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Cobden, Richard: letters, 1860-1869
GB 0096 AL37 · Fondo · 1860-1869

Letter from Richard Cobden of the Board of Trade, Whitehall, London [from embossed stamp on paper] to M Jules le Chevalier St Andre, 29 May 1860. Headed: 'Private'. Referring to an article by M Mornand, drawn to his attention by Le Chevalier St Andre: 'The word "impuissance" is very insulting and very dangerous when applied to my country'. He warns France against 'the idea of England being less powerful in compassion with France than in former time,' and continues: 'New and henceforth supremacy at sea must depend entirely on steam power. " Our tonnage in sailing vessels as compared with France is at least 5 to 1 But the horse power of our steam mercantile marine as compared with yours is about 30 to 1.' He concludes: 'You know how I hate this topic. But depend on it England was never so much to be dreaded in a maritime war as at present.'

Autograph, with signature. The letter paper is inverted.

With the original envelope, on which the following later note has been added: 'Mille compliments à Monsieur E. Dentu. Ceci est l'autograph de Mr Cobden que je lui ai promise mais comme elle traite d'un sujet politique du moment, je désire qu'elle reste sous ce pli et ne soit communiquée à personne du vivant de Mr. Cobden.' On the dorse, above the broken seal: 'Décacheté: - le dimanche 30 avril 1869. E.D.'

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GB 0074 O/394 · Colección · 1873

Grant of letters patent (including a great seal) issued to Edwin William Thomas and Edward Nightscales for an improved self acting steam water lift and injector.

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Smeaton, John (1724-1792)
GB 0117 JS · 1741-1792

The working drawings of John Smeaton, civil engineer. They illustrate his researches on waterwheels and applied mechanics, and the relative efficiency of overshot as opposed to undershot wheels. With supplementary engravings and manuscript notes.

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EDMONDS, J R (fl 1895-1917)
GB 2121 Edmonds · 1895-1917

Papers of J R Edmonds, 1895-1917, comprising typescripts of papers read before Woolwich Polytechnic Engineering Society, on 'Pumps', 1896; 'The Slide Rule', 1898; 'Steam Turbines', 1903; notes on 'Motor Cars', 1896, 'Florence Nightingale', 1913; 'Women's Co-Operative Guild', [c 1905]; printed lectures on Experiments on a Simple Non-Condensing Steam Engine, 1900; De Laval Steam Turbines, 1902; Design of Marine Steam Turbines, 1908; Channel Tunnel, 1913, 1917.

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HART, Ivor Blashka (1889-1962)
GB 0505 PP31 · 1930-1962

Papers, 1930-1962, concerning lectures and publications by Hart, notably correspondence, 1951-1961, mainly relating to lectures on Leonardo da Vinci, aeronautical engineering and other subjects; correspondence relating to the writing and publication of his work, including James Watt and the history of steam power (Henry Schuman, New York, [1949]), 1948, and The world of Leonard da Vinci, man of science, engineer and dreamer of flight (Macdonald, London, 1961), 1960-1962; typescripts of lectures on textile education, 1951, the scientific basis for Leonardo da Vinci's work in technology, 1952, and handicraft instruction; typescript of The world of Leonard da Vinci, man of science, engineer and dreamer of flight (Macdonald, London, 1961), 1960; copies of published articles by Hart on medieval and modern science, 1930-1955.

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