Burial Registers for the Putney Vale and Wandsworth cemeteries.
Sans titreA collection of material relating to Harry Cusden Ltd. The collection includes business diaries kept by Harry Cusden, 1919-1943, papers relating to the running of the business including numerous documents relating to war damage repairs, the purchase of the properties, leases, etc. The series also contains personal papers, share certificates and customer correspondence. There is a large collection of photographs including photographs of the exterior of the shops, window displays, staff and staff outings, as well as a large collection of miscellaneous photographs showing family, friends, holidays, events etc. Many of these photographs are unidentified and undated. There is also a series of various price lists and advertisements for the business, trade cards, ephemera relating to Harry Cusden's role as Councillor, newspaper cuttings and other pieces of ephemera.
Sans titrePapers relating to the estate of Mrs Meliora Amelia Walker of 29 Campion Road, Putney. The documents have been disturbed and some inserts have become separated.
Sans titreThe collection consists of a single conveyance of ground rents in Battersea, relating to the will of William Richard Glasier.
Sans titreClapham parish records, 1831-1936, including charity receipt book, Clapham burial board minute book, reports of the Surveyor of Highways and papers.
Sans titreDiaries and scrapbooks created by Ernest Hale as a record of each year from the date he met his (later) wife. The diaries begin in 1901-1902, each year begins on 30 September as that was the day they met. 1901-1902 was the fifth year of their relationship. There are also account books by Ernest Hale showing how much he spent each week, and an account book by Mrs Florence E Hale from 1910-1911 containing household accounts.
Sans titreFour draft wills of Edward Edmund Eyre of 45 Deodar Road, Putney and 16 Water Lane, Great Tower Street, City of London, 1901-1906. Also includes correspondence between Eyre and his solicitor J W Randall, 1901-1909.
Sans titreRecords of the administration of the parish of Streatham. Includes: minutes of the parish vestry; survey of the parish of Streatham, 1803-1804; Church rate books; Highways rate books; minutes of the Guardians of the Poor; minutes of the Burial Board; minutes of the Volunteer Association.
Sans titreDiaries recording William Halle's daily life, working as an artist and at the Telephone Exchange. He writes about trying to sell paintings to galleries, organising exhibitions and records his worries over money, his health and his sister, who lived in South Africa. The diaries also record his thoughts on various friendships and sexual relationships.
Sans titreThe collection consists of a copy of the will and administration of the effects of William Ernest Beckett, 1893, as well as an agreement for the sale and purchase of 51 Erpingham Road, Putney, 1918.
Sans titreBattersea Parish was responsible for the civil administration of Battersea until the creation of Battersea Metropolitan Borough Council in 1900. This collection includes records of: the Battersea Parish Vestry; the Battersea Parish Overseers of the Poor; the Battersea Workhouse, 1744-1835; the parish Churchwardens; Battersea Lammas Hall; the parish Surveyor of Highways; various charities within the parish; and other records relating to the civil administration of the parish.
Sans titreThe collection is mostly comprised of diaries written by Florence Turtle between 1917 and 1980. The first three diaries (1917-1919) contain generally brief and sporadic entries. There are then no diaries for the years 1920-1928. From 1929 onwards the diaries contain more detailed entries. There are no diaries for the years 1944, 1946, 1948-1949, 1952-1954, 1962, 1964-1965, or 1967-1970. Florence writes in her diaries about her relationships with family and friends, her living situation, work life, social life, holidays, and local, national and international current events, and records her thoughts and feelings on various matters. Many of the diaries contain additional notes, clarifications and corrections made by Florence in the 1970s. Some of the diaries contain photographs, and also pencil illustrations by Florence. The collection also contains one volume in which Florence reviews the books she reads throughout 1936, and a volume entitled 'Book of Ideas', in which Florence has written quotations from various sources, and also glued newspaper cuttings. The remaining items in the collection are a set of photographs of Florence's family and friends, and a framed certificate of election to the Buyers Association of Great Britain.
Sans titreThe collection is comprised mainly of twenty-six volumes of Notes and Recollections written by Geoffrey Haines. He began writing the volumes in 1969. Each volume contains a biographical account of his life and other interests from his birth in 1899 onwards. The last volume in 1981 continues until ill health forced him to stop. His wife Olive Haines continues the diary until Geoffrey's death in September 1981. The volumes contain accounts of his work, family life, his role as an Air Raid Warden in Putney in World War Two, holidays, his involvement with the Masons and particularly his interest in trains and rare coins. His wife Olive was Mayor of Wandsworth from 1956-1957 and the volumes describe in detail Olive's work with the council and duties carried out in her role as Mayor. The volumes are illustrated with newspaper cuttings, photographs, postcards and other items of ephemera. The collection also contains two books concerning rare coins.
Sans titreThe collection contains material written by Cecil Tudor Davis, Librarian of Wandsworth, including material on the history of Wandsworth, the River Wandle, industry in Wandsworth and other local interest topics. Additionally there is material of local interest collected by Davis, such as manuscripts belonging to the writer A M W Stirling, a diary of the portrait painter George Richmond, as well as various maps, plans and other papers.
Sans titreThe collection consists of an indenture of settlement on the marriage of Mrs M Field, 1866, and a copy of the will and probate of Mary Land following her death, 1884.
Sans titreRecords of the administration of the parish of Putney. Includes: minutes of the parish vestry; minutes of the Overseers of the Poor; accounts and vouchers of the Churchwardens; accounts of the Surveyor of Highways for the parish; accounts of the parish constable; statements of accounts for parish charities; apprenticeship indentures.
Sans titre