Affichage de 7 résultats

Description archivistique
Warschauer, Malvin (1871-1955)
GB 1556 WL 1010 · 1899-1988

Papers of Malwin Warschauer, 1899-1988, including unpublished copy typescript account of the life and philosophy of Malwin Warschauer entitled Tradition, by his son, James J. Walters; copies of sermons; philosophical treatises; lectures; newspaper articles; correspondence with Albert Einstein and Leo Baeck and obituaries.

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Prinz, Joachim (1902-1988): Papers
GB 1556 WL 1211 · 1936-1937

Papers relating to Joachim Prinz, 1936-1937, including text of a speech by former members of Joachim Prinz's congregation, prior to Prinz's departure to the US, [1937]; newspaper cuttings including an article entitled 'Unsere jüdische Kultursituation' by Prinz from the Israelitisches Familienblatt, 7 Oct 1936 and an article written in honour of Prinz shortly prior to his departure to the US, 11 Jun 1937.

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Czech Torah Scrolls
GB 1556 WL 1338 · 1998

Papers created when researching the history and background to the Torah Scrolls of Kolin and Trebon, Czech Republic, 1998, including details of the history of the Scrolls.

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GB 1556 WL 759 · Collection · 1941

Original manuscript Passover Haggadah in Hebrew with transliteration, edited by Leo Ansbacher at Gurs concentration camp, France, Apr 1941.

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Anti-German protest meetings and prayers
GB 1556 WL 876 · 1933-1945

Leaflets advertising demonstrations and meetings in protest against antisemitic measures in Germany and exhorting readers to boycott German products, by a number of British Jewish interest groups and political groups, 1933-1935, and series of prayers and intercessions on behalf of German Jewry produced in London by the office of the Chief Rabbi, 1933-1945.

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Judaism and communism in Russia
GB 1556 WL 699 · 1936-1937

Papers concerning Judaism and communism in Russia, 1936-1937, relate to the Jewish Central Information Office's work to refute the Nazis' commonly held assertion that Jews played a significant role in the leadership of the Soviet Union. The collection notably includes a request from Alfred Wiener for a list of names of Jews supposed to be working in high positions in Russia; correspondence from Jewish Central Information Office, Amsterdam, enclosing list of government officials in Soviet Union, concerning racial origin; pamphlet entitled Materialien zu 'Judentum und Bolschewismus' and a report entitled 'The Jews in leading positions in the Soviet Republic', refuting the Nazi assertion that Jews dominated positions of power in Russia.

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