1948-1952; Chanticleer, 1948-1959; Proceedings of Woolwich Polytechnic Engineering Society, 1908-1914; Broadsheet, 1965; Principal's newsletter, 1969; staff bulletins, 1934-1953; staff journal, 1970; minutes, 1952-1957, and correspondence, 1950-1957, of the Magazine Board;

student records, comprising student record cards, 1900-1910; registers of attendances, 1905-1912; students' schedules, 1932-1945; class attendance books, 1908-1912, 1932-1964; student record sheets, 1912-1932; teachers' class reports, 1912-1976; class reports, 1953-1954; course reports, 1957-1961; examination results and reports, 1948-1957; statistics relating to students and student hours, 1946-1967; School of Art student record sheets, 1914-1932; School of Arts and Crafts record sheets, 1941-1943;

minutes of Woolwich Polytechnic Union of Clubs and Societies, including Woolwich Polytechnic Association, 1891-1903, 1929-1933, 1943-1968; annual accounts, 1960-1970; correspondence, not dated; Woolwich Polytechnic Students' Union handbooks, 1960-1970;

student theses and dissertations, [1929-1970];

Woolwich Polytechnic Lodge Ladies Festival programme, 1978.

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Woolwich Polytechnic Day Schools
GB 2121 Woolwich Polytechnic Day Schools · 1906-1951

Records of Woolwich Polytechnic Schools, 1906-1951, comprising Woolwich Polytechnic Boys Secondary School admission registers, 1906-1923; reports on boys, 1907-1928;
Junior Technical School for Boys admission registers, 1913-1940; record of boys' engineering trades, 1913-1941;
Junior Technical School for Girls admission registers, 1912-1940; report forms for girls, 1913-1951;
Junior Art Department forms, 1930-1940;
Commercial School reports, 1913-1918;
School of Domestic Economy reports, 1914-1919;
photographs of the schools, [1906-1950].

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