Land reform

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Hierarchical terms

Land reform

Equivalent terms

Land reform

  • UF Agrarian reform
  • UF Réforme agraire
  • UF Reforma agraria

Associated terms

8 Archival description results for Land reform

8 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0096 AL318 · Fonds · 1602

Letter from Francis Tomwsidwy of Gayton, [Northamptonshire] to William Bamwell Esq, Upton, [Northamptonshire], 15 Feb 1602. '... I thanke youe, and thinke my selfe beholding unto youe that it will please youe to afford me these kyndnes to fence my ground wth yor owne thornes (wch I confesse) will be muche more durable than my smoth wood, for the price of them I referre mee to yor selfe and will pay youe what soe ever shall beste please youe.' Mentions Tomsidwy's resolution to sell 'Oldfyeld' and his journey to Northampton with his wife. Written and signed in an italic hand [presumably Tomsidwy's own].

Tomsidwy , Francis , fl 1602 , of Gayton, Northamptonshire
Peru: Political Pamphlets
GB 3032 K 320 PAM · 1964-

Pamphlets, reports, government publications, programs, bulletins, conference proceedings, dossiers, leaflets, communiqués, histories, declarations and manifestos from 1964 onwards issued by Amnesty International, Asamblea Permanente de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos Perú, Central Latinoamericana de Trabajadores, Centro de Estudios y Promoción Comunal del Oriente, Centro de Información y Documentación de Bolivia, Centro de Intercambio de la Educación Popular, Centro de la Mujer Peruana Flora Tristán, Centro IDEAS, Centro Latinoamericano de Trabajo Social, Centro Nacional de Capacitación e Investigación para la Reforma Agraria, Comisión Episcopal de Acción Social, Comisión Evangélica Latinoamericana de Educación Cristiana, Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos (Peru), Comité de Asesoramiento de la Presidencia de la República (COAP), Comité de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, Comité de defensa de los trabajadores petroleros del sur este del Perú Madre de Dios, Comité de la Unidad Democrático Popular del Perú en México, Confederación Campesina del Perú, Congreso de Comunidades Industriales de la Rama Automotriz y Anexos (1st : 1973 : Lima, Perú), Consulta de Iglesias Latinoamericanas sobre Cómo Enfrentar el Racismo en la Década del '80 (1980 : Panama, Panama), Consulta sobre Clase y Raza en los Textos Escolares de América Latina (1980 : San José, Costa Rica), Cooperativa agraria de producción, Desco, Dirección de Difusión de la Reforma Agraria, Dirección de Promoción de la Reforma Agraria, Ediciones Labor, Federación de Trabajadores de Luz y Fuerza del Perú, Federación de Trabajadores Molineros, Fideeros y Afines del Perú, Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America, Ministerio de Agricultura (Peru), Ministerio de Energía y Minas (Peru), Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (Peru), Oficina Central de Información (Peru), Parroquia Virgen de Nazareth (El Agustino, Lima, Peru), Partido Aprista Peruano, Partido Comunista del Perú, Partido Comunista Peruano, Partido Socialista Revolucionario, Partido Vanguardia Revolucionaria, Pomalca Ltda. No.38, President of Peru, Red Regional de Promoción de la Mujer de San Martín, Seminario sobre la Problemática Agraria Peruana (1977 : Ayacucho), SINAMOS, Sub-Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Parlamento de la República, ULAJE, Unidad Democrático Popular (Peru), United Nations General Assembly, Universidad del Pacífico, Vanguardia Revolucionaria (Peru), World Council of Churches, World Council of Indigenous Peoples.

Institute for the Study of the Americas
Howell Ephemera Collection
GB 0372 HOWELL EPHEMERA · Fonds · 1835-1945

Howell ephemera collection, 1835-1945, containing handbills, prospectuses, circulars, advertisements, texts of addresses, annual reports, printed letters, certificates, membership cards, leaflets and other ephemera collected by George Howell for his own research and to document the late Victorian period covering various topics and organisations, including: advertising; America; Associations (including the Decimal Association, Working Men's Club and Institute Union, National Sunday League and the Sunday Society); banks, insurance, housing (including Post Office Savings Banks, Housing Associations, Dwelling Committee, insurance companies, building societies and pensions); bills, acts (including temperance and licensing bills, the Mutiny Act, employer's liability, the Compensation for Injuries Bill, the Criminal Law Amendment Act, the Contagious Diseases Act, the Arbitration Act, 1872, and the Master and Servants Act, 1867); church, religion (including trade unions and the church, and St Mary, Newington); Chartism; community welfare (including children's welfare); education (including the National Industrial Education League, the London School Board Policy Defence Committee and the National Association for the Promotion of Technical Education); demonstrations (including the Great Reform Demonstration, 1884); elections; financial reform (including the Bimetallic League and bimetallism); international affairs (including the International Arbitration and Peace Society, the Eastern Question Association and the National Conference on the Eastern Question); the International Working Men's Association; Ireland; land, property (including the Land Tenure Reform Association); parliamentary reform (including the National Reform Association, the National Reform Union, the National Reform League, the National Democratic League, the Representative Reform Association, the Labour Representation Committee and the Labour Representation League); newspapers, journals; miscellaneous subjects (including the Channel Tunnel and railways); poems, songs; political parties (including Libreral clubs and associations); trade unions (including tailors, miners, agricultural labourers, book binders and vellum binders); trade councils; women (including women's suffrage, the Married Women's Property Act, marriage with a deceased wife's sister, the Marriage Law Amendment Bill and the Marriage Law Defence Union) (1835-1945).

Howell , George , 1833-1910 , politician and writer
GB 3032 EL 320 PAM · 1949-

Calendar, annuals, pamphlets, magazines, reports, bulletins, newspaper advertisements, journals, declarations, and conference reports, 1949 onwards issued by 500 Años de Resistencia Indígena y Popular, Americas Watch Committee (U.S.), Amnesty International, Asociación Centroamericana de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos, Asociación de Servicios Integrados para el Desarrollo de Centro América, Association Guatemala Infomation Recherche, Banco National de la Vivienda (Guatemala), Brigada de Solidaridad "Farabundo Martí", British Parliamentary Human Rights Group, Catholic Church, Centre tricontinental (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), Centro de Desarrollo Integral, Centro Victor Sanabria, Colectivo de Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Guatemala, Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Guatemala, Comité de Unidad Campesina (Guatemala), Comité Guatemalteco de Lucha por la Paz, Comité Guatemalteco de Unidad Patriótica, Comité pro Justicia y Paz de Guatemala, Comunidad Educativa de Centroamerica, Comunidades de Población en Resistencia (Guatemala), Consejo de Comunidades Etnicas Runujel Junam (Guatemala), Consejo Mundial de Iglesias, Consejo Nacional de Paz y Solidaridad, Coordinadora Nacional de Viudas de Guatemala, Coordinadora Nacional Indígena y Campesina (Guatemala), Democratic Front against Repression of Guatemala(FDCR), Ejército Guerrillero de los Pobres (Guatemala), Frente Democrático Contra la Represión, Frente Popular 31 de enero, Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes (Guatemala), Fundación de Ayuda al Pueblo Indígena, Green Alternative Political Group (GRAEL), Guatemalan Human Rights Commission, Iglesia Guatemalteca en el Exilio, INFORPRESS Centroamericana, Institute for Food and Development Policy (Oakland, Calif.), Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America , International Association of Democratic Lawyers, International Conference of Solidarity with the people of Guatemala, INTERTECT (Firm), Jornadas por la vida y la paz, Juventad "92", Majawil Q'ij, Oficina de Asesoría y Consultoría Educativa (Guatemala), Oficina de Educación (Guatemala), One Sky, Organización del Pueblo en Armas, Oxfam, Pax Christi, Permanent People's Tribunal, School of Living, Solidarity Committee with Central America, South Texas Aid to Refugees, Trade Union Support for Guatemala, United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos (1983 : Madrid), Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca, United Nations Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and the Protection of Minorities, United States Agency for International Development, United States Department of State, United States Embassy (Guatemala), World Bank, World Council of Churches.

Institute for the Study of the Americas
GB 0096 MS 143 · 1796-1804

Minute book of the Enclosure Commissioners for Luddington and Garthorpe and a printed Enclosure Act for Luddington and Garthorpe, 1796-1804.

Enclosure Commissioners for Luddington and Garthorpe.
GB 3032 ET 320 PAM · 1966-

Studies, pamphlets, reports, factbooks, manifestos, platforms, proposals and other miscellaneous materials from 1966, issued by ALOP, Centro de Capacitación Campesina (Costa Rica), Centro de Capacitación para el Desarrollo, Centro Nacional de Acción Pastoral (Costa Rica), Centro Victor Sanabria, Encuentro Nacional de Pescadores Artesanales, Equipo Pastoral Puntarenas, Institute for the Comparative Study of Political Systems (U.S), Partido Democrático del Pueblo, Presidential Commision on the University for Peace, Programa Centroamericano de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales, Soberanía.

Institute for the Study of the Americas
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0064 · Collection · 1904-1911

Minute book detailing meetings of the Central Small Holdings Society, 14 Oct 1904-21 Jan 1911.

Central Small Holdings Society
Bolivia: Political Pamphlets
GB 3032 L 320 PAM · 1965-

Bolivian political pamphlets sollection comprising pamphlets, reports, government publications, programs, bulletins, conference proceedings, dossiers, leaflets, communiqués, histories, declarations and manifestos, 1965-[2005], issued by ACLO (Organization), ANPROCA, Anti-Slavery Society for the Protection of Human Rights, Asamblea Permanente de Derechos Humanos de Bolivia, Asociación de Educación Radiofónica de Bolivia ERBOL, Association for Education in Journalism, Bolivian Government Ministries, Carrefour International, Catholic Church, Central Obrera Boliviana (COB), Centre d'Information Bolivie, Centro de Información y Documentación de Bolivia, Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado, Centro de Producción Minera (Bolivia), Centro Dermatológico de Monteagudo, Centro Internacional de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Agrícola, Comisión de Estudios y Acción Social de la Conferencia Episcopal Boliviana, Comité de Solidaridad para la Defensa de la Democracia en Bolivia, Confederación Independiente de Campesinos de Bolivia, Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores Campesinos de Bolivia Tupaj Katari, Congreso de Pueblos y Organizaciones Indias de Sud América (2nd : 1983 : Tiahuanacu, Bolivia), Consejo Indio de Sudamérica, Congreso Nacional Minero (XVI : 1976 : [La Paz]), Corte Nacional Electoral (Bolivia), DIAL, Federación Departamental de Trabajadores Campesinos de Cochabamba, Frente de Unidad Democratica y Popular (Bolivia), Instituto Promotor de Inversiones en Bolivia, MIR (Revolutionary movement : Bolivia), Movimiento Indio Tupaj Katari, Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (Bolivia), Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario Auténtico (Bolivia), Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario de Izquierda (Bolivia), Partido Comunista de Bolivia, Partido Demócrata Cristiano (Bolivia), Partido Socialista-1 (Bolivia), Plenaria Nacional Sindical, Programa Khana Educación - Promoción - Radio, Radio San Gabriel (La Paz, Bolivia), Segundo Encuentro de Pequeños Productores (1979 : La Paz), Sindicato Minero de Siglo XX, Studie-Aksie Groep Oosterveld v.z.w.(SAGO), Unesco, Unión Nacional de Instituciones para el Trabajo de Acción Social, Unión Nacionalista del Pueblo (Bolivia), United Nations, Universidad Boliviana Tomas Frias' de Potosi, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Vanguardia Obrera Comunista, Washington Office on Latin America.

Institute for the Study of the Americas