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Descripción archivística
SCHWITTERS, Kurt (1887-1948)
GB 0000 Schwitters · [1919-1993]

Papers relating to Kurt Schwitters, [1919-1993], comprising catalogues of exhibitions of Schwitters' work, largely in Britain and Germany, 1961-1986; invitations to exhibitions, 1963, 1985; pamphlets concerning Schwitters, 1948-1986; press cuttings relating to Schwitters and his work, 1985-1999; recording of Schwitters reading his poem 'An Anna Blume' and 'Die Sonatein Urlauten', 1943; Lord's Gallery exhibition catalogue, 1958; Private view invitations, Lord's Gallery Exhibition, 1958;
coloured getochromes by Schwitters, including from exhibitions, 1919-[1980]; photographs of Schwitters' work from exhibitions in Europe, 1944-1963, including from Lord's Gallery exhibition, 1958;
invoices, letters and price lists relating to exhibitions, 1958-1960; correspondence with Abbot Hall Art Gallery and Museum concerning Schwitters' work, 1993.

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WILLATS, Stephen (b 1943)
GB 0000 Willats · 1960s-1998

Papers of Stephen Willats, 1960s-1998, comprising documentation relating mainly to his West London Social Resource Project in the Greenford, Hanwell and Osterley area, [1972], including questionnaires, re-modeling books and manuals for Greenford, Hanwell and Osterley, black and white photographs of the areas, audio tape of statement and interviews with project operators, examples of returns from re-modeling books and manuals, participants' sheets, public decision sheets, map of project area, exhibition display mounts; papers relating to his Edinburgh Social Model Construction Project, 1973, including project operators' manuals, problem sheets for project areas, participant project file; advertising posters, photographs; exhibition catalogues, 1968-1998, for exhibitions of Willats' work in the UK, Europe and Toronto.

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Contemporary Art Slide Scheme
GB 0000 CASS · 1992-2002

35mm slides of contemporary art images collected by Chelsea College of Art & Design, 1992-2002, photographed by Donald Smith or sourced from previously inaccessible private gallery and artist archives, comprising work by artists including Anish Kapoor, Richard Deacon, Jeff Koons, Damien Hurst, Gillian Wearing and Cindy Sherman.

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Chelsea College of Art & Design
GB 0000 Chelsea College · 1928-2001

Records of Chelsea School of Art, 1928-2001, later Chelsea College of Art & Design, comprising minutes and agendas of Academic Board meetings, 1975-1991; minutes of the Board of Studies, and related papers, 1991-1993; minutes of the Academic Committee and related papers, 1992-1993; papers of the Advisory Committee of the New School of Art in Chelsea, notably minutes, agendas and papers, 1958-1964, including schedule of accommodation for proposed College, 1958; minutes of the Chelsea School of Art/Hammersmith College of Art and Building (Art Department) Formation Committee, 1974, relating to the merger of the colleges; minutes of the Fine Art Area Committee, 1990-1993; minutes of Library Committee, 1978-1980;

Principal's reports to the Governors, 1959-1965; instrument of Government and draft Articles of Government, 1970; list of former staff and students at the College, 1958 and minutes of H S Williamson presentation committee, 1958 (retiring head of College); summaries of part time teaching staff contracts, 1971-1976;

correspondence with Professor Gowing concerning the administration of the new college, 1958; inventory and papers relating to equipment and furniture for the new college, [1960-1963]; correspondence concerning the building of school, 1963-1964, including furniture catalogues; papers concerning the opening ceremony of the new College building, 1964-1965, including programme for the opening of new building, 1965; correspondence and papers relating to Henry Moore's sculpture Two Piece Reclining Figure no.1, purchased by the College in 1963; photographs of its erection at the College, 1964; survey of accommodation and equipment, 1975;

papers concerning the Academic Development Plan, 1976; report of the Council for National Academic Awards, 1975; papers relating to bursaries and awards, 1975; papers relating to Council for National Academic Awards visit, including review of MA in Fine Art, 1977; papers relating to Quinquennial reviews, 1977-1982; papers concerning the Council for National Academic Awards review visit to Chelsea, 1982; programme for opening of South Park Annexe, 1982; submissions for new course in 3D Design, 1982; proposed MA in History of Modern Art, 1986; papers and circulars relating to ILEA, 1970s-1986;

Chelsea School of Art programmes for end of term plays/entertainments, 1932-1962; copies of The Queel, 1928-1929, Chiaroscuro, 1949, Chelsea College of Art magazines; magazines and works produced by students, including Pump, Chelsea School of Art magazine, 1977-1978; MONTAGE 4, 1984; newsletter, 1977; Chelsea School of Art Graphics magazines, 1977-1982; Insight, 1991, Review, 2000, London Institute magazines; briefing, London Institute newspaper, 2001; Entitled, London Institute students union magazine, 2001;

prospectuses, 1959-2001; publicity leaflet for new courses, 1962; Chelsea College of Science and Technology annual report, 1958-1959; press cuttings, 1970-1991, relating to the College and Government policy; press release concerning the creation of London Institute, 1985; album of photographs of social events and work at the College, 1970s; correspondence, related papers and exhibition catalogues for the school gallery exhibitions, 1965-1973; papers relating to general studies open lectures, 1970-1972; photographs, articles and catalogues for degree shows, 1977-2001; portfolios of prints by students and staff of the Printmaking Department, [1965-1986]; papers relating to the London Institute, [1987]-1991, including course monitoring reports, 1990; annual reports, 1990-1992; student handbooks, 1991;

memoir of Anne Baer, nee Sedgwick, student at Chelsea Art School, 1933-1936; correspondence and papers relating to Frederick Brill's (Principal, Chelsea School of Art) book, Matisse (Paul Hamlyn, London, 1967), 1965-1967;

records of Hammersmith College of Art and Building, comprising Department of Art prospectus, 1973-1974; programme for the opening of the new Hammersmith School of Building and Arts and Crafts, 1930; 35mm slides and photographs of student work, 1960s; publicity leaflets, 1960s.

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