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  • An original "document" which is not the result of a documentation process.
  • "Document" original qui n'a pas fait l'objet d'un traitement documentaire.
  • "Documento" original que no ha sido objeto de un tratamiento documental.

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        Thomas, John
        GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 37-41 (Boxes 652-657) · 1786-1875

        Papers, 1786-1875, of John and Sarah Thomas, including John Thomas's journals and memoranda books, 1821-1875, including his religious reflections, life in England and Tonga, and missionary work; sermon notes, undated; manuscripts on Tonga and the South Seas, including mythology, religion, history, and ranks of chiefs, undated; photographs, prints and drawings, most unlabelled, of people and places in Tonga, undated [1820s-1850s?]; two accounts of the life of Sarah Thomas by John Thomas [1867 or after]; miscellaneous correspondence, 1825-1873, of John and Sarah Thomas, including letters from John Thomas to Wesleyan Mission House; journals of Sarah Thomas (née Hartshorn), 1826-1855, including her experiences in Tonga; account book for building a new Methodist chapel in Glasgow, 1786-1792; steward's account book, 1813-1820, of the Methodist Society, Glasgow, including Leaders' meetings minutes, 1813-1820.

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        Moffat, Robert
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Box 4 · 1819-1970

        Papers, 1819-1970, of and relating to Robert Moffat and his family, comprising letters sent by Robert Moffat to various correspondents, 1838-1883, the bulk dating from the 1870s and 1880s; notes for sermons, undated; undated sketch of a tree; autographed photograph; coloured print of the mission premises at Kuruman station, undated (used as the frontispiece of Moffat's Missionary Labours); papers of Mary Moffat (née Smith), including manuscript journal of her journey to South Africa, 1819 (perhaps a copy), and a typescript copy, receipt signed by her, 1840, and letter, 1842; papers relating to Moffat and his family, 1890s-1970, including correspondence, typescripts, and press cuttings, and a typescript genealogy of his descendants, 1930.

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