Records of the Reform Club comprising:
Administrative records:
Annual General Meeting attendance sheets 1914-1917; Order of business, 1877; notices and correspondence, 1931-1946; minutes 1837-1919, agenda and minutes, 1918-1931; Verbatim Reports, 1956-1965; transcripts, 1924-1999; extracts from reports of Committee, 1921-1929; and related papers 1918-1980;
papers relating to Extraordinary General Meetings, including requisition for meetings, 1871-1882; and meeting re the admission for ladies, 1931;
papers relating to the chambers including Report of the Chambers Committee, and draft tenancy agreement, and letters re tenancy conditions 1840; tenancy agreements, 1910-1933; Bedroom books for Chambers and Mezzanine, 1922-1928, 1944-1949; bedroom reservations, 1946; register of electors in Chambers, 1905; and related papers;
files relating to Club closure, including notices, correspondence, and petition, 1869-1953; hospitality offered to members of other clubs, 1939-1949; staff holidays, 1942;
papers relating to nomination of committee members, 1838-1948; ballot papers for committee elections, 1942-1947; Committee lists 1918-1945; notices of meetings, 1856-1871, 1949; scheduling of meetings, 1941-1945; attendance records for General Committee, and House and Finance Committee, 1900-19011921-1976; minutes of Westminster Club Committee 1834-1838; agendas of General and House Committee, 1836-1838, 1850-2000; minutes of General Committee, 1838-1999; papers on General Committee and Annual election day, 1982-1996; chairman's correspondence re membership, 1972-1977; printed report of General Committee on Club finances and future, 1980; Committee orders 1836; extracts of Committee reports re secretary's post, 1921-1929; minutes of Auditors Committee, 1884-1920; rough minutes of Building Committee, 1838-1840; minutes and report of Building Committee, 1837-1843; minutes and report of Furnishing Committee, 1840-1841; agendas of House and Finance Committee, 1863-1969; rough minutes of House and Finance Committee, 1836-1859; minutes of House and Finance Committee, 1836-1970; agendas of House Sub-Committee, 1966-1968;
agendas of Finance Committee, 1989-1996; minutes of Finance Committee, 1985-1999; minutes of Finance Sub-Committees, 1965-1976; papers of Finance Sub-Committees 1983-1992; agendas of Premises Sub-Committee, 1965-1976; minutes of Premises Sub-Committee, 1965-1976;
papers relating to the Political Committee including resolution for committee to promote the interests of the Liberal Party, 1845; agendas 1929-1947; minutes of Political Committee, 1869-1933; papers re results of Pembrokeshire election, and Free Trade candidates, 1904; correspondence re membership 1880-1889; report, 1886; correspondence 1880-1939; papers relating to Political Committee dinners, AGMs, elections, minutes and agendas, 1953-1996;
Wine and Cigars Committee agendas 1863-1904, minutes 1863-1989, and papers 1904-1921; Wine Sub-committee agendas, 1988-1996 and papers 1980-1997; notes from Committees 1841-1842; papers and reports from miscellaneous Sub-Committees, 1841-;
Finance and Accounts Sub-committee correspondence, 1944-45; Building and Planning Sub-committee correspondence, 1946-1947; Fabric Committee minutes 1982-1989; House and Fabric Sub-Committee agendas, 1989-1996, minutes 1990-1999; Management Committee minutes, 1978-1985; Membership Committee minutes 1983-1991; Social Committee agendas, 1988-1996, and minutes 1984-1999; Trading Sub-Committee papers 1984-1990; Trading and Catering Committee minutes 1984-1989; Catering Committee agendas 1989-1991, and minutes 1990-1999;
complaints book 1855-1865; Coffee room complaints book 1837-1842; suggestions books, 1906;
contracts for work at the Club, 1907-1916;
Secretary's letter books, 1836-1927; letter registers, 1947-1969; correspondence files 1840-1990; Club management files 1946-1988; correspondence and report on Hamilton Carvill inquiry re mismanagement, 1915-1966;
Club Chairman's correspondence, 1983-1990; deeds, 1926-1868; insurance policies and correspondence, 1859-1953; licences for servant and carriages, 1876-1904;
papers relating to the admission of ladies to the club including correspondence, notices, reports, questionnaires, speeches, 1927-1981; audio-cassette recording of speeches in honour of 20 year of ladies membership, 2001;
records relating to membership including correspondence 1939-1949; Election Council agendas, 1863-1865, minutes 1863-1866, ballot lists of candidates for election, 1879-1872; selected nomination letters, [1890-1939]; nomination forms, 1918-1982; ballot books, 1896-1932; lists of newly elected members, 1937-1948; candidates certificate books, 1864-1867; candidates books, 1924-1986; correspondence on proposed changes, 1930; correspondence on expulsions, 1852-1894; election of foreign nationals under Rule III for foreign nationals and British Colonists, 1856-1871; nominations forms for new and honorary members and letters of recommendation - under Rule III, 1877-1961; candidates, honorary members and elected members for admission under Rule III 1868-1872; Rule III honorary members, 1868-1872; candidates for election 1868-1872; Honorary members and new members elected 1870-1871;
lists of members, 1848-1988; list of members of Boodles, 1957, Army and Navy Club, 1959, East India and Sports Club 1959; Register of members and subscriptions paid, 1836-1857; subscription ledgers 1836-1844; subscription register 1836-1967; correspondence mainly re resignations, 1844-1948; correspondence re subscriptions, 1916, 1930-1948; payment reminders files, 1927-1946; papers on withdrawn membership applications, 1921-1937; papers on rejection of Baron de Forest's membership application, 1913, 1981; Membership Sub-committee papers, 1940-1997;
portraits of members including Spy cartoons, photographs, photograph album of members 1866-1891; photographs of Chairmen [1919]-1936;
Club notices, 1850-1982;
Dinner journals 1918-1955; Luncheon journals, 1841, 1918-1955; function bookings diaries, 1955-1964; kitchen book 1912-1913; stores stock book, 1917-1925; Strangers' Dinner book, 1917-1953; Strangers Dinner book, 1842-1846, 1916-1975; summary of meals served, 1907-1931; cigar stock books, 1901-1965; papers on cigar stocks, 1896; Tobacco Trade Association Agreement, 1943; butlers issue journal, 1912-1914; butlers requisition book 1935-1966; Dispense Bar stock, 1921-1922; wine lists, 1888-1937, 1984-1988; wine stock sheets, 1840, 1882-1890, 1916-1940; papers relating to the sale of wines, 1940-1941; papers re valuation of Club's Wines, 1930, and Bar stocktaking, 1974-1988;
Club rules and related papers, 1835-1964;
Papers relating to employment of servants and staff, 1836-including applications, correspondence, dismissal, resignation, discipline, insurance, holidays, quality of service, World War 2, unions 1856-1948; staff accident book, 1950-1983; Servants' Cricket Club donation book, 1865-1890; Servants library receipt, 1856, and annual report, 1892; staff livery receipts and orders, 1907-1927; Staff Recreation Club minutes, 1947-1967; photographs of staff days out [1950]; Staff football team correspondence, photographs and medals, 1991; signed staff regulations, 1907-1914; staff registers 1921-1970; file of Committee on staff, 1962-1963;
photographs and papers on George Hill, Wine Cellar Clerk, 1887-1952, and Mr Fry, Head Waiter 1948-1949, [1975];
papers relating to Alexis Benoit Soyer, (1809-1858), Reform Club Chef, including material gathered for exhibition, [1837-1900]; Soyer's letters, 1846-1851; printed material gathered for exhibition, [1900-1950]; list of subscribers for A Soyer's plan of the reform kitchens and cookery book, 1843-1944
postage books, 1947-1954; stationary dispensed, 1844-1845; papers re stationary supplies and orders, 1929-1932;
statistical data, 1919-1934; catalogue of Club's collection of portraits and busts, 1943; Porters daily registers 1930-1958; papers re lease and correspondence with the Crown Estate Office, 1985-1994; Quinquennial survey reports, 1963-1989;
Records relating to the Clubhouse building
Papers relating to the building of the Clubhouse designed by Charles Barry (1823-1900), including correspondence, specifications, rent agreement, lease, fundraising, and architects remuneration, 1836-1844;
papers relating to the furnishing of the clubhouse including tenders and estimates for furnishing, 1840-1841; report of Furniture Committee 1840; inventories of rooms, cutlery, plate glass, and linen, 1860-1893, 1916; proposed painting and decorating, 1869; the manufacture of Scagliola (marble plasterwork) 1989; photographs of furniture, 1995; correspondence re insurance, 1941-1945; installation of the lift, 1895-1896;
papers relating to building maintenance including bills, estimates, reports, and correspondence, 1870-1968, papers and photographs relating to renovation fo particular rooms, 1977-1983; correspondence with architects, 1986-1995; Restoration Fund account book, 1878; Building Improvement Fund account books, and cheque book, 1927-1928; income tax, maintenance claims, 1927-1954; display boards relating to external works, 2001;
records relating to raising of funds for acquisition of portraits including account books, 1879-1918; subscription lists 1888; correspondence, 1907-1910;
papers relating to parish rates including receipts 1870-1886, assessments and appeals, 1895-1936;
papers on the Club war memorial, 1922; relating to damage to the Club during World War 2, including estimates, bills, correspondence, insurance, 1939-1949;
papers relating to alternations to Carlton House Terrace Gardens, 1946-1947;
Records relating to Club entertainments:
Papers relating to organised club outings and in-house entertainments, 1985-1987;
Records relating to Club exhibitions:
Papers relating mainly to the exhibition commemoration the sesquicentenary of the founding of the club, and related published articles, 1986;
Records relating to Club finance:
Annual reports 1836-1848; annual reports and balance sheets, 1837-1967; annual reports and accounts, 1889-1999; balance sheets, 1969-1988; balance sheets and statement of accounts, 1968-present; monthly balance sheets, 1943-1945;
files containing accounts, balance sheets, Auditor's reports, and wine accounts, 1888-1914; Balance sheets of other London clubs, 1931-1945; Stocks, certificates and statements or audits, 1933-1946; correspondence relating to bank and building society accounts, 1921-1938, 1969-1973; account books 1831-1964, cashbooks, 1836-1991; bank pass books, 1870-1936; bank statements 1889, 1953-1954; cheques 1840-1947; vouchers 1847-1851, 1919-1920; cheque stubs, 1947-1948; cheque record books and registers, 1921-1950; Chambers bedroom returns, 1943-1944; Chambers receipts, 1927-1928, 1942-1944;
papers relating to debentures including bonds and bank receipts 1838-1877; interest coupons, 1872-1886; account books, 1870-1910; register, 1882-1891; correspondence, 1969-1973; ledger recording loans, 1969-1971;
financial estimates, 1984-1994; income tax assessment forms, 1890-1940; papers relating to investments, 1836-1982;
papers relating to provisions, including account ledger 1844-1849; weekly expenditure, 1836-1837; store account, 1945-46; auditors weekly statements, 1889; monthly profit and receipts, 1921-1937; profit and loss account books, 1923-1971; profit summary books, 1914-1916; books of unpaid dinner bills, 1916-1924; Coffee room bills, 1948; Luncheon bills, 1985; Coffee Room daily payments, 1925-1960; Stewards accounts, 1844-1847, 1906-1911, 1918-1925; petty cash, 1844-1858; ledger of Butlers payments, 1916-1920; wine books, 1885-1917; weekly returns, cigars and cigarettes, 1945-1949; receipts, 1850-1891, 1920, 1954;
papers relating to staff, including canteen financial records, 1932-1939; income tax correspondence, 1890-1953; insurance, 1921-1950; pensions, 1929-1950; war stock dividends, 1946-1963; provident (Christmas) and benefit fund, 1894-1997; repayment of staff income tax, 1927-1945; stock, 1925-1946; receipts for money received, 1859, 1932-1933; breakages account, 1860; recreation account 1932-1939; subscription books, 1929-1945; papers relating to staff wages, 1859-1959;
Records relating to Club functions:
Papers relating to Annual Committee Dinner 1903-1995; correspondence relating to allocation of Ascot tickets to the Club, 1935-1936; papers relating to Club and members' balls, 1984-1997; Anniversary dinners, 1837-1991; special dinners, 1910-2001; Lord's Cricket Week, 1924-1938; Royal occasions, 1837-1953; auxiliary staff, 1925-1929; social functions, 1985-1995; and miscellaneous papers, 1832-1986;
Records relating to Club members' games:
Papers relating to Billiards room, 1898-1957; Bridge, 1933-1939; Card room, 1892-1920; Chess circle, 1925-1981; Cricket Club, 1931-1938; Golf competition, 1933-1935; Squash 1932-1945; notices of games 1859-1948;
Records relating to Club groups, societies and lectures:
Atkins Lecture, 1985-2002; Austerity Group, 1947-2000; Sir Charles Barry, 1989-1995; Economic Group, 1970-1981; Thackeray Society, 1992, [1998]; wartime lectures, 1943-1945;
Records relating to Club history:
Papers relating to articles, publications, correspondence and reminiscences, concerning the Club's history, 1910-2002;
Records relating to politics:
Political and satirical cartoons, mostly copies [1857-1995]
Records relating to the Club during wartime:
Correspondence with the British Red Cross Society, 1914; WW2 damage to Club House, 1939-1945, Motor ambulance fund, 1940
Miscellaneous records:
Parthenon Club minute book, 1858-1861; photographs, pictures, cartoons, certificates, manuscripts, news cuttings, videos, ephemera, and museum objects relating to the Club [1890-1998].
Records relating to the Club library:
Papers relating to the administration of the Library, including records of donations and purchase, 1841-1846, 1879-1989; lists and correspondence concerning books held on approval, 1911-1984; binding records, 1924-1984; borrowing scheme 1941-1945; British Lending Library records, 1981-1984; catalogues 1884-1953; file on cleaning of volumes, 1984;
Library Committee agendas 1901-1992, minutes 1841-1986, and correspondence 1904-1990; Library Committee policy file, 1967; Library Committee reports 1893-1960; Librarian's reports for the Committee 1940-1987; Library Sub-Committee report on publications in progress, 1942-1944;
Library administrative files 1915-1989; records of books for disposal, 1948-1986; Library Guide, 1898; papers concerning insurance, 1940-1948; missing books, 1933-1946; lists of annuals, newspapers and periodicals, 1919-1984; order books, 1920-1975; Library Rules, 1884; Suggestions Book 1885-1892; valuations of books, 1929-1979; Library diary, 1985-1987; and related papers.
Library financial records 1915-1986;
Library Centenary souvenir book, 1941; The Reform Club and its Library, 1894; 'Founding of the Reform Club Library', David Griffit, unpublished 1996.
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