Archives of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths (WCG) comprising volumes containing Wardens' Accounts and Court Minutes, 1334-1579, 1592-present; Standing Committee minute books, 1712-1943; Assay Office: Court Minutes, 1776-1890; Assay Office: Mark books containing workmen's marks and places of abode, 1697-2001 (incomplete); Trial of the Pyx minutes, 1604-1870;
ordinances and statutes, 1478, 1513-1514;
records relating to membership including Apprenticeship books, 1578-present; Alphabet of Freemen, 1651-c.1950; Freedom Books, 1694-present;
financial records including Accounts including Debt book, 1636-1648; Wardens' accounts, 1687-1712; Cash books, 1689-1729; Barge House accounts 1656-1660; Disbursements for Entertainment, 1781-1784;
records relating to the Company's properties including Extracts of leases granted by the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, c.1650, c.1675; notice of persons as hold any lands tenements of the WCG, 1610, 1682; Committee of Contracts for Leases, 1651-1675; book of leases 1662-1670; General Survey of Messuages or tenements in and about London, 1651; Devise by the Company of various properties in the City of London, 1657-1658; Leases of city properties, 1667-1669; assignments of leases, 1653-1669; extracts of leases, c.1653-1728; Alienation books, 1671-1734; Account of tenants and properties, terms and rents, 1638-1697; Copies of leases and other deeds, 1670-1742; rent book, 1694-1712; account of renters, 1687-1707; Rental of ... Lady Day, 1728, 1729; plans of property belonging to the company, c.1829; plans of City properties belonging to the Goldsmiths Company (1852);
volume bearing the coat of arms of Sir Hugh Myddleton (c.1560-1631) goldsmith, banker and clothmaker, containing copy of the Company Charter, Index to survey of Goldsmiths' rents, rent roll of Goldsmiths, account of money owing upon the bonds under the Company's Common seal, account of Charities payable yearly by the Company, Account of expiration of leases granted by the Company, c1660-1720;
records relating to the Company's activities in Ulster including Account of the Companies' lands in Ulster, 1609-1619; records of meetings of The Irish Society, 1664-1666; Grant of King James I to the Irish Society, 1613; Grant and Confirmation to the Mayor, Commonalty etc of London Derry and their Successors; Letters patent granted to the Twelve Great Companies of London in respect of the London Derry Plantation, 1656; Society of the Governor and Assistants, London of the New Plantation in Ulster, minutes of the Court of the Society, 1675-1681;
records of Wills, Deeds of Gift and Charities including Translations of wills and abstracts of deeds contained in the Great Register of the Company, 1349-1543; account of Benefactors' Gifts, 17th century; Charities 1681-1699; Charities, 1725-1729 and extracts from some wills; wills and deeds of gift; Will book and Plans of Properties, 17th century; Registers of deeds, 1471-[1700];
drawings by Philip Hardwick for new hall, 1830-1835 (12 vols);
and papers of the Company comprising:
papers relating to Company - Membership (Ref: A) including Freemen, 1694-[1940]; Livery, 1740-[1940]; Assistants, 1830-[1940]
papers relating to the Company's property - realty (Ref B) including Planning in the City of London and legislation, 1940-1955; the Acton Estates, 1357-1986; Estates in the City of London, 1437-present; The Irish Estates, 1609-1965; Blackheath, Hanwell, Mottingham, Richmond, Bexley Heath, 1899-1977; other properties, 1667-1995; The Barge and Barge House, 1717-1846
papers relating to the Company's Personal Property (Ref C), including, non-domestic contents of the Hall (non-domestic) including library, misc, works of art, 1604-1814;
domestic contents of the Hall, 1928-1966; disposal of contents of the hall, 1922-1954;
papers relating to Courts and Committees (Ref D) including Court of Wardens, 1620-1942; Court of Assistants, 1777-1954; Committees (functioning after 1955) 1918-1963; Committees no longer functioning, 1926-1951;
papers relating to the internal activities of the Hall (Ref E) including building and maintenance, 1634-1952; alterations and repairs, 1942-1969; Administration c.1625-1975; History of the Company and the Hall, 1894-1914; Company's publications, 1935-1967; Heraldry, 1841-1934; Livery lists, 1936-1939;
papers relating to the Assay Office (Ref F) including staff including the deputy warden, 1629-1953; building and contents, 1813-1955; statistics, 1815-1955; evacuation of Blandford Lodge, Reigate, 1939-1945; and miscellaneous papers, 1887-1955;
papers relating to the Company's Statutory Duties including the Trial of the Pyx, 1603-1948; Specimen verdict forms, 1948-1955; Hallmarking general, 1661-1969; relations with other assay offices, 1825-1946;
papers relating to the Company's external relations (Ref H) including the the Royal Family, 1687-1936; City of London Corporation, 1484-1929; City Companies, 1833-1955, City Guilds Defence Association, 1876-1897; Inter-company meetings, 1918-1940; other activities of the City Companies, 1917-1939; Rights, and miscellaneous papers, 1708-1937;
papers relating to the Trade (Ref J) including, 1939-1949 including London Silversmiths wartime employment Committee, and the Silversmiths' war Time Relief Committee, Commission of Enquiry - Jewellery and Silverware Working party, 1946; Conferences, 1943-1949; Amalgamation of Trade Bodies, 1940-1947; Amalgamation of Trade Charities, 1938-1952; assistance to the trade by the Company, 1930-1955; miscellaneous papers, 1931-1957; reconstruction and reorganisation, pre 1939, 1871-1937; Historical material, 1634-1828 such as the Duncombe Papers, 1680-1725, and non-company papers, 1627-1680;
papers relating to trade, technical, commercial and art associations including government sponsored bodies, 1918-1969; other associations, 1931-1970; trade associations, 1912-1985; craft workshops, 1940-1956; foreign and international bodies, 1935-1939; pension funds, 1938-1955;
papers relating to technical training and education (Ref L) including general information, 1850-1889; Education - Schools and Colleges, Royal College of Art, 1926-1952; LCC Central School of Arts and Crafts (Central School of Art and Design), 1928-1955; Sheffield College of Arts and Crafts, 1926-1969; Birmingham College of Art, 1927-1983; Refresher Courses, 1932-1971; Grants of Silver to Schools, 1936-1948; visits organized to museums, exhibitions and factories, 1913-1958; craftsmen deceased, UK and foreign, died 1930s-1970s;
papers relating to design and research by the Company (Ref M), including research proposals antecedent to Design and Research Centre, 1943-1945; Design and Research Centre for the Gold, Silver and Jewellery Industries, 1945-1955; Production of Modern Silver; and non-competitive enquiries from the public - individuals and bodies, 1930-1956;
papers relating to propaganda and information about the Craft (Ref N), including Lectures, 1928-1953; films and film strips, 1935-1960; Company's technical publications, 1936-1957; articles, 1926-1955; broadcasts, 1941-1954; publicity, 1934-1955;
papers relating to exhibitions and trade fairs (Ref O), including exhibitions held at the hall, 1927-1955; exhibitions held elsewhere, including London 1887-1961, provinces, 1927-1959; abroad, 1867-1958;
papers relating to services to the public (Ref P) including loan of Hall to individuals, 1718-1965, to outside bodies, 1647-1952, other livery companies, 1933-1955; visits to the hall, 1944-1955; loan of plate, 1929-1955; loan of furniture and fittings etc, 1948-1955; request to the Company by the public for permission -for photographs of drawings of Hall and contents, use of Company's arms, illustrations, hallmarks, etc, 1936-1955;
papers relating to information given to the public (Ref Q), including particular files for individuals, including E Alfred Jones, Dr N H Penzer and J M Phillips, (undated).;
papers relating to the administration of Charity (Ref R), including files concerning specific Charitable subjects generally, including old people, pensions, youth, 1712-1927; Company's various Charitable Trusts including general papers, 1664-1921; Ash's Charity, 1679-1892; Barrett's Charity, 1833-1835; Blundell's Charity, 1871-1878; Bowes' Charity, 1671-1934; Bromyard School, 1717-1969; Cheney's Charity, 1891-1894; Clarke's Charity, 1888-1936; Cureton's Charity, 1838-1916; Fountain's Charity, 1841-1843; Fowles' Charity, 1856; Fox's Charity, 1771-1923; Gardner's Foundation, 1908; Goldsmiths' Company's Blind Pensions, 1875-1942; Guinness Trust, 1892-1938; Hay's Charity, 1835-1886; Hetherington's Charity, 1728-1893; Heyson's Charity, 1921; Jenner's Charity, 1893-1894; Middleton's Charity, 1706-1876; Morrell's Charity, 1526-1904; Mundie's Charity, 1561-1918; Paine's Charity, 1896-1898; Perryn's Charity, 1889-1938; Read's Charity, 1895-1925; Read's Charity (Cromer School), 1720-1955; Snell's Charity, 1726-1727; Stockport School (Shaa's Charity), 1745-1980; Strelley's Charity, 1603-1944; Walton's Charity, 1832-1893; Watkin's Charity, 1789; Wollaston's Charity, 1668-1892; Wood's Charity, 1868; Consolidated Charities, 1881-1927;
papers relating to Charities - Grants to Bodies (Ref S) including Education, Schools, 1944-1980; University of London, 1938-1963; City University: Sir John Cass College, 1930-1939; University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of London, including New Cross Institute - subsequently Goldsmiths' College, 1888-1964; Occupational Therapy, 1946-1979; other grants to bodies and societies, 1904-1955;
and papers relating to grants, pensions etc made from the Company's charitable and corporate funds to individuals (Ref T) including Educational Grants and Scholarships - particular schemes including Oxford and Cambridge exhibitions, lists of candidates, examiners reports etc, 1823-1949; Newnham and Girton Colleges - Exhibitions for women, 1872-1927; Westfield College, 1912-1946; miscellaneous educational grants to non-members of the company, 1913-1955;
Personal papers donated to the Company comprising: workbooks and drawings of Omar Ramsden (1873-1939), c.1920-1939; and drawings and papers of Edward Spencer (1873-1938) and the Artificers' Guild (art metalworkers) c.1910-1938;
Sans titre