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Archival description
GB 1556 WL 974 · Collection · 1942

A postcard and transcription from Hans Woltär to Moritz Kupfer, 1942, regarding the provision of supplies and queries about the health and well being of family and friends.

Woltär , Hans , b 1915
Wittig, Karl (fl 1939-1950)
GB 1556 WL 856 · Collection · 1938-1947

Copies of papers documenting the time spent by Karl Wittig in concentration camps during the Nazi era, 1938-1947, including letters to his wife and sworn statements, including by Martin Niemöller that he knew Karl Wittig as a political prisoner in Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

Wittig , Karl , fl 1939-1950
GB 1556 WL 1255 · 1934-1991

Copy papers regarding the trial of Gertrud Wilmersdörfer and others for intent to commit a treacherous act, namely the publication and distribution of communist material, including indictment, verdict and newspaper report relating to the trial; copy article and correspondence containing biographical material on Alexandre Morgune, a former French Resistance colleague of Gertrud Wilmersdörfer, who received the French honour Citation à l'Ordre de la Division; copy article regarding Ravensbrück concentration camp by Nedjalka Tschernaeva.

Wilmersdörfer , Gertrud , b 1934 , teacher
GB 1556 WL 1218 · 1944-1959

Typescript report into conditions at Westerbork concentration camp entitled 'Kollektive Arbeit einer Widerstandsgruppe'; also correspondence between members of Wiener Library staff and Professor David Cohen regarding the reliability of the report as a historical document, including a short paper on the subject, 1944-1959.

Bettleheim , fl 1944 , former camp inmate
Weisz, Josef: copy papers
GB 1556 WL 1222 · 1945

Copy letter from Josef Weisz in Loosdrecht, Netherlands to his family, 1945, in which he describes his experiences as an inmate in Westerbork and Bergen Belsen concentration camps; copy statement made by Josef Weisz regarding his experiences as a victim of Nazi persecution, Amsterdam; copy part statement made by Josef Weisz regarding conditions in Bergen Belsen.

Weisz , Josef , b 1893-fl 1945
GB 1556 WL 1185 · 1947-1967

War crimes trials: trial papers including detailed indictments and verdicts of various post-World War Two war crimes trials; reports on trials by observers; copy statements and other papers, 1947-1967.

Various regional courts and the appeal courts, Germany, Switzerland and Poland
Walters-Kohn, Eric (b 1906)
GB 1556 WL 1154 · 1886-1994

Material, 1886-1994, comprising copies of published and unpublished documents including a dedication to the mayor of Koritschen by members of the Jewish community; article by Eric Walters-Kohn, March 1994 on his experiences in Dachau and Buchenwald; copy of an article by Eric Walters-Kohn from Die Gemeinde, (the official paper of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien), 15 March 1994, regarding the life of Dr Louis Poborski, a distant relative, and formerly close friend of Theodor Herzl.

Walters-Kohn , Eric , b 1906 , concentration camp survivor
GB 1556 WL 646 · Collection · [1939]-1980s

Papers gathered during the course of research for a Thames Television documentary on Kurt Waldheim's role during the Second World War, comprising photocopies of documents with their translations recording Waldheim's activities in connection with the following war crimes which occurred in the Balkans and Greece between 1942 and 1944: the murder and deportation of civilians in Bosnia to Jasenovac, Spring and Summer, 1942; the murder of Greek civilians and the deportation of Italian POWs to slave labour camps after the Italian capitulation, Summer 1943; the deportation of Jews to Auschwitz from Crete, Corfu and Rhodes, Summer 1944; the torture and murder of captured allied commandos, Summer 1944 and other war crimes committed by the Nazis in the Balkans and Greece.

Thames Television
Unknown Holocaust survivor
GB 1556 WL 889 · Collection · 1951

Typescript letter from [Lotte] to Isa, 4 Nov 1951, describing her life since 1940, including failed attempts to flee Europe for San Domingo and later USA, 1940; transportation to Theresienstadt concentration camp, Nov 1941, where she remained until Aug 1945, working as a nurse; return to Prague after the war and emigration to Canada, 1947.

GB 1556 WL 1600 · Collection · 1997

Papers of Traunstein Displaced Persons Camp, 1997, comprise copies of press cuttings regarding Traunstein Displaced Persons Camp with covering letter.

Traunstein Stadtarchiv
Theresienstadt: reports
GB 1556 WL 1073 · Collection · 1940s

Papers concerning Theresienstadt, 1940s, comprise copies of a report by Dr Muneles on the Hebrew book cataloguing project at Theresienstadt, 1945; typescript report regarding Theresienstadt, an inventory of the land and property, 1945; history of Theresienstadt during the Nazi era and typescript report on the situation there, providing statistical information relating to the inmates and transcriptions of documents produced during the camp's existence by both the Nazi camp authorities and the Jewish self-governing body.

Theresienstadt: poems
GB 1556 WL 958 · Collection · 1940s

Theresienstadt poems collection, 1938, comprise typescript poems written by inmates of Theresienstadt, including Leo Strauss, Myra Strauss Gruhenberg, Mara, Otto Pam, Koppel and Fritz Pollak.

GB 1556 WL 1179 · Collection · 1945

Minutes of a meeting held between Ing. Georg Vogel and Major Kusmin, 1945, concerning the repatriation of some Czech nationals which Kusmin authorised on receipt of medical certificates and a statement that they are free of lice. The remaining minutes deal with applications for food and clothing and the need for more disinfectors following the removal of the Russian ones.

Theresienstadt post-war camp management
GB 1556 WL 1423 · 1943-1944

Papers of Theresienstadt Bank, 1943-1944, comprise a savings book issued by the bank of the Jewish self-administration of Theresienstadt, which documents the savings accrued by a former inmate, Max Hirschfeld, from June 1943 to August 1944, payment for labour whilst in the camp. The colleciton also includes a letter dated 1 October 1945 from the same to the British military governor, Bielefeld, requesting funds for savings accrued by all surviving Theresienstadt inmates and is annotated cannot be allowed.

Jewish self administration, Theresienstadt
GB 1556 WL 504c · Collection · 1942

Typescript report detailing every aspect of the activities of the Theresienstadt Concentration camp under the following sub-headings: Abteilung für innere Verwaltung; Arbeitszentrale; Wirtschaftsabteilung; Spedition; Landwirtschaft; Produktion; Finanzabteilung; Technische Abteilung; Abteilung fuer Gesundheitswesen.

Siegfried Seidl, Commandant of Theresienstadt
GB 1556 WL 1387 · 1940

Papers of Alice Stern, 1940, comprise a Jewish Identification Card of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 'Allgemeine Bürgerliche Legitimation', issued 4 Nov 1940, it has a red 'J' stamp in it, the date of the evacuation 31 October 1941 and the marriage notice with Mr Eckstein, dated 5 May 1942.

Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
GB 1556 WL 511 · Collection · 1937-1944

Microfilm file of documents on Wolfram Sievers concerning his SS membership, including Lebenslauf, SS muster roll extract; personnel questionnaire; service career; examination certificates, 1937-1944.

SS (Schutzstaffel)
GB 1556 WL 1412 · Collection · 1944

Papers of Joseph Sheldon, 1944, comprise an account by Joseph Sheldon, formerly Jozef Szwarcman, a medical officer holding the rank of Lieutenant in the 1st Polish Armoured Division, of his experiences shortly after the liberation of Esterwege concentration camp, Lower Saxony,and a page torn from a volume which listed details of inmates of that camp.

Sheldon , Joseph , fl 1944-2001 , medical officer x Josef Szwarcman
GB 1556 WL 895 · Collection · 1987-1995

Papers of Lilli Segal, 1987-1995, comprise correspondence including letters to Professor Müller Hill regarding Nazi medical experiments (895/1-4); letter regarding numbers of Holocaust victims from Hans Mommsen (895/28); correspondence with the Nationale Mahn und Gedenkstätte Buchenwald regarding the memorialisation of the Holocaust (895/13-16) and copies of relevant newspaper cuttings, book extracts and photographs.

Segal , Lilli , b 1913 , doctor
GB 1556 WL 1415 · Collection · 1990s

Papers of Schwarzheide concentration camp, 1990s, comprise copies of documentation regarding its bombing, including various short articles on the subject; details of the units employed in the bombing raids; maps of the camp and environs and correspondence with archives regarding relevant holdings.

Bright , Frank , fl 1990s
GB 1556 WL 1011 · Collection · 1944

Postcard from L Schien, 1944, is a copy of a postcard sent by Schien from Theresienstadt to her children in Berlin.

Schien , L , fl 1944
GB 1556 WL 1237 · [1940-1950]

Collection of typescript poems of Grete Salus, written whilst in the camps of Terezin, Auschwitz and Oederan.

Salus , Grete , 1910-1995 , dance teacher
GB 1556 WL 874 · Collection · 20th century

Typescript reports by Kurt Sabatsky about individual Nazis and accounts of incidents of Jewish persecution including a report of a meeting between Hermann Göring, then head of the Gestapo, and Brodnitz and Alfred Wiener, representatives of the Centralverein Deutscher Staatsbürger Jüdischen Glaubens, seeking reassurance that Jews would not be victimised; report on Buchenwald concentration camp and account of Sabatsky's dealings with Erich Koch, formerly Gauleiter of Ostpreussen.

Sabatsky , Kurt , fl. 1938 , District Syndicus of the Centralverein Deutscher Staatsbürger Judischen Glaubens
GB 1556 WL 868 · 1941-1942

Copy correspondence from Klara Rosenzweig, 1941-1942, whilst an inmate in a number of French concentration camps, to her family in Scotland.

Rosenzweig , Klara , 1890-1942
GB 1556 WL 1113 · Collection · 1941

Report of transport of Jews from Düsseldorf to Minsk, 1941, comprises a certified copy of a report about the transport of Jews from Düsseldorf to Minsk, including Jews from Essen and Wuppertal, by Hauptmann der Schutzpolizei, Meurin. The report has the following sub-headings: description of the transport; description of the city and ghetto of Minsk; Russian POWs; return (to Düsseldorf) of the Transportkommando and recommendations.

Meurin , fl 1941 , Captain of German Security Police
Rauff, Walter (1906-1984)
GB 1556 WL 619 · 1938-1983

Papers relating to Walter Rauff, 1938-1983, including contemporary biographical and autobiographical accounts of both Rauff and his second wife, Edith Knacke; copies of correspondence between Gaubschat (the company contracted to design and manufacture the gas vans) and Rauff; copies of transcripts of personal statements and declarations of Rauff regarding his involvement in Nazi atrocities, (generated during the course of legal proceedings against Rauff and his former colleagues).

Ware , John , fl 1983 , film maker
GB 1556 WL 556 · [1940s]

Reports on the fate of Polish Jewry during the Nazi era, [1940-1949]. In addition there is an extract from a captured German archive and a typescript account of a French Jew's experience of Auschwitz.

Jewish Central Information Office
GB 1556 WL 522 · Collection · 1941-1955

Documents about the persecution of Jews in Poland by Bruno Streckenbach and on his postwar trial.

Marek Vajsblum: article about the fate of Polish archives entitled 'Mutability of the Past- nazi-made'.

Streckenbach , Bruno , 1902-1977 , Gestapo officer Vajsblum , Marek , fl 1955 , journalist
GB 1556 WL 532 · Collection · 1939-1940

Reports and personal accounts describing the conditions of Jews in Poland under German occupation including lists of victims, details of deportations and concentration camps; situation reports, 1939-1940.

GB 1556 WL 611 · 1934-1996

Papers relating to the persecution of Gypsies under the Nazis, 1934-1996, including personal statements of Sinti and Roma on Nazi persecution; interview transcripts; copies of trial documentation; copies of journal articles; essays; photograph; correspondence; summary of a Nuremberg document No. 4037 regarding the registering of Gypsies, 21 May 1943; photograph of an extract from a list of regulations concerning the treatment of Gypsies for the Militärbefehlshaber in Serbien, 30 May 1941; photograph of an extract of a report issued by Der Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und SD in which it is stated that 2100 Jews and gypsies were executed in revenge for the shooting of 21 German soldiers near Topola, Serbia, 9 Oct 1941; transcription of an official circular issued by the ministry of internal affairs, Prague, regarding the restriction of movement for Gypsies in Moravia and Bohemia, Dec 1941; translation of an official circular issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Bratislava, regarding the travel limitations of Gypsies on state railways, 13 Jun 1944 and copy of a map of the Gypsy ghetto in Lodz.

Donald Kenrick and Grattan Puxon
Perks, Lisbeth
GB 1556 WL 1320 · 1938-1943

Correspondence of Lisbeth Perks, music teacher and Jewish refugee to Great Britain, 1938-1943, including from internees in Theresienstadt concentration camp.

Perks , Lisbeth , fl 1930-1950 , music teacher
GB 1556 WL 570b · 1945

Report and report transcript regarding the closing of Auschwitz, the subsequent march to Sachsenhausen and the liberation entitled: 'Bericht über die Auflösung des Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, Lager 3 (Buna) und des Heinkel-Lagers'.

Pakuscher , Rolf , [1916-1946]
GB 1556 WL 1136 · 1941-1947

Correspondence of the Ohly family, 1941-1947. This collection documents in part the experiences of a German Jewish family from Munich. The papers include original correspondence from friends and relatives and material from the Jewish organisations which arranged the details of the transport to Terezin. Includes: correspondence from Karl Traumann in Gurs, 1941, and Anna Ansbacher, Switzerland, 1945; papers and instructions from the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (Jewish Community), Munich and the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (National Organisation of German Jews) and postcards from Terezin to Gertrud Ohly from Lotte Pariser, 1944.

Ohly family
GB 1556 WL 1144 · Collection · 1938-1944

Papers of the office of Reichsführer SS, 1938-1944, mostly emanate from the office of Reichsführer SS and deal with administrative matters. The collection comprises correspondence between the office of the Reichsführer SS and Reichskulturwalter Hans Hinkel (mainly) regarding administrative and cultural matters, 1939-1944 and an incomplete monthly information sheet Befehle und Mitteilungen, 1939-1942. It most notably includes two original letters from Reichsführer SS, Himmler (1144/1/14-/23); an incomplete set of an in-house information sheet providing instructions to SS members on a variety of matters such as dress protocol for visits to concentration camps by SS members (1144/2/4); qualification for wearing the 'Death's Head' ring of the SS (1144/2/2); and orders forbidding membership of clubs deemed inappropriate.

Reichsführer SS
GB 1556 WL 504d · Collection · 1945

This diary covers the period of her incarceration at Theresienstadt,12 February 1945-1 July 1945 and is preceded by an 11 page personal account of life under the Nazis from 1934. An addition to the original foreward, dated 1975, suggests that this version is a transcript copy. It includes the following contents list: 'Gestapo order re compulsory labour'; 'assembling in Augsburg'; 'journey into the unknown'; 'arrival at Theresienstadt'; 'first days'; 'office work'; 'no luggage'; 'illness'; 're-found friends-their experiences'; 'camp children'; 'departure of the Danes'; 'arrival of 12,000 KZ inmates'; 'danger of epidemics'; 'Red Cross takeover'; 'Mussolini's and Hitler's deaths'; 'last days before capitulation'; 'last SS men leave'; 'Czechs take over camp'; 'Russians then Americans fight against epidemic'; 'preparations for camp closure'.

Mosse , Eva Noack- , b 1908 , concentration camp survivor
GB 1556 WL 1016 · Collection · 1941-1948

Papers of the Neumann family, 1941-1948, comprise correspondence between Lisel Neumann and friends including mention of Lutz's internment and eventual release, 1941; unidentified post-war correspondence, 1947-1948; eyewitness account of former Theresienstadt inmate, 1946 and a letter from Elsie Rinteln, a non-Jewish woman married to a Jew describing how they tried to emigrate and how her husband was arrested several times and transported to camp Vernet, 1948.

Neumann , Lutz , fl 1941-1948 Neumann , Lisel , fl 1941-1948
GB 1556 WL 1603 · Collection · 1960s

Papers of Josef Mueller, 1960s, came about as a result of research into the events that took place in Plaszow concentration camp, in particular the crimes and testimony of Josef Mueller, one of the former commandants. The papers consist of the trial judgement, a transcript of his interrogation and various statements in the case against Mueller. There are also numerous statements from Mueller, acting as a witness in the trials of other defendants. All of the records are copies from the main repository for war crimes trials records at Ludwigsburg. Many of the names refererred to in the records have been deleted for reasons of data protection.

Mosbach Scwurgericht, Baden-Württemberg
GB 1556 WL 1075 · Collection · 1945, 1993

Papers of Norbert Masur, 1945, 1993, comprise a report describing a meeting between Norbert Masur and Himmler in Berlin, 20 April 1945 concerning the release of female prisoners from Ravensbrück concentration camp, and correspondence regarding Norbert Masur's report, 1993.

Masur , Norbert , 1901-1971
GB 1556 WL 1346 · Collection · 1887-1944

Papers of Phillipp Manes comprising the 'Theresienstadt Chronicles', a diary of life in Theresienstadt concentration camp by Manes, 1942-1944; war diaries written by Manes for the benefit of his children, 1939-1942; autobiographical and family history writings; family correspondence; poems and prose and material relating to the German fur industry.

Manes , Philipp , 1875-1944 , fur trader
GB 1556 WL 1536 · Collection · 1957

Papers of Eva Manes, 1957, comprise a typscript letter addressed to Eva Manes from an unidentified friend of the family describing what happened to Eva's parents and other friends and acquaintances after her departure from Berlin before the war. The author also describes his own experiences after the war in Berlin.

GB 1556 WL 1041 · Collection · 1936-1941

Papers of Lord Fisher of Camden, 1936-1941, comprise a Gestapo file of correspondence and reports relating to the political reliability of Heinrich Niemöller, retired clergyman and father of Martin and Wilhelm Niemöller. It contains original correspondence between the Gestapo offices in Düsseldorf, Bielefeld and Wuppertal, the Reichssicherheitshauptamt and the Reichspressekammer, 1936-1941. The collection also includes a report from the commandant of Dachau concentration camp to the Gestapo, Düsseldorf, relating to Leo Lorch, a Jewish inmate, 1938.

GB 1556 WL 1344 · 1979

Account of Paul Loebl's experiences during the Nazi era. It is described as 'a translation of a report to the Director of the VAD'. The original is thought to have been in German. It is not known what the VAD is.

Loebl , Paul , fl 1939-1985