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GB CR/1919/4 JSCSC · 1919

301 Indoor exercise No 15: administrative problems, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 302 Subject anti-tank defence, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 303 Precis of lecture: 2nd Afghan War 1st phase, A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 304 Precis of lecture: transportation with special reference to railways and railheads, A & B Div, Lt Col Grubb. 305 Indoor exercise: Corps Cavalry, B Div, Lt Col Osborne. 306 Precis of lecture: staff duties (10), A Div, Lt Col Collins. 307 Precis of lecture: 2nd Afghan War 1st Phase (II), A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 308 Precis of lecture: retreat 1914, A Div, Lt Col Perkins. 309 Agenda Conference 11/11/19, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 310 Precis of lecture: 2nd Afghan War 1st Phase (III), A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 311 Indoor exercise No 15: Administrative Problems (solutions), A Div, Lt Col Venning. 312 Outdoor exercise No 19: Tactical exercise with troops, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 313 Precis of lecture: minor tactics and inf. Formations, A Div, Lt Col Freyberg. 314 Indoor exercise No 16: Staff duties (orders), A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 315 Precis of lecture: Ludendorff, A Div, Lt Col Cornwall. 316 Agenda conference 11/11/19, A Div, Col Anley. 317 Precis of lecture: freedom of the sea, A&B Div, Lt Col Pigott. 318 Notes on conference 30/10/19, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 319 Conference notes: outdoor exercise no 17: preparation of a scheme for a tactical exercise with troops, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 320 Syllabus of lecture: the seamanship of combined operations, A&B Div, Capt Egerton RN. 321 Precis of lecture: combined naval & military operations, A&B Div, Lt Col Festing. 322 Naval & military exercise Parts 1 & 2, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 323 Agenda for conference: anti tank defence, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 324 Conference notes: anti tank defence, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 325 Precis of lecture: history of M G [machine gun] development, A Div, Maj Cameron. 326 Precis of lecture: M G [machine gun] fire direction, A Div, Lt Col Charteris. 327 Precis of lecture: Provost duties in peace and war, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 328 Conference 11/11/19: inf. Formations in the attack, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 329 Precis of lecture: machine guns in the attack, A Div, Col Anley. 330 Precis of lecture: ordnance services, B Div, Lt Col Grubb. 331 Precis of lecture: night operations, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 332 Precis of lecture: east coast defences, A Div, Maj Rowan. 333 Precis of lecture: Japan, A Div, Lt Col Piggott. 334 Precis of lecture: the evolution of the tank and its influence on future tactics, A&B Div, Col J.F.C.Fuller. 335 Agenda Conference 25/11/19: night attacks, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 336 Precis lecture: intelligence, B Div, Lt Col Piggott. 337 Precis of lecture: administrative staff duties in peace, A Div, Br Gen Anderson. 338 Precis of lecture R.A.8: development of artillery tactics, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 339 Agenda conference 25/11/19: night attacks, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 340 Outdoor exercise No 23: arrangements for Div training, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 341 Indoor exercise No 16: preparation for the inspection of a division, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 342 Precis lecture R.A.9: Development of arty. Tactics 1914-1918, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 343 Precis lecture: petroleum supply in war, A Div, Maj Hopwood. 344 War Game 1.12.19, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 344a War game 1.12.19, B Div, Br Gen Charles. 345 Precis of lecture: convening & checking courts martial, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 346 Indoor exercise No 17: checking courts martial, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 347 Precis of opening remarks on discussion of exploitation of success, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 348 Agenda. Conference 6/12/19: morale: on rising [sic] the soldiers moral in war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 349 Conference notes: “night attack”, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 350 Signal lecture III. A & B Div, Lt Col C-Smith. 351 War Game 4.12.19, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 352 Precis of lecture & maps: Sinai operations, B Div, Lt Col Farr. 353 Precis of signal lecture IV, A&B Div, Lt Col C-Smith. 354 Artillery lecture No 12: counter battery work and art. Intelligence, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 355 Precis of lecture on mines warfare, A&B Div, Lt Col Williams. 356 Precis of lecture: the Canadian forces, B Div, Lt Col Alexandra. 357 Conference Dec 6th: means of raising a soldiers morale in war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 358 Precis of lecture: “interior economy”, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 359 Conference 9.12.19 on defence, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 360 Signals exercise, A&B Div, Lt Col C-Smith. 361 2 maps: campaign of Sir J Moore, B Div, Maj Fellows. 362 Maps of Australia: to illustrate lecture on organization of Australian forces, A Div, Lt Col Somerville. 363 Indoor exercise No 17: checking courts martial, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 364 War Game 15.12.19, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 365 Precis of lecture: interior economy, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 366 Conference on intelligence duties, 13th Dec 1919, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 367 Indoor exercise No 19: staff duties, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 368 Conference 17.12.19: counter attacks, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 369 Diagram “Ramps”: embarkation & disembarkation, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 370 Precis of lecture: the New Zealand forces, B Div, Maj Bremner. 371 Precis of lecture: organization of Canadian forces, A Div, Lt Col Boak. 372 Precis of lecture: staff duties in defence, B Div, Lt Col Neame. 373 R.E Lecture No 5, A&B Div, Lt Col Neame. 374 Artillery in defence, B Div, Lt Col Wynter. 375 Precis of lecture: mobilization, A&B Div, Lt Col Liddell. 376 Conference notes: soldiers morale in modern war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 377 Precis of lecture: South African defence force, B Div, Capt Prine. 378 Maps illustrating preparations for an offensive, B Div, Maj Priestman. 379 Notes on the conference on defence 9.12.19, B Div, Br Gen Kearley. 380 Precis of lecture: campaign in Mesopotamia, A Div, Lt Col Bond. 381 Precis “Royal Military College of Canada”m A Div, Lt Col Neame. 382 Precis of lecture: territorial forces, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 383 Precis of lecture: campaign in the Balkans, A Div, Maj Lucy. 384 Precis: development of platoon organization & tactics in France, A Div, Lt Col Pearkes. 385 Agenda conference: counter attacks 18.12.18, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 386 Notes on games & sports in the Army, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 387 Precis of lecture: Italian campaign 1915-18 (with maps), A Div, Maj Richardson. 388 Indoor exercise No 20: corps mounted troops, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 389 Precis of lecture: tactical turning movement in a division, B Div, Maj Blewitt. 390 List of student lectures 1919, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 391 List of outdoor & indoor exercises: winter term, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 392 List of weekly conferences, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 393 List of outdoor lectures, A&B Div, Br Gen Dill. 394 List of exercises: winter term, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 395 List of students lectures 1919, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 396 Conference notes: infantry tactics in the attack, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 397 Conference notes: counter attacks, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 398 Precis of lecture: campaign in the Balkans, A Div, Lt Col Stevens. 399 List of outdoor & indoor exercises, May to July, A Div. 400 List of papers & lecture, May to July, A Div.

Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley
GB CR/1919/2 JSCSC · 1919

101Precis of lecture – infantry assembly positions, A Div, Brig Gen Dill. 102 Notes on the strength of certain attacks in 1918, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 103 Demonstration of tank tactics, A & B Div, Lt Col Neame. 104 Precis – Q (8) administrative arrangements in small wars, A Div, Br Gen Anderson. 105 Notes on Somaliland, A Div, Br Gen Anderson. 106 Scheme for summer term. Sec. XI. Indoor ex no 8 “assembly for attack”, A Div, Col Anley. 107 Scheme for summer term, Sec. X, paper F, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 108 Indian frontier warfare calculations Ex 8, A Div, Br Gen Charles. 109 Indian frontier warfare scheme no 1 (indoor portion), A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 110 Precis of lecture – campaign of Salamanca (1), B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 111 Precis of lecture – outposts, A & B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 112 Precis of lecture – the rear guard, A & B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 113 Paper on promotion examinations, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 114 Two special papers on war establishments, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 115 Extract from “the Times” – “distribution of the fleet”, A & B Div, The Commandant. 116 Offensive battle (set piece). Gen idea & continuation in outdoor ex no 10 (see no. 140), B Div, Lt Col Collins. 117 Outdoor ex no 7, selection of a defensive position, B Div, Lt Col Neame. 118 Scheme for summer term (sec. XI) – assembly for, and conduct of infantry assault, A Div, Col Anley. 119 Lecture notes – preparation for the offensive, A & B Div, Br Gen Farmar. 120 Lecture notes – Waterloo I précis, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 121 Special paper on war establishments for a D.A.C, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 122 Special paper on war establishments for Div. Engrs, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 123 Suggested index for instructions to be issued by the general staff of a division for a deliberate offensive, A & B Div, Lt Col Collins. 124 Lectures – Waterloo II & III and order of battle, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 125 Lectures – Waterloo IV, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 126 Lecture – Waterloo general map, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 126a Lectures – Waterloo V & 2 maps (Ligny & disposition 14 6/1815), A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 127 Lectures – artillery no 6, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 128 Table of weights carried on the soldier, A & B Div, Lt Col Collins & Grubb. 129 Notes – capture of Tsingtau, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 130 Salamanca campaign – map position forces end of May, B Div, Lt Col McHaskard. 131 Waterloo campaign – distribution of Wellington’s army, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 132 Distribution of duties divisional staffs, A&B Div, Lt Col Collins & Grubb. 133 Outdoor ex no 10 “reconnaissance for placing artillery to support an attack”, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 134 Paper “G” – strategy, A Div, Col Anley. 135 Waterloo lecture VI précis and map Quatre Bras, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 136 Rifle shooting – précis of lecture, A Div, Lt Col Croft. 137 Table of organisation pack transport, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 138 Notes administrative preparations “set piece offensive”, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 139 Precis. Notes & 2 maps Salamanca, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 140 Outdoor exercise No 10 (in continuation indoor Ex. No 10 see No. 116), B Div, Lt Col Collins. 141 Waterloo campaign, lecture VII précis, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 142 Outdoor ex. No 11 “administrative arrangements for an offensive”, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 143 Lecture – “Inf assembly positions précis, A &B Div, Lt Col Herbert. 144 Table characteristics of British aeroplanes, A&B Div, Col Anley. 145 Offensive battle (set piece) administration preparations, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 146 Paper G. Strategy, B Div, Col Anley. 147 Precis of lecture – administrative arrangements for offensive, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 148 Precis of Waterloo campaign – lecture VIII and maps 377 & 378, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 149 Precis of lecture IX Waterloo campaign & diagram situation 14th June, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 150 Precis of lecture Salamanca (3), B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 151 Appreciation of a situation, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 152 Hints on the writing of an appreciation of a situation, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 153 Tank lecture No 1 – précis, A&B Div, Lt Col Neame. 154 Cavalry lecture (3), B Div, Lt Col Osborne. 155 Staff duties No 7 lecture – précis staff duties in connection with an offensive, A Div, Lt Col Collins. 156 Precis of lecture on army education scheme, A Div, Lt Col Tanner. 157 Outdoor exercise no 12 (set piece offensive), B Div, Lt Col Collins. 158 Precis of 4th lecture; military history & strategy, A&B Div, Col Anley. 159 Precis & lecture – Russian situation & our Eastern Empire, A&B Div, Maj Waterhouse. 160 Precis & lecture; British cavalry 1914, A Div, Maj Balfour. 161 Staff tour, A Div, Commandant. 162 Staff tour, B Div, Commandant. 163 Precis of lecture – “Gunnery as affecting other arms”, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 164Lecture administrative arrangements in small wars, B Div, Br Gen Farmar. 165 Precis of lecture – A.4 “organization of the British army”, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 166 Tables – establishment of strength British Army &c, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 167 Precis of lecture – Salamanca (4), B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 168 Precis of lecture – Waterloo campaign – Paper I, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 169 Precis of artillery lecture no 7 development of artillery tactics, A Div, Lt Col Broad.170 Outdoor exercise No 12 preparation of a tactical scheme, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 171 Outdoor exercise No 13 “offensive battle: conduct of the battle”, A Div, Col Anley. 172 Precis of lecture – “Imperial strategy” IV, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 173 Precis of lecture – “Indian frontier warfare” L of C & administration, A & B Div, Student’s lecture. 174 Paper H. Military history, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 175 Precis of lecture – campaign in Palestine & Syria, B Div, Student lecture. 176 Precis of lecture – submarines & their method of attack, A & B Div, Comdr. Hall. 177 Special paper: organization Cav. Div, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 178 Special paper: organization div medical services, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 179 Indoor exercise No 9 army artillery instruction of an offensive, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 180 Indoor ex No 11: offensive & Outdoor ex No 13: battle, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 181 Precis of lecture 8 development of artillery tactics, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 182 Indoor exercise No 10 “clearing the battlefield”, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 183 Precis of lecture A.5 clearing the battlefield, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 184 Precis of lecture – final evacuation of Gallipoli, A Div, Maj Dawnay. 165 Precis of lecture – organization of the Indian army, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 186 Precis of lecture – E African campaign, B Div, Lt Col Giffard. 187 Outdoor Ex no 14 cavalry, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 188 Special paper on div medical services, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 189 Lecture notes on “Aeroplanes”, A Div, Lt Col Holt. 190 Special paper – organization infantry division, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 191 Agenda for general staff conference, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 192 Special paper – W.E. Cav Regt etc, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 193 Precis of lecture – pay staff duties, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 194 Precis of lecture – artillery (R.A.B) Bde & Bty tactics, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 195 Precis of lecture – Cav (3) cavalry staff duties, B Div, Lt Col Osborne. 196 Precis of lecture – food supply in war, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 197 Exercise – reconnaissance, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 198 Precis of lecture – Tanks (2) “Co-operation of tanks with other arms”, A&B Div, Lt Col Neame. 199 Indoor exercise No 12 message writing, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 200 Precis of lecture – “A & Q” (11) man power, B Div, Lt Col Liddell.

Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley