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Antisemitism in Denmark
GB 1556 WL 642 · 1937

Papers relating to a trial of six Danish Nazis for anti-semitic libel, in Copenhagen, 1937, including transcript of a declaration by the Chief Rabbi of Denmark, which takes the form of written answers to questions about the content of the anti-semitic publications produced by the defendants; copies of court documents, including indictment and notes about the Dänischer Verband gegen Rassenhass, including aims and objectives, dates, names of committee members.

Antisemitism in South Africa
GB 1556 WL 695 · 1929-1946

Papers concerning Antisemitism in South Africa, 1929-1946, reflect opinions concerning the Jewish presence within South Africa, the activities of South African nationalists and a law suit against a leading South African antisemite. The collection notably includes a typescript extract from the antisemitic encyclopedia, Sigilla Veri (Bodung Verlag, Erfurt, 1929), in which a South African describes the extent to which Jews have infiltrated every layer of society; leaflet reprinted from the Rand Daily Mail in which the Witwatersrand Church Council denounces antisemitism; letter documenting the activities of South African nationalists including the founding of a new newspaper, De Transvaler, their annual congress, and their connections with the ex-patriate German community; report concerning a law suit against a leading South African antisemite, Salomon Gerhardus Maritz (General Manie Maritz).

The collection also includes a memorandum entitled 'South Africa: Synopsis of memorandum on the in-roads of Nazism'; leaflet advertisng The Forum, South Africa's first national weekly review; copy of an extract from typescript letter reporting on the trial of von Moltke and his antisemitic activities and an extract from Sigilla Veri.

GB 1556 WL 897 · Collection · 1944-1957

Papers of Robert Philip Baker-Byrne, 1944-1957, notably include his personal papers including passport and notebook containing addresses and notes apparently taken during Baker-Byrne's time as investigator into war crimes in Kiel, 1948-1957; a memoranda from War Crimes Group (North West Europe) regarding the role and activities of Captain Robert Philip Baker-Byrne, 1947-1948; correspondence and papers regarding 'the Kiel Hassee case' in which 50 allied prisoners of war were summarily executed by Gestapo officers, 1948-1951 and correspondence including affidavits regarding an application for restitution money from the German government.

GB 1556 WL 823 · 1936-1959

Papers, 1936-1959, relating to an application made by two Czech sisters, Hedwig and Pauline Beck, for compensation for possessions stolen by the Nazis from their sister, Sabina Bauml (née Beck), including translations of residency permits; inventories of possessions confiscated by the Nazis; affidavits from friends and acquaintances in support of the application for compensation and post war correspondence between the French authorities and the Beck sisters relating to compensation.

Beck family
GB 1556 WL 815 · 1919-1976

Personal papers of Selmar Biener, 1919-1976, in support of an application for restitution from the German Democratic Republic including land registry documents and plans relating to the family business in Magdeburg.

Biener , Selmar , fl 1906-1976
GB 1556 WL 1110 · Collection · 1942-1944

Papers of concentration camp inmates, 1942-1944, comprise copies of correspondence concerning concentration camps and the death of Jews and notably include a letter from the commandant of Gross Rosen concentration camp, Lower Silesia, to the Gestapo, Düsseldorf regarding the disposal of belongings of deceased Jew, Max Zobel, 1942; letter from Ernst Kaltenbrunner to all police chiefs stating that all executions are to be reported to the local justice department, with reasons for the executions withheld, 1942 and a letter from Stürmbahnführer, SD Latvia, suggesting a lack of concern about notifying the relatives of dead Jews, 1942.

GB 1556 WL 1409 · Collection · 1947

Translation of the trial proceedings of Amon Goeth, made from the original Polish edition of the trial proceedings: Proces Ludobojcy Amona Leopolda Goetha published by Centralna Zydowska Komisja Historyczna (The Central Jewish Historical Committee), 1947. The verbatim proceedings of Amon Goeth's trial are preceded by a speech by the First Prosecution Counsel, Mieczyslaw Siewierski followed by an addresss by the Defence Counsel, Dr. Pokorny. A reading of the indictment follows. This includes a general overview of Nazi activities in Poland; a specific account of Goeth's role during this period; and descriptions of Plaszow Camp, the liquidation of Krakow and Tarnow ghettoes and Szebnia camp.

Central Jewish Historical Committee, Poland
GB 1556 WL 1234 · Collection · 1938-1980

Papers, 1938-1980, documenting the compensation claims made by Edith Herzer and her sister Hilde, German Jewish immigrants to Great Britain, whose parents were murdered at Auschwitz; comprising correspondence and other papers of compensation for loss of profession, loss of inherited property and suffering under the Nazi regime; rejection by the American Consulate, London, of application for immigration visa (1234/7) and copies of extract from the municipal authorities, Nice, regarding the fate of Hugo Herzer, Edith's father.

Herzer , Edith , fl 1938-1995 , office worker
GB 1556 WL 579 · Collection · 1963-1968

Microfilm of expert witness testimony concerning the German nationality of Jewish former residents of Bukovina, Romania/Ukraine in the context of claims for compensation in post-war German trials, 1963-1968.

GB 1556 WL 1285 · 1947-1950

Papers, 1947-1950, relating to the trial of former SA men who were guilty of aggravated breach of the peace on Kristallnacht in Nuremberg, including statements of defendants, indictment, verdict and judgement.

Bamber , Rudi , fl 1930-1997
GB 1556 WL 842 · Collection · 1938-1939

Copies of contracts and notarial certificate documenting the sale of a house at Burgschmietstrasse 12, Nuremberg, property of Max and Frieda Landenberger, to Gauleiter Hölz for the sum of RM 4,000 and a summary of the event, 4 Dec 1938-27 Feb 1939. This collection is an example of the way in which the Nazis forcibly appropriated Jewish property under the guise of a legitimate transaction into which both parties freely entered.

Landenberger , Max , fl 1938-1939
GB 1556 WL 572 · Collection · 1933-1938

Correspondence of Irmgard Litten, mother of the lawyer Hans Litten (1903-1938), regarding attempts to secure his release from prison, including a letter dated 11 February 1938 from Dachau, containing a list Hans Litten's personal effects.

Litten , Irmgard
GB 1556 WL 1603 · Collection · 1960s

Papers of Josef Mueller, 1960s, came about as a result of research into the events that took place in Plaszow concentration camp, in particular the crimes and testimony of Josef Mueller, one of the former commandants. The papers consist of the trial judgement, a transcript of his interrogation and various statements in the case against Mueller. There are also numerous statements from Mueller, acting as a witness in the trials of other defendants. All of the records are copies from the main repository for war crimes trials records at Ludwigsburg. Many of the names refererred to in the records have been deleted for reasons of data protection.

Mosbach Scwurgericht, Baden-Württemberg
GB 1556 WL 1050 · Collection · 1968-1970

Papers of Osnabrück war crimes trial and appeal, 1968-1970, comprise a trial judgement against 5 former members of Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, in which the state court of Osnabrück found 3 of the defendants guilty of mass murder and 2 of being accomplices to mass murder in Italy in 1943, 1968, and a trial judgement of the appeal of the 5 defendants, in which the Bundesgerichtshof upheld the appeal on the grounds that the period of 20 years under the statute of limitations had lapsed, 1970.

GB 1556 WL 1427 · Collection · 1945-1946

Papers of Political Intelligence Department, 1945-1946, comprise news digest bulletins regarding conditions in post-war Germany and Austria compiled by the Political Intelligence Department of the Foreign Office. Subjects include reports on the Bergen Belsen trial and the Nuremberg War Crimes trial and other war crimes trials. Also reports on the social economic and political conditions of Germany and Austria in the immediate post-war years.

Freund , Sir , Otto , Kahn- , 1900-1979 , Knight , Professor of Legal Science x Kahn-Freund , Sir , Otto
GB 1556 WL 883 · Collection · 1934

Copy of a sworn statement by Philip Perceval Graves, former correspondent of The Times on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 24 Oct 1934, addressed to a court in Berne, Switzerland. The statement confirms that the content of a pamphlet entitled 'The Truth about the 'Protocols'- a Literary Forgery' by Graves, published in The Times, Aug 1921, is true.

Graves , Philip Perceval , 1876-1953 , journalist and writer
GB 1556 WL 665 · Collection · 1944

Certified copy of an indictment of a forester, Josef Reheis from Brannenburg, Bavaria the Oberlandesgericht, Munich, 1944.

Reheis , Josef , fl. 1944 , forester
GB 1556 WL 814 · Collection · 1937-1962

Family and business papers of Marie Rosenberg, 1937-1962, collected in support of a restitution claim from the German government, including a doctor's certificate, Nov 1939, which attributes her heart trouble in part to recent psychological troubles; a complete inventory of the possessions which she was to take abroad, 15 Dec 1939 and the decision of the Entschädigungsamt, Berlin regarding her restitution claim, 3 Apr 1962.

Rosenberg , Marie , fl 1889-1962 , née Marcus
GB 1556 WL 847 · Collection · 1907-1977

Personal papers of Siegfried Rotholz, 1907-1977, including papers documenting his experiences as a refugee who travelled to Australia on the HMT DUNERA. Comprising exercise book entitled 'Memorandum re Dunera' addressed to the UK High Commission in Australia from the inmates of Hay Camp, Western Australia, written under the following sub-headings: 'Treatment during Voyage'; 'Searches and Confiscation'; 'Handling and Loss of Luggage' and 'Treatment of Internees by Military', 2 Dec 1940; detailed inventory of Rotholz's possessions prior to departure from Germany; travel permit describing Rotholz's place of birth and current address; two Australian shillings from Hay internment camp, Australia; a revocation of the detention order, 7 Dec 1943; correspondence on compensation for personal possessions lost en route and restitution claim from the German government; registration certificates; job references; visa applications; family correspondence; birth register extract and official documents regarding financial and residency status.

Rotholz , Siegfried , fl 1907-1977
GB 1556 WL 712 · 1926-1980

Family papers of Hilde Sanderson, 1926-1980, comprising papers relating to restitution claims for relatives of the sisters Rosa and Hedwig Seelig including correspondence between family members, witnesses and lawyers; affidavits of witnesses; inventories of possessions stolen and records of the court's decision, 1926-1980 and family correspondence, 1939-1962, mostly addressed to Hilde Sanderson (née Tachauer) including letters from her aunts Rosa and Hedwig Seelig, Frankfurt 1939.

Names that occur in the papers include: Stanley Tash (Sally Tachauer), Hilde Sanderson (née Tachauer) and Gisela (Ella) Feuchtwanger (previously Plaut, née Tachauer), Hedwig, Rosa and Alfred Seelig, Ilse Seelig, (later Warner) - a cousin of Regina Tachauer (née Tachauer), Stanly Tash's mother. Isak Tachauer was the father.

Sanderson , Hilde , d 1981 , née Tachauer
GB 1556 WL 834 · Collection · 1934-1949

Copies of correspondence and papers regarding the persecution of Karl and Katharina Schreiner, Trier, Rheinland Pfalz, 22 Mar 1934-11 Apr 1949, including statements of denunciation by various individuals, and the views of the Nazi party, Trier, the mayor of Trier and the state prosecutor at the Sondergericht, Koblenz. The Schreiners' offences consisted of refusal to give the Nazi salute; refusal to contribute to Nazi organisations and causes; opposition to their children joining the Hitler Youth; and refusal to hang Nazi flag on harvest festival, 1934.

Schreiner family
GB 1556 WL 1162 · 1937

Copy of a summary of the case against Seventh Day Adventists Reformists at a special court in Mannheim, Hesse, Germany, 1937. Includes a history of the origins of the church during World War One; short biographical accounts of some of its members; and list of defendants and their legal representatives. Under the names of each of the accused are listed the particular charges. Robert Eduard Rupprecht is listed first as leader of the Mannheim branch of the organisation.

Mannheim special court , Hesse , Germany
GB 1556 WL 1208 · 1938-1948

Papers from seven of the twelve Subsequent Nuremberg Trials, 1938-1948, comprising copies of trial transcripts including trial judgements, reports and correspondence. The trial transcripts are verbatim. The cases are as follows:

The 'Medical Case', officially entitled United States vs. Karl Brandt: 20 of the 23 defendants were doctors, and the charges related principally to medical experimentation on human beings. Including 'CINFO Report No. 5': confidential report from the US Director of Intelligence, Military Government, Germany, consisting of an account of Nazi medical experimentation on Jews, including the case of Ahnenerbe, the institute for war related scientific research; sterilization; luminescent microscopy; and various other forms of experimentation, interspersed with transcripts of documents and a commentary, including appendices which provide short biographical details of staff involved in SS medical research and a roster of Ahnenerbe personnel and copy of an extract from the trial judgement entitled 'Permissible Medical Experiments'.

The 'Justice Case', officially designated United States of America vs. Josef Altstoetter, et al, of the 16 defendants indicted, nine were officials in the Reich Ministry of Justice. The others included the chief public prosecutor of the People's Court and several prosecutors and judges of both the Special Courts and the People's Courts. These papers comprise a part of the official transcript of the judgement and sentencing, 3-4 Dec 1947.

The 'IG Farben Case', the trial of 23 officials of I.G. Farben, officially designated United States of America vs Carl Krauch et al. Krauch was a member of the company's managing board from 1934 to 1940, and thereafter, until 1945, the chairman of its supervisory board. The material in this collection consists of transcripts of parts of the proceedings and documents relating to the case.

The 'Hostage Case', officially designated United States of America vs Wilhelm List et al. The term 'hostages' was used by the Germans to designate innocent civilians executed in retaliation for German soldiers killed. Comprising opening statement for the prosecution, 15 Jul 1947.

The 'Krupp Case', officially designated United States of America vs Alfred Felix Alwyn Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach et al, was the trial of the 12 officials of the Krupp concern. Papers include trial judgement, 31 Jul 1948; dissenting opinions of trial judges; reports on the Krupp complex produced by the German Economic Department of the Foreign Office, 1945; report and other papers on Baron Kurt von Schroeder prepared by Foster Adams and Emil Lang, of the Finance Division of the Military Government for Germany.

The 'Ministries Case' was officially designated United States of America vs Ernst von Weizsaecker et al. It became known as the 'Ministries Case' because most of the 21 defendants were charged with criminal conduct arising principally out of their functions as officials of the Reich government. Papers comprise a partial transcript of the case proceedings.

The 'High Command Case' was officially designated United States of America vs Wilhelm von Leeb et al. The defendants held various leading command or staff positions in the German armed forces. They were charged with having committed, together with other leaders of the Third Reich, crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, and with having participated in a common plan or conspiracy to commit crimes against peace. Papers include the trial judgement, 27- 28 Oct 1948; confidential memo of incriminating evidence based on an analysis of documentation, referring to Brauchitsch, Runstedt, Manstein and Strauss; typescript annotated draft analysis of the role of the SS; annotated draft section of the indictment dealing with allegations against Raeder, head of the German navy from 1928-1943 and part of a document containing chapters on the Commando Order, the Commissar Order and Walter Warlimont.

Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals
GB 1556 WL 742 · Collection · 1954-1956

Copies of court judgements of the Verwaltungsgerichtshof, Vienna, 1954-1956, including judgement in which the appeal of David Lustig (former inmate of a camp in Italy) against an earlier court decision denying his claim of nazi-victim status is upheld, 16 Sep 1954 and judgement in which the appeal of Dr Jacques Karl Wechsler against an earlier court decision denying his claim of nazi-victim status is upheld on account of his detention in camps in Italy and loss of earnings and pension which resulted therefrom, 21 Jun 1956.

Verwaltungsgerichtshof, Vienna
GB 1556 WL 1185 · 1947-1967

War crimes trials: trial papers including detailed indictments and verdicts of various post-World War Two war crimes trials; reports on trials by observers; copy statements and other papers, 1947-1967.

Various regional courts and the appeal courts, Germany, Switzerland and Poland