Documento primario

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Nota(s) sobre el alcance

  • An original "document" which is not the result of a documentation process.
  • "Document" original qui n'a pas fait l'objet d'un traitement documentaire.
  • "Documento" original que no ha sido objeto de un tratamiento documental.

Nota(s) sobre el origen


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        1 Descripción archivística resultados para Documento primario

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        GB 0074 B/SIN · Colección · 1770-1957

        Records of Stephen Green Limited, patent medicine manufacturer, 1780-1930. The records relate to proprietorship of the recipe for "Doctor Johnson's Golden Ointment" including legal documents and legal case papers; and records relating to the manufacture and sale of the ointment including financial accounts, order books, correspondence, sales summaries, testimonials, advertising, legislation involving patent medicines and history of the ointment. Also various family and estate records.

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