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              GB 2108 KUAS225 · Arquivo · 1944-[1999]

              Notebooks and other items belonging to Iris Murdoch from her home at Charlbury Road, Oxford. Includes:

              1) File containing typed draft of paper 'Evil is to Love, what Mystery is to Intelligence' by Martin Andic dated 26 Feb 1995, plus typed text draft of the opening pages of John Bayley's 'Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch'

              2) Bundle containing handwritten notes by Iris Murdoch on Martin Heidegger, plus typed notes on philosophy with handwritten annotations by Murdoch c. early 1990s

              3) 16 notebooks containing notes on the Greek language 1960s- 1980s

              4) 4 notebooks with planning notes for the novel 'The Good Apprentice'

              5) Notebook with notes on 'The Message to the Planet'

              6) Notebook with notes on 'The Book and the Brotherhood'

              7) 8 notebooks with notes on philosophy, including notes on the Gifford Lectures and 'Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals'

              8) 2 notebooks from Iris Murdoch's trip to China 1979

              9) Notebook from trip to India/ Australia 1967

              10) Appointment diaries 1978 and 1980

              11) 2 notebooks on unknown subjects (possibly philosophy)

              12) Notebook on Hebrew 1979

              13) Indexed notebook with topics noted in top right hand corner, possibly for Greek words. However pages are empty.

              14) Notebook dated 26 Jan 1954- first few pages have been removed, otherwise the notebook is empty

              15) Notebook dated 1955- 1958. One page of notes on ethics in the back, and several pages have been ripped out from the front. Otherwise empty. Possibly originally used as a journal?

              16) Notebook noted as belonging to Iris Murdoch at HM Treasury dated 12 Mar 1944. Several pages have been ripped out from the front. Otherwise empty. Possibly originally used as a journal?

              17) Blank nature notebook

              18) 2 photographs of Iris Murdoch's desk, labelled on reverse by John Bayley 'Iris Murdoch's table'

              19) Piece of blotting paper used by Iris Murdoch when writing letters

              20) 23 empty envelopes either addressed to Iris Murdoch and / or John Bayley, or addressed by Iris Murdoch to other people

              21) 3 pieces of Berkeley Department of English Headed Paper, one with beginnings of a letter written by Iris Murdoch to unknown recipient

              22) 5 blank postcards from St Catherine's College, and 3 blank pieces of notepaper. Murdoch has written the Cedar Lodge address on the back of one of the postcards.

              23) 2 blank postcards

              24) Blank postcards with Reynold Stone's name and address at the top

              24) Blank notepaper with La Valencia Hotel printed at the top

              25) Two blank pre-printed invitation cards

              26) 5 blank pieces of notepaper printed with the Conservation Society logo

              27) Blank postcard from New College Oxford

              28) Postcard advertising opening of an exhibition by Lesley Foxcroft at the Riverside Studios

              29) Invitation to Iris Murdoch and John Bayley to attend an event at Parker and Son Ltd 14 Nov 1984

              30) Invitation to cocktails at Timothy Dwight College 28 Feb 1983

              31) Blank black notebook

              32) Blank Basildon Bond notepad

              33) 3 blank WH Smith notebooks

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