US Military Intelligence Reports: Japan, 1918-1941 is a themed microfilm collection relating to US Military Intelligence Division (MID) in Japan, 1918- 1941. Included in the collection are microfilmed copies of US MID reports from the military attaché and his staff, and correspondence and telegrams between the military attaché, his staff, US Army Headquarters and the Japanese Imperial Army Headquarters, and US and foreign diplomats throughout the Far East. These documents have been arranged into eight sections: general conditions, political conditions, economic conditions, general conditions in Korea, army, field artillery, navy, and aviation. These sections are not mutually exclusive and all include a range of routine and special reports. Reports on domestic policy cover the rise of right wing, socialist, and communist organisations in Japan; the effects of the 1923 earthquake; Japanese industrial expansion, notably the securing of raw materials from neighbouring countries; the South Manchurian Railway Company; oil prospecting; and the iron and steel industries. Military and foreign policy reports concern the occupation of Korea, Siberia, Manchuria (Manchukuo), and the 1919 independence demonstrations in Korea. Specific military reports cover Japanese military tactics; military regulations; combat principles; training; organisation, the social attitude of officers; civil-military relations; aviation technology and statistics; the annual budgets of the Japanese War Ministry; naval building programmes; the scrapping of warships in accordance with the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922; naval operations in World War One; the use of air power against China; and the construction of offensive airfields in Indo-China.
Sans titrePapers of the British Medical Association compring files [1915-1960], from the following subject series: Medico-Political, Science, Groups, Ethics, Public Health, Hospitals, Organisation. Also incomplete set of copy minutes of Council, Committees and of the Annual Representatives' Meetings and Special Representatives' Meetings, [1907-1982].
Sans titreAccount-book of a medical practitioner in Kinross. In Vol. II is an inserted letter, dated 8 Jan., 1921, from D. W. B. Fleming of Culross to Orr, the Bristol bookseller relating to this MS. Produced in Kinross.
Sans titreBuxton Stilltoe's note-books containing clinical notes, notes on anatomy, pathology, etc. Author's holograph MSS. Produced in London, 1850-1898.
Sans titrePapers of co-operator and Christian socialist Paul Derrick, 1947-1987, including pamphlets and publications by Derrick concerning socialism, co-operation, economics, Christian socialism and other subjects, 1947-1987; papers and correspondence concerning common ownership, 1968-1975; typescripts drafts by and correspondence with R.H.Glover, 1969-1974; correspondence and papers concerning the Robert Owen Bicentenary Association, 1970-1974; papers, correspondence and minutes of the Christian Socialist Movement, 1962-1981; miscellaneous correspondence regarding political, co-operative and general issues with politicians, colleagues and others, 1952-1974; typescript and handwritten drafts of published and unpublished articles, c1950-1975; personal papers and correspondence, 1967-1971.
Sans titreThe bulk of this microfilm collection consists of material emanating from the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF), 1933-1939. Included are documents marked 'secret' which record the prevailing views within the Deutsche Arbeitsfront on the extent of industrial action in the Third Reich and other issues relating to industrial relations. There is also a considerable amount of correspondence from the DAF to the company Wilhem Edel, margarine manufacturers, covering a variety of matters related to worker/employee relations. In addition there are number of publications and periodicals on the subject.
Sans titreLetter from J P Marbeau of 8 Rue Montolivet, Paris to [Henry Hucks Gibbs], 11 Aug 1878. Covering note sent with two pamphlets [Question monataire: Abaissement du titre de la petite monnaie (1863) and Question monataire: Proposition d'une monnaie internationale (1867)].
Written in another hand and signed by Marbeau.
Letter from Richard Cobden of London to C E Macqueen, [Secretary of the Liverpool Financial Reform Association], 11 May 1863. '... I hope before the close of the session to be able to offer some remarks on finance, and to urge a reduction of taxation... In my opinion the only way of enforcing economy is by witholding the means of extravagance...'.
Autograph, with signature.
Sans titreLetter from Henry George of 327 East 19th Street, New York to Swan Sonnenschein and Co, 16 Sep 1891. Relating to the publication of his The Condition of Labor: an Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII.
Autograph, with signature.
Sans titreLetter from John Ramsay McCulloch of 10 Buccleuch Place, [Edinburgh] to Joseph Hume, 19 Nov [c1825]. Covering note accompanying a copy of McCulloch's The principles of political economy (1825).
Sans titrePapers of George Webb Medley, 1875-1893, comprising 130 volumes of press-cuttings, mostly from the national press such as The Times, Pall Mall Gazette, The Echo, and The Daily News. Some volumes are indexed. Subjects include Egypt, 1875-1885 (reference Medley 1-10); Political Economy - statistics and taxation, c 1879-1893 (Medley 11-20, 47-48, 50); Conservative Party including Lord Randolph Churchill, speeches of Lord Salisbury, c 1880-1885 (Medley 21-46); Blasphemy - the law, 1883 (Medley 49); the Franchise, 1883-1884 (Medley 51-53); Church and State, 1883-1885 (Medley 54-56); Free Trade, 1881-1891 (Medley 57-96); Land, c 1876-1885 (Medley 97-102); Liberal Party, 1879-1885 (Medley 103-108); Empire and Colonies, 1883-1884 (Medley 109); Education, 1883-1884 (Medley 110), Army and Navy, 1880-1884 (Medley 111); Liberty and Property Defence League, 1883-1884 (Medley 112); House of Lords, 1884-1886 (Medley 113-115); British economy, other economies, trade, 1885-1893 (Medley 116-129); Railways (United Kingdom and overseas), 1877-1879 (Medley 130).
Sans titreManuscript volume entitled 'Polices to reduce this Realme of Englande unto a prosperus wealthe and Estate', with a dedicatory epistle to Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector, possibly written by Sir Thomas Smith in 1549 (as suggested by John Strype in his Life of Sir Thomas Smith, 1698). Catalogued by Reginald Rye, Goldsmith's Librarian of the University of London, as the original manuscript.
Sans titreArticles and books, 1972-1977, written by various authors on the life and work of Herbert Feis.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing various works of Charles Davenant translated into Spanish, 1741-1742, namely An essay upon ways and means of supplying the war, A Report (a second Report) to the Honourable the Commissioners for putting in execution the Act, intitled, An Act for the Taking, Examining, and Stating the Publick Accounts of the Kingdom, An Essay upon the probable means of making a People gainers in the Ballance of Trade, Discourses on the Publick Revenues, An Essay on the East India Trade, and A Discourse upon improving the revenues of the State of Athens (originally by Xenophon).
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a transcript of 'Natural and politicall observations and conclusions upon the state and condition of England' written by Gregory King, Lancaster Herald of Arms, in 1696, which contains a detailed account of the population and wealth of England at the end of the seventeenth century.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a treatise [by Jean Baptiste Paifer], 1803, on the possibility of a state without usury, poverty, famine or shortages, entitled 'Versuch einen Staat vor wucher, armuth und hungersnoth oder Getraide-mangel ohne kösten für das aerarium auf immer in sicherheit zu setzen'. Includes a dedicatory preface to 'Frans den Zweyten' [Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor].
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a draft by Gavin Young, 1832, of his pamphlet Observations on the law of population: being an attempt to trace its effects from the conflicting theories of Malthus and Sadler (London, 1832). It contains cancelled material which does not appear in the printed edition, and on the front cover is attributed to a 'Colonel Twenny'. The British Library catalogue gives the author as Young.
Sans titreRoyal warrant granting a pension of £200 a year to John Ramsay McCulloch "in consideration of his services as the author of many useful publications connected with the finance and commerce of the country", issued in June 1886.
The warrant is issued under the signature of Queen Victoria and with the subscriptions of Sir Robert Peel, Ralph Neville and William Cripps. The document also includes a leaf of description and comments by Professor Herbert Somerton Foxwell.
Papers of John Baker Holroyd, 1789-1830.
Sans titrePapers of Margaret Stevenson Miller, 1929-1975, comprising:
papers on research into the economy of the Soviet Union, 1929-1941, including pamphlets and cuttings on finance, papers on transport in the Soviet Union, c 1934, papers on transport, agriculture, finance and housing in the Soviet Union c 1939-1952, papers on the clothing industry in the Soviet Union, 1941-1950, papers on the economic regions of the Soviet Union, 1044-1947, papers on trade unions in the Soviet Union, 1945-1946, lecture notes on the economics of the Soviet Union, for lectures given by Miller at George Washington University, c 1946-1947, papers on town population in the Soviet Union, 1961-1964, papers ion agriculture in the Soviet Union, 1961-1964, papers on trade between the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1970-1971, papers on economic reform in the Soviet Union, 1945;1961-1975, papers on Conference of representatives of the British and Soviet public, Armenia, 1974, papers on Miller's visit to the Soviet Union, Aug 1968;
papers on School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Old Students' Association, 1951, 1950-1962,including "Memorandum of evidence: submitted on behalf of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies Old Students' Association - To the Committee of Enquiry into the future policy of the School", Apr 1971
Created during Ramphal's time in office, the collection comprises of papers arranged under the following sections: Committees 1975-1976, includes agendas, supporting papers and minutes for committees such as the Meeting of Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation and of the Secretariat Finance Sub Committee. Ministerial Meetings 1975-1977, holds minutes and papers from meetings of Law Ministers, Health Ministers, Senior Officials but especially Finance Ministers Meetings. Conference 1976, has documents from the Non-Aligned Conference. Correspondence 1975-1977, contains letters to and from the Secretary-General and other senior Secretariat officials. Country Files 1975-1977, mainly contain briefs prepared by each area of responsibility within the Secretariat; legal, health, youth, education, food production and rural development, science, applied studies, Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation, international affairs, trade and finance.
Specific issues covered relate to The New International Economic Order, Lome Convention and the North South Dialogue as well as the situation in Southern Africa including Commonwealth Aid to Mozambique and sporting links with apartheid South Africa. Divisions 1975-1976 relates to the Youth Affairs Programme and Meetings of the Youth Affairs Council. Economic 1975-1977, contains the Report by a Commonwealth Expert Group: McIntyre Report Towards a New International Economic Order and papers of the Commonwealth Technical Group on the Common Fund. Internal 1975-1977, covers Commonwealth Day, including the first simultaneously observed Commonwealth Day. Organisation 1975-1977, covers Ramphal's appointment to the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation Board of Trustees as well as papers from the Anglo-French Colloquium 1976. Reviews 1975-1976, includes the Internal Review of Secretariat Activities, 1975.
Sans titrePapers mainly concerning the construction and administration of bridges, roads, piers, railways, harbours, reservoirs and canals in Scotland, 1782-1841, including correspondence of Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville (1742-1811), Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1771-1851), and Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Baron Dundas (1741-1820). The collection comprises letters, petitions, memorials, plans, estimates, reports, financial accounts, legal papers, trustees minutes and circulars relating to bridges including the Dee, Don, Urie, Findhorn, Montrose, Nairn, Pease, and Spey; canals including the Borrowstone Canal Navigation, the Clarence Canal, the Forth and Clyde Navigation, and the Union Canal (Falkirk to Edinburgh); ferries such as the Dysart Ferry, Queensferry, and Tay Ferries; harbours and piers notably Burntisland Harbour and Pier, Kinghorn Harbour, Hartlepool Pier, and Newhaven Pier; the Gala Water Railroad; the North Esk Reservoirs; roads in Aberdeen, Inverness, Dalkeith, Edinburgh, Glenlaidnaig, Glenlichorn, Lanarkshire, Lauriston, Perth, and Stirling.
Sans titrePapers relating to the Bristol and Exeter Railway Company, comprising printed letters to shareholders, reports of directors, reports in newspapers and notices of requirement of land to build the railway, addressed to Charles Fox and Sarah Fox of Wellington, Somerset.
Sans titreThis collection consists predominantly of notes, correspondence, press cuttings and printed matter on subjects such as British industries (including aviation, tin, steel, cotton and coal), prices and wages, restrictive practices, and economic development overseas. The collection also contains some personal papers including bank books and university notebooks.
Sans titrePapers of Francis Campbell Ross Douglas, Baron Douglas of Barloch, [1925]-1980, notably correspondence with politicians, public servants and others, 1937-1977, including (Edward) Hugh (John Neale) Dalton, Frederick James Marquis, 1st Earl of Woolton, and Quintin McGarel Hogg, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone, on subjects including the pasteurisation of milk, adulteration of food, fluoridation, the Solicitors' Bill of 1941, and his deputy speakership of the House of Lords; correspondence and papers concerning the case of JJ Scorey, newspaper editor, Malta, 1949; correspondence with Sir Emmanuel Kaye, 1963-1979, relating to fluoridation; miscellaneous personal papers, 1888-1980, including marriage certificates, Christmas cards, account books and press cuttings relating to the North Battersea election in 1940; letters of condolence to Adela Elizabeth Douglas, Lady Douglas, on the death of her husband, 1980; a typescript history of Maxfield Manor, the Douglas' home in Sussex, with related papers; printed volumes containing economic and social surveys of Germany, made by the Foreign Office and Ministry of Economic Warfare, 1944-1945; printed pamphlets and speeches by Douglas, 1929-[1977]; photographs and press cuttings relating to Malta, [1946-1949]; photographs of the Douglas family, [1925-1970].
Sans titreThe collection contains minute books, council papers and correspondence, treasurer's records, correspondence and papers relating to the Economic History Review, correspondence with other academic societies, papers relating to Economic History Society conferences, papers on Society personnel, and surveys relating to the teaching of economic history in schools and universities.
Sans titrePapers of C J Hunt, Treasurer of the (2nd) Social Credit Party, 1919-1980, including papers relating to the party, the Company of Free Men, the Social Credit Association, and the Social Credit Political League.
Sans titreThe papers comprise personal correspondence between G Elton Mayo and his wife, Dorothea and his daughters, Patricia and Gael, 1913-1947. Dorothea Mayo expected her husband to write to her daily whenever he was away and the result is a series of diary style letters sent during their periods of separation. The fullest series are for 1922-1923 when Mayo visited the USA prior to settling in Philadelphia and for the period from 1929 to 1937 when Dorothea remained in England with their daughters.
The second series of correspondence comprises letters to his daughters while they continued their education at Bedales in England and during World War Two. The correspondence is mainly with his eldest daughter, Patricia, though there is some correspondence with Gael and also Patricia's first husband, Walter Goetz.
Both series of letters contain detail on Mayo's work and life at Harvard, including meetings with colleagues, lectures and research projects. In addition there is discussion of books, ideas and people which influenced his work and thinking. The World War Two letters include comments on the war from the USA and detail events leading to Gael's escape from behind German lines in France with her son and first husband.
Correspondence of John Stuart Mill; correspondence of Helen Taylor concerning the publication and translation of John Stuart Mill's works and correspondence, the Moral Reform Union, women's suffrage, the social position and education of women, the London School Board and education, literary work, the land question, political questions, Irish affairs, miscellaneous public interests, and private correspondence; letters of appreciation and criticism of John Stuart Mill's work and character, and of sympathy on his death; other miscellaneous letters concerning John Stuart Mill; additional correspondence of John Stuart Mill; correspondence of Harriet Taylor and other members of the Taylor family; material relating to honorary degrees, society memberships, etc. conferred on John Stuart Mill; note books, etc. of John Stuart Mill, including botanical notebooks; writings by Helen Taylor, including "Limits of Local Government", "Municipal Vote etc", and her diaries; letters, speeches and articles by and concerning John Stuart Mill, extracted from newspapers and periodicals; miscellaneous papers of John Stuart Mill, Helen Taylor, Harriet Taylor, and others; and photographs and press cuttings.
Sans titrePapers of John Vaughan-Morgan, Baron Reigate, including correspondence, personal papers, family papers, including relating to his family history, photographs (some from the 1890s), press cuttings, and financial papers (including valuations of antiques, paintings, etc).
Sans titreLecture notes, both handwritten and typescript for Tawney's courses on economic history, 1485 - 1800; on English economic history in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; on the seventeenth century given at Oxford (Ford) and Chicago; on seventeenth century English history; for Denmark and Sweden, October - November 1951; for London School of Economics, January - March 1952, and lectures for Bristol; drafts of chapters for a book on Cranfield; notes and talks on the French Revolution given at Longton, 1910 - 1913; for classes or lectures on nineteenth century economic history; on nineteenth century agriculture, given at LSE; for classes or lectures on nineteenth century economic history; on early nineteenth century reform movements and handloom weavers; public lectures given in Chicago, 1939; various lectures given in the USA, 1941 - 1942; on education; regarding reform of Oxford and Cambridge; papers and memoranda on education; papers and notes on the Labour Party and education; papers for a proposed biography of Sidney Webb; papers found interleaved in books from his library sold to the University of East Anglia; and papers deposited by Dr J.M.Winter on behalf of J.M.K.Vyvyan.
Further accessions have been added to this collection:
TAWNEY/ADD. 37 boxes of research notes, correspondence and other papers, 1890s-1960s.
TAWNEY/II. 102 boxes and 2 volumes: research notes and extracts from sources by Tawney and his research assistants; a few lecture notes; draft articles; correspondence from research assistants, academics and others. Much of the material is undated, but mostly 1910s-1960s.
TAWNEY/VYVYAN. 18 boxes of personal and family papers of R H Tawney and his wife, Jeannette, 1890s-1961, including: correspondence with family, friends, associates, W H Beveridge and Albert Mansbridge; education papers; commonplace book; and, photographs.
Sans titrePapers of the Tory Reform Group, 1970-2006, including correspondence, minutes of meetings, financial papers, membership records and files regarding events and seminars. Subjects covered include economics, the environment, social policy and Europe (including papers regarding the Single Currency/Euro). The collection also contains papers of PEST - Pressure for Economic and Social Toryism (TRG/1), Parliamentary Mainstream and Conservative Mainstream (TRG/3), and the Macleod Group of Conservative MPs (TRG/4).
Sans titreResearch papers [1940s] of John Fage on the development of Southern Rhodesia (presumably for his PhD), largely covering the period from the 1890s to the 1930s, comprising notes, largely manuscript but including some typescripts, of primary and secondary sources including official sources, among them British parliamentary papers, Colonial Office correspondence, records of the Executive and Legislative Councils of Southern Rhodesia and its High Court, also including a bibliography. The subjects include pre-history, geography and geology, colonial administration, the British South Africa Company, economics, indigenous affairs, labour, and land tenure.
Sans titrePapers, 1955-1977, of Walter Barr Birmingham, comprising bibliographies and publications relating to economics in West Africa including Migrations into the Gold Coast (1955) and The State and Labour Migration in the South African Political Economy, with Particular Respect to Gold Mining (1977). It also contains the Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference of the West African Institute of Social and Economic Research (1956).
Sans titreThis collection covers four aspects of the life of Sir Hugh Beaver: biographical and personal material; professional correspondence; personal correspondence; and lectures, speeches and addresses.
A) Biographical and personal: This section contains letters from friends and family sent to Sir Hugh, drafts and extracts for his autobiography, Sir Hugh's pocket diaries and desk diaries and notes press cuttings and correspondence relating to Sir Hugh's time in the Punjab Police.
B) Professional: This section contains correspondence relating to Sir Hugh's time in Canada, correspondence between Sir Hugh and Sir Alexander Gibb, correspondence relating to Sir Hugh's job at the Ministry of Works and building projects undertaken by the Ministry, correspondence relating to business affairs at Guinness, correspondence relating to his work on various committees during his time at Guinness.
C) Correspondence: This section contains personal correspondence relating to Sir Hugh and his family. It is arranged in chronological order.
D) Lectures, Speeches and Addresses: This section contains lectures, speeches and addresses on industrial planning, education, management practices, air pollution, industry and economics.
Personal papers of William Henry Beveridge, 1st Baron Beveridge of Tuggal, and his family, [1880]-1963, comprising the following.
Family and personal papers, 1869-1963, including genealogical material; correspondence, books and royalty statements relating to the work of Beveridge's parents, Annette Susannah and Henry Beveridge, 1901-1959; papers concerning Beveridge's education, 1891-1903; personal ephemera including birthday cards, programmes, academic notes, and invitations, [1884]-1961; personal diaries, 1903-1905, 1929-1934, 1949-1952, 1959 and 1961; engagement diaries, 1933-1961; material relating to grants and degrees, 1916-1961, notably honorary degrees, the KCB and his barony; papers concerning household affairs, 1906-1963; personal financial papers, such as personal account ledger, 1907-1920, income tax papers, 1907-1961, correspondence, bills, receipts and insurance papers, 1903-1962; photographs of family and friends, 1884-1958.
Correspondence, 1883-1963, including Beveridge family letters and letters to and from friends and colleagues.
Papers relating to unemployment and Labour Exchanges, 1902-1960, notably material of the Mansion House Unemployed Fund, 1904-1905, the London Unemployed Fund, 1904-1905, and the Central (Unemployed) Body for London, 1905-1908; correspondence, notes and statistics concerning unemployment insurance and labour exchanges in Germany, 1907, and Britain, 1908; notice and syllabus of lectures by Beveridge on 'The economics of unemployment', 1908; material relating to the publication of Unemployment: a problem of industry (Longmans and Co, London 1909), 1907-1934, notably correspondence with Longmans, royalty payments, reviews, and notes and drafts relating to later editions; papers relating to his work at the Board of Trade, 1908-1960, including correspondence and memoranda concerning juvenile employment, 1910-1911, reports and speeches concerning labour exchanges in Ireland, 1910-1919, and Ghant, Belgium, 1913-1914, and various memoranda on the working of labour exchanges, 1915-1916; material concerning the unemployment insurance scheme, 1907-1944, including memoranda and drafts, reports, statistics, committee minutes, press cuttings and Beveridge's notes about unemployment insurance by industries and casual labour; working notes and correspondence for Insurance for all and everything (Daily News, London, 1924); Ministry of Labour reports, notes and memoranda on unemployment insurance, 1910-1929; Government Acts, reports and publications on unemployment, 1902-1930.
Papers relating to Beveridge's work during World War One, 1914-1921, including material relating to the Ministry of Munitions, 1915-1916, such as correspondence, memoranda and reports on manpower problems, and memoranda concerning the history and activities of the Ministry; papers of the Manpower Distribution Board, 1916; material relating to post-war reconstruction, including schemes for demobilisation, and papers relating to the post-war prospects of trades and industries; correspondence, minutes, memoranda and reports created by the Ministry of Food, 1916-1921, on subjects including food rationing, family budgets, and the staffing of the Ministry.
Material collated during Beveridge's time as Director of the London School of Economics, 1895-1958, notably correspondence with Sir Arthur Herbert Drummond Ramsay Steel-Maitland, Chairman of Governors, 1924-1925; memoranda and correspondence mainly relating to LSE prizes and scholarships, 1924-1952; Director's reports, 1924-1937; lecture notes and texts of speeches, 1920-1937; programmes, 1920-1937; correspondence relating to his resignation from LSE, 1936-1937; correspondence and papers concerning his role as a member of the Senate of the University of London, 1923-1958, notably papers relating to the purchase of the Bloomsbury site, 1923-1933.
Papers relating to Beveridge's post as Master of University College, Oxford University, 1937-1962, including correspondence and reports concerning the National Institute of Economic and Social research, the Institute of Statistics, and Nuffield College.
Material relating to politics, 1943-1963, including correspondence, speeches, press cuttings, and reports created whilst MP for Berwick on Tweed, 1944-1945; papers concerning the General Election of 1945, mainly comprising pamphlets, election addresses, press cuttings and correspondence from candidates, constituents, and the Berwick Division Liberal Association; Beveridge's speech notes and Hansard extracts from parliamentary debates in the House of Lords, 1946-1963, on subjects mainly related to welfare, unemployment, and economics; papers concerning the Liberal Party Organisation, 1945-1962, including correspondence with the LPO and other Liberal organisations. Material concerning other interests and activities of Beveridge, 1920-1962, notably papers relating to the health services, pensions, and old age; New Towns, including material on the Peterlee Development Corporation and the Newton Aycliffe Development Corporation; traffic and preservation problems in Oxford; population and fertility, including articles, pamphlets and correspondence; weather periodicity; World Government and peace aims, 1944-1962, including minutes and correspondence of the Crusade for World Government, Britain in Europe Ltd, the European-Atlantic Group, the Federal Educational and Research Trust, the Federal Union, One World Trust, the Parliamentary Group for World Government, the World Parliament Association, and the United Nations; correspondence and other papers relating to broadcasting and television.
Papers created during the writing of reports, 1925-1950, including the report of the Royal Commission on the Coal Industry, 1925-1930; the report of the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee, 1934-1944; the report of the Sub-Committee of Committee of Imperial Defence on Food Rationing, 1936-1937; report of the Manpower Survey, 1940, and Committee on Skilled Men in the Services, 1941; report of the Fuel Rationing Enquiry, 1942; report of the Interdepartmental Committee on Social Insurance and Allied Services (Beveridge Report), 1941-1945; report on Social Insurance, 1924, 1941-1951; report of the Broadcasting Committee, 1951.
Material relating to publications, 1901-1963, including manuscripts of books, pamphlets and articles, correspondence with publishers, royalty statements, working notes, research papers and memoranda; reviews, letters to the press and obituaries, 1909-1962; texts of lectures, speeches and broadcasts, 1901-1963.
Papers concerning working visits abroad, 1918-1961, to Austria (the Inter-Allied Commission on Relief of German Austria), Canada, the USA, Germany, France, India, Spain, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Switzerland, and Italy, mainly comprising correspondence, diaries, lecture notes, press cuttings and photographs.
Press cuttings, 1870-1963, including Morning Post leaders written by Beveridge, 1905-1908, and cuttings concerning his death.
Miscellaneous material, including inventories of papers in the Beveridge collection.
Papers of Duncan Lyell Burn, [1926-1981], relating to his economic, business and journalistic interests, including material relating to his post as industrial correspondent of The Times, [1940-1962], such as notes and interviews by Burn and others on subjects including post-war reconstruction, the German economy and rearmament, the Marshall Plan, and steel nationalisation; material collated by Burn on the UK iron and steel industries, [1926-1974], including documents, pamphlets, press cuttings, notes, correspondence and memoranda relating to steel and iron production, distribution and pricing, notably papers relating to steel supplies during World War Two; papers relating to foreign visits by Burn, 1946-1971, to the Federal Republic of Germany, Holland, Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Sweden, Italy and India; detailed notes on interviews by Burn with prominent industrial and political figures, [1963-1969], mainly relating to the heavy electrical industry, nuclear power, the steel industry, and industrial organisation; correspondence and papers relating to the writing and publication of The economic history of steelmaking, 1867-1939 (University Press, Cambridge, 1940), [1930-1939]; material concerning the work of the Economic Development Office, 1962-1965, notably comprising correspondence relating to the setting up of the EDO and its sponsors, notes on discussions and visits with electrical manufacturers, correspondence with the Gas Council, the International Electrical Association, the Board of Trade, the Electrical Council and the UK Atomic Energy Authority, and minutes and reports of the EDO; papers of the Select Committee on Energy, [1978-1981], including investigations into the generation of electricity by nuclear power; material relating to nuclear power, especially in the USA, [1965-1981], namely correspondence, papers and notes; general correspondence of Burn, [1940-1974].
Sans titreThis collection is divided into two parts, one being material produced by Edwin Cannan himself and the other being his extensive library of books on economics. The material produced by Edwin Cannan himself is numbered 891-1033. This consists of notebooks, notes for lectures, drafts of published works, agreements and correspondence with publishers, and private correspondence. This correspondence covers many aspects of economics and many economists, and includes material on the affairs of the London School of Economics. Edwin Cannan's extensive library of books, numbered 1-890, covers economics in Europe from the 17th-20th centuries.
Sans titrePapers of William Newmarch, 1847-1880, comprising: 1. Accounts, bills and receipts, 1753-1758, relating to prices and wages on the estates of James Buller of Morvall, Cornwall. 2. Papers re: Oxford and Cambridge examinations of W.J. Newmarch, son of William Newmarch, 1859-1862; Wm J. Newmarch letters to his father during a European tour, 1865; correspondence of Thomas Tooke with final proof of History of Prices vol.5 and other related papers, 1850s. 3. Papers and presscuttings re: electoral statistics, 1837-1857; papers and presscuttings re: trade and investments in Great Britain, France, Prussia, India and Australia, 1845-1860; notes and cuttings re: prices, circulation and exchange, 1848-1860, including text of General Prices, 1848-56; correspondence with James Pennington and Thomas Tooke, 1855-1856; banking papers and correspondence, especially with Joseph Hickson of the Grand Trunk Railway Co of Canada re: failure of Bank of Upper Canada, 1866-1870. 4. Letter from Bank of England re: gold coins, 1857, with other papers re: gold currency and circulation incl. Letters from the French Enquiry; letters, papers and legal documents re: establishment of Tooke Professorship of Economic Science and Statistics at King's College London, 1858-1860; papers re: Newmarch's election to the Royal Society, 1861, and his corresponding membership of Société de Statistique de Paris, 1861; correspondence re: Pacific Telegraph Co., 1863; correspondence and papers re: Bank of Upper Canada, 1870-1875. 5. Papers re: British Association Section F Economic Science & Statistics, 1856-61; notes for Newmarch's lectures at various meetings including Political Economy Club, Verulam and Oxford, 1870s-1880s.
Sans titreNotes of lectures, written by Gabriel Daubry: Commentarii in Aristotelis Physicam, Philosophiam Moralem, Oeconomicam et Politicam. The 'Physica' is illustrated by pen-drawn diagrams and figures. Text within red rules. Vol. I. Compendium philosophiae moralis (26 pp.), Commentarii in decem libris Aristotelis ad Nicomachum (752 pp.), Commentarii in Aristotelis Oeconomica et Politica (149 pp.). This volume is dated 1654. Vol. II. Compendium Physicae (23 pp.). Commentarii in Physicam (1251 pp.). Included in this are commentaries on 'De coelo et mundo' (pp. 530-600), on 'De elementis (pp. 601-658), on 'De ortu et interitu (pp. 659-757), on 'De meteoris' (pp. 758-924), on 'De anima' (pp. 926-1170), on 'De somno et vigilia' (pp. 1171-1188), 'De anima' [cont.] (pp. 1190-1251). At the end is a 'Tractatus de mundi sphaera (150 pp.) by Desperiers.
Sans titreTypescripts sbmitted to the Hungarian and Russian divisions of the Economic and Social History of the World War series, 1922-1930
Sans titrePapers of George Allen, 1895-1984, including photographs of industrial processes in the Midlands (1920s); papers submitted to the Greene Committee on mining wages in 1942 (1926-1940); memoranda for the Monopolies Commission, including surveys for the Board of Trade (1944-1953); papers relating to Allen's wartime work on both British and Japanese economic matters, 1940-1944; papers relating to Allen's writings, in articles, lectures, and books, mostly on the Japanese economy (c1923-c1982) and papers, correspondence, etc of a more personal nature, including correspondence with Sir William Ashley (c1895-c1984).
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a transcript of Joseph Massie's alphabetical index of the names of authors of commercial books and pamphlets written from 1557 to 1764 (British Library Lansdowne MS 1049). This copy was made in 1891 by Mr G W Gatfield of the British Museum.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a collection of notes and papers compiled by Craven Ord, [1810], relating to the coinage and offices of the Mint and Mint Assays, from the twelfth century onwards. Includes transcripts of material extracted from Thomas Madox The history and antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England (London, 1711); medieval chancery rolls and early Exchequer records; an [eighteenth] century engraving of Mint officials at work, headed 'A part of the standard of weights and measures in the Exchequer, Anno 12 Henrici Septimi'; printed material including 'Copy of an Indenture made in 1469 between King Edward IV and William Lord Hastings, Master of the Mint...respecting the coinage in the Tower of London', Archaeologia, XV (1806).
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a treatise by Samuel Lambe, [1657], headed 'Seasonable observations humbly offered to his Highness The Lord Protector', advocating the increase of Britain's naval strength, the establishment of banks and a 'Court of Merchants' as a means of encouraging trade. The following papers were either inserted in the volume or came from the binding: orders of 24 Apr and 14 May 1629 signed by John Jordan of Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire, to the constables of Fawley, Buckinghamshire, concerning the collection of the composition for 'His Majestie's provision' and the maintenance of a night watch.
Sans titreTwo unpublished manuscripts written between 1746-1750 regarding trade and commerce. References are made to the South Sea Company and British trade in America.
Sans titreLetter from Thomas Joplin of 16 Wilmot Street, Brunswick Square, London to Joseph Hume, Esq, MP, 28 May 1824. Presenting him with a copy of Outlines of a System of Political Economy.
Autograph, with signature.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a paper entitled 'Proposal of a new bank', possibly by James Armour, c1699-1700, probably concerning the Scottish banking. James T Bell assigned this manuscript to 'J.A.', though there is now nothing on the document to justify this - part of the title seems to have been lost during binding repairs. 'J.A.' is probably James Armour (fl 1699-1721), who made proposals about the Bank of Scotland in 1722. He also published A proposal to supply the defect of money and relief to the poor (1696). This manuscript seems to be another version of the same proposal.
Sans titreManuscript volume containing a treatise entitled 'The means of a most ample increase of the wealth and strength of England in a few years', 1706, including sections concerning the economic history of England, government regulation of trade and the East India Company. Includes a dedicatory epistle to Queen Anne.
Sans titreA volume giving information on the quantity and value of goods imported and exported to and from England, 1696-1701. The volume has the book plate of John Holroyd, Earl of Sheffield.
Sans titre