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Descrição arquivística
GB 0074 ACC/2805/01 · Coleção · 1829-1997

General records of the Office of the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, including letter books; appointment books; statistics; minutes of the Chief Rabbinate Council; minutes, correspondence and proceedings of the Conference of Anglo-Jewish Preachers; papers of the Provincial Jewish Ministers Fund including correspondence, minutes, financial accounts and reports of inspections of Hebrew classes; orders of service for national and royal occasions, synagogue foundations, consecrations, jubilees and anniversaries; funerals and memorials, marriages, Holocaust memorials, and dedications of hospitals and schools; and photographs. ACC/2805/01/110 records the results of the survey into Hebrew Congregations in the British Empire commissioned by Chief Rabbi Nathan Adler soon after he took office.

PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

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GB 0074 ACC/2805/08 · Coleção · 1988-1999

Records of Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, 1988-1999, including correspondence and publications predating Sacks' election as Chief Rabbi; correspondence; administrative files; papers relating to the United Synagogue; papers relating to organisations including the Jewish Memorial Council, the Jewish National Fund, the Joint Israel Appeal, the Zionist Association, the Jewish Marriage Council, and provincial organisations; correspondence relating to the patronage of the Chief Rabbi; papers relating to education including papers of the Jewish Educational Development Trust, correspondence with various schools and universities including the Jews' Free School, Immanuel College, Jews College, Anglo-Jewish Youth, and the Union of Jewish Students; correspondence with welfare organisations including Jewish Care and the Central Council for Jewish Community Services.

Papers relating to political issues including community relations, medical ethics, shechita [slaughtering practices], kosher foods, kashrut [food laws], women in the community, Soviet Jewry, circumcision, Middle East peace talks, anti-Semitism and racism, the Shoah and the Holocaust, business ethics and inner cities; papers relating to overseas congregations including Israel, United States of America, Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and Russia; papers relating to the media including correspondence with journalists and broadcasters, copies of articles, interviews, press cuttings, addresses, speeches and lectures, broadcasts, and press statements; papers relating to interfaith organisations including the Council of Christians and Jews, and correspondence with Lambeth Palace, the Islamic community and the Vatican; papers relating to campaigns organised by the Chief Rabbi including the Community Walk for Charity, Jewish Continuity, the Initiative for Developing Education in Adults and the Chief Rabbinate Awards for Excellence; and newsletters from the office of the Chief Rabbi.

PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi, 735 High Road, North Finchley, London NW12 OUS.

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GB 0074 ACC/3121 · Coleção · 1760-2003

Records of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1760-2002. The archive is central to the history of the modern Jewish community in Britain. It covers virtually every facet of Jewish life in Britain in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries - assimiliation, education, political emancipation, Shechita, anti-Semitism. The archive is particularly interesting on the conditions of Jewry outside the UK - there is a lot of information, for example, on the rise of fascism in mainland Europe in the 1930s and the Holocaust.

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Concentration camp inmates: various documents
GB 1556 WL 1110 · Coleção · 1942-1944

Papers of concentration camp inmates, 1942-1944, comprise copies of correspondence concerning concentration camps and the death of Jews and notably include a letter from the commandant of Gross Rosen concentration camp, Lower Silesia, to the Gestapo, Düsseldorf regarding the disposal of belongings of deceased Jew, Max Zobel, 1942; letter from Ernst Kaltenbrunner to all police chiefs stating that all executions are to be reported to the local justice department, with reasons for the executions withheld, 1942 and a letter from Stürmbahnführer, SD Latvia, suggesting a lack of concern about notifying the relatives of dead Jews, 1942.

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Kormis, Fred: personal papers and photographs, 1913-1987
GB 1556 WL 1032 · 1913-1987

The papers in this collection consist chiefly of photographs of the work of the sculptor and medallion maker, Fred Kormis, 1913-1987. In addition there is some correspondence mostly relating to his work, including letters of thanks from Lord Mountbatten, Menachem Begin and members of the British War Cabinet during the Second World War, for whom Kormis sculpted medallions.

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Lasker-Wallfisch, Anita: personal correspondence
GB 1556 WL 1040 · 1939-1945

Personal correspondence of Anita Lasker-Wallfisch with family members, documenting in part the experiences of Anita Lasker-Wallfisch and her sisters in Bergen Belsen concentration camp and in England, 1945, and the experiences of their parents prior to transportation to their deaths, close to the Lublin Ghetto, 1942.

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Heilbrunner: account of life in Dachau
GB 1556 WL 1046 · Coleção · 1933

Heilbrunner's account of life in Dachau, 1933, is a typescript memoir of Jewish inmate, Heilbrunner, in 1933. Written in the form of a narrative in the first person; structured into four chapters, describes in some detail the conditions in the camp and the brutality of the camp guards, contains manuscript annotations and corrections.

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War crimes trials: Various papers microfilm
GB 1556 WL 1185 · 1947-1967

War crimes trials: trial papers including detailed indictments and verdicts of various post-World War Two war crimes trials; reports on trials by observers; copy statements and other papers, 1947-1967.

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Hepner and Cahn: Family papers
GB 1556 WL 1206 · Coleção · 1874-1952

Original (and some copy) correspondence between friends and relatives of the Cahn Hepner family, 1874-1952, many of whom perished in the Holocaust.

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Weisz, Josef: copy papers
GB 1556 WL 1222 · 1945

Copy letter from Josef Weisz in Loosdrecht, Netherlands to his family, 1945, in which he describes his experiences as an inmate in Westerbork and Bergen Belsen concentration camps; copy statement made by Josef Weisz regarding his experiences as a victim of Nazi persecution, Amsterdam; copy part statement made by Josef Weisz regarding conditions in Bergen Belsen.

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Holocaust Memorial, Vienna: Notes regarding design
GB 1556 WL 1299 · Coleção · 1996

Notes on an interview with Rachel Whiteread about her proposed design of a concrete bunker to commemorate the Holocaust at the Judenplatz, Vienna by Ernst Eisenmayer.

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Caro, Jella: Letter from Theresienstadt
GB 1556 WL 1339 · 1945

Papers of Jella Caro, 1945, comprise a letter from Caro, a former Terezin inmate, to relatives.

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Levi, Primo (1919-1987): Material regarding biography
GB 1556 WL 1406 · 1880s-1990s

Papers compiled by Ian Thomson whilst researching for his biography of Primo Levi Primo Levi a Biography, Vintage, 2003, including a unique collection of transcript interviews with Levi and his friends, colleagues and relatives; original and copies of correspondence and publications and unpublished articles on all aspects of Levi's life and work.

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WIGMAN, Harry (1926-1997)
GB 0099 KCLMA Wigman · Created 1982-1997

Newspaper cuttings from The Daily Telegraph and The Financial Times, 1982-1991, relating to the Middle East, 1982-1991, and modern Germany, particularly with reference to World War Two 1939-1945, and reparations for Holocaust victims, 1987-1997.

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Trades Advisory Council
GB 0103 TAC · 1936-1983

Archives, 1936-1983, of the Trades Advisory Council (TAC), comprising papers created by the organisation and also much printed material relating to its concerns collected by it, some of which countered its aims and objectives, for example anti-Semitic literature, but some in sympathy with them, for example anti-fascist literature. The collection includes volumes of minutes of the National Executive Council, 1943-1978, Textile Industry, Drapery and Fashion Trade Section, 1941-1951, Fur Trade Section, 1941-1951, Insurance Section, 1942-1950, Publications and Editorial Committee, 1945-1949, Investigations Committee, 1945-1949, Finance and General Purpose Committee, 1945-1960, London Administrative Committee, 1941-1952, and Glasgow Branch, 1943-1949; file on the Labour Relations Advisory and Conciliation Committee, 1945, including loose typescript minutes and correspondence; volume of printed material, 1940-1949, on the establishment, policies and work of the TAC, including its constitution, publicity material and reports; file on food traders, 1941-1948, including correspondence and other papers on cases investigated; copy of the printed TAC constitution [1945]; file of Secretariat Instruction Memoranda, containing typescripts dating from 1947 on the organisation, membership and activities of the TAC, including 'The Trades Advisory Council: What It Is and Its History' (1947); file of papers of the Sub-Committee on Prejudice and Discrimination, dating from the 1940s to the 1960s, including cuttings and correspondence on discrimination against Jews in the economic sphere and on fascism, mainly relating to Britain but also referring to the issues in other countries including the USA; file of typescript TAC circulars, 1963-1977, reporting on its activities; undated case book containing typescripts on Jewish issues, including cases of discrimination against Jews. Material in albums or files collected from various sources, mainly but not exclusively British and including daily newspapers, the Jewish Chronicle, specialist publications, and some pamphlets, comprises volumes of press cuttings from the British press, 1936-1942 but dating largely from 1937-1938, on fascism in Britain; files of press cuttings and other printed material, 1936-1971 but dating largely from the 1940s to the 1960s, on fascism in Britain, including reports on racist attacks, fascist organisations, anti-Semitism, examples of anti-Jewish literature, and also anti-fascist material and papers relating to the Holocaust; an album of press cuttings, 1940-1948, on the TAC's work and related issues; a file of press cuttings from the British press on Nazi atrocities against the Jews in World War Two, 1943-1945; an album of press cuttings on Stockport relating to the TAC, 1962-1968; file of papers dating from the 1940s containing printed material and some correspondence, pertaining mostly to anti-Semitism, race relations and related issues in the USA, also including some anti-communist literature; file of publications on Jewish affairs, 1962-1969, some by the Institute of Jewish Affairs and the Jewish Chronicle, including events in Israel and Palestine and Arab relations; file including typescript Survey of Anti-Semitic Events, 1981-1982, listing incidents against Jews, and other printed material dating from the 1960s and 1970s relating to anti-Semitism, including examples of anti-Jewish literature; file of printed material on Israel and related matters, 1978-1983, including Arab-Jewish relations. The collection therefore pertains mainly to Britain but includes some material on Jewish affairs overseas; it also extends beyond economic affairs to wider issues.

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International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia: Papers
GB 1556 WL 1531 · Coleção · 1977-1984

Papers of the International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia, 1977-1984, comprise a variety of papers all stamped with the organisation's name: The International Council of Jews from Czechoslovakia. Subjects include restitution, B'nai B'rith, preservation of memorial scrolls, life for Jews in post war Czechoslovakia, amongst others.

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Polish Jewry during the Nazi era: extracted accounts
GB 1556 WL 556 · [1940s]

Reports on the fate of Polish Jewry during the Nazi era, [1940-1949]. In addition there is an extract from a captured German archive and a typescript account of a French Jew's experience of Auschwitz.

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GB 1556 WL 568 · Coleção · 1941

Microfilm of reports, Jul-Oct 1941, amassed by the Kommandostab RFSS Nachrichtenkompagnie from regional HSSuPF, (Higher SS and police leaders) headquarters in North, South and Central Russia documenting the actions and movements of various battalions and regiments either linked with or part of the Einsatzgruppen. In particular they provide details of the murder of Jews, partisans and other civilians.

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GB 1556 WL 570b · 1945

Report and report transcript regarding the closing of Auschwitz, the subsequent march to Sachsenhausen and the liberation entitled: 'Bericht über die Auflösung des Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, Lager 3 (Buna) und des Heinkel-Lagers'.

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GB 1556 WL 615 · 1935-1982

Copies of correspondence to and from Julius Kühl, 1935-1982, chiefly relating to the plight of Jews in Nazi occupied Europe. Many organisations and individuals are represented notably the The Hilfsverein für jüdische Flüchtlinge im Shanghai (Aid organisation for Jewish refugees in Shanghai)(HIJEFS) although several other Jewish refugee organisations are also represented, namely Agudas Jisroel, Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund and Va'ad Hahatsala. The majority deal with the fate of Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe. In particular they document attempts to rescue individuals, families and larger groups by channelling funds and securing visas for that purpose. The provision of food parcels to concentration camp inmates is also reported. In addition the tensions which sometimes arose between the different refugee organisations are reflected here.

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Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society: Letter on Rassenschande
GB 1556 WL 656 · Coleção · 1946

Letter from the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society addressed to C Aronsfeld of the Jewish Central Information Office, regarding the prosecution of Dr Robert Nussbaum for Rassenschande (marriage or sexual relations between a person considered 'Aryan' and one that was not), and his subsequent death in a concentration camp.

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Segal, Lilli: correspondence and papers (1987-1995)
GB 1556 WL 895 · Coleção · 1987-1995

Papers of Lilli Segal, 1987-1995, comprise correspondence including letters to Professor Müller Hill regarding Nazi medical experiments (895/1-4); letter regarding numbers of Holocaust victims from Hans Mommsen (895/28); correspondence with the Nationale Mahn und Gedenkstätte Buchenwald regarding the memorialisation of the Holocaust (895/13-16) and copies of relevant newspaper cuttings, book extracts and photographs.

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GB 1556 WL MF 57 · Coleção · 1900-1939

Personal and family papers, 1900-1939, ranging from First World War army records to correspondence and passports of several hundred Jews, handed over to the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland whilst the individuals were waiting in collection centres, having been rounded up by the Nazis prior to deportation to Eastern Europe. Includes index.

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Dresner family papers
GB 1556 WL 1521 · 1916-1990

This collection contains the papers of the Dresner family, a Jewish family from Leipzig, 1916-1990, including official documentation from Theresienstadt concentration camp; pre-war Nazi and post-war Czech bureaucratic papers including a letter from the Chief of Police, Leipzig, banishing Elias Dresner and family from the city on pain of imprisonment; a typescript letter from Irmgard Lichtenstein giving information on the fate of family members, 24 Nov 1947 and family photographs.

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Bright, Frank: family papers
GB 1556 WL 1554 · 1943-2000

Copies of papers of Frank Bright, 1943-2000, including a photograph of the class from his Jewish school which he attended, [1942]; property declaration forms for his uncle and aunt from the Landeshauptarchiv, Berlin and copies of the pages of Testimony for the Yad Vashem Archive, Jerusalem.

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GB 1556 WL 522 · Coleção · 1941-1955

Documents about the persecution of Jews in Poland by Bruno Streckenbach and on his postwar trial.

Marek Vajsblum: article about the fate of Polish archives entitled 'Mutability of the Past- nazi-made'.

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Jews in Poland
GB 1556 WL 557 · 1939-1940

Papers documenting the experiences of Jews in Poland, 1939-1940, comprising reports, 1939-1940; copies of articles and extracts from European newspapers, [1939-1940] and copies of letters and extracts from letters from Jews deported to Poland describing their suffering and hardships, mainly from Stettin, Krakau, Warschau, Piaski and Lublin.

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Lodz Ghetto: Various papers
GB 1556 WL 559 · Coleção · 1940s

Microfilm of facsimile documentation from the Lodz ghetto, 1940s, including material on the controversial role of the chairman of the Judenrat, Mordechai Rumkowski, including printed public ghetto announcements in Yiddish and German dealing with such subjects as food rationing, forged ghetto money, saluting Germans, sanitary conditions, the use of electric cookers, and arrangement for the 're-settlement' of ghetto inmates, 1941-1944; fragment of a calendar covering part of the year 1942, the front bears an image of Rumkowski with the ghetto in the background and the month of January opens with the slogans 'work', 'bread', 'care of the sick', 'protection for the children', 'peace in the ghetto'; plan of Lodz ghetto entitled 'plan of Litzmannstadt showing Jewish populated areas' [1940] and school reports from former pupils of the Humanistischen Lyzeum, Lodz.

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List of Gestapo and SS war criminals
GB 1556 WL 649 · 20th Century

Typescript list of Gestapo and SS war criminals, with brief details of the nature of their crimes.

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Fate of Jews, Vienna
GB 1556 WL 655 · 1942

Confidential notice from the Gestapo, Darmstadt, to various officials in the state of Hesse, regarding measures taken against the Jewish population of Vienna, by the police authorities there, 19 Feb 1942.

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Weil, Otto: release certificate from Buchenwald
GB 1556 WL 854 · 1950

Authenticated copy release certificate of Otto Weil from Buchenwald concentration camp by the mayor of Kusel, 10 Aug 1950.

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Unknown Holocaust survivor
GB 1556 WL 889 · Coleção · 1951

Typescript letter from [Lotte] to Isa, 4 Nov 1951, describing her life since 1940, including failed attempts to flee Europe for San Domingo and later USA, 1940; transportation to Theresienstadt concentration camp, Nov 1941, where she remained until Aug 1945, working as a nurse; return to Prague after the war and emigration to Canada, 1947.

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Freyhahn, Wilhelm: description of Buchenwald
GB 1556 WL 969 · Coleção · 1938

Papers of Willhelm Freyhahn, 1938, comprise a copy of a letter from Max Bollag, of Basel, enclosing an account of Dr Willhelm Freyhahn's experiences of Buchenwald concentration camp.

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Conditions for Jews in Europe: reports and other papers
GB 1556 WL 995 · Coleção · 1940-1946

Papers concerning conditions in Europe for Jews, 1940-1946, comprise a typescript copy of a diary written by a Jewish refugee from Berlin, describing life in Belgium during the occupation, 1944; copies of extracts from Luxemburg newspapers regarding press freedom; postcard of the Luxemburg Synagogue, which was burned down in 1940, 1940-[1945] and many typescript reports concerning conditions for Jews, notably including a report on the effect of the ceasefire agreement between Germany and France on people in the French camps and also on Jews in the occupied and unoccupied zones of France.

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Langland, Joseph (1917-2007): poems regarding Buchenwald
GB 1556 WL 1029 · Coleção · 20th century

Papers of Joseph Langland, undated, comprise copies of his poems about Buchenwald and Hiroshima entitled 'Buchenwald near Weimar'; 'The Lotus Song'; 'A Hiroshima Lullaby' and a copy of an entry from Who's Who in America.

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Steiner, Elise: family correspondence
GB 1556 WL 1146 · 1938-1947

Correspondence of Elise Steiner and other family papers, 1938-1940. The collection documents the day to day activities, hopes and aspirations of a Jewish family in Vienna on subjects including gratitude that at least one child was able to escape and moreover to continue with her education; efforts to find a place on the Kindertransport for Leo Steiner; news of the fate of other family members who had managed to emigrate to various countries and the takeover of the family business. Despite the increasing difficulties of life in Vienna exemplified by the occasional suicide of friends and the growing fear of being out on the streets, there is a sense that life has to go on. Mention is made of the celebration of Jewish festivals and of training for new occupations. Whilst the prospect of emigration recedes, the family continues to make preparations for a future departure by selling off possessions and studying English.

There are descriptive summaries of all the letters (in German). Other papers comprise a typescript copy of the family tree, a copy of typescript notes on Steiner family history and a copy of a photograph.

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Fate of Hungarian Jewry
GB 1556 WL 1151 · 1943-1994

Fate of Hungarian Jewry collection, 1943-1994, notably comprises a copy memorandum to Secretary Morgenthau, (copy of original which dates from 1943) (1151/1), concerning his request to review developments regarding the World Jewish Congress' programme for the evacuation of Jews from Romania and France; copy of a letter from JW Pehle, Executive Director of the War Refugees Board, to J. Mcloy, Assistant Secretary of War, (copy of original which dates from 1944) (1151/4), enclosing copies of eye-witness accounts of Auschwitz and Birkenau received from the Board's special representative in Bern recommending the bombing of the camps; memorandum to the Assistant Secretary of War regarding suggestion of bombing camps, setting out 5 reasons why this is not recommended (copy of original which dates from 1944) (1151/5) and a copy of a transcript of a secret memorandum from the American Legation in Stockholm to the Secretary of State, Washington, regarding gassing and deportation of Hungarian Jews (copy of original which dates from 1944) (1151/6).

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Fink, Alice: Family papers
GB 1556 WL 1164 · 1942-1949

Papers of Alice Fink, 1942-1949, comprise Red Cross telegram messages between Alice Redlich and her family in Berlin; copy documentation including certificate from the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad in recognition of Alice's service and copy photographs of pre-war Berlin.

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GB 1556 WL 1173 · 1959

Papers of the Internationale Auschwitz Komitee, 1959, comprising copies of statements from former prisoners of Auschwitz about the activities of the following former SS men who worked there: Wilhelm Boger, Franz Hofmann, Rudolph Höss, Oswald Kaduk, Lachmann, Josef Mengele, Hans Stark, Eduard Wirth and Josef Klehr.

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Gross family documents
GB 1556 WL 1183 · Coleção · 1938-1945

Papers of the Gross family, 1938-1945, documenting the experiences of an assimilated German Jewish family, some of whom managed to escape to safety and others who perished in the Holocaust. Comprising original correspondence between members of the family and friends before, during and after World War Two; personal papers such as certificates and photographs.

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GB 1556 WL 1232 · Coleção · 1942-1948

Papers of the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad (JCRA) and the Jewish Relief Unit (JRU) including volume of original signed minutes of the JCRA; reports from individual JRU members covering a wide variety of JRU activities in various countries and 6 bundles of apparently original lists of Mauthausen Concentration Camp inmates.

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Eyewitness accounts (of the Holocaust)
GB 1556 WL 1267 · 1939-1956

Various eyewitness accounts of the Nazi era and the Holocaust include persecution of a Jewish woman in Berlin during the war; account of the fate of the lawyer, Hans Litten; account of the activities of war criminals in Auschwitz and situation for the Jews in Poland.

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Jews in Vienna: Copy of exhibition material
GB 1556 WL 1300 · Coleção · 1938-1996

Material, 1938-1996, regarding the fate of Jews in Vienna during the Nazi era including: extract from Viennese street directory; register of assets of Martha Sara Waldmann, 1938; property declaration form, 1938; situation report regarding the deportation of Jews to Poland, 1942 and papers relating to an exhibition on the Viennese Jewish community during the Third Reich, 1996, including script of a German documentary Später Besuch (Belated Visit) and handouts at the exhibition.

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Theresienstadt: List of survivors in Switzerland
GB 1556 WL 1308 · 1945

List of survivors from Theresienstadt, 1945, who were taken to Switzerland and housed in a camp at Brissago (Ticino), Switzerland.

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Jews of Kos, Greece
GB 1556 WL 1417 · Coleção · 2001

Papers relating to Jews on Kos, Greece, 2001, comprising a list of the names of the Jews who were deported from the Greek island of Kos by the Nazis to Auschwitz, and a short history of the Jews of Kos.

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GB 1556 WL 1537 · 2000

Papers of Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, 2000, contain transcripts of speeches by a number of leading European political figures and Professor Yehuda Bauer of Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, on the occasion of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust.

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Lesley, Henni: Copy family documents (1938-1947)
GB 1556 WL 1541 · 1938-1947

Papers of Henni Lesley, 1938-1947, comprise copies of personal papers including health certificate issued by the SS doctor at Lichtenburg, 1938; Red Cross telegram from Henni to her parents in Berlin, 1942 and letter from the American Joint Distribution Committee to Henni Lesley regarding the fate of her parents, 1947.

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