Papers of Zentralvereinigung österreichische Emigranten, 1939, comprise two newsletters. The first, newsletter 3, describes the position of Austrian emigrants in war time; the internment of men aged 17-65; the reporting of women to the police to be finger-printed and the situation regarding re-joining the French forces. The second, newsletter 4, appeals for help to Austrians from neutral countries; reports on the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees on internees; reports on the position of emigrants in other countries and appeals to all Austrians to register with the Zentralvereinigung.
Zentralvereinigung österreichische EmigrantenText of a speech of Thomas Borer-Fielding, head of a special task force established to investigate Switzerland's role in World War Two, in which he criticises the negative portrayal of Switzerland in the US and UK media, 1999.
World Media ForumWorld Jewish Congress Central files on microfilm, 1919-1976, comprising Sub-series 1: Organisational History and Activities, 1919-1970, includes correspondence, minutes and publications and reports related to the organisational and political activities of the WJC and its forerunner, the Committee of Jewish Delegations. Reports on the history and activities of the WJC from before its inception through to the 1960s are also included in this sub-series. Significant subjects covered include anti-Semitism, relief for refugees, and relations with the League of Nations. More material dealing with WJC activities in Europe during the 1930s can be found in Sub-series 2 under the Stephen S. Wise/Lillie Shultz and Nahum Goldmann papers, and under Pre-WJC Conferences and the First Plenary Assembly (1936) in Sub-series 3.
Sub-series 2. Executive Correspondence and Project Files, 1920, 1931-1975, includes records and reports from the files of WJC presidents (Stephen S. Wise, Nahum Goldmann); chairmen of the Executive Committee (Nahum Goldmann, Israel Goldstein); followed by the administrative/executive directors of the New York office (Abraham S. Hyman, Monty Jacobs, Yehuda Ebstein, Greta Beigel). The sub-series contains general correspondence arranged chronologically, individual and departmental correspondence, country files, subject files, speeches, and publications.
Sub-series 3: Plenary Assemblies, pre-1936 conferences, and special conferences, 1932-1975, contains minutes, proceedings, reports, and other materials dealing with three pre-WJC conferences together with extensive files for the first six WJC Plenary Assemblies (1936-1975). Also included are materials pertaining to the War Emergency Conference (1944) and the Inter-American Jewish Conference (1941).
Sub-series 4: Committees, 1940-1976, consists of 33 boxes in its original format. This sub-series contains materials pertaining to committee meetings (Office, Administrative, Executive). The Executive Committee files include material from the South American, European, and Israeli Branches of the Executive. Within the files for each committee/branch, materials are arranged chronologically.
World Jewish CongressPapers of Valerie and Andrea Wolffenstein, 1948-1992, comprise correspondence from their friends and acquaintances and notably include congratulatory birthday letters from Bundespraesident von Weizsaecker and the Bayerische Ministerpraesident, 1991-1992; letter from Eberhard Frowein, film director, 1948 and correspondence and papers concerning Libertas Schulze-boysen, a German opponent of the Nazis and Die Rote Kapelle, two resistance rings, partially with Communist backgrounds, in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War Two.
Ostberg , Kurt , fl 1948-2001This collection comprises 2 deposits: correspondence between a commercial counsellor at the British Embassy, Berlin, and the secretary of the North of England local industrial development organisation; and the papers of Josephine Winter and her husband, Austrian Jewish immigrants to Great Britain including an inventory of possessions, instructions on how aliens should behave in Great Britain; guidelines on how to prepare children prior to despatch on 'Kindertransport'.
Loebl , H , fl 1938-1942 Winter , Josephine , fl 1938-1942Correspondence of the Reverend Wernham, 1937-1940, containing letters documenting his assistance to German Jewish refugees just before and after the outbreak of World War Two. Also included is material documenting German attitudes to the political situation immediately prior to the outbreak of war.
Wernham , Reverend , fl 1937-1940 , Parish priestCopy letter from Josef Weisz in Loosdrecht, Netherlands to his family, 1945, in which he describes his experiences as an inmate in Westerbork and Bergen Belsen concentration camps; copy statement made by Josef Weisz regarding his experiences as a victim of Nazi persecution, Amsterdam; copy part statement made by Josef Weisz regarding conditions in Bergen Belsen.
Weisz , Josef , b 1893-fl 1945The papers of Siegfried Weiner, early 20th century, comprise a biographical account, written by his daughter; she describes life in Regensburg, Bavaria, the family's the difficulties following their emigration to Palestine, the war of independence and then their return to Regensburg.
UnknownWar crimes trials: trial papers including detailed indictments and verdicts of various post-World War Two war crimes trials; reports on trials by observers; copy statements and other papers, 1947-1967.
Various regional courts and the appeal courts, Germany, Switzerland and PolandList of Jewish women prisoners at Walldorf/ Frankfurt, giving prisoner number, name, date of birth, profession, function in the camp, c 1944.
Walldorf 16 Labour Camp authoritiesMiscellaneous anti-communist posters and leaflets associated with Volksbund für Frieden und Freiheit (People's League for Peace and Freedom), [1950-1959].
Volksbund für Frieden und Freiheit (People's League for Peace and Freedom)Papers of the Ullstein family, 1856-1998, comprising papers from a number of separate deposits from members of Frederick Ullstein's family. It contains both personal and family papers arranged by individual family members (1361/1-9) and material relating to the pre and post war Ullstein publishing business (1361/10-28). The latter contains correspondence regarding the take over of Ullstein by the Axel Springer Verlag (1361/17; 1361/22-23). In addition there is a quantity of material which Frederick Ullstein appears to have inherited from his former employer, Wolfgang Foges, managing director of Aldus Books (1361/29-85).
Ullstein familyPapers of Tythrop Institute, 1939, comprise a letter, copy of an appeal and an account of the activities of the Langham Committee and Tythrop House, written by Joyce Weiner.
UnknownPapers of Traunstein Displaced Persons Camp, 1997, comprise copies of press cuttings regarding Traunstein Displaced Persons Camp with covering letter.
Traunstein StadtarchivStorage record book of Thomas Cook's Lisbon depot, Portugal 1942-1943. This volume is thought to be significant because it contains the names of many Jews who left possessions during the years 1942-1943, much of which remained unclaimed, and was presumably disposed of by Thomas Cook staff in due course.
Thomas Cook and Son Ltd , Lisbon , PortugalMinutes of a meeting held between Ing. Georg Vogel and Major Kusmin, 1945, concerning the repatriation of some Czech nationals which Kusmin authorised on receipt of medical certificates and a statement that they are free of lice. The remaining minutes deal with applications for food and clothing and the need for more disinfectors following the removal of the Russian ones.
Theresienstadt post-war camp managementCorrespondence, 1994-1997, regarding the history of Jews in Poland with special reference to the blood libels of Tarnobrzeg and the 1946 Kielce pogrom. Also included is a copy translation of the historical files of Tarnobrzeg.
Honey , Michael , fl 1994-1997 , historianCorrespondence of Elise Steiner and other family papers, 1938-1940. The collection documents the day to day activities, hopes and aspirations of a Jewish family in Vienna on subjects including gratitude that at least one child was able to escape and moreover to continue with her education; efforts to find a place on the Kindertransport for Leo Steiner; news of the fate of other family members who had managed to emigrate to various countries and the takeover of the family business. Despite the increasing difficulties of life in Vienna exemplified by the occasional suicide of friends and the growing fear of being out on the streets, there is a sense that life has to go on. Mention is made of the celebration of Jewish festivals and of training for new occupations. Whilst the prospect of emigration recedes, the family continues to make preparations for a future departure by selling off possessions and studying English.
There are descriptive summaries of all the letters (in German). Other papers comprise a typescript copy of the family tree, a copy of typescript notes on Steiner family history and a copy of a photograph.
Steiner , Elise , c1921-Papers relating to the camps Stalag VIII B Lamsdorf and Teschen Camp, 1942-1944, including statistics on inmates; deaths/discharges; executions; health statistics; organisational changes. Also other documents including weapons handling procedure; reports on escapes; arrest warrants; POW statements and correspondence with the Swiss legation in Germany.
Stalag VIII B Lamsdorf and Teschen authoritiesPapers of David Spector, 1936-1992, including leaflets, periodicals and pamphlets of British right wing organisations and anti-Semitic propaganda.
Correspondence on topics including anti-Semitism; right wing organisations; Lord Beaverbrook's alleged association with Hitler; the organisation of 'Moral Re-armament'; expropriated Jewish property; A K Chesterton's involvement in the National Front and Count Nicholas Tolstoy's views on the Cossacks' role during World War Two.
Press cuttings and typescript article on right wing groups in Britain during World War Two including descriptions of the following groups: '18B Detainees'; British Aid Fund; People's Common Law Parliament; Social Credit; British National Party; Peace Pledge Union; Society of Individualists; National League of Freedom and 'Black Hundred' and copies of documents on the activities, interrogation and internment of Oliver Gilbert, prominent British Fascist of the 1930s and 1940s.
Spector , David , fl 1930-1997 , anti-fascist campaignerMicrofilm file of documents on Wolfram Sievers concerning his SS membership, including Lebenslauf, SS muster roll extract; personnel questionnaire; service career; examination certificates, 1937-1944.
SS (Schutzstaffel)Copy of a summary of the case against Seventh Day Adventists Reformists at a special court in Mannheim, Hesse, Germany, 1937. Includes a history of the origins of the church during World War One; short biographical accounts of some of its members; and list of defendants and their legal representatives. Under the names of each of the accused are listed the particular charges. Robert Eduard Rupprecht is listed first as leader of the Mannheim branch of the organisation.
Mannheim special court , Hesse , GermanySecret Hungarian papers regarding British involvement in the history of Hungary, [1959] comprise copied reports by Hungarian Foreign Office officials regarding the role of Britain in the history of Hungary, 1937-1945.
Hungarian Foreign OfficePapers of Max Sander, 1915-1939, comprise his personal papers and notably include his World War One Military Pass which provides details of his army record (927/2); his Jewish identity card (927/8) and his Aliens Registration card (927/9).
VariousMemoirs from the internment of Hugo Rosenstock during 1940 and 1941. This collection consists of two items: an original illustrated account of life as an internee of an internment camp on Douglas, Isle of Man, 1940-1941 and an undated typescript family history by another family member. The first item comprises a series of individual sketches of camp life mostly in verse form, which have subsequently been bound together and foliated. There is a contents page, though no introduction completes the volume.
Rosenstock , Hugo , fl 1940-1941Report of transport of Jews from Düsseldorf to Minsk, 1941, comprises a certified copy of a report about the transport of Jews from Düsseldorf to Minsk, including Jews from Essen and Wuppertal, by Hauptmann der Schutzpolizei, Meurin. The report has the following sub-headings: description of the transport; description of the city and ghetto of Minsk; Russian POWs; return (to Düsseldorf) of the Transportkommando and recommendations.
Meurin , fl 1941 , Captain of German Security PoliceCorrespondence between the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland and the Council of German Jewry, 1936-1940, including on the constitution and finances of the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland and correspondence regarding possibility of emigration of Jews to Kenya and the Richborough Camp (Kitchener camp for refugees), Kent.
Reichsvertretung der Juden in DeutschlandMicrofilm copies of papers of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland, 1939, including constitution and drafts; minutes of meetings; circulars and information sheets regarding emigration; accounts; correspondence and file on the Jewish community in Munich.
Reichsvereinigung der Juden in DeutschlandPersonal and family papers, 1900-1939, ranging from First World War army records to correspondence and passports of several hundred Jews, handed over to the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland whilst the individuals were waiting in collection centres, having been rounded up by the Nazis prior to deportation to Eastern Europe. Includes index.
Reichsvereinigung der Juden in DeutschlandPapers of Reichskommissar für die besetzten Niederländischen gebiete, 1942, comprise a copy of a letter from the Reichskommissar für die besetzten Niederländischen Gebiete to Dr Lammers concerning acquisition of paintings at a low price in Holland.
Reichskommissar für die besetzten Niederländischen gebiete x Realm commissioner for the occupied Netherlands areasPapers of the Reichsbund jüdischer Frontsoldaten, 1927-1961, including correspondence, circulars and papers of the activities of the Westdeutscher Landessportverband which was affiliated to the Sportbund im Reichsbund jüdischer Frontsoldaten notably on boxing, tennis and football, the activities of the organisation, and the relationship with other bodies such as the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland and the Deutscher Makkabikreis. Letter from Leo Löwenstein regarding the fallen Jewish soldiers of World War One; press cuttings on fallen Jewish soldiers of World War One, (1930s) and obituaries of Leo Löwenstein. Circulars and other papers of the Sportbund des Reichsbundes jüdischer Frontsoldaten. Issue of Der Schild, 28 Sep 1933.
Reichsbund jüdischer FrontsoldatenPapers of the Pottlitzer family, 1894-1968, including birth, marriage and death certificates; Deutsches Reich Kennkarte (identity card) for Margot Strauss (1194/7); reference from a former employer, where Margot worked as an editor/journalist, 10 Mar 1933 (1194/3); copy of a manuscript letter from Max Pottlitzer to the Polizeiamt, Schöneberg, Berlin, in which he registers the transfer of money and property to his mother, [as required by the recently enacted law relating to the registering of Jewish property], 22 Sep 1938 (1194/4).
Pottlitzer familyPapers of Political Warfare Executive, 1943, comprise two copies of the French 'Revue de la Presse Libre' No. 45 dropped during in the nights 4th and 5th April until 15th and 16th April 1943.
Political Warfare ExecutivePapers of Political Warfare Executive, 1941, comprise five copies of Dutch Allied (RAF) dropped airborne leaflets 'De Luchtpost' No. 8/1941, dropped in the night between 17th and 18th November and 18th and 19th November 1941.
Political Warfare ExecutiveEarly World War One propaganda toilet paper Die Lügen-Nachrichten unserer Feinde! Bestes deutsches Abort-Papier [the lying news of our enemies - best German toilet paper]. Consists of approximately 65 sheets with printed press reports bound in a folder, which is stamped on the back: Friedrich Blos Gr. Hoflieferant Karlsruhe. (New cord, original was black-red-white, see copy Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)
UnknownReports on the fate of Polish Jewry during the Nazi era, [1940-1949]. In addition there is an extract from a captured German archive and a typescript account of a French Jew's experience of Auschwitz.
Jewish Central Information OfficeDocuments about the persecution of Jews in Poland by Bruno Streckenbach and on his postwar trial.
Marek Vajsblum: article about the fate of Polish archives entitled 'Mutability of the Past- nazi-made'.
Streckenbach , Bruno , 1902-1977 , Gestapo officer Vajsblum , Marek , fl 1955 , journalistReports and personal accounts describing the conditions of Jews in Poland under German occupation including lists of victims, details of deportations and concentration camps; situation reports, 1939-1940.
UnknownPapers relating to the persecution of Gypsies under the Nazis, 1934-1996, including personal statements of Sinti and Roma on Nazi persecution; interview transcripts; copies of trial documentation; copies of journal articles; essays; photograph; correspondence; summary of a Nuremberg document No. 4037 regarding the registering of Gypsies, 21 May 1943; photograph of an extract from a list of regulations concerning the treatment of Gypsies for the Militärbefehlshaber in Serbien, 30 May 1941; photograph of an extract of a report issued by Der Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und SD in which it is stated that 2100 Jews and gypsies were executed in revenge for the shooting of 21 German soldiers near Topola, Serbia, 9 Oct 1941; transcription of an official circular issued by the ministry of internal affairs, Prague, regarding the restriction of movement for Gypsies in Moravia and Bohemia, Dec 1941; translation of an official circular issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Bratislava, regarding the travel limitations of Gypsies on state railways, 13 Jun 1944 and copy of a map of the Gypsy ghetto in Lodz.
Donald Kenrick and Grattan PuxonReport and report transcript regarding the closing of Auschwitz, the subsequent march to Sachsenhausen and the liberation entitled: 'Bericht über die Auflösung des Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, Lager 3 (Buna) und des Heinkel-Lagers'.
Pakuscher , Rolf , [1916-1946]This diary covers the period of her incarceration at Theresienstadt,12 February 1945-1 July 1945 and is preceded by an 11 page personal account of life under the Nazis from 1934. An addition to the original foreward, dated 1975, suggests that this version is a transcript copy. It includes the following contents list: 'Gestapo order re compulsory labour'; 'assembling in Augsburg'; 'journey into the unknown'; 'arrival at Theresienstadt'; 'first days'; 'office work'; 'no luggage'; 'illness'; 're-found friends-their experiences'; 'camp children'; 'departure of the Danes'; 'arrival of 12,000 KZ inmates'; 'danger of epidemics'; 'Red Cross takeover'; 'Mussolini's and Hitler's deaths'; 'last days before capitulation'; 'last SS men leave'; 'Czechs take over camp'; 'Russians then Americans fight against epidemic'; 'preparations for camp closure'.
Mosse , Eva Noack- , b 1908 , concentration camp survivorCorrespondence from Hellmut Lange to Jessie Nicholson including newspaper cuttings c1935; Correspondence from German friends to Jessie Nicholson. Whilst precious little is known about the recipient of the letters, they provide a valuable insight into the mentality of an ordinary German whose nationalist and antisemitic leanings develop into full-blown Nazi sympathy by the outbreak of war.
Nicholson , Jesse , fl 1933-1939 , teacherPapers of the Neumann family, 1941-1948, comprise correspondence between Lisel Neumann and friends including mention of Lutz's internment and eventual release, 1941; unidentified post-war correspondence, 1947-1948; eyewitness account of former Theresienstadt inmate, 1946 and a letter from Elsie Rinteln, a non-Jewish woman married to a Jew describing how they tried to emigrate and how her husband was arrested several times and transported to camp Vernet, 1948.
Neumann , Lutz , fl 1941-1948 Neumann , Lisel , fl 1941-1948Letter from the German Ministry of Education and Science conveying Hitler's order to employ Hitler Youth over the age of 17 for anti-aircraft batteries, 21 May 1942.
Ministry of Education and Science (Nazi Germany)Transcript of a telex of the names on the Nazi Black List of people to be arrested in the event of a successful German invasion of Great Britain, dated 1945.
Nazi secret policePapers of Musikschule Hollaender, 1936, comprise a copy of a leaflet addressed to Jewish parents advertisng musical lessons for children.
Musikschule Hollaender, BerlinThe copy correspondence and papers in this collection document the systematic theft of Jewish property following the ransacking of Jewish lodges, libraries and archives; the subsequent confiscation of all art works in Jewish hands throughout Europe and their dispatch to Germany in special trains; and the plunder of the homes of Jews deported to the East collectively known in Germany as 'Möbelaktion'.
United Restitution OfficePapers of Mitchell family, 1938-2001, comprise papers including a good conduct certificate for Edith Rosenthal (1000-/1); war-time Red Cross telegrams from Edith Rosenthal, in England, to her father in Berlin (1000/2-1000/3) and a letter providing some biographical information about Ernest Mitchell's family.
UnknownPapers of Eva Manes, 1957, comprise a typscript letter addressed to Eva Manes from an unidentified friend of the family describing what happened to Eva's parents and other friends and acquaintances after her departure from Berlin before the war. The author also describes his own experiences after the war in Berlin.
UnknownPapers of Lord Fisher of Camden, 1936-1941, comprise a Gestapo file of correspondence and reports relating to the political reliability of Heinrich Niemöller, retired clergyman and father of Martin and Wilhelm Niemöller. It contains original correspondence between the Gestapo offices in Düsseldorf, Bielefeld and Wuppertal, the Reichssicherheitshauptamt and the Reichspressekammer, 1936-1941. The collection also includes a report from the commandant of Dachau concentration camp to the Gestapo, Düsseldorf, relating to Leo Lorch, a Jewish inmate, 1938.