Affichage de 6 résultats

Description archivistique
Cordwainers College
GB 2159 Cordwainers · 1948-2001

Records of Cordwainers College, 1948-2001, comprising minutes and papers of the Board of Management, later Board of Governors, 1974-2000, including inspections, annual reviews, handbook for Governors; Finance and General Purposes committee minutes and papers, 1993-1999; annual reviews and development plans, 1988-1997; revised memoranda and articles of association papers, 1989-1992; prospectuses, 1919, 1948-1952, 1969-2001; prizegiving programme, 1919; photographs of visits by Princess Anne and Zandra Rhodes, 1984; photographs of college buildings, 1996; press cuttings relating to the Institute, 1976-2001; 35mm slides of shoes, [1979-1993]; digitised images of the Historic Shoes collection, comprising approximately 700 shoes from the 18th-19th centuries; Honourable Cordwainers' Company newsletters, 1989-1994.

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COX, Ethel E (d 1979)
GB 2159 Ethel Cox Collection · 1915-1965

Papers of Ethel E Cox, 1915-1965, comprising papers compiled as Headmistress of Barrett Street Trade School, namely photographs, programmes and invitations relating to the opening of Barrett Street Trade School extension, 1928; photographs of the 'Roamers' student outings, 1930-1939, including to Hampton Court, Kew Gardens, Windsor and Eton, Greenwich, Royal Holloway College, St Albans, Cambridge; photographs of sports days and exhibitions, 1930-1949;

programmes for evening classes and special lectures, 1915-1940; programmes, flyers, correspondence, press cuttings and photographs relating to London County Council 'Lectures for Distributors', on Gloves, Underwear, China, Glass And Earthenware, Salesmanship, Hosiery, Fashion, Colour, Textiles, given at Barrett Street and organised by the School, [1933-1951]; programmes for Christmas services, 1935-1950; photographs and students' essays of their memories of Coronation Day (coronation of George VI), 1937; correspondence and cards commemorating the 'Silver Jubilee' of Barrett Street, 1940; photographs of Barrett Street Dramatic Society plays, [1917]-1936;

diary of Elsie Thompson on the evacuation of the school to Maidenhead during World War Two, [1941-1945]; evacuation projects by students, containing photographs, correspondence, programmes and press cuttings relating to the evacuation of the School to Maidenhead, [1940-1945];

photographs of retirement luncheon given for Miss Cox, 1950; speech to Miss Cox on her retirement, 1950;

photographs and press cuttings of a Royal Visit, 1965; scrapbook of press cuttings relating to the school, 1950-1959; prospectuses, 1915-1963;

photographs, press cuttings and exhibition programmes of students' work, 1936, 1937; photographs of the annual exhibition and dress parade, 1938; photographs of the fashion show, 'Fashion For Beaux & Belles', 1958; black and white photographs of womenswear and some menswear made by students, interior scenes of the school and classes including dressmaking, embroidery, tailoring, hairdressing, beauty culture and keep-fit, 1915-1960s;

register and subject marks book, containing students' names, 1953-1954;

name and address book, 1946-1953; visitors' book for Open Days, 1953-1965.

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Barrett Street Technical College
GB 2159 Barrett Street · [1904]-1966

Records of Barrett Street Technical College, formerly Barrett Street Trade School, [1904]-1966, comprising minutes of the Consultative Committees for Hairdressing, Dressmaking and Ladies' Tailoring, 1915-1950; minutes of the School Consultative Committees on Technical Education for Distributors, 1931-1939; student fees registers, giving names of students, addresses and dates of entry and leaving, 1915-1953, covering the Junior and Senior Technical Schools students; staff register, 1904-1921, giving name, details of previous appointments and starting and leaving dates; prospectuses, [1915-1963];

scrapbooks of press cuttings concerning Barrett Street Technical College, 1915-1966;

note books of a student, Dorothy C M Ludicke, on massage, health and beauty, treatments, [1948].

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London College of Fashion
GB 2159 London College of Fashion · 1967-2002

Records relating to the London College of Fashion, 1967-2002, comprising papers relating to course submissions to the Technical Education Council, 1977-1980; course handbooks, papers relating to courses and course validations, 1985; course leaflets for Cosmetic science, Fashion design & technology, Fashion promotion, Fashion futures, Costume & make-up for the performing arts, Media, BA Hons fashion management and Access to fashion business, [1986]; bulletins and newsletters, 1967-1979; prospectuses, 1980-2002; London Institute annual review, 1997;

photographs of students, students' work, interior scenes of the college, 1967-2002; photographs of the HND FDT students' show, 1995;

videocassettes of students' shows, 1980-[2002]; scrapbooks of press cuttings concerning the London College of Fashion and former students, 1975-1993;

audio tapes and transcripts of interviews, [1996], with Mary Wildman on her time as a student at Barrett Street Trade School, 1936-1938, and Eddie Thornton, student, 1963-1965; paper entitled 'Needle trades to the needs of fashion', 1996.

Sans titre
GB 2159 Shoreditch · [1904]-1967

Records of Shoreditch College for the Garment Trades, formerly Shoreditch Technical Institute Girls Trade School, [1904]-1967, comprising staff register, [1904]-1922, giving name, details of previous appointments and starting and leaving dates; school rolls, giving names of students, 1948-1961; syllabuses, 1967; examination papers, 1967; examination results, 1961-1965; summary detail of classes, 1949-1965; minutes and papers of the Publicity sub-committee, 1958; papers concerning a ministry inspection of Shoreditch College, undated; annual report, 1964-1965; prospectuses, 1929-1967; photographs of students and press cuttings, 1949-1955; papers and press cuttings relating to Shoreditch Technical Institute, 1949-1955; photographs of prizegivings, 1954-1963; programmes for shows and plays, 1950s; Shoreditch Girls Junior Technical School visitors' book, containing visiting cards left by visitors, 1910.

Sans titre
SHUNN, Winifred K (fl 1928-1992)
GB 2159 Shunn · [1928]-1992

Papers of Miss W K Shunn, [1928]-1992, teacher at Barrett Street Trade School, comprising prospectuses and photographs of students, including opening of the new school building in 1928, student groups and shows, [1928-1964]; letter containing reminiscences of her time at the school, 1992.

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