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              4 Archivistische beschrijving results for Petitions

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              CRIPPLEGATE WARD
              GB 0074 CLC/W/HG · Collectie · 1825-1978

              Records of Cripplegate Ward, Corporation of London, comprising wardmote agenda papers and petitions to the Court of Common Council. They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff at various dates.

              Zonder titel
              LCC/LP · Deelarchief · 1867-1948
              Part of LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

              Records of the London County Council Legal and Parliamentary Department, 1867-1948, including Parliamentary Sessional papers (Bills and Acts) relevant to aspects of London governance, including water supply, gas supply, tramways, metage and duties, housing, electricity supply, post offices, places of entertainment, telegraphs, parks and open spaces, police and fire services, bridges and tunnels, hospitals and healthcare, railways, markets, education and schools, River Thames, local government, London County Council, construction and building, town planning and finance.

              Also reports by LCC officers, including the Chief Engineer, Architect and Parliamentary Agent, on Bills before Parliament, including bills relating to railways and other schemes affecting London; bills, private bills and provisional orders affecting London and proposals for legislation to be promoted by LCC.

              Zonder titel
              GB 0096 AL514 · Archief · 1826

              Letter from Thomas Clarkson of Playford Hall [near Ipswich, Suffolk] to Henry Hope, 'at the Bank', Wells, Somerset, 9 Jan 1826. Printed circular letter, asking for support for the petition to Parliament to urge them to carry out a plan for the improvement of the condition of the slave population. An addition in MS asks Hope to promote petitions in Wells, Shepton Mallet, Bruton and neighbouring towns. A note in another hand has been added to the dorse of the second leaf. A newspaper cutting Extracts from the new Jamaica Slave Code accompanies the letter.

              Zonder titel
              GB 0096 AL531 · Archief · [1807-1816]

              Letter from Thomas Clarkson of Bury [St Edmunds, Suffolk] to Rev M Maurice, [1807-1816]. Urging him to restore the committee at Southampton to promote a petition to Parliament in favour of a plan for the improvement of the condition of the slave population.

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