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Archivistische beschrijving
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 460-462 · 1941-1945, 1982

Microfilm collection containing copies of meeting minutes of the major conferences of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 1941-1945. Meeting minutes include those for the conference held at Washington, DC, codenamed ARCADIA, at which Anglo-American planners first formed a combined strategy for the prosecution of the war, 22 Dec 1941-14 Jan 1942; the conference at Casablanca, Morocco, codenamed SYMBOL, during which the Anglo-American Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS) first discussed the policies of German unconditional surrender, the Combined Bomber Offensive from Great Britain against Germany and the establishment of the French National Committee for Liberation, 14-24 Jan 1943; the Allied conference held at Washington, DC, codenamed TRIDENT, at which President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Prime Minister Rt Hon Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, and the Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS)discussed the decision to delay the invasion of France until May 1944, the Italian surrender, and the Battle of the Atlantic, 11-25 May 1943; the Allied conference at Quebec City, Canada, codenamed QUADRANT, at which the Allies endorsed a plan for the invasion of the Normandy coast in France, formed a new theatre of war, South-East Asia Command, with Acting Adm Lord Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten as Supreme Allied Commander, and regulated the procedures for co-operation between Great Britain and the US regarding the development and production of the atomic bomb, 12-24 Aug 1943; the Allied conferences at Cairo, Egypt, codenamed SEXTANT, at which the Allies discussed combined operations in South-East Asia with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese forces, 22-26 Nov and 2-7 Dec 1943; the Allied conference at Teheran, Iran, codenamed EUREKA, during which the Allies first co-ordinated future strategy with Soviet Prime Minister Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, including plans to coincide military operations against Germany in France and the Soviet Union in May 1944, 28-30 Nov 1943; the conference at Quebec City, Canada, codenamed OCTAGON, at which the Allies discussed the post-war division of Germany and a plan for its de-industrialisation, 12-16 Sep 1944; the conferences at Malta and Yalta, Soviet Union, codenamed ARGONAUT, at which the Allies discussed the division of post-war Germany, the occupation of Germany and Austria, Soviet involvement in the war against Japan, and the future government and frontiers of Poland, 30 Jan-9 Feb 1945; the conference at Potsdam, Germany, codenamed TERMINAL, during which surrender terms for Japan were discussed, the boundaries and peace terms for Europe were determined and Poland's government and frontiers were debated, 16 Jul-2 Aug 1945. Conference minutes include references to Allied production and assignment of war materials; British and US merchant vessel losses; US policy concerning assignments of Lend-Lease military aircraft, naval vessels and munitions to Great Britain; Allied petroleum supplies; propaganda and unconventional warfare; war crimes and prisoners of war; operational reports concerning the planning and conduct of Allied offensive operations in Europe, including the invasion of North Africa, codenamed Operation TORCH, Nov 1942; the invasion of Sicily, Italy, codenamed Operation HUSKY, Jul 1943; the US preparation for the invasion of Europe, codenamed Operation BOLERO; and the Allied invasion of Europe, codenamed Operation OVERLORD, Jun 1944; operational reports concerning the Japanese war economy; Japanese Imperial Army logistical capabilities; locations and strengths of Japanese forces in the Pacific; British participation in long range bombing of Japan; Allied operational efforts in Burma, India, Malaya, and the Philippines; Soviet claims on the Sakhalin and Kuril islands; the co-ordination of Allied strategic plans for the defeat and occupation of Japan, 1943-1944; Soviet military action to facilitate Operation OVERLORD; liaison between Allied theatre commanders and the Soviet Army; Soviet capabilities with reference to the Far East; US Lend-Lease requirements for the Soviet Union; and estimates of Soviet post-war capabilities and intentions, 1943-1945.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Alexander · Created 1960-1970

Papers relating to Alexander's service as Chief of Defence Staff, Ghana, 1960-1961, including correspondence from AVM Henry Algernon Vickers Hogan, Headquarters Flying Training Command, RAF, on the training of Ghanaian pilots, Aug 1960; correspondence, reports and notes on the creation of an African High Command, following a decision taken in Casablanca, Morocco to form a Charter of African States, signed by Algeria, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Tunisia and the United Arab Republic, 1960, including typescript 'Brief for President on situation in the Congo and the role of an African High Command'. Dec 1960; correspondence with Air Cdre John Nicholas Haworth Whitworth, Air Chief of Staff, Ghana Air Force, Jan-Aug 1961; typescript 'Russian report on Ghana armed services', 1961; typescript memoranda by Alexander and by Air Cdre Whitworth, on the Soviet report on the Ghana armed forces, May-Jun 1961; typescript memorandum by Alexander to Dr Kwame Nkrumah, President of the Republic of Ghana, expressing concern on the plan to send Ghanaian cadets to the USSR for military training, Sep 1961. Papers relating to the Ghanaian Army's involvement in UN peacekeeping duties in the Congo, 1960-1961, including typescript 'Notes on non-military briefing for senior officers of the UN force in the Congo' by Ralph Johnson Bunche, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the UN, Jul 1960; typescript press releases on the crisis in the Congo, Jul 1960, typescript correspondence with Brig Joseph E Michel, commanding UN Ghanaian Bde, Congo, Aug 1960-Feb 1961; typescript 'Report on disturbances at Tshikapa on 18/19 Jan 1961' by Brig Joseph E Michel, commanding Ghana Bde, Congo, relating to the mutiny of troops of 3 Bn, The Ghana Regt; typescript 'Report of the evacuation of the Hon Mr Welbeck from the Congo' (Hon Nathanial Welbeck, Ghanaian diplomat), Nov 1960; typescript 'Report on visit to the Congo', by Alexander, Feb 1961. Papers relating to Alexander's dismissal as Chief of Defence Staff, Ghana, and to the removal of British personnel from the Ghana armed forces, 1961, including typescript memorandum by Alexander 'Withdrawal of British officers and other ranks from active units of the Ghana Army', Sep 1961; typescript report by Alexander to the Ministry of Defence 'Background to the sudden dismissal of British officers from the Ghana armed forces' [1961]. Papers relating to Alexander's role as a British Observer, International Observer Team on Genocide, Nigeria, 1968-1970, including typescript report by Alexander 'The war in Nigeria', 1968; printed map of Nigeria, with annotations showing territories controlled by Federal and Biafran forces, 1968; typescript 'Report and findings of the representatives of Canada, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom for the period 1 October 1969 to 31 January 1970', Feb 1970. Edition of African tightrope. My two years as Nkrumah's Chief of Staff (Pall Mall Press, London, 1965).

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Martin L W · Created 1966-1967

Papers relating to [Parliamentary] Arms Control and Disarmament Advisory Panel, 1966-1967, mainlyconcerning the study group set up to consider the problems of a comprehensive nuclear test ban, notably including Martin's paper 'Considerations affecting an extension of the test ban', 1966; typescript texts on the test ban by other members of the study group, namely Professor Rudolf Ernst Peierls, and Sir John (Douglas) Cockcroft, 1966; typescript 'Comments on criticisms of the proposal (22 December 1965) for 'Regional arms limitation in Europe'', by R Adm Anthony Wass Buzzard, 1966; 'Safeguards on plutonium', typescript text by Leonard Beaton, 1966.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 161-171 · 1945-1982, 1985

Documents on Disarmament, 1945- 1982, is a themed microfilm collection including documents on arms control and disarmament developments, 1945-1982. Subjects include relations with the US Atomic Energy Commission; proposed prohibition requirements for the production of biological and chemical weapons; bilateral talks between the Soviet Union and the United States, including the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (START); US negotiations with aligned and non-aligned states; Commission on Security and Co- operation in Europe (CSCE) arms control talks; negotiations with UN organisations including the Ad Hoc Group on Disarmament and Development, the Commission for Conventional Armaments, the Disarmament Commission, international Atomic Energy Agency, and the Security Council, 1945-1982.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 293-320 · 1953-1961, 1986

The Diaries of Dwight D Eisenhower, 1953-1961, consists of a varied body of microfilmed manuscripts that contain several categories of material, arranged chronologically by month and year. Diary entries and dictated correspondence are filed in folders entitled 'DDE Diary'; 'DDE Personal Diary'; or 'DDE Dictation'. The bulk of actual diary entries falls into the years 1953-1956. Another prominent category is memoranda of telephone conversations with the more detailed conversations dating prior to 1959. The largest body of material is the official White House staff memoranda, reports, correspondence, and summaries of congressional correspondence. These types of documents are found in folders labelled 'Miscellaneous', 'Goodpaster', 'Staff Memos', and after 1957, 'Staff Notes'. Herein are the memoranda of conversations, or 'memcons', prepared by Gen Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, Defense Liaison Officer and Staff Secretary to the President of the United States. From 1956 to the end of the administration, 'Toner Notes' were produced, so named for White House staff member Albert Toner, who with fellow White House Research Group member Christopher Russell, prepared daily intelligence briefings for the President. Material in the collection includes entries relating to Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy and the trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg; correspondence with Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon; Prisoners of War exchanges in Korea; rapprochement between Argentina and the US; military aid to Yugoslavia; Eisenhower's 'Atoms for Peace' speech 1953; the situation in Indochina, 1954; the use of psychological warfare in the Third World; relations between the US and the People's Republic of China; France and the European Defence Community; waning British and French colonial ties; the Baghdad Pact, 1955; the Suez Crisis, 1956; US Joint Chiefs of Staff strategic planning in Europe; the Soviet invasion of Hungary, 1956; plans for mutual security arrangements with favoured nations; the Military Assistance Program; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; the African- American civil rights movement; military officer exchanges between Israel and the US; the American, British and Canadian Army Standardization Program; US Department of Defense budgetary matters; the 'Vanguard' satellite program, 1957; nuclear weapons, nuclear strategy and the US-Soviet 'missile gap'. Correspondents include HM King George V; Gen Juan Domingo Peron, president of Argentina; Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill; Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India; Dr Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Gen Douglas MacArthur; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr; Special Assistant to the President Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller; Gen Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle, President of France; Rt Hon (Maurice) Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers; (David) Dean Rusk, President of the Rockefeller Foundation; John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, 1953-1959; Herbert Hoover, Jr, Under Secretary of State, 1954-1957; Christian Archibald Herter, Under Secretary of State, 1957-1959.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 422-426; MF 548-552; MF 438-440 · 1947-1956, 1988

Minutes of the Meetings of the National Security Council: First Supplement are microfilmed copies of minutes of meetings, official meeting files and supporting documentation, and detailed records relating to meeting of the National Security Council, 1947-1956. Document material relates to policies and procedures governing the National Security Council, 1947; initial directives to the Central Intelligence Agency, 1947; the US political position concerning Italy, Greece, China, and Palestine, 1947; US policy with respect to the Republic of Korea, 1948-53; conversations with the British in regard to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, 1948; US position with respect to perceptions of Soviet-directed world communism, 1948-55; the dispatch of US B-29 bombers to Great Britain, 1948; US policy on atomic and nuclear warfare, 1948-55; possible Soviet interruptions to the Berlin air-lift, 1948; organisation under the Atlantic Pact and the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), 1949; the re- armament of the Federal Republic of West Germany, 1950; the position of the US with respect to Indochina, 1951-55; the death of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, President of the Soviet Council of Ministers and General Secretary, Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1953; the Mutual Security Program, 1953; US objectives with respect to Indonesia, 1953; US objectives in the event of a general war with the Soviet bloc, 1954; overseas reaction to the Atomic Energy Commission, 1955; US policy towards the People's Republic of China, Formosa and the government of the Republic of China, 1955

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 71-81; 172-174; 286-292; 434-437; 782-791 · 1947-1985, 1980-1993

Documents of the National Security Council, 1947-1985 are microfilmed copies of memoranda, policy papers, directives and records of actions undertaken by the US National Security Council, 1947-1985. Document material relates to US policy with respect to Japan, the Soviet Union, China, 1948-49; military assistance to non-communist nations, 1948-49; US policy on atomic warfare, 1948; the Berlin Blockade; the United Nations decision to introduce military forces to Palestine, 1948; US policy towards Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe, 1949; US courses of action with respect to the Republic of Korea, 1950-53; responsibilities of the Central Intelligence Agency with respect to guerrilla warfare, 1952; US policy and courses of action to counter possible Soviet or satellite action against Berlin, 1952; US objectives and actions to exploit the unrest in the Soviet satellite states, 1953; US courses of action with respect to Latin America, Iran and South Asia, 1953-85; covert operations, 1954-75; nuclear attack warning channel and procedures for civilians, 1955-65; the political implications of Afro-Asian military take-overs, 1959; US policy towards Cuba, 1959-60; US strategic nuclear forces capabilities, 1960-85; US military, political and psychological operations in South East Asia, 1961-74; US training objectives for counterinsurgency, 1962-85; the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT); US policy on arms transfers, 1975-85; the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; US policy towards Cuba and Central America, 1982; the US approach to the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), 1982-85. Policy papers and progress reports relate to all European nations, the Soviet Union and its satellites, Canada, Latin America, Japan, The Middle East, the People's Republic of China, South East Asia, Angola, North Africa, 1947-1985.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Clearwater · Created 1943-1996

Typescript text of doctoral thesis entitled 'The birth of Strategic Arms Control during the Johnson Administration, 1964-1969', King's College London, 1996, with copies of US Government documents, 1964-1972, used by Clearwater in his research. Also, typescript transcripts of interviews with US politicians and foreign policy advisers, including Walt Rostow, Butch Fisher, Paul Warnke, (David) Dean Rusk, Clark McAdams Clifford, Alain Enthoven, Bus Wheeler, John McConnell, John Davis, Robert Strange McNamara and Paul H Nitze. Newspaper cuttings and articles, 1982-1983, relating to the Falklands War, 1982, from US, Argentinian and Canadian sources. Canadian and US newspaper cuttings, articles and copies of official documents relating to the USSR, 1943-1990.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Cold War · 1995-1998

The Cold War television documentary archive consists of transcripts of 531 interviews concerning events of the Cold War - the political, ideological tension between the United States and the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), 1946-1989, following the end of World War Two, which while falling short of actual war between these two nations, was evident in their foreign and defence policies, and those of their allies.

Interviews were conducted with eyewitnesses from the US, USSR, Germany, Poland, Britain, Czechoslovakia, Italy, France, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Spain, Vietnam, Korea, China, Israel Egypt, South Africa, Angola, Cuba, Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and including politicians, policy makers and advisors, diplomats, journalists, academics, members of armed forces, dissidents, peasants, factory workers and civilians.

Events described include the Berlin blockade, 1948-1949, the Berlin Crisis, 1961, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962, the Vietnam War, 1965-1975, the Korean War, 1950-1953, the Hungarian uprising, 1956, the Prague Spring, 1968, the nuclear arms race, 1945-1991, and Chinese communism, 1949-1972.

The collections also contains transcripts of a series of seminars on the Cold War, Oct 1995, as well as an incomplete series of files relating to individual episodes of the documentary series including annotated extracts of interview transcripts and other production information. (Transcripts in this section of the collection are mainly duplicates, however there are a small number which are not found in the main transcript series).

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Mills-Roberts · Created [1942-1981]

Papers relating to his service with the Commandos, 1942-1945, dated [1942-1981]comprising:
papers on service with No.4 Commando, May-Dec 1942, principally on the Dieppe Raid, Aug 1942, including report by Mills-Roberts on training exercise on the Isle of Arran, 25-26 Jun 1942; reports on Orange Beach landing; report on destruction of 6 inch gun battery at Varangeville; detailed report 'Lessons Learned on Combined Operations'; and letters of congratulation on award of MC;
papers on service with No.6 Commando, Apr-May 1943, North Africa, including letters from General Dwight D Eisenhower and Maj-Gen Robert Laycock and letters of congratulation on award of DSO;
papers on service with 1st Special Service (Commando) Bde, Jun 1944 - May 1945 including: account of part taken by No 1 Special Service Brigade in Operation OVERLORD, 6 Jun - 26 Aug 1944; narrative by Mills Roberts on action from 16-21 Aug 1944; report of No 1 Special Service Bde operations around Dozule and L'Epine, 19-21 Aug 1944; report of operations by 1st Commando Bde east of the River Maas, 19 Jan - 1 Feb 1945; 'Five Rivers' - account of 1st Commando Bde in Germany, 1945, on the avdance from the Meuse to the Baltic, crossing the Meuse, Rhine, Weser, Aller and Elbe; 'United We Stand' diary of L Cpl Cliff Morris, No 3 Troop, 6 Commando, detailed personal account of action from 6 Jun 1944 - 7 May 1945; papers relating to the arrest of FM Erhard Milch in 1945, dated 1946, 1969; maps of Ouistreham, St Aubin, Caen, Dozule;
papers on commando training, 1942-1950 including account of 6 Commando training by Mills-Roberts, 1943-1944;
manuscript of Clash by Night (William Kimber, London, 1956) and notes to Simon Christopher Joseph Fraser Lovat, 17th Lord Lovat, concerning Lovat's book March Past (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1978), dated 1977-1981;
photographs, 1942, 1944-1945, 1947, including German propaganda photographs of Dieppe Raid, 1942, and photographs relating to Commando service in World War Two, 1944-1945, dated 1944-1945, 1947, including Normandy, Jun 1944, and Germany, 1945.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Morris, R Q M · 1974, 1994, 2001

Papers of Lt Col Richard Morris relating to his service with 16/5 Queen's Royal Lancers, Cyprus, 1974, including: daily situation reports to UNFICYP (United Nations Force in Cyprus) Headquarters; official war diary for A Sqn, 16/5 Queen's Royal Lancers, Cyprus, 15 Jul-16 Sep 1974; copies of The Lancer, regimental magazine, Aug 1974 and Sep 1974; copy of Battle, Sep 1974, including article on British bases in Cyprus; copy of Soldier, Sep 1974, including article on Cyprus evacuation; correspondence, 1994, regarding events in Cyprus, 1974; `Eyewitness: the Nicosia airport incident of 1974; a peacekeeping gamble', by Francis Henn, International Peacekeeping, Spring 1994, with detailed annotations by Richard Morris; obituary for Richard Morris, from The Vedette, the regimental magazine of the Queen's Royal Lancers, Spring 2001.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Sawers · Created 1994-1996

Typescript job description for Deputy Chief of Operations, Western European Union Police Contingent [1995]; one manuscript and nine typescript letters by Sawers to his family relating to his service with Western European Union Police Contingent, Mostar, Bosnia, Feb-Aug 1996; two letters praising Sawers' work as Deputy Chief of Operations, Western European Union Police Contingent, Mostar, from Lt Gen Sir (John) Martin (Carruthers) Garrod, Western European Union Special Envoy in Mostar, and Superintendent S P Jordan, Police Commissioner, Mostar, Aug 1996. Typescript notes entitled 'European Union Administration of Mostar, Bosnia. Briefing for officers serving with the WEU Police', 13 Oct 1994; typescript briefing notes on the history of the Western European Union (WEU), on the WEU element of the Unified Police Force of Mostar (UPFM), Bosnia [1995], and on the recent history of Bosnia-Hercegovina [1995]; typescript 'De-brief notes from the first contingent of UK officers seconded to Mostar' [1995]; typescript report entitled 'Policing in Mostar' by Deputy Chief Constable Clive J R Roche, West Midlands Police Force, 27 Sep 1995; typescript report on the policing operation in Mostar by Rt Hon David (John) Maclean, Minister of State, Home Office, 3 Jan 1996; copy of article entitled 'Peace in Bosnia. The Balkan end-game' from The Economist, 20 Jan 1996.

Zonder titel
GB 0372 LABOUR HISTORY MANUSCRIPTS/38 · Archief · 1982-1997

Papers, newsletters and ephemera concerning CND and the peace movement in West London, 1982-1997, including: newsletters, ephemera, minutes and reports of Acton CND, 1983-1997; newsletters of CND branches in Shepherd's Bush, Fulham, Pimlico, Hillingdon, Chiswick, Bromley and Twickenham, 1984-1990; newsletters and papers regarding the activities and protests of Hounslow CND, 1983-1989; papers regarding Hounslow Nuclear Free Zone and Anti-Nuclear week, 1983-1987.

Zonder titel
Oxford Student Pugwash

Papers of the Oxford Student Pugwash, including Proceedings of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, 1960-1986; papers relating to the Oxford Student Pugwash, 1978-1984, including Oxford Student Pugwash newsletters, International Student/Young Pugwash newsletters and guidelines on setting up local chapters.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 SR 1065 · 1918

Part one of a mimeographed collection of documents entitled 'Friedensmoeglichkeiten, Sommer und Herbst: verhandlungen ueber die kriegsziele' ('Peace possibilities, Summer and Autumn 1917: negotiations over the war targets'), produced in 1918. The documents deal with Germany's possibilities for a negotiated end to World War One in 1917, with this particular section concerning discussions regarding war aims. This copy was number 7 and is marked 'Geheim', though the name of the recipient has been removed.

Zonder titel
GB 0102 IMC FBN 125-9 · 1906-1948

Microfiche copy of the archive, 1906-1948, of the World Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches, including minutes of International Council and committees including a refugee committee, records of the Youth Commission, records of its conferences, records on relations with other organizations, records on peace negotiations and minority questions, and correspondence between its leaders.

Zonder titel
GB 0102 MS 380390 · Created 1979

Copies of documents presented at and concerning the Zimbabwe-Rhodesia Constitutional Conference held in 1979.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Acland · 1979-1980

Papers of Maj Gen Sir John Acland, 1979-1990, relating to his role as Commander of the Commonwealth Monitoring Force monitoring the ceasefire during elections in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Operation AGILA. Papers include general correspondence; situation reports; operational, planning and logistical instructions; maps; minutes; speeches; schedules; correspondence relating to award of operation medal and photographs and slides showing troops on deployment during the operation; Nov 1979 - Mar 1980. Papers evaluating the operation include reports on lessons learned; notes for talks and lectures on Operation AGILA; a detailed chronology of the events between May 1979 and Apr 1980; article, 'The Rhodesia Operation' by Acland, Apr 1980; article, 'Reflections from Rhodesia' by Brig John Hartley Learmont, Deputy Commander Monitoring Force; account of events by Capt Jonathan Bernard Appleton Bailey of the Monitoring Force, Jul 1980. Also copy of recording of Acland discussing the operation, Dec 1990, held at the Imperial War Museum (Ref 11753/3).

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Hanning · 1964-2000

Papers of Hugh Hanning, 1964-2000, including correspondence relating to Hanning's work with the Fontmell Group, Pathfinders and International Peace Academy concerning international disaster relief and peace/security studies, [1980-2000]; publications by Hanning including pamphlet, 'Britain and the United Nations: proposals for peacekeeping including a Commonwealth Force' (Bow Group Publications Ltd, London, 1964); 'Nigeria: a lesson of the arms race', in The World Today, Vol 23 No 11, Nov 1967, (Royal Institute of International Affairs, London); 'Defence and development' (Royal United Service Institution, London, 1970); NATO: our guarantee of peace (Brassey's Defence Publishers Ltd, London, 1986); Peace: the plain man's guide to war prevention (Cecil Woolf, London, 1988); leaflet, 'United Nations peacekeeping: 40 years on - and the way ahead' (International Peace Academy, New York, USA (1988); Five wars, one cause: why we need peace crimes tribunals (Parapress Ltd, Tunbridge Wells, 1996); Bulletin of The Council For Arms Control, No 24, Jan 1986, including article, 'Disarmament - the wrong target?' by Hanning.

Publications and conference reports by groups with which Hanning was closely involved, 1968-1998, including pamphlet produced by the Ministry of Defence, 1968; pamphlets produced by the International Peace Academy, New York, USA, 1978-1986; pamphlets produced by the Royal United Service Institution, 1969; pamphlet produced by the Church Information Office, 1972; series of pamphlets issued as Bicentenary Papers by the English-Speaking Union and British Atlantic Committee, 1975-1976; pamphlets and leaflets produced by the British Atlantic Committee, 1981-1984 and pamphlets and conference material produced by the Fontmell Group on Disaster Relief, 1989-1998. Copies of obituaries for Hanning from the Daily Telegraph, 11 May 2000, Guardian, 27 May 2000 and Times, 30 May 2000 and list of Hanning's books and articles held by the Joint Services Command and Staff College Library, Watchfield.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Hardy-Roberts · Created 1945

Two typescript copy letters home by Hardy-Roberts, written from British Red Cross Commission, theNetherlands, 6 May 1945, describing in detail the local reaction to the German surrender.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA King-Hall · Created 1936-1963

Bound editions of the K-H News-Letter, 1936-1941, the National News-Letter, 1941-1957, and the King-Hall News-Letter, 1958-1959. Bound editions of Personal letters, 1946-1954. Editions of seven books and pamphlets by King-Hall, World history. An outline from the earliest times to the present day for the young of all ages (K-H Services, London, 1948), North Americandiary (K-H Services, London, 1949), Men of destiny or the moment of no return (K-H Services, London, 1960), Moment of no return (Ballantine Books, New York, 1961), Power politics in the nuclear age (Victor Gollancz, London, 1962), Common sense in defence (K-H Services, London, 1962) and Parliament viewing hall: a look-listen room. A scheme to enable more people to see and hear the proceedings of Parliament, with Gerald F Sheard (K-H Services, London, 1963). Editions of seven books and pamphlets published by King-Hall, United Europe. A short history of the idea by Sydney D Bailey (National News-Letter, London, 1948), The state of Britishindustry by S E Davson (National News-Letter, London, 1948), India, Pakistan in world politics by Jossleyn Hennessy (National News-Letter, London, 1949), What is Communism? by John Plamervatz (National News-Letter, London, 1949), Snorky, a stanley crane by Kay King-Hall (K-H Services, London, 1961), The peace race by Seymour Melman (Ballantine Books, New York, 1961) and National incomes policy, a democratic plan by Elliott Jaques (K-H Services, London, 1963).

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Lathbury E B · Created 1906, 1914, 1919, 1927

Papers relating to his army career, 1906-1927, notably including Naval and military despatches relating to operations in the war covering the period Sep-Nov 1914, issued by HMSO, 1914; 'Peace celebrations, 1919, victory march through London, 19th July. Orders by Field Marshal Douglas Haig', issued by HMSO, 1919.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Martin I W G · Created 1978, 1991, 1993

Papers relating to his work as an interpreter in Cyprus, 1957-1958, dated 1978, 1991 and 1993, comprising a photocopy of his article 'In the service of Queen and country' from Plebs, The Journal of the British Library of Political and Economic Science, 1978; copy of 'Military memories of Kykko Monastery, 1957-1958', a text written for the Kykko Monastery Research Centre, 1991; photocopy of his article 'The 'Cyprus Troubles', 1955-1960' from Kampos: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek, no 1, 1993.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 361-72; MF 412-421 · 1945-1959, 1985

A themed microfilm collection relating to US State Department interpretations of Soviet foreign affairs, 1945-1959. Included in the collection are US State Department files relating to the repatriation of German prisoners of war from the Soviet Union following World War Two; Soviet boundary disputes involving the People's Republic of China, Bulgaria, Hungary, Iran Romania, and Turkey; Soviet economic, non-aggression, and peace treaties with the People's Republic of China; Soviet funds raised from enemy property in Germany and Austria; Soviet political relations with the Republic of South Korea and the People's Republic of Korea; Soviet alliances or friendship treaties with Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Austria, Bulgaria, Burma, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Pakistan, Syria, Thailand, and the United States, 1945-1959.

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 384-387 · 1985

Memos of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs: McGeorge Bundy to President Johnson, 1963-1966 are microfilmed copies of declassified memoranda relating primarily to American foreign policy, 1963-1966. The papers include Bundy's comments on the Alliance for Progress; atomic energy; the Atlantic Nuclear Force; European security; relations with the People's Republic of China; foreign assistance; the Vietnam War; the International Monetary Fund; the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO); the Test Ban Treaty; and the United Nations. Reels include specific mention of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 29 Nov 1963; meetings with former President Dwight David Eisenhower, 9 Dec 1963; visit by French President Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle; interview with First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, 5 Mar 1964; the French split with NATO; press attacks on Latin American policy, 25 Mar 1964; National Security Council meeting relating to Indochina, 15 May 1964, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reports relating to the Cuban assassination of alleged agents, 3 Jun 1964; the civil crisis in the Congo, 1964; meeting with John Kenneth Galbraith, Paul M Warburg Professor of Economics, Harvard University, 15 Jul 1964; reports from the US ambassador to the Republic of Vietnam, Maxwell Taylor, 1964; statement on the Gulf of Tonkin Decision, 15 Aug 1964; correspondence with Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie relating to economic aid to Congo, 20 Aug 1964; the escalation of the Gulf of Tonkin 'incident', 18 Sep-6 Oct 1964; United Kingdom Arms Purchase Program, 26 Oct 1964; correspondence with British Prime Minister Rt Hon (James) Harold Wilson, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx; meeting with UN Secretary General U Thant concerning North Vietnamese aggression at the Gulf of Tonkin, 5 Aug 1964; meetings with CIA Director John McCone, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, and Secretary of State Dean Rusk; the revolt in the Dominican Republic, 1965; the Warren Commission Report, 7 Jul 1965; and the Kashmir Crisis, 1965

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 10 · 1946-1991, 1991

US Military Uses of Space, 1946-1991 is a themed microfilm collection which presents an integrated record of US military space organisations, operations, and policy from 1945 to 1991. Included are memoranda, messages, presidential decision documents, program management directives, histories, organisational manuals, reports, and studies. Documents concern four basic areas of US space military activity: military support systems (communications, meteorology, reconnaissance and other satellites), space weaponry (anti-satellite weapons and the Strategic Defense Initiative), policy, and organisation. Material concerning military support systems includes papers relating to the establishment of a US photographic reconnaissance satellite program, 1956; US Air Force contracts to Lockheed Missile Systems Division to develop the WS-117L air reconnaissance satellite, 1956-57; the development of the US Air Force reconnaissance satellite, codenamed SENTRY and then SAMOS, 1958; the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) research and development of an imaging satellite, codenamed CORONA, 1958; launching of CORONA satellite, 18 Aug 1960; the development and launch of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites designed to provide nuclear explosion detection data relevant to military intelligence collection, treaty verification (Limited Test Ban Treaty, Threshold Ban Treaty, Non-Proliferation Treaty, and Outer Space Treaty), and damage assessment, 1963-1970; development and launch of signals intelligence (SIGINT) satellites, including the RHYOLITE communications satellite, 1970; the launch of the KH-11 electro-optical 'pixel' imaging satellite, Dec 1976; development and launch of ocean surveillance PARCAE satellites, 1976-1989; communications intelligence (COMINT) satellite including the VORTEX and MAGNUM satellites, 1978-1985; the launch of synthetic aperture radar system LACROSSE satellites, 1988-1991; the development and launch of early warning satellites including the Missile Defense Alarm System (MIDAS) to monitor the missile launches from the Eurasian land mass and Submarine- Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs); papers relating to launch systems, including expendable launch vehicles (ELVs), such as modified Martin SM-68 Titan Inter- Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). Material concerning space weaponry includes Massachusetts Institute of Technology report to US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, introducing theoretical and scientific concepts for a laser weapons missile defence program, 1984; reports from the US Department of Defense, Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, to the US Congress relating to the costs of a laser and kinetic energy anti-ballistic missile program and its proposed compliance with the 26 May 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 1984-1990; report from the US Department of Defense, Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, to the US Congress outlining the goals, objectives, and costs of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 1985; reports from the US General Accounting Office relating to the SDI concept change from laser and kinetic energy weapons to 'Brilliant Pebbles' weaponry, in which several thousand satellite interceptors would orbit the earth having the capability to destroy missile targets, 1990-1991. Documents relating to US military space policy include reports from the US National Security Council outlining the significance of space with respect to US national security, 1958-1985; memoranda from the US Department of Defense urging military priorities for space research, 1959-1977. Material relating to the organisational command of the military space program includes function manuals and inter-agency memoranda detailing the structure and role of specific organisations such as US Aerospace Command, the US Department of Defense, US Air Force Space Command, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, the US Army Space Agency, and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Zonder titel
GB 0099 KCLMA Waite · Created 1942-[1953]

Papers relating to his RAF career, 1942-[1953], principally comprising correspondence relating to the development of a submersible target at RAF St Eval, Cornwall, 1942, dated 1948; manuscript notes on the problems of establishing Coastal Command Station, Nassau, Bahamas, as a training centre for Coastal Liberator crews, 1942; official report on the RAF occupation of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, 5-11 May 1945; printed reports on the progress of air disarmament in Germany in 1944-1946, produced by British Air Forces of Occupation, 1945-1947; correspondence relating to his work as Director of Air Branch, Control Commission, Berlin, 1947-1949, and to the planning of the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949; official report on organisation and structure of Berlin Airlift administration; RAF training course notes and papers, 1950; papers relating to his service as Assistant Chief of Staff, Allied Air Forces Central Europe, [1951-1953], notably including photographs of Waite, [1951-1953]; published RAF manuals, 1948, 1950.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Young P G F · Created 1958-1960, 1963-1964, 1968

Papers relating to Cyprus, 1963-1968, including typescript account entitled 'The Green Line', concerning the UN patrolled peace-keeping line between Turkish and Greek controlled Cyprus, 1964. Correspondence relating to Cyprus, 1963-1964, including Young's letters as Joint Force Commander in Cyprus, Jan-Mar 1964. Correspondence, reports and memoranda on the political situation in Cyprus, Dec 1963-Feb 1964. Correspondence relating to Young's retirement from the Army, 1968. Four maps of Cyprus, various scales, dated 1958-1960..

Zonder titel
GB 0106 7HAS · Archief · 1996

The archive consists of a bibliography and list of sources (held in international repositories) about Carrie Chapman Catt, founder and President of the International Alliance of Women, and founder of the League of Women Voters. It also includes a short typescript biography of Catt and a photocopy of a press cutting photograph of Catt (from Time magazine, 14 Jun 1926).

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GB 0099 KCLMA Beaufoy Brown · Created 1925-1979

Papers relating to Beaufoy Brown's life and RN career, 1925-1979, including scrapbook with newspaper cuttings and fifty five photographs, Aug 1927-Jul 1929, including Atlantic Fleet exercises, 1927, the loss of HM Submarine H47, off St David's Head, Pembrokeshire, following collision with HM Submarine L12, 9 Jul 1929, and photographs of HMS REVENGE, HMS FORRES, HMS RODNEY, HMS HOOD, HMS NELSON and HMS ADVENTURE, 1927-1929. Two Midshipman's journals, 26 Aug 1927-12 Jul 1930, relating to service on HM Ships REVENGE, RODNEY and WALKER, including manuscript sketches and maps, two photographs of the main armament of HMS RODNEY, and photograph of HMS CENTURION, RN radio-controlled target ship, Portland, Dorset, Nov 1928, with twelve loose photographs, 1925-1929, including HMS RODNEY, HMS STURGEON and group of Cadets, Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, Devon, 1925. Typescript report by Beaufoy Brown on the visit to Malta of the Yugoslav training ship JADRAN, 9-11 Jul 1934. Papers and photographs relating to the development and deployment of X craft midget submarines and Chariot manned torpedoes, 1943-[1950], including sixty seven photographs relating to the training of crews for X craft midget submarine operations, 1943-1945, notably six aerial photographs, taken by 544 Sqn, RAF, of Bergen harbour, Norway, before and after Operation GUIDANCE, the sinking by X Craft of German merchant ship BARENFELS, Apr 1944, and Operation HECKLE, the destruction of a floating dock, Laksvaag, Bergen, Norway, Sep 1944; edition of The Illustrated London News, 15 Dec 1945, with article on X Craft operation against Japanese cruiser TAKAO, Singapore, Jul 1945; edition of The Dittybox, the Navy's own magazine, containing article by G V Galwey entitled 'Life in a midget submarine', Feb 1948; typescript text of lecture by Beaufoy Brown on World War Two midget submarine operations [1950]. Photograph album containing 111 photographs relating to Beaufoy Brown's service as Executive Officer, HMS GAMBIA, Mediterranean and East Indies, 1951-1952, including peace keeping patrols, Port Said, Egypt, 1951, and inspection of ship by acting Adm Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Commnder-in-Chief Mediterranean, Malta, 1952. Typescript Curriculum Vitae for Beaufoy Brown [1965], and obituary, 1979.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Death of Yugoslavia · 1941, 1985-1996

The Death of Yugoslavia archive, 1941,1985-1996, consists of interview transcripts, videotapes, transmission scripts, files, press cuttings and published material concerning the disintegration of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) during 1987-1994. It includes VHS videos of episodes 1-5 of the documentary Death of Yugoslavia, and transcripts of eighty-seven interviews, mostly uncut (though questions are sometimes omitted), with eyewitnesses the Republics of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (containing only the Republics of Serbia and Montenegro), who describe their experiences of the rise of nationalism, constitutional developments, civil war and ethnic conflict, and members of the international community, involved in the search for a solution.

Interviewees include government and military personnel from the highest levels of the SFRY, and officials of the European Community and the United Nations, such as Slobodan Milosevic, Chairman of Central Committee of the Serbian League of Communist, 1986-1989, President of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), 1990, President of Serbia, 1989-1992, President of Republic of Serbia, 1992-1997; Dr Mirjana Markovic, Belgrade university professor, Founder of Yugoslav United Left (JUL) and wife of Slobodan Milosevic; Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnian Muslim, founding leader of Party for Democratic Action (SDA), and President of Bosnia Herzegovina, 1990-1998; Radovan Karadzic, Bosnian Serb leader, head of Serbian Democratic Party (SDS) from 1990 Milan Babic, leader of Krajina Serbs; Mile-Jastreb Dedakovic, Croatian commander of Vukovar; Gen Milutin Kukanjac, Commander Yugoslav Peoples' Army (JNA) Second Army District based in Sarajevo, 1992; Sefer Halilovic, First Commander of the Bosnian Army; Gen Petar Gracanin, Yugoslav Peoples' Army (JNA), Serbian President, 1988-1989, Yugoslav Federal Interior Minister [1990]; Borislav Jovic, Serbian representative to Yugoslavia and, President of the Yugoslav Federal Presidency, 1990-1991; Milan Kucan, Slovene Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, 1986-1990, and Slovene President from 1990; Dobrica Cosic, Serb nationalist writer, President of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1992-1993; Azem Vllasi, ethnic Albanian Party leader in Kosovo; Ivan Stambolic, Serbian President 1985-1986; Franjo Tudjman, first elected President of Croatia, 1990-1999 and founder of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ); Gianni De Michelis, Italian Foreign Minister, 1989-1992; Maj Gen Lewis MacKenzie, Canadian United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) Chief of Staff, Sarajevo, 1992; Larry Hollingsworth, United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) Officer in Bosnia; Lt Gen Sir (Hugh) Michael Rose, British Commander of United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), Bosnia, 1994-1995; Sir David Hannay, British Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), 1990-1995; Hans Dietrich Genscher, German Foreign Minister 1982-1992; Peter Galbraith, US Ambassador to Croatia, 1993-1998; Rt Hon Peter Alexander Rupert Carington, 6th Baron Carrington (Lord Carrington); Chairman of the European Community conference on Yugoslavia, 1991-1992; and Rt Hon David Anthony Llewellyn Owen, Baron Owen of the City of Plymouth (Lord Owen), European Community (EC) mediator and co-chairman of the EC Conference on former Yugoslavia, 1992-1995.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Milton · Collectie · [1890]-1987

Papers of Colonel David John Milton, [1890]-1987, comprising papers relating to Cyprus including documents in Greek, with references to National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters (EOKA); papers relating to operations in Cyprus, 1956, chiefly instructions and operation summaries concerning Operation LUCKY ALPHONSE (against EOKA), Jun 1956; wall poster, 'Wanted men in Cyprus' of EOKA terrorists, issued by COSHEG; copies of The Lion: British Services Cyprus Weekly, Sep 1974-Nov 1976, May 1977 and Apr-Nov 1978; Army Public Relations publication, 'Two months in summer: the army in Cyprus, Jul and Aug 74'; press cuttings relating to Cyprus 1974 and 1976 and three photographs of a signals operator, captured ammunition and a monastery.

Papers relating to signals including programme and notes relating to British Signals officers winter warfare training course, Norwegian Army School of Signals, Lillehammer, Norway, Feb-Mar 1955; memorandum by Milton, Oct 1973, relating to signals intelligence and electronic warfare; flow diagrams of present and proposed future organisation of signals units in UK, British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) and overseas; The Journal of the Royal Signals Institution, Spring 1987, including letter from Milton relating to the history of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY); The Journal of the Royal Signals Institution, 1987, including article by Milton, 'I cope - the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry' and messages received by HMS ENDURANCE, Apr 1982, while on route to the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic, following Argentinian invasion.

Other papers including colour lithograph, 'The 1st Middlesex (Victoria Rifles) Volunteers' [1890]; brief notes on the history and composition of 6 Bde, 1810-1946, with list of Bde commanders, 1914-1949, [1949]; programmes for official dinners and other formal occasions, 1964, 1970; Sultan of Muscat's Armed Forces recruitment leaflet, aimed at British Army officers, [1970]; list of officers, lecturers, warrant officers and officer cadets, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Apr-Jul 1971 and press cuttings, 1970-1992, relating to national security issues and the British Army.

Photographs including twenty snapshot photographs and negatives of Egypt, [1953-1957]; two press cuttings relating to Egypt, undated; three copy photographs, World War One, of: a team of horses pulling a howitzer, Royal Engineers constructing a pontoon bridge, and of a bomb shelter; two captioned group photographs of [224] signal squadron and photograph of three officers.

Publications including Atkins at war as told in his own letters , James A Kilpatrick (Herbert Jenkins Ltd, London, 1914);In Chanak with the British Army: some impressions, 'by Z' (S Dirmikis & Sons, Constantinople, Turkey, nd); The Second World War, 1939-1945. Army: signal communications Col T B Gravely (HMSO for War Office, 1950); Arms and the men, Ian Hay (HMSO, 1950); Now thrive the armourers: a soldier's story of action with the Gloucesters in Korea, Robert O Holles (George G Harrap & Co Ltd, London, 1952); The Royal Corps of Signals: a history of its antecedents and development, Maj Gen R F H Nalder (Royal Signals Institution, London, 1958); 'History of 1(BR) Corps, 1901-1967' published by 1(BR) Corps Headquarters, Nov 1967; The Cormorant, magazine of National Defence College, Chesham, Jul 1972 [1973] and Ministry of Defence commemorative booklet, 'The British Army in the Falklands, 1982', with pull-out detailed map.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 55 · 1948-1988

Publications relating to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and western European defensive strategy, procurement, and technology, 1948-1988, most notably editions of NATO's Fifteen Nations, a journal devoted to NATO alliance politics, force structure, integration, combined training, and procurement, May 1958-Jun 1988; an edition of Laboratory of the Air (HMSO, Ministry of Supply, 1948), detailing the history and function of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, Hampshire; seven aerial photographs of the Royal Aircraft Establishment; an edition of Facts about NATO (NATO Information Service, Paris, 1959), detailing NATO history, organisation, and force structure; edition of NATO: Facts about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Bosh: Utrecht, 1962)

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GB 106 TWL.badge · 1907-2000

As at Jan 2009, The Women's Library held approximately 562 badges in the Museum Collection, with c 200 additional badges identified in the archives.

The earliest badges held in The Women's Library were produced by women's suffrage campaigns, organisations represented include: the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, the Women's Social and Political Union, Women's Freedom League, and faith-based organisations such as the Catholic Women's Suffrage Society and the Jewish League for Women's Suffrage.

In addition, the collection contains women's liberation movement and contemporary badges dating from the 1970s to the present day. It includes a selection of badges produced by women's anti-nuclear and peace organisations, campaigns against male violence, pro-choice (abortion) organisations and lesbian support and campaigning groups.

A small number of modern women's campaigning jewellery items, such as earrings and pendants that are currently stored in this collection.

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GB 106 TWL.poster · 1877-2000

As at Jan 2009, The Women's Library held approximately 1050 posters in the Museum Collection, with c 100 posters identified in the archives.

The earliest posters held result from suffrage activities and can be divided into three main groups; advertisements for meetings and events, illustrated propaganda posters arguing why women should get the vote, and thirdly newspaper bills bearing suffrage related headlines, used to promote paper sales.

All other posters are arranged by subject and date from the 1970s to the present day. The collection represents a mixture of women's campaigning, campaigning by organisations to promote gender equality, and posters produced to advertise women-focused events and publications. There are a small number of posters that portray women's issues and campaign work internationally. The work of The Equal Opportunities Commission in England and Ireland is particularly well represented as a result of a large donation of their obsolete posters during the 1990s. Also well represented with almost 80 posters is the work of See Red Women's Workshop, a women's liberation screen-printing collective (1974-1984).

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GB 106 2IAW · Archief · 1904-1991

Papers of the International Alliance of Women including minutes, annual and conference reports, policy and subject files, biographies, publications, photographs, memorabilia. The collection also includes a series of resource files, which detail other women's organisations.

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NELSON, Jayne and Juliet
GB 106 7JAN · Archief · 1979-1997

The archive consists of correspondence, campaigning material, photographs, posters, postcards and badges. It mainly relates to the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp, but also covers international peace campaigns. It includes the manuscript of a book on the menopause.

Zonder titel
GB 106 7JTR · Archief · [1980-2000]

The archive consists of papers relating to Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp including articles by Jill Truman for the Bristol Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) newsletter and a typescript copy of a play by Jill Truman, 'The Web', with copy photographs and related publicity material.

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GB 0372 GASTER · Archief · 1946-2007

Papers of Jack Gaster (1907-2007), including: quarter-inch tape reels featuring music recordings by Rufus John and speeches by George Lansbury, Ramsay MacDonald, Willie Gallacher, James Maxton, etc., n.d.; papers, press cuttings and notes relating to social issues in London and Gaster's service on the London County Council, 1946-1961; press cuttings and miscellaneous notes regarding China, Poland, Guiana, Communism and international affairs, 1953-1982; selection of Communist and peace badges, n.d.; metal paper stamp of the British Soviet Friendly Houses Limited, n.d.; festschrift for Jack Gaster on his 95th birthday and order for memorial service, 2002-2007.

Zonder titel
MIDDLETON, Mavis (1922-1999)
GB 0372 MIDDLETON · Archief · 1974-1999

Papers of peace activist and campaigner Mavis Middleton (1922-1999), including: correspondence with politicians and Government ministers on political, local and green issues, 1989-1999; photograph album recording the visit to the United Nations Second Special Session on Nuclear Disarmement, the visit to the US to lobby senators on behalf of CND and meetings in the UK, along with loose photographs of various demonstrations and meetings, 1974-1985; papers regarding the Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1982-1985; papers and articles regarding Professor Sir Martin Ryle, 1982-1987.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PG.NZ · 1971-

Pamphlets, leaflets, addresses, papers, posters, stickers, letters, newsletters, press cuttingas and other miscellaneous materials, 1971 onwards, issued at national and local level by the Apartheid Information Centre, the Auckland Committee on Racism and Discrimination, the Auckland Council for Civil Liberties, the Campaign Against Foreign Control in New Zealand, the Campaign for Better Government, the Campaign for Equality (New Zealand), the Citizens Association for Racial Equality, the Coalition Against Police Oppression (N.Z.), the Coalition for Open Government (N.Z.), the Federated Farmers of New Zealand, the Freedom Leadership Foundation Inc. (N.Z.), Halt All Racist Tours (HART), the Maori Organisation on Human Rights, the National Anti-Apartheid Committee (N.Z.), the National Council of Women of New Zealand, the National Interest Day Campaign Organisation (N.Z.), the New Zealand Anti-Common Market Association, the New Zealand Coalition for Trade and Development, the New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties, the New Zealand Employers Federation, the New Zealand League of Rights, the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone Committee, the New Zealand Race Relations Council, the New Zealand Women's Electoral Lobby, Public Eyes (New Zealand), the Progressive Youth Movement (New Zealand), the South Island Movement (New Zealand), the Wellington Marxist-Leninist Organisation, the Wellington Organisation for Women Incorporated, and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (New Zealand Section).

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Lonsdale Papers
GB 0103 LONSDALE · c1914-1989

Papers, c1914-1989, of Dame Kathleen Lonsdale.

Biographical material includes correspondence and papers relating to imprisonment in Holloway Prison, with Lonsdale's own accounts of her time there; diaries and personal notebooks, 1946-1969; letters of congratulation on election as Fellow of the Royal Society (1945); various photographs dating from school to her later years.

Papers relating to Lonsdale's teaching and administrative work at University College London include papers on teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses; significant documentation relating to laboratory personnel, research funding and general university administration; papers relating to the 'Round Table on Peace Studies', which proposed the establishment of a centre for research into international conflict at the University.

Research material, 1924-1970, consists of Royal Institution papers comprising notebooks, one dating from Lonsdale's first period there (1923-1927), correspondence with colleagues such as W H Bragg and J M Robertson, and Lonsdale's notes and drafts for various research topics; correspondence and papers from her University College years covering many different areas of research, including diffuse scattering of X-rays, thermal vibrations in crystals, methonium compounds and urinary calculi (the latter topic particularly well documented and including several case studies), and including a large group of photographs, mostly of X-ray diffraction patterns.

Papers on the preparation of volumes of the International Tables for crystal structure determination from Lonsdale's chairmanship of the Commission on Tables (1948) comprise drafts, notes and correspondence with colleagues and publishers.

Extensive papers relating to publications, lectures and broadcasts include drafts of articles, on subjects including peace and religious issues, also including obituaries and biographical articles on various individuals, books, book reviews, obituaries, and letters to newspapers and magazines, the latter principally on the issue of atomic weapons; general correspondence concerning publications; drafts of lectures, 1945-1970, including ethics and the role of science in society; a large series of lecture notes, 1933-1970; scripts for broadcasts, on topics ranging from crystallography to religion, 1945-1967.

Papers on foreign and domestic travel, 1943-1971, relating to conferences and lectures, on crystallography, science ethics, and work for the Society of Friends, including her visit to China (1955) and her world tour (1965).

Papers relating to organisations, notably the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) and the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), including material relating to a number of International Congresses of Crystallography, also papers relating to participation in Pugwash Conferences on World Affairs, 1958-1970, and papers concerning prison reform and the running of Bullwood Hall Borstal, Essex.

Correspondence, 1927-1974, comprises two main sequences, one arranged alphabetically, the other chronologically; 'day files', principally carbons of outgoing correspondence, 1966-1969; a sequence of references and recommendations; also including correspondence relating to Lonsdale's period of imprisonment (1943). Correspondents include scientists such as Max Born, W H Bragg, W L Bragg, E G Cox, Dorothy Hodgkin, Judith Milledge, L C Pauling and A J C Wilson.

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GB 0096 AL427 · Archief · 1918-1919

(1) Letter from William Hesketh Lever, Lord Leverhulme, of The Hill, Hampstead Heath, North End, London to A B Cooper, 34b Earlsfield Road, Wandsworth Common, London, 23 Apr 1918. In reply to a letter of 19 Apr. 'In my opinion the greatest discovery of the twentieth century has been that making war on peaceful neighbours does not pay ... We are greatly indebted to Mr. Norman Angell for being the first to call attention to this great fact ...'.

(2) Letter from William Hesketh Lever, Lord Leverhulme, of Port Sunlight, Cheshire to C D Melville, Meole Hall, Shrewsbury, 10 Jul 1919. Declining a request to study fish curing and canning in Stornaway [Isle of Lewis], as the developments are proceeding slowly, and the proposed works far from completion.

Both letters signed by Lord Leverhulme.

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GB 2110 GLAWARS · 1975-1987

Records of the Greater London Area War Risk Study (GLAWARS) comprising:

GLAWARS/1 - Home Office: records from the Home Office regarding emergency planning and civil defence in local authorities, 1975-1987

GLAWARS/2 - Greater London Council (GLC): GLC records regarding civil defence, emergency planning, the GLAWARS and the Civil Defence Regulations 1983, 1975-1985

GLAWARS/3 - Research Materials: records regarding civil defence, emergency planning and local and global effects of nuclear war or attacks, 1967-1987

GLAWARS/4 - Background, Terms of Reference and Research Task Outlines: outlines and outcomes for 11 of the 12 tasks required by the GLAWARS. Task Eight is not included, c.1984-1986

GLAWARS/5 - Newsletters, Progress Reports, Home Office and Consultants' Meetings, 1984-1985

GLAWARS/6 - Commissioners: records concerning the seven GLAWARS commissioners, their roles, memorandum and meeting minutes, 1984-1986

GLAWARS/7 - Presscuttings regarding the GLAWARS and the publishing of 'London Under Attack', 1984-1986

GLAWARS/8 - 'London Under Attack': publicity and publishing records for the GLAWARS findings published in a book entitled 'London Under Attack', 1985-1986

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World Education Fellowship
GB 0366 WEF · Collectie · 1920-1980s

Records of the World Education Fellowship's central administration, including officers' correspondence, constitutional papers, minutes and committee papers, 1929-1970s; files relating to individual regional sections, 1930s-1970s; records of international conferences, 1921-1972; files concerning special projects, 1942-1968 and relations with UNESCO, 1948-1973; audio-tapes, including conferences and personal reminiscences, 1959-1971; publications, pamphlets, and newsletters, including the journal The New Era.
Records of the English New Education Fellowship, [1940s-1980s], including minutes, correspondence, administrative and subject files and publications.
Minutes of the Home and School Council of Great Britain, 1929-1950s.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 BERNAL · 1939-1966

This collection covers Bernal's involvement with the peace movement and contains notes on conferences, speeches, and resolutions from conferences of the World Peace Council and the British Peace Council, with press cuttings, pamphlets and correspondence relating to these organisations.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 MOREL · Collectie · 1883-1957

Biographical material of Edward Dene Morel, including diaries and photographs; papers and correspondence concerning Morel's parliamentary candidature and activities as an MP, his publications, the Congo Reform Association and its publications, trials and atrocities in the Congo, the Union of Democratic Control, and research into the origins of World War One and armaments after the war; general correspondence; books of outgoing letters concerned mainly with the Congo Reform Association and the publication of the 'African Mail'; material relating to the newspapers with which Morel was involved, including the 'West African Mail', the 'African Mail', and 'West Africa'; books, pamphlets and articles by Morel and others on Africa, the Congo, and World War One; British and Belgian parliamentary reports and discussions concerning the Congo; and family correspondence.

Zonder titel
National Peace Council
GB 0097 NATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL · Collectie · 1908-1973

Minute books of the National Peace Council, Executive and Finance committees; annual reports; NPC print material, including 'Peace Year Book'; and papers relating to the London Council for the Prevention of War and the United World Education and Research Trust.

Zonder titel
GB 0102 MCF/CPN · Created 1967-1969

Records, 1967-1969, of the Committee for Peace in Nigeria, including records of membership; minutes; correspondence, including that between Lord Brockway and the Prime Minister, and that conducted with Colonel Ojukwu and General Gowon; reports and statements on official visits; press releases; publications, pamphlets and publicity material.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 ACC/2805/04 · Collectie · 1899-1946

Records of Chief Rabbi Joseph Hertz, 1899-1946, including correspondence with various individuals and organisations including the Anglo-Jewish Association, Aria College, the London Beth Din, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Conference of Anglo-Jewish Preachers, the Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women, the Jewish Chronicle, Jews' College, Central Committee for Jewish Education, the Jewish Historical Society, the Jewish Memorial Council, the Council for Christians and Jews, the Jewish Peace Society, London County Council, the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund, the Mizrachi Organisation, the Provincial Ministers Fund, the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation, associate synagogues of the United Synagogue, the War Graves Commission, Zionist groups, the Talmud Torah Trust and the War Victims Fund.

Also correspondence with Jewish congregations throughout the United Kingdom and in countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, Palestine, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States of America; correspondence relating to matters including shechita, Jews in Ukraine, Germany and Poland, war orphans, rabbinical exams, mikvah, marriages, kabolohs, disarmament, the Coronation of King George VI (1937), and pastoral tours of Wales and Ireland; papers relating to World War One including services for Jewish soldiers, the Kosher Food Fund, correspondence with chaplains, distribution of kosher foods, prisoners of war and Palestine Relief Fund, and copies of publications and sermons.

PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

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