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GB 0101 PG.AD · 1964

Pamphlets issued by the International Committee for Solidarity with the Workers and People of Aden - South Yemen.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Aden: Trades Unions Material
GB 0101 TU.AD · 1963

Pamphlet issued by the Aden Trades Union Congress.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.BG · 1971-

Pamphlets, leaflets, manifestos, election posters, constitutions and conference reports issued by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, the Communist Party of Bangladesh, the National Awami Party and the National Socialist Party of Bangladesh.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PG.BG · 1956-1992

Letters, press cuttings, manifestos, constitutions, resolutions and pamphlets issued by the Bangladesh Scheduled Castes' Federation and the Commission for Justice and Peace, reflecting the interests of Bangladesh political pressure groups.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.BS · 1959-

Material relating to politics in Botswana including constitutions, platforms, manifestos, leaflets, election results, speeches, party histories, letters, telegrams, membership cards, interviews and other materials issued by the Bechuanaland Liberal Party, the Bechuanaland National Democratic Party, the Bechuanaland People's Party, the Bechuanaland United Progressive Party, the Botswana Congress Party, the Botswana Democratic Party, the Botswana Independence Party, the Botswana National Front, and the Botswana People's Party.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
CROWDER, Michael (1934-1988)
GB 0101 ICS 123 · 1958-1988 (mainly 1982-1985)

The Michael Crowder Papers relate to his academic career. The collection falls into three general series. First, Botswana material, which consists mostly of photocopies and notes made towards his biography of Tshekedi Khama, regent of Bamangwato in Botswana 1929-1950, in whom Crowder became interested while Professor of History at the University of Botswana in 1982-1985. This constitutes the bulk of the material. Secondly, west African material which mostly predates the Botswana material. Thirdly, material from the last two years of his life when Crowder was in London most of the time. Apart from primary and secondary research material there are drafts of chapters, papers, books, and course outlines, as well as related academic and university administrative correspondence from the International Africa Institute and the Journal of African History. There is also a box of photo-slides taken by Crowder during trips to the Caribbean, Morocco and west Africa.

Crowder , Michael , 1934-1988 , historian
GB 0101 PP.CYN · 1984-

Platforms, manifestos, constitutions, speeches, interviews and posters from 1984 onwards issued by the National Unity Party (Cyprus, Northern) and the Social Democratic Party (Cyprus, Northern).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.KE · 1946-

Manifestos, speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters and miscellaneous election material issued by the Capricorn Africa Society, the Democratic Party of Kenya, the European Elected Members' Organization, the Electors' Union (Kenya), the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy-Kenya, the Independent Group of Members of Legislative Council (Kenya), the Kenya African Democratic Union, the Kenya African National Union, the Kenya Coalition, the Kenya Empire Party, the Kenya Indian Congress, the Kenya Party, the Kenya People's Union, Muungano wa Wazalendo Wa Kukomboa Kenya, the New Kenya Party, the Northern Province People's Progressive Party (Kenya), the Progressive Local Government Party (Kenya), the Reform Party (Kenya), UKENYA, the Voice of Kenya and a variety of independent candidates.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PG.KE · 1952-1989

Constitutions, membership lists, newsletters, pamphlets and posters, 1952-1989, issued by the Central Organization of Trade Unions (Kenya), the Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners in Kenya, the Institute for Education in Democracy (Kenya), the Kenya Citizens' Association, the Kenya Pressure Group, the Nairobi African Advisory Council and the Voice of Kenya.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.LO · 1958-

Manifestos, journals, constitutions, programmes, letters, petitions, resolutions, interviews, press releases, pamphlets, statements, reports, election results, conference papers and histories, 1958 onwards, issued by the Basotho National Party, the Basutoland Congress Party (BCP), the Basutoland Progressive Association Party, the Communist Party of Lesotho, the Lesotho Unity Party and the United Democratic Party (Lesotho). The substantial holdings of BCP material from this period include a number of conference papers originating from the Round Table Conference of Political Leaders which sought to resolve the political crisis which followed the 1970 poll.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.MW · 1961-

Constitutions, addresses, manifestos, conference reports, newsletters, letters and miscellaneous election materials from 1961 onwards, issued by the Alliance for Democracy (AFORD), the Malawi Congress Party (MCP), the National Council for Labour (Malawi) and the Panafrican Democratic Party of Malawi. The majority of the materials held here originate from the MCP and comprise constitutions, party resolutions and speeches outlining and defending Banda's policies of encouraging foreign investment, engagement with the apartheid regime in South Africa and limiting internal dissent. Materials from one of the new parties that emerged during the 1990s, the Alliance for Democracy (AFORD), are also held in this collection.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.MQ · 1963-

Conference addresses, programs and journals issued by the Parti communiste martiniquais, 1963 onwards.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.MF · 1963-

Programs, platforms, manifestos and histories from 1963 issued by Groupe "Progrès et liberté", Independent Forward Bloc (Mauritius), Mouvement militant mauricien, Mouvement socialiste mauricien, MSM/travailliste, Parti de l'independance (Mauritius), Parti LALIT, Parti mauricien social democrat, Parti socialiste mauricien, Parti travailliste (Mauritius). The materials reflect the activities of the three main political parties. Other parties represented include the Parti mauricien social democrat (PMSD), generally seen as the party of the Franco-Mauritians and Creoles, as well as the Parti LALIT, of which the collection holds a number of pamphlets concerned with health issues.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.RH · 1957-1962

Platforms, statements, letters, newsletters, constitutions, speeches, addresses and broadcasts, 1957-1962 issued by the Central Africa Party, the Constitution Party (Rhodesia and Nyasaland) and the United Federal Party. Only material produced by a federal party during the existence of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland has been included in this collection.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.SL · 1951-

Sierra Leone political material, 1951 onwards, including constitutions, announcements of meetings, manifestos, resolutions, speeches, conference reports, declarations, electoral guides, court statements and pamphlets issued by the All People's Congress Party (Sierra Leone), the Electoral Commission (Sierra Leone), independent candidates, the National Unity Party, the Sierra Leone and Israel Friendship Association, the Sierra Leone Alliance Movement, the Sierra Leone Democratic Party and the Sierra Leone People's Party.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.TZ · 1956-

Letters, calendars, pamphlets, constitutions, manifestos, programmes, addresses, conference reports, directories and interviews from 1956 onwards issued by Chama cha Mapinduzi, the Movement for Free Popular and Democratic Tanzania, the Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) and the Tangayika Federation of Labour. All the political parties materials currently held here originate from TANU or Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM), reflecting their political dominance, and cover such issues as the Arusha declaration of 1967 (which laid out Nyerere's vision for Tanzania's development - an African mixture of socialism and village communal life), agricultural policy and foreign affairs (Nyerere was a committed Pan-Africanist who provided support for exiled groups such as the ANC, PAC and FRELIMO). In addition there is pressure group material protesting against the imposition of a one-party state and calling for free elections.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.UG · 1960-

Ugandan political parties material, from 1960 onwards, including statements, speeches, letters, conference reports, addresses, press releases, pamphlets, constitutions and other miscellaneous election materials issued by the Democratic Party (Uganda), the Democratic Party Youth Wing, Kabaka Yekka, the Progressive Party (Uganda), the Uganda National Congress, the Uganda National Liberation Front (Anti-Dictatorship), the Uganda National Party, the Uganda National Union, the Uganda People's Congress, and the Uganda Reconstruction Committee.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PG.UG · 1977-1986

Uganda: Pressure Groups Material, 1977-1986, comprising testimonies, newspaper articles, manifestos, constitutions and statements issued by the Committee on Uganda, the National Resistance Movement (Uganda), the Save Uganda Movement, the Uganda Freedom Committee, the Uganda Freedom Fighters, the Uganda Group for Human Rights, the Uganda Liberation Group in Zambia and the Uganda National Movement.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.ZA · 1951-

Zambia: Political Parties, Trades Unions and Pressure Groups Material, from 1951 onwards, including manifestos, pamphlets, leaflets, constitutions, summaries, registration forms, conference reports, addresses, memoranda, policy papers, resolutions and other miscellaneous election materials issued by the African National Congress (Zambia), the Christian Council of Zambia, the Committee on Northern Rhodesia, the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy, the National Women's Lobby Group, the Northern Rhodesia Liberal Party, the United National Independence Party and the United Progressive Party (Zambia).

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.ZN · 1957-1974

Histories, decrees, pamphlets, conference reports, constitutions and speeches issued by the Afro-Shirazi Party, the Zanzibar Liberation Front, the Zanzibar Nationalist Party and the Zanzibar Organisation, 1957-1974.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PP.ZW · 1928-

Zimbabwe: Political Parties Material, 1928 onwards, including manifestos, addresses, speeches, letters, conference reports, constitutions, pamphlets, leaflets, posters, newsletters, journals, press cuttings, histories, membership cards and miscellaneous electoral and promotional materials issued by the African National Council, the African National Council (Sithole), the African Progressive Party, the Centre Party (Southern Rhodesia), the Dominion Party (Rhodesia), the Front for the Liberation of Zimbabwe, the Independent Zimbabwe Group, the National Democratic Party of Southern Rhodesia, the National Front of Zimbabwe, the National Unifying Force (Southern Rhodesia), the Patriotic Front (Zimbabwe), the Rhodesian Action Party, the Rhodesia Labour Party, the Rhodesia Party, the Rhodesia Settlement Forum, the Rhodesian Front, the Southern Rhodesia Labour Party, the Southern Rhodesian African National Congress, the United African National Council, the United Conservative Party, the United National Federal Party, the Zimbabwe African National Union, ZANU-PF, the Zimbabwe African Peoples Union, the Zimbabwe Democratic Party, the Zimbabwe National Party, the Zimbabwe National People's Union, the Zimbabwe People's Army, the Zimbabwe Reformed African National Congress and the Zimbabwe United People's Organization. Any material produced by a political party originating from the geographical area that later became Zimbabwe has been placed in this collection, including parties from Southern Rhodesia prior to and during Federation and from 'Rhodesia' during UDI. Federal parties can be found under Rhodesia and Nyasaland: Political Parties (PP.RH)

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 PG.ZW · 1953-

Zimbabwe: Pressure Groups Material, 1953 onwards, including press statements, letters, membership cards, statements of accounts, newsletters, pamphlets, constitutions, reports, minutes and miscellaneous materials issued by the African Peoples Association, the Christian Action Group, the Catholic Bishops of Rhodesia, the Conservative Association of Rhodesia, the Christian Council of Rhodesia, the Cold Comfort Farm Society, the Commission for Justice and Peace in Rhodesia, the Committee to Organise Support for a Settlement (COSS), the Interracial Association of Southern Rhodesia, the Legal Aid Organisation (Rhodesia), the Masase Residents' Association, Moral Re-Armament, the Movement for Democracy in Rhodesia, the Rhodesia Christian Group, the Ruskin Students' Action Committee on Rhodesia, the Salisbury Committee for Prison Education, the Save Rhodesia Campaign, the Settlement Council (Rhodesia), Silveira House, Women for Rhodesia, the Zimbabwe Information Group, the Zimbabwe Solidarity Action Committee and Zimbabweans in Great Britain.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
GB 0101 TU.ZW · 1959-

Zimbabwe: Trades Unions Material, 1959 onwards, including journals, memoranda, conference reports and minutes, pamphlets, addresses, agendas, constitutions, letters, interviews, membership cards and miscellaneous materials issued by the African Farmers' Union of Rhodesia, the African Trades Union Congress of Southern Rhodesia, the Agricultural and Plantation Workers' Union, the Central African Power Corporation Staff Association, the Confederation of African Labour, the Fort Victoria Municipal Employees Association, the Industrial Commercial Union (Zimbabwe), the International Federation of Free Trade Unions, the National African Federation of Unions (Zimbabwe), the National Association of Local Government Officers and Employees (Zimbabwe), the Pilots' Association of Rhodesia, the Rhodesia Posts and Telecommunications Association, the Rhodesia Railway Workers' Union, the Salisbury Municipal Employees' Association, the Salisbury Municipal Professional Officers' Association, the Salisbury Municipal Workers' Union, the Southern Rhodesian Trades Union Co-ordinating Committee in the United Kingdom, the Trades Union Congress of Rhodesia, the Typographical Union of Rhodesia, the United Textile Workers' Union of Rhodesia, the University College of Rhodesia Students' Union, the Zimbabwe African Congress of Unions and the Zimbabwe Students Union.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies