Mostrando 54 resultados

Descripción archivística
GB 0074 ACC/2305/08-3 · Colección · 1825-1965

Sales records of Courage and Company Limited, including Sales Committee minutes; trading figures; trade books; records of supplies; prices and charges; records of beer bought and sold; records of beer recieved; purchase and adjustment account papers; sales summaries; delivery records; licences, agreements and contracts.

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GB 0101 PP.NR · 1957-

Nigerian-related pamphlets, leaflets, badges, posters, speeches, reports, conference reports, letters, newsletters, cassette boxes and miscellaneous election materials, from 1957 onwards, issued at national and state levels by the Action Group (Nigeria), the All Peoples Party, the Alliance for Democracy, the Committee Against Nigeria's Exploitation, the Dynamic Party, the Greater Nigeria People's Party, the Kano People's Party, the Mid-West State Movement (Nigeria), the National Association of Nigerian Students, the National Committee on Civil Liberties (Nigeria), National Electoral Commission (Nigeria), the National Party of Nigeria, the Nigeria Advance Party, the Nigeria Labour Congress, the Nigerian National Alliance, the Nigerian National Democratic Party, the Nigerian People's Party, the Nigerian People's Union, the Nigerian Young Revolutionary Organisation, the Nigerian Youth Congress, the Nigerian Youth Movement, the Northern People's Congress (Nigeria), the One Kamerun Party, the People's Democratic Party (Nigeria), Progressive Peoples Party (Nigeria), the People's Redemption Party (Nigeria), the Social Democratic Party (Nigeria), the Socialist Workers and Farmers Party of Nigeria, the Talakawa Party (Nigeria), the United Progressive Grand Alliance (Nigeria), the Unity Party of Nigeria, and the Workers Party of Nigeria.

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GB 0096 AL82 · Fondo · 1800

Letter from Thomas Robert Malthus of London to Rev George Turner, Kettleburgh, Wickham Market, [Suffolk], 28 Nov 1800. Referring to Malthus's tract An Investigation of the Causes of the present High Price of Provisions(1800). 'I sat up till two o'clock the evening before I went to Bath to finish it that it might come out before the meeting of Parliament.' Referring to the the famous Essay on the Principle of Population: 'The prevailing conversation about the pop[ulation] of the country has caused enquiries to be made about the Essay, which is now nowhere to be bought. This I hope will animate me to proceed in another edition, though to say the truth I feel at present very idle about it'.

Autograph, with signature.

[A letter from James Bonar to Professor H S Foxwell, asking permission to print Malthus's letter, and a corrected proof of the letter for the Economic Journal are filed with Malthus's original letter.]

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East India Company, 1647
GB 0096 MS 260 · 1647

Papers presented to the House of Lords concerning the East India Company's status as a Joint Stock Company, Feb 1647, comprising a paper presented by the Company in defence of their trading as a Joint Stck Company, and a copy of the former endorsed by Alderman [John] Fowkes beginning 'Sixe justify the pursuance of the trade to th'east Indies by one Joint Stock Onely'.

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Miller Collection
GB 0369 MIL · 1929-1975

Papers of Margaret Stevenson Miller, 1929-1975, comprising:
papers on research into the economy of the Soviet Union, 1929-1941, including pamphlets and cuttings on finance, papers on transport in the Soviet Union, c 1934, papers on transport, agriculture, finance and housing in the Soviet Union c 1939-1952, papers on the clothing industry in the Soviet Union, 1941-1950, papers on the economic regions of the Soviet Union, 1044-1947, papers on trade unions in the Soviet Union, 1945-1946, lecture notes on the economics of the Soviet Union, for lectures given by Miller at George Washington University, c 1946-1947, papers on town population in the Soviet Union, 1961-1964, papers ion agriculture in the Soviet Union, 1961-1964, papers on trade between the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1970-1971, papers on economic reform in the Soviet Union, 1945;1961-1975, papers on Conference of representatives of the British and Soviet public, Armenia, 1974, papers on Miller's visit to the Soviet Union, Aug 1968;
papers on School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Old Students' Association, 1951, 1950-1962,including "Memorandum of evidence: submitted on behalf of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies Old Students' Association - To the Committee of Enquiry into the future policy of the School", Apr 1971

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Mexico : Political Pamphlets
GB 3032 D 320 PAM · 1961-1985

Pamphlets, programs, reports, newsletters, bulletins and histories issued by Centro de Coordinación de Proyectos Ecuménicos (CECOPE), Centro de Investigaciones Históricas sobre Sindicalismo Universitario (CIHSU), Comité Nacional de Auscultación y Organización, Confederación Revolucionaria de Obreros y Campesinos, Delegación para América Latina de la Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas, Equipo de Redacción, Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme, Frente Nacional Contra la Represión (Mexico), Frente Popular Pro-Derechos Humanos, Garantias Constitucionales y Libertades Democraticas, Organización Revolucionaria Punto Crítico (Mexico), Partido Mexicano de los Trabajadores(PMT), Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), and the U.S. Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners.

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Peru: Political Pamphlets
GB 3032 K 320 PAM · 1964-

Pamphlets, reports, government publications, programs, bulletins, conference proceedings, dossiers, leaflets, communiqués, histories, declarations and manifestos from 1964 onwards issued by Amnesty International, Asamblea Permanente de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos Perú, Central Latinoamericana de Trabajadores, Centro de Estudios y Promoción Comunal del Oriente, Centro de Información y Documentación de Bolivia, Centro de Intercambio de la Educación Popular, Centro de la Mujer Peruana Flora Tristán, Centro IDEAS, Centro Latinoamericano de Trabajo Social, Centro Nacional de Capacitación e Investigación para la Reforma Agraria, Comisión Episcopal de Acción Social, Comisión Evangélica Latinoamericana de Educación Cristiana, Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos (Peru), Comité de Asesoramiento de la Presidencia de la República (COAP), Comité de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, Comité de defensa de los trabajadores petroleros del sur este del Perú Madre de Dios, Comité de la Unidad Democrático Popular del Perú en México, Confederación Campesina del Perú, Congreso de Comunidades Industriales de la Rama Automotriz y Anexos (1st : 1973 : Lima, Perú), Consulta de Iglesias Latinoamericanas sobre Cómo Enfrentar el Racismo en la Década del '80 (1980 : Panama, Panama), Consulta sobre Clase y Raza en los Textos Escolares de América Latina (1980 : San José, Costa Rica), Cooperativa agraria de producción, Desco, Dirección de Difusión de la Reforma Agraria, Dirección de Promoción de la Reforma Agraria, Ediciones Labor, Federación de Trabajadores de Luz y Fuerza del Perú, Federación de Trabajadores Molineros, Fideeros y Afines del Perú, Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America, Ministerio de Agricultura (Peru), Ministerio de Energía y Minas (Peru), Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (Peru), Oficina Central de Información (Peru), Parroquia Virgen de Nazareth (El Agustino, Lima, Peru), Partido Aprista Peruano, Partido Comunista del Perú, Partido Comunista Peruano, Partido Socialista Revolucionario, Partido Vanguardia Revolucionaria, Pomalca Ltda. No.38, President of Peru, Red Regional de Promoción de la Mujer de San Martín, Seminario sobre la Problemática Agraria Peruana (1977 : Ayacucho), SINAMOS, Sub-Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Parlamento de la República, ULAJE, Unidad Democrático Popular (Peru), United Nations General Assembly, Universidad del Pacífico, Vanguardia Revolucionaria (Peru), World Council of Churches, World Council of Indigenous Peoples.

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Paraguay: Political Pamphlets
GB 3032 P 320 PAM · 1964-

Press cuttings, reports, project reports, pamphlets, manuals, presidential pronouncements, and pamphlets issued by Anglican Council of South America, Asociacion Indigenista del Paraguay, Centro de Investigación y Planes, Comité de Iglesias (Asunción, Paraguay), Conferencia Episcopal Paraguaya, Equipo de Pastoral de los Paraguayos en la Argentina, Instituto de Bienestar Rural, International League for Human Rights, Ligia Bolivar O, Misión de Amistad, Movimiento Argentino Contra el Sistema de Represión del Gobierno Paraguayo, Movimiento Argentino por la Liberación de los Presos Políticos del Paraguay, Patria (Asunción), President (Paraguay), Pro Mundi Vita (Society), PROMURI, Proyecto Educación Sanitaria, Proyecto Guarani, Proyecto Paí-Tavyterã, Proyecto Urbano, Servicio Ecuménico para Migraciones, United Nations Development Programme.

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GB 0097 COLL MISC 0677 · Colección · c1960

Autobiography, mainly relating to his civil service career and containing information on energy policy and nationalisation.

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GB 0097 COLL MISC 0956 · 1914-1918

Memoranda on the increased cost of living during World War One, Aug 1914- Jun 1917. Also, Executive Committee of the Workers' National Committee minutes, 11 Sep 1914-10 Oct 1918.

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DEVONS, Ely, 1913-1967, economist
GB 0097 DEVONS · c1930-c1970

This collection consists predominantly of notes, correspondence, press cuttings and printed matter on subjects such as British industries (including aviation, tin, steel, cotton and coal), prices and wages, restrictive practices, and economic development overseas. The collection also contains some personal papers including bank books and university notebooks.

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GB 0097 SHONFIELD · [1940-1980]

Papers of Sir Andrew Akiba Shonfield, [1940-1980], comprising working papers, manuscript notes and research material for Shonfield's work, including drafts and final masters of published books.

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Agence France Presse
GB 0102 PP MS 13 · 1965-1972

Press reports, 1965-1972, of Agence France Presse from Jakarta, Indonesia, chiefly by Brian May, on foreign affairs, including relations with Malaysia, Japan, the United States, and others; foreign aid; visits of overseas politicians; political affairs, including the Indonesian Communist party and Muslim parties; political unrest, including student militancy; the Chinese community; natural disasters and disease; sport; affairs in West Irian (Irian Jaya); economic policy, industry, mining and agriculture.

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NEWMARCH, William (1820-1882): papers
GB 1060 DP001 Newmarch · 1753-1880

Papers of William Newmarch, 1847-1880, comprising: 1. Accounts, bills and receipts, 1753-1758, relating to prices and wages on the estates of James Buller of Morvall, Cornwall. 2. Papers re: Oxford and Cambridge examinations of W.J. Newmarch, son of William Newmarch, 1859-1862; Wm J. Newmarch letters to his father during a European tour, 1865; correspondence of Thomas Tooke with final proof of History of Prices vol.5 and other related papers, 1850s. 3. Papers and presscuttings re: electoral statistics, 1837-1857; papers and presscuttings re: trade and investments in Great Britain, France, Prussia, India and Australia, 1845-1860; notes and cuttings re: prices, circulation and exchange, 1848-1860, including text of General Prices, 1848-56; correspondence with James Pennington and Thomas Tooke, 1855-1856; banking papers and correspondence, especially with Joseph Hickson of the Grand Trunk Railway Co of Canada re: failure of Bank of Upper Canada, 1866-1870. 4. Letter from Bank of England re: gold coins, 1857, with other papers re: gold currency and circulation incl. Letters from the French Enquiry; letters, papers and legal documents re: establishment of Tooke Professorship of Economic Science and Statistics at King's College London, 1858-1860; papers re: Newmarch's election to the Royal Society, 1861, and his corresponding membership of Société de Statistique de Paris, 1861; correspondence re: Pacific Telegraph Co., 1863; correspondence and papers re: Bank of Upper Canada, 1870-1875. 5. Papers re: British Association Section F Economic Science & Statistics, 1856-61; notes for Newmarch's lectures at various meetings including Political Economy Club, Verulam and Oxford, 1870s-1880s.

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LSPU · Colección · 1900-1988

LSPU/CS: Central Services, 1982-1988, including secretariat files, legal opinions, committee documentation, information videotapes and audiotapes, posters.

LSPU/DIR: Director's Papers, 1961-1987, including files of P Brayshaw and D Stevenson as Directors of the Policy Unit.

LSPU/EPG: Economic Policy Group, 1900-1987, including GLC Popular Planning Unit photographs, research project files, files of the Economic Policy group and files of the GLC Industry and Employment Branch.

LSPU/PMRG: Police Monitoring and Research Group, 1986-1987, comprising copies of 'Policing London' press cuttings bulletin.

LSPU/PPG: Planning Policy Group, 1965-1987, including Land Use Survey files and plans, GLC Development Planning Branch, policy division files, files of GLC Planning Studies Group on Tourism, office survey files from the GLC Central Policy Unit, files on the statistical analysis of planning decisions, planning files.

LSPU/PUB: Publications by the London Strategic Policy Unit.

LSPU/RAG: Recreation and Arts Group policy files, 1986-1987.

LSPU/REPG: Race Equality Policy Group, 1968-1987, including files of the GLC Ethnic Minorities Unit, files of the GLC Recreation and Arts Department Race Equality Unit, files of the GLC Ethnic Minorities Unit Irish team, files of the GLC Ethnic Minorities Unit Industry and Employment Section, policy team files, 'Patrolling the Frontline' press cuttings bulletin, grants files of the GLC Ethnic Minorities Unit, Development Team files, files of A Wong, Principal Race Equality Adviser, files of the GLC Ethnic Minorities Unit on the Anti-Racist Year Programme.

LSPU/TG: Transport Group, 1972-1988, including policy files, files of the GLC Public Transport Campaign Unit, and plans.

LSPU/WEG: Women's Equality Group, 1981-1988, including GLC Women's Committee Support Unit; policy files; files on childcare provision; exhibition boards; files of grant monitoring and administration files.

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Misc: Publications relating to NATO
GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 55 · 1948-1988

Publications relating to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and western European defensive strategy, procurement, and technology, 1948-1988, most notably editions of NATO's Fifteen Nations, a journal devoted to NATO alliance politics, force structure, integration, combined training, and procurement, May 1958-Jun 1988; an edition of Laboratory of the Air (HMSO, Ministry of Supply, 1948), detailing the history and function of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, Hampshire; seven aerial photographs of the Royal Aircraft Establishment; an edition of Facts about NATO (NATO Information Service, Paris, 1959), detailing NATO history, organisation, and force structure; edition of NATO: Facts about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Bosh: Utrecht, 1962)

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GB 0074 ACC/1037 · Colección · 1798-1950

Records of Howards and Sons, manufacturers of pharmaceutical chemicals, 1798-1950, including records relating to the formation of the company; records of partnerships; memoranda and articles of association; notices of resolutions; papers relating to formation of company in 1903 and its reconstruction in 1920; records of shareholders; records of debenture stockholders; Company seal and Board memorandum books.

Papers relating to property owned by the Company, including leases and related papers; insurance records; records of building work and plans of the laboratories and factories at Plaistow, Stratford and Ilford. Financial accounts and bank statements; records relating to staff including wages books and pension papers.

Papers relating to manufacture and trade including papers relating to patents, licences and agreements; records of experiments; records of stock, production and trade, including accounts, correspondence, price lists, advertisements and newscuttings and papers relating to exhibitions. Papers relating to the manufacture of quinine, including patents and agreements; records of production and trade, including records of supply of bark, accounts, technical and business reports, correspondence, price lists and newscuttings.

Records relating to subsidiary companies including Hopkin & Williams Ltd.

Hopkin and Williams Ltd., Thorium Branch; Thorium Ltd.

Hopkin and Williams (Travancore) Ltd.

Hatton Contract Co. Ltd. and Golden Eagle Syndicate; James Anthony and Co. Ltd.

Agatash Estates Ltd.

Barking and Ilford Navigation Co. Ltd.

British Camphor Co. Ltd.

Demerara Development Co. Ltd.

Drogueria de la Estrella Ltda., Buenos Aires; Methylators Ltd. and O. Wallis and Co. Ltd.

Papers relating to the Howard family and associates, including John Williams, Joseph Jewell, R. J. Law. Also photographs and drawings; and a collection of printed technical and historical works relating to the work of the company, including a history of the Company, biographies and local history.

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GB 0074 ACC/2305/03-3 · Colección · 1953-1961

Records of Camwal Limited, soft drinks manufacturers, including price structure policy papers; sales meetings papers; papers relating to the merger with Cantrell and Cochrane; trade returns; and papers on the proposed sale of Cantrell and Cochrane (Southern) Limited to Schweppes.

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GB 0074 B/BRO · Colección · 1943-1969

Records of Brown Brothers, ironmongers, 1943-1969, comprising financial accounts; price lists and catalogues of tools, of locks, latches, keys and blanks, lock furniture, door furniture, door closers, hand tools, cutlery and adhesives.

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Allen Papers
GB 0103 ALLEN · 1895-1984

Papers of George Allen, 1895-1984, including photographs of industrial processes in the Midlands (1920s); papers submitted to the Greene Committee on mining wages in 1942 (1926-1940); memoranda for the Monopolies Commission, including surveys for the Board of Trade (1944-1953); papers relating to Allen's wartime work on both British and Japanese economic matters, 1940-1944; papers relating to Allen's writings, in articles, lectures, and books, mostly on the Japanese economy (c1923-c1982) and papers, correspondence, etc of a more personal nature, including correspondence with Sir William Ashley (c1895-c1984).

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Scottish food prices Act
GB 0096 MS 209 · [1688]

Manuscript volume containing a copy of the Scottish Act of Sederunt for the regulation of the prices of meat and other victuals in Edinburgh, [1688], entitled 'Coppie of the act of sederunt for regulateing the pryces of vivers', and beginning 'The Lords of Councill and Sessione considering the prejudice which his Majesties Leidges repairing to and resideing in this towne doe sustaine through the exorbitant rates exacted for fleshes and other vivers, they ordain that the rates and pryces of butcher fleshes...sold within the towne of Edinburgh, suburbs thereof and Leith shall not exceed these contained in the table underwryten'.

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GB 0096 MS 611 · 1800-1801, 1831

Two papers, each in a different hand, containing observations on the price of wheat and flour and its effect upon the price of bread, with reasons given for the fluctuations and suggestions for dealing with them, with particular reference to London, [1800-1801]. The items are enclosed in a wrapper, possibly sent by J. Williams (maybe the MP for Winchelsea), addressed to Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, Bt, Commissioner of H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, dated and franked 14 Dec 1831.

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GB 0096 AL390 · Fondo · 1803

Letter from Peter Dolland of London to an unknown recipient, 20 Aug 1803. Discussing an order given for instruments, including compasses, ivory scales, and 'the case of drawing instruments which you desire in every particular to be very good and yet you seem to expect the price to be very low'. Mentioning alternative types and prices of some instruments.

Autograph, signed 'P. & J. Dollond'.

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GB 0096 MS 664 · [1774]

Volume containing engraved pages completed in manuscript listing fortnightly prices of corn in the markets of the principal towns of each Généralité of France; headings and wheat prices have been added in manuscript for the years 1771-1773.

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List of grain prices in Lanarkshire
GB 0096 MS 678 · 1821, 1823

Certified copy of grain prices in Lanarkshire for 1799-1820. The first three leaves contain the prices for the upper ward of the country, 1799-1811, and for the whole county, 1812-1820. These are certified as 'a true copy of the fair prices...of grain before mentioned' in a declaration signed by John Marr, 1 Nov 1821. Each page also bears his signature at the foot. Another hand continues the list up to 1823, adding prices of beans, pease and malt. The document is twice endorsed as being a certified copy for 1799-1820.

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GB 0098 KO · Created 1953-1999 (ongoing)

Records relating to Interdisciplinary Centres and Courses of Imperial College, 1953-1992, including Acoustic and Vibration Science course brochures, undated; proposed Centre for Economic Policy Studies, [1980] (KO);
papers of the Robotics and Automated Systems Centre, comprising correspondence on the establishment of the centre, 1981-1982; course leaflets, press cuttings, 1984 (KOA); papers relating to the Centre for Composite Materials, including course leaflets, press cuttings, annual report, 1992-1999 (KOC); papers relating to joint courses with the London School of Economics, including minutes of the Joint Committee, 1953-1967; Rector's correspondence, 1956-1967 (KOE); papers relating to Energy Studies, 1979-1981 (KOF); Geotechnical Engineering courses leaflets, 1982-1984 (KOG); papers relating to the Centre for Remote Sensing, including correspondence, 1981; journal, 1981-1984; newsletters, 1981-1984; press cuttings (KOR); papers relating to Science of Materials research and postgraduate courses, including research reports, 1963-1968 (KOS); papers relating to the Centre for Environmental Technology, including course brochures, 1976-1993; annual reports, 1978-1986; research reviews, 1979-1990; newletters, 1977-1987; Rectors' correspondence, 1974-1982; working party papers, 1974-1975 (KOT).

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Panama: Political Pamphlets
GB 3032 EV 320 PAM · 1972-

Pamphlets, reports, analyses, histories, letters from 1972 issued by Bishops' Conference of Panama, CEASPA, Centro de Estudios Económico-Sociales(CEES), Congreso General Extraordinario Guaymí de Soloy, Chiriquí (1980), Congreso General Guaymí de Kankintú, Bocas del Toro (1st : 1979), Congreso Interamericano de Planification (10th : 1974 : Panama), Diálogo Social, Ecumenical Program for Inter-American Communication and Action, Equipo Promoción de la Mujer, Fe y Alegría (Organization), Instituto Cooperativo Interamericano. Seminar (25th : 1978 : Panamá), Institute of Torrijista Studies, Junta Militar de Gobierno (Panama), Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario (Panama), Movimiento Campesino de Panama, Survival International, United States Dept. of Defense.

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GB 0097 DALTON · 1916-1964

The Dalton papers consist of diaries, correspondence, speeches, personal papers, photographs and printed material, covering subjects such as Foreign Office papers, economic reform, political and Labour Party issues, defence policy and production, Dalton's honours and offices, the Special Operations Executive, the Ministry of Economic Warfare, and the Board of Trade. There are also annotated copies of Hansard and various Labour Party pamphlets. They comprise the following:
Diaries, 1916-1960
Papers, 1929-1960: 1. Foreign Office papers, 1929-1930; 2. Economic reform, 1932-1938; 3. Political and Labour Party papers, 1936-1940; 4. Defence policy and production, with particular reference to the Royal Air Force, 1936-1940; 5. Correspondence, 1932, 1935-1940; 6. Speeches, 1929-1940; 7. Political papers and speeches, 1940-1945; 8. Political and general correspondence, 1940-1945; 9. Political papers and correspondence, 1945-1955, 1960; 10. Letters of congratulation etc, 1947-1957; 11. Letters from Ruth Dalton, 1948-1952; 12. Writings, 1919, 1950-1961; 13. Address and engagement books, 1959-1961; 14. Honours and offices, 1918, 1940-1960; 15. Financial records, 1919-1964; 16. Various undated papers, 1919-1964; 17. Cartoons and photographs; 18. Papers found after the completion of the list (mostly concerning the Special Operations Executive, the Ministry of Economic Warfare, and the Board of Trade), 1940-1942; 19. Additions (family ephemera), 1936-1965.
Printed material, 1918-1959: Annotated copies of Hansard and Labour Party pamphlets.

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GB 0097 LONGDEN · 1901-1996

Papers of Sir Gilbert James Morley Longden. Comprised of general political correspondence and papers; constituency papers; subject files; political writings; collected published material; personal memorabilia, correspondence and papers; autobiographical material; papers about the collection; 1901-1996.

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GB 0097 MEADE · Colección · 1921-[1995]

Papers of Professor James Edward Meade, 1927-[1995], comprising the following: Personal diaries, 1943-1952, covering Meade's visits to the USA and his wartime work within the Economic Section of the Cabinet Office. Correspondence and papers, 1927-1995, including correspondence between Meade and other economists, notably (Edward) Hugh (John Neale) Dalton, (William) Maurice Allen, Edwin Cannan, Evan Frank Mottram Durbin, Lady Juliet Evangeline Rhys-Williams, John Maynard Keynes, Dennis Holme Robertson, Richard Ferdinand Kahn, Sir John and Lady Ursula Hicks, Roy (Forbes) Harrod, Lionel Charles Robbins, Alban William Housego (Bill) Phillips, Philip John Noel-Baker, Sir Ralph George Hawtree, Oliver Shewell Franks, and Harold Joseph Laski; papers by Meade and others on economic topics, with comments by him and other economists; papers and correspondence relating to institutions, including the Joint Sub-Committee of Accountants and Economists, Political and Economic Planning, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research , the International Monetary Fund, the International Institute for Labour Studies, the Royal Economic Society, the Overseas Development Institute, the Child Action Poverty Group and the Institute for Public Policy Research. Papers relating to Meade's Chairmanship of the Economic Survey Mission to Mauritius, 1950-1961, including drafts, the final report, and research papers, especially statistics concerning the Mauritian society and economy and papers created by the Mauritian Legislative Council. Papers, correspondence and news cuttings, 1975-1981, concerning Meade's Chairmanship of an Institute of Fiscal Studies Committee looking at the reform and structure of direct taxation in the UK, including research papers, the final report and correspondence with individuals. Working papers, notes and drafts relating to the Stagflation Project, 1976-1987, notably comments on drafts by other economists, applications for project funding, correspondence with publishers, reviews and press cuttings, texts of lectures, corrected drafts of chapters for Wage fixing (Allen and Unwin, London, 1982) and Demand Management (Allen and Unwin, London, 1983), as well as correspondence with his co-authors. Material relating to Agathotopia: the Economics of Partnership (Aberdeen University Press, 1989), 1988-1991, including working notes, printed drafts, related articles, press cuttings, texts of lectures on Agathotopia, letters relating to publication, correspondence, photographs and papers created at the League of Italian Cooperatives seminar in Rome (1988). Papers and notes by Meade on various economic topics, 1947-1995, including political economics, international economic policy and institutions, economic welfare, international trade, neo-classical economic theories, government finance, the European Common Market and Monetary Union, taxation and international monetary reform. This section also includes notes and drafts for published books, papers and articles. Papers by other economists, 1947-1994, mainly with comments by Meade, notably Stanley Dennison, and Don Patinkin. Material concerning conferences and academic panels, 1947-1995, notably the Royal Society Population Group, the Cambridge Economic Policy Review, the Atlantic Economic Society, the Bank of England Panel of Academic Historians, the Public Policy Centre, the Basic Income Research Group and the Borrie Commission on Social Justice. Texts of lectures by Meade, 1947-1994, mainly on economic subjects, given mostly at the London School of Economics. Published books by Meade, 1933-1995, many signed and annotated by him, and including copies of works translated into foreign languages. Material relating to the Social Democratic Party, the Liberal/SDP Alliance and the Liberal Democratic Party, 1981-1982 and 1991-1992, notably correspondence concerning Meade's letter to The Times regarding proportional representation, January 1981; papers of the SDP Policy Group on Poverty, Taxation and Social Security, 1981, and of the SDP Economic Policy Group, 1981-1982, including policy discussion papers prepared by Meade; papers and press cuttings regarding the environmental policy of the Liberal Democrats, 1991-1992. Papers relating to Alban William Housego (Bill) Phillips and the Phillips Machine, 1949-1995, including photographs of the original seminar at LSE in 1949, as well as the reopening of the Phillips Machine in 1989; correspondence with Bill Phillips and other economist regarding the machine and funding of the project; notes, diagrams and working papers relating to the building of the Phillips machine; biographical material for Bill Phillips; and general press cuttings, correspondence and papers concerning the reuse of the machine in the 1990s. Miscellaneous papers, 1921-1995, including correspondence with publishers, 1933-1995; Meade's notebooks containing writings on economics and reading lists, 1944-1975; Government economic reports, 1955-1956; reviews of Meade's publications, 1958-1970; correspondence and papers relating to the Eugenics Society, 1963-1969; papers relating to the Nuffield Foundation, 1968-1975; and student references, 1980-1994.

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GB 0074 CLC/B/178-04 · Colección · 1924-1952

The records of Phoenix Oil Products Limited comprise: memorandum and articles of association, 1924, 1926 and 1947; minutes of board meetings, 1926-50 and general meetings, 1927-50; financial statements, 1927-47; directors' annual reports and accounts, 1927-46; ledgers, sales ledgers, journals and cash book, 1926-51; papers regarding the nationalisation of Roumanian industry, 1950; papers regarding liquidation, 1950-2; annual balance sheets and accounts of Runo-Everth Treibstoff und Oel A. G., 1939-49; reports on visits to offices of Runo-Everth Treibstoff und Oel A.G., 1947.

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GB 0074 LMA/4434/R · Colección · 196--197-

Records of David Sandeman and Sons (Pall Mall) Limited, wine merchants, comprising minute book for board of directors meetings and annual general meetings; register of members, directors, secretaries and share certificates; change of company situation forms and price list for the 1960-1961 season.

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GB 0101 ICS 62 · 1962

Papers relating to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) (RIIA) Commonwealth Conference in Lagos, Nigeria, 1962, comprising correspondence between Professor Charles Edmund Carrington, RIIA and Prof Kenneth Robinson, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, draft papers on African politics, aid and trade, draft reports on the cold war in Africa, pan-africanism, Britain's application to join the European Common Market, and the future of Commonwealth co-operation in Africa

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New Zealand: Political Parties Material
GB 0101 PP.NZ · 1925-

Constitutions, conference reports, pamphlets, leaflets, posters, speeches, letters, newsletters, journals and miscellaneous election materials from 1925, issued at national, local and youth level by the Alliance (New Zealand), the Citizens' Association (Wellington), the Communist Party of Aotearoa, the Communist Party of New Zealand, the Communist Party of New Zealand (Marxist-Leninist), the Communist Party of New Zealand Wellington District Committee, the Imperial British Conservative Party, the New Zealand Labour Party, the New Zealand Labour Party Youth Advisory Council, the National Front (New Zealand), the National Gay Rights Coalition of New Zealand, the Nationalist Workers' Party (New Zealand), the New Labour Party (New Zealand), the New Zealand Christian Democratic Union Party, the New Zealand National Party, the New Zealand Party, the New Zealand Social Credit Political League (Inc.), the New Zealand Socialist Unity Party, the New Zealand Spartacist League, the New Zealand Values Party, the Social Credit Party (New Zealand), the Socialist Action League (New Zealand), A Women's Liberation Group, the Workers' Communist League of New Zealand, and the Young Socialists (N.Z.).

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Costings of foodstuffs
GB 0096 MS 448 · [1675-1724]

A manuscript list, [1675-1725], giving the cost of foodstuffs for dinner and supper for one week (from Tuesday 12-Tuesday 19).

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Grain prices in Kingston upon Hull
GB 0096 MS 468 · 1759-1780

Two manuscript lists of prices of grain, meal and flour, as sold in the corn-market in Kingston upon Hull, for 29 Feb and 7 Mar, 1780. Signed by Joseph Monday. The lists conclude a series of printed price lists in which prices have been supplied in manuscript dating from 19 Jan 1759 to 22 Feb 1780. Signatures include Robert Oxtaby, James Oxtaby, his son, Thomas Coulston and Joseph Monday.

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GB 0097 CROSLAND · 1920-1980

This collection encompasses all the main phases of Crosland's career; his education and early career, World War II, his time as a Member of Parliament. It includes personal and professional correspondence, diaries, notes and notebooks, publications, speeches, broadcasts, photographs, and ephemera (including opera, theatre and concert programmes) and comprises the following:
Part I. Education and Early Career, 1930-1950
Section 1) Highgate School (exercise books and certificates); Section 2) Trinity College, Oxford (essays and notes, material relating to student societies, and ephemera); Section 3) War (including diaries, correspondence and notebooks).

Part II. Member of Parliament, 1950-1977
Section 4) Papers; Section 5) Ministerial; Section 6) Labour Party; Section 7) Constituency; Section 8) Official foreign visits.

Part III. Correspondence (personal and professional), 1927-1976:
Section 9) 1927-1949; Section 10) 1950-1966; Section 11) 1967-1970; Section 12) 1971-1976.

Part IV. Various, 1920 - 1980
Section 13) Books, pamphlets, articles, speeches and broadcasts (concerning socialism, economics, and political campaigning); Section 14) Co-operative Independent Commission; Section 15) Profiles and biography; Section 16) Notes, note books, press cuttings and miscellaneous (personal accounts, notes and reflections); Section 17) Susan Crosland's papers (concerning biographies of Anthony Crosland); Section 18) Crosland Additional (photographs and ephemera).

The following sections, describing printed items, have been added to the catalogue as appendices: 1. Printed articles and speeches by Crosland; 2. Pamphlets (collected by Crosland); 3. Opera, Theatre and Concert Programmes.
There are two later accessions of scrapbooks, press cuttings, photographs, war medals and correspondence, c1920-c1980, and a file on the International Monetary Fund, 1976-1987.

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GB 0097 FEDERAL TRUST · 1931-2004

Correspondence and papers of the Federal Union and Federal Trust for Education and Research. Includes letters, reports, notes, minutes; printed material such as newspapers and newsletters, publications, press cuttings, leaflets and publicity material; some photographs, audio and videotape. Material relates broadly to administration and management, activities, external relations and research, 1931-2004.

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GB 0097 GIFFEN · 1861-1910

This collection consists of Giffen's correspondence on subjects including the national finances, currency and bimetallism (particularly in relation to India), wages and prices, free trade, and expenditure on the army and navy; articles by Giffen, on diverse subjects including the national finances and monetary laws, the Political Economy Club, and househunting and housebuilding; papers on subjects including war risks to British trade and shipping and 'The Statist'; and press cuttings concerning currency, trade, public finance, and Giffen himself.

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GB 0097 PHELPS BROWN · Colección · 1950-1990

Research papers of Sir Henry Phelps Brown, covering wages and prices during his lifetime, and a further collection of papers relating to research and public work, including book reviews, an enquiry into the mobility of labour and a brief autobiography.

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GB 0097 PLANT · 1918-1972

Papers of Professor Sir Arnold Plant, 1918-1972, comprising the following: Papers concerning Plant's education, 1919-1923, mainly comprising lecture notes taken during his studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and examination papers for the London BCommerce. Material concerning Plant's teaching career, 1918-1969, notably at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, 1918-1931, including lecture notes on subjects including banking, economics and statistics, notes for the Commerce degree, and correspondence from former students relating to their professional work; papers relating to the LSE, 1928-1969, notably Plant's work in the Department of Business Administration, including administrative papers, lists of students, seminars and test results, material concerning the teaching of the Commerce degree including lecture notes and examination papers, papers concerning research projects, research material into higher education training for business and management, and material concerning the formation of a Central Institute of Management; minutes, correspondence and papers of the Commerce Degree Bureau, 1937-1972; material concerning the University of London Council for External Students, 1961-1972, including reports, minutes and papers. Material concerning lectures, writings and publications, 1924-1964, notably working papers and drafts for talks on various subjects including patent law, modern industry, copyright of publications, transport economics, marketing and economic conditions in South Africa; background material, notes and drafts for BBC broadcasts, 1931-1961, notably on pay as you view television, trade and industry and South Africa; correspondence, drafts, notes and offprints of various published articles, lectures and reports, 1925-1964, mainly relating to commerce and business, copyright and nuclear energy. Correspondence, 1921-1972, mainly relating to the teaching of business and commerce, with correspondents including Sir John Carruthers Beattie, Sir William Henry Beveridge, Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders, Sir Henry Clay, William Harold Hutt, Eric Anderson Walker, Professor Lilian Knowles, Professor Lionel Robbins and Professor Richard Henry Tawney. Personal material, 1950-1972, concerning employment, salary, pensions and stays in hospital. Papers concerning Plant's work on the Monopolies and Restrictive Practices Commission, 1948-1959, comprising memoranda, reports, minutes and agenda, evidence and correspondence relating to electrical machinery, industrial gases, linoleum, copper semis, tea, tyres, timber, calico printing, electric batteries, radio valves and street lighting, as well as general reference materials, press cuttings, and correspondence concerning membership of the Commission. Material concerning Plant's work on the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAD), 1954-1967, including minutes, reports and papers of the Council, 1950-1967; minutes and working papers of the Industrial Diseases Sub-Committee, 1955-1967, especially concerning byssinosis, teeth erosion, lung cancer, vibration syndrome (Raynaud's Syndrome), industrial deafness, cadmium poisoning and respiratory diseases; papers of the Industrial Health Advisory Committee (Ministry of Labour), 1955-1966; Secretary's correspondence with Plant, 1966-1968; general IIAC correspondence, 1954-1959, mainly relating to meetings and expert opinion on industrial health. Papers concerning Plant's work on the Cinematograph Films Council, 1938-1968, including minutes, agenda and working papers of the Council, 1938-1968; material relating to the Committee on Film Distribution and Exhibition (Portal Committee), 1943-1949, including minutes and working papers, evidence, reports and drafts of the final report; papers relating to the Plant Report into Distribution and Exhibition of Cinematograph Films, 1945-1951, including press cuttings, parliamentary reports, and expert views; correspondence and papers, 1946-1965, including letters from Sir (Alexander) Frederick Whyte and J(oseph) Arthur Rank; papers of the Advisory Committee on Amendments to Cinematograph Films Acts, 1957-1958; minutes of the Structure and Trading Practices Sub-Committee, 1962-1963. Material concerning Plant's work on other committees, societies and bodies, 1932-1972, notably minutes, reports, bulletins and research papers of the London and Cambridge Economic Service, 1932-1966; papers relating to the Council for National Academic Awards, 1964-1968, including minutes and working papers, minutes of the Arts and Social Studies Committee and the Economics and Business Studies Board, and applications for recognition from higher education institutions; reports, minutes and correspondence relating to the Advertising Standards Authority, 1962-1967; papers of the Naval Education Advisory Committee, 1946-1970, notably course outlines, minutes and reports; annual reports and publication notices of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, 1966-1971; correspondence, circulars and Council minutes of the Royal Economic Society, 1970-1972; reports, press cuttings and correspondence of the Committee on Fowl Pest Policy, 1962-1964; and minutes and working papers of the Board of Management of Athlone Press, 1969-1972.

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GB 0097 WISE · 1914-1935

This collection contains speeches by Wise; financial reports on the economic condition of Germany; correspondence regarding the publication of his German diary; pamphlets and reports on reparation payments; studies, notes and papers on government policy; notes regarding economic policy; and notes and correspondence regarding his political life.

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Papers relating to prices and wages in England from 1100-1900 collated by William Henry Beveridge and his research assistants (notably Miss M E Rayner and Dr Hubert Hall) between [1923] and [1963], comprising raw and tabulated price data and reports and notes on the source material, as well as drafts and manuscripts of Prices and wages in England from the twelfth to the nineteenth century (Longmans, Green and Co, London, 1939).

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GB 0074 CLC/B/195 · Colección · 1554-2005

Records of the Russia Company, including:

  • Copies of charters, 1554-1628;
  • Court minute books, 1666-1999;
  • Financial records, 1699-1995;
  • Correspondence, 1879-1943;
  • Correspondence and other papers, 1711-1888, 1885-c.1908, 1916-1919, 2005;
  • Annual reports, 1905-1953;
  • Stamp duty book, 1896-1947;
  • Administrative records, 1877-1946;
  • Papers relating to the Anglican chaplaincies in Russia, 1894-1917, 1993-7;
  • Records of the Council for British Repatriated from Russia, 1919-1932;
  • Records of the British Factory, St. Petersburg, 1774-1875.
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Chile: Political Pamphlets
GB 3032 M 320 PAM · 1965-

Leaflets, pamphlets, reports, enquiry reports, congress reports, documents, programs, appeals, speeches, journals, newsletters, biographies, posters, booklets, address lists, official decress and statements, bulletins, resolutions, declarations, dossiers and miscellaneous other materials, 1965 onwards issued by Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Academics for Chile, Action for Women in Chile, ADHU-CHILE, Agrupación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos (Chile), Agrupación de Familiares de Exiliados (Concepción), Agrupación de Familiares de Presos Políticos, Agrupación Sindical Solidaridad Sector Vicuña Mackenna, Amnesty International, Arzobispado de Concepción, Arzobispado de Santiago, Asamblea Nacional de la Civilidad, Asociación Central de Pescadores de Coquimbo, Asociación de Derechos Humanos para Chile, Banco Central de Chile, Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Bertrand Russell Tribunal on Brazil and Repression in Latin America, Bloque Popular Unitario, Canadian Enquiry into Human Rights in Chile, Casa de Chile en México, Catholic Church, Catholic Institute for International Relations, CEDETIM, Central Unitaria de Trabajadores, Centro de Estudios Sociales (Santiago, Chile), Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Educación, Centro de Investigaciones Socioeconómicas (Chile), Chile Committee for Human Rights, Common Front for Latin America, Chile Campesino - CF, Chile Comunitario, Chile Information Bureau, Chile Lucha, Chile Sindical - CF, Chile Solidarity Campaign, Chilean Anti-Fascist Committee, Chilean Commission for Human Rights, Chilean Government, Chile-Komitee Aachen, Comisión Chilena de Derechos Humanos, Comisión International de Investigación de los Crímenes de la Junta Militar en Chile, Comisión Nacional contra la Tortura, Comisión para la defensa de los derechos humanos en Centroamérica, Comitato Vietnam, Comité Chileno de Solidaridad con la Resistencia Antifascista, Comité Chileno para el Congreso Mundial del Año Internacional de la Mujer, Comité de Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo (Chile), Comité de Défense des Droits du Peuple (Chile), Comité de Derechos Humanos Oscar Romero, Comité de Soutien à la Lutte Révolutionnaire du Peuple Chilien, Comité Hondureño de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Chileno, Comité Juan Alsinam, Comité Nacional de Solidaridad y Apoyo a Chile, Communist Party of Great Britain, Conferencia Mundial de Solidaridad con Chile (1978 : Madrid), Consejería Nacional de Promoción Popular, Consejo Ejecutivo Presos Políticos, Coordinador Nacional de Juventudes, Coordinadora Nacional de Presos Políticos Chilenas (CNPP), Coordinadora Nacional Sindical (Chile), Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (Chile), Corporación para la Reforma Agraria (CORA), Council of Revolutionary Co-operation, Coventry Chilean Committee, Ecumenical Program for Inter-American Communication and Action, Escuela de Negocios de Valparaíso (Chile), FASIC (Agency), Federación de Sindicatos de Trabajadores de Maipu, La Fédération Mondiale de la Jeunesse Démocratique, Frente de Trabajadores Revolucionarios (Chile), Frente Unitario de Trabajadores (Chile), Fundación de Ayuda Social de las Iglesias Cristianas, Group of Solidarity with the Chilean Political Prisoners, Gruppe Internationale Marxisten, IDOC-North America Inc., Instituto Apostolico, Instituto Chileno de Educación Cooperativa, Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación en Reforma Agraria (Chile), Inter-church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America, International Commission of Enquiry into the crimes of the Military Junta in Chile, International Marxist Group, Joint Working Group for Refugees from Chile in Britain, Junta de Gobierno (Chile), Juventud Radical Revolucionaria, Juventad Socialista de Chile, Letelier-Moffitt Memorial Fund for Human Rights, Liga Comunista de Chile, Lutte ouvrière, Il Manifesto di Milano, MAPU (Chile), Militantes Trotskistas Chilenos, Movimiento de Acción Popular Unitaria (MAPU), Movimiento de Acción Popular Unitaria Obrero-Campesino (Partido MAPU-OC), Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (Chile), National Trade Union Co-Ordinating Committee (Chile), National Union of Mineworkers, Northampton Chile Solidarity Committee, Northern California Chile Coalition, Oficina de Planificación Nacional (Chile), Organización de Izquierda Cristiana de Chile, Organización de Presos Políticos Local de San Miguel (Mujeres)', Organización Poder Obrero de Chile, Panorama DDR, Partido Comunista de Chile, Partido Comunista Revolucionario de Chile, Partido Comunista Revolucionario (Marxista-Leninista) de Chile, Partido de Unità Proletaria, Partido Democrata Cristiano, Partido Socialista (Chile), Patriotic Front for National Liberation (Chile), Political Prisoners of Chile, Presos Politicos de Chile, Programa de Acción Solidaria (P.A.S.), Revolutionary Communist Group, Servicio Paz y Justicia en Chile, Sociedad de Profesionales Consultores (SUR), Society for Latin American Studies (Great Britain), Solidarity Committee of the GDR, Taller de Análisis Político Institucional, Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility (TCCR), Teatro Popular Chileno, Tendance Marxiste Révolutionnaire Internationale, Unidad Popular, Unión Comunista, Unión de Jóvenes Democráticos, United Nations, Universidad de Chile, Women's Campaign for Chile, World Confederation of Labour, World Council of Churches, World University Service.

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GB 0101 PP.XM · 1957-

Speeches, constitutions, reports, manifestos, speeches, statements, letters and newsletters issued by the Commercial, Technical and Allied Workers' Union (Saint Vincent), the Labour Party (Saint Vincent), the Movement for National Unity, the National Progressive Workers' Union (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), the New Democratic Party (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), the People's Political Party of Saint Vincent, the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Human Rights Association, the St. Vincent Junior Chamber and the Youlou United Liberation Movement. They are concerned amongst other things with the problems of economic development in the islands, with the position of the country in the Caribbean as a whole and of course with the transition to independence. There are also materials issued by trades unions as well as by human rights and business groups.

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New Zealand: Trades Unions Material
GB 0101 TU.NZ · 1948-

Pamphlets, guides, addresses, reports and discussion papers, 1948 onwards, issued by the Coachworkers Union (N.Z.), the Combined Motor Industry Unions (N.Z.), the Combined State Unions (N.Z.), the Labour Women's Council (N.Z.), the N.Z. Carpenters' and Related Trades' Union, the New Zealand Dairy Factories and Related Trades Employees' Industrial Union of Workers, the New Zealand Federation of Labour, the New Zealand Public Service Association, the New Zealand Waterside Workers' Union, the Northern Drivers Union and the Wellington Trades Council.

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Davis (Ralph) Papers
GB 0103 DAVIS · Created 1964-1979

The collection consists of chapters, drafts, notes and correspondence of Ralph Davis on published works (1971-1979); tables and statistics concerning overseas trade, exports and imports in the 18th and 19th centuries; teaching materials, course notes, etc (1964-1975); correspondence (1965-1978).

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GB 0097 COLL MISC 0092 · 1915-1920

Beveridge's papers as Second Secretary of the Ministry of Food during World War One, including:
Volume 6: The 9d loaf and the bread subsidy, May-Aug 1917.
Volume 7: Sugar distribution scheme, Dec 1916-Sep 1917.
Volume 8: Rationing. Jan-Apr 1917.
Volume 9: Rationing, Apr 1917-Mar 1918.
Volume 13: Papers on the future of the Ministry of Food, Nov 1918-1921.
Volume 15: Industrial unrest. Railway strike, 1919.
Volume 16: Industrial unrest. Coal strikes, Oct 1920 and Apr 1921.
Volume 23: Diary of the Ministry of Food, 1917-1919.
Volumes 24 - 26. Minutes of the Food Council, 1917-1920.

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London and Cambridge Economic Service

Papers of the London and Cambridge Economic Services, including minutes, accounts, and correspondence regarding publications.

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