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Archival description
Admiralty Collection
GB 0064 ADM · Collection · 1688-1883

The Admiralty records at the National Maritime Museum cover the administration of the Navy from 1688-1832 (when the Navy Board was abolished) in considerable detail. There are also a few records from 1832-1883. Together they consist of 7,497 bound volumes and a large mass of loose papers.

The majority of orders and letters are original documents, often minuted, but there are a few volumes of indexes, minute and letterbook copies of correspondence. The collection includes over 5000 Lieutenants' logs forwarded to the Navy Board in connection with the work of passing the Officers' accounts.

The Admiralty records now at the National Maritime Museum, consist of the original orders from the Admiralty to the Navy Board from 1688-1815 (ADM/A&N&RP&Q&P&OT), and the Navy Board replies from 1733-1831 (ADM/B&BP&D&DP&F&FP). Orders to the Navy Board relating to transports during the period when there was no Transport Board were bound up separately as were those relating to the special appointment of General Bentham, as Inspector General of Naval Works, during the Napoleonic War. The Navy Board letters respecting the fitting of ships from 1804-1809 were separated from the general correspondence, and bound with a chronological index at the beginning. In addition to these main series of orders from the Admiralty to the Navy Board, there are some copies of orders for the Ticket Office from 1774-1815, and some loose papers relating to the Marine Office and a few orders for the Office of Stores (ADM/J&K).

The Admiralty orders to the Victualling Commissioners from 1707-1815 (ADM/C) are included in this collection, as well as the abstract of Admiralty orders from 1694-1819 (ADM/G) and the Victualling Board's replies from 1703-1822 (ADM/H). The Admiralty orders to the commissioners for taking care of sick and wounded seamen from 1702-1806 form a complete series, supplemented by the Commissioners replies from 1742-1806 (ADM/E). Orders relating to prisoners of war were bound up separately and cover the years from 1743, some distinction being made for the different nationalities (ADM/M). Both these series of orders were continued when the Transport Boards took over the Commissioners; the former series has been preserved in this collection up to 1815 (ADM/ET), and the latter from 1796-99 (ADM/MT).

The Lieutenant's logs which total 5,205 volumes are bound according to the name of the ship, some Captain's logs being included (ADM/L). There are also bound up with some logs, accounts of expenses of paper and ticket books. The Lieutenant's log was accompanied by a certificate from his captain stating that he had complied with the printed instructions and not been absent from his ship. These journals were deposited first in the Admiralty Office and a certificate was made out, for which the chief clerk received 2s 6d.' though captains usually paid 5s 0d. The chief clerk then abstracted details of the voyage of each ship from her logs "specifying the day of her sailing - of her arrival at each port, her stay there and departure there from". The logs were then passed to the Navy Office where the clerk of the acts made out certificates "to enable the lieutenants and masters to receive their wages". It was also his duty to "arrange and keep the journals and log books of every ship that may be delivered of the proceedings from the time of such journals and log books". The logs in this collection have been preserved from the time of Pepys until 1809, when the procedure for keeping logs was altered, and contained much useful information. The logs were kept according to the nautical calendar, which counted the day as starting at mid-day, until 1805 when the civil practice was adopted.

The only records for the period after 1832, which are included in this collection, are those of the Surveyor's department for the years 1832-39. These letters, addressed to the Board of Admiralty, contain some interesting material on ship-building. There are also a number of volumes of papers relating to the preparation of naval estimates for the years 1849-1883, as far as the Victualling department was concerned.

GB 0099 KCLMA Alderson · Created [1932]-1959

Papers and photographs relating to Alderson's RNVR and RN service, [1932]-1939, including photograph of Alderson as a Surgeon Sub Lt, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve [1932]; loose pages from a photograph album with 87 captioned photographs relating to Alderson's service on HMS GLORIOUS, Mediterranean Fleet, 1935-1936, notably photographs of HMS COURAGEOUS, HMS HERMES, HMS REVENGE, HMS NELSON, individual RN and RAF officers, and flying operations from HMS GLORIOUS, 1935-1936; typescript memorandum entitled 'Medical organisation for war', HMS GLORIOUS [1937]. Papers relating to the loss of HM Submarine THETIS, Liverpool Bay, 1 Jun 1939, including typescript statement by Alderson, Assistant Medical Officer, HMS DOLPHIN, on his medical examinations of Capt Harry Percy Kendall Oram, RN, and Lt Frederick Greville Woods, RN, two of the four survivors to escape from HM Submarine THETIS, Jun 1939; correspondence between Alderson and other RN Medical Officers relating to the recovery of the survivors of HM Submarine THETIS, Jun 1939; typescript memorandum entitled 'DSEA (Davis Submarine Escape Apparatus)-effect of breathing oxygen under pressure' [1939]; typescript memorandum by Alderson entitled 'Summary of information as to the medical aspects of the sinking of HMS THETIS and the escape of four survivors by DSEA (Davis Submarine Escape Apparatus)', 3 Jun 1939. Papers and photographs relating to Alderson's service as Medical Officer, HMS KELLY, 5 Destroyer Flotilla, Home Fleet, 1939-1940, and to HMS KELLY reunions and commemorations, 1958-1959, including typescript copy of news-sheet 'K D F News' (K Destroyer Flotilla News), relating to the return to the UK from France of HRH Prince Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, Duke of Windsor and Wallis, Duchess of Windsor, on board HMS KELLY, 13 Sep 1939, with photograph of the Duke and Duchess on board HMS KELLY with Capt Lord Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1939; two photographs of Mountbatten, three photographs of HMS KELLY, and one HMS KELLY Christmas card, 1939; typescript routine orders, Medical Section, 5 Destroyer Flotilla, Home Fleet, Nov 1939; correspondence between Alderson and Mountbatten, 1939-1940, relating to Alderson's appointment as Medical Officer, 5 Destroyer Flotilla, and to Mountbatten's recovery from jaundice, Jan-Feb 1940; correspondence, memoranda and notes relating to patients from HM Destroyers KIMBERLEY, KELLY and KELVIN, treated by the Medical Section, 5 Destroyer Flotilla, 1939-1940; lists of medical stores and routine medical supply orders, 5 Destroyer Flotilla, 1939-1940; printed and manuscript medical reports detailing the overall health of the ship's companies of HM Destroyers KELLY, KELVIN, KHARTOUM, KIMBERLEY, KINGSTON and KIPLING, 1939-1940; typescript list of dead and wounded, following German torpedo strike, HMS KELLY, 9 May 1940, with detailed manuscript casualty reports for individual ratings, and photograph of the damage to HMS KELLY, May 1940; eight photographs of Alderson and AF Rt Hon Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, at ceremony at the grave of an HMS KELLY crew member, Hebburn, County Durham, Nov 1958, and at an HMS KELLY reunion, 1959. Photograph album entitled 'Singapore Commission, Jan 3rd 1950-June 30th 1952', containing 150 photographs, 1949-1952, relating to the voyage to Singapore and Alderson's subsequent service at the Royal Naval Sick Quarters, HMS TERROR, Singapore, 1950-1952.

Alderson , Basil Roxby , d 1980 , Surgeon Captain
GB 0101 PP.AO · 1960-

Manifestos, speeches, constitutions, leaflets, newspapers, convention reports and communiques issued by the Angolan Revolutionary government in exile (GRAE), the Frente Nacional de Libertação de Angola, the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola and the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola.

Institute of Commonwealth Studies
LCC/AR/WAR · Collection · 1938-1946

Records of the London County Council Architect's Department relating to Emergency Wartime Measures, including Rescue Service orders to contractors to carry out urgent emergency works, 1940-1941; papers relating to the reorganisation of the Rescue Service, 1942; central office arrangements, 1939-1941; notes for the guidance of rescue parties in the London Civil Defence Region, 1940; Rescue Service physical training instructors, 1939-1943; staffing of the War Debris Survey and Disposal, 1941-1942; Architect's Department emergency staff arrangements, 1938-1939; staff matters relating to the closing down of the Rescue Service, 1945-1946; proceedings and report of Departmental Committee on Staffing and Organisation of the Architect's Department, 1942-1943; report of the Departmental Committee on the Utilisation of Staff and the Elimination of Non-Essential Work, 1942; meetings of Principal Officers in Architect's Department, 1942-1944; Special Course in Air Raid Precautions run by the University of London in conjunction with Ministry of Home Security, May 1940; assistance to Civil Defence services by the Home Guard, 1944; working papers used in preparation and final draft of the War History of the Architect's Department, 1945; lists of awards for gallantry awarded to the Heavy Rescue Service, 1939-1945; Rescue Service Circular Memoranda numbers 1 to 891, 1939-1945; Rescue Service General Orders numbers 1 to 176, 1941-1945.

Records from the Paddington District Surveyor's District, 1940-1945, including index book of war damaged premises; incident record books; War damage Survey notebooks; orders to contractors in relation to dangerous structures; Borough Council's demolition or works orders; incident report forms; incident reports on work done (includes those attended outside Paddington under mutual assistance arrangements); dangerous structure notices under Defence Regulations; daily returns of incidents; schedules of areas suggested for future redevelopment. Also tracings of maps showing damage caused by individual flying bomb and rocket incidents in Stepney, 1944.

LCC , London County Council x London County Council
GB 0099 KCLMA Armstrong · Created [1925-1945]

Papers principally comprising text of lecture on the outbreak of hostilities between Japan and China in 1937, including a detailed account of the Battle of Shanghai as witnessed from HMS DANAE, 1937; draft of lecture recounting his experiences on board HMS DIDO during the evacuation of Crete, Apr-Jun 1941, [1945].

Armstrong , Sidney John , fl 1921-1941 , Engineer Commander
GB 0099 KCLMA Ashton · Created 1941-1946

Two reports on ordnance engineering services in Malaya during the period 1941-1942, written by Ashton following the destruction of all records at Malaya Command in 1942, [1946]; papers relating to the above reports, principally comprising Ashton's report to Air Cdre Modin on RAF Senior Training Corps mechanics attached to the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, Malaya, [1942-1943], an account of ordnance engineering services in Malaya during 1941-1942 by the Assistant Director of Ordnance Services (Engineering), 3 Indian Corps, [1942-1946], reports on ordnance services in Malaya during the period 1941-1942, written for Ashton by Capt E J Coulthard, H J Howland and Lt G A Neale, [1946].

Ashton , William Proctor Bell , 1897-1981 , Brigadier
GB 0099 KCLMA Bad trip to Edgewood · Collection · 1950 - 1993

Bad trip to Edgewood consists of, interview transcripts, research files and videos for a television documentary on US Army testing of chemical and biological warfare agents on human 'guinea pigs' between 1955 - 1975, and includes files of mainly photocopied documents, reports, scientific articles, letters and newspapers articles, with some printed brochures, as well as videotapes. There is also a video copy of Bad trip to Edgewood which was produced by Michael Bilton, Yorkshire Television, and broadcast as a First Tuesday film in March 1993.

The files focus on secret projects carried out by the US Army Chemical Corps at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Edgewood, Maryland USA, between 1955-1975, in which US Army volunteers were used to test the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), benzilates such as BZ (3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, also known a QNB) and glycolates.

The testing programs were suspended in 1975 when information about them became public. A number of volunteers claimed to have suffered long term mental health effects from the tests. They also claim they were not informed at the time of immediate or long term effects of the agents tested. In 1977 US Army notified 686 volunteers who has been tested with LSD and conducted a follow up study of their health. The LSD follow-up study report released in 1980 found 'the majority of subjects evaluated did not appear to have sustained any significant damage from their participation in the LSD experiments'.

There are notes and transcripts of interviews conducted with former US Army personnel who were volunteers in the research programmes, individuals involved in the running testing programs, medical experts and lawyers.

Several files relate to particular law suits including that of Sgt James B Stanley, US Army, volunteer at Edgewood during 1958. In 1977 he was informed by the army that he had been given LSD as part of the testing program. In 1987 a controversial judgement by the US Supreme Court found against Stanley, effectually granting immunity from liability for money damages for all federal officials who intentionally violate the constitutional rights of those serving in the military.

Other notable cases frequently mentioned in the files include that of Frank Olson and Harold Blauer. Dr Frank R Olson, US Army scientist at Fort Detrick, apparently suicided, on 28 November 1953. In 1975 the Commission on CIA Activities within the United States (the Rockefeller Commission) revealed Olson had been given LSD without his knowledge while attending a meeting of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) personnel eight days before his death. A civilian, Harold R Blauer died on 8 Jan 1953 after being given a lethal injection of Experimental Agent 1298 supplied by the US Army Chemical Corps to the New York State Psychiatric Institute where he was a patient. A 1975 Senate investigation revealed the facts of his death. Files also contain material on bacteriological testing by the Army and the CIA carried out in Washington DC, Florida, San Francisco, and New York. Particular reference is made to the case of Edward Nevin, a civilian, who died on 1 Nov 1950 in San Francisco as a result of a rare bacterial infection Serratia Marcescens, which coincided with a significant and unexplained outbreak of this infection between Oct 1950 and Feb 1951. In 1976 it was revealed that the US Army had conducted bacteriological warfare experiments with Serratia Marcescens over San Francisco Bay during September 1950.

There is a small amount of material relating to the role of American Citizens for Honesty in Government, a Church of Scientology sponsored organisation who campaigned during 1979 for a full investigation of the testing and storage of BZ and compensation for volunteers suffering long term effects from testing of the substance, and to chemical testing carried out in the UK at Porton Down, Wiltshire, UK and production of chemical agents at Nancekuke Base, Cornwall, and Anglo American cooperation in this area.

Michael Bilton, Yorkshire Television
GB 0099 KCLMA Baker · 1955-2003

Papers of Maj Gen Ian Helstrip Baker, notably concerning armoured warfare, 1955-2003, including instructions, memoranda, reports and notes on training exercises including Exercise GAMEBIRD, Cyclops Sqn, 2 Royal Tank Regt, Libya, Jul 1964; Exercises OPEN GLOVE and TREBLE CHANCE, Cyclops Sqn, 2 Royal Tank Regt and 16 Parachute Bde Group, Sep 1964; Exercise DOUBLE STRETCH 72, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Feb-Mar 1972; Exercise RED RAT, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Sep-Oct 1972; MACLEOD, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Aug-Sep 1972; Exercise READY RAT, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, 11 Sep 1972; Exercise LONG LOOK, for 7 Armoured Bde trials of ZB298 radar, Oct 1971-Apr 1972; organisational trial Exercise SQUARE RAT, Germany, 28 Dec 1972; Exercise FIRST STRETCH 73, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Feb 1973; Exercise DOUBLE STRETCH 73, 1 Armoured Bde, Germany, Mar-Apr 1973; Exercise HURST PARK 73, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Apr 1973; Exercise QUEEN'S PATROL, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany (relating to operations in Northern Ireland), May 1973; Exercise RED RAT 73, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Aug 1973; Exercise FOUR SQUARE, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Sep-Nov, 1973; photographs of [FV214 Conqueror battle tanks], Royal Armoured Corps, Bovington, Dorset and photograph of an amphibious jeep, partially submerged, 1960; photograph of Crown Prince Birendra of Nepal and others watching a Hornet Launcher vehicle being loaded with Malkara missiles by personnel of Cyclops Sqn, 2 Royal Tank Regt, Candahar Barracks, Tidworth, 15 Apr 1964; captioned photographs relating to Baker's visit to [1 Bn, Royal Green Jackets], Belfast, Northern Ireland, including: battalion personnel on patrol; Falls Road and Hamilton Street, Belfast, showing the aftermath of explosions; IRA weapons discovered, including rifles, knives, an RPG7 rocket launcher and RPG7 rockets, a car bomb and smaller incendiary devices, Aug 1972; photographs of Baker, Nov 1979 and in Brigadier's uniform; handing over briefing notes by Baker as Deputy Assistant Adjutant General, 17 Gurkha Div, Overseas Commonwealth Land Forces, 25 Jun 1962; training instructions for Cyclops Sqn, 2 Royal Tank Regt, Tidworth, Mar 1963-May 1964; briefing notes on the Parachute Sqn, Royal Armoured Corps, by Baker, 1964; Royal Armoured Corps training pamphlet, 'The technique of shooting from AFVs. Part 4: the application of fire from Saladin armoured cars' (MoD, Feb 1967); 1 Royal Tank Regt standing operational procedures, Jun 1969; briefing notes for Baker as Commander, 7 Armoured Bde, by Administration and Quartering staff, 7 Armoured Bde, 18 Jan 1972 and by Brigade Majors, 7 Armoured Bde, 7 Feb 1972; 7 Armoured Bde standing operating procedures relating to headquarters and operations (vol. 1), and administration and logistics (vol. 2), Feb 1972; training directives by Baker as Brigadier Commanding 7 Armoured Bde, Mar-Sep 1972; notes on the creation and history of the Desert Rat badge of 7 Armoured Bde, 1940-1972; training directive by Baker as Brigadier Commanding 7 Armoured Bde, Mar 1973; correspondence and accounts by Lt Col R A Pascoe, 1 Bn Royal Green Jackets, of the battalion's service in Belfast, 8-14 Oct 1972.

Baker , Ian Helstrip , 1927-2005 , Major General
GB 0099 KCLMA Baldwin · Created 1943

'Low level Beaufighters over Burma: a review of the low level attacks carried out during September by 27 and 177 Beaufighter Squadrons', an official report including photographs and map, written by Baldwin in 1943.

Baldwin , Philip Harold , b 1917 , Group Captain
GB 0099 KCLMA Balfour · Created 1944

Photocopies of reports relating to the role of HMS SCOURGE in Operations NEPTUNE and OVERLORD, Jun 1944, France.

Balfour , George Ian Mackintosh , b 1912 , Rear Admiral
GB 0101 ICS 27 · 1921-1936

Papers of J R Granville Bantock on his career with the Ceylon Police Force, 1921-1936; including personal correspondence, 1922-1938; papers on visit of the Prince of Wales [later King Edward VIII and Duke of Windsor], 1922; papers on visit of the Crown Prince and Princess of Sweden, Dec 1922; papers on the role of the police during elections, 1931-1932; report by H L Dowbiggin, Inspector-General of Police, on disturbance at Eraviur, Eastern Province, 1933; report by Bantock on strike at spinning and weaving mills, Wellawatte, 1937; notes on poison gasses; copies of lectures on criminal law; Weekly Reports, 1921-1936, comprising record of inspections, parades, rounds and visits to crime scenes [very brief accounts of day-to day work].

Bantock , J R Granville , fl 1921-1936 , police officer in Ceylon
GB 0064 BAY · Collection · [1810]-1901

Papers of the Baynes and Nias Families:

Papers of Henry Compton Anderson Baynes inclusing official service documents, 1866 to 1901; an article on 'Armament of Battleships', undated; a letter, 1888, concerning Whitehead torpedoes; a few letters about Baynes's fishery protection work in the North Sea in the 1890s and three night order books, 1893, 1895 and 1901.

Papers of Sir Robert Lambert comprising official service documents, details of ships on the Pacific Station 1854 to 1860, an autobiographical outline of his career, 1810 to 1857, invitations to social events, and other personal papers.

Papers of Sir Joseph Nias, comprising letters and orders received, 1815 to 1867, and service papers, and eighteen letters from Sir William Parker to Nias while he was Senior Officer at Hong Kong, 1841 to 1842.

Baynes , Henry Compton Anderson , 1852-1922 , Rear Admiral Baynes , Sir , Robert Lambert , 1796-1869 , Knight , Admiral Nias , Sir , Joseph , 1793-1879 , Knight , Admiral
GB 0064 BAY/1-3 · Subfonds · 1866-1901
Part of Baynes and Nias family papers

Papers of Henry Compton Anderson Baynes inclusing official service documents, 1866 to 1901; an article on 'Armament of Battleships', undated; a letter, 1888, concerning Whitehead torpedoes; a few letters about Baynes's fishery protection work in the North Sea in the 1890s and three night order books, 1893, 1895 and 1901.

Baynes , Henry Compton Anderson , 1852-1922 , Rear Admiral
GB 0099 KCLMA Beaufoy Brown · Created 1925-1979

Papers relating to Beaufoy Brown's life and RN career, 1925-1979, including scrapbook with newspaper cuttings and fifty five photographs, Aug 1927-Jul 1929, including Atlantic Fleet exercises, 1927, the loss of HM Submarine H47, off St David's Head, Pembrokeshire, following collision with HM Submarine L12, 9 Jul 1929, and photographs of HMS REVENGE, HMS FORRES, HMS RODNEY, HMS HOOD, HMS NELSON and HMS ADVENTURE, 1927-1929. Two Midshipman's journals, 26 Aug 1927-12 Jul 1930, relating to service on HM Ships REVENGE, RODNEY and WALKER, including manuscript sketches and maps, two photographs of the main armament of HMS RODNEY, and photograph of HMS CENTURION, RN radio-controlled target ship, Portland, Dorset, Nov 1928, with twelve loose photographs, 1925-1929, including HMS RODNEY, HMS STURGEON and group of Cadets, Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, Devon, 1925. Typescript report by Beaufoy Brown on the visit to Malta of the Yugoslav training ship JADRAN, 9-11 Jul 1934. Papers and photographs relating to the development and deployment of X craft midget submarines and Chariot manned torpedoes, 1943-[1950], including sixty seven photographs relating to the training of crews for X craft midget submarine operations, 1943-1945, notably six aerial photographs, taken by 544 Sqn, RAF, of Bergen harbour, Norway, before and after Operation GUIDANCE, the sinking by X Craft of German merchant ship BARENFELS, Apr 1944, and Operation HECKLE, the destruction of a floating dock, Laksvaag, Bergen, Norway, Sep 1944; edition of The Illustrated London News, 15 Dec 1945, with article on X Craft operation against Japanese cruiser TAKAO, Singapore, Jul 1945; edition of The Dittybox, the Navy's own magazine, containing article by G V Galwey entitled 'Life in a midget submarine', Feb 1948; typescript text of lecture by Beaufoy Brown on World War Two midget submarine operations [1950]. Photograph album containing 111 photographs relating to Beaufoy Brown's service as Executive Officer, HMS GAMBIA, Mediterranean and East Indies, 1951-1952, including peace keeping patrols, Port Said, Egypt, 1951, and inspection of ship by acting Adm Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Commnder-in-Chief Mediterranean, Malta, 1952. Typescript Curriculum Vitae for Beaufoy Brown [1965], and obituary, 1979.

Brown , John Frederick , Beaufoy , 1910-1979 , RN Captain
GB 0099 KCLMA Beaumont · Created [1990]

Typescript extract from unpublished memoir relating to Beaumont's RAF service in World War Two, 1939-1945, including Operation DYNAMO, the evacuation of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) from Dunkirk, France, May-Jun 1940, visits to France by Prime Minister Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, Jun 1940, the Battle of Britain, 1940, and Beaumont's involvement as Deputy Air Officer, Administration, No 84 Group, 2 Tactical Air Force, in the preparations for Operation OVERLORD, the Allied invasion of occupied Europe, 1944, and the North West Europe campaign, 1944-1945.

Beaumont , Stephen Gerald , 1910-1997 , Group Captain
GB 0064 BED · Collection · [1852-1879]

Papers of Sir Frederick George Denham Bedford including logs, 1852 to 1858; diaries, 1875 to 1879, and letters concerning the Huascar incident. There are no papers for Bedford's later career. In the Department of Pictures are six albums containing watercolours and photographs. Two of them cover his service in the SHAH, 1876 to 1878, and the third his career in the TRIUMPH, 1879.

Bedford , Sir , Frederick George Denham , 1838-1913 , Knight , Admiral
GB 0099 KCLMA Bethell, M J · Created 1894-1932

Papers relating to Bethell's life and career, 1894-1932, and to his death in action, as First Lt, HMS NESTOR, 13 Destroyer Flotilla, Battle of Jutland, North Sea, 31 May 1916, including Birth Certificate and Certificate of Baptism, 1894; RN record and certificates relating to Bethell's naval career, 1907-1915; one Christmas card, 1913, and three letters to his sister Agatha [Hilda] Bethell, 1915, and eight letters to his mother, Hilda Mary Bethell, Lady Bethell, 1914-1916. Two letters from the Admiralty notifying the family of Lt Bethell's death, 1916; two letters to Hilda Mary Bethell, Lady Bethell, from Cdr Hon (Edward) Barry (Stewart) Bingham, Capt of HMS NESTOR, on Lt Bethell's heroism and on the loss of HMS NESTOR at the Battle of Jutland, 1916; two letters to Agatha [Hilda] Bethell from Lt William Stephen Richard King-Hall, HMS SOUTHAMPTON, on the Battle of Jutland and the sinking of HMS NESTOR, with extract from account of Jutland by Lt Harold Percy Keeley, HMS ATTACK, 1 Destroyer Flotilla, Grand Fleet, Jun 1916; seven letters and telegrams of condolence, notably including HM King George V, Rt Hon Arthur James Balfour, First Lord of the Admiralty, V Adm Sir David Beatty, 1 Battlecruiser Sqn, Grand Fleet, Capt Wilmot Stuart Nicholson, HMS AURORA, and Capt Charles Edward Le Mesurier, HMS CALLIOPE, 1916-1918; three letters on the loss of HMS NESTOR and the death of Lt Bethell from Surgeon Probationer Alexander Joe, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, 1918. Edition of Supplement to the London Gazette, containing details of the award of a posthumous Mention in Despatches for Lt Bethell, 4 Oct 1918; nine letters between Adm Hon Sir Alexander Edward Bethell and the Admiralty relating to whether Lt Bethell's heroism was worthy of the award of the VC, Jan-Feb 1919; edition of Parliamentary debates, House of Commons (Hansard) containing questions asked in Parliament by Rt Hon Thomas James Macnamara, Financial Secretary to the Admiralty, relating to Lt Bethell's heroism during the Battle of Jutland, 12 Mar 1919. Photograph of Bethell [1914]; edition of Falklands, Jutland, and the Bight by Cdr Hon (Edward) Barry (Stewart) Bingham, RN (John Murray, London, 1919); official scroll and bronze plaque, sent to the next of kin of servicemen killed in action [1919]; certificate of Mention in Despatches, 1920. Copy of manuscript poem relating to the loss of HMS NESTOR by Robert Malise Bowyer Nichols entitled 'The souls of the righteous', 1931, with related correspondence from John Masefield, Poet Laureate, Cdr Hon (Edward) Barry (Stewart) Bingham, RN and Lt Dudley Rowe, RN, 1931.

Bethell , Maurice John , 1894-1916 , RN Lieutenant
GB 0099 KCLMA Binney · Created 1942

Printed 'Report of the Board of Enquiry appointed to enquire into the circumstances in which the German Battle Cruisers (SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU) and Prinz Eugen proceeded from Brest to Germany on 12th February, 1942, and on the operations undertaken to prevent this movement', Mar 1942, relating to Operation CERBERUS or the 'Channel dash', with typescript covering letter from Binney to AF Sir (Alfred) Dudley (Pickman Rogers) Pound, Mar 1942.

Binney , Sir , (Thomas) Hugh , 1883-1953 , Knight , Admiral
GB 0099 KCLMA Blagrove E G · Created [1945], 1978-1979

Copies of papers relating to her work as an WRNS administrator at Bletchley Park Decoding Centre, notably two drafts of a text on WRNS at Bletchley Park, [1945], an account of the employment of WRNS at Bletchley Park and outstations, [1945]; copy photograph of Blagrove and her assistant Doreen Scott, [1944], and photocopies of photographs of buildings and WRNS personnel at Walton Hall, Wavenden, Gayhurst and Eastcote, 1944-1945; copies of papers relating to a reunion of ex-HMS PEMBROKE V WRNS personnel, 1978, notably a text of Blagrove's speech on HMS PEMBROKE V and an attendance list; copy of obituary from The Wren, Jun 1979.

Blagrove , Edith Gordon , 1895-1979 , Superintendant , wife of Admiral Henry Evelyn Charles Blagrove , later wife of Admiral Sir Patrick Eric James Brind
GB 0064 BLE · Collection · [1914-1945]

Papers of Sir Geoffrey Blake covering Blake's career from 1914 but not in great depth. There are official service documents; photographs of his service in the First World War and official papers relating to his period in America; papers covering affairs in Samoa, 1930, and other items relating to the New Zealand appointment. In addition, there are semi-official and personal letters, 1937 to 1940, from Admirals Sir Dudley Pound (1877-1943), A.B. Cunningham (q.v.), Sir Charles Little (1882-1973), and Admiral Stark (1880-1972), United States Navy, 1945, as well as post-war correspondence with Admiral Stark, Lord Louis Mountbatten (1900- ), General Lord Ismay (1887-1965) and Professor Marder (1910- ). There are also some notes on the attack on Oran, 1940, and on Operation Torch, 1942.

Blake , Sir , Geoffrey , 1882-1968 , Knight , Vice Admiral
GB 0099 KCLMA Blakiston-Houston · Created 1947

Detailed memoir, 'I'd live it again', covering his life and military career, 1898-1945, notably his service in France, 1918, Egypt, 1919-1921 and 1939-1941 and East Africa, 1941-1942, written in 1947 and privately published in pamphlet form.

Houston , John Matthew , Blakiston- , 1898-1984 , Lieutenant Colonel
GB 0099 KCLMA Blount · Created 1942

Copies of two reports on actions of 9 Armoured Bde Group during the second Battle of El Alamein, Egypt, Oct-Nov 1942.

Blount , Hubert , 1910-1979 , Lieutenant Colonel
GB 0064 ADM/B&BP&D&DP&F&FP · Subfonds · 1703-1832
Part of Admiralty Collection

In-Letters of the Board Of Admiralty consisting of 324 volumes and 45 boxes of loose letters to the Board of Admiralty from subordinate boards, 1703 to 1832. The majority are letters from the Navy Board concerning the construction and fitting of ships, dockyard management, appointments, the settlement of accounts and naval finance, 1738 to 1832 (235 vols, classmarks ADM/B, ADM/BP, ADM/Y). There are also letters from the Victualling Board concerned with the problems of purchasing, packing and supplying provisions to ships, 1703 to 1714, 1714 to 1732, 1732 to 1769, 1787 to 1822 (51 vols, 34 boxes, ADM/D, ADM/DP); letters from the Sick and Hurt Board relating to the care and housing of sick and wounded seamen, 1742 to 1754, 1755 to 1764, 1794 to 1806 (37 vols, 11 boxes, ADM/F, ADM/FP).

Board Of Admiralty
BOWEN, Ivor (1902-1984)
GB 0099 KCLMA Bowen · 1926-1973

Papers of Ivor Bowen, 1926-1973, relating to his career in aeronautics, comprising manuscript volume entitled 'Bomb and Bombsight figures'; photographs, some captioned, relating to a long haul flight to Singapore, 1946, including exterior and interior details of plane and an aerial view of Singapore; Air Ministry Laboratory report, 'Bomb ballistics experiments, Orfordness, 1926', written by L C Bygrave and Ivor Bowen, including aerial photographs, photographs of recording equipment, bomb at moment of release, cine film stills of explosion, detailed technical drawings of recording equipment and periscopic bomb sight, and graphs of time lags, trail angles and fall times of bombs; publications relating to aeronautics including Air Ministry manuals, chiefly on air navigation, 1926-1941; typescript draft handbook, 'Aircraft compass installations', by C S Hudson, for publication by HMSO, [1949]; patents issued to General Precision Laboratory, USA, 1956-1959; lecture text, 'The development of visual landing for flight simulators' by G M Hellings, Chief Scientist, General Precision Systems Ltd, Oct 1961; technical product descriptions including for Miniature Inertial Navigation System (MINS), produced by Kearfott Division, USA and Kearfott C702519001 floated rate-integrating gyro, Aug 1962; performance data for floated rate-integrating gyro King II, produced by Kearfott Division, USA, Dec 1962; offprint articles on aeronautics, 1962; memoranda and minutes of meetings of the Air League, 1963-1973; 'Unservile State Papers, no 15: A Defence for Britain' by Anthony Paice, Liberal Publication Dept, [1966]; letter from I J Bettison, General Equipments Ltd, Adelaide, Australia, 3 Jun 1963, on selling flight simulation training systems; and 'extracts from the technical supplement to the annual report of the Aeronautical Research Council', 1 Apr 1965.

Bowen , Ivor , 1902-1984 , aeronautical engineer
GB 0099 KCLMA Bowring · Created 1963, 1968

Photocopy of a report on role of engineers of Far East Land Forces in Borneo, 1963, following the Brunei rebellion, 1962; and photocopy of a directive relating to recruitment and training within the Engineering Corps, 1968.

Bowring , John Humphrey Stephen , 1913 - 1998 , Major General
GB 0099 KCLMA Boyd · 1933-1959

Photographs of landscape, towns and local Pathans, North West Frontier, India [1930-1936]; photographs of civilian engineering training, UK, 1934-1936; diary, 1939-1940, narrative of service as Engineer Staff Officer and Field Engineer, Rawalpindi and Staff Officer Royal Engineers 3, Delhi; diary, 1957-1959, narrative of service as Chief Engineer, Far East Land Forces. Photographs of official duties as Chief Engineer, Northern Army Group NATO and British Army of the Rhine, 1959-1962.

Boyd , Ian Herbert Fitzgerald , 1907-1978 , Major General
GB 0099 KCLMA Boyle, RV · Collection · 1897-1943

Papers of Lt Col Robert Verelst Boyle, 1897-1943, including: Battalion standing orders of the 1st Battalion The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire) (Gale & Polden, Aldershot, 1930); notes and correspondence regarding the Combined Operations Training Centre, Comox, Vancouver Island, Canada, 1942-1943; papers relating to lectures given while GSO1, HQ Combined Chiefs of Staff, USA, including: text of lecture on commandos, Economic Society, Detroit, 4 May 1942; article on commandos in Military Review, Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Jul 1942; text of lecture considering how to attack a strongly defended coast, Junior Staff College, RMC Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Aug 1942; text of lecture on commandos given to the Annual Convention of American Newspaper Editors, New York, 1942; text of lecture on ship-to-shore operations, given at the US Army Amphibious Training Centre, 1942; text of lecture on preparations for the resumption of the land offensive, given to US Army Armoured Training Centre, 1942.
Formal photographs of Combined Chiefs of Staff events at Fort Benning and Fort Jackson, USA, including photographs of FM Sir John Dill, General George Marshall, Chief of Staff, US Army, Admiral Louis Mountbatten, Chief of Combined Operations, Lt Gen Mark Clark and Lt Col Dennis Price, meeting troops, watching parades, demonstrations and exercises, and inspecting weaponry. Also photograph labelled 'My official yacht whilst I started and commanded the Canadian Combined Operations Training Centre at Comox, Vancouver Island, 1942-43'.Photograph album, invitation and programme of events for the Presentation of New Colours to the Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire), in Famagusta, Cyprus, 7 Oct 1949.
Also items belonging to Boyle's father in law Lt Col Adrian Grant Duff: The Pathan Revolt in North-West India by H Woosnam-Mills (Civil and Military Gazette Press, Lahore, India, 1897) and Razmak station standing orders (Commercial Steam Press, Dera Ismail Khan, India, 1931).

Boyle , Robert Verelst , 1907-1988 , Lieutenant Colonel
GB 0099 KCLMA Bridgeman · 1928-1978

Papers including maps, relating to operations of British Expeditionary Force in France and Belgium, 1940-1941; Staff College study of Italian campaign, 1915; papers including those by Maj Gen G M Lindsay relating to armoured support for 7 Infantry Brigade, 1933-1934; appendix, including maps of Britain annotated for exercises including SPARTAN, 1943; correspondence dated 1977-1978 with Martin Alexander of St Antony's College, Oxford including Franco-British military relations, 1939-1940; notes of conversation in 1975 with Dr A W J Houghton relating to the evacuation of Dunkirk, 1940.

Bridgeman , Robert Clive , 1896-1982 , 2nd Viscount Bridgeman , Major General
GB 0099 KCLMA Bright · 1947

Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers vol 157, containing three articles on developments in internal combustion engines and gas turbines including 'The Development of Gas Turbine Power Plants for Traction Purposes in Germany' by Bright, 1947.

Bright , Robert Harry , 1912-1992 , Brigadier
GB 0099 KCLMA British Army Field Manuals · Collection · 1963-2004

British Army publications, 1963-2004. Volumes of the Army Field Manual including: 'The Armoured Division in Battle' (1990); 'Infantry Operations' (1990); 'Combat Service Support' (1992); 'Background to the Soviet Army' (1986); 'A Treatise on Soviet Operational Art' (1991); 'Soviet Tactics' (1991); 'Generic Enemy (Basic Forces): Operational Art' (1995); 'Operations in Specific Environments: Urban Operations' (1999); 'Battlegroup Tactics' (1990); 'The Infantry Battalion in Battle' (1990); 'Operations within the UK: Military Home Defence' (1990); 'Fighting in Built-up Areas' (1983); 'Chemical Operations' (1990); 'Cold Climate Operations' (1992); 'All Arms Tactics in Special Environments: Desert' (1995); 'Operations Other than War: Counter Insurgency Operations' (1995), 'Peacekeeping Operations' (1988) and 'Wider Peacekeeping' (1994); 'Combined Arms Operations: Formation Tactics' (1995 and 2002 Dec editions), 'Battlegroup Tactics' (1998 and 2002 Feb editions), 'Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR)' (2002 Mar), 'Countersurveillance, Opsec [operations security] and Deception' (1999 Oct), 'Operations in Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Conditions' (2002 Oct), 'Training for Operations' (1997), 'Command and Staff Procedures' (1999 and 2002 editions) and 'Tactical Guidance for Operations Other than War' (2000).

Tactical and Doctrinal publications including: 'Keeping the Peace: Doctrine' (1963 Jan); 'Tactical Doctrine and Arms Directorate: The Army Tactical Doctrine Handbook' (1985) and 'Tactical Aide Memoire' (1988); 'Joint Warfare Publication: British Defence Doctrine' (1996); 'Design for Military Operations: the British Military Doctrine' (1996); 'Army Doctrine Handbook' (2000 Jul); 'Land Component Handbook: doctrinal notes' (2004 Nov); 'Army Doctrine Publications: Command' (1995 Apr), 'Logistics' (1996 Jun and 2000 Apr editions), 'Training' (1996 Dec), and 'Soldiering - the Military Covenant' (2000 Feb).

Land Operations manuals including: 'The Fundamentals Part 1: the application of force', 'Part 2: command and control', 'Part 3: the combat arms' and 'Part 4: fire support' (1968 -1977); 'Non Nuclear Operations Part 1: formation tactics', 'Part 2: battle group tactics', 'Part 3: combat team tactics in mechanised operations', 'Part 4: crossing and breaching obstacles' and 'Part 5: air defence of the field army' (1971-1977); 'Counter-Revolutionary Operations Part 1: general principles', 'Part 2: procedures and techniques', 'Part 2: internal security' (1969 version) and 'Part 3: counter insurgency' (1969-1977); 'Nuclear Operations Part 1: nuclear fire power' and 'Part 2: tactics' (1970-1971); 'Operational Techniques Under Special Conditions Part 1: mountainous country', 'Part 2: jungle', 'Part 3: desert', 'Part 4: cold climate' (1972-1979).

Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) including: 'Army Formation Standing Operating Procedures (AFSOPs)' (1989); 'UK Land Forces: Formation Standing Operating Procedures' (1989 Jul); '1 British Corps: Standing Operating Procedures' (1991 Jan) and 'Land Component Handbook (Formation SOPs)' (2000 Sept).

Handbooks, guidebooks and manuals including: 'Administration in the Field' (MOD, 1975); 'Umpiring the Effects of Artillery Fire: A Guide for Umpires of All Arms' (1981); 'Administration in War', (MOD, 1984); 'Medical Interoperability Handbook' (German/English version) (1986 Feb); 'Data Protection Act 1984: A Guide to the Act' (MOD, 1987 Aug); 'Manual of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Training on Land' (1988); 'Staff Officers Handbook' (1988); 'Unit Guide to the Administration of Personnel in War' (1989); 'Instructions for the Handling of Prisoners of War' (MOD, 1990); 'The Manual of Joint Warfare Volume VIII (JSP 7): Military Psychological Operations' (1992); 'Unit Battlefield Countersurveillance' (1994 Jun); 'Generic Enemy (Genforce) Handbook: Rest of the World Enemy (ROWEN)' (1995); 'Military Aid to the Civil Community in the United Kingdom' (1997); 'Generic Enemy (Genforce) Handbook: Mobile Forces' (1997); 'Staff Officers' Handbook' (2000 Jul); 'ABCA: Coalition Logistics Handbook' (Quadripartite Advisory Publication, 2003 Jun).

Training guides including: 'Training for War: the Principles and Organisation of Training, Individual Training, Collective Training and Territorial Army' (1981).

Publications by other military forces including: 'On Point: The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom', by Col G Fontenot, LTC EJ Degen and LTC D Tohn (Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: Combat Studies Institute Press, 2004); Royal Netherlands Army Doctrine Publications: 'Military Doctrine' (1996), 'Combat Operations Against an Irregular Force' (2003), and 'Peace Operations' (1999).

British Army
Brixmis Association
GB 0099 KCLMA Brixmis Association · 1946-2012

The collection includes personal accounts written or recorded by Brixmis members beginning as far back as 1946, when Brixmis came into being at the end of World War Two following the division of Germany into 4 Military Zones of Occupation, till its dissolution in 1990 at the end of the Cold War; this archive also includes photographs, video, film and audio tape material relating to Brixmis. Following the Brixmis personal narratives are a number of reports and correspondence initiated by the Stasi (East German secret police) and the Soviets on the subject of minimising the intelligence gathering activities of the Allied Missions ( FMLM-French, USMLM-American, BRIXMIS-British ) operating in East Germany but officially attached to the occupying Soviet Forces. There is also a series of Stasi reports covering the detailed monitoring of Brixmis and other Allied Mission operational activities in East Germany. Other third party material ( mainly obtained from web sources and therefore cannot be verified in absolute detail but that forms an important backdrop to the narratives of the Service personnel who served with Brixmis ) has been provided to help the reader or researchers to better understand the environment and circumstances that Brixmis and the other Allied Missions operated in the Soviet Occupied Communist State of East Germany and includes material from the American and French Missions who had the same role as Brixmis. Major political events of worldwide significance e.g. the erection of the Berlin Wall, are covered and an excellent French documentary film (by Artline Films and broadcast on French TV and on the Military History channel in 2010) on the role of the Allied Missions is also included by kind permission of the French production company.

Brixmis Association
GB 0099 KCLMA Brooke-Popham · 1890-1902, [1907]-1953

Papers relating to early career, including material on early aviation, 1911-1913, and texts of lectures given at the RAF Staff College, Andover, 1922-1926. Material relating to post as Air Officer Commanding, British Forces in Iraq, 1928-1935, including correspondence, memoranda and telegrams relating to operations in Iraq and Kuwait, 1928-1930, and negotiations for the Anglo-Iraq Treaty, 1930; news cuttings and notes relating to political and military affairs in Iraq, and the situation of the Assyrians and Kurds, 1930-1935. Papers created as Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Air Defence of Great Britain, 1933-1935, mainly relating to a Royal Review of the RAF at Mildenhall, Suffolk, and Duxford, Cambridgeshire. Papers relating to post as Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Middle East, notably memoranda, cypher signals, letters and notes, 1931-1936, relating to RAF operations, mainly planning and preparation for the possibility of war between the League of Nations and Italy following the Italian invasion and annexation of Abyssinia; correspondence with ACM Sir Edward Leonard Ellington, Chief of Air Staff, 1935-1936; memoranda, telegrams, correspondence and newscuttings on operational matters relating to the Arab Rebellion against the British Mandate in Palestine, 1936; material collated by Brooke-Popham for lectures on the Middle East, 1930, 1936; correspondence, memoranda and minutes relating to the formation and working of an Executive Committee on Assyrian Settlement, 1943-1947. Papers relating to the creation and implementation of the Empire Air Training Scheme in Canada and South Africa, 1939-1945, including personal correspondence with Arthur William Street, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Air, 1940. Papers relating to post as Commander in Chief, Far East, notably telegrams and memoranda relating to the requirements of the RAF and Army in the Far East, 1940-1949; personal correspondence with Maj Gen Sir Hastings Lionel Ismay, Secretary to the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1940-1941; semi-official correspondence with Street, 1940-1941; material relating to the replacement of Brooke-Popham as Commander in Chief, Far East, Nov 1941; telegrams relating to reconnaissance sightings of Japanese convoys, the decision not to launch Operation MATADOR, the outbreak of war with Japan, and the sinking of RN battleships HMS PRINCE OF WALES and HMS REPULSE, Dec 1941; papers, correspondence and proofs relating to the publication of various despatches and reports concerning operations in Malaya, 1941-1947. Papers created whilst Inspector General of the Air Training Corps, 1942-1947, 1950-1952, mainly comprising inspection reports and material relating to the post-war organisation of the Air Training Corps. Booklets, memoranda, and reports collated by Brooke-Popham relating to RAF training, policy and operations, [1914]-1946. Material relating to research for and writing of articles, lectures and pamphlets, mainly relating to history, aviation or training, 1923-1952. Printed material, 1890-1953, mainly relating to aviation. Maps and photographs, 1917-[1945], including aerial photographs of the Western Front during World War One, 1917-1918.

Popham , Sir , Henry Robert Moore , Brooke- , 1878-1953 , Knight , Air Chief Marshal
GB 0099 KCLMA Brown A B · Created 1922, [1948], 1950

Papers relating to his military career, 1922, [1948], 1950, including letter from Maj Gen W Robb relating to Brown's retirement from King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, [1948]; two letters of thanks and congratulation from Gen Sir Allan Francis John Harding, Commander-in-Chief, Far East Land Forces, 1950; two photographs of Brown in Malaya during Operation NAWAB, [1947-1951], one with Harding, the other in the jungle near Guron.

Brown , Arthur Brian , 1902-1985 , Lieutenant Colonel
Burhop Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 385 · 1948-1980

Papers and correspondence, 1948-1980, of Eric Henry Stoneley Burhop, relating to his interests outside his scientific research. The collection comprises biographical material on Burhop's interest in furthering rapprochement between East and West, principally relating to the 'passport case' when, owing to Burhop's involvement in the atomic energy project in 1944-1945, the Foreign Office withdrew his passport on the eve of a visit to the Soviet Union in 1951, causing a libel case arising from his treatment by the press; papers relating to the award of the Lenin Peace Prize to Burhop in 1972; correspondence on the possible nomination of Bertrand Russell for the World Peace Council's International Peace Prize, 1957; and documentation of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, largely the first conference of 1957, including the role of the World Federation of Scientific Workers in its organisation, and manuscript notes of the proceedings. There are no records of his scientific research or scientific correspondence.

Burhop , Eric Henry Stoneley , 1911-1980 , physicist
GB 0099 KCLMA Burnett · 1922-1996

Papers of Rear Adm Philip Whitworth Burnett, relating to his life and career, 1922-1996, chiefly photographs, reports and press cuttings relating to Nanking, China, 1927 (where Chinese National Government troops attacked British and American residents: Burnett was a midshipman in HMS EMERALD, which bombarded city); photographs of Shanghai, Karachi and Diyatalawa, 1927; photographs of Abadan, Basra and Kuwait, 1928; photographs and correspondence relating to his service in HMS KELLY, 1939-1940, and to the sinking of HMS KELLY, May 1940; photographs and press cuttings relating to North Atlantic anti-submarine operations, 1943-1945.

Burnett , Philip Whitworth , 1908-1996 , Rear Admiral
GB 0099 KCLMA Bush · Created 1912-1949, 1958, 1962, 1966, 1971, 1975

Photographs relating to his naval career, 1912-1949, including photograph album containing photographs taken during his service on HMS BACCHANTE, 1914-1915, at Gallipoli, 1915, and in the North Sea, 1916-1918, Baltic Sea, 1918-1920, East Indies and East Africa, 1921-1924, China Station, 1932-1934, Mediterranean, 1941-1943; photographs of Allied landings at Sword Beach, Normandy, France, 1944. Two volumes of press cuttings relating to the publication of Bless our ship (George Allen and Unwin, London, 1958), 1958, The flowers of the sea (George Allen and Unwin, London, 1962), 1962 and 1971, and Salute the soldier, (George Allen and Unwin, London, 1966), 1966, and Gallipoli (George Allen and Unwin, London, 1975), 1975.

Bush , Eric Wheeler , 1899-1985 , RN Captain
GB 0099 KCLMA Cadell · 1997

Typescript memoir by Cadell, edited by his son Ian V Cadell in 1997, relating to his RAF career, 1925-1945, including details of the establishment of 80 Wing, RAF Countermeasures Unit, 1940, the establishment of the intelligence listening station, Chicksands, Bedfordshire, 1941-1943, and Cadell's role in the development of radar, 1939-1940.

Cadell , Coliln Simpson , 1905-1996 , Air Commodore
GB 0099 KCLMA Cadogan · Created 1998

Typescript notes and copies of photographs, compiled by his nephew, Bruce O B Williams, relating to Cadogan's life and career, 1908-1998, including genealogical information and notes on bibliographic sources on the Chindit operations in Burma, 1943-1944 (Operations LONGCLOTH, Feb-Mar 1943 and THURSDAY, Mar 1944). Also, brief typescript notes on the life and military careers of Lt Ernest Llewellyn Williams, 160 Bde, Royal Field Artillery, 34 Div, Western Front, 1917-1918, and Maj Lewis Bernard Williams, Royal Artillery, World War Two, 1939-1945.

Williams , Bruce O B , fl 1998 , nephew of Lieutenant Colonel Stanley Clifford Cadogan
GB 0099 KCLMA Cary-Elwes · Created 1944, [1965], 1987

Copies of papers relating to his service with the French Special Air Service, France, 1944, some dated 1944, [1965] and 1987, principally comprising 'Looking back to the French SAS in Brittany, 1944', article by Cary-Elwes from the [Military Intelligence Review], 1947; pamphlet on Operation BONAPARTE, an operation to help Allied airmen to escape from occupied Europe, 1944-1945, published in the USA in [1965]; typescript text on the French Special Air Service, 1940-1946, written by [Cary-Elwes] in 1987; manuscript account of his service with Cary-Elwes and the French Special Air Service, Brittany, 1944, by Cpl Eric Mills, Cary-Elwes' batman, ND .

Elwes , Oswald Aloysius Joseph , Cary- , 1913-1994 , Lieutenant Colonel
GB 0099 KCLMA Caunter · Created 1908-[1960]

Papers and photographs relating to Caunter's career, 1908-[1960], including one photograph album, containing 90 photographs, newspaper cuttings and invitations, 1908-1933, notably photographs of Crefeld POW camp, Germany, 1916, Caunter's return to UK following his escape from Schwarmstedt POW camp, Germany, 1917, group photographs of officers, Staff College, Camberley, Surrey, 1922-1923 and Senior Officers Course, Hythe, Kent, 1927, with thirty five loose photographs, 1909-1941, including Salonika, 1918, Iraq, 1920-1921, Egypt, 1936, and Western Desert, Libya, 1941. Papers relating to the First Libyan Campaign, Western Desert, 1940-1941, and Caunter's command of 4 Armoured Bde in the capture of Fort Capuzzo, Battle of Beda Fomm, Libya, Feb 1941, including typescript memorandum by Caunter entitled 'Notes on the disposal of prisoners captured by AFV (Armoured Fighting Vehicle) units', 1 Oct 1940; two typescript 7 Armoured Div intelligence summaries, Dec 1940; typescript memorandum by Caunter entitled 'Some lessons from the campaign', [1941]; typescript account entitled 'The story of the 4th Armoured Brigade in the First Libyan campaign', Western Desert, 1940-1941; two letters from Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart, dated Jan 1947 and Dec 1951, relating to Caunter's deployment of armoured forces in the Battle of Beda Fomm, Western Desert, Feb 1941. Memoranda and reports relating to Caunter's service as Brig General Staff and Deputy Director of Staff Duties, Armoured Troops, General Headquarters, India, 1941-1943, including typescript memorandum by Caunter, 'Defence of the North West Frontier of India and appreciation' [1942]; typescript report by Lt Col Rothwell H Brown, US Army, 'Report of conditions noted in armoured units and ordnance establishments by the US Army Tank Training Detachment', 10 Nov 1942; edition of Tanks and tank folk by Eric Kennington (Country Life, London, 1943).

Caunter , John Alan Lyde , 1889-1981 , Brigadier
GB 0099 KCLMA Chandler · 1938-1952

Papers of Sir Geoffrey Chandler: reports, correspondence and publications relating to Greece 1944-1949, including reports by field personnel, Maj Ronald R Prentice and Maj T C Johnson, on the situation in the Macedonia and Pajko areas, Greece, 1945; reports to Force 133 Headquarters Greece and press reviews from AIS (later Anglo Greek Information Service), Salonika for the Macedonia region, 19 Nov 1944-28 Dec 1945; reports from Anglo Greek Information Service (AGIS), Corinth, Jan-Mar 1945; reports from AGIS, Florina, Apr-Nov 1945; 1944-1945; reports and press reviews from the Information Department, Salonika, Aug 1946-1947 Aug; Geoffrey Chandler's correspondence as press officer, British Embassy, Salonika, Aug-Nov 1946; typescript report on Greece, Oct-Nov 1949, by Chandler; Ministry of Information publications and pamphlets on Greece (Greek, English and French), 1938-1952, notably relating to the political situation in Greece and charitable appeals for relief of Greek people and map of Macedonia and surrounding area 'Grece du Nord: zones des groupes d'observation', scale 1:1,000,000, United Nations map number 134 (F), Aug 1948.

Chandler , Sir , Geoffrey , b 1922 , Knight , businessman and public servant
GB 0099 KCLMA Charrington · Created 1914-1965

Papers relating to service with the 12 (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers during World War One, notably relating the advance into Flanders, the first Battle of Ypres, and the advance to, and fighting around, Amiens, 1914-1935; the writing and publication of Charrington's book Where Cavalry Stands Today (Hugh Rees, London, 1927), 1927-1928; papers from a report by Charrington on the operations of the British Army in Eritrea and Abyssinia during 1941; correspondence, narratives, photographs and maps relating to Charrington's command of 1 Armoured Bde during operations in Greece and Crete, 1941, 1941-1962.

Charrington , Harold Vincent Spencer , 1886-1965 , Brigadier
GB 0099 KCLMA Charteris · 1895-[1920], 1925, 1928-1931, [1933]-1934, 1940, 1944-1946

Microfilm copies of papers relating to his life and career, dated 1906, 1913, 1914-1918, 1925, 1928-1931, [1933]-1934, 1940, 1944-1946, principally comprising letters, telegrams and postcards to his wife Noel Charteris, 1914-1918, notably describing his intelligence work at 1 Army HQ and BEF General HQ, 1914-1918; letters from Brig Gen Sir James Edward Edmonds commenting on the proofs of At GHQ (Cassell and Co, London, 1931), 1929, 1931; correspondence relating to his writings on FM Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig, 1928-1931; typescript text of lecture on the role of the Intelligence Service during World War One, dated 1925; notes and newspaper cutting concerning allegations about British use in World War One of a propaganda story about the German Army boiling down dead troops for fats, 1925; obituary reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal, 1946. Copies of group and family photographs, [1895-1920], with photograph of railway bridge over the River Beas at Rohi, India, under construction by No 1 Company, 1 Prince of Wales' Own Sappers and Miners, 1910.

Charteris , John , 1877-1946 , Brigadier General
GB 0099 KCLMA Chater · 1915-1978

The papers cover the period 1915-1978, and include papers on his service in World War One, in particular extracts from diary on Galliopoli offensive May 1915 and Allied raid on Zeebrugge, Apr 1918; correspondence, narratives of operations and photographs from service as Officer Commanding Sudan Camel Corps, 1927-1930; reports on defence of British Somaliland and accounts of Italian invasion of Somaliland from service as Officer Commanding Somaliland Camel Corps, 1937-1940; papers on service as Military Governor and Officer Commaning, British Somaliland, 1941-1943; papers on service as Officer Commanding Portsmouth Div Royal Marines, including narrative of Operation OVERLORD, 1943-1944; papers on service as Director of Combined Operations, India and South-East Asia, including notes on Operation LIGHTNING, 1944-1945; papers on service as Commander Chatham Group Royal Marines, including lecture notes1946-1948; unpublished manuscripts on aspects of Allied war effort in British Somaliland; papers on service as Honorary Colonel Somaliland Scouts, 1948-1958, and membership of Anglo-Somali-Society, 1960-1978.

Chater , Arthur Reginald , 1896-1979 , Major General
GB 0099 KCLMA Chichester · 1960-1992

Publications, mostly official, relating to UK defence policy, notably, defence expenditure, and equipment procurement, 1960-1990, including ninety-seven editions of House of Commons Official Report. Parliamentary debates (Hansard) (HMSO, London, 1964-1990) and thirteen editions of House of Lords Official Report. Parliamentary debates (Hansard) (HMSO, London, 1975-1990); fifty, mainly UK and USA official printed reports, 1960-1989, including Navy estimates, 1960-1963, Statement on the Defence Estimates (HMSO, London, 1966-1973, 1975-1981, 1988-1989); reports from the House of Commons Defence Committee, 1981-1989; reports relating to specific issues, notably strategic nuclear deterrence, 1973-1982, and the Falklands conflict, 1982-1987. Newspaper cuttings, 1968-1992, mostly relating to Malta, 1968-1972; Soviet seapower in the Mediterranean, 1969-1972; International naval affairs, 1970-1971; South Africa, 1970-1971; the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988; the Falklands conflict, 1982; US intervention in Grenada, 1983; Soviet defence policy, 1984-1988; NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), 1984-1990; UK, US and European defence policy, 1984-1992; the US bombing raid on Libya, 1986; the Gulf War, 1991.

Chichester , Michael Guy , b 1917 , RN Commander
GB 0100 TH/PP14 · [1920s]-1963

Papers of Sir Walter Eric Chiesman comprising typescript copies of his theses, including his MD thesis The application of Rehberg's filtration re-absorption theory of renal secretion in the study of the excretion of water urea etc by the human kidney in health and disease', andThe treatment of tuberculous pleural effusion by aspiration and replacement with air' [1920s];
file of papers by Chiesman, including off prints of published articles and typescript lectures relating to toxic effects of ethylene chlorohydrin, haemorrhage from peptic ulcers, diagnosis and treatment of lesions due to vesicents, industrial medicine, absenteeism, 1932-1963;
`Wartime papers' file containing mainly papers and lectures of Dr W E Chiesman, Medical Officer of the Ministry of Supply Factories, including papers relating to medical aspects of chemical warfare including health of factory workers and descriptions of individual cases, accident statistics, treatment of toxic burns, first aid in event of gas attack, decontamination of clothing, 1938-1943.

Chiesman , Sir , Walter Eric , 1900-1973 , Physician
Christian family papers
GB 0064 CHN · Collection · 1797-1828

The papers relating to Sir Hugh Cloberry Christian all date from 1798 when he was second in command of the Cape of Good Hope station. They include official correspondence relating mainly to the day to day running of the station but particulaly to the mutiny and subsequent Court Martial concerning the East Indiaman, PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. The papers relating to Sir Hugh's son, Hood Hanway Christian, are more extensive. Apart from an order book from 1812, when Christain was the governor of the Spanish fort at Castro, they are mostly official correspondence from the period 1824-1828. These relate to the supression of the slave trade and various disciplinary proceedings together with correspondence from the Navy Board. There is a small amount of personal correspondence including letters from Sir Richard Keats and Sir Edward Pellew.

Christian , Sir , Hugh Cloberry , 1747-1798 , Knight , Rear Admiral Christian , Hood Hanway , 1784-1849 , Rear-Admiral Of The White
GB 0064 CHN/1-9 · Subfonds · 1797-1798
Part of Christian family papers

Papers of Sir Hugh Cloberry Christian relating to his period as Commander-in Chief of the Cape of Good Hope station. They include correspondence regarding the general running of the station with the Governer of the Cape of Good Hope, George, 1st Earl Macartney, as well as letters with news on the war at home from Admiral Sir Richard Strachan, and the Controller of the Navy, Sir Andrew Snape Hamond. There is also an interesting section of letters relating to the mutiny on board the East Indiaman PRINCESS CHARLOTTE.

Christian , Sir , Hugh Cloberry , 1747-1798 , Knight , Rear Admiral
GB 0099 KCLMA Churcher · 1984

Copy of 'A soldier's story', a memoir of his life and career, 1905-1984, notably his service in India, 1935-1938, North West Europe, 1939-1940 and 1944-1945, including the arrest of the Grand Adm Karl Doenitz (Operation BLACKOUT) in May 1945, Palestine, 1947, Germany, 1948, and Egypt, 1954-1957, including the Suez Crisis, 1956, written in 1984. Photographs relating to the arrest of Doenitz, Germany, 1945.

Churcher , John Bryan , 1905-1997 , Major General
MCC/CD/WAR · Collection · 1939-1945

Records of the Middlesex County Council Civil Defence Department relating to activities during the Second World War, 1939-1945, including air raid log books, situation reports, damage logs and register of claims for compensation; correspondence on civil defence matters with the London Civil Defence Region, the Home Guard and other local and military authorities; civil defence demonstrations and exercises; bulletins and instructions; and schedules of requisitioned property.

MCC , Middlesex County Council x Middlesex County Council