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Description archivistique
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 460-462 · 1941-1945, 1982

Microfilm collection containing copies of meeting minutes of the major conferences of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 1941-1945. Meeting minutes include those for the conference held at Washington, DC, codenamed ARCADIA, at which Anglo-American planners first formed a combined strategy for the prosecution of the war, 22 Dec 1941-14 Jan 1942; the conference at Casablanca, Morocco, codenamed SYMBOL, during which the Anglo-American Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS) first discussed the policies of German unconditional surrender, the Combined Bomber Offensive from Great Britain against Germany and the establishment of the French National Committee for Liberation, 14-24 Jan 1943; the Allied conference held at Washington, DC, codenamed TRIDENT, at which President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Prime Minister Rt Hon Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, and the Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS)discussed the decision to delay the invasion of France until May 1944, the Italian surrender, and the Battle of the Atlantic, 11-25 May 1943; the Allied conference at Quebec City, Canada, codenamed QUADRANT, at which the Allies endorsed a plan for the invasion of the Normandy coast in France, formed a new theatre of war, South-East Asia Command, with Acting Adm Lord Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten as Supreme Allied Commander, and regulated the procedures for co-operation between Great Britain and the US regarding the development and production of the atomic bomb, 12-24 Aug 1943; the Allied conferences at Cairo, Egypt, codenamed SEXTANT, at which the Allies discussed combined operations in South-East Asia with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese forces, 22-26 Nov and 2-7 Dec 1943; the Allied conference at Teheran, Iran, codenamed EUREKA, during which the Allies first co-ordinated future strategy with Soviet Prime Minister Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, including plans to coincide military operations against Germany in France and the Soviet Union in May 1944, 28-30 Nov 1943; the conference at Quebec City, Canada, codenamed OCTAGON, at which the Allies discussed the post-war division of Germany and a plan for its de-industrialisation, 12-16 Sep 1944; the conferences at Malta and Yalta, Soviet Union, codenamed ARGONAUT, at which the Allies discussed the division of post-war Germany, the occupation of Germany and Austria, Soviet involvement in the war against Japan, and the future government and frontiers of Poland, 30 Jan-9 Feb 1945; the conference at Potsdam, Germany, codenamed TERMINAL, during which surrender terms for Japan were discussed, the boundaries and peace terms for Europe were determined and Poland's government and frontiers were debated, 16 Jul-2 Aug 1945. Conference minutes include references to Allied production and assignment of war materials; British and US merchant vessel losses; US policy concerning assignments of Lend-Lease military aircraft, naval vessels and munitions to Great Britain; Allied petroleum supplies; propaganda and unconventional warfare; war crimes and prisoners of war; operational reports concerning the planning and conduct of Allied offensive operations in Europe, including the invasion of North Africa, codenamed Operation TORCH, Nov 1942; the invasion of Sicily, Italy, codenamed Operation HUSKY, Jul 1943; the US preparation for the invasion of Europe, codenamed Operation BOLERO; and the Allied invasion of Europe, codenamed Operation OVERLORD, Jun 1944; operational reports concerning the Japanese war economy; Japanese Imperial Army logistical capabilities; locations and strengths of Japanese forces in the Pacific; British participation in long range bombing of Japan; Allied operational efforts in Burma, India, Malaya, and the Philippines; Soviet claims on the Sakhalin and Kuril islands; the co-ordination of Allied strategic plans for the defeat and occupation of Japan, 1943-1944; Soviet military action to facilitate Operation OVERLORD; liaison between Allied theatre commanders and the Soviet Army; Soviet capabilities with reference to the Far East; US Lend-Lease requirements for the Soviet Union; and estimates of Soviet post-war capabilities and intentions, 1943-1945.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Hackett · [1944]-1997

Papers, [1944]-1997, accumulated by Gen Sir John Winthrop Hackett. The bulk of the material (125 boxes) comprises Hackett's papers, 1958-1997, including official and personal correspondence, texts of lectures, press cuttings and published material. The papers range over Hackett's career and interests, the subjects including his official posts as Commandant, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, 1958-1961, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, 1963-1964, and Commander in Chief, British Army of the Rhine, 1965-1966; King's College London and other academic institutions; his lecture 'The profession of arms' and other conferences, lectures and speeches, including Kermit Roosevelt lecture tour, 1967; publications including I was a stranger (1977) and Third World War (1978); UK and overseas military associations and institutions, including the Queen's Royal Irish Hussars and Queen's Royal Hussars, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Royal United Services Institution, Institute of Strategic Studies; annual memorial visits to Arnhem. A smaller accession (5 boxes) comprises papers and correspondence, largely typescripts and printed material, accumulated by Hackett on military matters, largely but not wholly pertaining to the 1980s and including, for example, news cuttings, correspondence and conference papers on nuclear proliferation and debate on the issues; some material relates to Hackett's Warfare in the ancient world, published in 1989. Another accession (1 box) comprises typescript essays with related papers, photographs and plans concerning the Battle of Arnhem collected by Lt Col Theodore A Boeree, including extracts from the diary of Miss Riek van der Vlist, [1944], kept at Hotel Schoonard, the temporary British hospital during the Battle of Arnhem; a file of press cuttings on various military matters, 1968-1970; press article by Gen Hackett on Arnhem, 1974; two letters between Hackett and Dr Hedwig Delekat of Mainz, Germany, Jul-Aug 1968, concerning the fact that Hackett had no connection with Gen Halket, who served under Wellington. The collection also includes various military periodicals (27 boxes).

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GB 0099 KCLMA MFF15 · 1946-1991, 1995

The Soviet Estimate: US Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947-1991 is a themed microfilm collection which presents an integrated record of US intelligence estimates and studies relating to Soviet strategic projections, military capabilities, science and technology, economics and internal politics, 1946-1991. The estimates and studies were produced either collectively as national intelligence products or by individual agencies, and include contributions from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); the Director of Central Intelligence; the US Defense Intelligence Agency; and, the US State Department. The collection includes CIA and British Secret Intelligence Service debriefing transcripts of former Soviet Gavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye (GRU), Chief Intelligence Directorate, Soviet General Staff, operative Oleg V Penkovskii, relating to Soviet military organisation and plans for nuclear war, Soviet nuclear targets and deployments in Europe, missile technology and launch sites, Soviet military personnel, the capture of Capt Francis Gary Powers, US Air Force U-2 High Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft pilot, 1 May 1960, profiles of Soviet military officers, locations of Soviet nuclear weapons tests, Soviet intelligence organisations and Soviet chemical and biological weapons programs, Soviet development and deployment of Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), positions of Soviet divisions in East Germany, and the Berlin Crisis (1958- 1962), 20 Apr-14 Oct 1961; yearly US estimates of Soviet strategic capabilities, 1947- 1983, including the 'missile gap' National Intelligence Estimates, 1957-1961; detailed estimates of the Soviet space program, including National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) relating to lunar exploration, manned space flight, reconnaissance satellites, space exploration, space weapons and weapons development, 1962-1967; US Air Force report entitled 'A History of Strategic Arms Competition: Volume 3, A Handbook of Selected Soviet Weapons and Space Systems', including data relating to Soviet air to surface missiles (AS), Tupolev bomber aircraft, M-4 / Mya-4 / 2M Myasishchev ('Bison') aircraft, space weapons, communication satellites, electronic intelligence capabilities, surface to surface (SS) theatre missiles and ICBMs, Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBMs), Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs), Jun 1976; US intelligence community experiment in competitive analysis conducted by the CIA 'B Team' relating to US misperceptions of Soviet strategic objectives and offensive and defensive forces, Dec 1976; report from the US Department of State entitled 'History of the Strategic Arms Competition 1945-1972, parts 1 and 2', including detailed surveys and analyses of Soviet and US decision making on nuclear forces, force deployments, and nuclear strategies, Mar 1981; Special National Intelligence Estimate relating to Soviet support for international terrorism and revolutionary activities, including mention of arms transfers, military training, political violence, and terrorist activities in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, May 1981; reports from the CIA concerning Soviet perspectives on research and development in energy-directed weapons and involvement in space weapons and Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) research, 1985; National Intelligence Estimates relating to General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev's prospects for reforming the Soviet economic and political system, including mention of his economic agenda and its implications for the Soviet military program, the dynamics of Soviet civil-military relations, the impact of reforms on labour production, health, standards of living and technological development, and the rise of civil unrest and nationalism in the Soviet Union, 1985- 1989; CIA report concerning the probabilities of a coup d'etat in the Soviet Union and the growing influence of Chairman of the Russian Republic Supreme Soviet, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, May 1991.

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GREIG, Major Arthur (1893-1989)
GB 378 LDGSL/1080 · Série · 1910-1958

Papers of Major Arthur GREIG, 1910-1958, comprising:

Nine field maps of the Western Front, 1910-1918, relating to Captain Arthur Greig's military service in the London Scottish Regiment during the First World War (1914-1919); autobiographical notes by Greig probably made in 1958, covering his employment at the Society until the period until 1951.

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GB CR/1905/1 JSCSC · 1905

1 Specimen of Fld Book Traverse to plot, Lt Col Gough. 2 Doing and finishing sketches, Lt Col Gough. 3 Discuss effect of modern firearms on Tactics in defensive and offensive, Lt Col Kiggell. 4 Discuss present conditions expected in service rifle for the 3 arms, Inf; Cav: Mtd Inf, Col Johnston. 5 Sketch of Kidney Hill, Lt Col Gough. 6 Tactics, defence of village, etc, Lt Col Kiggell. 7 Sketch of Diamond Hill, Lt Col Gough. 8 Specimens of correspondence précis work, Lt Col Gough. 9 Defence of village on flank of position, Col Johnston. 10 Reconnoitre position for best line of defence, Lt Col Kiggell. 11 Draw up Trees of organisation of W.O, Lt Col Gough. 12 Horseback sketch of position, Lt Col Gough. 13 Contn of No 10. Selection and occupation of outpost line, Lt Col Kiggell.

14 Precis Special Army Order of Jan '05, Lt Col Gough. 15 Establishing posts on road L of C, Col Johnston. 16 Cont of No 13. Make outpost arrangements and fix camping grounds for Divisions, Lt Col Kiggell. 17 Operations between opposing Western (Red) and Eastern (Blue) forces, Lt Col Kiggell. 18 2 maps showing position of armies 15th & 16th June 1815, Lt Col Kiggell. 19 Fortify village to cover Railway Station, and prepare bridge for demolition, Col Johnston. 20 Reconnaissance of position, Lt Col Gough. 21 Defence and attack of railway bridge and tunnel, Col Johnston. 22 Selection of positions of assembly before attack, 2 Divns on the march, Lt Col Kiggell. 23 Draw up Army organisation Tree for India, Lt Col Gough. 24 Horseback sketch and report, Lt Col Gough. 25 Selection of fortified defensive position, Lt Col Kiggell. 26 Contn of No 14. Demolition of tunnel, Col Johnston. 27 Illustrate principles of defensive action with ref. to Comb Training by V.Werder's Lizaine operations, Col Johnston.

28 Armament of Japanese & Russian, employment of Artillery in the field and Siege pieces, Col Johnston. 29 Memory sketch and report, Lt Col Gough. 30 Position of Wellington's forces 16, 17, 18 June 15, Lt Col Kiggell. 31 Instructions re attachment to other arms, the Commandant. 32 Trace course of Mobilisation of own Corps, giving daily detail until complete, Lt Col Stopford. 33 Selection of position for convoy when halted, Lt Col Stopford. 34 Selection of artillery defensive position with sketch, Lt Col Du Cane. 35 Protection of convoy halted at permanent post, Col Kiggell. 36 Scheme with opposing forces. 2 parties Red and Blue. 1st Ex. "Appreciation of situation", Col Kiggell. 37 Select and report on suitable camping grounds for Division, Lt Col Stopford. 38 Re visit to Woolwich and Erith, Lt Col Du Cane. 39 Ammunition supply for a Divn - estimate establishments, calculate road spaces, etc, Lt Col Du Cane. 40 Map of USA showing boundary in 1862, Col Kiggell. 41 Arty in the attack. 1 Draft orders for issue to Corps Arty. 2 Reconnoitre and report on position. 3 State artillery dispositions, Lt Col Du Cane. 42 Cont of No 36. Select bivouac and outpost positions, Col Kiggell.

43 Cont of No 36. Reconnaissance in accordance with wire from Chief of the General Staff of forces. Reports of movements and situation, Col Kiggell. 44 Skeleton map Virginia and Maryland for 1862, Col Kiggell. 45 Cont of No 36. Operation orders for both side, Col Kiggell. 46 Billeting force on march, Lt Col Stopford. 47 Preparation of position for offensive defensive action. Show detail of work, tools, etc Lt Col Du Cane.48 Billeting scheme, with sketch and report, Lt Col Stopford. 49 Road sketch, Lt Col Stopford. 50 Syllabus for exam in Artillery, Mil: Eng: etc, Lt Col Due Cane. 51 Work for 16th and 23rd June. 8 parties different localities, Col Kiggell. 52 Road sketch, Lt Col Stopford.

53 and a half inch map Reading to Alton for use with No 51, Col Kiggell. 54 Problem with Ammutn Supply (1/2 Divn), Lt Col Du Cane. 55 Arrangements for visit to Isle of Wight, Lt Col Du Cane. 56 Discuss courses open to Jackson on 17 April 62, Col Kiggell. 57 Give views of best method of composition and distribution of Art. If Divl Organsn is adopted, Lt Col Du Cane. 58 Arrangements for visit to Naval Establishmwent Portsmouth, Col Aston. 59 Programme of work. Panorama sketches of positions, Lt Col Gough. 60 Road sketch, Lt Col Stopford. 61 Reconnaissance of area of country with panoramas and report, Lt Col Stopford. 62 Arrange for defence of position and write necessary orders for carrying work out (Set by Examiner), Lt Col Du Cane. 63 Staff Tour 19th to 22nd Septr, Col Capper. 64 Staff Tour 19th to 22nd Septr, Col Kiggell. 65 Staff Tour 19th to 22nd Septr, Col Haking.

66 Staff Tour 19th to 22nd September, Lt Col Du Cane. 67 Staff Tour 19th to 22nd September, Lt Col Gough. 68 Syllabus of Military History and Geography. Strategy and Tactics Examn, Col Kiggell. 69 Three maps for us in studying '66 campaign, Col Kiggell. 70 Port of Dorking Defence Scheme. 4 parties, Lt Col Du Cane. 71 Syllabus of Examination in Military Engineering, Lt Col Du Cane. 72 Syllabus of Exam in Staff Duties, Lt Col Stopford. 73 Points for guidance in examn sketch, Lt Col Stopford. 74 Supply and march arrangements. 1st Scheme - Supply. 2nd - march orders, Col Kiggell and Lt Col Stopford. 75 Lecture on Fld Cos R.E by Major Powell, Lt Col Due Cane.

76 1. Discuss handling of command by P.Fred Charles 25/27 June '66. 2. What instructions should Benedek have issued 20th June '66, Col Kiggell. 77 Notes on Canadian Military Forces, Lt Col Stopford. 78 Position of both armies 2nd July 1866, Col Kiggell. 79 a. Defences of Port Arthur. B. Types of works &c, Lt Col Du Cane. 80 Austerlitz, Col Kiggell. 81 Salamanca, Col Kiggell. 82 How far are lessons (strategical and tactical) drawn from campaigns of 1815, '62, '66, and '70, confirmed or modified by recent Manchurian War? Col Kiggell. 83 Summary of lecture by Major Symons on provision of Annual Drafts to India, Lt Col Stopford. 84 Coast Defences of Port Arthur, Lt Col Du Cane.

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GB CR/1905/2 JSCSC · 1905

1 Fortification of harbour against attack by land and sea, Lt Col Aston. 2 Employment of population of United Kingdom, Lt Col Aston. 3 Organisation and defence of a Line of Communication in war - 1st day, general reconnaissance of country, Lt Col Haking. 4 Railway Exercise. Detraining Inf Divn, Col Capper. 5 Cost of sea transport in war, Lt Col Aston. 6 Railway Exercise. Entraining Army Corps, Lt Col Capper. 7 Naval events of Russo-Japanese from Feb '04, Lt Col Aston. 8 Land operations of Russo-Japanese war from Feb '04, Lt Col Kiggell. 9 Show advantages and disadvantages of invasion of France in '70 by Upper Rhine instead of Palatinate, Lt Col Haking. 10 As S.O. to Napoleon, draw up plan of operations d/- 9 a.m. 29th July 1870.

11 Contn of No. 3. Report on best method of working line with damaged bridge for traffic, Col Capper. 12 Naval events Russo-Japanese war June '04 to Feb '05, Lt Col Aston. 13 Contn. of No 3. March of division westwards through woods, Lt Col Haking. 14 Difficulties and cost of sea transport during war, Lt Col Aston. 15 Tables of British and Foreign merchantile marine, Lt Col Aston. 16 Advance of German Army (III) on 4th Aug 1870, Lt Col Haking. 17 Contn of No 1. Slect positions for batteries, Lt Col Aston. 18 Action at Weissembourg, Lt Col Haking. 19 Battle of Weissembourg, Lt Col Haking. 20 Positions of French and German armies 31.7.70, Lt Col Haking. 21 1st part of disembarkation scheme, Lt Col Aston. 22 2nd part of disembarkation scheme with sketch map of coast and plan of Southampton docks, Col Capper and Lt Col Aston. 23 Disembarkation Staff Ride with Naval officers 28th to 31st March, Col Capper and Lt Col Aston. 24 2 sketches, movements of tropps at Spicheren, Lt Col Haking. 25 Principles of Imperial Strategy, Lt Col Aston. 26 Distribution of 1st Class battleships, Lt Col Aston. 27 Orders & Arrangements prior to despatch of an expedition (part of disembarkation Staff Ride), Col Capper. 28 Memoir; discuss, from modern view, most instructive lessons from battlefield visit, Lt Col Haking. 29 Paper on proposed jetty, issued in connection with Disembarkation Staff Ride, Col Capper. 30 Comparison of Naval and Military strategy (D), Lt Col Aston. 31 Permanent General Idea for work during May and June, Commandant. 32 March orders for Blue force from Croydon to Hindhead. Contn of No 31, Col Capper. 33 Show distribution of French army, Blue local forces in peninsula and table of armed forces in British Colonies. Contn of No 32, Col Capper.

34 Staff Tour 22nd to 25th May, Col Capper and Lt Col Aston. 35 Offensive action by the British Army in War, Lt Col Aston.36 Employment of raiding and expeditionary forces in war, Lt Col Aston. 37 Draw up memo of physical features of Blue Peninsula likely to affect strategy of campaign, Lt Col Haking. 38 Organisation of base near Staines harbour, Col Capper. 39 As S.O. to G.O.C. frame operations to repel possible invasion of peninsula, Lt Col Haking. 40 Reconnoitre tactical features of area of country with view to best lines of advance, Lt Col Haking. 41 Select bivouacs and write halt orders for force advancing through uncivilized enemy's country, Lt Col Capper.

42 Notes on telegraph cables, Lt Col Aston. 43 As S.O. to Red Comdr draw up plan of operations and draft operation orders, Lt Col Gough. 44 Cavalry dispositions and reconnaissance, Lt Col Gough. 45 Laying out Divl camp and writing halt orders, Col Capper. 46 Amplify and criticise paper (M) No 35, Lt Col Aston. 47 Skeleton 1" map of country between Reading, Staines and Aldershot, contn of No 40, Lt Col Haking. 48 General scheme contd, orders and dispositions of cavalry divisions, Lt Col Gough. 49 General scheme &notes, with map, for Tour in Wales 1st to 5th July, Exercise No 1, Col Capper. 50 Plan of operations. List of parties. Ex No 2, Col Capper. 51 Notes for Superintending Officers, Col Capper. 52 Instns to officers, trains, hotels, &c, Col Capper. 53 1. As C-in-C Red Army write orders &c; 2. Select and sketch positions of outposts and show strengths for 1st and 2nd A.Corps, Lt Col Haking. 54 1. Cav; Div: orders required by para 8 scheme 1 of No 53. 2. Outpost positions and sketch for Cav. 55 Halt and quartering orders for Red Force, Col Capper. 56 Reconnaissance for attack by Red on 19th. Contn of No 53 et seq, Col Haking. 57 Orders for attack on Blue position on 20th, Col Haking. 58 Notes for directing staff for work of 20 and 21st, Commandant.

59 Report whilst attached to other arms, Commandant. 60 Staff Tour 24th to 27th July, opposing forces, Commandant. 61 Visit of officers to Channel Fleet, Col Aston. 62 Furnish report on effect of redistribution of fleet on employment of military forces, Col Aston. 63 Reconnaissance. Appreciation of situation, advance orders, &c, Commandant. 64 Statement of warships of foreign powers, Col Aston. 65 Ascertain to what extent alliances would affect our maintaining a field army on foreign territory in case of war with European Powers, Col Aston. 66 Inspection Staff Tour. OCtr 2nd to 6th. Appreciations and plans from General Idea for framing Special Ideas for Red and Green, Commandant. 67 Operations of 5th German Cav Divn 11th t0 14th August 1870, Lt Col Gough. 68 What events would most likely lead to Gt Britain intervening in violation of neutrality of Belgium, Col Haking. 69 Contn of No 66. Special Idea Green. Appreciate aituation 1st Octr, Col Capper. 70 Contn of No 66. Special Red Idea. Appreciate situation 5 p.m., 1st Octr, Col Haking. 71 Write a strategical study of Belgian thatre of war as S.O. to British C-in-C in command of allied foce, Col Haking. 72 Discuss how German Cav should have covered I and II Armies during last weeks of July 1870, Lt Col Gough. 73 Study of possible campaign in Basutoland, Col Haking. 74 Draw up a scheme for proposed manoeuvres on large scale in U.Kingdom, Col Capper. 75 Contn of No 72. Discuss how German Cav should have been employed to meet situation of evening of 9th August, Lt Col Gough. 76 Salamanca June and July 1812, Col Haking. 77 Movements of opposing armies at Salamanca 26th June to 21st July 1812, Col Haking. 78 Austerlitz No II. Napoleon's advance to Vienna, Col Haking. 79 Defence of North West Frontier India. Offrs work in pairs, Col Haking. Austerlitz No III. Events from 9th Novr to battle, Col Haking. 81 Artillery in Attack ad Defence, Lt Col du Cane. 82 Short précis of course in Imperial Strategy, Lt Col Gough. 83 Sketch of cavalry action in plateau near ville-sur-Yron, Lt Col Gough. 84 Precis of solutions of Imperial Strategy No VIII.

Sans titre
GB CR/1906/1 JSCSC · 1906

1 Battle of Sha Ho (Shi-li-ho), Lt Col Du Cane. 2 Discuss arguments on which summary to general considerations of Attack & Defence is based, Lt Col Braithwaite. 3 Rear guard defensive position, Lt Col Du Cane. 4 Paardeburg 18.2.1900, Lt Col Du Cane. 5 Driefontein 10.3.1900, Lt Col Du Cane. 6 Precise, in narrative form, certain correspondence, Lt Col Banon. 7 Tactical employment for artillery in attack & points in disposition for defence, Lt Col Du Cane. 8 Trace necessity of combination of 3 arms to carry out principles of attack & defence (C.T Sects 110-137), Lt Col Braithwaite. 9 Attack on Platrand S.A Jan: 1900, Lt Col Du Cane. 10 Waterloo campaign. Theatre of war, Lt Col Braithwaite. 11 Two maps of Spion Kop operations Jan 1900, Lt Col Du Cane. 12 Discuss probable effects had French Emperor made main advance by Mons in 1815, Lt Col Braithwaite. 13 Enlarge specimen map, Lt Col Banon. 14 Positions of armies 16th June 1815, Lt Col Braithwaite. 15 Vaalkrantz & Pieters Hill S.A Feb 1900, Lt Col Du Cane. 16 Memo on organisation &c of auxiliary forces, Lt Col Banon. 17 Ligny - order of battle, Lt Col Braithwaite. 18 Preparation of position for Batty of 18pr Q.F guns with map of position & plan of work, Lt Col Du Cane. 19 As SO to Wellington write appreciation of situation on morning of 17th June 1815, Lt Col Braithwaite. 20 Quatre Bras 16th June 1815, Lt Col Braithwaite. 21 March orders of force from Bagshot Heath to Cricket Hill, Lt Col Braithwaite. 22 Attack on IInd Japanese Army at Tai-shi-kiao, Lt Col Du Cane. 23 Attack on entrenched position. Draft operations orders for action of artillery, &c, Lt Col Du Cane. 24 Central Africa showing protectorates, Lt Col Banon. 25 2 maps of Nansham. 1. Defences. 2. Position of Japanese artillery, Lt Col Du Cane. 26 Show on map distribution of land forces of British Colonies & Protectorates, Lt Col Banon. 27 Cont. of no 23. As CGS of 3rd divn draft orders in accordance with para 3 Sp. Idea, also show positions of 2nd divn night of 7th March, Lt Col Braithwaite. 28 Road sketch, Lt Col Banon. 29 Horseback sketch, Lt Col Banon. 30 As Napoleon's C of S write appreciation of situation d/- Ligny 5am, 17.6.15, Lt Col Braithwaite. 31 State views of changes brought about in tactical employment or Arty in the field by smokeless powder, &c, Lt Col Du Cane. 32 Positions of Wellington & Napoleon 13.6.15, Lt Col Braithwaite. 33 Instns in writing report on unit to which attached during training with other arms, The Commandant. 34 Horseback sketch. Road sketch in case of withdrawal of force from position, Lt Col Banon. 35 Positions of Wellington's army 16, 17, 18-6-15, Lt Col Braithwaite. 36 Shu-shan-po position, Lt Col Du Cane. 37 State views of lessons of S.A & Manchurian wars as regards entrenching in the field, Lt Col Du Cane. 38 Memo on system of providing drafts for army abroad, Lt Col Banon. 39 Plane-table sketch, Lt Col Banon. 40 Compare Wellington's conduct of defence at Waterloo with principles in C.T.Secs 123-124, Lt Col Braithwaite. 41 Two maps for study of Valley campaign 1862, Lt Col Braithwaite. 42 Paper on incidents between outbreak of war and commencement of Valley campaign 1862, Lt Col Braithwaite. 43 i. sketch of camping area. ii. River reconnaissance, Lt Col Banon. 44 Horseback reconnaissance, Lt Col Banon. 45 Defence science. Dorking war anchorage, Lt Col Du Cane. 46 Selection of camping grounds, Lt Col Banon. 47 Outpost orders, &c, with sketch showing dispositions, Lt Col Braithwaite. 48 Instructions re visit to I of Wight, Lt Col Du Cane. 49 Syllabus of instruction in subject (D), Lt Col Du Cane. 50 Programme of visit to I of Wight, Lt Col Du Cane. 51 Seaward defences of Port Arthur, Lt Col Du Cane. 52 Quote paras of CT principles of which are illustrated by events of battle of Bull Run, Lt Col Braithwaite. 53 Billeting portion of Inf Divn on march, Lt Col Banon. 54 Selection of defensive position, with sketch and disposition of forces, Lt Col Braithwaite. 55 Panoramic sketch of enemy's position, Lt Col Banon. 56 Instructions for finishing sketches, Lt Col Banon. 57 Reconnaissance of position. Force orders for occupation, direction for counterstroke with artillery support, Lt Col Braithwaite. 58 Cont of No 43. Sketch showing billeting areas, Lt Col Banon. 59 Visit of divn to Woolwich Arsenal 2&3 July, Lt Col Du Cane. 60 Specimens of drawings of trees &c, Lt Col Banon, Lt Col Banon. 61 As SO to Genl Banks, appreciate situation on March 1st 1862, Lt Col Braithwaite. 62 Escorting convoy through enemy's country, write orders, sketch distribution &c, Lt Col Braithwaite. 63 Allotment of officers for tour, 25-26th July, The Commandant. 64 Describe system of army administration in India before Ld Kitchener's arrival & since, Lt Col Banon. 65 Rear guard action. Sketch of position, Lt Col Banon. 66 Discuss strategical lessons of campaign in Virginia between 24th March & 17th May 1862, Lt Col Braithwaite. 67 Tactical idea for work of 18th Bde FA for 13th July to be witnessed by divn, Lt Col Du Cane. 68 General & special ideas for No III party, Col Gough. 69 Outline sketch of enemy's position, Lt Col Banon. 70 Instructions re exams on 17, 23 & 24th July, Lt Col Du Cane. 71 Reconnaissance of area of country, Lt Col Banon. 72 General & special ideas & instns for No II Pty, Lt Col Du Cane. 73 General & special ideas & instns for No
VI Pty, Lt Col Banon. 74 General & special ideas & instns for No I Pty, Col Aston. 75 General & special ideas & instns for No IV Pty, Lt Col Stopford. 76 General & special ideas & instns for No V Pty, Lt Col Braithwaite. 77 Instns re visit to Okehampton in August, Lt Col Du Cane. 78 Syllabus of exams: topography, Lt Col Banon. 79 Syllabus of exams: Mil history, strategy, tactics, Lt Col Braithwaite. 80 Sketch of area of country, to show defensive position, disposition of the troops &c, Lt Col Banon. 81 6 questions on setting of maps, &c, Lt Col Banon. 82 1866 campaign. General & Germanic confederation, Lt Col Braithwaite. 83 Syllabus of instruction of Mil. Engineering, Lt Col Du Cane. 84 Report of facilities for forming supply depot for Army Corps subsisting on country, Lt Col Banon. 85 Discuss steps each side might have taken 15-20 June '63 to "mystify & mislead" adversary, Lt Col Braithwaite. 86 Report on formation &c if K of C of force adv. Depot, requestn of supplies, with garrisons, Lt Col Du Cane & Lt Col Banon. 87 NE frontier of Belgium-France-Germany, Lt Col Du Cane. 88 i. Operations on the Iser. ii. Operations up to 3rd July 1866, Lt Col Braithwaite. 89 Railway map Turkey in Asia, Lt Col Du Cane. 90 Summary of Moltke's projects for '66 campaign, Lt Col Braithwaite. 91 4 forms for use in obtaining supplies, Lt Col Banon. 92 Plan of Chitral Fort, Lt Col Du Cane. 93 Criticise generalship of P. Fred. Charles from advance of 1st & Elbe armies to 29th June, Lt Col Braithwaite. 94 Design works for section of entrenched camp. Lt Col Du Cane. 95 Give views as to how Arty & Engr units of siege trains shd be organised. RA & RA Offrs, Lt Col Du Cane. 96 Syllabus of instruction in Staff Duties, Lt Col Banon. 97 Duties of C's C, T of C station & adv. Depot, Lt Col Banon. 98 As Benedek's C of S appreciate situation at 7pm, 26th June 1866, Lt Col Braithwaite. 99 Russia defences Port Arthur (Erh Lung Shan &c), Lt Col Du Cane. 100 Write memo on supply & transport lessons of SA and Russo-Japanese wars, Lt Col Banon. 101 N Keikwansan Fort. Port Arthur, Lt Col Du Cane. 102 Amended syllabus - Military engineering, Lt Col Du Cane. 103 Attack on the entrenched camp, cont of No 94, Lt Col Du Cane. 104 Appreciate the situation from Austrian point of view d/- 10 pm, 27-6-66 (syndicates), Lt Col Braithwaite. 105 Map of organisation 12-6-1815, give proposals for organisation of field intelligence &c, Lt Col Banon. 106 Position of both armies evening 2 July 1866, Lt Col Braithwaite. 107 Encipher a message of not less than 25 words, Lt Col Banon. 108 Battle of Austerlitz. Translation from V Horsetzky, with map, Lt Col Braithwaite. 109 Definition & principles of martial law, Lt Col Banon. 110 Present war office system in India, Lt Col Banon. 111 Battlefield of Austerlitz 2nd Decr 1805, Lt Col Braithwaite. 112 Two maps of Salamanca with return of strength of British and allies at the battle, Lt Col Braithwaite.

Sans titre
GB CR/1909/2 JSCSC · 1909

1 Books to read, F-G War, 1870, Col Braithwaite. 2 Outline of theatre of war, 1870, Col Braithwaite. 3 War Office scheme, for practice in minute writing etc. 4 syndicates, The Commandant. 4 2 railway maps of 1870, French and German, Col Perceval. 5 Strengths of British, French and German navies, Lt Col Harper. 6 Scheme 1, 1870. As CGS French army draw up memo and draft orders &c. 14 syndicates, Col Braithwaite. 7 Programme for visit to 1870 battlefields, Col Braithwaite. 8 Reconnaissance of defended port with view to attack on land side. 10 syndicates, Col Banon and Lt Col Harper. 9 Railways in South Africa, Col Perceval. 10 Memoir - how far are strategical and tactical lessons of 1815 etc confirmed or modified by war in Manchuria, The Commandant. 11 4 maps issued for lecture on "Cavalry", Lt Col Barrow. 12 Discuss suggestions in p.118, part 3, FOA 1870, re employment of French cavalry, Lt Col Barrow. 13 1st railway exercise. 6 syndicates, Col Perceval.

14 Discuss occupation of Weissemburg by Douay's division, Col Braithwaite. 15 2 [maps] of position at Woerth, Col Braithwaite. 16 Discuss action De Failly should have taken on 5.8.70. 4 syndicates, Col Braithwaite and Lt Col Ross. 17 As Gen. Staff Officer in Berlin state hostile acts to be committed before formal outbreak of war with England, Lt Col Harper. 18 Continuation of No 8 (Scheme 1). Attack of defended harbour, Col Banon and Lt Col Harper. 19 Spicheren, 2 plans and 1 plate of profiles, Lt Col Ross. 20 II railway exercise - 6 syndicates, Col Perceval. 21 Showing arrangements on beach for disembarkation. Issues for lecture by Capt. Gilpin-Brown RN, Col Banon. 22 Staff arrangements for overseas expeditions, Col Banon. 23 Colmbey, Lt Col Ross. 24 Scheme no 3. Discuss actions of v. Kameke, v. der Goltz, and v, Alvensleben re Spicheren, Colombey and Mars la Tour. 11 syndicates, Col Braithwaite. 25 Lecture - cavalry in battle, Lt Col Barrow. 26 Dimensions &c of British warships and destroyers, Col Banon (Comdr. Jeffreys). 27 Combined naval and military staff tour - papers 1-4 - first tour - general and special ideas. 10 parties, The Commandant. 28 Embarkation scheme. Ist part - prepare instns for movement to docks etc, 7 syndicates. IInd part. Command tables, maps, plans, instns etc necessary, Col Banon. 29 As C. of S. to Macmahon 22-8-70, draw up project for operations of "Army of Chalons". 14 synds, Lt Col Ross. 30 Cavalry scheme. Detaining hostile force, Lt Col Barrow. 31 2 maps - 1 position on morning of 18th Aug and II attack of IXth Corps Gravelotte, Lt Col Furse. 32 Stocks of raw material and foodstuffs, Lt Col Harper. 33 Re foreign officers travelling in Germany, and summary of laws dealing with espionage on Continent, Col Banon. 34 3 of 1870. I position of 10th armies 24-28th Aug. II B of Beaumont. III Sedan, Lt Col Rose. 35 Regns affecting requisitioning in France and Belgium, Col Banon. 36 Von Werder's campaign in the south-east of France 1870-71, The Commandant.

37 Part III. 1st three days work at College with naval officers, The Commandant. 38 SC officers on East Coast, The Commandant. 39 Part III. Re-embarkation, The Commandant. 40 Exercise in setting tactical scheme. Division divided half red, half blue (attack and defence), Col Perceval. 41 Comparison between Walley of R.Po and the Valley of the Severn, Col Perceval. 42 Appreciation; Scheme with opposing forces (Severn Valley); Blueland (Gloucester); Redland (Bath), The Commandant. 42A Operation orders, order of battle and red and blue forces, The Commandant. 43 Billeting in depth, requisitioning and living on the country, Cols Banon and Perceval. 44 Notes and points in connection with Severn Valley staff tour June 1st-4th, The Commandant. 45 2nd exercise in setting tactical schemes. "Advance and rear guard commands". Division divided into two parties. Individual work, Col Perceval. 46 Table of Indian pack transport, Lt Col Barrow.

47 Scheme for staff tour in Wales. I exercise. From all officers - minute from GOC epdn. To C-in-C India, The Commandant. 47A Part II. Ex II. Composition of columns. Standing orders for forces. Staff and 3 parties. 47B Notes for directing staff and train arrangements. 47CNarrative and table of road spaces. 48 Mountain warfare, Lt Col Stewart. 49 Advantages and disadvantages of billeting and bivouacking for cavalry, Lt Col Barrow. 50 Communication scheme, Lt Col Harper. 51 Communication scheme of 23rd June, Lt Col Harper. 52 General idea and special ideas Northland and Westland. Appreciations 1st exercise - opposing forces, The Commandant. 53 Report on training with other arms, The Commandant. 54 Arrangements for tactical fitness examination. 12 parties. Selected schemes worked out on ground, Cols Banon and Perceval. 55 Ordnance depot. General Hospl and supply depot, Col Banon. 56 Combined scheme. Part I. General and special ideas. Reconnaissance of area of concentration, Cols Banon and Perceval.

57 Schemes selected from work sent in, in connection with No 54. Tactical fitness examination, Officers of Division. 58 Notes on, and solution of certain points raised during staff tour in North Wales, Lt Col Stewart. 59 Tables and distributions of Divinl. Signal Co, Lt Col Harper. 60 Combined scheme. Part II. Staff duties. Connected with disembarkation of large force, Col Banon. 61 Combined scheme Part III Staff duties. Connected with advanced base and billeting and bivouac arrangements, Col Banon. 62 Second exercise for "tactical fitness examn." Separate scheme issues to officers on Junr Divn staff tour, Cols Banon and Perceval. 63 Exercise [blank space] writing orders for change of direction of large force. Issues in place of part IV, combined scheme, Cols Banon & Perceval. 64 Points brought out in connection with wildland staff tour 12th-16th July, The Commandant. 65 Staff duties. Arrangements for carrying out a review, 4 syndicates, Col Banon.

66 General idea with special ideas for opposing forces. Preliminary work - appreciations and orders for movements, The Commandant. 67 tactical scheme, night operations. Two sides. Red 7 parties, Blue 1, Col Perceval. 68 Staff duties. Army manoeuvres. 3 syndicates, Col Banon. 69 Trees of Japanese army staff system, Lt Col Barrow. 70 Trees of Russian army staff system, Lt Col Barrow. 71 Points raised in connection with Insp. Staff tour, with 2 appendices, (A) on fortresses by the CGS and (B) on railways by Lt Col Whigham. 72 Syllabus of lecture "Cavalry in co-operation with the other arms", recapitulation of ways in which cavalry can co-operative, and three maps, Lt Col Barrow. 73 Order of battle Japanese forces etc, Col Perceval. 74 Japanese mobilization and syllabus of lecture, Lt Col Whigham. 75 Administration of a training grant. 3 parties, Cols Banon and Perceval. 76 Distribution of troops in Manchuria '04 and syllabus of lecture "Russian mobilization", Lt Col Whigham. 77 Rations carries with field troops in Russian army, Col Banon. 78 Belgian scheme, Part I. 7 syndicates, The Commandant.

79 Syllabus of lecture on & paper of names and lengths of Trans-Siberian railway, Lt Col Whigham. 80 [Map] to illustrate advance of 1st Japanese army through Korea, Col Banon. 81 [Map] to illustrate Battle of the Yalu, Lt Col Furse. 82 Belgian scheme, Part II, same syndicates as for Part I, The Commandant. 83 3 maps illustrating landing of 2nd Japanese army and battle of Nanshan, Lt Col Ross. 84 [Map] showing situation in Manchuria 8th June '04, Lt Col Furse. 85 [Map] illustrating battle of Te-li-ssu, Lt Col Furse. 86 Yeomanry schemes. Ought they to have a separate training manual? 11 syndicates in 2 groups, The Commandant. 87 Cavalry scheme, Lt Col Barrow. 88 Situation in Manchuria, 22.8.04, Lt Col Ross. 89 Home Defence Scheme, Part I, The Commandant. 90 Reinforcements to expeditionary force and base record office (all officers), Lt Col Whigham. 91 Set ofthree [maps] to illustrate battle of Laio Yang, Lt Col Ross. 92 Home defence scheme Part II. 7 syndicates, The Commandant. 93 Instructions for utilization of local resources scheme. 12 syndicates in 3 groups, The Commandant. 94 The defence of India (lecture), Lt Col Stewart. 95 The defence of India. 7 syndicates, The Commandant. 96 Education scheme. 8 syndicates in 3 groups, The Commandant. 97 Illustrating Mischenko's raid, Lt Col Barrow. 98 Subjects treated in Part I of memoirs, The Commandant. 99 On fighting in enclosed country, The Commandant.

Sans titre
GB CR/1910/2 JSCSC · 1910

1 War office scheme - 6 syndicates, The Commandant. 2 Books to read on Franco-German war, Col Perceval. 3 Skeleton general map, 1870, Col Perceval. 4 Railways in war, 1st lecture and tables showing military control of railways in European states, Lt Col Whigham. 5 Distribution and strength of fleets, Lt Col Harper. 6 Describe 1870 theatre of operations on E of Mocelle. Individual work, Col Perceval. 7 As officer of French GS, decide positions of German forces at start of 1870 war and proposed course of action for 2nd August. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 8 1st set of questions and answers for combination schemes. Directing staff and 10 syndicates, The Commandant. 9 Railways in 1870 campaign, with maps of railways used by French and Germans, Lt Col Whigham. 10 Reconnaissance of defended harbour with view to attack from land side.

10 syndicates, Col Perceval. 11 2nd combined scheme, with cipher message and specimen operation orders, The Commandant. 12 1st railway scheme, diagram, etc reqd, Lt Col Whigham. 13 Railway working for military traffic, Lt Col Whigham. 14 Battlefield tour April-May, Col Perceval. 15 Cavalry in co-operation with the other arms, and maps of Vauchamps and Ligny, Lt Col Barrow. 16 Cavalry lecture - German cavalry at commencement of Franco-German war, Lt Col Barrow. 17 Cavalry scheme No 1, Lt Col Barrow. 18 3rd combined scheme. (Specimen operation order attached), Col Gough. 19 Memoir for 1910, The Commandant. 20 Combined railway and embarkation scheme. General idea and 1st exercise, railway reconnaissance, Col Gough & Lt Col Whigham. 21 Franco-German war, scheme no 2. Discuss action de Failly should have taken, etc. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 22 Diagram of chain of command for disembarkation on an open beach, Col Gough. 23 Allez! Allez! No 4, Lt Col Harper. 24 Positions at Woerth, Col Perceval. 25 Railway scheme no 5. Continuation of no 20. Exercise 2, Lt Col Whigham. 26 Allez! Allez! No 5, Lt Col Furse. 27 Set an Allez! Allez! Scheme by syndicates, The Commandant. 28 Arrangements for disembarkation on an open beach, Captn Baird, RN. 29 Disembarkation scheme, part II. Continuation of no 10. Transport data and sketch map attached. 6 syndicates, Col Gough & Lt Col Harper. 30 Set of 3 [maps] to illustrate battle of Spicheren, Lt Col Ross. 31 Allez! Allez! No 6, Lt Col Ross.

32 Positions of forces night of 13.8.1870, Lt Col Ross. 33 Scheme No 3, 1870. Situation as on August 5th. Orders, etc, MacMahon should issue. Individual work, Col Perceval. 34 German cavalry in 1870, Lt Col Barrow. 35 Stocks of raw material and foodstuffs held, Lt Col Harper. 36 Combined railway and embarkation scheme, exercises 2 and 3. 8 syndicates, Col Gough and Lt Col Whigham. 37 Allez! Allez! No 7, Lt Col Barrow. 38 Combined naval and military staff tour, 4th-6th April. General idea; programme of work; and copy of reconnaissance of 1907. 4 parties and staffs, The Commandant. 39 Re foreign officers travelling in Germany, and laws dealing with espionage, Col Perceval. 40 Allez! Allez! No 8, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 41 Franco-German war, scheme No 4. 10 synds, Lt Col Ross. 42 Two [maps] to illustrate Battle of Gravelotte, Lt Col Furse.

43 Three [maps] for lectures "From Gravelotte to Sedan". Positions 24/28 Aug. Beaumont. Sedan, Lt Col Ross. 44 Allez! Allez! No 9, Lt Col Stewart. 45 German cavalry in 1870; syllabus of lecture and 3 sketches of cavalry movements, Lt Col Barrow. 46 Continuation of no 38; re-embarkation, (military), Col Gough. 47 Allez! Allez! No 10, Lt Col Hull. 48 Allez! Allez! No 11, Lt Col Whigham. 49 General and special ideas and instructions for 2nd combined naval and military staff tour. 10 parties, The Commandant. 50 Officers to draw up schemes for junior division staff tour. 8 parties under A; 8 parties under B, The Commandant. 51 Exercise in setting a tactical scheme, Col Perceval. 52 Tactical Allez! Allez! Scheme No 1, Col Perceval. 53 Intelligence lecture and tables for intelligence force, etc, Col Gough.

54 General and special ideas, staff tour, May 31-June 3. 4 parties. Part I, appreciations etc, The Commandant. 55 Specimen forms in connection with lecture on administrative reconnaissance, Col Foster. 56 Reconnaissance and administrative scheme for 6th. 6 parties, Col Foster. 57 Cavalry Allez! Allez! No 2. 5 parties, Lt Col Barrow. 58 Students to prepare Allez! Allez! Scheme. Half division, 8 parties. Conference full division on 22nd, The Commandant. 59 Allez! Allez! Scheme No 3, 5 parties, Lt Col Ross. 60 Part I (individual work); minute describing suggested operations; Part II 'Order of Battle' etc; Part III special idea or actual exercise, with rough sketch map, The Commandant & Lt Col Stewart. 61 Lecture - protective cavalry, Lt Col Barrow. 61a Cavalry scheme, No 2, Lt Col Barrow. 62 The NW frontier of India, with sketch map, Lt Col Stewart. 63 Mountain warfare, Lt Col Stewart. 64 Communication scheme, with wireless telegraph co: 4 parties, AH.Qrs and 3 divisions, Lt Col Harper. 65 Train arrangements for Welsh staff tour, Col Foster.

66 Tables, order of battle, establishments etc for Welsh staff tour, Lt Col Stewart. 67 Tactical Allez! Allez! No 4. 12 parties, Lt Col Furse. 68 General and special ideas for staff tour, 13-15th July. 1st ex: appreciations, The Commandant. 69 Allez! Allez! No 5. 7 parties, Lt Col Ross. 70 Cavalry scheme; individual work, Lt Col Greenly. 71 Allez! Allez! Scheme no 6, 5 parties, Lt Col Furse. 72 Supply and medical arrangements, part I, 5 syndicates, Col Foster. 73 Tactical reconnaissance, 3 syndicates, The Commandant. 74 Re report while attached to other arms, The Commandant. 75 Analysis of peace establishments, squadron of Br: cavalry, Lt Col Whigham. 76 General and special ideas for inspection staff tour of 10/12th October. Appreciations as commander of Brown or White army. 1st exercise, The Commandant. 77 Ceremonial scheme; 6 syndicates, Lt Col Whigham.

78 Ammunition and supply vehicles in the field. Move table, supply units: daily ration table (specimens), Col Foster. 79 Tactical exercise - 6 syndicates, Col Perceval. 80 Manchurian campaign. Scheme A. Discuss Japanese plan of campaign, Col Perceval. 81 Set of 5 schemes for 5 syndicates: 1, to show French officers comm.. services. 2, inspection of brigade. 3, examination in tactical fitness. 4, cavalry brigade operations. 5, public schools training corps field day, The Commandant. 82 Manchurian campaign, scheme B: as General Mischenko, appreciate situation 3.5.'04, Lt Col Furse. 83 Japanese mobilization R-J War, Lt Col Hull. 84 Russian mobilization R-J War, Lt Col Hull. 85 Russian and Japanese staff systems, Lt Col Whigham. 86 Battle of the Yalu, Lt Col Furse. 87 Manchurian campaign, scheme C. Explain causes which led to failure of General Kuropatkin's plan before Liao Yang. 12 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 88 Railways in the Russo-Japanese war, Lt Col Bols. 89 Cavalry scheme - attack, Lt Col Barrow. 90 Approximate situation in Manchuria, 8.6.'04, Lt Col Furse. 91 Battle of Talissu, Lt Col Furse. 92 [Maps] to illustrate advance to, and Battle of Liao-Yang, Lt Col Ross. 93 Lecture, cavalry in Manchuria, Lt Col Barrow. 94 Lecture, naval operations Manchurian campaign, Captn Drury-Lowe, RN. 95 Allez! Allez! Cavalry division covering march of an army northwards, Lt Col Whigham. 96 Belgian railways, Lt Col Bols. 97 Belgian scheme, Pt I. Appreciations etc, The Commandant. 98 Jubaland scheme, Pt I. Suggested scheme of operations, Col Gough.

99 Distribution of Belgian army, Lt Col Hoskins. 100 draft circular letter re "reserves", The Commandant. 101 English and German cavalry formations, Lt Col Greenly. 102 Lists of parties for war game, Col Perceval. 103 Cavalry scheme. As C-in-C of blue mobilized forces say what is required of cavalry division and mounted troops, Lt Col Greenly. 104 Home defence Pt I. Memo for CID of adequacy of home defence arrangements, Lt Col Harper. 105 [Tables] to explain wall diagrams: march and supply of proportion of A. Tps and 3 divisions, Col Foster. 106 Home defence, Pt II. 6 syndicates, Lt Col Harper. 107 Distribution of naval forces, Captn Drury-Lowe, RN. 108 Some cavalry maxims, Lt Col Barrow. 109 India, Lt Col Stewart.

110 Afghanistan, Lt Col Stewart. 111 Persia, Lt Col Stewart. 112 Discuss principles governing employment of machine guns in war, Lt Col Hoskins. 113 Russia in Asia, Lt Col Stewart. 114 Lake's marches in pursuit of Holkar, Lt Col Barrow. 115 Scheme for writing orders for night operations. 10 syndicates, Col Perceval. 116 Jubaland scheme Pt II. 8 syndicates, Lt Col Gough. 117 [Maps] to illustrate lecture on Cromwell's cavalry, Lt Col Greenly. 118 Tactical exercise in night operations. 6 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 119 Establishment, work etc of Record Office, Lt Col Hull. 120 Establishments and Wajheir flying column, Col Gough.

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HECHLER, Maj Kenneth William (b 1914)
GB 0099 KCLMA Hechler · Created 1949

Photocopy of the report 'The Enemy Side of the Hill, the 1945 background on interrogation of German commanders', compiled by Maj Kenneth William Hechler, chief interrogator, 1949.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Lethbridge · Created 1939-1961

Papers chiefly related to Lethbridge's service in the Second World War, 1943-1948 and the Control Commission, 1945-1948. Typescript report, photographs, glass photographic slides and correspondence relating to 220 Lethbridge Mission, to the USA, India, South West Pacific and Australia to study tactics and equipment required to defeat Japan in the Far East, 1943-1944. Photographs, including album of Australian troops in action with Japanese, Papua New Guinea, 1943, with related publications, notably War in New Guinea (Department of Information, Australia, 1943) and The Australasians [27 Nov 1943], with profile of Lethbridge. Papers relating to Lethbridge's service as Chief of Staff, 14 Army, Burma, 1944-1945, including printed chart of the planned phases of the Burma campaign, 1944; letters home, Aug 1944-Jun 1945; personal letter from Gen Sir William Joseph Slim, Commander in Chief, Allied Land Forces, South East Asia, to Lethbridge, 26 Sep 1945; typescript operational and administrative notes on the Burma campaign, 1945; portrait photographs, including Gen Slim [1945]; typescript administrative memoranda, 1945; edition of Campaign in Burma (Central Office of Information, London, 1946). Papers relating to Control Commission for Germany, 1945-1948, including photocopies of Hitler's last will and testament, with copies of translations, 1945; Lethbridge's notes on evidence for Hitler's death, 1945; Hitler's signed Christmas card [1944]; press cuttings relating to defeat of plot by former SS officers, 1947; two UK Government papers relating to Germany (HMSO, London, 1939); photograph album of pre-war Berlin, with notes on post war condition [1946]. Photographs and press cuttings relating to the opening of the Civil Defence College, Sunningdale, Berkshire, 1950; photographs relating to Civil Defence exercise, Bristol, 1956. Obituary for Lethbridge, reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal [1961].

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA British Army Field Manuals · Collection · 1963-2004

British Army publications, 1963-2004. Volumes of the Army Field Manual including: 'The Armoured Division in Battle' (1990); 'Infantry Operations' (1990); 'Combat Service Support' (1992); 'Background to the Soviet Army' (1986); 'A Treatise on Soviet Operational Art' (1991); 'Soviet Tactics' (1991); 'Generic Enemy (Basic Forces): Operational Art' (1995); 'Operations in Specific Environments: Urban Operations' (1999); 'Battlegroup Tactics' (1990); 'The Infantry Battalion in Battle' (1990); 'Operations within the UK: Military Home Defence' (1990); 'Fighting in Built-up Areas' (1983); 'Chemical Operations' (1990); 'Cold Climate Operations' (1992); 'All Arms Tactics in Special Environments: Desert' (1995); 'Operations Other than War: Counter Insurgency Operations' (1995), 'Peacekeeping Operations' (1988) and 'Wider Peacekeeping' (1994); 'Combined Arms Operations: Formation Tactics' (1995 and 2002 Dec editions), 'Battlegroup Tactics' (1998 and 2002 Feb editions), 'Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR)' (2002 Mar), 'Countersurveillance, Opsec [operations security] and Deception' (1999 Oct), 'Operations in Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Conditions' (2002 Oct), 'Training for Operations' (1997), 'Command and Staff Procedures' (1999 and 2002 editions) and 'Tactical Guidance for Operations Other than War' (2000).

Tactical and Doctrinal publications including: 'Keeping the Peace: Doctrine' (1963 Jan); 'Tactical Doctrine and Arms Directorate: The Army Tactical Doctrine Handbook' (1985) and 'Tactical Aide Memoire' (1988); 'Joint Warfare Publication: British Defence Doctrine' (1996); 'Design for Military Operations: the British Military Doctrine' (1996); 'Army Doctrine Handbook' (2000 Jul); 'Land Component Handbook: doctrinal notes' (2004 Nov); 'Army Doctrine Publications: Command' (1995 Apr), 'Logistics' (1996 Jun and 2000 Apr editions), 'Training' (1996 Dec), and 'Soldiering - the Military Covenant' (2000 Feb).

Land Operations manuals including: 'The Fundamentals Part 1: the application of force', 'Part 2: command and control', 'Part 3: the combat arms' and 'Part 4: fire support' (1968 -1977); 'Non Nuclear Operations Part 1: formation tactics', 'Part 2: battle group tactics', 'Part 3: combat team tactics in mechanised operations', 'Part 4: crossing and breaching obstacles' and 'Part 5: air defence of the field army' (1971-1977); 'Counter-Revolutionary Operations Part 1: general principles', 'Part 2: procedures and techniques', 'Part 2: internal security' (1969 version) and 'Part 3: counter insurgency' (1969-1977); 'Nuclear Operations Part 1: nuclear fire power' and 'Part 2: tactics' (1970-1971); 'Operational Techniques Under Special Conditions Part 1: mountainous country', 'Part 2: jungle', 'Part 3: desert', 'Part 4: cold climate' (1972-1979).

Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) including: 'Army Formation Standing Operating Procedures (AFSOPs)' (1989); 'UK Land Forces: Formation Standing Operating Procedures' (1989 Jul); '1 British Corps: Standing Operating Procedures' (1991 Jan) and 'Land Component Handbook (Formation SOPs)' (2000 Sept).

Handbooks, guidebooks and manuals including: 'Administration in the Field' (MOD, 1975); 'Umpiring the Effects of Artillery Fire: A Guide for Umpires of All Arms' (1981); 'Administration in War', (MOD, 1984); 'Medical Interoperability Handbook' (German/English version) (1986 Feb); 'Data Protection Act 1984: A Guide to the Act' (MOD, 1987 Aug); 'Manual of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Training on Land' (1988); 'Staff Officers Handbook' (1988); 'Unit Guide to the Administration of Personnel in War' (1989); 'Instructions for the Handling of Prisoners of War' (MOD, 1990); 'The Manual of Joint Warfare Volume VIII (JSP 7): Military Psychological Operations' (1992); 'Unit Battlefield Countersurveillance' (1994 Jun); 'Generic Enemy (Genforce) Handbook: Rest of the World Enemy (ROWEN)' (1995); 'Military Aid to the Civil Community in the United Kingdom' (1997); 'Generic Enemy (Genforce) Handbook: Mobile Forces' (1997); 'Staff Officers' Handbook' (2000 Jul); 'ABCA: Coalition Logistics Handbook' (Quadripartite Advisory Publication, 2003 Jun).

Training guides including: 'Training for War: the Principles and Organisation of Training, Individual Training, Collective Training and Territorial Army' (1981).

Publications by other military forces including: 'On Point: The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom', by Col G Fontenot, LTC EJ Degen and LTC D Tohn (Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: Combat Studies Institute Press, 2004); Royal Netherlands Army Doctrine Publications: 'Military Doctrine' (1996), 'Combat Operations Against an Irregular Force' (2003), and 'Peace Operations' (1999).

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Spears · 1851-[1974]

Papers, mainly on World War One compiled by Sir Edward Louis Spears, 1851-[1974]; notably including official World War One correspondence and telegrams, to GHQ, 1 Army, Gen Douglas Haig, Lt Gen Sir Henry Wilson and other officers, on infantry composition, munitions and artillery, lists of officers, colonial troops, morale, observation and intelligence gathering, the lessons of specific campaigns, the employment of tanks, casualties, prisoners of war (POWs), training, public opinion, operational orders for the French 6 Army by Gen Emile Fayolle, and more generally relations between the French and British armies, meetings, views and opinions by and concerning French C-in-C Henri-Philippe Petain, French Northern Army Commander, Ferdinand Foch, and Robert Nivelle, French C-in-C, 1916-1917, an interview with Georges Clemenceau, French Prime Minister from Nov 1917, US, Japanese, Greek and other correspondence and communications over Siberia, Japan, Finland, Bulgaria, and demands for independence by Eastern European peoples, US participation in the War and opinions on President Woodrow Wilson, Italian military offensives, precis of interviews with corps and army commanders, manuscript diary (1915), on the Russian civil war, post-war commerce, correspondence with Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill on post-war claims, the current political and military situation, especially in Russia, and Versailles peace conference papers, 1914-1920 (Spears Section 1); unpublished material collected by Spears for his publications on the War, including a report of events for 122 Bd, Royal Field Artillery (1916), detailed memoranda and correspondence concerning operations notably comprising copy letters between FM Sir Douglas Haig, Gen Nivelle, and others including to the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, and on reinforcements, the German postions, the Calais Agreement of February 1917, 1 and 3 Army operations, Franch Army mutinies in 1917, extracts from a diary covering the Battle of Arras, Apr 1917, the politics of liaison, interviews with French and British officers, including French C-in-C Henri-Philippe Petain and Lt Gen Sir Launcelot Edward Kiggell reflecting on strategic and other concerns, 1916-1938 (Spears Section 2); printed material by other authors on World War One used by Spears in his published studies, [1917-1964] (Spears Section 3); draft notes and chapters for Spears' published works on World War One, [1919-1974] (Spears Section 4); original source material and notes by Spears on the 1870 Siege of Paris, mainly rough notes and draft chapters on the Siege, original and copy letters from participants describing events and an exercise book containing lecture notes redating the Franco-Prussian War, [1851-1974] (Spears Section 5); newspaper reviews of Spears' books and critics' letters, 1930-1969 (Spears Section 6); material relating to a war memorial at Mons, 1936-1968 (Spears Section 7); personal papers, mainly articles on the life of Spears [1918-1974] (Spears Section 8), maps, principally of Arras, Bullecourt and Mons, during 1917 [1917]-1959 (Spears Section 9); photographic material, post cards and watercolour sketches, including of trenches, damaged buildings, troops and officers, and a visit to the Balkans in 1920, 1914-[1920] (Spears Section 10); photocopies of some items of Second World War material transferred to Churchill College, Cambridge, mainly on the fall of France, General de Gaulle, and French resistance, [1940-1943].

Sans titre
GB CR/1911/2 JSCSC · 1911

1 Railways in 1870-71, Lt Col Bols. 2 1870 campaign. Notes and exercises. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 3 1870 campaign. Exercise. 13 syndicates, Col Perceval. 4 Organization of German Army Corps, Lt Col Hoskins. 5 1870 campaign. Exercise, Lt Col Furse. 6 Four maps illustrating cavalry actions, Lt Col Greenly. 7 South African railway map, Lt Col Bols. 8 1870 (Woerth), Col Perceval. 9 1870. Exercise no 4. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Ross. 10 1870 (Gravalotte), Lt Col Furse. 11 Battlefield tour, April-May; instructions re, Col Perceval. 12 Cavalry scheme (outdoor) - 17 syndicates, Lt Col Greenly.

13 Overseas expeditions - disembarkation on open beach, etc, Col Gough. 14 Tactical exercise (under Directing Staff), Lt Col Furse. 15 Problem - Canadian Frontier (confidential), The Commandant. 16 Hints on writing an appreciation of a situation, The Commandant. 17 Instructions on writing 'papers on military subjects', The Commandant. 18 Reorganization of T&S, Colonel Foster. 19 Manchurian campaign (Yalu), Lt Col Fuse. 20 Manchurian campaign Exercise A. 13 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 21 Manchurian campaign (Te-li-ssu), Lt Col Furse. 22 Manchurian campaign exercise B, Lt Col Ross. 23 Japanese divisions of service, Lt Col Hoskins. 24 Japanese system of conscription and training, Lt Col Hoskins. 25 Exercise in reconnaissance work, 7/8th March, Col Gough. 26 Cavalry scheme for 9th. 6 syndicates under Directing staff, Lt Col Greenly. 27 Paper required on 'foreign armies', Lt Col Hoskins. 28 R-J War: 1) Judsiatan, 2) Cavalry 29th May '04, 3) Protection Stackelberg's Corps 10/13.04, Lt Col Greenly. 29 Suggestions required re co-operation with other arms, The Commandant.

30 Railway control exercise I. Outdoor, Lt Col Bols. 31 Coast reconnaissance exercise - 8 syndicates, Lt Col Roper. 32 Tactical exercise. 7 syndicates, Col Perceval. 33 Night operations, 18/3. Exercise (8 syndicates), Col Perceval. 34 Organization of staff duties in the field, Lt Col Whigham. 35 Staff tour ("staff duties") 10th-12th April, The Commandant. 36 Railway control exercise. 13 syndicates, Lt Col Bols. 37 Tactical exercise (indoor). 6 parties under Directing Staff, Lt Col Fowler. 38 Combined naval and military exercise, 3/7th April, Col Gough. 39 Eastern counties staff tour - half division, Col Gough. 40 Eastern counties staff tour - half division, Col Perceval. 41 Syllabus training and manoeuvres (3 lectures), Lt Col Whigham. 42 Instructions re messages and signals, Lt Col Whigham. 43 Staff duties exercise (indoors), Lt Col Hull. 44 'Signals' exercise (indoor), Lt Col Fowler.

45 Railway exercise (3), Lt Col Bols. 46 Tactical exercise - 25/5, Col Perceval. 47 Mars la Tour (cavalry lecture), Lt Col Greenly. 48 Reconnaissance - (29/5 - 2/6), Lt Col Greenly. 49 Lecture "Mars la Tour and Vionville" (cavalry), Lt Col Greenly. 50 Tactical problem (outdoor), Lt Col Ross. 51 Signal exercise (outdoor), Lt Col Fowler. 52 Administrative scheme, 5/6 (indoor), Col Foster. 53 L. of C. exercise, 6/6 (indoor), Lt Col Bols. 54 Tactical ex: staff duties, 7/7 (indoor), Lt Col Hoskins. 55 Preparation of schemes for tactical exercise (1), Lt Col Whigham. 56 Mars la Tour, charge of Bredow's Brigade (lecture), Lt Col Greenly. 57 'Tel el-Kebir' (lecture), Lt Col Furse. 58 Forms for 'reports on resources', Col Foster. 59 Staff duties exercise (writing orders etc) - indoor, Col Gough. 60 NW frontier of India, Lt Col Stewart. 61 Reconnaissance exercise, 21/6, Lt Col Roper. 62 Choice of 3 subjects re memoir 'expeditionary force', The Commandant. 63 Lecture 'Mountain warfare', Lt Col Stewart. 64 Staff tour in Wales, Lt Col Stewart. 65 Reconnaissance of manoeuvre areas, June 27/28, Lt Col Hull.

66 Tactical day 'defence by night', Lt Col Furse. 67 March and supply of two Divisions (graphic), Col Foster. 68 Staff duties exercise 4/7 (continuation of no 59), Col Gough. 69 Preparation of schemes for field operations (2), Lt Col Whigham. 70 March and supply (graphic exercise), Col Foster. 71 Tactical Ex: 'interfering with march of hostile column', Lt Col Furse. 72 'Cavalry co-operating in attack' (exercise), Lt Col Greenly. 73 Tactical problem 'action of an inferior force', Lt Col Ross. 74 Night operations exercise, July 24th, Lt Col Whigham. 75 Night operations exercise, July 25th, Lt Col Whigham. 76 Night operations exercise, July 24th, Col Gough. 77 Night operations exercise, July 26th, Col Gough. 78 Night operations exercise, July 24th, Col Gough. 79 Night operations exercise, July 26th, Col Gough. 80 Transport and supply services, army manoeuvres, 1911, Col Foster. 81 Example graph "march and supply of 2 divisions", Col Foster. 82 Report on attachment to other arms, The Commandant. 83 Inspection staff tour, The Commandant. 84 India - internal defence. Notes (1), Lt Col Stewart. 85 Railways - designation of railway personnel, Lt Col Bols. 86 Tactical exercise, reconnaissance, etc, Lt Col Furse. 87 Protective cavalry - 6th October, Lt Col Greenly. 88 Preparation of tactical schemes (indoor exercise), Lt Col Whigham. 89 Cavalry scheme - distribution of mounted troops - 10 Oct, Lt Col Greenly. 90 Persia - map of the Baghdad railway, Lt Col Stewart. 91 Preparation f a scheme - inspection of a division, Lt Col Whigham. 92 General paper on Abyssinia, Lt Col Hoskins. 93 Tactical problem, 24th October, Lt Col Ross. 94 L. of C. estbts (lecture on organisation of the administrative services, European warfare), Col Foster. 95 Abyssinia problem, paper 2, Lt Col Hoskins. 96 Corunna - map to illustrate cavalry retreat, Lt Col Greenly. 97 Military aviation - notes, Capt Brooke-Popham. 98 English and German cavalry formations (strength), Lt Col Greenly. 99 Tactical problem - outdoor - 16th November, Lt Col Ross. 100 Franco-German 'conversations'. Utilization, Indian troops, The Commandant. 101 Comparative summary of the fighting fleets (imp. Defence), Lt Col Fowler. 102 Railways of France and Germany, Lt Col Bols. 103 Indoor exercise - Friday, 24th November, Col Gough. 104 Paper on home defence, Lt Col Furse. 105 "1870-1871", Lt Col Ballard. 106 "1870-1871", "operations on the Loire", "organization of the People's army", "German forces on the Loire", Lt Col Ballard. 107 Exercise in control of divisional ammunition columns, Col Foster. 108 Schedule of railway movements, Lt Col Bols. 109 Comments on memoirs (see No 62), The Commandant.

Sans titre
GB CR/1919/3 JSCSC · 1919

201 Precis of lecture: administrative arrangements in open warfare, A Div, Maj Tomes. 202 Precis of lecture No. 8: staff duties “preparation of schemes for tactical exercises”, A & B Div, Lt Col Collins. 203 Precis of lecture Q2 (light railways”, A Div, Br Gen Anderson. 204 Precis of lecture; submarines, A&B Div, Comdr. Hall RN. 205 Precis of 5th lecture; strategy & military history, A&B Div, Col Anley. 206 Special paper on war; war establishments, Cav signals, etc, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 207 Precis of lecture; A5 manpower, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 208 Instruction re visit Tank Centre, WOOL, A&B Div, Lt Col Neame. 209 Precis of artillery lecture no 9: development of artillery tactics no 3, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 210 Precis of lecture : counter intelligence, A Div, Maj Grubb. 211 Precis of cavalry lecture (4), Corps cavalry, B Div, Lt Col Osborne. 212 Precis of lecture; Russo-Japanese war, B Div, Maj Platt. 213 Outdoor exercise No 13; conduct of the battle, A Div, Col Anley. 214 Outdoor exercise No 15; preparation of a scheme for a tactical exercise, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 215 Outdoor exercise No 16, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 216 Outdoor exercise No 17; maintenance of pressure on an enemy, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 217 Indoor exercise no 18: supply, Lt Col Grubb. 218 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (I) The escape from Elba, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 219 Precis of lecture: convening and checking courts martial, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 220 Precis of lecture: strategy & military history, A &B Div, Col Anley. 221 Precis of lecture: artillery No 10, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 222 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (II) The opposing armies, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 223 Outdoor exercise No 17, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 224 Administrative problems, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 225 Cav Lecture (IV) Corps cavalry, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 226 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (III) Plans, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 227 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (IV) Crossing of the Sambre, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 228 Precis of lecture: imperial strategy, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 229 Indoor exercise No 13: preparation of a scheme for administrative arrangements without troops, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 230 Special paper on war establishments: organization Cav. Div, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 231 Special paper on war establishments: Cav Div Engineers, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 232 Special paper on war establishments: Art. Bde. Hd. Qrs, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 233 Special paper on war establishments: Art. Bde. Hd. Qrs, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 234 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (V) Ligny, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 235 Conference agenda, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 236 Precis of lecture: war office, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 237 Precis of lecture re work in stationary warfare, B Div, Lt Col Neame. 238 Precis of lecture: Salamanca campaign (I), A Div, Lt Col Haskard. 239 Outdoor exercise No 16: reconnaissance, B Div, Br Gen Farmar. 240 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (VI) Quatre Bras, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 241 Notes indoor exercise No 12, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 242 Outdoor exercise No 17. Tactical exercise with troops, A Div, Col Anley. 243 Outdoor exercise No 15: administrative arrangements in open warfare, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 244 Precis of lecture: Art. No 11: forecasts of ammn. Expenditures, a Div, Lt Col Broad. 245 Precis of lecture; railway artillery, A Div, Lt Col Brooke. 246 Precis of lecture No 1 India, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 247 Outdoor exercise No 18: machine guns for defence, A Div, Col Anley. 248 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (VII) Events of the 17th, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 249 Indoor exercise No 14, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 250 Precis of lecture: Salamanca campaign (II), A Div, Lt Col Haskard. 251 Lecture A&Q, B Div, Lt Col Liddell. 252 Precis of lecture: Australian military organization, B Div, Maj Hutchins. 253 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (IX), B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 254 Outdoor exercise No 19: Mailheads, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 255 Precis of lecture: Salamanca campaign (III), A Div, Lt Col Haskard. 256 Precis of lecture: Salamanca campaign (IV), A Div, Lt Col Haskard. 257 Precis of lecture: RE (4) RE duties in war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 258 Precis of lecture: Waterloo (VIII), B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 259 Precis of lecture: RA (6) Counter battery work, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 260 Precis of lecture: Infy tactics and formations, B Div, Maj Visct Gort. 261 Precis of lecture: India II: internal security, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 262 Precis of lecture: India III: strategical geography of NW frontier, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 263 Conference notes 4th Oct: Infy. dispositions and action plans, defensive position, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 264 Conference notes 18th Oct: battle order for the infy. soldier etc, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 265 Notes on indoor exercise No 14: ammunition supply in attacks, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 266 Art. Amm. Tables expenditure etc, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 267 Outdoor exercise No 19: ceremonial, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 268 Precis of lecture: manoeuvres and training grant, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 269 Outdoor exercise ceremonial, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 270 Precis of lecture: list of duties at the Gen. Staff office at Command Hd. Qrs, A&B Div, Commandant. 271 Precis of lecture: machine guns in defence, A Div, Col Anley. 272 Conference 25th Oct: replacing of horse transport by mechanical etc, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 273 Precis of lecture: transportation with special reference to railways and railheads, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 274 Programme of field artillery demonstration, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 275 War Game Oct 23rd, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 276 War Game, Oct 23rd, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 277 Attack Vimy Ridge, B Div, Capt. Foss. 278 Precis of lecture: pay staff duties, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 279 Precis of lecture: India (IV) continued: strategic geography NW frontier, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 280 Precis of lecture: discipline excluding court martial, A&B Div, Lt Col Venning. 281 War game Oct 27th, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 282 Paper on formation of citizen guards, A&B Div, Lt Col Collins. 283 Indoor exercise No 13: continuation of indoor exercise No 12 & outdoor exercise No 13: conduct of battle, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 284 War Game Oct 20th, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 285 Precis of lecture (9) General staff duties in peace, A&B Div, Lt Col Collins. 286 Special paper re manual map reading, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 287 Conference notes: battle order of infantry soldier, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 288 Outdoor exercise No 18: preparation of a scheme for an administrative exercise, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 289 Precis of lecture: Schleswig Holstein question, A Div, Maj Hansen. 290 Precis of lecture (RA7) (RA staff work and training, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 291 Outdoor exercise No 21. Reconnaissance, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 292 Agenda for conference: anti tank defence etc, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 293 Precis of lecture: cooperation between RE and infantry, A Div. 294 Conference on outdoor exercise No 19 “railheads”, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 295 Administrative problems, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 296 Administrative problems solution, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 297 Outdoor exercise No 19 (notes on), A&B Div, Lt Col Liddell. 298 Indoor exercise No 14: artillery I, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 299 Precis of lecture: L of C for 6 Divs (Italy), A&B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 300 Conference notes on Div. transport, A Div, Lt Col Neame.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Kennedy, J N · Created 1911-1972

Papers relating to Kennedy's career, 1911-1972, notably narrative diaries of his service on the Western Front during World War One, narrative diaries of his service with the British Military Mission to South Russia, 1919-1920; narrative diaries and papers relating to his senior planning role at the War Office during World War Two; typescript of, and papers relating to, an unpublished memoir of his period as Governor of Southern Rhodesia, 1969. A collection of official photographs relating largely to Kennedy's service at the War Office between 1939 and 1945, has been included at the end of the collection, as has a group of unpublished memoirs written by Col Roderick (Rory) Macleod, presented by the author to Kennedy in 1966.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Shea · 1897-1966

Copies of papers coverning the career of Shea in South Africa, France, Palestine and India, general correspondence and lectures, 1897-1966; notably including letters and despatches from the Boer War, 1901-1902, compiled by Shea as an officer in De Lisle's Australian brigade with an account of a march to sieze the drift over the Vet Reiver, accounts and commendations; diaries describing his service in France, 1914-1915; papers on service in Palestine, including correspondence, congratulatory telegrams from Gen Edmund (Henry Hynman) Allenby, Gen Sir Edward Stanislaus Bulfin and Maj Gen Philip Walhouse Chetwode on operations in Palestine, notes on fighting issued to 60 Div, Orders of Battle and composition of British and Turkish forces at Beersheba, Gaza and Jerusalem, other tactical notes, photographs of Jerusalem, encampments, troops crossing the Jordan river, Shea and other officers, and correspondence on the subsequent Official History of Palestine, 1917-1955; material on Shea's India service, principally guidance notes on relations with civilian Indians, notes by Shea on the Duzdap railway line, India-Persia, report entitled 'A review of the Waziristan situation with suggestions regarding the future', correspondence on Shea's address to the 1900 Club and the House of Commons and India Committee on conditions in India, maps of Eastern Command, North West Frontier Province and India in its entirety (3 items), 1921-1933; Camberley Staff College assignment reports on the defence of the land frontier of India and Belgium, and other essays on Basutoland and the balance of power in Europe, 1905-1906; general correspondence with Shea describing retirement, decorations, cavalry in the Russian Civil War (1919-1920), and on cavalry actions in the 20th Century, 1919-1955; notes on Aldershot Interdivisional Army Manoeuvres, 1912; typescript lectures and addresses by Shea on the Palestine campaign under Allenby, and on India, 1918-[1942]; maps and aerial photographs of Flanders, with trench positions, Le Touquet and Macquart, 1915-1916, photographs of Sadowa and surrounding countryside, Czechoslovakia (18 items), pencil sketch map of Swat Valley, India, 1897; obituaries of Shea, 1966.

Sans titre
GB CR/1904/1 JSCSC · 1904

1 Specimen of Fld Book Traverse to plot, Lt Col Heard. 2 Draw diagram of constn of W.O. Home & India, Lt Col Capper. 3 Contour skeleton map, Lt Col Gough. 4 Precis recommendations made by committee on W.O. organisation, Lt Col Capper. 5 Changes in tactics due to S.A. War, Lt Col Kiggell. 6 Sketch map showing positions of Allies & French in Spain & Portugal, Lt Col Haking. 7 Skeleton map of Virginia to fill in, Lt Col Haking. 8 Plane-table sketch, Lt Col Gough. 9 Sketch of Turf Hill & Saddleback, Lt Col Gough. 10 Series of short lectures based on "Combined training" to Regtl Officers, Lt Col Kiggell. 11 Rapid horseback sketch, Lt Col Gough. 12 Review situation prior to 11.7.61 as S.O. to McDowell, Lt Col Haking. 13 Correct Tables LVI, LVII. LIX & LXI W.E. in accordance with recent changes. 14 Horseback sketch, Lt Col Hough. 15 Tactics No 3. Prepare lecture on "Combined Training" pp. 37 - 68, Lt Col Kiggell. 16 Road sketch, Lt Col Gough. 17 Quote para in "Combined Training" which best illustrate battle of Bull Run, Lt Col Kiggell. 18 Road report, Lt Col Gough. 19 Road report - on bicycles, Lt Col Gough. 20 Precis of 2nd report of W.O. Committee, Lt Col Capper. 21 Write orders Kimball should have issued at Kernstown about 4.30 p.m., Lt Col Kiggell. 22 Fill in and complete map. Contn of No 19, Lt Col Gough. 23 Ride over area of country with view to making memory sketch later. 24 Compare French and our systems of ranging when using indirect fire, Col Johnston. 25 Make table of road spaces occupied by units in W.Est. when in normal order of march, Lt Col Capper. 26/27 Two specimens of freehand drawing, line work, Lt Col Gough. 28 March Orders of Infy Division, Lt Col Capper. 29 Orders, As C. of Staff write operation Orders as for battle of Adowa. 30 Selection of camping grounds, Lt Col Gough. 31 Discuss strategic lessons to be learnt from American Campaign between 24.3 and 17.5.62, Lt Col Haking. 32 Defence of river line, passages, etc., Col Johnston. 33 Panoramic sketches and report, Lt Col Gough. 34 Outposts, Lt Col Kiggell. 35 Details of report required while attached to other arms, Commandant. 36 "Road Spaces" of troops in march formation, Lt Col Capper. 37 River reconnaissance & report, Lt Col Gough. 38 Defence of advanced position with appreciation, Lt Col Kiggel. 39 Continuation of No. 32. Distribution of troops. Details of fortification &c., Lt Col Kiggell. 40 Summary of lectures in artillery 1904, Col Johnston. 41 Example for précis & indexing, Lt Col Gough. 42 Make tabular statement of forces in colonies, Lt Col Gough. 43 River reconnaissance. River Blackwater, Lt Col Gough. 44 Continuation of 38 & 39, Lt Col Kiggell. 45 Discuss probable effect of Napoleon's advancing by Mons in 1815, Lt Col Kiggell. 46 Programme of visit to Woolwich & Chatham, Col Johnston. 47 Continuation of No 44. Counterstroke by G. Reserve, Lt Col Kiggell. 48 Syllabus of Military Engineering, Col Johnston. 49 Theatre of War. Waterloo Campaign, Col Johnston. 50 Defence of Post. Estimate of Time. Tools. &c, Col Johnston. 51Protection of convoy through hostile country, Lt Col Kiggell. 52 Advanced guard-outposts. Sketch & report, Lt Col Gough. 53 Securing passages of River Blackwater, Col Johnston. 54 Rear Guard action, Lt Col Kiggell. 55 Visit to Isle of Wight, Col Johnston. 56 Sum up report of Isle of Wight defences &c, Col Johnston. 57 Horseback sketch, Lt Col Gough. 58 Explain course of Reservist & corps - Mobilization to Embarkn., Lt Col Gough. 59 Details of ammunition of artillery in the Field, Col Johnston. 60 5 maps Waterloo Campaign 16th June 1815, Lt Col Kiggell. 61 Map, Waterloo, morning of the battle, Lt Col Kiggell. 62 Map, Sketch map 1866 campaign, Lt Col Kiggell. 63 S.R. 26th - 29th September, Lt Col Kiggell. 64 Estimate supplies available for detached force. Nature & amount with map, Col Johnston. 65 S.R. 26th-29th September, Col Johnston. 66 S.R. 26th-29th September, Lt Col Gough. 67 Preliminary orders &c. and instructions for party, Lt Col Kiggell. 68 S.R. 26th-29th September, Lt Col Haking; I. General situation. II. Special Idea Red, Lt Col Capper. 69 Syllabus. Staff Duties & Organisation, Lt Col Gough. 70 Camping scheme with outposts, Lt Col Kiggell. 71 Supplies &c. for 2 A.C. & Cav Divn; I. Forecast of supplies. II. Reports, Col Johnston. 72 Continuation of No 70, Lt Col Kiggell. 73 Supply No. 3. Describe arrangements in any British campaign, Col Johnston. 74 Scheme for inter-communication by telegraph of Cav. Bde. Of Advance Guard, Lt Col Gough. 75 Moltke's prospects for 1866 campaign, Lt Col Kiggell. 76 Staff Ride at Reading. See no 65, Col Johnston. 77 Raid on L. of C. of main army, Lt Col Kiggell. 48 1866 Campaign. What steps might each side have taken to mislead adversary? Lt Col Kiggell. 79 Intelligence report of any country abroad known to officers, Lt Col Gough. 80 March orders. 2nd A.C. Continuation of No 70, Lt Col Kiggell. 81 As Intelligence officer draw up memo of Corps requirements for detached force in Persia. 82 March of A.C. to attacj position, Lt Col Kiggell. 83 Supply & Transport. Employment of Mechanical transport in the field, Col Johnston. 84 Comparison of organisation of German, Russian, & English W.O. systems. 85 Syllabus for examination in Military History &c, Lt Col Kiggell. 86 Syllabus for examination in Field Artillery & Supply, Col Johnston. 87 The soldier's ration in peace & war, Col Johnston. 88 Brief Austrian appreciation of evening of 26th June 1866, also orders &c, Benedek should have issued. 89 Contn of No 82. Orders for attack. Lt Col Kiggell. 90 Supply scheme No 5. Siege of Hong Kong, Col Johnston. 91 As S.O. on Wellington's Staff suggest scheme for establishing rapid communication to scattered forces. 92 Arrangements for advanced base for Supply, Col Johnston. 93 Supply No 6. Contn. Of No. 90, Col Johnston. 94 Position of armies evening of 2nd July 1866, Ly Col Kiggell. 95 Principles of martial law, Lt Col Gough. 96 Contn. Of 90. Paper of food values, Col Johnston. 97 Contn. Of No. 90. Estimate of rations available, daily scale &c.

Sans titre
GB CR/1904/2 JSCSC · 1904

1 L. of Commn of an Army (4 Parties), Lt Col Kiggell. 2 Draw up table of rate of fire, etc, of Field guns, etc., Col Johnston. 3 Paper on invasion of France by Upper Rhine instead of by Palatinate, Lt Col Haking. 4 Contn of No 1. Reconn: of roads, Lt Col Kiggell. 5 Strategic value of railways in India and method of military control, Lt Col Capper. 6 Road sketch, Gough. 7 Notes on Mil: Topography (To Jun.D. also), Lt Col Gough. 8 Contn of No 1. Exam of ground on 4.2, Lt Col Kiggell. 9 As officer on Napoleon III's staff show best course of action in prelimy operations against Germans, Lt Col Haking.

10 Skeleton map Metz to Rhine to fill in, Lt Col Haking. 11 Field book traverse, Lt Col Gough. 12 Contn of No 1. Recon for selection of posts, Lt Col Kiggell. 13 Contn of No 1. Recon for selection of posts, Col Johnston. 14 Railway exercise No 1, Lt Col Capper. 15 Contn of No 1. Railway Recon., Lt Col Capper. 16 Contn of No 1. Reqd for Tuesday an Apprectn; Work for Thursday. Defensive measures, works, etc., Col Johnston. 17 Apprectn of Stn 3.8.70 as S.O. to MacMahon, Lt Col Haking. 18 Railway Reconnaissance, Lt Col Capper. 19 As S.O. to Crown Prince appreciate situation 9 p.m., 4.8.70, Lt Col Haking. 20 I. Cavalry raids on L. of C. apprectn., Lt Col Gough. 21 Railway Recon: (contn of No 1), Lt Col Capper. 22 As officer on German H.Q. Staff suggest best means of crossing Saar on 5.8.70, Lt Col Haking. 23 Detail of French Army at Woerth, Lt Col Kiggell. 24 Illustrate teaching of 'Comd Training' in value of cav : &c, by reference to war in Soth East of France 1870, Col Johnston. 25 Sketch map, Hagenau Forest and Country North, Lt Col Haking. 26 Suggest best means of getting Russian Baltic Fleet to China Sea from Kronstadt, Commandant. 27 River Recon: Contn of No 1, Commandant. 28 Scheme for War Game for Offrs of a Divn, Lt Col Haking. 29 How best to meet difficulties of advance through woods, Lt Col Kiggell. 30 Recon: of ground for Autumn manoeuvres, Commandant. 31 Make table for sea transport of A.C. and Cav Brigade, Lt Col Capper. 32 Sketch map of country between Saar and Vosges Mountains, Lt Col Haking. 33 Details of sea transportation of troops, landing etc., Lt Col Capper. 34 Work out General and Special ideas for manoeuvre scheme, Commandant.

35 Appreciate situation at 4 p.m. 15.8.70, as S.O. to Prince Frederick Charles, Lt Col Haking. 36 Explain how 5th German Cav. Could have rendered assistance between noon and 3 p.m. at Mars-La-Tour, Lt Col Kiggell. 37 Reconnaissance of coast, Lt Col Capper. 38 Recon of coast, preceding Staff Ride, Lt Col Capper. 39 Environs of Metz, Lt Col Haking. 40 Schedule for 2nd part of Staff Ride, Lt Col Haking. 41 Reconnaissance, 5 parties, 28th to 30th March, Lt Col Haking. 42 Reconnaissance, 5 parties, 28th to 30th March,Lt Col Capper. 43 Reconnaissance, 5 parties, 28th to 30th March, Col Johnston. 44 Reconnaissance, 5 parties, 28th to 30th March, Lt Col Kiggell. 45 Reconnaissance, 5 parties, 28th to 30th March, Lt Col Gough.

46 Tonnage required by units for "Long" and "Short" voyages. Lt Col Capper. 47 Reconn: under Commandant. Rear guard actions, Lt Col Kiggell. 48 Attack and defence of positions - Cavalry operations, Col Johnston. 49 French movements round Metz 13-15 Aug '70, Lt Col Haking. 50 4 studies of actions etc at Worth, Gravelotte, Mars-la-Tour and St Privat. 51 Staff Tour 6th to 9th June, 4 parties, Commandant. 52 Reconnaissance, 1st Day-Appreciation and Camps, Commandant. 53 Continuation of Ripley scheme, Disposition of force, Lt Col Haking. 54 Explanation re 2nd Line Transport. Lt Col Capper. 55 Marking out Camp, Lt Col Capper. 56 2 papers-Attack & Defence of positions, I Appreciate Confederate situation at Gettysburg, ii Orders for attack, Lt Col Johnston. 57 Continuation of Ripley scheme-Outposts, Lt Col Jaking. 58 Camping, laying out camp, Lt Col Capper. 59 Laying out camp for Army Corps, Lt Col Capper. 60 Continuation of Ripley Scheme- Appreciation as S.O. to C-in-C, Lt Col Haking. 61 Continuation of Ripley scheme-Defence of position, Lt Col Haking. 62 Continuation of 61 Cantonments, Lt Col Capper.

63 Continuation of No 61. Attack by Blue, Commandant. 64 Staff Tour Mountain Warfare (1/2 Division), Lt Col Haking; Opposing forces with capitals, Lt Col Kiggell. 65 Staff Tour RED-Cheltenham; (1/2 Division), Lt Col Capper; BLUE Southampton, Lt Col Gough. 66 Covering retreat of disorganized force, Lt Col Haking. 67 Arrangements for review, Lt Col Capper. 68 Staff duties during & after battle. 69 Retirement of disorganised force, Lt Col Capper. 70 Detached force operating against invader, Commandant. 71 Description of unit &c to which attached during summer vacation, Commandant. 72 River Reconnaissance, Lt Col Capper. 73 March orders, rear-guard action etc, Commandant. 74 Forcing passage of a river (example Duero), Lt Col Haking. 75 Discuss lessons (strategical and tactical) of Salamanca Campaign, Lt Col Haking. 76 Proposals for Scheme of Manoeuvres 1905 parties representing Army Council, Lt Col Capper. 77 Recon: Re-embrkation of defeated invading force, Lt Col Capper. 78 Inspection Staff Ride. Opposing forces 2 parties Red (Bristol) Blue (Oxford), Commandant. 79 Review campaign of 1805 from Ulm to Austerlitz, Lt Col Haking. 80 Imperial Strategy No. II. Ascertain what foreign territory is bulnerable by raiding forces, Lt Col Aston. 81 Study of possible campaign in Basutoland, Lt Col Haking. 82 As C. of S. Japanese Army, appreciate situation in Far East as at present, Commandant. 83 Continuation of No. 76. Prepare map of area, Lt Col Capper. 84 Battle of Salamanca, Lt Col Haking. 85 Discuss operations round Chancellorsville 1863, Lt Col Haking. 86 Austerlitz, Lt Col Haking. 87 Egypt-Nile Delta, Lt Col Haking. 88 Attack on Foreign trade etc, Paper (M), Lt Col Haking. 90 Amplify and criticise No. 88, Lt Col Aston. 91 Prepare summary for & against France and Spain forming alliance, Lt Col Aston. 92 Defence of Indian Frontier (with state and 2 maps), Commandant. 93 Sketch map Battle of the Alma, Lt Col Haking. 94 Telegraph cables in war. Paper (F.2), Lt Col Aston. 95 I. Germanic Confederation in 1866, Lt Col Haking. 96 Tables showing trade of United Kingdom, Lt Col Aston. 97 II. Germanic Confederation in 1866, Lt Col Haking. 98 Details of armies in 1866 campaign, with map, Lt Col Haking. 99 2 maps 1866 campaign, Lt Col Haking. 100 Tratenau to Nachod, Lt Col Haking. 101 War Game. Investment of Windsor by Invaders, Commandant. 102. Continuation of No. 101 Operations of Field Armies, Commandant. 103 1866. Positions of Austrians and Prussians on 28th and 29th, Lt Col Haking.

Sans titre
GB CR/1909/1 JSCSC · 1909

1 Changes in WO admin: from 1856 to 1904, Col Banon. 2 Precis minute (by Lord Kitchener), Lt Col Barrow. 3 American Civil War, No 1; and maps of United States & Virginia, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 4 American Civil War, No 2, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 5 1st lecture, artillery, Lt Col Furse. 6 Scheme 1. Describe incident illustrating combination of gun and rifle fire, Lt Col Furse. 7 American Civil War, No 3. Bull Run, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 8 Colonel Henderson's "notes on strategy", Lt Col Hon G Morris. 9 Diagram etc, showing division on the march, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 10 Memory sketch and report, Col Banon and Lt Col Ross. 11 Marches (2 lectures), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 12 IInd and IIIrd lectures, artillery, Lt Col Furse.

13 Appreciation of a situation, and on writing papers connected with military subjects, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 14 American Civil War, No 4, Lt Col Stewart. 15 Discuss McClellan's plan for operations in E Virginia in spring of 1862, Lt Col Stewart. 16 Exercise in writing orders, No 1, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 17 2 graphs showing length of advance from Sta: Adv: Depot and tree showing chain of supply to field, Col Banon. 18 American Civil War, No 5. Battle of Kernstown and map of the Valley, Lt Col Stewart. 19 Operation orders, examples German and English, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 20 Exercise in writing orders, No 2, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 21 American Civil War, No 6, Lt Col Stewart. 22 IVth and Vth lectures, artillery, Lt Col Furse. 23 Exercise in writing orders, No 3, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 24 American Civil War No 7: Battle of McDowell and map of Stuart's raid, Lt Col Stewart. 25 VI lecture, artillery, Lt Col Furse. 26 Artillery in the attack. Assume position as at Colenso, 15.12.1899. 16 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 27 Reconnaissance (memory) - mounted, Lt Col Barrow. 28 Telephone equipment carried by a division, Lt Col Furse. 29 American Civil War No 8. Front Royal etc, Lt Col Stewart. 30 As staff officer to General Banks, appreciate the situation 17.4.1862, Lt Col Stewart. 31 VIIth lecture, artillery. Fire discipline, Lt Col Furse. 32 Establishment, drafts &c, 1st part, Lt Col Whigham. 33 VIIIth lecture, artillery - heavy art: &howrs, Lt Col Furse. 34 Road reconnaissance. As SO of Red Force, report on section of route of flank guard, Lt Col Barrow. 35 Constitution and work of colonial defence committee, Col Banon. 36 American Civil war, No 9. Cross Keys and Port Republic, with map of battle, Lt Col Stewart. 37 IXth lecture, artillery: horse artillery, Lt Col Furse. 38 Scheme 3. Positions converse of Magersfontein; British troops opposing advance of hostile force, Lt Col Furse. 39 Billeting scheme, 9 syndicates, Col Perceval. 40 American Civil War, No 10. Stuart's raid & seven days - with 2 small maps, Lt Col Stewart. 41 Memo describing maintenance of regr armies, Col Banon. 42 XIth lecture, artillery. Organization, Lt Col Furse.

43 XIIth lecture, artillery. Ammunition supply, Lt Col Furse. 44. Drafts, recruiting, etc. 2nd part, Lt Col Whigham. 45 Instns re report while attached to other arms, The Commandant. 46 American Civil War, No 11. To Battle of Fredericksburg, with 3 small maps, Sharpsburg, etc, Lt Col Stewart. 47 Outpost scheme. 6 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 48 XIIIth lecture, artillery. Coast defence (i), Lt Col Furse. 49 American Civil War, Chancellorsville, May /63, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 50 Reconnaissance of road through wooded country, Lt Col Barrow. 51 American Civil War - Chancellorsville - 2nd lecture, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 52 American Civil War - Gettysburg- 2 lectures and map, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 53 American Civil War - operations, Bull Run to Gettysburg. Comment on most useful points of strategy and tactics, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 54 Attack and defence. 7 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 55 Artillery scheme - select defensive position. 14 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 56 The development of tactics, Lt Col Stewart. 57 XVth lecture, artillery. Coast defence (ii), Lt Col Furse. 58 Plane table sketch, Lt Col Barrow. 59 XVIth lecture, artillery. Coast defence (iii), Lt Col Furse. 60 XVIIth lecture, artillery. Coast defence (iv), Lt Col Furse. 61 Course of instruction in artillery, 1909, Lt Col Furse. 62 Organization and mobilization of foreign armies. Papers for four lectures, Lt Col Barrow. 63 Waterloo campaign, notes No 1. Maps general, positions 15th/16th June, and table showing Wellington's army, Lt Col Stewart.

64 As staff officer to Napoleon, discuss advantages and disadvantages of advance by certain lines, Lt Col Stewart. 65 Tactical exercise - action of advanced guard. 4 exercises, 6 parties, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 66 River reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 67 Defence in a wood. Sketch of defensive position and appreciation. 15 parties, Lt Col Stewart.68 tactical scheme. Rear guard action. 14 parties, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 69 Waterloo campaign. Notes no 2 and maps of Ligny and Quatre Bras, Lt Col Stewart. 70 Wood fighting, etc, Lt Col Stewart. 71 Reconnaissance in connection with supply scheme. Sketches to be reproduced for use of Senior Division, Lt Col Barrow. 72 Waterloo campaign. Notes No 3, Lt Col Stewart. 73 Attack of a position. 8 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 74 Waterloo campaign. Notes no 4 and map of field of Waterloo, Lt Col Stewart. 75 What lessons from 1815 campaign most useful for modern war? Lt Col Stewart. 76 Horseback reconnaissance of road, Lt Col Hull. 77 Tactical exercise. 8 syndicates, Col Perceval and Lt Col Hon G Morris. 78 Decisive defensive action. 8 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 79 Eye sketch of rear guard position, Lt Col Barrow. 80 Cavalry (1), Lt Col Barrow. 81 Cavalry (2), Lt Col Barrow. 82 Notes on panorama sketching by Captain Moberley, Lt Col Hull. 83 Cavalry (3), Lt Col Barrow. 84 Napoleon's campaign of 1814. 1st lecture with table of opposing forces and 2 maps, Lt Col Hon G Morris.

85 Napoleon's campaign of 1814, 2nd lecture, Lt Col Hon G Morris/ 86 Comment on parts of "notes on strategy" as exemplified by 1814 campaign, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 86A Tactical exercise, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 87 Camping scheme for div. Report & sketch, Lt Col Hull. 88 Fortification scheme (3 days). 5 parties, Lt Col Harper. 89 Reconnaissance (disputing passage of river), Lt Col Barrow. 90 Napoleon's campaign of 1814 (3rd précis), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 91 Tactical exercise (withdrawal). 12 parties, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 92 Preliminary arrangements for staff tour. 5 parties with directing staff, Senior division draw up schemes, The Commandant. 93 Napoleon's campaign of 1814 (4th précis), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 94 Memo for mobilization of cavalry regiment, Bde of RFA or Inf Bn. Officers work in pairs, Lt Col Hull. 95 Tactical exercise. 10 parties, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 96 The special reserve, Lt Col Whigham. 97 Military administration scheme (India), Lt Col Barrow. 98 Programme of work for bridging on 15th, Lt Col Harper.

99 Area reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 100 General & special ideas for staff tour, 21-25rd. Appreciations required from each officer. 5 parties, with 2 officers of Senior division, to each, Col Perceval, Lt Cols Ross, Barrow, Lt Col Hon G Morris and Lt Col Stewart. 100A Tactical exercise, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 101 Panoramic sketch of enemy's position, Lt Col Hull. 102 Syllabus for examination in Military History, Strategy and Tactics, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 103 Mobilization paper. Fill in AF. B89, Lt Col Hull. 104 Horseback reconnaissance, Lt Col Hull. 105 Reconnaissance and panorama, Lt Col Barrow and Lt Col Hull. 106 Campaign 0f 1866. Notes No 1 with 4 maps, The Commandant. 107 "1866" no 2, Lt Col Stewart. 108 "1866" No 3, Lt Col Stewart. 109 Area reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 110 Work in supply, transport and remounts: staff duties and military law, Lt Col Barrow and Lt Col Hull. 111 Work in military engineering, Lt Col Harper. 112 Moltke's projects for campaign of 1866. No 4, Lt Col Stewart. 113 "1866", no 5 and map of operations to 3rd July, Lt Col Stewart. 114 Hints on making an appreciation of a situation, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 115 Appreciation of the situation. 15 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 116 Notes for lectures on "Austerlitz; composition of Grande Armee"; order of battle and 3 maps, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 117 Intelligence and communications scheme. As DMI to D of Wellington 12.6.1815. 15 syndicates, Lt Cols Ross and Barrow. 118 Precis of lectures on supply and transport, Lt Col Hull. 119 "1866" No 6 and map of operations on the Iser, Lt Col Stewart. 120 Review criticism of deployment movements of Prussians between May 15th and June 15th, 1866, Lt Col Stewart. 121 Tactical exercise: attack. Attack orders and report on available artillery positions. 6 syndicates, Lt Col Stewart. 122 Warfare in uncivilized countries, Lt Col Stewart. 123 For three lectures on infantry, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 124 Supply scheme "living on the country", 4 syndicates, Lt Col Hull. 125 Paper on "frontages" issued in connection with lectures on infantry, Lt Col Hon G Morris.

126 Tactical exercise, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 127 "1866" No 7, Lt Col Stewart. 128 "1866" No 8, Lt Col Stewart. 129 Specimen plan, supply depot on L of C, Lt Col Hull. 130 Section of typical redoubt, Lt Col Harper. 131 "1866" No 9. Copy of correspondence between Benedek, CP of Saxony and Clam Gallas; and sketch of billets of VI Austrian corps on June 27th, 1866, Lt Col Stewart. 132 Syllabus of lectures, return of troops and map to illustrate "Salamanca", Lt Col Hon G Morris. 133 Scheme C, Compare and comment on points in campaign of Austerlitz and Salamanca, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 134 Lines of Torres Vedras, Lt Col Harper. 135 No 3. Precis of lectures on supply and transport, Lt Col Hull. 136 Lecture XX - siege artillery, Lt Col Furse. 137 Sebastopol, Lt Col Harper. 138 "1866" No 10, Lt Col Stewart. 139 Scheme D. Discuss handling of command by Prince Frederic Charles between 25th and 27th/6/'66, and write instructions Benedek should have issues on 20.6.'66 for Cam Gallas, Lt Col Stewart. 140 The supply reserve depot, Woolwich, Lt Col Hull. 141 S and T. report as special services officer on country which may become theatre of war, Lt Col Hull. 142 "1866" No 11, Lt Col Stewart. 143 Sebastopol - attack on the Malakoff, Lt Col Harper. 144 Night operations, with 2 plates showing 10 examples, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 145 "1866" No 12, Lt Col Stewart. 146 Set of 4 [maps] to illustrate siege of Port Arthur, Lt Col Harper. 147 "1866" No 13 and map showing opposing armies evening of 2nd July, 1866, Lt Col Stewart. 148 "Sadowa", 1st lecture and maps, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 149 "Sadowa", 2nd lecture, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 150 "Sadowa", 3rd lecture, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 151 As SO to Benedek, write orders in place of those issued by Krismanic for general action on July 3rd, Lt Col Hull. 152 Col Pemberton's lectures on Military Law; army act & rules of procedures; evidence; and territorial forces act, Lt Col Hull. 153 Committee of Imperial defence, Col Banon.

Sans titre
GB CR/1910/1 JSCSC · 1910

1 American civil war No 1, and maps of US. 1861, Virginia and Maryland, and the Valley, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 2 American Civil war No 2, Bull Run, with maps, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 3 American Civil war No 3, Lt Col Stewart. 4 As CGS Conf. forces, appreciate situation in E Virginia end of February, 1862, Lt Col Stewart. 5 Col Henderson's "notes on strategy", Lt Col Stewart. 6 On writing papers connected with military subjects, Lt Col Stewart. 7 Hints on making an appreciation, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 8 Draw up memo dealing with points necessary to bring out in area reconnaissance, Lt Cols Barrow and Hull. 9 American Civil war No 4, Battle of Kernstown, Lt Col Stewart. 10 Exercise in marches, time and space; diagram etc required. 14 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 11 Artillery lecture No 1, Lt Col Furse.

12 Artillery lecture No 2, Lt Col Furse. 13 Marches, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 14 Artillery lecture No 3, Lt Col Furse. 15 Orders for march of brigade, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 16 Instructions for carrying out intelligence course, Col Gough. 17 Memory sketch of position, Lt Col Barrow. 18 American Civil war No 5. Results of Battle of Kernstown, Lt Col Stewart. 19 Orders, and index of sections of FSR affecting issues of orders in the field, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 20 Artillery lecture No 4, Lt Col Furse. 21 Horseback reconnaissance, Lt Col Hull. 22 American Civil war No 6, Front Royal and Winchester, Lt Col Stewart. 23 Artillery lecture No 5, Lt Col Furse. 24 Artillery scheme No 1. 15 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 25 Seven tables etc containing examples of staffs for intelligence force; 'General' or 'Army' HQ etc, Col Gough. 26 Lecture on protection, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 27 American Civil war No 7. Maps of Cross Keys and environs of Richmond, Lt Col Stewart. 28 Intelligence scheme. On occupation of Crete state steps to be taken; strength of intelligence branch &c, Col Gough. 29 Lecture 'The Cardwoll system', Lt Col Whigham. 30 Area reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 31 Cavalry scheme No 1, Lt Col Barrow.

32 American Civil war No 8. Stuart's raid and the 7 Days, Lt Col Stewart. 33 Tactical exercise. Rearguard in retreat. 6 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 34 Artillery lecture No 6 Fire tactics, Lt Col Furse. 35 American Civil war No 9 and maps of Sharpsburg, Lt Col Stewart. 36 Artillery lecture No 7. Fire discipline, Lt Col Furse. 37 Artillery scheme No 2. 15 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 38 River reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 39 Exercise in writing orders (general idea), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 40 Artillery lecture. Heavy artillery and howitzers, Lt Col Furse. 41 American Civil war. Chancellorsville, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 42 Camping scheme. Officers work in pairs, Lt Col Hull. 43 Gettysburg, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 44 American Civil war, scheme 2. Appreciate situation for Lee, July 1st, 1863. Officers work in pairs, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 45 2 lectures. "The battle" and "information", Lt Col Hon G Morris. 46 Allez! Allez! Same as issued for No 1 of senior division - ½ division each day, The Commandant. 47 Report on visit to Woolwich arsenal, Lt Col Furse. 48 Tactical scheme - defence in a wood. 6 parties, Lt Col Stewart. 49 Waterloo campaign: 1st set of notes and all usual maps except field of Waterloo, Lt Col Stewart. 50 Waterloo campaign, 2nd set of notes and map of field of Waterloo, Lt Col Stewart. 51 As CGS to Napoleon, appreciate situation, 8am 17th June 1815, Lt Col Stewart. 52 Billeting scheme, No 1. Officer work in pairs, Lt Col Hull. 53 3 lecture "night operations" with two sets of diagrams, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 54 Military administration scheme, Lt Col Barrow.

55 Tactical exercise, "protection at rest". 2 parts, 7 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 56 Artillery lecture No 10. Mountain artillery, Lt Col Furse. 57 Drafts etc, 1st lecture, Lt Col Whigham. 58 Artillery lecture, No 11 - organisation, Lt Col Furse. 59 Drafts etc, 2nd lecture, Lt Col Whigham. 60 Selection and preparation of position. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Furse. 61 Artillery lecture No 12 - ammunition supply, Lt Col Furse. 62 Horseback reconnaissance, Lt Col Hull. 63 The development of tactics, Lt Col Stewart. 64 Artillery lecture No 13, Lt Col Furse. 65 Artillery lecture No 14, Lt Col Furse. 66 Report on training, while attached to other arms, The Commandant. 67 Notes for lectures on "Austerlitz", "order of battle" and composition of Grande Armee, with map of Ulm to Brunn, 1805, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 68 Cavalry scheme I, protection of cavalry on march, Lt Col Barrow. 69 Tactical exercise, defence of position. 8 syndicates with directing staff, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 70 Artillery lecture No 15, coast defence, Lt Col Furse. 71 Organisation of army administration in India on abolition of military supply department, Lt Col Bols. 72 Austerliz diagram and battlefield, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 73 Artillery lecture No 15. Coast defence, Lt Col Furse. 74 Tactical exercise (Vite! Vite!) - retirement after action. 10 syndicates, Lt Col Stewart.

75 Billeting scheme - 6 syndicates, Lt Col Hull. 76 Scheme prepared by "A" parties of senior division for ST 8th-10th June. 8 parties. Appreciations to be handed in June 3rd, Directing staff and senior division. 76A Tactical exercise. Attack and defence, 6 parties, Lt Col Stewart. 77 Re visit division to Isle of Wight defences, Lt Col Furse. 78 Campaign of 1814. Set of notes for lectures and maps - 6 copies, to each of division, of litho' map, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 79 Tables "E" and "F" - continuation of tables issued with No 25, Lt Col Whigham. 80 Cavalry scheme No 2. Contact squadron. 6 parties, Lt Col Greenly. 81 Artillery lecture, No 18. Coast defence V, Lt Col Furse. 82 Course of instruction in artillery, Lt Col Furse. 83 On billeting and bivouacking of cavalry, Lt Col Barrow. 84 Night operations (tactical exercise). 7 syndicates, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 85 Reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 86 Cavalry scheme, Lt Col Greenly. 87 Artillery lecture, No 19. Coast defence vi, Lt Col Furse. 88 L of C and advanced base scheme. 5 syndicates, Col Foster and Lt Col Harper. 89 Tactical; exercise; 4 parties under directing staff, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 90 Attack of a position. Two parts, 7 syndicates, Lt Col Stewart. 91 Cavalry Allez! Allez! No 2. 6 parties, Lt Col Whigham. 92 2nd area reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 93 Schemes prepared by "B" parties of senior division for staff tour, 20/22nd July, 8 parties. Appreciations to be handed in on 16th July, directing staff and senior division.

94 Syllabus for examination in "Military history and geography" and "strategy and tactics", Lt Col Hon G Morris. 95 Course of instruction in administrative subjects, Col Foster. 96 Compare supply and transport of modern army with conditions obtaining at beginning of XIXth century, Col Foster. 97 Reconnaissance (rapid) and panorama, Lt Col Barrow. 98 Cavalry schemes: I advanced guard, II flank guard, Lt Col Barrow. 99 Memory reconnaissance, Lt Col Barrow. 100 Salamanca. Notes for lectures and set of four maps, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 101 Syllabus for examination in cavalry, infantry, etc, Col Gough. 102 Syllabus for examination in military engineering, Lt Col Harper. 103 Scheme A, strategy and tactics, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 104 Memory reconnaissance (mounted), Lt Col Barrow. 105 "1866" - notes No 1; maps; small general; German confederation; 'A' strategical, 'B' quadilaterals, Lt Col Stewart. 106 "1866" Notes No 2, Lt Col Stewart. 107 "1866" Notes No 3, Lt Col Stewart. 108 Tactical exercise: delaying enemy's march, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 109 "1866" notes No 4 (Moltke's projects), Lt Col Stewart. 110 Infantry (1st lecture), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 111 "1866" notes No 5 and map of operations to 3rd July '66, Lt Col Stewart. 112 "1866" scheme B. Review criticism of deployment and movements of Prussians between 15th May and 15th June, 1866, Lt Col Stewart. 113 Mobilization scheme. Fill in AF B.89, Lt Col Hull. 114 "1866" notes Nos 6 and 7, Lt Col Stewart. 115 "1866" notes No 8. Maps: operations on the Iser, and positions of both armies on 25th June, Lt Col Stewart. 116 Tactical exercise: advanced guard in pursuit. 9 parties, Lt Col Stewart. 117 Division in enemy's country; billeting and bivouacking, outpost, etc. 9 syndicates, Lt Cols Hull and Hoskins. 118 Cavalry scheme for 28th: measures for security etc of detachment marching to protection of LofC in enemy's country, Lt Col Greenly. 119 Syllabus, work in military law, Lt Col Bols. 120 Infantry (2nd lecture), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 121 "1866" notes No 9; map, "position on 26th June", Lt Col Stewart. 122 "1866" scheme C. State and discuss situation on evening of 26th June, from Austrian point of view, Lt Col Stewart. 123 "1866" notes No 10, Lt Col Stewart.

124 L of C, French and German armies, Lt Col Bols. 125 A. Army system prior to Crimean War. B. Army system introduced by Mr Cardwell, Lt Col Whigham. 126 Colonel Edmond's lecture on "laws and usages of war", Lt Col Bols. 127 To calculate transport and time to evacuate wounded, Lt Col Russell. 128 "1866" notes No 11; and map showing billets of VI Austrian Corps morning of June 27th 1866, Lt Col Stewart. 129 cavalry scheme: Allez! Allez! Continuation of no 118, Lt Col Greenly. 130 Administrative services, India, Lt Col Bols. 131 "1866" notes No 12 (for 2 lectures, 12 and 13), Lt Col Stewart. 132 Notes infantry (3rd lecture), Lt Col Hon G Morris. 133 Uncivilized warfare. Map Sudan expedition, 1884-5, Lt Col Stewart. 134 Cavalry in co-operation with the other arms, Lt Col Barrow. 135 Uncivilized warfare, notes No 2, Lt Col Stewart. 136 Establishments - horses, Lt Col Bols. 137 Bush warfare, Major Hogg. 138 "1866" notes No 14; map, positions 2nd July, Lt Col Stewart. 139 Sadowa, 1st lecture, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 140 Strategy and tactics - scheme D, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 141 Sadowa - 2nd lecture, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 142 Colonel Pemberton's lecture on evidence, Col Foster. 143 Sadowa - 3rd lecture, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 144 Some considerations in the realm of strategy, Lt Col Hon G Morris. 145 Section through modern infantry fort, Lt Col Harper. 146 Staff duties Allez! Allez!, Lt Col Whigham. 147 Memoir: four important lessons from 1866 campaign and their application to our cavalry division and 6 divisions, The Commandant. 148 cavalry scheme: short narrative of operations in diary form as kept by squadron commander, Lt Col Greenly. 149 [Map of] Port Arthur, Lt Col Harper. 150 India, Lt Col Stewart. 151 Afghanistan, Lt Col Stewart. 152 Persia, Lt Col Stewart

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Kiggell · Created 1909-1919

Letters dated 1909-1914 from FM Earl Haig, Chief of General Staff in India and Commander-in-Chief at Aldershot, including potential candidates for appointments and Indian Army policy including reorganisation and recruitment; letters dated 1914-1918 from Haig, General Officer Commanding 1 Corps and Commander-in-Chief, British Armies, France, referring to operations including Dardanelles, Verdun; letters dated 1914-1918 from FM Sir Henry Wilson, British military representative at SupremeWar Council, Versailles, including French war effort; correspondence dated 1915-1921 with FM Sir William Robertson, General HQ British Armies in the Field including shortage of supplies and troops; Kiggell's demi-official correspondence when Chief of General Staff, 1916-1919, with various commanders on subjects including administration, planned operations, supply of guns and ammunition to Belgium, France and Russia and staff appointments; recollections dated 1919 of Chantilly conference, Nov 1916, to consider planned operations in 1917.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 1-70 · 1945-1954, 1979-1981

Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, part 2: 1946-53 is a themed microfilm collection containing copies of official documents of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 1946-1953. Documents include meeting minutes and memoranda and reports relating to strategic issues; Europe and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); the Far East; the Middle East; the Soviet Union; and the United States. Meeting minutes include those of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1948-1954, and its committees, the US Joint Logistics Committee, 1946-1947; the US Joint Logistics Plans Committee, 1946-1947; the US Joint Staff Planners, 1946-1947; and the US Joint Strategic Plans Committee, 1947-1953. Documents relating to strategic issues include Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting memoranda and official reports concerning the effect of the atomic bomb on warfare and military organisation; scientific representation from British Admiralty and Air Ministry at the atomic bomb trials, 1945; projected Soviet atomic capabilities; armed forces participation in proof-testing operations for atomic weapons; the control and direction of strategic atomic operations; requirements for the stockpile of atomic weapons in North America and Western Europe; atomic requirements from NATO member states; US psychological and unconventional warfare; US industrial mobilisation planning; US Joint Chiefs of Staff plans for global demarcation into areas of strategic control; and post-war US military requirements, 1945-1954. Documents relating to Europe and NATO include Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting minutes concerning the political stability of post-war Austria, Hungary, Finland, the Balkans, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Iceland, Italy, the Trieste Free Territory, and Spain; the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty; NATO command arrangements; the state of the armed forces in European NATO member states; the defensive capabilities of Western Europe; the establishment of Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE); and the establishment and function of the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR). Documents relating to the Far East include meeting minutes and memoranda concerning the demilitarisation of China, 1945; reform of the Japanese government, 1945; British and Canadian requests for information on the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945-1948; US military assistance to the Netherlands Indies Forces, Netherland East Indies, 1946; US military assistance to the Philippines; US policy in reference to the adoption of the Japanese Constitution, 3 Nov 1946; the post-war disposition of combatant vessels of the Imperial Japanese Navy; the implications of possible Chinese Communist attack on foreign colonies in South China, 1949; the defence of Formosa, 1949-1953; the withdrawal of US occupation forces from Japan; the planning and conduct of the Korean War, 1950-1953; talks with French and British military representatives regarding the defence of Indochina, 1950; possible US military involvement in Indochina, 1950-1953; the Treaty of Peace with Japan, Aug 1951; US military assistance to Japan, 1951-1954. Documents relating to the Middle East include US Joint Chiefs of Staff reports on political and military relations with Iran, Palestine and Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, 1946-1954. Documents relating to the Soviet Union include US Joint Chiefs of Staff political estimates of Soviet policy; intelligence estimates assuming war developed between the Soviet Union and the Non-Soviet Powers, 1946-1953; Soviet objectives in relation to the strength of its armed forces; Soviet capabilities in the Far East, Central and South America, and the Middle East; estimates of the scale and nature of Soviet attacks on the United Kingdom and Western Europe; plans for military aid to US allies and NATO member states. Documents relating to the United States include US Joint Chiefs of Staff memoranda and reports concerning the strategic defence of US territory; US programmes for national security; and civil defence capabilities, 1946-1953.

Sans titre
GB CR/1919/4 JSCSC · 1919

301 Indoor exercise No 15: administrative problems, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 302 Subject anti-tank defence, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 303 Precis of lecture: 2nd Afghan War 1st phase, A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 304 Precis of lecture: transportation with special reference to railways and railheads, A & B Div, Lt Col Grubb. 305 Indoor exercise: Corps Cavalry, B Div, Lt Col Osborne. 306 Precis of lecture: staff duties (10), A Div, Lt Col Collins. 307 Precis of lecture: 2nd Afghan War 1st Phase (II), A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 308 Precis of lecture: retreat 1914, A Div, Lt Col Perkins. 309 Agenda Conference 11/11/19, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 310 Precis of lecture: 2nd Afghan War 1st Phase (III), A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 311 Indoor exercise No 15: Administrative Problems (solutions), A Div, Lt Col Venning. 312 Outdoor exercise No 19: Tactical exercise with troops, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 313 Precis of lecture: minor tactics and inf. Formations, A Div, Lt Col Freyberg. 314 Indoor exercise No 16: Staff duties (orders), A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 315 Precis of lecture: Ludendorff, A Div, Lt Col Cornwall. 316 Agenda conference 11/11/19, A Div, Col Anley. 317 Precis of lecture: freedom of the sea, A&B Div, Lt Col Pigott. 318 Notes on conference 30/10/19, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 319 Conference notes: outdoor exercise no 17: preparation of a scheme for a tactical exercise with troops, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 320 Syllabus of lecture: the seamanship of combined operations, A&B Div, Capt Egerton RN. 321 Precis of lecture: combined naval & military operations, A&B Div, Lt Col Festing. 322 Naval & military exercise Parts 1 & 2, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 323 Agenda for conference: anti tank defence, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 324 Conference notes: anti tank defence, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 325 Precis of lecture: history of M G [machine gun] development, A Div, Maj Cameron. 326 Precis of lecture: M G [machine gun] fire direction, A Div, Lt Col Charteris. 327 Precis of lecture: Provost duties in peace and war, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 328 Conference 11/11/19: inf. Formations in the attack, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 329 Precis of lecture: machine guns in the attack, A Div, Col Anley. 330 Precis of lecture: ordnance services, B Div, Lt Col Grubb. 331 Precis of lecture: night operations, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 332 Precis of lecture: east coast defences, A Div, Maj Rowan. 333 Precis of lecture: Japan, A Div, Lt Col Piggott. 334 Precis of lecture: the evolution of the tank and its influence on future tactics, A&B Div, Col J.F.C.Fuller. 335 Agenda Conference 25/11/19: night attacks, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 336 Precis lecture: intelligence, B Div, Lt Col Piggott. 337 Precis of lecture: administrative staff duties in peace, A Div, Br Gen Anderson. 338 Precis of lecture R.A.8: development of artillery tactics, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 339 Agenda conference 25/11/19: night attacks, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 340 Outdoor exercise No 23: arrangements for Div training, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 341 Indoor exercise No 16: preparation for the inspection of a division, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 342 Precis lecture R.A.9: Development of arty. Tactics 1914-1918, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 343 Precis lecture: petroleum supply in war, A Div, Maj Hopwood. 344 War Game 1.12.19, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 344a War game 1.12.19, B Div, Br Gen Charles. 345 Precis of lecture: convening & checking courts martial, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 346 Indoor exercise No 17: checking courts martial, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 347 Precis of opening remarks on discussion of exploitation of success, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 348 Agenda. Conference 6/12/19: morale: on rising [sic] the soldiers moral in war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 349 Conference notes: “night attack”, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 350 Signal lecture III. A & B Div, Lt Col C-Smith. 351 War Game 4.12.19, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 352 Precis of lecture & maps: Sinai operations, B Div, Lt Col Farr. 353 Precis of signal lecture IV, A&B Div, Lt Col C-Smith. 354 Artillery lecture No 12: counter battery work and art. Intelligence, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 355 Precis of lecture on mines warfare, A&B Div, Lt Col Williams. 356 Precis of lecture: the Canadian forces, B Div, Lt Col Alexandra. 357 Conference Dec 6th: means of raising a soldiers morale in war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 358 Precis of lecture: “interior economy”, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 359 Conference 9.12.19 on defence, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 360 Signals exercise, A&B Div, Lt Col C-Smith. 361 2 maps: campaign of Sir J Moore, B Div, Maj Fellows. 362 Maps of Australia: to illustrate lecture on organization of Australian forces, A Div, Lt Col Somerville. 363 Indoor exercise No 17: checking courts martial, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 364 War Game 15.12.19, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 365 Precis of lecture: interior economy, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 366 Conference on intelligence duties, 13th Dec 1919, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 367 Indoor exercise No 19: staff duties, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 368 Conference 17.12.19: counter attacks, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 369 Diagram “Ramps”: embarkation & disembarkation, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 370 Precis of lecture: the New Zealand forces, B Div, Maj Bremner. 371 Precis of lecture: organization of Canadian forces, A Div, Lt Col Boak. 372 Precis of lecture: staff duties in defence, B Div, Lt Col Neame. 373 R.E Lecture No 5, A&B Div, Lt Col Neame. 374 Artillery in defence, B Div, Lt Col Wynter. 375 Precis of lecture: mobilization, A&B Div, Lt Col Liddell. 376 Conference notes: soldiers morale in modern war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 377 Precis of lecture: South African defence force, B Div, Capt Prine. 378 Maps illustrating preparations for an offensive, B Div, Maj Priestman. 379 Notes on the conference on defence 9.12.19, B Div, Br Gen Kearley. 380 Precis of lecture: campaign in Mesopotamia, A Div, Lt Col Bond. 381 Precis “Royal Military College of Canada”m A Div, Lt Col Neame. 382 Precis of lecture: territorial forces, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 383 Precis of lecture: campaign in the Balkans, A Div, Maj Lucy. 384 Precis: development of platoon organization & tactics in France, A Div, Lt Col Pearkes. 385 Agenda conference: counter attacks 18.12.18, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 386 Notes on games & sports in the Army, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 387 Precis of lecture: Italian campaign 1915-18 (with maps), A Div, Maj Richardson. 388 Indoor exercise No 20: corps mounted troops, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 389 Precis of lecture: tactical turning movement in a division, B Div, Maj Blewitt. 390 List of student lectures 1919, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 391 List of outdoor & indoor exercises: winter term, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 392 List of weekly conferences, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 393 List of outdoor lectures, A&B Div, Br Gen Dill. 394 List of exercises: winter term, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 395 List of students lectures 1919, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 396 Conference notes: infantry tactics in the attack, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 397 Conference notes: counter attacks, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 398 Precis of lecture: campaign in the Balkans, A Div, Lt Col Stevens. 399 List of outdoor & indoor exercises, May to July, A Div. 400 List of papers & lecture, May to July, A Div.

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