Papers of Jewish girl in Vienna, 1939-1941, comprise mirror image typescript mimeographed transcript of correspondence from a 12 year old Jewish girl in Vienna and her aunt to relatives in Great Britain describing conditions in the city.
Leni , fl 1939-1941Anti-Nazi activities worldwide collection consists of leaflets and circulars of anti-Nazi organisations in various countries across the world, 1940s, notably from South America, Austria, United Kindom and United States of America. The papers notably include manifesto of 'The Free Germany Movement', Brazil, 12 May 1942; manifesto of the 'Austrians in Great Britain' movement; leaflet entitled 'Zero hour for Germany destruction or revolt?' advertising a meeting at Central Hall, Westminster, organised by Allies Inside Germany Council and Appeal of the German American Congress for Democracy against Hitler's Juden Massaker.
Various, unknownMicrofilm of anti-Nazi propaganda leaflets comprising leaflets produced by the US Office of Strategic Services (especially by W Necker), 1944-1945, for distribution in Germany, 1944-1945, partly in draft form; drafts of letters to be sent to party officials and ministers and serving as disinformation and black propaganda; leaflets possibly from German underground organisations including 'Aktionskomitee West, Abteilung 6 Panzerarmee' and two leaflets directed at Polish soldiers in the German occupation forces in France (in Polish). Leaflets circulated by the Antifaschistisches Deutsches Kampf Komitee Hamburg, April 1945 and nd, and the Antifaschistischer Gewerkschafts-Ausschuss Elmshorn, May 1945.
US Office of Strategic ServicesAntifaschistisches Deutsches Kampf Komitee Hamburg Antifaschistischer Gewerkschafts-Ausschuss Elmshorn
Antisemitic notices comprise two small paper notices stamped with the Anti-semitic slogan Kauft nicht bei Juden(Don't buy from Jews), [1933-1939].
UnknownArchives du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (ACICR) collection, 1939-1952, comprises files, reports and correspondence on the following subject areas: general background on hostages and political detainees; hostages and political detainees in Germany; hostages and political detainess by country and nationality (except Germany); assistance to hostages and political detainees; repatriations of deported; case files (all nationalities); civil war in Greece.
Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (International Committee of the Red Cross)Copy of a circular letter from the Bavarian Political Police to all heads of Police and local legal civil authorities, 13 Apr 1935, instructing them to watch out for propaganda by Jewish organisations and the Jewish press declaring the desire of Jews to remain in Germany. It states that the presence of Jews is not only undesirable on technical grounds but it is also against all Nazi principles.
Bavarian Political PoliceThree printed leaflets, written in French and Dutch, dating from the 1930s, stating Do not buy at Jewish shops (in Dutch) and The Jews only live to exploit the working class (in French).
UnknownBritish anti-Nazi leaflet, contrasting images of Hitler and quotations made by him from 1939 to 1943 with pictures of the destroyed cities of Rotterdam and Hamburg as well as images of the Wehrmacht in Poland and the Soviet Union.
British GovernmentPapers of George W Burger, 1932-1939, comprise five booklets of political stickers and flyers from Austria and Hungary including Nazi material.
Burger , George W , fl 1932-2002Papers of the Central-Verein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens, 1903-1938, relate to the central organisation including the constitution and notably comprise management and committee minutes, reports and plans regarding the organisation's aims and objectives and finance records; files on the activities of the state and regional level sub-groups; files concerning women's organisations, youth organisations, members and officers, publication and propaganda, activities of other Jewish organisations, Zionism, emigration to Palestine, training for Jewish youth, Anti-Semitism, political, economic and legal situation for Jews in Germany, CV's relationship to religion and religious organisations, and the attitudes of writers and politicians to Jews.
Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens x Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish FaithLetter from a woman to her children and her husband prior to her deportation to Theresienstadt (includes an English translation).
UnknownThis World War Two Austrian soldier's letter, amongst other things, describes the systematic murder carried out by the Wehrmacht in Poland, and in particular the murder of civilians by the author's unit. The author also mentions the murder of a number of their own officers by the rank and file and includes an English translation.
UnknownCopy letter from Hela Cymerman to Lucjan Blit describes the fate of the depositor's mother, who survived the Warsaw ghetto only to be murdered at Majdanek concentration camp, Poland.
Cymerman , Hela , fl 1946Second edition of a Danish anti-fascist leaflet, entitled Frit Nyt (Free News), announcing the arrival of Allied forces in Germany, 1945.
UnknownPapers of the Deutscher Fichte-Bund, [1930-1939], comprising propaganda pamphlets entitled 'The Truth about Jews in Germany' and 'Jewry and Penal Punishment' and correspondence of Thomas Kessemeier, Propagandaleiter I of the Deutsche Fichte-Bund relating to distribution of propaganda and D Hoerke, organising secretary of Bund zur Pflege personlicher Freundschaften mit Auslandern.
Deutscher Fichte-BundPapers comprise a flyer advertising a protest meeting against the Nazi persecution of Jews in Germany, 1938.
UnknownPapers concerning Former Nazis in the Middle East, 1960s, comprise leaflets and flyers on Arab Anti-Semitism and articles on former Nazis in Arab countries.
Wiener LibraryPapers of French Jewish and anti-racist organisations, [1920]-1938, comprise a copy of an extract regarding Alliance Israélite Universelle and letter from the same organisation concerning the struggle against antisemitism in France, [1920]; reports on various subjects addressed at 2ème Congres International du Rassemblement Mondiale contra le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme, July 1938, including racism and antisemitism in North Africa, the international problem of immigration, the activities of the World Assembly Against Racism, self defence for free people, organisation and propaganda and demand for a law against racism, 1938 and various papers concerning antisemitism in France with reference to a number of organisations, 1937-1938.
Ligue Internationale contre le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme Alliance Israélite UniverselleThe German election material collection consists of election propaganda covering the era of the Weimar Republic, especially the final years. There are many flyers from the NSDAP, but also other parties, like the Zentrum, the SPD and the KPD.
Roedner , Helmut , fl 2002This microfilm collection contains a variety of pre-Second World War propaganda materials produced for consumption in Great Britain, 1936-1939, including reports, publications, leaflets and transcript of a radio broadcast: Hitler's speech to the Winter help, 10 Oct 1938; chiefly produced by the Anglo-German Fellowship, Deutsche Ausländer Dienst, Deutsche Fichte Bund and the Anglo-German Information Service.
VariousGoldschmied family papers, 1938-1971, document the fate of a Jewish mixed race family in Vienna during the Nazi era and notably include passport ID cards and correspondence, personal accounts by Maria Goldschmied and photographs.
Adler , Ellinor , b 1925 , née Goldschmied Goldschmied , Maria , fl 1938-1971 Goldschmied , Alwin , fl 1938-1971Papers relating to an international anti-Jewish congress in Belgium, [1930s], comprise details of the congress, entitled Union Antijudaique Universelle, papers concern the secrecy of the event, Muslims amongst the participants, earlier conferences of this sort and a permanent office for the Union Antijudaique Universelle in case of a new Jewish war.
UnknownAnti-Nazi radio broadcast transcripts from Russia, 1944.
Interradio AG Sonderdienst SeehausPapers concerning Jewish community election, 1925, comprise two election pamphlets addressed to the German Jewish community, Breslau.
UnknownPapers relating to the International Conference for Jewish Social Work, Jul 1936, including reports on the state of Jewish social work in Europe and USA; letter from M J Karpf to Professor D Cohen of the Jewish Central Information Office expressing concern that the delegation to the Third International Conference from Germany was planning to use the conference for propaganda purposes and printed handbook entitled Social Work and the Community, studies in preparation for the International Conference on Social Work.
International Conference for Jewish Social WorkJews in Hungary collection, notably comprises Was sollen wir den Antisemiten antworten?, statistical information regarding the population of Jews in Hungary between 1920 and 1930 extracted from official Hungarian government statistics and a transcription from an antisemitic Hungarian Nationalist Party notice.
Pester Jewish community and othersPapers of Klappholttal Youth camp, 1930s-1970s, comprise published and unpublished pamphlets and other material relating to Klappholttal Youth camp.
Bussmann , fl 1990 , doctorConfidential circular letter to leading government officials, 27 Jul 1944, from Dr Lammers, Reichsminister and Chef der Reichskanzlei, regarding the Nazi government's public treatment of the bomb plot of 20 July 1944.
Lammers , Hans Heinrich , 1879-1962 , ReichsministerPapers relating to Nazi propaganda against Great Britain including list of Nazi propagandists against Great Britain giving brief biographical details and letter from Dorothy Woodman, secretary of The Union of Democratic Control to Dr Warburg of the Jewish Board of Deputies regarding Max Kohl, a Nazi propagandist who had addressed a meeting held by the Salisbury Post War Brotherhood, 1937.
UnknownCopies of Nazi propaganda leaflets including a leaflet announcing a solidarity meeting to be held in Trier, 1 July 1934; appeal to Roman Catholic boys and girls to join the Hitler Youth, refuting the accusation that the Hitler Youth movement is a heathen organisation that seeks the extirpation of religion.
National Socialist German Workers Party x Nazi PartyInformation sheets and circulars disseminating information and instructions from the Nazi party hierarchy, via the regional offices of the NSDAP Gauleitung Westfalen-Nord (North Rhine-Westphalia) to lower level officials, 2 Apr 1941-25 Aug 1941. Topics include orders on the evacuation of women and children; instructions regarding restrictions of Mischlinge and Gypsies and advice on how to deal with enemy propaganda.
National Socialist German Workers Party x Nazi PartyEarly World War One propaganda toilet paper Die Lügen-Nachrichten unserer Feinde! Bestes deutsches Abort-Papier [the lying news of our enemies - best German toilet paper]. Consists of approximately 65 sheets with printed press reports bound in a folder, which is stamped on the back: Friedrich Blos Gr. Hoflieferant Karlsruhe. (New cord, original was black-red-white, see copy Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)
UnknownPapers of Political Warfare Executive, 1941, comprise five copies of Dutch Allied (RAF) dropped airborne leaflets 'De Luchtpost' No. 8/1941, dropped in the night between 17th and 18th November and 18th and 19th November 1941.
Political Warfare ExecutivePapers of Political Warfare Executive, 1943, comprise two copies of the French 'Revue de la Presse Libre' No. 45 dropped during in the nights 4th and 5th April until 15th and 16th April 1943.
Political Warfare ExecutiveA microfilm copy of the central registry of membership of the Reichskulturkammer (RKK), 1930s-1940s, arranged alphabetically by individual surname. Originally maintained by the personnel section of the RKK, index cards have been supplemented by entries made by Allied occupation authorities. For each individual, one or more cards provide: name and address, birthdate and place, profession, RKK membership data and notations regarding political reliability and racial background. Also included in some instances are annotations from the Allied occupation authorities on denazification proceedings and artists' acceptibility for post war performances.
Reichskulturkammer (Reich Chamber of Culture)Microfilm of correspondence and papers of the Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda (Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda), 1944-1945, chiefly comprising anti-semitic material.
Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and PropagandaPress cuttings regarding the 50th anniversary Reunion of the Kindertransporte, 1989. Also including memoirs of people transported by the Kindertransporte and administrative papers relating to the organisation of the 50th anniversary event.
Leverton , Bertha , b 1923 , founder of the Reunion of the KindertransportePapers of David Spector, 1936-1992, including leaflets, periodicals and pamphlets of British right wing organisations and anti-Semitic propaganda.
Correspondence on topics including anti-Semitism; right wing organisations; Lord Beaverbrook's alleged association with Hitler; the organisation of 'Moral Re-armament'; expropriated Jewish property; A K Chesterton's involvement in the National Front and Count Nicholas Tolstoy's views on the Cossacks' role during World War Two.
Press cuttings and typescript article on right wing groups in Britain during World War Two including descriptions of the following groups: '18B Detainees'; British Aid Fund; People's Common Law Parliament; Social Credit; British National Party; Peace Pledge Union; Society of Individualists; National League of Freedom and 'Black Hundred' and copies of documents on the activities, interrogation and internment of Oliver Gilbert, prominent British Fascist of the 1930s and 1940s.
Spector , David , fl 1930-1997 , anti-fascist campaignerMiscellaneous anti-communist posters and leaflets associated with Volksbund für Frieden und Freiheit (People's League for Peace and Freedom), [1950-1959].
Volksbund für Frieden und Freiheit (People's League for Peace and Freedom)Copies of transcriptions of speeches made by Baldur von Schirach, dealing mainly with youth in Nazi Germany, 19 Apr 1940-20 Dec 1944. Each speech was subsequently checked and edited by Mia Thiel Hansen in the employ of the BBC, 19 Nov 1945. An original certificate of authentication signed by Mia Thiel Hansen is enclosed with each speech. Speeches include speech on behalf of the Hitler Youth congratulating Hitler, 19 Apr 1940; speech in which Schirach replies to President Franklin D Roosevelt and attacks him, particularly on youth employment, education and health, 4 Sep 1942; speech in which Schirach replies to Roosevelt, claiming to be partly of American descent, including a strong personal attack on Roosevelt and eulogies on Hitler, 5 Sep 1942; speech attacking Roosevelt for the Visits Foundation of European Youth League in Vienna, hosted by Italy and Germany, 14 Sep 1942; address to volunteers of the Tank Grenade Division in which he exhorts 'the traitors shall fall and the nation shall conquer' (after the July 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler), 7 Aug 1944 and broadcasts on the evacuation of children, 20 Dec 1944.
Schirach , Baldur Benedikt , von , 1907-1974 , NaziCorrespondence by Fritz Zietlow, Nazi party member and newspaper editor, mainly letters to the editor of the Nazi newspaper, Der Angriff, Fritz Zietlow, also internal correspondence and a number of publications.
Zietlow , Fritz , b 1900 , newspaper editor