Affichage de 19 résultats

Description archivistique
Craigie, James (1899-1978)
GB 0120 PP/CRA · 1937-1970s

Papers of James Craigie including reports, notes, and articles on cancer, typhus, typhoid and polio, spanning the years 1937-1957; also personal papers and photographs. Unfortunately hardly any correspondence survives. Craigie made important discoveries in virology; in particular, during the 1940s in Canada, identifying different types of typhoid strains and other viruses and the bulk of the collection comprises his memoranda produced at the Connaught Laboratories in Canada.

Sans titre
Pochin, Sir Edward Eric, (1909-1990)
GB 0120 PP/EEP · 1940-1989

Papers of Sir Edward Eric Pochin, 1940-1989. The collection in no way reflects the entirety of Sir Edward's life's work; he may have discarded much himself when he retired officially. For the most part, the papers suggest that he had decided to keep only those of personal value, a relatively few relating to his clinical research on iodine isotopes and the thyroid gland, and those concerning his current working interest at the time of retirment. This was the 'Index of Harm': in the last ten or so years of his life he was primarily engaged in amassing vast amounts of data and statistics for the purposes of quantifying the risks and harm resulting from exposure to radiation as well as from occupational injuries. Also present are correspondence with Sir Thomas Lewis, 1940-1945, and records of research and treatments in the Medical Research Council Clinical Research Department at University College Hospital, London, 1947-1970s.

Sans titre
GB 0120 PP/HAD · 1920s-1970s

Papers of Professor Sir Alexander Haddow including correspondence, diaries, autobiographical notes, photographs; scientific notes, 1920s-1970s.

Sans titre
GB 0120 SA/BAC · 1976-1993

The records cover the period 1976-1993, although the majority of the records date from 1985-1993. Many sections of the archive are complete - minutes of the Executive Committee, 1985-1993; annual reports, 1986-1993 and newsletters, 1986-1993. The archive also contains a great deal of information relating to other cancer organisations, both in this country and abroad.

Sans titre
Cade, Sir Stanford, (1895-1973)
GB 0120 GC/147 · 1929-1971

Papers of Sir Stanford Cade including series of detailed manuscript and typescript case summaries, many illustrated with diagrams and photographs, 1929-1970. Original indexes to some of the case records are included, facilitating access by patient name.

Sans titre
TAYLOR, Shepherd Thomas (1840-1936)
GB 0113 MS-TAYLS · Fonds · 1859-1925

Papers of Shepherd Thomas Taylor including medical diary, general diaries, notebook with notes of lectures on internal cancers, accounts, 1859-1925.

Sans titre
GB 1538 S10 · 1909-1938

Papers of William Blair-Bell, 1909-1938, relating to a range of professional subjects, including Blair-Bell's cancer research work (particularly his use of lead) and the wider organisation of cancer research; the Liverpool Medical Research Organisation; the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire Publishing Company; the British Congresses of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (BCOG); and Blair-Bell's nursing home and practice in Rodney Street. It also contains papers and correspondence concerning Eardiston, Blair-Bell's country estate near Oswestry; Rossall School, Preston, which Blair-Bell attended as a pupil and on whose council he later served; his wife's memorial in the church of St Chad's Haughton, Shropshire; and other personal matters. Only a small amount of material is concerned with the founding of the BCOG. Some pieces contain confidential medical records about individual patients.

Sans titre
Doll, Sir Richard (1912-2005)
GB 0120 PP/DOL · 1943-1998

Papers of Sir Richard Doll arranged as follows: Section A. Correspondence and papers from Doll's period as Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Oxford (1969-1979). Includes the administration papers of medical departments. During Doll's professorship, most of the planning and development of the John Radcliffe Hospital complex was undertaken, and many of the papers relate to this project, including building specifications and architect's plans as well as numerous reports prepared for committees on which Doll served, including those concerned with the re-organization of Oxford hospital services.

Section B. Papers deriving from the conduct of trials and other epidemiological research. The collection contains material from a range of clinical trials in the field of gastroenterology, conducted initially under Francis Avery Jones at Central Middlesex Hospital. The trials investigated a variety of treatments of ulcers: from an investigation of the influence of smoking, to the role of blood group distribution and family history, from the efficacy of liquorice treatment to the efficacy of intragastric milk drips in uncomplicated gastric ulcer, and from comparative trials to determine rates of healing, to investigating cortisone in ulcerative colitis. Occupational epidemiology is well-represented, including material on both vinyl chloride and asbestos. The latter incremental research into the link between asbestos exposure and lung cancer (at the Turner and Newall factory in Rochdale) includes related correspondence, draft papers and original data, beginning with Doll's landmark paper of 1955. Other research-based material includes papers relating to a Medical Research Council trial of mild hypertension (completed in 1985), for which Doll acted as Chair of the Ethical Committee. Papers on smoking and lung cancer are less well-represented: spanning the period 1956-1972, they do not, unfortunately, include papers from formative research conducted with Bradford Hill. Correspondence relating to ISIS-3: Third International Study of Infarct Survival (for which, Doll acted as Chair of the Data Monitoring Committee) can be found at D/3/82, amongst the lecture papers where it was originally filed.

Section C. Doll's international reputation prompted a number of requests for his professional assistance, from both private and public sectors. In addition to formal consultancy conducted in America and Europe, Doll's international lecturing itinerary sometimes incorporated local consultancy - see, for example, D/3/41 (Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Study), D/3/42 (correspondence with Shell Oil, Houston, concerning peer-review of a case-control study of fourteen leukaemia deaths at an oil-refinery), or D/3/54 (a new Centre for population health studies in Tasmania). More extensive consultancy is represented by papers concerning the Spanish Toxic Oil Syndrome: the WHO invited Doll to weigh evidence gathered to determine the cause of the epidemic and prepare an expert report.

Section D. Lecture texts and papers, published and unpublished from 1968 to 1991. Many files contain germane correspondence, notes and background material. For instance, D/1/20 ("Osler's English School") contains brief correspondence with the Dept of Pathology, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford on Osler's post-mortem record; D/1/32 ("Pott and the path to prevention") contains photocopied medical notes of James Chard, chimney sweep (St Batholomew's Hospital, 1848); D/2/28 ("Avoidable cancer: attribution of risk") contains clinical correspondence on beta-carotene; and D/3/24 ("Medical effects of smoking: problems and perspectives") includes correspondence with Austin Bradford Hill on the origins of the prospective study of doctors and their smoking habits. Some additional papers, prior to 1968, can be found in Section B, where they are filed together with contemporaneous research materials.

Section E. Audio and video tapes amongst Doll's papers. A small collection of materials drawn from 1981-1984, including an interview on Japanese television.

Sans titre
Kennaway, Sir Ernest (1881-1958)
GB 0120 PP/ELK · 1899-1957

Papers of Sir Ernest Kennaway, 1899-1957. Most of the items in this collection appear to relate to the later years of Sir Ernest's career. The collection chiefly comprises notebooks on medical issues such as substance-related illnesses and occupational diseases (chiefly cancers) plus a little material on religious issues.

Sans titre
GB 0120 SA/CRC · 1923-1981

Records of the Cancer Research Campaign formerly the British Empire Cancer Campaign, covering all aspects of the Campaign's organization and activities. Sections A-C comprise committee minutes, agenda and papers, 1923-1976. The minutes of central headquarters committees are extensive, but there are serious gaps in the top level committees: Grand Council, the Executive Committee and the Scientific Advisory Committee. Efforts to locate the missing records have so far been unsuccessful. In addition, many minutes of sub-committees are either incomplete or unsigned copies. The collection contains very few records of regional branches; and information regarding either their existence or whereabouts is scant. The main body of the archive, Sections D-R, consists largely of files generated by Campaign headquarters, mainly the General Secretary's office. Files contain correspondence, reports, pamphlets, legal documents, press cuttings, articles, off-prints, posters, ephemera, etc. They cover the Campaign's history and organisation; senior members; relations with regional councils, branches, affiliatated bodies and other cancer organisations, both in the UK and overseas; cancer research and government provision; fund raising; research materials and equipment; cancer cures and causes; views and enquiries from the general public; cancer education and publications. There is also a series of press cuttings volumes, and three publicity films made in the 1950s.

Sans titre
NEWSHOLME, Sir Arthur (1857-1943)
GB 0809 Newsholme · 1891-1935

Papers of Sir Arthur Newsholme, 1891-1935, comprising articles, reports and notes on the following areas: tuberculosis with particular reference to compulsory notification; infectious and epidemic diseases; preventive medicine; public health, all aspects including 'social' and 'moral'; rheumatic fever; child health and welfare including morbidity and mortality; maternity and midwifery; phthisis; proprietary and patent medicines, dangerous drugs; statistics; scarlet fever; small pox, and cancer; Annual Reports of Local Government Boards; private correspondence.

Sans titre
HEAVISIDE, John (fl 1792)
GB 0114 MS0013 · c1792

Papers of John Heaviside, c1792, comprising transcript of lecture by John Hunter on fractured patella, gunshot wounds, cancer, scrophula, locked jaw, mortification or partial death, undated; notes from poisons by John Hunter, c1790; notes on lecture by John Hunter on venereal disease;

notes on an introductory lecture to a course of 58 lectures on surgery; notes on a lecture on inflammation; notes on opium; accounts of cases and post-mortem examinations, 1792.

Sans titre
GB 1538 RCOG/C24 · Fonds · 1996-1997

Records of the Joint working group of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS), Aug 1996-Jan 1997, comprising the final report of the working party (1997) and the consultation document which preceeded the report (1996).

Sans titre
Cuthbert, Charles Firmin (1858-1939)
GB 0120 MSS.1982-1997 · 1885-1926

Short papers given by Charles Firmin Cuthbert mainly on surgical subjects, author's holograph MSS and corrected typescripts, comprising (1) 'How and why we breathe', a paper read to the [Gloucester] Philosophical Society, 19 May 1885; (2) Miscellaneous notes on surgical operations, cases, etc, 1889-1923; (3) Evidence given in a Compensation case for alleged injuries to a finger from carbolic acid, 1898; (4) 'Haemorrhage from a chronic gastric ulcer: operation, recovery': with a second draft, the first leaf of which is wanting, 1904; (5) Presidential Address, Gloucestershire Branch of the British Medical Association, 17 Nov 1904, with a corrected typescript copy; (6) 'Malignant disease of the rectum removed by operation: with a discussion on the symptoms and diagnosis of cancer of the rectum', read to the Gloucester Branch of the B.M.A. 18 Oct 1906, with a holograph critical letter on the subject from Louis Bathe Rawling [1870-1940]; (7) The surgical side of the Discussion on Dr. Kirkland's paper 'Where Physician and Surgeon meet' with three holograph corrected typescript copies of Cuthbert's 'Surgical criticism of Dr. Kirkland's paper'. 1907; (8) 'A plea for early operation in Appendix cases', a paper read to the Meeting of the Gloucestershire Branch of the B.M.A., 15 Oct 1908 and holograph-corrected typescripts, letters, notes, etc. collected for the preparation of, or connected with this paper; (9) 'Diagnosis and treatment of cancer of the tongue', with a few holograph corrections and additions, 1910, read at the Gloucestershire Branch of the B.M.A. Meeting on 20 Jan 1910; (10) 'Some surgical considerations relating to the Workman's Compensation Act' with a case-history and medical evidence in an Action under the Act. 1912; (11) 'Permanent care of feeble-minded persons', an address to the [Gloucestershire] Charity Organisation Society, 28 Mar 1912; (12) 'Pitfalls in practice' read at a Meeting of the Gloucestershire Branch of the B.M.A. 26 Apr 1916; (13) 'Demonstrations on the equipment and technique of bone graft surgery by the method of Albee', read at the B.M.A. Association Meeting at Wotton Lodge Nursing Home 20 Dec 1917; illustrated with 38 tracings in ink, mounted on boards from Albee's 'Bonegraft surgery', 1915; (14) 'The surgical aspects of tuberculosis', an address given at the Guildhall, Gloucester, 6 May 1920; (15) 'Paralysis in children: deformities resulting from paralysis', [c. 1920] (16) Addresses by or connected with Dr. Cuthbert, etc., 1923-1926.

Sans titre
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)
GB 0120 SA/ASH · c 1971-1988

Papers of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). The genesis of ASH is illustrated in Fletcher's papers (section Q), arising out of his work on the Royal College of Physicians smoking reports. There is a full run of Committee minutes from 1971 onwards (section B). The bulk of the files are those of the Director, associated with all aspects of ASH's campaigning and administrative work. These overlap to some extent with the files of the Project Officer (section P), which are concerned with various specific campaigns, especially about smoking in the workplace and in public places. Published papers, leaflets, posters and booklets are to be found in files throughout the archive, but section T consists of publications which were filed together, apparently transferred from the ASH library.

Sans titre
GB 1538 S1 · 1913-1931

Papers of William Blair-Bell, 1913-1931, comprising personal correspondence, correspondence and papers relating to the treatment of cancer, and letters relating to individual patients; casebooks, 1900-1903, 1908-1911; notebook containing physiological tracings obtained by Blair-Bell and G H Lansdown, 1893; notebook of test results kept for Blair-Bell, 1911 with case notes inserted; Blair-Bell's lecture notebooks, c1904, on topics including chemistry, insanity, anatomy, diseases of the eye, psychology, surgical pathology, zoology, physiology, intestinal obstruction, surgery, tumours: innocent and malignant, midwifery and gynaecology, infectious diseases, diseases of the gall bladder, a sketchbook of histology and loose notes on various medical conditions; notebooks entitled 'catalogue of old books belonging to W Blair Bell', divided into 'general' and 'medical', 1907 and thesis by Helen Standring, 'An investigation of the cause and treatment of uterine inertia', 1928.

Sans titre
GB 0120 PP/HEW · 1904-1983

Papers of Sir Harold Whittingham including A. Personal Papers and Early Career, 1904-1956, including papers on cancer research, Glasgow, 1904-1915; B. RAF Sandfly Fever Commission, Malta, 1921-1952; C. RAF Medical Services, c.1920-1945; D. Biochemistry Lectures, London School of Tropical Medicine, 1926-1930; E. British Red Cross Society, 1946-1959; F. Flying Personnel Research Committee, 1940-1976; G. British Airways Overseas Corporation, 1945-1970; H. International Air Transport Association Medical Committee, 1949-1960; J. World Health Organisation, 1948-1968; K. Commonwealth Development Corporation, 1958-1976; L. History of RAF Medical Services, 1958-1983 and M. Publications, 1911-1975.

Sans titre
GB 0120 GC/77 · 1912-1951

Papers of J.M. Woodburn Morison, mainly covering his work in Edinburgh and Egypt. They comprise a miscellaneous assortment of documents, including: abstracts; case notes; lecture notes on radiology and cancer and on James Gregory (1753-1822); report on radium, 1929; correspondence and reports as visiting professor in Egypt, 1948-1951 and lantern slides.

Sans titre
GB 2134 ACE G · 1952-1993

Most although not all of the material relates to the 1950s and 1960s when the College was at its height of research activity.
Research Committee minutes A CE G 1 - Minutes of meetings of Education and Research Committee (1952-1953), of Research Committee (1953-1975), and of Research and Practice Organisation Committee (1975-1976); Research Committee papers A CE G 2 - Supporting papers for meetings of Research Committee (1953-1969) and Research and Practice Organisation Committee (1975-1976).

Research Committee circulars A CE G 3 Progress reports, 'Blunderbus' letters, Between Ourselves, consolidated comment circulars and related material (1955-1969).

Research Committee general correspondence ACE G4 (1953-1978); Chairman's [Dr Pinsent] correspondence ACE G 5 (1952-1970).

Policy Subcommittee papers A CE G 6 Papers, including minutes of meetings, agendas, reports and correspondence, of the Policy Subcommittee of the Research Committee (1964-1965).

Research Foundation Board minutes A CE G 7 Minutes, mostly signed, of meetings of Research Foundation Committee (1960-1961), of the Research Foundation Board (1961-1974) and of the joint meetings of the Research Foundation Board and the Education Foundation Board (1960-1976); Research Foundation Board papers A CE G 8 Supporting papers for meetings of Research Foundation Board, including duplicate minutes and agendas, reports, applications and some correspondence (1960-1971).

Clinical Research Ethics Committee minutes A CE G 9 Minutes, mostly signed, of meetings of the Clinical Trials Ethical Committee (1981-1989) and of the (renamed) Clinical Trials Ethics Committee (1989-1993).

Oral Contraception Working Party papers A CE G 10 Reports and correspondence of the Oral Contraception Working Party, later called the Oral Contraception Executive Committee (1965-1970). See also papers ARE Manchester Research Unit.
Hospitals and Preventive Medicine Working Party A CE G 10 Papers of Working Party on Relationship of General Practitioners with Hospitals and Preventive Medicine. (1959-1961).

Psychiatry and the General Practitioner Working Party A CE G 12 Reports and correspondence (1956-1958).

General Practice Research Unit Advisory Panel A CE G 13 Minutes, agendas and reports of General Practice Research Unit Advisory Panel (1968-1974).

Records Unit A CE G 14 Reports and correspondence of the Records Unit (later the Records and Statistics Unit) Working Party (1954-1965).

Epidemic Observation Unit A CE G 15 Reports and correspondence of the Epidemic Observation Unit, based in Dr. G. Watson's Surrey practice (1954-1963) See also papers ARE Research Units.

Research Symposium papers A CE G 16 Reports and correspondence concerning College research symposia (1955-1968).

Diagnostic indices A CE G 17 Diagnostic indices developed by Research Committee (c.1962-1968).

Research Registers A CE G 18 Register of members' interests and participation in research, and central register of faculty research. (c.1953-1970); Research Register papers A CE G 19 Reports and correspondence concerning research register (c1953-1969).

Measles investigation papers A CE G 20 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into the complications of Measles (1953-1958).

Respiratory disease investigation papers A CE G 21 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into respiratory tract disease and acute chest infection, including chronic bronchitis (1953-1960).

Tonsillectomy Study A CE G 22 Reports and correspondence of tonsillectomy study carried out by the North Midland (Sheffield) Faculty (1953-1961).

Morbidity Survey A CE G 23 Reports and correspondence concerning first national survey of morbidity (1953-1965). [See ARE A5-7 Papers of Birmingham Research Unit for later Morbidity Surveys].

Congenital Deafness Investigation A CE G 24 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into congenital deafness (1954-1955).

Obstetric Card A CE G 25 Reports and correspondence concerning development of obstetric diagnostic record card (1954-1964).

Prescribing Habits Study A CE G 26 Reports and correspondence concerning prescribing (or therapeutic) habits (1954-1960).

Pink Disease Investigation A CE G 27 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into Pink Disease [babyhood mercury poisoning] conducted by the South-West England Faculty (1955-1956).

Asthma Investigation A CE G 28 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into asthma in childhood conducted by Welsh Faculty (1955-1959).

Farmer's Lung ACE G 29 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into Farmer's Lung conducted by Dr F Staines (1955-1961).

Pernicious Anaemia ACE G 30 Reports and correspondence concerning study of pernicious Anaemia (1955-1960).

Epilepsy Investigation ACE G 31 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into epilepsy and convulsive disorders of children under five years old (1955-1968).

Virus Disease A CE G 32 Reports and correspondence concerning Dr. R. Pinsent's paper on virus disease (1955-1956).

Headache investigation A CE G 33 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation conducted by the Hull and East Riding Subfaculty into headache (1955-1956).

Research Techniques A CE G 34 Reports and correspondence concerning study of research techniques, including the 'Family Folder' and the 'Portfolio Plan' (1956-1957).

Herpes Zoster Investigation A CE G 35 1956 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation conducted by Midland Faculty into the use of Vitamin B12 in the treatment of herpes zoster (1956).

Diabetes Survey A CE G 36 Reports and correspondence concerning a proposed survey conducted by the Hull and East Riding Subfaculty on diabetes (1957).

Daffodil Dermatitis Investigation A CE G 37 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation conducted by South-West England Faculty into daffodil dermatitis (1956-1957).

Hypertension study A CE G 38 Reports and correspondence concerning studies ofhypertension variously conducted by Dr. A. de la Mallett, Dr. D. Wheatley, the Northern Home Counties Faculty, and the New South Wales Faculty (1957-1960).

Pharmacopoeia Revision A CE G 39 Reports and correspondence concerning revision of the British Pharmacopoeia (1953-1962).

Intercontinental Medical Statistics ACE G40 Reports and correspondence concerning Intercontinental Medical Statistics (1958-1961).

Operational Research survey A CE G 41Reports and correspondence concerning survey of operational (or organisational) research in general practice (1959-1963).

Persantin trial A CE G 42 Reports and correspondence concerning trial of 'Persantin' by Dr. L. Hunt of Pfizer Ltd. (1959-1960).

Drug Addiction Working Party A CE G 43 Reports, correspondence, and minutes of meetings of the Drug Addiction Working Party (1959).

Alcoholism study A CE G 44 Correspondence concerning proposed study group on alcoholism, including material regarding the Joseph Rowntree Social Service Trust's Steering Group on Alcoholism (1959-1960).

Flumidin trial A CE G 45 Reports and correspondence concerning trial of 'Flumidin' organised by Bayer Products Ltd. (1959-1960).

Cancer Study Group A CE G 46 Reports and correspondence of Cancer Study Group (1960-1967).

Glaucoma survey A CE G 47 Correspondence concerning glaucoma survey (1960).

Tamar Valley Soil study papers A CE G 48 Reports and correspondence concerning study of the consequences for human health of the mineral composition (particularly lead concentrations) of soil in the Tamar Valley (1963-1964).

Hernia study A CE G 49 Reports and correspondence concerning study of hernia conducted by Dr. E. Gancz of the South-East England Faculty (1963-1966).

Roadside Lead survey A CE G 50 Reports and correspondence concerning comparative study of levels of lead concentration in roadside privets near Newcastle, Falmouth and Tavistock (1963-1966).

Multiple Sclerosis study A CE G 51 Reports and correspondence concerning study of multiple Sclerosis.

Air Pollution study A CE G 52 Reports and correspondence concerning a study of air pollution in London and Sheffield (1964-1966).

Linkage study A CE G 53 Correspondence concerning studies of linkage of medical records conducted by the College Records Unit (in North Staffordshire) and the Northern Ireland Faculty (1964-1966).

Mental Illness survey A CE G 54 Reports and correspondence concerning survey of mental illness (1964-1965).

Nurse referral study A CE G 55 Reports and correspondence concerning study of general practitioners' patterns of nurse referral (1964-1967).

Nutrition in Pregnancy survey A CE G 56 Reports and correspondence concerning survey of nutrition in pregnancy conducted by the College in conjunction with the Ministry of Health (1964-1966).

Records Summary Card A CE G 57 Reports and correspondence concerning development of a records summary card ('S' card) by the College Records and Statistical Unit (1956-1968).

Diabetes Survey Working Party A CE G 58 Reports and correspondence of Diabetes Study Working Party (1962-1968).

Congenital Abnormalities survey A CE G 59 Reports and correspondence concerning a survey of congenital abnormalities (1960-1966).

Epsom College survey A CE G 60 Papers concerning health survey of Epsom College schoolchildren (1965).

Nutrition and Disease study A CE G 61 Reports and correspondence concerning a 'longitudinal' study of nutrition and disease, particularly dietary sugar, conducted by Prof. J. Yudkin (1965).

.Trace Element Uptake study A CE G 62 Reports and correspondence concerning study of mineral trace element uptake in vegetation conducted by the College in conjunction with the Chester Beatty Research Institute (1965-1966).

Schizophrenia study A CE G 63 Reports and correspondence concerning study of schizophrenia (1966-1970).

Welsh Soils Discussion Group A CE G 64 Reports and correspondence of Welsh Soils Discussion Group of University College of North Wales (1967-1971).

Urban Mineralization Study A CE G 65 Reports and correspondence concerning study of mineral composition of the soil in the Birmingham urban area (1972).

Viral Diseases in Pregnancy study A CE G 66 Reports and correspondence concerning a study of viral diseases in pregnancy (1972).

Meldon Reservoir study A CE G 67 Reports and correspondence concerning mineral trace elements in the Meldon Reservoir (formerly West Okemont Valley) (1968-1972).

Scientific Foundation Board A CE G 68 Records relating to the Scientific Foundation Board. (1976-1993).

Sans titre