Personal correspondence of Anita Lasker-Wallfisch with family members, documenting in part the experiences of Anita Lasker-Wallfisch and her sisters in Bergen Belsen concentration camp and in England, 1945, and the experiences of their parents prior to transportation to their deaths, close to the Lublin Ghetto, 1942.
Sans titreHeilbrunner's account of life in Dachau, 1933, is a typescript memoir of Jewish inmate, Heilbrunner, in 1933. Written in the form of a narrative in the first person; structured into four chapters, describes in some detail the conditions in the camp and the brutality of the camp guards, contains manuscript annotations and corrections.
Sans titrePapers concerning Theresienstadt, 1940s, comprise copies of a report by Dr Muneles on the Hebrew book cataloguing project at Theresienstadt, 1945; typescript report regarding Theresienstadt, an inventory of the land and property, 1945; history of Theresienstadt during the Nazi era and typescript report on the situation there, providing statistical information relating to the inmates and transcriptions of documents produced during the camp's existence by both the Nazi camp authorities and the Jewish self-governing body.
Sans titrePapers concerning antisemitic discrimination in the Third Reich, 1935-1940, relating to the workplace discrimination against Jews during this period and notably comprise copies of correspondence including a notification to Willy Kroener, a dentist, that he must have a plaque outside his house stating that treatment is restricted to Jews only, 20 Feb 1939; correspondence to Magdalena Meyerstein, Leipzig, from the Reichstheaterkammer that she can no longer be a member of that organisation, 9 Apr 1937-6 Sep 1940 and a pro-forma letter from the Reichsnährstand, Kleve, Rheinland, regarding the treatment of those who have dealings with Jewish traders, [1930s].
Sans titrePapers of the office of Reichsführer SS, 1938-1944, mostly emanate from the office of Reichsführer SS and deal with administrative matters. The collection comprises correspondence between the office of the Reichsführer SS and Reichskulturwalter Hans Hinkel (mainly) regarding administrative and cultural matters, 1939-1944 and an incomplete monthly information sheet Befehle und Mitteilungen, 1939-1942. It most notably includes two original letters from Reichsführer SS, Himmler (1144/1/14-/23); an incomplete set of an in-house information sheet providing instructions to SS members on a variety of matters such as dress protocol for visits to concentration camps by SS members (1144/2/4); qualification for wearing the 'Death's Head' ring of the SS (1144/2/2); and orders forbidding membership of clubs deemed inappropriate.
Sans titreCopy of a summary of the case against Seventh Day Adventists Reformists at a special court in Mannheim, Hesse, Germany, 1937. Includes a history of the origins of the church during World War One; short biographical accounts of some of its members; and list of defendants and their legal representatives. Under the names of each of the accused are listed the particular charges. Robert Eduard Rupprecht is listed first as leader of the Mannheim branch of the organisation.
Sans titreWar crimes trials: trial papers including detailed indictments and verdicts of various post-World War Two war crimes trials; reports on trials by observers; copy statements and other papers, 1947-1967.
Sans titreOriginal (and some copy) correspondence between friends and relatives of the Cahn Hepner family, 1874-1952, many of whom perished in the Holocaust.
Sans titrePapers relating to Joachim Prinz, 1936-1937, including text of a speech by former members of Joachim Prinz's congregation, prior to Prinz's departure to the US, [1937]; newspaper cuttings including an article entitled 'Unsere jüdische Kultursituation' by Prinz from the Israelitisches Familienblatt, 7 Oct 1936 and an article written in honour of Prinz shortly prior to his departure to the US, 11 Jun 1937.
Sans titrePapers of Neues Leben, the club devoted to nudism, including a membership list, 1934; article on its foundation; and miscellaneous papers.
Sans titreTypescript report on the fate of Rabbi Dr F Steckelmacher and his wife during the Nazi era.
Sans titreCopy letter from Josef Weisz in Loosdrecht, Netherlands to his family, 1945, in which he describes his experiences as an inmate in Westerbork and Bergen Belsen concentration camps; copy statement made by Josef Weisz regarding his experiences as a victim of Nazi persecution, Amsterdam; copy part statement made by Josef Weisz regarding conditions in Bergen Belsen.
Sans titreCopy papers regarding the trial of Gertrud Wilmersdörfer and others for intent to commit a treacherous act, namely the publication and distribution of communist material, including indictment, verdict and newspaper report relating to the trial; copy article and correspondence containing biographical material on Alexandre Morgune, a former French Resistance colleague of Gertrud Wilmersdörfer, who received the French honour Citation à l'Ordre de la Division; copy article regarding Ravensbrück concentration camp by Nedjalka Tschernaeva.
Sans titreCopy of a school book which was originally the property of the depositor, Doris Winter, a pupil in a school in Cologne, 1933-1934. The contents of the book were dictated by the teacher and consist of notes on the racial characteristics of the various ethnic groups which comprise the German people, also notes on the theory of racial hygiene.
Sans titreCopy of a circular issued by the Reichsbund der Deutschen Beamten to all members regarding Jewish mixed race membership of the RDB, 1939, stating that whereas full Jews can no longer be members, Jews of mixed race can still be members under certain conditions.
Sans titreCopy of an eyewitness report by Hedwig Forester of his arrest by the Nazis in Brussels, May 1940, transportation in cattle wagons, and arrival in Gurs concentration camp, France, 2 weeks later.
Sans titreGoldschmied family papers, 1938-1971, document the fate of a Jewish mixed race family in Vienna during the Nazi era and notably include passport ID cards and correspondence, personal accounts by Maria Goldschmied and photographs.
Sans titreTranscript of a telex of the names on the Nazi Black List of people to be arrested in the event of a successful German invasion of Great Britain, dated 1945.
Sans titreAccount of Paul Loebl's experiences during the Nazi era. It is described as 'a translation of a report to the Director of the VAD'. The original is thought to have been in German. It is not known what the VAD is.
Sans titrePapers of the Ullstein family, 1856-1998, comprising papers from a number of separate deposits from members of Frederick Ullstein's family. It contains both personal and family papers arranged by individual family members (1361/1-9) and material relating to the pre and post war Ullstein publishing business (1361/10-28). The latter contains correspondence regarding the take over of Ullstein by the Axel Springer Verlag (1361/17; 1361/22-23). In addition there is a quantity of material which Frederick Ullstein appears to have inherited from his former employer, Wolfgang Foges, managing director of Aldus Books (1361/29-85).
Sans titrePapers of George W Burger, 1932-1939, comprise five booklets of political stickers and flyers from Austria and Hungary including Nazi material.
Sans titrePapers compiled by Ian Thomson whilst researching for his biography of Primo Levi Primo Levi a Biography, Vintage, 2003, including a unique collection of transcript interviews with Levi and his friends, colleagues and relatives; original and copies of correspondence and publications and unpublished articles on all aspects of Levi's life and work.
Sans titreTranslation of the trial proceedings of Amon Goeth, made from the original Polish edition of the trial proceedings: Proces Ludobojcy Amona Leopolda Goetha published by Centralna Zydowska Komisja Historyczna (The Central Jewish Historical Committee), 1947. The verbatim proceedings of Amon Goeth's trial are preceded by a speech by the First Prosecution Counsel, Mieczyslaw Siewierski followed by an addresss by the Defence Counsel, Dr. Pokorny. A reading of the indictment follows. This includes a general overview of Nazi activities in Poland; a specific account of Goeth's role during this period; and descriptions of Plaszow Camp, the liquidation of Krakow and Tarnow ghettoes and Szebnia camp.
Sans titreCorrespondence of Julius Jung, with a number of organisations and individuals on Jewish refugees, issues affecting the Jewish community in Great Britain and the situation of German Jewish students and academics in Germany, 1931-1944.
Sans titrePrivate and official correspondence of Julius Bloch, 1937-1955.
Sans titrePapers of Juedische Volksschule, 1938, comprise a copy of a letter from the school inspector, Munich to the government of Bavaria regarding the closure of the Jewish school.
Sans titrePapers comprise a flyer advertising a protest meeting against the Nazi persecution of Jews in Germany, 1938.
Sans titrePapers of Stade, Lower Saxony, 1980s, comprise correspondence and papers relating to an invitation by the city of Stade to Dinah Ruth Curtis to attend a special reunion of all surviving former Jewish residents; Correspondence of Hartmut Lohmann regarding the historical reconstruction of life for Jews in Stade during the Nazi era; Correspondence regarding the 125th anniversary exhibition, Maedchenbildung in Stade, at the Vincent Luebeck Schule.
Sans titrePapers of Hans Schwarz, 1947-1970, comprises copies of a catalogue of the Hans Schwarz Archiv; annual report of the Komitee Ehemaliger Politischer Gefangener and obituaries of Hans Schwarz.
Sans titreLodz Ghetto papers, 1941-1942, comprise copies of registration cards of Isaak and Martha Teich-Birken, confirming their entry to and departure from the Lodz Ghetto, Poland.
Sans titrePapers of the Inow family, 1938-1939, consist of correspondence between Renate Inow, in England, her sister, Margalit in Sweden and Palestine and their parents in Wuppertal, Germany. The collection comprises 2 parts: an unbound volume of translations and partial translations of letters addressed to Margalit mostly whilst she was in Sweden entitled 'Voices from the Past'. The collection includes reproductions of photographs of the parents and a family tree.
Sans titrePapers concerning Former Nazis in the Middle East, 1960s, comprise leaflets and flyers on Arab Anti-Semitism and articles on former Nazis in Arab countries.
Sans titreMicrofilm of a dossier produced by the Sicherheitsdienst der Reichsführung SS, 1936-1937, the result of an extensive investigation into Carl Schmitt, constitutional theorist of the Weimar Republic and 'Crown Jurist' of the Nazi era. It contains correspondence and reports from former colleagues of Schmitt and others, denouncing his alleged anti-Nazi, pro-Jewish background. Also included is correspondence between the editor of Das Schwarze Korps, and officials within the RFSS SD, in which an anonymous article first appeared (c1936), questioning Schmitt's Nazi credentials.
Sans titreCorrespondence and papers of the Committee for the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in Baltic Countries, 1948-1971, including the following correspondents: Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes; Hauptamt Opfer des Faschismus; Foreign Office; Central Committee for Liberated Jews in the US Zone of West Germany; Canadian Jewish Congress; World Jewish Congress; Wiener Library.
Also authenticated statements and affidavits from eyewitnesses with covering letters relating to the crimes of the following indiviuals (amongst others): Herbert Cukurs, 'the hangman of Riga' (1900-1965); Harry Hanke; Hans Hoffmann; Hans Lange; Kurt Migge, Kriminalsekretär (1908-); Albert Sauer; Willy Tuchel; Rudolf Lange, SS Standatenführer (1910-); Viktor Arajs.
Sans titreReports on the fate of Polish Jewry during the Nazi era, [1940-1949]. In addition there is an extract from a captured German archive and a typescript account of a French Jew's experience of Auschwitz.
Sans titreMicrofilm of papers of the League of Nations, in particular with regard to the problem of Jewish refugees in Nazi Germany, [1938-1939], comprising memoranda including on treatment of refugees in Great Britain, 3 May 1938; of the 'Comité National Tchecoslovaque pour les refugiés provenant d'Allemagne' for the conference of the High Commissioner for German Refugees, Geneva , 6 July 1936; on refugees in Czechoslovakia, 13 Oct 1938 and League of Nations memorandum to UK delegates of the Intergovernmental Commission on Refugees, Evian, July 1938. Correspondence including of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1938. League of Nations publications including on the status of refugees coming from Germany, 10 Feb 1938 and on international assistance to refugees. League of Nations reports including on international assistance to refugees, 13 May 1938 and Evian conference report, July 1938. Papers of the League of Nations refugee committee including agenda, minutes and correspondence and papers of the Liaison committee of High Commission for Refugees under the protection of the League of Nations.
Sans titreThe bulk of this microfilm collection consists of material emanating from the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF), 1933-1939. Included are documents marked 'secret' which record the prevailing views within the Deutsche Arbeitsfront on the extent of industrial action in the Third Reich and other issues relating to industrial relations. There is also a considerable amount of correspondence from the DAF to the company Wilhem Edel, margarine manufacturers, covering a variety of matters related to worker/employee relations. In addition there are number of publications and periodicals on the subject.
Sans titreMicrofilm of reports, Jul-Oct 1941, amassed by the Kommandostab RFSS Nachrichtenkompagnie from regional HSSuPF, (Higher SS and police leaders) headquarters in North, South and Central Russia documenting the actions and movements of various battalions and regiments either linked with or part of the Einsatzgruppen. In particular they provide details of the murder of Jews, partisans and other civilians.
Sans titreMicrofilm of papers relating to the enactment of racial laws in the Third Reich including the Sudetenland, 1935-1943.
Sans titreMicrofilm of anti-Nazi propaganda leaflets comprising leaflets produced by the US Office of Strategic Services (especially by W Necker), 1944-1945, for distribution in Germany, 1944-1945, partly in draft form; drafts of letters to be sent to party officials and ministers and serving as disinformation and black propaganda; leaflets possibly from German underground organisations including 'Aktionskomitee West, Abteilung 6 Panzerarmee' and two leaflets directed at Polish soldiers in the German occupation forces in France (in Polish). Leaflets circulated by the Antifaschistisches Deutsches Kampf Komitee Hamburg, April 1945 and nd, and the Antifaschistischer Gewerkschafts-Ausschuss Elmshorn, May 1945.
Sans titreMicrofilm of papers documenting the fate of Jews in Romania, 1930s-1940s, including report on anti-Semitism, 'La situation en Roumanie', Jan 1937; leaflets and correspondence of 'United Roumanian Jews of America', [1940s]; list of survivors in the liberated city of Botosani and statement by Wilhelm Fabricius, formerly German ambassador in Bucharest, Apr 1936-Jan 1941, describing anti-Jewish measures.
Sans titreCorrespondence between the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland and the Council of German Jewry, 1936-1940, including on the constitution and finances of the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland and correspondence regarding possibility of emigration of Jews to Kenya and the Richborough Camp (Kitchener camp for refugees), Kent.
Sans titrePapers of Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland (Jewish Aid in Germany) comprising correspondence regarding emigration to Palestine, Shanghai and Kenya, 1936-1939, notably including a critical report by the French based Jewish Colonisation Association to the directors of HICEM, 1937 and a report on the activities of the Hilfsverein, 1936.
Sans titreFritz Goldschmidt's diaries and eyewitness testimony collection comprises diaries, 1933-1939 (617/1) and a typescript personal account entitled 'Mein Leben in Deutschland vor und nach dem 30 Januar 1933', undated (617/2).
Sans titreCopies of German neo-Nazi material, [1980-1989] including periodicals; publications of (or about) neo-Nazi organisations in Germany; articles on neo-Nazi activities from the German press.
Sans titrePapers relating to the Kitchener camp, Kent, 1939-1988, including Phineas May's manuscript diary of camp life, 1939; issues of the 'Kitchener Camp Review', 1939; information leaflets and illustrated brochure of the Kitchener Camp; correspondence of Phineas May in his capacity as entertainments' officer for the Pioneer Corps, 15 Aug 1939-12 Apr 1941 and memoirs of a former Kitchener camp inmate, May 1988.
Sans titrePersonal papers of Charlotte Lewin and her father, Louis Lewin, 1861-1950, including papers of Louis Lewin comprising school leaving, marriage and death certificates, testimonials and other papers; and personal papers of Charlotte Lewin including various certificates and testimonials, correspondence and other papers.
Sans titreCopy of an expert report on the duty of obedience of SS leaders particularly with regard to orders to murder, by Dr Hans-Günther Seraphim, lecturer of Göttingen University, 1960. The report deals with the implications of refusal by SS officers to comply with orders to execute those regarded as enemies of the state. Produced for the Landgericht, Münster.
Sans titrePapers of the Reichsminister des Innern, 1944, comprise a list of addresses of the main Nazi government officials produced by the Reichsminister des Innern, marked 'Secret'.
Sans titreCopies of court judgements of the Verwaltungsgerichtshof, Vienna, 1954-1956, including judgement in which the appeal of David Lustig (former inmate of a camp in Italy) against an earlier court decision denying his claim of nazi-victim status is upheld, 16 Sep 1954 and judgement in which the appeal of Dr Jacques Karl Wechsler against an earlier court decision denying his claim of nazi-victim status is upheld on account of his detention in camps in Italy and loss of earnings and pension which resulted therefrom, 21 Jun 1956.
Sans titre