Microfilm of correspondence and papers detailing the activities of the German Evangelical Church during the Third Reich, in particular the role of Eugen Gerstenmaier, [1933-1958]. Also included are a number of periodicals of German Evangelical organisations during the 1930s and other related reports and papers.
Sin títuloCopies of Nazi propaganda leaflets including a leaflet announcing a solidarity meeting to be held in Trier, 1 July 1934; appeal to Roman Catholic boys and girls to join the Hitler Youth, refuting the accusation that the Hitler Youth movement is a heathen organisation that seeks the extirpation of religion.
Sin títuloPapers of German Confessional Church, 1939-1957, relate to racial origins and aryanism within the German Confessional Church and comprise copies of correspondence including a letter from the temporary directorate of the German Evangelical Church to its regional administrations asking that clergymen submit proof of their Aryan origin, 1939; letter to the temporary directorate of the German Evangelical Church from Alberz and Böhm regarding emigration of those who are non-aryan or related to non-aryans from the German Confessional Church, 1939, and a letter from Alfred Wiener to Pastor Niemoeller, 1957.
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