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      Términos jerárquicos


      Término General Gestión del personal


        Términos equivalentes


        • Usado para Absenteeism
        • Usado para Holidays from work
        • Usado para Leave of absence
        • Usado para Maternity leave
        • Usado para Sick leave
        • Usado para Absence autorisée
        • Usado para Absentéisme
        • Usado para Congé autorisé
        • Usado para Congé de maladie
        • Usado para Congé de maternité
        • Usado para Absentismo
        • Usado para Ausencia justificada
        • Usado para Baja por enfermedad
        • Usado para Días de permiso
        • Usado para Falta justificada
        • Usado para Permiso de maternidad

        Términos asociados


        3 Descripción archivística resultados para Permiso

        Staff records of Imperial College
        GB 0098 GS, GT · Created 1907-2000 (ongoing)

        Records relating to Imperial College staff, 1907-2000, comprising administrative, staff clubs and association records, namely staff handbooks, 1963-1973; terms of service, 1918-1963; correspondence relating to superannuation schemes, 1909-1971, including City and Guilds College, 1912-1925; absence regulations, 1929-1939; gratuities, 1931-1971 (GSA);
        papers relating to Chairs and Readerships, including correspondence relating to inaugural lectures policy, 1955; lectureships, 1967-1969; Academic and related Staff Joint Committee, 1976-1977; retirement arrangements, 1955-1982; Student Demonstrators, 1973-1979; lists of Research Assistants, 1921-1967; papers relating to Pro-Rectors, 1956-1980; minutes and papers of the Deans and Advisory Committee, 1942-1957, including papers relating to the office of Dean, 1958-1966, wardens' posts, 1957-1984; papers of the Fellowships and Emeritus Professorships Committee, 1932-1979; correspondence of the Honorary Associateship of Imperial College, 1936-1980; papers of the Academic Staff Assembly, including minutes, 1971-1977, correspondence, 1970-1975; papers of the Working Group on the Federal University, 1975-1978;
        Canteen Committee minutes, 1960-1962; papers relating to secretaries and clerical staff, 1940-1969; correspondence with the Holland Club, including a history, 1956-1973; correspondence relating to the Newsletter, 1955-1971; Rector's Bulletin, 1950-1971; Rectors' papers, 1938-1981; papers relating to Technical Staff, notably Technician's Committee, including minutes, 1949-1966; University of London sub-committee on training, 1963-1971; pensions, 1955-1968; Training committee, including minutes, 1950-1976; appointments and promotions, 1967-1970; laboratory assistants, 1907-1909 (GSJ);
        papers relating to Departmental Superintendants, including minutes, 1962-1970; religious services, 1963-1975; Staff Christian Association, 1955-1972; personnel notes and circulars, 1986-2000; correspondence relating to the Consort Club, 1965-1978; Yacht Club, 1968-1978; Imperial College Wive's Club (later Women's Club), 1975-1998;
        papers relating to staff working for external bodies, 1939-1977; correspondence with St Mary's Hospital concerning patents and royalties, 1958-1959; papers relating to the representation of the College at Congresses, 1950-1958; National Fruit and Cider Institute Governing Body, 1925-1983 (GTR).

        Sin título
        Chelsea College Personnel Records
        GB 0100 KCLCA CA/FP, CA/RC · Created 1953-1985

        Records comprise Clerical, Secretarial, Manual and Technical staff files, 1953-1985 (CA/FPC), Academic staff files, 1960-1985 (CA/FPA), Personal record cards, 1977-1985 (CA/RC). On the admission of the College as a school of the University of London in 1966, staff were retained in post and staff files transferred with them. The Clerical, Secretarial, Manual and Technical staff files include porters, catering and kitchen staff, laboratory and research technicians, cleaners, service engineers, clerks, hall managers, secretaries, library staff, carpenters, administrative assistants, computer programmers and operators, research students and assistants.

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        VICKERS, Phyllis
        GB 106 7VIC · Fondo · 1958

        The archive consists of answers given by Phyllis Vickers to a questionnaire on the 'position of married women in the British civil service', sent to Lady Paton, wife of the vice-chancellor of Melbourne University, at the request of Mary Field (with covering letters). The questionnaire specifically relates to the following issues: the marriage bar, Equal Pay, Equal Access to Jobs, Equal Promotion, maternity leave, superannuation, pension rights, relationships between single and married female employees, absence and punctuality of married women (compared to single women and men), retention and recruitment, grades. Vickers appears to have been a civil service employee, and her answers provide facts about civil service policy mainly gleaned from official literature.

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