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Navigation: Theory
GB 0064 NVT · Collection · 15th century - 19th century

This class contains thirty-two volumes relating to the theory of navigation, mathematics and astronomy, fifteenth to nineteenth centuries. The earliest is Italian, written between 1470 and 1529, entitled 'Ragioni Antique Spettanti all Arte del Mare et Fabriche de Vaselli', which includes entries in many hands on navigational calculations, astronomy, astrology, sailing directions for the Mediterranean and the building and fitting of galleys. Chronologically, the next volume is the 'Regimento de la Declinacion del Sol', a Spanish navigator's manual, c 1500; the next is English, containing mathematical rules for measuring height and length, 1557; then follows 'L'Arte della Navigatione', Italian, with tables and moveable dials, 1567; and the last of the sixteenth century is by a Jesuit, Francisco da Costa (1567-1604). 'Arte de Navegar', written between 1596 and 1598 and illustrated with sketches of the astrolabe and compass. There are three seventeenth-century volumes; a treatise on astronomy by Thomas Willford entitled 'A genuine description and use of the perpetual calendar', 1654, which also contains a description of measures and of 'moveable fairs' around the country; a volume containing navigational exercises, often illustrated, by William Downman, written between 1685 and 1686, with a large amount of other information, including lists of ships, drawings of flags. poems, victualling and measures; and a workbook by Edward Ward, 1698, containing execises in navigation, astronomy and mathematics. The eleven eighteenth-century volumes include a copy of Robert Wright's 'Treatise on finding longitude at sea', 1726; a volume of lecture notes on navigation and astronomy given in Naples, 1755; and a volume in Turkish by Ibrahim Haggi, ca.1800, entitled 'Marifet Nameh' ('Encyclopedia of Knowledge'), on astronomy, architecture and geography. There are twelve nineteenth-century volumes dating between 1804 and 1883, all of which contain navigational and astonomical exercises transcribed by British seamen.

GB 0064 MRK · Collection · [1856-1894]

Papers of Sir Albert Hastings Markham, including a log, 1856 to 1874; a diary, 1875 to 1876, and an admiral's journal, 1892 to 1894. For the TRIUMPH, 1879 to 1882, there is a night order book, a captain's information book, a remark book and a letterbook. There is a night order book for the HECLA, 1879 to 1885, a remark book for the ACTIVE, Training Squadron, 1888, a telegram book and reports for the Mediterranean, 1892 to 1894, and press cuttings and photograph albums. The papers include correspondence on the voyage of the ROSARIO; official correspondence, 1886 to 1889, 1892 to 1893; papers relating to the collisions in which Markham was involved; letters and papers on Antarctic exploration and on Markham's literary work. Finally, there is Markham's semi-official and private correspondence throughout his career. This includes letters from his cousin Sir Clements Markham (1830-1916).

Markham, , Sir , Albert Hastings , 1841-1918 , Knight , Admiral
GB 0064 FRN · Collection · 1819-1845

Papers of Sir John Franklin. They consist of a volume of bound letters written by Sir John Franklin between 1820 and 1845 to his niece Mary Anne Kay and to Lieutenant Edward Kendall, R.N., whom she later married. Several letters refer to Franklin's second overland expedition. His last letter was written in 1845 at the Whale Fish Islands. There are other letters relating to exploration and some Arctic material including prints and manuscript copies of the New Georgia Gazette of 1819.

Franklin , Sir , John , 1786-1847 , Knight , Rear Admiral , Arctic explorer
GB 0064 TRN · Collection

These include transcripts of documents dating from the sixteenth century: the earliest is a description of Drake's preparations for his expedition in 1585. There are also transcripts of official letters, 1718 to 1720 to Admiral Sir George Byng, 1st Viscount Torrington (1663-1733), when he was in command of the British fleet in the Mediterranean; a copy of a letter describing the sinking of the GREAT BRITAIN in the St Lawrence River, 1842; and transcripts of letters from the Duke of Windsor and Prince Albert (later King George VI) to Admiral Sir Campbell Tait (1886-1946), 1913 to 1919.

GB 0064 PST · Collection

These include two early works on shipbuilding: Matthew Baker's 'Fragments of English Shipwrightry', c 1586, and Sir Anthony Deane's 'Doctrine of Naval Architecture', 1670, held in the Pepysian Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Other examples include copies of two letters written by Sir Francis Drake, ([1540]-1596) 1587 and 1589, a copy of his will, 1595, and one of his 'Pilot of the Caribbean and Azores', 1596; copies of the will of Captain Cook, made in 1776, and of fifty-six letters by or about Lord Nelson, 1780 to 1805, and the personal papers of Nevil Maskelyne (1732-1813), Astronomer Royal.

GB 0064 PGR · Collection

These include photographs of letters of Lord Nelson, 1794 to 1797; of his journal of the AGAMEMNON, 1794; two letters written by Captain Cook, 1772; and some papers of Nevil Maskelyne (1732-1813), Astronomer Royal, 1761 to 1793.
