Organisme nuisible

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Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

    Note(s) sur la source


    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques

      Organisme nuisible

      Terme générique Lutte anti-parasite

      Organisme nuisible

        Termes équivalents

        Organisme nuisible

        • Employé pour Animal nuisible
        • Employé pour Déprédateur
        • Employé pour Ennemi des cultures
        • Employé pour Ravageur
        • Employé pour Peste

        Termes associés

        Organisme nuisible

        3 Description archivistique résultats pour Organisme nuisible

        GB 0098 B/KENNEDY · 1915-1993

        Papers of Professor John Stodart Kennedy, 1915-1993, comprising biographical and autobiographical papers, 1915-1992, including Kennedy's autobiographical notes, family and personal papers, diaries;
        papers relating to research, 1939-1992, documenting most stages of his scientific career from the 1930s, including wartime service; his periods at Cambridge, Imperial College and Oxford, categorised alphabetically by topic including aphids, behaviour/behaviourism, ethology, locusts, mosquitoes and motivation; photographs and observations in Albania, 1939; drafts and exchanges of ideas for his book of 1992;
        papers and correspondence relating to Imperial College, 1963-1987; papers relating to lectures, papers and broadcasts, 1935-1987; publications, 1939-1992; societies and organisations, 1937-1991, including the Anti-Locust Research Centre; scientific and general correspondence, 1937-1992, with friends and colleagues such as Donald Livingston Gunn, Vincent Brian Wigglesworth, many overseas correspondents including scientific exchanges; papers relating to references and recommendations, 1954-1991, including correspondence with editors, authors and publishing houses; photographs, 1942-1985, notably of the work of the Middle East Anti-Locust Unit, 1942-1944, wind-tunnels, group photographs of meetings and symposia.

        Sans titre
        GB 0098 KZB MUNRO · Created 1931-1961

        Papers of Professor James Watson Munro, 1931-1961, comprising records relating to Imperial College, notably Departmental reports for Zoology and Applied Entomology, 1936-1961, papers on the establishment of the Biological Field Station, Slough, 1931-1938, correspondence concerning administration, 1940-1942, staff, 1937-1954, air raid precautions, 1940-1942 (A);

        papers relating to committees, including Biology War Committee, 1942-1945, Empire Marketing Board Advisory Committee, 1930-1934, Forestry Commission Committee on Ecological Reserves, 1939-1946, Pest Control Research Committee, 1938-1942 (B);

        papers relating to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, notably correspondence relating to the Forest Products Research Laboratory, 1928-1941, student grants, 1931-1940, pest infestation and food storage, 1936-1943, staff, 1939-1944, relationship to the Department, 1938-1945 (C);

        general correspondence, notably relating to committees, courses, staff appointments and testimonials, research, principally pest infestation and food storage including for the war effort, job vacancies, Slough Biological Field Station, Ministry of Food, 1932-1947 (D).

        Sans titre
        LCC/PH/SHS · Collection · 1905-1964
        Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

        Records of the London County Council Public Health Department relating to the School Health Service, 1905-1964, including papers relating to partially-sighted children, medical examination of scholarship candidates, feeding of schoolchildren, sex education in residential schools, medical inspection of schoolchildren, medical and dental treatment of schoolchildren, statistics for annual reports, open air classes, treatment of stammerers and the Joint Working Party on Transfer to the London Boroughs.

        Papers of individual hospitals, clinics and treatment centres which provided medical treatment for school children (please consult catalogue for full list). Papers relating to the cleansing of verminous schoolchildren including warm baths in schools, cutting of hair, use of paraffin for cleansing heads, procedures for cleansing, provision of mackintosh capes for cleansing verminous children, cleansing of children in open air schools, procedure for cleansing children when the parents are illiterate, synchronising of cleansing of homes and of children, vermicide experiments and papers of individual cleansing stations and shampoo stations.

        Samples of case-papers of children dealt with under the Rheumatism Scheme; report 'The Ascertainment, Care, Education and Training of Educable Mentally Handicapped Children'; report on Social Workers and the Health Visiting Service; report on Psychological Services for Children in London; leaflets 'Health Hints to Parents' (1910) and 'The Health of Schoolchildren' (1912); leaflet of breathing exercises (1922) and samples of School Health Service forms.

        Sans titre