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Descrição arquivística
Records of the parish of Barking
BD74 · Arquivo · 1558-1926

This collection comprises the following records of the parish of Barking:

Vestry minute books, 1694-1926 (BD74/A)

Baptism registers, 1558-1812 (BD74/B/1)

Burial registers, 1656-1812 (BD74/B/2)

Minute books of the Overseers' of Barking Parish, 1786-1927 (BD74/C/1)

Overseers' account books, 1765-1798 (BD74/C/2)

Overseers' rate books, 1739-1836 (BD74/C/3)

Valuation lists of the Overseers' of Barking, 1784-1830 (BD74/C/4)

Disbursement books of the Overseers' of Barking, 1819-1820 (BD74/C/5)

Receipt and payment books of the Overseers' of Barking, 1868-1887 (BD74/C/6)

Churchwardens' account books, 1777-1823 (BD74/D/1)

Churchwardens' rate books, 1738-1866 (BD74/D/2)

Surveyors' account books, 1830 (BD74/E/1)

Surveyors' rate books, 1828-1844 (BD74/E/2)

Rate collection books for the Barking Town Ward, 1747-1772 (BD74/F/1/1)

Rate collection books for the Ilford Ward, 1728-1829 (BD74/F/1/2)

Rate collection books for the Chadwell Ward, 1744-1778 (BD74/F/1/3)

Rate collection books for the Ripple Ward, 1744-1779 (BD74/F/1/4)

Poor rate books for Barking, 1837-1916 (BD74/F/2)

Valuation lists for Barking, 1842-1929 (BD74/F/3)

Rental books, 1763-1778 (BD74/G)

Notice books, 1769-1839 (BD74/H)

Apprenticeship books, 1818-1844 (BD74/J)

Land terrier books, 1829-1840 (BD74/K)

Minute book of the Directors' of the Poor for the Parish of Barking, 1855-1893 (BD74/L/1)

Report by the Wharf Keeper of Barking Town Quay, 1893 (BD74/L/2)

Minute book of the Barking and District Savings Bank, 1818-1843 (BD74/M/1)

Declarations and new depositors' books of the Barking and District Savings Bank, 1824-1852 (BD74/M/2)

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Records of the parish of Dagenham
BD75 · Arquivo · 1838-1926

This collection comprises the following records relating to the parish of Dagenham:

Minute books of Dagenham Parish Council, 1894-1926 (BD75/A/1-3)

Attendance book of Dagenham Parish Council, 1894-1925 (BD75/A/4)

Letter book of Dagenham Parish Council, 1923-1924 (BD75/A/5)

Minute books of Dagenham School Board, 1874-1903 (BD75/B/1)

Ledger of Dagenham School Board, 1894-1900 (BD75/B/2)

Poor rate books for Dagenham, 1839-1879 (BD75/C/1)

Church rate books for Dagenham, 1849-1865 (BD75/C/2)

Sanitary rate books for Dagenham, 1887-1892 (BD75/C/3)

Lighting rate books for Dagenham, 1900-1925 (BD75/C/4)

Highways rate books for Dagenham, 1874-1880 (BD75/C/5)

Poor and sanitary rate books for Dagenham, 1893-1913 (BD75/C/6)

Poor and special expenses rate books for Dagenham, 1914-1922 (BD75/C/7)

Valuation lists for Dagenham, 1893 (BD75/D)

Collection and deposit books for Dagenham, 1907-1928 (BD75/E)

Collectors' statements and books for Dagenham, 1894-1927 (BD75/F)

Receipt and payment books for Dagenham, 1838-1926 (BD75/G)

Allotment ledgers, 1920-1928 (BD75/H)

Dagenham tithe register, 1841 (BD75/J)

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