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Archivistische beschrijving
GB 0122 Series A · Reeks · 1501-1847

Pre-reformation papers and papers of the English Secular Clergy, 1501-1688 and papers of the Vicars Apostolic of the London District, 1688-1847.

The papers chiefly comprise correspondence with the Roman agent; papers relating to Synods; copies of Pastorals; correspondence with Vicars Apostolic and clergy from the Western, Midland and Northern Districts and Scotland; correspondence with Irish Bishops; correspondence with institutions of the English Catholic diaspora; correspondence with Bishops and clergy abroad notably with the Catholic Church in the British colonies; legal papers including wills, bequests, leases and trusts and papers of institutions of the English Catholic diaspora including Douai College, 1652-1789; St Omers College, 1762-1772; the English College Rome, 1701-1783; the English College Lisbon, 1708-1791; the English Seminary Paris (also known as St Gregory's, Paris), 1762-1777 and student register for the English College Lisbon, 1628-1715.

The papers of the Vicars Apostolic of the London District include papers from the episcopacy of Bishop John Leyburn, 1688-1702, Bishop Bonaventure Giffard, 1703-1734; Bishop Benjamin Petre, 1734-1758; Bishop Richard Challoner, 1758-1781; Bishop James Robert Talbot, 1781-1789; Bishop John Douglass, 1791-1798; Bishop William Poynter, 1812-1827; Bishop James Yorke Bramston, 1828-1836 and Bishop Thomas Griffiths, 1836-1847.

Highlights of the collection include: a consultation about the dowry of Catherine of Aragon, c 1509; copy of a letter from Mary Queen of Scots, c 1586; letter from St Henry Walpole to Father Persons, 13 Nov 1593; chart of the Royal succession down to James VI of Scotland as published in Father Persons' book on the succession, 1593; letters of Cardinal William Allen; letter from Father Henry Garnet relating to the Gunpowder Plot, c 1605 and a petition from the Citizens of London to Charles I complaining about Popery, 1640.

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GB 0122 Series B · Reeks · 1293-1889

Supplementary historical papers, 1293-1889, comprising:

1 Copy of the charter and statutes of the Vicars Choral of Wells, c 1591.

2 Volume containing Acta of Archbishops of Canterbury, Robert Winchelsea, 1293-1313; Walter Reynolds, 1313-1327 and Simon Islip, 1349-1366 and heresy presentations in the diocese of Norwich, c 1430.

3 Volume of letters of Bishop Robert Gradwell, whilst Rector of the English College, Rome, 1817-1828, chiefly to Bishop William Poynter.

4-5 Volumes containing copies of letters of Bishop Thomas Griffiths, 1837-1847.

6 Papers of Capt Barker on the Catholic Revival, 1676-1683 and papers of Henry Browne, Secretary of State to James II in exile at St. Germain, chiefly between France and England, c 1689-1691.

7 Papers relating to the Stuarts, notably James II, 1692-1695, 1711-1713 and 1717-1719.

8-13 Copies of papers and transcripts gathered by the antiquarian John Kirk when researching a continuation of Charles Dodd's Church History of England (1737-42).

14 Official printed material relating to the Beatification of St John Fisher, St Thomas More and others, 1866.

15 Writings of Bishop Richard Challoner and John Kirk's copy of Challoner's Spiritual Letters.

16 Letters from the French Clergy, following the French Revolution, chiefly to Bishop John Douglass, 1792-1798.

17 Papers of Bishop Douglass chiefly concerning nuns, 1788-1805.

18 Papers relating to the Chapter of St Peter, Rome, [by Canon Richard Howard], 1714-1720.

19 Petition of thanks to Pope Pius IX from the Laity of Westminster and Southwark, following the restoration of the Hierarchy, 1850.

20 Draft letters of Bishop William Poynter, 1812-1827.

24-27 Volumes of correspondence of the Roman Agents 1578-1636.

28 Volume of contemporary catalogues of the English martyrs, 17th century.

29 Letters and papers of William Howard and a few earlier family papers, c 1633-1680.

30 Letters of Bishop Robert Gradwell at Rome, 1817-1827.

31 Manuscript volume of Thomas Worthington's catalogue of martyrs, 1614, and copies of other papers concerning martyrs.

32 Volume containing transcriptions of documents in the Magliabecchiana Library, c 1549-1625.

33-46 Epistolae Variarum, 1701-1784, letters from Rome to the Vicars Apostolic.

47 Volume of Roman Agency papers, 1625 with some miscellaneous papers, 1605-1715.

48 Volume of papers of the Roman Agency and papers of [Christopher] Bagshaw, 1590-1790.

49 Volume of draft letters of Bishop William Poynter, [1806]-1814.

50-55 Claims for the recovery of the Douai property and for compensation and correspondence with the English Commissioners, c 1814-1830.

56-57 Process for the English martyrs at Rome, 1888-1889.

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GB 0122 CEG · 1918-2007

Papers of the Westminster chapter of the Catholic Evidence Guild, 1918-2007, including minutes of the Inter Guild Conferences, 1928-1986; minutes of the Westminster Catholic Evidence Guild, Oct 1920-Sep 1986; minutes of the practical training committee, 24 May 1929-Jun 1939 and 19 Jul 1941; library records, May 1964-1981; photograph albums and loose photographs; press cuttings, 1925-1926; book: The Catholic Evidence Movement, by Henry Browne, (London, 1921); report of the Westminster meeting, 1918; Birmingham Guild handbook, 1921; Inter Guild conference handbooks, 1924-1972; 'The Guildsman' and 'Guild Newsletter', Jun 1972-2007.

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Catholic Missionary Society
GB 0122 CMS · 1910-2001

Papers of the Catholic Missionary Society (CMS), 1910-2001, including the journal of the CMS, Catholic Gazette, 1910-2001; financial accounts, 1995-1999; photographs; a history of the CMS; correspondence regarding the CMS to act as relaters for Christian Unity Dialogue; Catholic Enquiry Centre legacies, 1987-1995; Catholic Enquiry Centre correspondence; papers relating to Missionary Priests; minutes of the CMS, 1979-2001; papers relating to CMS Missions.

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GB 0122 Series E · Reeks · 1598-1847

Private correspondence and diaries, 1598-1847, comprising:

E1: An extended letter from John Sargeant (1623-1710) in his defence, bound in a volume, giving 'a catalogue of all the pieces I have writ for Catholic Faith; together with the Occasion, the Process and Upshot of the Controversies between myself and the Protestant writers', Paris, 1700.

E 2: Volume of letters, 1596-1606, chiefly in Spanish, notably from Don Gomez Suarez de Figueroa of Cordova, Duke of Feria to Thomas Fitzherbert and from Jane Dormer, Duchess of Feria; Lord Bothwell; Thomas Fitzherbert and Sir Francis Inglefield.

E 7 and 8: Two volumes of Bishop Robert Gradwell's journal whilst rector of the English College, Rome. Volume 1, 1817-1825 and volume 2, 1825-1828.

E 11 Volume of the correspondence of Charles Edward Stuart, c 1764-1769 including with Henry Benedict Stuart and members of the French Court including the French Queen. The volume also contains the correspondence of Lady Webb.

E 12 Volume containing notes on legal practice, possibly made by Edmund Blount, Clifford's Inn, 1695.

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GB 0122 Series F · Reeks · [1558-1900]

Manuscript treatises and follows:

F 1: 'Annales Elizabethae Reginae', by Anthony Champney, 1558-1603. 1 vol. Latin.

F 3: Declaration of the Vicars Apostolic and their Coadjutors in Great Britain in defense of the Catholic faith, 1826. 1 vol. English.

F 4: Treatise from regular leaders (Jesuits or Benedictines) of England, against Richard Smith, Bishop of Chalcedon as part of the approbation controversy entitled 'A survey of the Answere to the Bishop of Chalcedon his letter to the lay Catholics of England sent to him by the heads of three regular orders in England', 1629. 1 vol. English.

F 5: De quimdecim gloriosis Anglia martyribus breuis historia,

ab Henrico Stilo Benedictino, ex Anglico sermone, in Lamu translate, ex me'I ciori ordine collocate.Pro verae virtutis preniys, falsisceleris poenas subimus.
Gislenpopoli. 1 vol. Latin.

F 6: Sixteenth century Commonplace book concerning the reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries. 1 vol. Latin.

F 7: Volume of additions to Charles Butler's Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish and Scottish Roman Catholics, given to the Vicar Apostolic of the London District by Butler, 1822. 1 vol. English.

F 8: Partial transcript of B28: Volume of contemporary catalogues of the English martyrs, 17th century.

F 9: Transcriptions of manuscripts in Series A comprising:

Transcription of 'Collectanea B' or 'Collectanea de martyribus', the collection of Father Christopher Greene, chiefly containing correspondence between Richard Verstegen and Father Person's, 1592-1594. This collection is no longer in the possession of the Westminster Diocesan Archives as it was exchanged with Stonyhurst College in 1921.

Transcription of Shelly's supplication to Queen Elizabeth I, 1585, in Series A, volume 4, p 33.

Transcriptions of papers relating to martyrs from Series A.

F 10: Transcriptions of papers relating to martyrs from Series A. 1 file.

F11-F17: Biographical notes on priests in penal times by Canon Edward Burton, arranged alphabetically. 7 boxes. English.

F18-19: Theological treatises by Jos[eph] Stapleton, eighteenth century. 2 vols. Latin.

F 20: Sermon notes on the Resurrection and other topics. 1 vol. English.

F 21: Two unbound manuscripts: 'The origin, distinction and mutual independence of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Power' by Bishop William Poynter, and 'The Contemplative Solitaire and Spiritual Guide' by Father George of St Joseph. 2 items. English.

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